Dr. VR Chapter 1

Story by RabidRabbit on SoFurry

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An early Father's Day piece started in 2021- Liam uses his brilliance to help his downtrodden father out by creating a virtual therapist for him.

Standard adult entertainment warnings here: please be of adult age and not to be offended by homoerotic acts or adult fantasy. If you are alright with that, please proceed. Constructive comments, grammar correction, and thoughtful suggestions are welcomed.


Chapter 1.

Image of Cyrus

Cyrus Samson was a grumpy bear of a man; however, it wasn't always so. Once he was happily married and just brought two beautiful boys into the world. He was on his way up in the sales for factory equipment. But now, he is seperated from his cheating wife, estranged from his older son, and working overnights at a gas station. The once stout and fit man started to put on some weight and was desperate to find what little contentment he could in his life.

Cyrus's eldest son blamed his father for their mother's separation. He cited his long hours at work and neglect led to his mother's infidelity. She was cruel to feed their child such lies, and poor Joey was too naive to see his mother for who she was. A selfish person who could never take accountability for her own actions. Always the victim, no faults of her own to work on.

Joey moved out at eighteen and got a scholarship playing football in college and later opened a gym in their town. Liam remained at home with his father ever since his parents' separation. The younger son was quiet and smart. He studied computer science and psychology, spending most of his time working on his projects and course work. Liam didn't much care for his mother. After his parents separated, she didn't make much of an effort to be a presence in his life during high school.

Now an adult at twenty-four years old, Liam stood only five feet five and weighed a buck fifty soaking wet. His dad and older brother were much similar in shape and size. However, over the last few years, his father put on more fat while his brother more muscle, their builds diverged. Both were a foot taller and almost twice Liam's size.

Liam was also different in another respect from his family members. He was gay and not just any kind of gay...Liam had a huge crush on his father. Of course, he could never admit this to his father and indulged in many fantasies using his skills in computer programming. With the help of refined deep fake AI, he was able to simulate some porn vids with his father's body superimposed upon the actor's.

As much as he lusted for his dad, he also genuinely loved the man. Cyrus already believed his relationship with Liam felt strained as he had no idea how to connect with him. They shared none of the same interests but having Liam at home has been a small comfort, a reminder that he still had someone in his life. This didn't take away from the major depression he still had about the other facets of his life.

Liam already identified his father would benefit from seeking some sort of psychological help. However, without insurance, Cyrus couldn't afford to see one for more than a few sessions. Hoping to help his father out, Liam used his talents to create something he thought would do the trick. With determination the young man worked day and night on a VR application. He created an adaptive AI that would perform a battery of clinical tests to evaluate treatment options for his father.

The talented Samson was able to purchase a wireless VR headset from some of the online custom 'requests' he received to edit others into various pornographic films. As he refined his psychoanalysis AI using data from his clients that were willing to take his lengthy surveys for a discount, he fine-tuned the system the best he could. About a month of hard work, his program was ready.

It was one Sunday morning in June, his father was off for the next couple of days and Liam was on his summer break. The youngest Samson woke up early and prepared a hearty breakfast for him and his dad. As soon as the bacon had finished frying in the oven, Cyrus walked into the kitchen in nothing but his boxers, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Liam's gaze locked upon his father's dad bod.

Cyrus couldn't have been more opposite in build than his son. Standing tall at six foot six and a stocky weight of just under three hundred pounds, Cyrus was a man's man. He had perpetual five o'clock shadow and a shaved head since he started balding a decade ago. His jaw square, shoulders wide, and his arms were just as thick as the rest of him. Standing in only his underwear, the salt and pepper fur of his body hair was on full display. The pattern on his chest swirled around each one of his nipples.

Focusing on finishing the eggs and pouring a cup of coffee, Liam wrenched his ogling eyes off his father's body and back to breakfast. Cyrus didn't notice by the time he finished rubbing his eyes. His attention was focused on the hearty breakfast his son had prepared.

"Happy Father's Day!" Liam said as he sat down a plate piled with eggs, bacon, and toast next to a mug of piping hot coffee.

Cyrus was taken aback. The last time they celebrated Father's Day, his kids were still in elementary school. He scratched his hairy belly and took a seat at the kitchen table. Liam finished fixing his own plate and took off his apron. He was wearing only a pair of gym shorts, both men having long been comfortable in the house shirtless. He sat down across from his dad; thankful the table would now block his semi. His dad shot him a smile, "Thanks Liam. I...I really appreciate this. I love you son, this smells amazing!" his dad said.

"It's been a while since we've had breakfast together. I just really want you to know that I love you and I'm thankful for everything you've done. Things weren't great when mom split, and I know I asked you to try seeing a therapist when Joey moved out."

"Liam, you know I can't afford to see one."

"Yes dad, I know. And that's a whole separate conversation about why it's fundamentally wrong, but here we are. Long story short, I got you a present," Liam said as he reached underneath the table and pulled out a neat white box.

"I made some spare money from some online odd jobs and I got you this. It's a wireless VR headset. I know you miss playing video games and you don't want to bother with the whole 'PC gaming' thing, so I figured why not try something different. In addition to VR games, there's a bunch of other apps, just like your smartphone, that you can do stuff like watch your sports games and online movies in a virtual big screen theater. There has also been a lot of recent developments in telemedicine, you could see a virtual therapist. Doesn't cost anything and it could help you out," Laim said as he watched his dad ponder the box between them.

The father was deeply touched, and this was the most direct Liam's spoken to him in a long while since he came out a few years ago. Cyrus was incredibly supportive of his son, not wanting to let Liam feel alienated. Everything was so thoughtful, and he had to admit to himself finally, he really needed to try making improvements to his life. He had to make some healthy decisions if he wanted to be around for his son.

"Thanks Liam. I really should try to do something, and what better time to start than today. Show me how to use this when we get done eating."

Liam smiled and finished his meal. The son cleaned up the table and told his dad to unbox everything in the living room. Once Liam rinsed off the dishes, he found his father fiddling with the straps of the headset. Eventually Cyrus managed to don his new headgear and the interior viewscreen lit up. His son helped him adjust the bands till it sat comfortably atop his bald head.

"Ok, I see a white screen with floating letters that say, 'Connect App'. What am I supposed to do?" asked the still shirtless Cyrus.

"Hold on dad, I just need to connect it to wifi with the app and then I'll get you started," Liam said as he pulled out his phone from his pocket and ran the connection app. Once the unit completed a few updates, it was ready to go.

"The letters are gone now there's a...oh, I see," Cyrus read the calibration message asking him to hold his hands in front of his face and a demonstration with a virtual mannequin. He followed each of the instructions as it mapped his hands and surroundings for proper motion tracking. It wasn't long before he had a grasp of how to navigate the user interface. While his dad went through the tutorials, he was just standing there in his boxers. Liam couldn't help but notice the tip of his dad's fat uncut cockhead poking out. Trying not to get too distracted, Liam went back to his phone and started installing a few apps.

"I got you a few games you can play standing up or sitting down and if you want to watch any movies, look for the icon that looks like a film roll. When you're feeling up to it, the virtual therapist app is called Dr. VR. Let me know if you need anything else," Liam explained. His father was no stranger to video games, already his dad was launching a fishing game and casting his line into virtual waters.

"Looks like you got the hang of it already, I'll be in my room if you need anything," he said, taking another good long look at his gorgeous father before going back to his bedroom to work on a few other projects.

Over the next few days, Cyrus really enjoyed the various forms of entertainment the VR headset provided. The gift from his son was a good distraction and being able to get some physical activity from some of the motion games was a nice change from his otherwise sedentary lifestyle. It would be one week after he was given the headset when he finally decided to open the Dr. VR app late at night.

His virtual surroundings faded out and then a set of elevator doors opened, and Cyrus found himself in a tasteful office space. Standing on the other side of a beautifully hand carved wooden desk was a man and woman. Text floated above their heads that read, 'Please select therapist model'. Liam shrugged and pointed at the man. The female model disappeared.

"Hi, I'm Dr. V R. Do you prefer to stand, sit, or lay down?"

"Hmm, I suppose this could take a while. I'll lay down," Cyrus entered his selection and laid down in his recliner. Over the next half hour, the virtual doctor would ask the middle-aged man several questions to calibrate its heuristic algorithms. Meanwhile, all data being collected would be available for Liam to review when he woke up. It would take several sessions with the virtual doctor before Cyrus began to open up about his feelings of depression and frustration.

When Liam finally had time to sit down to review his father's psychoanalysis, his eyes stopped on a particular note. The virtual therapist had attributed a lot of his dad's recent irritation and anger to 'prolonged sexual frustration'. Up until now, Liam's program was designed only to analyze and profile his father's mental model. Treatments were still very much in the experimental phases and the AI may be a bit biased from its initial data collection.

As the AI generated a new program to help Cyrus, Liam couldn't resist and continue to dig through his dad's data. He discovered his father was bisexual. Part of the reason his mother separated with him was he tried to come out to her. She was already jealous of other women, and to have to feel jealous about other men too was what drove her insecure self away. He felt a little guilty at first reading through his father's personal logs, but at the same time he noticed his dad seemed better in his day-to-day life.

Soon Liam and the AI created their first treatment that would address Cyrus's general anxiety and inability to relax. The virtual doctor would suggest guided meditation and hypnosis to help the older man calm the nagging worries that plagued his mind. Cy was very skeptical at first but did his best to follow the gentle voice of Dr. VR. The simulated therapist asked him to close his eyes and begin to let go of all his tension. Starting from the tips of his toes, he was instructed to wiggle and exercise each muscle briefly before letting himself go slack. At the same time, he was also told to take in a deep breath, holding as he flexed and letting it out as he relaxed.

During his first few sessions, Cyrus often found himself passing out. The AI continued to monitor his biometric readings the entire time the headset was worn. The current generation of VR headsets started to incorporate many features of modern smart devices. The resolution continued to improve and even the built-in audio was comparable to a decent set of headphones. With all the biofeedback data at its disposal, the AI rapidly perfected its methods. It was now able to induce an extreme relaxed state in seconds.

Refreshed from his initial treatments, Cyrus started to get up earlier on his off days to go for a morning walk. He started to cook dinner a few nights a week before he had to start his shift. He especially enjoyed the time to chat with Liam. The hefty man never imagined talking to a virtual doctor would be so therapeutic. He found himself spending more time in the Dr. VR app, listening to his simulated therapist break down his emotional states and suggest exercises to work through. At this stage, Cyrus had become a lot more comfortable with the virtual therapist.

"Cyrus, I'd also like to recommend something for another one of your problems," said the VR Doc.

"What's that doc?" asked Cyrus.

"I have a special program available to help provide you with some much needed 'release', if you know what I mean. I suggest you try it before you go to bed," the doctor gestured, and a new icon appeared in his hand. It looked like a health pickup from a video game, and it showed up as a new application that Cy could run. He had the next day off and Liam was already asleep...so what the hell. Cyrus took the headset back to his bedroom and closed the door. He had an idea at what the doctor was hinting at, so he kicked off his boxers and laid in his bed with the headset still on.

The dad launched the new program and he found himself in a fairly accurate virtual replica of his bedroom. Liam and the AI created this program using his dad's not so secret browsing history and simulated a partner. The computer generated a young blond woman with shoulder length hair and ample breasts. She had a modest ass and overall full figure.

"Hey there handsome, how about you get yourself good and ready," said the virtual blond.

Cyrus looked down and could see his crotch with an outline around it. His augmented reality experience was made easy from his hours of use of the headset. He began to stroke and squeeze his cock. His thick meat started to stir and engorge in response to his touch. His uncut tip revealed itself as he reached full mast. The blond woman's hand overlapped his virtually and matched his stroke pace perfectly. Soft music began to play as he watched her rub her tits with her free hand.

It was a very surreal experience for Cyrus. It was late and his tired mind plus the soothing music made him forget for a moment that it was his hand beating his meat. His virtual partner seemed to bring him into orgasm as he shot his load all over his hairy chest and belly. Cyrus hasn't came that hard or that much in a while and passed out still wearing his headset.

The headset had sensors that could monitor the wearer's heart rate as well as track their eye movement and dilation. All this would be digested by the AI to make more effective responses and treatments, guided by the overall direction of its creator's desires. Liam was enthralled with the massive amounts of data he had collected on his dad. More patterns began to emerge in his data and the personal desires of a young twenty something year old man fueled his imagination for some very carnal ideas. He believed he had enough to try a rather brave experiment.

Reviewing the logs, Liam found his dad was running the bedroom app almost every night. The AI had been swapping between male and female partners, noting Cyrus seems to have a more intense experience with male partners. Adapting to this, it began pairing Cyrus with a male partner two thirds of the time. He also noted his dad fell asleep often still wearing the headset. This gave Liam the idea for a mod to his father's 'stress relief' app.

Every night his father passed out with the headset still on, it would detect when Cyrus had reached the REM stage of sleep. The program would play auditory suggestions and tranquil tones. His father would start to dream, and the sex program would run. Within three iterations, Liam was able to trigger a nocturnal emission in his father.

Liam became even more daring as his fantasies were upon the verge of becoming a reality. He continued his dad's conditioning, changing the male model to appear more and more like himself. His father subconsciously recognized his son, but also a body he found physically attractive. Normally he would never have put the two together, but the program had convinced him that it was only a virtual fantasy and reassured Cyrus by gently repeating the phrase "You're down the rabbit hole, none of this is real,".

The phrase would instantly put him at ease and bring forth strong arousal coupled with the need for sexual release. Liam coded an alarm to notify him when his dad had entered deep sleep. Once he saw the ping on his phone, he snuck into his father's bedroom. He could see his dad laying naked on the bed. Half dried cum still stained his chest from his last session. Liam crept up to his dad's side. His arm gently stroked along his hairy chest. Cyrus laid there, completely still and snoozing.

Suddenly, Liam could hear the headset chime the trigger phrase and in moments his son witnessed his cock spring to life and began to leak pre as his father's dream sequence started. Liam checked his phone and watched the progress of the program till orgasm. He gingerly rubbed his dad's leaking cock, watching it throb and bob in place, testing how deep in sleep his father was. With no signs of disturbance, he braved wrapping his whole hand around his dad's cock, giving his girthy shaft a few strokes. It was so much thicker than he had imagined.

Liam's own cock was thinner than his dad's but about just as long. He'd seen his dad's dick before, but never actually having it fully erect and in his hand. His horniness fueled his courage and the young man leaned forward and took the tip of his dad's uncut tool into his mouth. Liam licked the salty pre from the tip of Cy's pole, savoring the taboo taste. He started to slurp down more of the veiny shaft, only getting about half of it stuffed down before his mouth was full.

The young Sampson had only practiced on a few toys before and they were much smaller than his dad, but he was determined. Liam gulped and swallowed Cyrus's blunt tip into his throat. Gently he started to bob and gulp down more of his dad's throbbing shaft into his tight throat. Liam did his best not to gag and tried to take as much of it as he could. His other hand cupped and groped his dad's hefty nards. He rolled each egg sized ball in his hand, feeling them start to pull back from his gentle tugs.

The phone in Liam's other hand began to flash as it indicated his father was about to come. He took a deep breath and pushed down all the way, swallowing his father's cock down to the base. He felt his dad's seed factories begin to pull up as and empty themselves straight into his stomach. Liam's nose was buried down into his dad's fuzzy and cum covered crotch while continuing to swallow down his dad's seed. Finally pulling off his length to gasp for air, Liam's heart was racing. He could feel the beating in his chest and his crotch as his own rock-hard cock bounced to the rapid heart rate.

Liam slipped quietly out of his dad's room and back to his own bedroom where he beat off multiple times replaying the video recorded from the headset and his own memory of the experience until he finally passed out from fatigue. The next day, his dad surprised him by getting up early and making pancakes for them. He appeared to have more energy and to be much more cheerful than he's ever been in the last decade.

"You seem to be in a really good mood. I'm glad to see it!" Liam said before taking a bite into his stack of pancakes.

"Now that you mentioned it, I think that Dr. VR app is really making a difference. It's made me think about a lot of things and I still have some feelings to sort through. Still, I'm really enjoying the thing, thanks again for the gift. It might sound corny, but I think it's really changing my life," said Cyrus as he drowned his own pancakes in syrup before digging in.

His son couldn't help but feel giddy that just a few hours ago, he was sucking off his dad. Now Cyrus was making him breakfast and was visibly happier. Liam would continue to make more modifications to his AI. He had several recordings of his dad's augmented reality sessions and as great of a spank bank those videos would make, it was nothing compared to the real thing.

Then one day, Cyrus got a letter to finalize his divorce. He had to go out of town to meet with the lawyers and settle things with his soon to be ex-wife. Liam was worried, his father started falling back into his slump. He rarely used the headset when he was at home. Cy spent his time filling out forms and consolidating decades worth of account info. The older man was sitting in his recliner, shuffling through a stack of dated mail when Liam caught him on the way to the kitchen.

"Hey dad? You look pretty stressed out. When's the last time you used your VR set? I swore you were using it almost every day."

"Hey Liam, I'm sorry. Your mom...she's finishing up the divorce. It's got me starting to think about Joey. Well, you know what that does to me," his dad said, rubbing his bald scalp in frustration.

Liam was upset at the expression of exhaustion and despair his dad wore. He felt like all the progress and good that his hours of analysis to make his dad happy were unraveling before him. Desperate to mitigate the rising despair welling up inside him, Liam took a deep breath and said, "You're down the rabbit hole, none of this is real."

Instantly his father's face softened, and he let out a great sigh as his body slipped into a relaxed state. Liam's eyes widened at his father's reaction.

"That's right, you're way down the rabbit hole," Liam whispered.

Cyrus was laid back on his recliner. The hairy bear had only a pair of boxers on and hearing the phrase a second time made his cock sprung to life. His arousal started to grow, thinking only about how nice it was to be relaxed and how this feeling was often accompanied with a most wonderful physical sensation. His son walked around his zonked out father, watching the growing bulge in his boxers. Liam sstarted to run his hands across his dad's hairy chest.

As his son brushed across his nipples and pecs, he let slip a soft moan. All worries about Cyrus' soon to be ex-wife and estranged son had faded from the father's mind. Replaced with images of young and soft men and women who wanted only to help him feel good. This was the first time Liam's seen his dad like this outside the few prior late-night trysts. Cyrus reached out and caressed his son, grinding his growing bulge.

Just like the fantasy that's played out dozens of times before, Cyrus shrugged off his boxers and whipped out his thick cock. Liam stood there in awe as he watched his father pull out his hard and fat dick and spread his legs. However, unlike his normal fantasy, the cute guy wasn't already going to town on his knob. The father's stress and impatience manifested itself into his imagination.

"Well? Are you going to get to it?" Cyrus demanded more than asked.

What a wonderful fantasy for both of them. Liam had turned his father into the dream daddy he secretly yearned for. The son knelt between his dad's hairy thighs and watched as his father pointed his pre-dripping head right at Liam's lips.

The young man savored the salty taste of the cock that made him. He wrapped his soft lips around his dad's throbbing head and slurped that thick shaft into his mouth. Cyrus's girth took a while to get used to, but Liam relaxed as best he could and ran his hands along his father's thighs. His dad's big hands rested on Liam's short brown hair.

It was a dream come true for Liam. His father rocked his hips, stuffing more of his cock into his son's throat. Liam choked down his daddy's dick, cupping and groping his dad's hefty nuts. They were heavy and in desperate need of emptying. Cyrus let out a rising moan as he quickened his thrusts and pulled his son's head harder onto his crotch.

Liam's tongue lapped at his father's girth and felt the intense throbbing of Cyrus's tip at the back of his throat. His dad was about to blow, and he could feel his fat nuts start to pull up. With a great howl of ecstasy, the older man emptied himself into his son's mouth. This was the largest load Liam ever swallowed since he started sucking off his dad at night. Cyrus was so pent up that his cock had a few more ropes of milky seed to shoot as he pulled Liam's face off his dick. His dad's cum ran down the sides of his mouth as he fell back onto his ass, panting for breath.

With such intense and much needed relief, Cyrus soon fell into a deep sleep on his recliner. As he started to snore, Liam stood up and wiped the leftover cum off his lips. Watching his gorgeous bear of a dad passed out from his orgasmic stupor filled Liam with more deviant ideas. Still feeling the high of his recent act, he brushed aside what little shame and retrieved the headset from his dad's bedroom.

He strapped the VR set onto his sleeping father and went back to his room to initiate the subliminal messages program and started applying his modifications. He started to give the AI a few new commands and watched as the reprogramming began. While Liam indulged in his perversion, his heart still required him to unburden his father with his current affairs. This would conveniently free up his dad so that he would have more time to...attend to Liam's 'needs'.

To Be Continued...

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