Boss Bull vs Boss Slime a Tavern of Spear fan story

Story by RabidRabbit on SoFurry

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Fan story for the furry game, Tavern of Spear created by FD-Caro. Please check it out if you have some time.

Otherwise enjoy some bull and slime action!

Standard adult entertainment warnings here: please be of adult age and not to be offended by homoerotic acts or adult fantasy. If you are alright with that, please proceed. Constructive comments, grammar correction, and thoughtful suggestions are welcomed.

Boss Bull vs Boss Slime`


Axel looked out from the entrance of his tent. The valley of the bull tribe below was bustling with activity as everyone went about their daily lives. The older bull was a bit self conscious after his son, Thane, came back with that wolf fellow. He wasn't as fit as he used to be and perhaps it would do him some good to go get some exercise.

The bulky male had too much pride to let himself be seen at the training grounds, asking for some younger warrior to spar with. The older bull preferred training alone these days. Before then he remembered the days when he was instructing Than who was still just a calf. Now that Thane had grown and now walks his own path, Axel needed a good workout to relieve his stress.

Walking down the trails away from the bull village, Axel enjoyed the quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Even with the fog and various dangers that hid behind it, the old bull closed his eyes and took in his tranquil surroundings. Age has not dulled the warrior. As relaxed as he felt, he was still on alert and turned immediately into a defensive stance when he heard rustling from a nearby thicket.

He readied his axe, trying to spot the source of the noise through the brush and fog. He could hear more rustling and...sloshing? A rubbery blue mass burst from the bushes to his left. Axel's reflexes blocked the attack with the flat of his axe. Finally, his attacker revealed itself.

Before the chief of the bull tribe was a monstrous sized slime. It was easily five times larger than the average slime. Its mass was greater than that of the bull, placing Axel in a dangerous situation. Normally a regular slime would have been something the bull could obliterate in a single strike, but this one was very different.

In addition to its unusual size, the surface was much rubberier than it was slimy. Axel's strike seemed to bounce off the giant slime's surface and it attacked him with another brutal smack. The force was enough to knock the hefty bull back a bit. The enormous blue mass surged forward like a gush of water and Axel dodged to the side.

While the slime was rushing past him, the warrior brought down his axe in a mighty chop. His blade was able to sever a chunk of the slime from the main body where it splattered into a lifeless puddle on the ground. Though it felt no pain from the loss of its temporary limb, it retaliated in force against Axel. The mindless monster formed several thick tentacles out from the base of its body, it was shaped like an octopus.

With its new appendages, the giant slime began to lash and attack Axel with renewed force. The bull did his best to block, perry, and sever the assaulting tentacles, but the beast still landed a fair number of blows on him. Though battered and bruised, Axel was able to sever more pieces of the creature in his counter attacks.

The fight went on until both combatants were thoroughly exhausted. Axel was pretty sore from the slime's powerful strikes. The chief managed to slice off enough of the slime till it was only a bucket's worth of goop with a slime core drifting around in the center. Out of breath and soaking in sweat, the bull fell onto his back. Staring at the dull cloudy sky, he felt every muscle on his large body ache from exertion. He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. After all, he did come looking for a workout.

As small as the slime was now, Axel figured the pitiful thing no longer posed a threat to him. Even though the bull no longer had the strength to swing his axe, he was confident he could still crush the slime's core with his bare hands should it try anything. This was the moment the chief underestimated his opponent.

Like all other slimes, its instincts told it to seek out moisture to reform its lost mass. The closest source that the mindless slime was able to sense was the exhausted and sweat covered bull that laid on the ground just a few feet away. Drawn by the humidity coming off the prone warrior, the slime rolled itself like a ball until it splattered against Axel's foot.

"What? Get off me!" Axel said as he tried to kick the slime off his foot. The blue goo stuck firmly and when he tried to brush it off with his other foot, all he managed to do was spread the sticky slime across both his legs. Too tired to fight back, he waited for the thing to get closer, and he could use his remaining strength to crush its core.

The creeping ooze tickled the bull's legs as it lapped up every drop of sweat it could, working its way up along the bull's muscular calves and onto his thick thighs. It drank up everything it cool and gained speed as it reached Axel's crotch. The natural sweat trap was a potent source for it to feed upon and it swiftly enveloped the bull's crotch.

"Ack! N-No, not there!" Axel cried out as the cool gel swallowed up his sweaty cock and balls. His lungs burned and he had not the strength to cry out for help. The helpless chief could only moan as the slime assailed him.

The entire time, the slime slurped and licked at the bull's skin as it fed on what it could, growing very slowly. His hand ripped at his groin as he tried to pull the slime off him. He only managed to pull off his loincloth, trying to find the slime's core. The core was hiding between the bull's legs, right beneath his hefty balls. The slime pushed further below the bull's tail, lapping up the sweat pooled around his ring, spreading his cheeks apart.

"A-ah! St-stop," the bull protested weakly. The slime continued to violate the chief regardless.

Axel never had anyone, let alone a slime, play with his back door. The sensation of the cool gel rubbing against his virgin hole felt...good. The blue goop continued to lap at the bull's hole, pushing his round cheeks so it could completely cover every inch of his crack. Axel shivered as he felt a tiny bit of the slime started to slip in. Cleaning his pucker, the creature traced tiny circles with a thin tendril.

As it continued to slurp on his bodily fluids, the stimulation on his big bull balls and cock started to arouse the chief. His cock started to swell inside the cool blue gel. The entire surface of his bull rod was being stroked and rubbed by the slime as it continued to suckle any moisture it could. Axel reluctantly moaned as his cock now stood straight up, completely engulfed in the rubbery tube of blue slime.

His stiff bull meat was throbbing hard inside the slime. As his tip began to leak, the slime went wild at the taste of Axel's pre. Discovering its new favorite flavor, the slime had to have more. It started to suck harder on the bull's fat cock tip, drinking down every bit of pre it could milk more of that sweet nectar from Axel's thick shaft.

The slime needed more of the bull's delicious fluids and focused on slurping as much of it as it could form his trapped member. Axel groaned as he felt the probing tendril in his ass start to grow a bit thicker as it pushed deeper into him. The amorphous creature started to acclimate to its positions. Weakened from the loss of much of its mass, slimes will seek shelter till they regain enough mass and resume their normal hunting behavior. The bull's guts would make an excellent shelter.

It began to gently inflate the tentacle inside of Axel's ring, pulsing gently like a bulb. The rubbery goo started to loosen the bull's tight muscles and pushed a bit more of itself inside. The chief was squirming and panting as he felt the monster violate his virgin hole. The entire time, the slime continued to drink the bull's sweet liquids from his throbbing cock. His trapped nuts were being tugged, squeezed, and licked all at the same time, driving him wild with pleasure.

"A-Ah! It hurts, get it out!" he groaned. He could feel the core brush against his aching ring of muscle. The chief managed to roll onto all fours. With the last of his strength, he reached behind him, trying to scoop out the core and destroy it. His fingers pushed against the rubbery surface, trying to wrap around the small dense ball. The core squished away from Axel's fat fingers and started to sink deeper.

"No-no, of fuck!" the bull whimpered as his anus swallowed the slime core, sinking further inside the pulsing blue goo. The core couldn't have been wider than two of the bull's fingers, but he could feel it throbbing behind his stretched ring. The slime pulled more of its body inside of the bull's ass. The sloshing creature made Axel feel so bloated and full, yet no matter how hard he pushed, he couldn't dislodge the slime from its new home.

As it continued to squirm, the swelling and throbbing slime pressed up against the bull's prostate. Axel cried out as the pleasure jolted through his spine like a bolt of lightning. The bull rolled onto his back as his hips convulsed. His cock was leaking more and more, pushing the slime to go wild once more. It continued its stimulation upon the chief's pleasure organ while still milking his trapped dick inside the rubber like sheath.

Axel wanted to cum and the suckling on his aching tip wasn't quite enough to send him over the edge. He wrapped both his hands around the blue tube his dick was trapped in, trying desperately to provide that last bit of stimulation to orgasm. His grip was useless against the slime that encased his cock, he couldn't feel anything but the steady suckling on his tip. The minutes felt like an eternity as he laid there, twitching his hips and legs as the slime kept him on edge, drinking up as much of the delicious fluid as it could.

When the bull's pre finally started to trickle and wane, the slime started to suckle harder and really grind and pulse inside his ass. All the slime around his cock and balls started to constrict and stroke Axel's thick shaft from base to tip. The core squished back and forth, hammering on his prostate as it worked him quickly into orgasm.

"M-Mooo!" Axel moans weakly as he finally comes. The milky and thick bull seed started to erupt out from the chief's trapped cock, making white bubbles in the transparent blue slime. The rich substance was absorbed into the creature, adding to its mass instantly. The potent and nutrient rich liquid was addictive to the slime. It needed more and more, but Axel was no longer a young bull.

Still clinging to his dick, the slime continued to milk another load out of Axel. Helpless to the pulsing mass inside of his ass and the milking tube his cock was trapped within, Axel's balls unloaded another few shots of bull milk into the ravenous thing. As it tried to work the bull into a third, he finally passed out from exhaustion. After draining his balls, the slime had also exhausted itself and needed time to digest its meal.

It freed Axel's still hard cock and started to withdraw itself around its core, nestled safely inside the bull's guts. It had doubled in size from its meal while it settled inside Axel's belly, making his gut protrude slightly more than usual. When the Axel finally comes to, he finds himself naked in the middle of the foggy woods. He was wondering if his fight with the giant slime and what happened afterwards was just some twisted vision from the fog. The gurgle in his stomach and something pressing against his prostate making his cock twitch made him realize otherwise.

He stood upon shaky knees as he gathered his loin cloth and axe. As he took a step, he could feel the slime core sloshing around inside. He felt so full and the damn thing would move around ever so slightly, just enough to tease him from inside. He started the trek home, his muscles, ass, cock, and balls all ached from the slime's milking. He spread his legs, squatting trying once more to push the damn thing out. He felt the core start to spread his ring, but as hard as he tried, he could not push it out. The round sphere shot back into his ass and tried to sink itself deep.

Axel let out a groan, feeling the slime retreat deeper. He wouldn't try that again any time soon. The chief couldn't let anyone back in the tribe know what embarrassing thing had happened to him. It was sunset when he made it back to the bull village and slipped quietly into his tent without anyone seeing. Thankful that matters with the lizards had been settled, it gave him more free time to try to deal with his uninvited guest. He rubbed his still gurgling gut, feeling uncomfortably full. Since he returned, the slime seemed to have gone still. Back in the comfort of his bed, Axel finally passed out into a deep and restful slumber.

The lining of the bull's stomach would protect him from any potential dehydration caused by the slime, but this meant that it would have to move one way or another to feed. Like any other still virile male, Axel awakens to his usual morning wood between his legs. What wasn't usual was the blue tube that trapped his cock once it had returned. The Slime sensed the bull's arousal and was already working on slurping down its breakfast.

The familiar pulsing in his ass had returned. The slime was milking the bull's cock and prostate expertly, wringing every delicious drop it could out of the bull. While the majority of the mass was still hidden inside Axel, a thick tentacle spread out from his no longer virgin hole and formed the tube that trapped his meat pole. There the slime would drain the bull, drinking down its nutrients where it could continue to grow unimpeded inside the chief's growing gut.

"Ung...fuck," Axel groaned as he could already feel the added weight trying to get out of his bed. His knees buckled as he tried to stand, the pounding of the slime core inside his ass such an intense shock of pleasure that jolted through his spine each time that ball impacted his prostate. Unable to remove the milking sheath off his cock, Axel stopped struggling and tried to just enjoy the newfound sensations the creature inside him produced.

Flopping back onto his bed, he watched as the blue mass around his cock shifted and stroked, trying its best to draw more of his rich bull seed out from his cock. The slime had started to learn how to draw out as much as it could from the bull, grinding itself in slow circles inside his ass while its milker teased and gently suckled on his girthy length. Soon Axel's groans changed to soft moans, and then rose to panting as he felt his balls begin to pull up and unload into the blue gel.

Axel fed the slime another load and it seemed to be sated for now, the blue tentacle withdrawing back up his ass. Another familiar gurgle sounds from his belly as the slime started to grow again with each meal. The bull also found he no longer felt the need to use the bathroom, the slime must have also consumed his waste as nutrients. Embarrassed about the whole situation, Axel was too prideful to seek out any help, content on dealing with his matter in complete privacy...well for as long as he could. Over the next few days, the slime inside the chief of the bull tribe fed upon its host morning, noon, and night. After each feeding, it would grow in size and so would Axel's gut.

After a week, it started to feed less, but its feedings became more intense. The chief of the bulls had become more and more reclusive as his belly also swelled. Rumors that the chief had become depressed that his only son had been away too long. Before too long, Axel had a village meeting he must attend. No one said a word about the chief's enormous belly. Halfway into the thirty minute meeting, the slime decided it was time for a feeding.

The hungry goo monster started to push its feeding tube out from Axel's now loose hole. The searching tip easily finds the bull's swelling shaft as the main body formed around his prostate, squeezing it like a ball in one's fingertips. The sudden onset caused a moan to escape Axel's lips during the meeting. He tried to cough to disguise the noise. The brief moment the room was quiet except for the sound of his stomach gurgling. They quickly resumed their business.

Axel was fortunate that the table blocked the giant tent sticking out from his loincloths and the blue tube around it. The slime continued to work the bull from inside and out during the remainder of the meeting. It took all the chief's willpower to resist crying out like a heifer in heat and emptying his nuts into the sucking tentacle. His hands began to tremble as he just needed to bring the meeting to an end. HIs face was flushed, his belly seemed to jiggle on its own and the bull looked incredibly uncomfortable.

"M-Meeting adjourned...please leave now so that I can have a quiet m-moment think about things," Axel said, dismissing the attendants. The nervous chief finally let out a soft moan as the last of the other bulls left the tent. He started to rub his soft, churning guts as the slime was finally allowed to feed. It pumped itself in and out of the bull with incredible speed. Axel's back arched and he fell backwards out of his chair as his thick cock started to spasm. Spurt after spurt of bull seed was milked away by the slime, traveling back down into Axel's ass.

Crushed beneath the weight of his massive gut occupied with the slime, the chief's legs twitched as he continued to cum into the slime tube. Wanting every last bit it could reach, the tube pushed a thin tendril right down Axel's cock tip. The slimy thing wormed all the way down so that it could lap up every bit of tasty cum it could from inside the bull's cock, drinking straight from the source! This was by far the most intense feeding ever and perhaps this slime's last one from the bull. Sucking his nuts dry, the slime retreated inside Axel.

The chief picked himself out and made an awkward exit as he waddled back to his tent, his arms helping carry his enormous gut. The slime had grown a lot since it made its home inside the unwilling chief. Still nowhere near as large as it originally was, it was still a hefty amount having grown from its many feedings. Axel looked like a sow ready to give birth to a calf any moment. He carried his gurgling and churning stomach onto his bed. As strong as the older bull was, carrying around the extra mass was a workout.

Since he left the meeting and the last feeding, the slime inside him would not sit still. It pushed and sloshed around lazily, causing Axel to groan and burp. He laid back in his bed, wondering what could possibly be going on when he felt the pressure start to build in his guts. The slime was pulling its mass around its core, ready to finally leave its shelter and resume its regular hunting. Really it no longer had enough room inside of Axel and started to spread his ass wide open as its core, now twice as large started to crown and pop out.

The bull chief cupped his mouth to stifle a cry of pain and pleasure as the massive amount of goop started to pull itself out from between his legs. Axel's legs remained spread as his shrinking belly hung between his knees. The copious amount of ooze continued to gush out of the bull, coating his tail and the floor of his tent with sticky and slimy blue goop. It must have gone on for over ten minutes as he birthed the invasive creature out from his innards before the last globs were expelled and joined the rest of the creature.

Axel's brow was soaked in sweat from his labors, and he looked down to see the large bubble reshape itself from the puddle. Once it formed into its normal round shape, it simply rolled out of the chief's tent and into the night. The bull's cock was once again rock hard from the gushing goo leaving his ass open. He would never admit it to another soul, but it felt really good having the slime up his bum. Stroking his thick shaft and thinking back about how good it felt to be milked by the slime, Axel thought about finding another slime to occupy his now vacant and wanting hole.

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