The Found Chapter 1

Story by Drake007 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Lost and Found

Colin arrives in his new home, finding it to be far more fantastical than he could have ever imagined. A pirate captain offers to take him in while he is settling in.

Colin was beyond amazed to be flying, let alone through space. Peter had taken him back to his apartment and gathered up anything that Colin had cared to keep, which wasn't much, but it was everything that really mattered to him, and it had all fit into his suitcase, which was floating along behind them.

He couldn't help but weave and dip around, flying circles around Peter, who wasn't flying easy, himself. The two of them almost danced together as they zipped along. Colin was really having the time of his life, feeling like a child again, just free to be himself... free to be happy. He didn't have anyone else's opinion to worry about, just his happiness and Peter's happiness to revel in.

They zipped past the moon impossibly fast, leaving Colin to marvel at the sight of it so close. His constant friend there right by him. That alone was making his heart burst with happiness. Past the moon, they cruised along, Colin pretending to do backstrokes before Peter flew in close and called out, "There it is!"

Colin took a moment to find what Peter was talking about. At first, it was just a little speck of light, but it was clearly the destination Peter was steering them toward. As they approached, it came steadily into focus, becoming a marble and then what looked like a small planet, floating opposite the moon from Earth. And when he thought 'small', he meant small. As they flew in toward it, he saw the blues of oceans and the greens of forests. He could see deserts and mountains, plains and valleys.

Peter flew them to one of the larger forests, which Colin could see had a kind of sprawling city in it. He felt a bit nervous as they came in to land, but he couldn't help but laugh as he saw that all of the people there were animals like him and Peter. They settled down in a square, and the animals around them let out a cheer for Peter. Colin gave a sheepish smile, ready to step aside to let them greet Peter, but he was beyond surprised as a good number of them came to him, happily welcoming him, patting him on the shoulders and back.

They were... legitimately happy to see him, and it was causing tears to well up in his eyes again. Tears of happiness like he'd never known before meeting Peter that night. There were wolves and lions, mice and tigers, birds and bears. The variety there was staggering, to say the least. As they all milled about, a tall vixen strode up, dressed in a long red and gold coat and a broad-brimmed hat. To all the world, she looked like a pirate.

"So, you've found a new one to bring home, Peter?" She teased, even as she sauntered up right in front of Colin, coming just short of pressing her rather ample body up against him. She even giggled as she saw Colin quickly become flustered, blushing hotly through his soft fur. "Oh, Peter, you brought home a blusher... you know how much I love blushers."

Peter sighed and grinned as he shook his head. "Colin... meet Captain Helen. Our resident pirate," he said with a dramatic chuckle.

Colin looked up at her, blushing badly as he said, "So... a bit like Captain Hoo-" he started to say before her finger came to rest across his lips.

"Finish that sentence, and you'll learn the taste of my lash," she said, her tone... mostly cold, but also dangerously playful. Colin swallowed hard, letting out a quiet sound as he looked up at her with wide eyes, his blush growing even darker. She grinned with a knowing glint in her eyes, whispering so softly that only he could hear, "Later."

Peter came up, rescuing him from the moment of embarrassment as he clapped his arm across Colin's shoulder. "Unlike Neverland, we aren't so simply divided into lost boys and pirates here. Who we are shifts and changes to suit our temperaments, but it's really not so simplistic as good guys and bad guys trying to kill each other. Just all of us trying to enjoy ourselves as best we can. Any fighting is all for fun, and almost always with a good party afterward," he said with a laugh, grinning as he wagged his finger at Helen, "And don't worry about her too much. She's one of the found too, afterall."

Helen laughed and shook her head, sighing. "I suppose he'll need a place to stay while we build a home for him," she said, looking to Peter.

Peter frowned and thought a moment. "Yes... he's going to need one. I was figuring that he could stay with me until then."

"No need to worry about that, Peter. I think it's my turn to take in a new found. You've looked after the last dozen straight. And I do have a spare berth that he can use, I'm sure."

Peter raised his eyebrow, looking up at Helen and then to Colin. "Your call, Colin," he said with a half shrug.

Colin blushed badly, looking back and forth between the two before he looked back to Peter. "I... don't mind going with Captain Helen. I've... always wondered about being on a pirate ship," he said with a sheepish smile.

Peter looked to him, a half-amused smile on his face and one eyebrow raised as he shrugged his shoulders and chuckled. "Well, suit yourself, Colin. We'll get to work on your house and probably tomorrow night we'll have a big party to welcome you. It'll give you time to breathe and settle in. Still, I do have to say, 'welcome to the family'."

Colin shivered a little at that last bit, making Helen giggle and smile warmly, patting his shoulder. "None of us had families before coming here, really. But here... we are all family together," she said, her voice warm in a way that sent the strangest feelings through his body. Like a warm, wobbly sensation in his belly.

He reached up and put his hand on top of hers, giving it a little squeeze as he softly said, "Thank you..." That one was noticeably directed at her, but he turned his head to look at everyone in the crowd around them, Peter in particular. "Thank you all... so very much... I'm... probably going to be a mess for a few days... while I get used to everything... but this means... so much to me... really..."

Everyone smiled and came in to give Colin big hugs, bringing him properly to tears. Still, it was kind of reassuring to see that he wasn't the only one in tears, too many of them having come here too recently to have forgotten how this moment felt. Peter and Helen stood off to one side, the vixen leaning against a lamp post with a grin while Peter smirked at her, shaking his head and chuckling.

It was quite a while before it all came to an end, and the crowd began to disperse as Colin came back over to Peter and Helen, wiping tears from his eyes with a great big, goofy smile plastered across his face. Peter smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Welcome home," he said with a smile, "I'll let you go get settled in, and we'll catch up tomorrow." He gave Colin one last hug before turning to leave.

Colin smiled as he watched Peter go, only to stand very still as he felt Helen's fingers trailing up along his spine at the back of his neck, his eyes wide as she slowly sauntered around in front of him, bringing her fingers to stroke his cheek ever so lightly as she looked into his eyes with a hunger that took his breath away. "Good boy. Now. Come with me."

It really wasn't a request so much as a command, which Colin whimpered out in reply, "Yes, Captain."

The Found Chapter 2

Colin wasn't thinking very clearly as he followed Helen back to her ship, which was set up on a wooden cradle of sorts in a clearing off to the side from the rest of the town. His mind and heart alike were racing quite quickly. For her part, though,...

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The Lost

[Lost Boy - Jarred Halley]( Colin couldn't remember the last time that he had a real home. Certainly not one that he had a connection to. A castaway of the foster system, drifting from job to job and...

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The Great Stag

[The Hunt is On - Heather Alexander]( It was the time of the solstice, and it was a time of great celebration within the clan. The great hunt was upon them, and it was beyond a great honor within the clan to...

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