Kitchen Debauchery

Story by yetanothersmutwriter on SoFurry

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#2 of Sah's New World

Beginning its proper entrance to its new realm, Sah covertly debuts in a small diner. Two employees find their lives changed, arguably for the better!

Chapter 2 is here! The benefits of writing two chapters at once, lmao. Just took me a bit to get around to doing the final passthrough before uploading. I hope to get the next story out before the year ends; let's see how it works out!

A small bell tinkled as Sah and Gary opened the glass door to a small local diner Gary occasionally visited. Light brown hardwood stretched out beneath them and warm lighting hung overhead, illuminating the dozen or two tables unused at such a transitory hour. The light of the street lamps faded away as they walked inside, voices between them.

"I'm telling you, this phone isn't magic!" Gary said to the 'human' beside him, in reality a horse-sized feral skunk that had forced its way into his life a few hours earlier.

"Impossible, even we didn't have anything like this." Sah responded in disbelief to the human-appearing anthro skunk

"Yeah, and we don't have magical gods everywhere."

"That's what you say..."

"Just because we don't have any magic mumbo jumbo doesn't mean-" Gary was cut off by a waiter walking in from the back.

"Dine in for two?" The guy said, a quizzical look on his face as he ran his eyes up and down their clothes. They were simple pieces of almost-transparent white cloth that hung down from their shoulders, inch long straps attached to a flat piece of cloth that ran down to the middle of their thighs.

"Yes please," Gary said, his frustration well hidden, but causing him to miss the waiter's confusion. "A table though, if you don't mind." The waiter nodded his head and grabbed a couple menus and silverware sets.

"Follow me." As he turned around Sah spoke to Gary in his head.

"You're very polite, aren't you?"

"Of course... I'm not gonna be rude for no." He responded naturally back the same way, surprising himself. "Woah," he said aloud as the waiter put the menus on the table, causing him to look at Gary in confusion.

"Is this table not okay?" The waiter asked. Gary let out an embarrassed "uhhh..." until Sah picked up.

"Yes sweetheart, this is fine." Sah said as it made its illusory self sit down, its skunk body still standing invisibly beside it. The waiter squinted his eyes a bit before recomposing himself.

"Gotcha... What do you want to drink?"

"Waters for now." Gary responded instantly, before one of them could make the situation even more awkward.

The waiter nodded and walked off to the kitchen without a word.

"What the hell was that!?" Gary asked, gesturing towards his head.

"An easy way to avoid others overhearing us. You'll get used to it."

"Sure, just as quick as you'll get used to our 'magic' technology."

"Oh come on, they're like the same thing."

"Whatever." Gary said as he rolled his eyes.

"Weird group out there right now." Abe said to his graveyard shift coworker, Joanne. She was leaning against a wall using her phone, burning time.

"Really? She said, eyes still on her phone.

"Yeah, one of 'em said 'woah' when I put down the menus like they'd never seen a table before in their life."

"You'd think that this was your first night working nights..." She said dryly.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, but look at their clothes!" Joanne groaned and pushed herself off from the wall, humoring him to break up the monotony. She cracked open the swinging door and peeked her head out, pulling back in after a couple seconds.

"Damn! They look like they came from a slutty monastery or something." She said with a smirk. Abe chuckled.

"See!? I told you they were weird!" He said as he walked off, waters in hand.

Gary and Sah talked in the silent restaurant underneath mellow lighting, the roads outside dark except for a few lonely street lamps, the rest of the road only rarely lit by a passing car or two.

"So," Gary started, "how exactly are you gonna go about this? I don't think you're gonna be able to get away with facesitting the waiter with another person probably being back in the kitchen." He said.

"Oh I'll make it work." Sah said mischievously.

As Sah was about to start explaining, Abe set down the waters with a clink from the table. "You know what you want to order?"

"What do you recommend?" Asked Sah innocently as it shifted its invisible back end towards the waiter. Abe listed off customer favorites as the smell of her approaching pussy slowly got to him, a tent forming on his pants, his explanations becoming more spaced out. All the while, Sah continued to inch its backside closer until she planted her crotch directly on his chest. At the same time, she made it look like she had spilt her water on him after taking a drink.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" Sah feigned ignorance, bringing her "hands" up to cover her illusory face in embarrassment. Abe let out something halfway between a sigh and a growl, holding his arms back and looking at his soaked chest in frustration.

Sah peeked between her fingers. "Thankfully it's just water!" Sah said meekly as Gary picked up the glass and started to wipe up the mess.

"Yeah," Abe said dreamily, "good thing..." He grabbed a handful of napkins Gary held towards him, drying out the worst of it. "I'll be back in a few minutes, if you're ready before that call for my coworker, Joanne." He walked out towards the back.

Abe walked back to the kitchen slowly, his cock raging beneath his pants. The sensations of his wet underwear shifting around his erect member were strong enough to be unignorable, each step a labored struggle not to fall to the floor. Before he walked in the kitchen, he leaned against the door and adjusted his crotch to make his erection less visible, almost cumming from that alone.

"I'm taking a break." he said to Joanne matter of factly as he entered, holding back the erotic sounds begging to be let out.

"Do you at least have an order yet?"

"No. One of them somehow spilled water all over my shirt..." He said, a quiet moan escaping, thankfully missed by Joanne.

"I need to change clothes. I told them to call for you when they're ready." Abe said, almost hobbling towards the door.

"You're making me deal with those weirdos too?" Abe walked out the door as he flipped her off.

"Whatever." Joanne said as she rolled her eyes and got back on her phone.

The moment the door closed behind him he laid his back against the wall and groaned. He grabbed his crotch and tried to free it, desperate to ease the mind melting sensations. The mere act of freeing his cock however led to orgasm, cum leaking through his underwear before it could be pulled aside. Each wave of cum was matched with the sprouting of white hairs on his crotch and chest and growth in the length of his cock and volume of his balls. By the time he finished, the front of his blue shirt had obvious lines of semen running across the front, though his addled brain didn't take note of the substantially increased amount.

With post orgasmic clarity his cheeks reddened in embarrassment as he looked around in hopes of not having been seen. Deeply thankful that he worked nights, he carefully walked across the parking lot to his car, his unclothed cock and balls swaying alongside each step.

Upon arriving he opened the front passenger door and grabbed his casual clothes from his bag. His boss would give him hell about it when he came in the morning, but better that than doing a shift in wet clothes. He peeked around to check for others, not wanting to change in his cramped car. With the coast clear, he slid off his shoes, stepped out of his pants and underwear, then pulled his stained shirt over his head, tufts of auburn fur pulled along. He dried himself off using the backside of the shirt the best he could, but the white fur that was growing thicker on his chest by the second made his work slow going.

His sensitive body made his attempts to dry himself off a fight against his sanity; he found his wiping slowly turn into a sensual rub as the fur grew out into a full coat, his hands losing grasp of the shirt and instead turning into a massage. His other hand soon joined the other, making its way up his torso to his chest, fingers delicately running over his nipples and eliciting moans and grunts. His other hand ran down from his belly to his groin, cupping his balls then shifting them up to get a handful of dick. Still wet from Sah cunt and his cum, his hand glided across his dick, each stroke pulling his member a bit further out, thickening to match, the skin reddening and tip reshaping to an inhuman taper. Alongside the growth of his cock, the fur that covered his chest began to spread past his shoulders and waist, his limbs and back slowly becoming an auburn orange-red.

He planted a hand on the rim of where the car door would close against, leaning over with labored breaths as he furiously pumped his cock, his knees weakening beneath him. His climax came closer and his moans grew louder with each passing second, his erogenous zones becoming ever more sensitive until he came with a groan and a long string of cum that splashed against the driver's window, splattering off onto the seats and steering wheel. He froze and tensed up from the pleasure of his climax, his growing balls rising and falling and his firm cock bobbing with each volley, the slowing bursts going from the window to the driver's seat to the casual clothes that sat on the seat in front of him. From the throes of orgasm came a growth behind him as well, his tailbone exploding in length with bushy orange-red fur following just behind.

By the time his climax died down his member stood at just over a foot and his balls past the realm of oranges. Fur covered all but his hands and feet, and a 4 foot long tail rose behind him, flipped over at the end. His body relaxed as the fur spread down both, pads forming on his palms and forefeet, a couple inches gained in height as his feet reformed themselves into a digitigrade form, claws piercing through where toenails once sat.

Without a thought to his extreme mess, he leaned over and opened the bag that held his change of clothes. When he pulled out the clothes held within he felt how they were even worse than what he took off. He peered close at them, and when he noticed the fur that covered his hands and arms he let out a yelp, dropping them to the seat with a quiet splat. He flipped his hands over a half-dozen times, then yanked down the sun visor and shrieked at his face, completely unrecognizable. His ears were raised up to the upper part of his head, shaped like upside down U's, long strands of fur rising from the base of the ears to double that length past them. Orange-red fur covered his entire head and the front of his face was pushed forwards into a short muzzle ended by his nose, wide whiskers sticking out many inches to the side.

He ran a hand up to his face, squeezing it in disbelief. He looked down at the rest of his body and his mind went blank; fur covered every inch of his body, his still-hard cock bobbing up to his cum-damp chest, massive balls churning beneath them, and tail fluffed out behind him. He tried to stammer something out, but couldn't form the words for full seconds until he finally exclaimed.

"I- I'm a fucking squirrel!?"

His mind was beset with a flurry of emotions. One of the first ones he had was "how could this happen?" to which his mind jumped to the water that that weirdo inside had spilt on him. He tried to think of how they could do this, but had a flash of anxiety mid-way as he remembered that he had told his coworker to serve them. He didn't even bother to put on clothes before he slammed shut the car door and scurried over to the door, hoping that he hadn't been too late.

"Joanne!" Shouted Sah, loud enough to echo subtly off the light brown hardwood floor.

"Are we even gonna get to eat anything?" Asked Gary, actually hungry despite the occasion.

"Do you really need to eat?" Sah asked, annoyed.

"Come on, I haven't eaten since I came on your statue..."

"Fiiine... I'll change my plans then..." It said with disappointment.

"Don't you want to see how food nowadays tastes anyways?" Gary teased.

"Joanne!!!" Sah shouted again, ignoring Gary's question. A visibly frustrated waiter walked from the kitchen.

"What do you want?" She asked bluntly when she got over.

"I'd like a pancake platter," said Gary. The server wrote it down without otherwise acknowledging him.

"You?" Joanne asked.

"Same as him." Sah said. The server began to turn to walk off, but Sah stopped her. "One more thing though hun," the waiter's brown furrowed at the unwelcome flattering.

"What?" She said, voice full of contempt. Sah gave Joanne's cheek an invisible lick, unmatched by her illusory self. Drool had visibly pooled on Joanne's cheek, though was forced unnoticed.

"Another water please, when you bring out the food." Sah said with a wink. Joanne left with quick steps and a full attitude, irked by the customers and Abe.

Eager to get over dealing with them, Joanne quickly began work on the food. She was thankful they at least didn't order something that required more than a small amount of thought. With each pancake she poured and each egg she cracked on the grill, she slowly felt a rising heat in her loins and chest. Well in tune with her sexuality, she recognized the feelings right away, annoyed that she now had another thing making her shift harder than it should be. At the very least she was happy that Abe wasn't in the room to worry about for now. The sizzling of pancakes, bacon, and eggs carried in the air, alongside that of Sah's saliva that ran down her face onto the grill.

Though at first simply a minor inconvenience, by the time she was ready to flip the food over she was hot enough to feel well and truly bothered. Nipples pressed visibly against her shirt, her skin blushed, and her pussy leaked. With Abe not in the room, once she flipped the food over, she freely gave into her desires, running a finger across her nipples and a hand down towards her crotch. She leaned against the wall once more and stuck her hands down her pants, two fingers digging into her pussy alongside a pinched nipple up above as uneven heavy breaths sounded amidst the loud sizzling. It took her barely any time at all for her to reach a climax, sliding down to the floor in pleasure, the front of her pants becoming soaked in juices that escaped from her quim.

The heights of pleasure were accompanied by growths across her body; with each desperate exhale her chest and belly rested further out, each spasm accompanied by a shot of growth resulting in thicker arms and thighs, the widening of her hips and ass pushing her millimeters off the floor with each gyration, and a coaxing of growth of her teats from each flick, rub, and squeeze of her nipples. As the wave of excitement died down, brown hairs began to grow around her crotch, fine though dense. Such growth occurred above her neck too, starting on her moist cheek and spreading from there. The fuzz that wrapped around her ears pulled them slowly upwards and outwards as well, becoming rounded as they moved.

All of these changes however were as of yet unnoticed, her focus instead used completely to pull the food off the grill and onto plates before she could become lost in self-pleasure once again. Right away she walked out the kitchen; quick steps, as her body was already beginning to beg for more, short as it had been.

Both Sah and Gary turned towards the swinging door, Joanne making her appearance too obvious to miss, even through conversation. Gary's eyes lit up at the sight of food, stomach aching by this point. Soon after though they were brought to the large, unmissable nipple bulges poking through her stretching shirt, her pants soaked from the crotch down.

"Did you do that?" Gary said, looking again, this time noticing the brown fur that was adorning her face and running down to her chest.

"Duh. Walking out with soaked pants is her doing though." Sah said with a chuckle.

Though he could have focused on the eye full of cleavage, Gary's eyes were locked on the food as Joanne set the plate down in front of him. The amazing scent simply demanded his attention too strongly, his mouth watering as he stared at it longingly. He thanked her as she backed away to place down Sah's, digging in right away.

"Thanks sugar plum," Sah said, focusing on the cleavage unlike Gary, though its attention was captured just as much from the sexual miasma that surrounded the waiter. With the opportunity right in front of it, Sah nuzzled Joanne's breast with its muzzle, running its long deft tongue along a nipple. Joanne let out a hearty and needy moan, pulling Gary's attention up from their meal as they watched her back arch and chest stick forwards. Her shirt tore down the middle from that motion, breasts flying free and throwing scraps of cloth onto the table, beads of white forming on the blackened surface.

Joanne shrieked, blushing behind her coat of fur. She pulled her hands up to cover her bountiful bosoms, but moaned from the pleasure that came from compressing her breasts and from her arms rubbing sharply across her tits. Sah again pretended to cover its face feigning modesty, unlike Gary, who's eyes went wide at the sight, his crotch beginning to leak onto the chair beneath him. Joanne ran off quickly, butt jiggling behind her as the soaked fabric came ever closer to ripping apart.

"Nonono," Joanne repeated, staring down at her brown furred chest and heavy set form as she paced across the kitchen. Anxiety and fear had her hyperventilating, rapid deep breaths that had her chest rising and falling and her mind increasingly light headed. Intense reactions that even overwhelmed what would usually have been an unignorable burning passion for sex. This very lust grew and grew despite Joanne's crisis of self, horny thoughts gradually mixing with countless scenarios running through her head like a highlight reel, increasing in frequency and intensity until once again she found herself horny beyond all reason.

Throughout this mental spiral, Joanne's physical changes didn't wait. Her body continued to thicken, thighs and ass increasingly pressing against her thin jean shorts, fat attempting to escape from its prison and creating an increasingly dramatic fold of flesh against each of 3 jean holes. Just when the erotic idealization fully took over her thoughts, the shorts finally gave way with a loud rip, tearing dramatically as her furred fat ass, thick thighs, and sopping labia bounced free, throwing the shorts to the ground with a splat. She moaned from the satisfaction that came from freedom, a hand reaching down past her densely furred belly and desperately rubbing back and forth over her large lips. She moaned loudly as the mind-wracking sensations completely subsumed her, quickly reaching a climax and squirting onto the floor with an arched back.

This did nothing to help calm her down however, and she immediately felt a hunger for something inside her. Three meaty, bluntly clawed, and furred fingers met her pulsing hole and dived in with reckless abandon, in and out with no regard to delicacy, obscene shlicking sounds bouncing off the walls. A massive full tit flew about from the extreme motions, her other hand wrapped around a large black nipple, bordering on teat, that she squeezed, kneaded, and stroked. A fourth finger soon joined the other three down below, seconds later a fifth, her entire fist slamming into her pussy with a mad unquenchable desire. Even still she needed more, her hand too shallow, too limited, and too awkward.

Joanne's eyes ran across the kitchen hungrily searching for anything she could find to stick up her cunt. Her mind raced: "A whisk? No, too delicate. A pan's handle? No, too thin! What about a ladle? Ugh, that'll bend! No!" Just as she was about to scream in frustration, her hand still buried, her eyes landed on near-perfection: a rolling pin. Thick enough to give some pleasure and not risk snapping or bending, and long enough to reach where her fist could not. She pulled the balled fist free with a prolonged squelch, labia hugging it desperately the entire way out until it snapped back into place.

She ran over to the cooking tool and immediately fell ass-first to the floor, angling the pin downwards, moving it towards her cunt, and slamming it in. A deep booming growl immediately came from her muzzle, omnivorous teeth exposed from her agape mouth, bearish face twisted in pleasure, tongue lolling out to the side. Leaning back against a kitchen counter, wide hips pushed wider from her weight, she grabbed the pin with both hands and began to thrust it in and out rapidly. Droplets of femcum were thrown about, her cunt leaking onto her fur and matting her inner thighs and forearms.

Joanne rode a high of hedonism, hitting desperate spots that she couldn't reach before. Waves of orgasm crashed against her, each one roughly as strong as the last, glorious seconds that had her clamoring and thrusting away in chase of the next hit as soon as the last ended. This self-indulgence went uninterrupted for a couple of minutes until she heard the back door pulled open and rapid footsteps ring out.

"Joanne!" Shouted a familiar voice. "Don't go to that table! They..." the last sentence trailed off as he saw Joanne hammering away at herself. They locked eyes and Abe's heart sank at the sight of the bear-woman in front of him, his attempt to save her a failure. His jaw dropped, Joanne slamming away with heavy moans, not a care in the world of her audience. His eyes trailed downwards, spending time each on the flailing boobs squeezed together by thick furred forearms, jiggling belly slapping against her waist, meaty cunt greedily hugging the tool inside her, held by soaked hands and tense fingers, and wide spasming thighs, matted in her juices.

Joanne meanwhile trailed her eyes down Abe. She glazed over his white-furred chest and immediately locked eyes on his throbbing cock. Drool fell from her loose tongue at the sight of the glorious member in front of her, the stiff rod bobbing in time with Abe's heartbeat, occasionally disrupted by an out-of-pulse throb accompanied by a large glob of precum that would pool at the tip and slide down its light pink length with a glistening trail, disappearing in a forest of ball fuzz. The flame of her loins was enraged by such a sight, and her failed desperate attempts to extinguish it led her to pull the rolling pin out of her dank hole with a splorch.

She threw the rolling pin to the floor with a dramatic clang and put a padded palm on the floor, fighting against her burning muscles to lift herself up. Two labored steps later, she pushed herself upright, fat body unabashedly on full display. Meanwhile, she spoke to Abe with an off-kiltered tone.

"I don't care what happened to either of us, we're fucking, now." She jutted her hip, accentuating her already curvaceous figure to allure Abe. He gulped audibly in response with a mixture of fear and arousal. Joanne walked over with exaggerated hip movements, soon sweeping him into her luxuriously soft embrace and smooching his face with passion, large breasts wrapping around Abe's arms. Abe at first tensed against her, but quickly returned the dominant energy, entwining tongues with the one which invaded his mouth, rocking his hips back and forth against her pudgy furred belly, and wrapping a leg around one of Joanne's. They each moaned into each other, eagerly exploring the other's mouth as warm breaths exhaled into one another.

Abe ran his hands along the side of Joanne's body, slowly working them down until he got two overflowing handfuls of ass, pushing into the forgiving cheeks and kneading them, spreading them apart, squishing them together, and running them up and down. Joanne moaned, shivers down her spine, meeting Abe's thrusts with her own and massaging the cock between their two furred bodies. The eager massage acted out between the two of them was enough to lead Abe to a rapid first climax, both lovers clenching against one another and pulling their embrace even closer.

Abe's large balls pulled into his core as his dick erupted with a noticeable burst of cum that flooded the crevice between them, the tight space soon forcing cum out from between them to spray up into their tied together faces. Cum became shared between the two tongues that continued to wrestle against each other, both muscles vibrating from Abe's groans of pleasure. The cum that oozed down from their chests was mixed with Joane's leaking femcum, soaking Abe's already moist thighs and adding to the juices which already soaked Joanne's. Their kiss was shared until Joanne backed away, slowly pulling each other apart, retracting her tongue at the last possible moment.

She walked over to an empty counter and leaned against it, breasts splaying to the sides as her weight forced them flat. She rocked her hips back and forth enticingly, reaching a fat arm behind her and grabbing a handful of ass, spreading her cheeks apart. Her oversized cunt and puffy asshole was laid bare, pussy dripping onto the floor, asshole winking at him. She released the cheek and her ass jiggled, exacerbated when she slapped her ass with a full palm.

Abe drooled at the sight, inching closer until he stood inches away. Instead of ramming his dick in at the soonest opportunity, wanting to give it a short rest and to return Joanne's favor, he squatted down, wrapped his arms around her thighs, and eased his face into her inviting lips. Joanne gasped pleasantly at the unexpected sensation of breath and fur against her cunt, pushing her hips back into Abe's face and smothering him in her moist embrace. Abe nuzzled his stubby squirrel muzzle against her eager snatch, stretching his long flat tongue into her leaking pussy that squeezed his tongue in response.

He worshiped the snug orifice, working his tongue along the ribbed walls, pulling an arm from around her thigh to reach in between her legs and dive for her stubby clit. Already exposed and engorged, he delicately touched it, gauging her response.

"Fuck yeah bitch. Work that clit you fucking animal." Joanne shouted. He moaned into her and fulfilled her request, quick breaths coming from up above. Joanne meanwhile tried to grind her ass against Abe's face, craving to feel herself filled up once more. They continued this dance for roughly a minute, pussy juices soaking Abe's shoulders, until Joanne cried in climax in thigh spasming pleasure, blasting against Abe who eagerly accepted every last drop. When Joanne came down from orgasm she spoke up.

"That was good, but I'm done with foreplay. Your cock, my crotch." She turned around and pushed Abe back, walked to grab a stepping stool, then hoisted herself onto a counter, spreading her thighs wide, resting her upper back against the wall behind her. She pointed down to the stool, towards his dick, towards her pussy, then curled her finger in a "come hither" fashion, ending it with a wink and wiggle of her body. Abe salivated at the invitation, walking over and stepping onto the wide stool to bring himself crotch-to-crotch level.

Joanne eagerly wrapped a hand around his fat girth, hand running over the animalistic tip, massaging it as she led it to her aching depths. Abe's dick pulsed, achingly hard, as he gladly responded to Joanne's directions, slowly inching his hips forwards until they collided against her lips, both shimmying around until Joanne nudged the tip into her throbbing vagina with a deep sigh from both. Abe instantly began easing his cock into her, full thickness sliding in with spine tingling slowness until the two met with a soft wet plap.

Abe reached forwards and grabbed a large breast, wrapping his entire hand around her large teat and kneaded it, milk squirting out into Abe's face, much to his surprise. Joanne laughed and grabbed his arm, pulling him to her face and licking the brunt of the milk off his soaked face. Abe blushed, pushed back against her stomach, hand sinking partially into it, then leaned over and angled the tit into his mouth. He mirrored the closing of his mouth around the sensitive nipple with a pull of his hips, freeing half of his dick and slamming it back in with a suck, a yelp coming from Joanne alongside a mouthful of cream for Abe. Abe repeated this motion, using her pudgy stomach as leverage as he began to slam into her cunt in ferocious hunger.

Joanne gladly took the rough fucking, reveling in the mind melting pleasure of her deepest depths receiving a warm lively pounding. Using the wall as an anchor, she wrapped a free hand around her other nipple, spraying milk onto everything within two feet, meanwhile using her other hand to firmly plant Abe's face on her breast, sinking his chin into her flesh. She rocked her hips to and fro, her greedy cunt screaming for all it could get.

The plapping of wet fur colliding into wet fur, balls slapping against ass, resonated against the metal countertops, singing alongside Joanne's dirty talk interspersed with grunts and groans: "Yeah, slam that dick in," "fuck my needy pussy bitch," "suck that tit you cunt," and so on. Eventually her words devolved into incoherent blabbering as she reached yet another height of pleasure. Her thighs uncontrollably shuddered, slowly working its way around Abe's torso until she reached forward with her hands, yanked him from her tit, and buried him in between her breasts as she forced his dick to the hilt and orgasmed with a deep bellow.

Joanne's pussy squirmed around Abe's throbbing cock, combining with Joanne's leg shudders to give him a mind bogglingly euphoric orgasm that had him erupting inside Joanne. Salvos of cum rushed from his oversized balls, through his thick lengthy cock, and out into Joanne's moist pussy, quickly flooding it and pushing against her cervix. The cum oozed past his dick, pathing through the divots of her folded walls, soon rushing out and leaking down into the crack of her ass. They both froze in each other's embrace, Joanne occasionally squeezing Abe tighter against her, or one rocking their hips against the other. They both relished in their own orgasms and of the firm embrace of the other.

Joanne loosened her death grip after a couple dozen seconds, spreading her thighs apart, and pulling Abe's face up to hers. She pulled him into a deep kiss, Abe's gasps for fresh air instead mouthfuls of tongue and breathfuls of Joanne's soft moans, both of which he gladly received. They groped each other as they savored the warm afterglow, basking until the increasingly familiar fiery loins came calling both once more.

"I hope you're not too tired to go for another round..." said Joanne teasingly.

"Not a chance in fucking hell." Abe retorted. Joanne laughed, bringing her paws to Abe's ass and slamming him to the hilt once more.

"Holy shit..." Gary said, staring at Joanne's ass as she ran off to the kitchen.

"Ahhh, it's nice to see someone running off like that again for the first time in so long." Sah said as the kitchen door closed, licking its lips.

"I'm not gonna lie, seeing her breasts fly out like that was pretty hot..."

"It's always a joy to watch." Sah winked.

"Sure..." Gary said shamefully, lowering a fork to his food.

Gary wordlessly ate the meal in front of him, starting off slow but shortly after scarfing down food as hunger overcame guilt. Seeing Gary dig in so enthusiastically, Sah began eating as well, cutting and pulling the food to its mouth telepathically, savoring the unfamiliar and extreme flavors.

"Wow! The food here is so intense... Is everything like this?"

"A lot, at least in the area we're at." Gary responded, in between bites. "There's like, lots of sugars and spices 'n stuff that make food these days really flavorful." He continued, mouth half full.

"Interesting... We'll be eating more in the future then."

They ate in silence for a bit, until they began hearing Joanne's moans from the back. Gary cleared his throat, speaking a bit after to try to tune it out.

"So..." Gary said awkwardly, leaving the word on its own for a few seconds, "What exactly is gonna happen to these people when we move on? If they're anything like me, they'll be taken away within a day. Especially when... uh..." He pointed towards the kitchen, a loud moan following. "They're so... 'unignorable.'"

"Don't worry about that hun, they're walking reality-warpers at this point." Sah said mischievously. "Unless another god stops it, everywhere they go will have people around them turning into sex-hungry animals, all without turning any heads."

"Didn't you need to touch them for that to happen?" Gary said dryly.

"Hey, I didn't need to do it like that." it said defensively. "It's just way more fun that way."

"Sure, whatever." Gary said, rolling his eyes. "But are you really able to make something like that not seem obscenely out of place?" He said skeptically, pointing again towards the back as Joanne's growl reverberated in the dining room.

"Easily." It said with a defensive frustration. "Just because I didn't go and change the whole world the hour after I got free doesn't mean I don't want to! I just want to savor the journey, okay!?" Sah huffed. "Besides, if I did that and there are other gods here I'd be captured again, and I do not want that. At least if I get caught doing things slowly I can feign ignorance and maybe not end up trapped another millenia." Gary sunk in his seat a bit.

"Fine... sorry..." Gary said with a bit of genuine sympathy. "It's just... it's so hard to believe that you can do all this," He said, gesturing towards himself and the kitchen "and here you are, talking about doing something even more impossible."

"I mean, when you boil it down it's not that impossible. Make it so they feel like changing suddenly wasn't a big deal, make it so anyone who looks at or hears about them doesn't view things as unusual, give this restaurant a bit of an enchantment to make their sexual activities seem normal, and bam!" It said with a dramatic pause and a stomp of its paw, "It'll be like this kind of thing happens all the time! Then throw in some 'infectious' properties to those two and the restaurant and this 'normalcy' will go from falsehood to reality! I can't be doing everything myself, after all!" Sah said in smug satisfaction.

"Okay, okay, I believe you." Gary said "It's still not any less impossible sounding though... Then again, I'm a skunk with a goddamn hyper-pussy now, so what do I know, huh?" Sah laughed.

"That's the spirit!" It said, accompanied by the sounds of Abe and Joanne's fucking.

As they finished their meal the sounds of the back died off, both Sah and Gary turned on and leaky.

"Alright, I think we're done here." Sah said.

"You mean we're just leaving them without saying anything?"

"I told you, they'll think it's normal."

"Okay fine, but I kinda wanna see what they look like though..."

"That's it? It's not because you wanted to fuck 'em?" Sah said, knowing he was just as turned on as it was.

"Fine... I kinda... no really wanted to fuck them." Sah smirked.

"Well, since you admitted it, I'll show you from here." Sah waved its paw and summoned a portal to the kitchen, showing the two tightly embracing each other, Joanne's legs tightly wrapped around Abe's hips. Gary salivated at the sight, subtly rubbing his crotch against the chair.

"God that's hot."

"Right? But I'd rather move on from here. The sun will come up soon and this place will start getting busy.

I don't wanna get caught up in the weeds when there's so much to do."

"I'm not even gonna ask how you know that this place is gon-"

"I looked into their memories about this place so I'd know how to change things."

"I didn't ask!"

"But you were curious at least a bit, I'm sure..."

"That's not the point!!!"

"Uh-huh." Sah said. Gary groaned then recollected himself.

"Where do you want to go then?"

"I don't care, that's your job."

"Why don't you look into my memories!"

"I think it's more fun to have you around without knowing every single little thing about you. I'd get bored of you quickly if I did."

"Everything's about enjoyment to you, huh?"

"Well duh, I am a god of pleasure."

"Fine! Let's go then!" Gary said with exasperation, a heavy exhale, and rolled eyes. He pulled out his phone and opened a map the second time that night and led Sah out the restaurant, the patter of bare paws on wood bouncing off the walls. As they neared the exit, the sounds of sex once more began to ring out and Sah smirked, glowing in happiness as the door shut behind them, Gary and Sah walking out together onto orange-lit asphalt.

Skunk? Pussy!

Gary drove onto the worn out and unpaved gravel driveway of an old ranch house. Parking next to the lined up vehicles, he planted his feet onto the unkempt grass, the crunch of gravel beneath ringing alongside the rustling of leaves from the canopy...

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An egging to remember

"Leo! Yvette!" Shouted a feminine voice. "It's supper time! Come set the table!" Leo pushed himself away from his desk, happy for any excuse to escape his night's homework. "Coming mom!" He shouted, stretching his legs and exiting to the kitchen. He...

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A Milky Presentation

Coming up on the end of his shift, Bradley stopped working on a presentation and left his desk. "Hey Bradley, how'd your shift go?" asked his coworker John. "Pretty dull today, I just finished up my part of the project and did some...

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