The Found Chapter 2

Story by Drake007 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Lost and Found

Colin arrives on Captain Helen's ship, and is given a room to share with a mouse named Star. Things take a very unexpected, though pleasant turn.

Colin wasn't thinking very clearly as he followed Helen back to her ship, which was set up on a wooden cradle of sorts in a clearing off to the side from the rest of the town. His mind and heart alike were racing quite quickly. For her part, though, Helen was being very calm, even as she pulled Colin's suitcase along behind her, just everything about her attitude saying that she was in complete control. That in itself wasn't helping his mental state any.

When they got to her ship, he could feel his mind quieting down, his focus narrowing to only her. By the time he was up the gangway and onto the deck, he was actually rather at peace. Helen was greeted by her crew as she boarded, almost all of them exceptionally adorable young women. At least, they looked like young women. There were a few outliers among the crew, a few men here and there, and a couple of larger women - at least one bear and a mare that he saw.

Still, they all were very happy to have her back, embracing her and being loved on, each in turn. It really was enough to make Colin blush quite badly at the scene, half wishing that he was part of her crew to be able to join in with that kind of love.

As he stood there just completely lost in the sight, a mouse came up to him and smiled brightly, giggling intoxicatingly sweetly. "Oooh, you're the new arrival? We saw Peter come in with a new Found. So, you're coming to stay with us until you figure things out?" She was just as bubbly and friendly as could be. The effect was almost infectious, making Colin relax quite quickly.

"Yes... I... just got here. I'm Colin," he said, trying to think of what to do, settling on holding his hand out to the mouse.

Rather than take his hand, she giggled and gave him a great big hug, making him blink and blush for a moment before he returned the hug, just relaxing completely into it. He even sighed and nuzzled into the mouse's shoulder before she drew back. She didn't let go, just moved back a little bit so that they were able to look at each other properly. Even if they were just this side of nose-to-nose.

"It's nice to meet you, Colin. I'm Star," she said, her nose wiggling so invitingly as she stood there with him. Under his fur, his cheeks were as hot as they'd ever been. There was a girl here who'd not only just hugged him, but was continuing to hold him, and wasn't pulling away from him. He really was at a complete loss on how to handle that.

He hadn't noticed as the commotion around Captain Helen subsided and she came over to the two of them, smiling broadly as she wrapped her arms around both of them. "Good girl, Star. Why don't you help Colin get settled. I'm sure that he wouldn't mind being your bunk-mate," she said, turning her attention to Colin with a broad smile. "We haven't had any new crew members to be her bunk-mate since she joined, so there'll be room for you with her."

Colin was blushing fiercely at that, looking up at the captain as though she'd completely set him up. His jaw was hanging open as he tried to find words before he managed, "But... she's... a girl... shouldn't I... bunk with... another guy? Or on my own?" He was whimpering really quite adorably.

Helen grinned at him and patted him on the back. "Don't worry about that. It's just until you get settled, right? And I trust you not to do anything that you shouldn't." She gave him a wink with that and Star giggled, making him blush all the fiercer. "Now, you two get below decks and get Colin settled in. Do I make myself clear?"

She spoke with a powerful tone of authority, which made both Star and Colin snap to attention, hands at their side as they said in unison, "Yes, Captain!"

The entire way down to Star's cabin, Colin was blushing like mad and kicking himself at how he'd responded to Helen's command. It wasn't like he was part of her crew, or anything like that. And yet it had felt so right to respond to her authority like that. On a certain level, he wondered if Peter would even need to worry at all about getting a place built for him. A lot would depend on how the crew and Helen took to him, he supposed.

Star was taking the lead guiding him to her cabin, and after just a few twists and turns, she opened a door into a cozy little room, exclaiming, "Here we are!" Colin followed her inside, still not thinking about his surroundings until the door was closed and Star moved to sit down on the edge of the bed.

Slowly, the world around him came back into focus. It was a nice little cabin, with about as much room as one of his typical apartments, though it didn't have the kitchenette or bathroom eating up space. The bed was even a very nice bed. Perhaps a hair large for the space, but without the other things taking up the room, it really wasn't too bad. Slowly, though, it dawned on him that there was only one bed in the room, making him squeak a little, himself.

"S...Star? Are we supposed to... just share a bed?"

She smiled brightly at that. "Of course. All of the cabins on this ship are single-bed cabins."

He took a moment to respond, his mouth working dryly, "But... we're... I mean... you're a girl... and I'm a boy... and... we're supposed to sleep... together... in the same bed..." he stammered out, trying to fight how excited he was starting to feel as the realization of his situation was sinking in.

She gave him a playful smile at that, "It doesn't bother me that you are a boy." Her tone. Damn, but it was a dangerous tone that almost stopped his heart in his chest.

Still, in one last attempt at being a good boy, he said, "But... Captain said... not to do anything that I shouldn't do..."

Star just giggled at that, her eyes twinkling, "Who's to say you shouldn't?"

He stared at her in shock as she scooted until she was just on the bed and reached out, hooking her fingers through his belt loops, pulling him toward her as she nuzzled into his tummy. He could feel himself starting to crumble, everything that he had ever learned back on earth practically starting to shatter into pieces.

He made a very wonderful sound as she slid her arms around him, running her hands along his back and backside, gripping and kneading it slowly. "S...Star... are you... sure..." he tried to ask, his breathing quickening as he could feel the effect that her touch was having on his body.

She smiled up at him, licking her lips slowly. "Yes, Colin... I'm sure..." she said as she brought her hands back around and began to unfasten his belt before she slid off of the bed and onto her knees there in front of him, her teeth taking hold of the zipper of his fly and pulling it down with a long, slow ziiiiiip.

Colin was starting to pant as the mouse was undressing him like that, just taking complete control of the moment while he reached out, finding one of the bed's posts to cling to for support. All the while, her hands moved in once more, unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down around his ankles. She then took hold of the waistband of his underwear with her teeth and pulled the unimpressive white briefs down.

His cock very abruptly sprang free, and he couldn't help but stare down at himself, unable to help but think that he hadn't been that big as a human, but that train of thought was quickly derailed as Star's lips wrapped around his tip, sucking him slowly into her mouth with sweet moans of delight. Her hands ran up along his body, pushing his shirt up over his belly and chest before it clicked over in his brain to help remove it as well, simply tossing it to one side, leaving him completely naked there in front of the beautiful mouse.

He'd always thought of himself as unattractive. It was part of the conclusion that he'd long since come to about part of the reason people didn't take an interest in him, but even before his transformation, it really hadn't been the case. After his transformation, though, his figure was actually very nicely toned. He looked down along himself at Star, more and more amazement sinking in as one of his hands moved down to stroke the mouse's head as she suckled and slowly bobbed her head along his cock.

He was enraptured by the feel of her ears, running his fingers over them, which seemed to only draw out deeper moans from the mouse as her tongue worked along the underside of his shaft. Really, though, her moans weren't the only ones filling the room as his sounds of pleasure were growing more powerful as well.

His cock was starting to throb quite powerfully in her mouth, his precum trickling out onto her tongue. To the relief of some rational vestige in his mind, she didn't recoil at the taste of it, but actually seemed to be spurred on by it, bobbing her head more quickly as one of her hands came up to cradle and fondle his balls.

It really wasn't much longer at all before his fingers tightened, gripping her hair and the post as he called out. Jet after jet of his cum shot into her mouth, only to quickly be swallowed down by the mouse. With the last few jets, though, she drew her head back, letting them splash over her face and into her open muzzle, as she panted and made such beautiful sounds.

Colin couldn't help but stare down at her in awe, still panting quite heavily as she knelt there in front of him, using her fingers to scoop the cum that had landed on her fur into her mouth, suckling and licking at her fingers with obvious delight.

With that sight in front of him, his cock was staying rock hard as he licked his lips slowly. Star slowly stood up, pressing her body against his as she kissed him deeply, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He found himself... without any instinct to recoil at the taste of his own cum on her mouth. It was actually strangely pleasant, he found to his surprise. He kissed her back hungrily, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pressed his body in tighter against her, adding his own sounds of pleasure and longing to the ones that she was making.

After a long moment, Star pulled back, smiling playfully at Colin as she moved to sit on the bed once more, her hands playfully starting to unfasten her own clothes, removing the garments one by one and tossing them to the side. Her hands slid up under her skirt, pulling her panties down while leaving the skirt for the last. When that too had been tossed to one side, she scooted back on the bed, her knees raised slightly and legs parted for him as she held her hands out to him invitingly.

He took just a moment to drink in the sight of her like that before he licked his lips and moved down onto the bed with her, taking hold of her legs and pulling them up on either side of himself. He was running purely on instinct at that moment, but his instincts were serving him very well as he brought himself down, rubbing his cock against her mound, coating himself in her juices before he drew himself back.

One of her hands reached up, raking through his hair and along his ear while the other moved down between the two of them, taking hold of his cock and guiding it to her entrance before he thrust into her body. He cried out as he drove into her, bringing his head down to her's to kiss her deeply and moan into her mouth. He felt so alive in that moment. Far more alive than he ever had before in his life.

With only a few more thrusts, he was in up to the hilt, his hips pressed tight against her as he broke the kiss, panting hard to catch his breath. He only held himself there for a moment before he started to pump his hips back and forth against her, driving himself deep into her body with each stroke. He moved steadily at first, just processing how it felt, but soon enough, he was just completely caught up in the moment.

Their bodies were slapping against one another as her legs moved to wrap around his waist, holding him there as the two of them made love, her arms reaching up to wrap around his neck. He was just lost in the moment, panting and moaning in pleasure as his cock started to throb within her body. He wasn't even thinking about not cumming inside of her at that point.

Though, soon enough, it was too late as he thrust into her one last time, driving in as deep as he could go as he started to cum. He buried his face in her neck as he filled her with even more seed than he'd shot into her mouth earlier. He didn't even have enough of a brain left to think that it shouldn't have been as strong on his second orgasm so close to the first. Not that he would have even cared.

He didn't even have enough of a brain left to notice the door as it opened for the red-coated vixen, closing again quietly behind her. Earlier, he hadn't even thought to look for a latch on the door. Of course, with the way the crew was, none of the cabins had latches. It suited everyone just fine.

He was panting quite heavily as he came down from his orgasm, though his body tensed again as Helen spoke. "Mmm... I thought I told you not to do anything that you shouldn't," she teased, making him blush fiercely, even as his tail was going wild behind him. Star let go of him and flopped back onto the bed as he pulled himself out of her, leaving his cum to start dribbling out of the mouse's pussy quite heavily.

"Captain... I..." he started to say as Helen leaned in and ran her finger slowly along Star's mound, scooping up the cum oozing from her sex and lifting it to her mouth to lick away. His brain was completely derailed in that instant, forgetting that he was even starting to say anything.

"Good boy, Colin... welcome to the crew."

The Found Chapter 3

Colin stared up at the captain, his jaw hanging open as she licked the cum from her finger before leaning down to lap slowly at Star's mound. Some part of his brain thought that his erection would eventually die down, but with everything going on, it...

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The Found Chapter 1

Colin was beyond amazed to be flying, let alone through space. Peter had taken him back to his apartment and gathered up anything that Colin had cared to keep, which wasn't much, but it was everything that really mattered to him, and it had all fit...

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The Lost

[Lost Boy - Jarred Halley]( Colin couldn't remember the last time that he had a real home. Certainly not one that he had a connection to. A castaway of the foster system, drifting from job to job and...

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