Heroes for Villains - Techno Babble

Story by RabidRabbit on SoFurry

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#3 of Superheroes

Third chapter in the series, let's see what happens next!

Standard adult entertainment warnings here: please be of adult age and not to be offended by homoerotic acts or adult fantasy. If you are alright with that, please proceed. Constructive comments, grammar correction, and thoughtful suggestions are welcomed.

Heroes for Villains 3

Techno Babble

Nightlife in BC7 was just as vibrant as the daytime hours. Its citizens worked hard, and they played hard as well. Night clubs, bars, and dives all ranging from the most modest hole in the walls to rooftop penthouses that required your name to be on a list just to even use the elevator.

The most popular area for nocturnal denizens would be the eastmost ward. Home of BC7's hottest dancefloor, The Buzz. The Buzz was actually a club run by the fuzz. Precinct 12 operated in the building behind the club and their most popular DJ also happened to be Precinct 12's head technician, Hyper Hyena.

In addition to being one of the best technopaths in DC7, he was the main attraction at The Buzz. Being a club run by superheroes, most patrons behaved themselves. The clock approached three AM and the DJ was wrapping up his last set. The bar had already announced the last call and the crowd had thinned considerably.

Even with the bass still blaring, Hyper Hyena knew his emergency communicator was beeping. The technopathic hyena had a couple cybernetic implants from the result of an experimental procedure. Once a young college student who nearly lost his life in a tragic explosion saving an eccentric billionaire. His benefactor returned the favor, and the young student soon became known by his hero and stage name, Hyper Hyena.

His cybernetic left arm could be reconfigured into a multitude of useful tools. An augmented mesh beneath his skin provided protection from blades and bullets. His enhanced cranial implants that ran from his skull and all the way down his spine allowed him to interface with most technology as easily as two people having a conversation. Hyper rarely felt self-conscious about his part machine body because feeling his heartbeat with the music and all the citizens of BC7 dancing in front of him was the rhythm of life.

He wired the call to his auditory implant and used his sub vocal processor to talk.

"Hey, it's Grizz. Need a hand," said a gruff voice.

"Grizz? Your transponder went off earlier. What's going on?" asked the hyena.

"No need for alarm, I had to be stealthy and couldn't risk the transponder giving away my location. Anyways, I got a prisoner transport."

"Dude, it's three in the morning. I'm still at The Buzz," Hyper hated jumping from DJ mode to work.

"This is an order; I need you specifically for this one. I'm feeding you some info, prepare to meet me at the precinct. Grizz out," the communication cut off.

As much as the hyena wanted to tell Grizzly Commando to go kick rocks, the bear was the ranking hero at Precinct 12. Hyper Hyena looked out on the dance floor, and it was empty except for the club staff cleaning up discarded glow sticks and clothes. The night was over and Hyper didn't have more reasons to delay.

The DJ signed off and let the track fade to silence. Hyper waved goodbye to everyone and made his way out the back. From outside, the hyena hero watched the neon lights of the club switch off and readied himself for work. He made his way into Precinct 12 and waited for the bear to arrive. Tracking Grizz's transponder, the bear just made it to the prisoner's entrance on the lower level.

Hyper noticed none of the other guards appeared to be present. He was about to make a call to ask, but the gate buzzed.

"Hyper, you there?" Grizz's gruff voice came through the intercom.

"Yeah, I'm here. There're normally at least four others on duty at this hour. Where's everyone?" Hyena asked.

"Special prisoner, I said I needed you specifically. Check my message from earlier, I included a file. Hurry up and clear us to enter."

Hyper checked his log and realized he overlooked the attachment. Inside was Scent Hound's file and the specs from Bronco the Builder. Hyper sighed, he needed to take his hero duties as seriously as he does his DJ gig, and the yeen really loved his DJ gig. Not wanting to keep the bossman waiting any longer, he tapped the control panel and commanded the gate to open.

The two walked in and Hyper closed the doors behind them. He saw the familiar tall and built Grizzly Commando standing there in his combat fatigues. The only outlier from the bear's normal uniform was the heavy-duty facemask that only exposed his fuzzy round ears. In front of the towering bear was a dog shaped figure coated in smooth black rubber.

"What's the deal with the gimp suit?" inquired the cyborg.

"Something Bronco came up with so he could be transported. You did read the file, right?" barked the senior.

"Yeah Grizz. Makes sense, a sealed suit would prevent his pheromones from leaking out. I see why you asked for me. My cybernetic brain would help reduce the chance of being compromised in the event the prisoner would try to escape."

"That's not the only reason. Need you to set up the holding cell. Since this involved classified data, Bronco gave me the specs in this data module. The horse said getting through the encryption should be no problem for you," the bear said as he handed the cyborg a high-tech looking brick.

"Alright, give me a moment," Hyper said as he took the module from Grizz. He found the access port and plugged his cyborg finger into it. As the tech powered hero began to access and decrypt Bronco's secured data, he started to download the plans into his primary memory. As the data started to copy over, Hyper noticed a video embedded in the download stream.

"Hey Hyper! Come on, you know the basics of IT security like any junior sysadmin should. Don't just go around plugging in unfamiliar devices! Aaaaand there we go, your new operating system installation has started. Now you too shall know the pleasure of serving the master!" The video cut out and the world went dark.

Hyper Hyena had seized up and stood there paralyzed with his finger still connected to the data node. Grizz waves his paw in front of the frozen hyena's eyes and there was no reaction.

"Looks like it's working," Grizz said.

Scent Hound reached out and petted the bear on his snout.

"Good boy. Boss said once the 'upgrade' starts, we need to move him into the control room. Make it quick and quiet and you'll get your reward," said the faceless dog.

"Yes master..." Grizz lifted the heavy cyborg and led them both into the Precinct's command center. After he set the hyena down, his master rewarded his loyal slave with more of his addictive pheromones. In the enclosed office of the control center. Scent Hound's suit opened several vents and allowed the villain's concentrated musk to fill up the space.

Meanwhile, the direct exposure to Scent Hound and the reprogramming of his software has rendered Hyper Hyena's brain into malleable putty. Bronco's program had breached the hyena's core memory and the Fitter's operating system continued its installation. All the cyborg's hardware rebooted and began to accept commands from the new software. Hyper heard the voice of Bronco's AI echoing inside his head.

"Hey there! I need your help to get a few things done. Do what I tell you, and you'll be rewarded! Try to resist and well...something tells me you won't. Now let's get access to the Precinct's AC unit. Oh, I wonder what this subroutine does?"

The hyena stood still. He could not force his legs to move nor his mouth to cry out. As he continued to resist, he could feel a strange charge building in his lower spine. The sensation began to creep from out into his bionic hips. The sensation traveled down finally to Hyper's cock. It seized the hero's prostate, causing him to discharge a load inside his sheath. The overwhelming and sudden burst of pleasure caused the hyena's vision to blur.

"Gah! F-fuck, can't stop...cumming!" Hyper cried.

"There we go. Don't resist, just let yourself go just like your wonderful cybernetic dick. I can do all sorts of things with your secondary systems. Let's see how you hold up to this!" the voice said in his head.

The yeen howled madly as he felt a surge in his prostate and balls. It felt as if he needed to pee and cum at the same time, however his cock could not achieve release. His shaft became painfully erect in seconds. The servos and internal pumps went into overdrive, his dick was twice as thick as the virus continued its assault against the hyena's will. The virus had limited access to most of the cyborg's secondary systems. It would use what it could to break Hyper and be granted full access.

Climaxing was soon all he could think about. Slowly being driven mad by the need to cum, but his cock would just pulse and throb so hard that it bordered pain. He felt as if his balls were swelling, and he could not achieve release. Try as he might, the servos in his body restricted his movement, he could only head towards the AC control station. The pressure in his nuts continued to increase as well as their size. His already ample balls have swollen to the size of grapefruits dangling between his legs.

"Just obey, things will feel much better. Don't you want to feel good instead of frustrated?" teased the voice.

No, it was wrong. Hyper couldn't possibly betray the others at the precinct. His implants began to vibrate, adding even more wild pleasure as it buzzed the length of his aching erection. He just needed to get a hold of himself. He closed his eyes, trying to shut out all the sensations that assaulted him. Without fully realizing it, the hyena had placed his hand upon the console and activated the intake override controls.

"Perfect, such a good robot boy. Now just grant me primary access and I'll let you cum," it said as it continued to dial up his internal pressure. The precision in which the malware could manipulate Hyper's prostate was beyond anything the yeen had ever experimented with privately. The accuracy in which he could hold the poor hero on edge, always pushing him just on the threshold. He needed this, he needed this bad.

"Agh, fine! Whatever just let me...oh fuck," Hyper's eyes went wide as he just realized his folly. With the lapse in judgment, his verbal command granted the intruding software admin level access.

The virus now had direct control to all of the cyborg's body. The pressure built to the breaking point and continued past it. Hyper's desperation was finally relieved as he felt his cock begin to erupt. He could feel it from his prostate, the pulsing organ forcing his semen out down his shaft. The burning pleasure wrought liquid started to spurt and land across the console. The virus had rewritten the cyborg's perception processors.

Hyper's conscious mind would be stuck experiencing the cusp of his orgasm. His perception of time was stretched and a second felt like an hour to the hyena. Now having full access to all the cyborg's primary systems, it opened the filter door and Scent Hound began to connect his suit's hoses to the main intake. The hero's mind had been broken down into mush from the intense and prolonged orgasmic ecstasy. Bronco's virus had now taken over his cybernetic components and took great pleasure in corrupting the rest of hyena's systems bit by bit.

It rewired more of the cyborg's sensory systems, converting everything into overwhelming pleasure. It took control of Hyper's ocular implant and began to play hypnotic pulses and patterns of light to condition the remaining organic components of his brain. Hyper Hyena would soon be reborn as an obedient drone who lives to serve the Fitter.

With Hyper Hyena's reprogramming underway, Scent Hound fed his concentrated pheromone laced musk into the air systems of the precinct. The addictive scent filled the building quickly and over the next hour, the remaining heroes of Precinct 12 would be unknowingly enslaved to the dog's enhanced musk. They would soon find themselves horny and driven wild by their arousal and need to inhale more of the villain's potent pheromones.

The enslaved Grizzly Commando was on his knees, sucking off his new master. With the restraint over their cocks removed, the dog's knot stuffed itself into the bear's muzzle. It quickly inflated against the former hero's tongue. The Fitter rewarded his henchmen's obedience with their own sweet release. Finally allowed to cum, Scent Hound emptied his nuts into the bear's gullet. He howled into his mask as he came hard. His swollen knot would stay lodged for a long while.

By the time his cock slipped out from the bear's jaws, Hyper had hacked the systems and allowed remote access to Bronco and the Fitter. The mastermind could now watch from the precinct's security camera as the heroes inside descended into mindless and lust hazed orgies. Soon they would all fall under Scent Hound's spell and all sport the Fitter's special jock straps being manufactured by the corrupted cyborg in the Precinct's fabrication labs.

With unfettered access to their network, The Fitter and Bronco were able to download all their most sensitive information as well as upload designs for the Fitter's most advanced subjugation devices yet. Soon, the former heroes will line up to don their new jockstraps. The new nano enhanced smart fiber would integrate permanently with the superheroes' crotches, leaving them forever bound to the mind-altering pleasure and control of their new master. With that, the Fitter had taken over another several dozen of BC7's finest heroes.

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