The Found Chapter 4

Story by Drake007 on SoFurry

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#5 of The Lost and Found

Colin, now Cassie, has embraced her place within the crew, even if that means facing the fact that everyone knows what she, Star, and the Captain just got up to. However, no one seems to be bothered in the least by that knowledge. Along with the rest of the crew, he meets a mated pair that are... very close to Star. She takes a chance to see if she can become close to them as well

After they'd had a moment to clean up, Star helped Cassie to get dressed, picking out a cute little dress for the new bunny. She really didn't feel like a hare anymore, she'd softened too much for that, as much as she knew she still had a good bit of power at her disposal. Still, she just couldn't help but spend a little bit of time preening herself, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She really couldn't get over how cute she looked... and how cute she felt.

Even Helen and Star couldn't help but dote on her a bit, their hands never entirely leaving her until it was time for them to leave the cabin. Cassie was the one to open the door, only to very quickly shut it again with her cheeks burning dark red as she pressed her back to the door, looking at the Captain and Star.

Helen laughed softly and leaned in, kissing her forehead, whispering, "It's alright... go and meet your family." She smiled as Cassie slowly pushed open the door again, peeking out from behind it as it seemed like the entire crew was right there outside of her cabin. They all cheered happily as the new bunny walked out among them, getting hugs and kisses. It was just a little embarrassing, but since no one was being unkind to her... or teasing her about what had happened, she quickly began to get over it and just enjoy the warmth and welcome of it all.

She was just this side of carried along to the ship's dining hall, which was more like a great hall than a ship's galley. Still, it suited Captain Helen and her motley crew very well. She was brought to a seat in the middle of one of the tables, where Star squeaked softly as she was set down next to Cassie as well, blushing just that cutely.

To Cassie's surprise, everyone seemed to understand that the captain had essentially paired them as a couple, and even found out that Cassie wasn't the only unpaired person on the ship... or even necessarily the most recent. It seemed that she really did take quite a lot of care in finding the right people to bunk together.

In fact, most of the people around them introduced themselves as couples, and even with as little social experience as Cassie had, she could tell that they were very much in love with one another. Before now, that kind of thing would have been quite the wet blanket for Colin, but as Cassie... with her Star there by her side, she found herself able to join in on the happiness. Even flirting back a little bit when she was flirted with... though when the elephant girl flirted with her, she couldn't help but blush like mad and look at her lap.

Helen wasn't just sitting at the head of the table, aloof from everyone, she was in among the crew, moving from place to place. She checked on every member of the crew, it seemed. She even loved on them here and there, without any concern about doing so right in the open. Her hands slipped into shirts and down pants, just teasing the hell out of the crew. To Cassie's surprise, she... well, she didn't exactly feel jealous so much as wished that Helen would come and love on her as well. It was quite the strange realization.

Cassie was busy watching Helen really getting into it with another vixen when she felt arms wrap around her from behind, a soft body pressing up against her back while a muzzle nuzzled into her neck. Cassie let out a little squeak of surprise and her body went quite rigid as she heard a deep purring.

Star giggled and smiled, leaning over to nuzzle the person behind Cassie. "Hey there, Tabby," she said, making the purring only get louder.

The cat giggled and smiled, letting go of Cassie and moving to sit next to her at the table, though she was careful to not get between Cassie and Star. "Hey there, Star," the tabby cat said with a big smile, resting her hand on Cassie's shoulders, rubbing along them gently. "So, I see that you've got someone now~ I'm so happy for both of you," she said as a golden retriever sat down beside her as well, snuggling in against the feline's side.

Cassie was blushing properly at how familiar the cat was being, but smiled sheepishly at Tabby. "H..hi... Tabby? It's nice to.. Umm... meet you," she said, fidgeting a little, even as she couldn't help but arch a little into Tabby's touch.

"It's really nice to meet you. I'm so happy to see that Star has a bunkmate now," she said, though the word bunkmate... clearly meant more here than just the basic meaning of the word. "Lonnie here was already my bunkmate when Star joined the crew. Otherwise, she'd probably have been my bunkmate," she said with a giggle. "I helped her settle in quite a lot when she got here... and, well, the three of us are very close."

Cassie's ears perked up a bit from where they'd folded back. "Oh! So... you two... and Star... oooh, I see," she said with a little giggle of her own and a bright blush, looking to Lonnie and Star as well, the gears in her mind clearly turning quite hard.

Tabby grinned broadly at that, chuckling softly, "Don't worry, Cassie. It is up to you if you are comfortable with the two of us as well," she said, bringing her hand to pat the bunny's knee. "I mean, we'll still love Star a lot and you too, even if you don't want... you know, that side of things with the two of us as well. It's nothing bad, just that things sometimes change when someone gets a bunkmate, so we will understand."

Cassie thought for a long moment, weighing things out in her mind. She looked to Star, almost wordlessly talking with her as she thought things over before she blushed sweetly and turned her head back to Tabby, who was sitting pretty well on the edge of her seat. "I... don't see where it would be bad... to see how... the four of us are together?"

She had a hopeful, almost playful little smile on her face, which said that she wasn't just humoring them or setting what she wanted to the side. Rather that she really did want to give it a go and experiment some. Tabby looked beyond delighted and hugged Cassie tightly while Lonnie's tail was thumping against the seat.

Cassie couldn't help but join in the happiness of the moment, before she took a breath and drew back just a little, looking to the other pair. A thought crossed her mind to ask, "So... are you both... all-female? Or...?"

Lonnie smiled, "Tabby is all-female, even though she came here as a boy. I'm both... though, in my case, I came here as a girl."

Cassie looked surprised at that, though also curious. "Oh! So... it's not all about boys becoming girls here," she said with a giggle.

"Mmm, nope. It's about people finding what their heart tells them to be," Lonnie confirmed.

Cassie thought a moment, one hand moving to Star's leg, rubbing idly along it. "I'm... probably going to stay the way I am now. It feels right," she said with a little bit of a blush, not even thinking as her hand was creeping up along Star's thigh. "Maybe you were there for it... but I came here as a boy, and now I'm both," she said, looking just a shade embarrassed, but honestly, she was impressed at how boldly she was saying that.

Lonnie smiled brightly, nodding her head eagerly. "I like being both, myself," she said, smiling at Cassie and Star while her own hand slipped around behind Tabby and down the back of her skirt, cupping and kneading her backside, making the feline mewl in a way that made even Cassie shiver. Her hand reflexively shifted further up between Star's legs, now much more openly toying with her mouse.

When Star let out a moan, Cassie blinked and looked at her, her eyes noticing her own arm and where it was. She blushed quite badly, especially when she realized that Star was pressing into her touch. She looked to Tabby and Lonnie with a half sheepish smile, though she didn't take her hand from where it was. "So... after we're done eating?" Her heart was starting to race a little. She'd never been this bold before... but she kind of liked it now.

Lonnie smiled so nice and big, nodding her head. "I think that sounds like a plan," she said before she reached over with her free hand, picking up some food and just tenderly feeding it to Tabby. The feline mewled just so sweetly, pressing her ass back into Lonnie's hand as happy as could be.

She was more than a little bit amazed at that but got a nice gleam in her eyes as she started following Lonnie's lead, just doting on Star in a way that was drawing such sweet sounds from the mouse. Soon enough, though, they'd all eaten their fill and Cassie couldn't help but bounce a little as they got to their feet and left for Lonnie and Tabby's cabin.

This cabin was much the same as Cassie's, though it really did feel much more lived in. Lonnie and Tabby had done quite a lot of work to make this space their own, from the decorations to even having a good number of personal items left haphazardly around the room.

Cassie was barely able to contain herself with how excited she felt. In fact, her dress was quite visibly straining to contain her erection. On some level, she thought that she might need to find clothes that better suited situations like this, but at the very least, she could be proud to be like this here on the ship. No one else was bashful about their sexuality, least of which the captain, so why should she be bashful about it? Off the ship might be another matter, though. Might.

Lonnie closed the door behind them as Star flopped down on the bed, nuzzling into it and breathing deeply, just rubbing her face in the sheets before she rolled over onto all fours and came over to Cassie, nuzzling deep into her tummy, breathing her in deeply as well. Once she had gotten her fill of the scent of her current mate and her previous lovers, she nuzzled further down along Cassie's body, giggling and looking up at her bunny so sweetly as she reached Cassie's erection.

Cassie couldn't help but feel a thrill of delight at how openly Star was showing her love and need for her in front of the other two, which drew a soft moan from Cassie. Tabby was the next to climb up onto the bed, purring deeply as she nuzzled Star for a moment before she crawled over to Cassie as well, joining the mouse in nuzzling the bunny's rock hard cock.

Cassie was beyond amazed, staring down at the two with wide eyes as she reached down and stroked their heads softly even as she was starting to pant softly. Never in a million years had Cassie ever imagined something like this... and yet, here it was. Lonnie grinned broadly, coming up behind the bunny to nuzzle into her neck, licking softly at her fur as she wrapped her arms around Cassie, letting her hands roam over the bunny.

Cassie smiled broadly, feeling Lonnie right there behind her as she turned her head to kiss the goldie hungrily, licking at her mouth even as the other two started to lift her skirt up. With Lonnie's help, they easily pulled Cassie's dress off, just leaving her standing there completely naked (she hadn't been able to find underwear that fit her right yet), rock hard and dripping wet for the other three.

The two girls on the bed began to work together on Cassie's cock, Star moving to her tip and sucking some of the precum dripping from Cassie before turning to Tabby, kissing her deeply and pressing her tongue into the feline's mouth. This got a deep moan of approval from the feline who moved down to nose up under Cassie's balls when Star broke the kiss, lapping at the bunny's pussy.

Lonnie chuckled as she watched, still nuzzling and licking at the side of Cassie's neck as she huskily whispered, "That's a definite seal of approval from my mate..." She brought one hand up along Cassie's body, just cupping and massaging the bunny's breast nice and slowly. Cassie smiled and leaned her head back, resting it on Lonnie's shoulder as she was being played with by the other three like that, just panting and making such sweet sounds of pleasure.

Cassie took the hand that had been loving on Tabby and reached back behind herself, finding Lonnie's growing hardness and started stroking it through the canine's pants for just a moment before she slid her hand down Lonnie's waistband for a more personal touch. The retriever let out a soft growl (not a threatening one, but one of pleasure) as she nibbled at the side of Cassie's neck, raking her teeth through her fur and against her skin.

Cassie smiled even as she moaned, just enjoying the feel of Lonnie's cock in her hand, just playing gently with it while Tabby lapped at her pussy and Star suckled softly on her cock. Her hand moved from Lonnie's cock to push the goldie's pants down, letting them fall off of her body. Still, that freed the canine shaft for her to return her attention to, just savoring the feel of it... and even rubbing the tip of it against her ass.

If she'd had any rational sense left, she'd have been well and truly flabbergasted at what she was doing. Instead, she was just in a state of pure bliss. There was none of her human sensibility that she still needed to hold onto. She was neither human nor even fully male anymore. She was freed of all of the bonds that had restrained her in life before now, and she was making the most of it.

Panting quite hard, she moved one hand to guide the two between her legs away from what they were working on, getting sounds of disappointment from both of them before she pressed Tabby back down onto the sheets and moved up onto the bed along with the other two. She moved her head down between Tabby's legs, starting to lick at the feline's pussy while her ass was sticking up in the air, wiggling back and forth.

Star was the one to take advantage of that first, moving her muzzle right under her bunny's tail to start licking her asshole. This got a squeak of surprise from the bunny, but it didn't slow or stop her in tending to Tabby's pussy. Lonnie grinned broadly as she moved in, herself, rubbing the tip of her cock slowly along Cassie's pussy, coating herself in the bunny's juices before she thrust herself inside.

Cassie had no fear, no worry at all. Star trusted these two, so why shouldn't she? She buried her tongue in Tabby, more than a little drunk on the feline's juices, even as one hand reached back, trying to find Star's head. When she found it, rather than push her away, she only pulled the mouse tighter in, wordlessly begging her to keep licking at her asshole. The mouse was more than happy to oblige, pressing her tongue into the bunny's tight ring of muscles, smiling as she felt it flex and tense a bit, but yield for her.

Cassie was just lost, moaning into the feline's pussy like a bitch in heat, herself, while Lonnie fucked her so wonderfully, her walls milking her so hungrily. Between the cock driving into her and the tongue licking inside of her asshole, though, it really wasn't long before the poor bunny came good and hard. That orgasm was quickly followed by Lonnie's as well, hot cum gushing into her body.

That, finally, dislodged the bunny from Tabby's pussy, causing her to collapse to the bed for a moment as she worked to catch her breath, pawing and clutching at the sheets while she ground herself back against Lonnie's cock. Perhaps fortunately, the goldie hadn't knotted Cassie this time, letting her tumble free while she put herself back together.

While she was indisposed, Star moved up to start kissing Tabby, pressing herself against the cat while she ran her hands along her body. After a moment, Lonnie smiled and helped Cassie back up onto her knees before the bunny's eyes drifted back to Tabby, her hand moving to stroke her cock. Lonnie saw Cassie's look and grinned from ear to ear before she moved to whisper in the rabbit's ear.

Cassie's eyes lit up and she grinned broadly, herself while Lonnie went to one of their drawers and pulled out a long, flexible toy. Cassie helped lift Star and Tabby's top legs out of the way while Lonnie pressed the ends against the two girls' entrances, slowly squeezing the double-ended dildo into their bodies. Cassie was more than a bit amazed at how well it fit within the two of them, given how long the thing was, but they were soon pressed up against one another, grinding against each other.

Lonnie then retrieved a bottle, pouring the viscous liquid onto her hand before rubbing it along her shaft, pouring some into Cassie's hand as well. The bunny eagerly followed the goldie's lead as they first prepared their cocks and then moved to lie on the bed on either side of the moaning pair.

Cassie could barely wait, taking the tip of her cock and pressing it against Tabby's asshole, unable to keep herself from just pressing herself forward. Fortunately, Tabby's back door was quite experienced, accepting the bunny's cock without difficulty. All while Lonnie, on the other side, was pressing herself more slowly into Star's ass.

It took Cassie a moment to find the rhythm of Star and Tabby's movements, her own a bit haphazard until she did, but it didn't take long before all four were moving properly in time with one another, their sounds of pleasure filling the room so wonderfully. They moved without frenzy, without rush... just a need to be there together, sharing in this wonderful passion, pleasure, and yes... love.

Still, all good things must come to an end in time, and this did as well... and there was quite a lot of coming involved. Cassie was the first to lose herself, filling Tabby's ass with her thick, hot seed, which set the feline off next. Her shuddering and grinding against Star was more than the mouse could bear, and as her ass clamped down on Lonnie's cock in turn, the canine lost it as well, driving her knot up into the mouse's ass roughly as she too started to cum. It was all quite the orgasmic chain reaction, and it left the lot of them collapsing to the bed, their minds quite thoroughly fuzzed out.

Cassie was the first to move, and when she pulled out of Tabby, the feline let out a long, needy mewl. She blushed quite badly at that, but she moved back just enough to look Tabby over... half admiring her work. When she saw the cum trickling from her ass, without thinking, she couldn't help but lick her lips as though in a trance.

She moved down behind the feline, her hands gently parting Tabby's cheeks as she leaned in and started working to clean the mess as it was coming from the poor feline, drawing such beautiful sounds from her. Some shred of her mind thought that she should be horrified to be doing this, but she just couldn't. It felt right... wonderful to be licking her own cum from Tabby's ass. A cat that she'd only met within the last hour.

When the trickle slowed to a stop, Cassie moved up, kissing Tabby with her mouth still filled with cum before leaning across to kiss Star. The three of them enjoyed sharing kisses and Cassie's cum for a moment before they just flopped back down onto the bed, unable to help but giggle and just gently love on one another. Even Lonnie softened enough to pull out of Star's ass as well, though even Cassie didn't have it in her to dart around to clean the cum trickling out of her bunkmate's asshole.

They were all just that tired at the moment. Tired and happy as they basked in the moment. The four of them just breathed and started to drift off, snuggled up with one another. At some point, one of them pulled the blankets over the tangled mess they'd become, but no one would really have been aware of just who it was. Even the one who'd done it.

The Found Chapter 3

Colin stared up at the captain, his jaw hanging open as she licked the cum from her finger before leaning down to lap slowly at Star's mound. Some part of his brain thought that his erection would eventually die down, but with everything going on, it...

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The Found Chapter 2

Colin wasn't thinking very clearly as he followed Helen back to her ship, which was set up on a wooden cradle of sorts in a clearing off to the side from the rest of the town. His mind and heart alike were racing quite quickly. For her part, though,...

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The Found Chapter 1

Colin was beyond amazed to be flying, let alone through space. Peter had taken him back to his apartment and gathered up anything that Colin had cared to keep, which wasn't much, but it was everything that really mattered to him, and it had all fit...

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