Skunk? Pussy!

Story by yetanothersmutwriter on SoFurry

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#1 of Sah's New World

A young adult visits a yard sale and finds a statue that changes his life, and soon the world, for the lewder.

Been quite a while since my last upload! Editing this story was annoying, and in writing this I hit a few motivational brick walls that led me to not touch the story for a few weeks in a row, multiple separate times. Chapter 2 will come out pretty soon though, as I completed writing and editing this chapter and the next one back to back without uploading. That's actually a big part of why the gap was so long; chapter 2 led me to change chapter 1 like four or five times over because I kept being unsatisfied in one way or another. I'm pretty satisfied with it now, it just took like 6 months to get there lmfao.

just for fun, here's a couple alternate titles that I almost used: "Skunks, Pussy, and Worship." "A Skunk and its Man."

Gary drove onto the worn out and unpaved gravel driveway of an old ranch house. Parking next to the lined up vehicles, he planted his feet onto the unkempt grass, the crunch of gravel beneath ringing alongside the rustling of leaves from the canopy above. The sun-stained front door creaked and he ran face first into a musky scent that gave away the age of the house and its past inhabitant.

"Welcome to the estate sale!" A woman's voice called out as Gary stepped onto worn-down carpet. Gary waved to her with a smile.

"My aunt just loved collecting all sorts of things, so there's plenty of stuff for you to look over." The woman said.

"Thanks for the warm welcome, and sorry for your loss." Gary responded. He chatted for a bit with the lady about her aunt. She had been a very old lady who kept mostly to herself, but she loved to spend her time at antique stores and the like, so she had collected countless figurines and knick knacks over her decades of life.

"I bet collectors are happy here." They both chuckled at that. He told the door attendant how he had heard online that these kinds of things were good for buying old high-quality kitchenware and decided to come totry to pick some up. The lady suggested that he check out the rest of the place despite that, since with so much stuff there was sure to be something he'd see that would pique his interest.

After a couple more minutes of conversation, the talkative lady apologized for taking up so much of his time, to which Gary politefully dismissed her worries. He gave her a warm smile and a thanks, then left to peruse the house.

The lady hadn't lied in the slightest. Despite having been running a couple days already, every room was absolutely filled with objects. He walked through the house, spending a few minutes in each of the themed rooms. A pastel pink room filled with organized dolls from the 40s to the 10s, the most popular brands from each era represented. A kitchen with a plethora of old glass tupperware and cooking utensils, from which he grabbed a glass pan and silver utensils. A cluttered backyard with strewn about farm tools, many rusted from probably over a century of life, and countless yard ornaments of every material size and shape.

Eventually he made his way to a room filled with countless figurines, again in every size shape and material you'd expect, from porcelain, to wood, metal, glass, and plastic. The room was as organized as the doll room, with walls painted in a light lime green hue. Gary was impressed with how ordered everything was, minus the backyard, though he was less appreciative of the wall colours the ex-resident seemed to appreciate.

In this room Gary spent extra time looking things over. He had a few of his own figures at his place, purchased over the years and coming from some of his favorite animes and games. He walked through the room slowly, looking at each one until he caught sight of an eye-catching piece. The figurine stood in a section of animals, between a wooden bear and porcelain bunny, and was made of slightly tarnished metal, depicting a skunk faced towards him, its tail raised threateningly behind it. He picked it up to get a closer look and was shocked when he turned it around; instead of being flat metal, there was an astonishingly highly detailed set of human female genitalia on display.

Shocked at what he saw and not wanting to look like a pervert if his eyes hadn't deceived him, he looked around the room to see if anyone else was there with him. Feeling safe, he pulled it closer to his face to get a better look. The intense scrutiny made him even more surprised and impressed at the immaculate artistry, the detail so fine that he felt he was looking at the real thing. He gazed at the figure for some time until footsteps of a person coming down the hallway pulled him out of his trance. He shifted his growing bulge to be less apparent, then put the skunk in his pocket for the time being, dead set on purchasing it to have displayed in his room.

He spent another half hour or so browsing the figurine room, taking in the vast display of objects and adding a couple unique but far more mundane items to his person. Happy with what he'd found, he returned to the lady up front and set everything on the table, being extremely careful to keep the skunk's head facing towards her. They shared more small talk between each other as she tallied the prices, giving him a bag to put everything in when they finished.

"Thanks again so much for coming! Every bit helps, especially with how much stuff there is to get rid of. Throwing stuff away feels like such a waste, so I'm glad even just a small part of it could find a new home." The woman said.

"Thanks to you too, and good luck with the rest!" Gary said heartfeltly. The door creaked open once again and he was reminded of how long he had been breathing the musty air of the house, fresh air revitalizing him. He walked quickly to his car, desperate to get another look at that skunk figure, pulling open the car door and climbing in. He set the bag in the passenger seat, grabbing the skunk and setting his eyes once again on its meaty backside.

"Holy shit." he muttered, just as impressed the second time. It made him want to wank right then and there, but he decided against it, not wanting to get caught doing something unsavory in a parking lot. He set it on top of his tented pants and quickly drove off, the crunching of gravel ringing once more as he left the old house for his apartment.

The longer Gary spent driving, the more his thoughts were drawn to the skunk in his lap: "Why would someone put such detailed genitals on a skunk? Why am I finding it so hot? It's just a figurine!" He bit his lip to try and wake himself up from his intense desire, but his pants only tented even more. "How did they get it that detailed in the first place..." He barely paid any attention to the road, focusing just barely enough to not risk a ticket, unaware of a slightly pinkish fog coming out of the skunk's mouth, as if it was breathing. He peeled into his parking lot and bolted out of his car, barely holding back a sprint to his apartment. He rushed into his apartment and tossed the bag onto the couch, keeping the skunk statue in hand. Landing on his bed, he stared at the statue again. Each time he looked at the backside of the thing he was more captivated and more turned on. Uncomfortable from the tent in his pants, he stood up and stripped naked, holding his cock in one hand and the skunk in the other.

Grasped by a mind foggingly strong lust, he began to jerk his cock dry, eyes solely focused on the figure he held a few short inches from his face. Such was his lust that the glowing of the statue didn't phase him whatsoever, hands blurred in a single minded pursuit. It took barely any time at all for him to shoot, so edged that stray shots of cum landed on the skunk held right in front of his face. As soon as the first shot landed, the figure began to illuminate in a neon magenta light, the dull glow he had missed slowly gaining in luminosity until it looked like he held an industrial pink LED in his hand. Gary let out a yelp in shock, his trance cut by the blinding light. Compounding this growing brightness, the figurine grew in his hand, pulling his arm down until he was forced to let go, a loud thud reverberating from its carpeted landing. Gary used his arms to block the light from hitting his eyes, shining so brightly he felt a warmth on his forearms. Just when he felt like he was about to catch fire from scalding heat, the source dulled.

"Ahhhhhhh yessssss." A booming androgynous voice groaned. "Free at last."

The first opportunity Gary had without risking blindness, he lowered his arms to search for the voice. A skunk met his gaze, so large it stared back at eye level. Gary shrieked, falling on his bare ass, scurrying away right after.

"What's wrong, never seen a giant skunk before?" The beast asked in a voice that held a strong undertone of barely contained lust, belying its feral appearance in its ability to speak with such fluency. The bemused creature set a tremendous paw on Gary's legs, large digging-claws indenting his flesh, forcing him in place despite his best attempts to push it off. Gary grasped at the carpet, trying to pull himself away even with his trapped legs. the skunk leaned its head towards Gary, gazing with impatience.

"I'm feeling generous, so I'll give you a chance to calm down before I force you to myself." Gary stared at the creature, into its inky black eyes, his face completely held by fear. He grabbed a huge lungful of air, all to scream for help, but just before he was about to let it out, his mind was pierced with momentary clarity. His instincts had better judgement and led him to slowly exhale instead, knowing that angering this creature would be for the worst.

"Good boy." A smirk crossed its face as it eased pressure off his legs. Gary held back his urge to try to force its paw off him, knowing that it could effortlessly snap his legs in half if it so desired. He pushed himself upright, arms visibly shaking as his back slowly rose from the floor. He was completely overshadowed. The skunk towered over him as he meekly looked upwards into the depths of the creature's inscrutable gaze.

"After being thrown from the dimension that was my home, after aeons spent in capture, I'm free at last, and I have you to thank! It seems the effort I put into forcing my presence out where I did paid off." It said with a wink as, somehow without being touched, the figurine was turned around to display its lewd backside.

"Can't say I appreciate what it did to my body though. Damn gods thought it funny to curse me even if I escaped it seems." It said with a frown. Gary sat dumbfounded by the exceedingly casual conversation the monster in front of him was having with itself. He tried to stammer out something, anything, but the only thing he did was drop his jaw.

"No matter. Tell me your name, my knight in shining armor." It said teasingly, staring at Gary with sexual hunger. Gary gawked back in disbelief, not even able to stammer out a single word, at least, until the creature inched its face closer towards him.

"G-... Gary." He said with a wavering voice, pulling away to try and keep his distance. The creature didn't give up however, applying more pressure to his legs as it continued to move its head closer to his face. Reminded of the huge power differential, he chose to accept whatever it was it wanted. He stared it in the eyes until it got close enough for him to feel its breath on his face. He winced his eyes and turned his head to the side, scared of its unknown intentions. He let out an "eek" when he felt its warm tongue run along his cheek, leaving a slimy trail of spit that ran down to his chin.

Gary looked back towards the skunk, about to complain, but when he opened his mouth the skunk darted its head forwards again and forced its tongue into his mouth. Gary's attempt to complain instead came out as muffled grunts, the creature running its massive tongue across every surface in Gary's mouth. The more that the creature massaged his mouth, the more he found himself enjoying the sensation. His grunts of pleasure slowly became moans, his tongue beginning to play with the skunk's. He reached his hands up and wrapped them around the skunk's head, pulling it closer, running his hands along its soft fur. They kissed for some time, tongues wrapping around and against each other until the skunk pulled away. A moist slurp rang out as its tongue pulled free, a thick string of spit connecting their two mouths and forming a huge arc that broadened until it landed on Gary's already-cum-stained bare chest. As Gary began to beg for more the skunk cut him off.

"Shh, Gary... There's much more to come..." The skunk said sensually as it lifted its heavy paw off Gary's leg. It awkwardly turned around in the cramped room, slowly bringing into Gary's view a pussy just like the one that had been on the statue, scaled up to fit the size of the humongous skunk in front of him. Gary's eyes shot wide open, simultaneously captivated and scared seeing it at this size and in the flesh. He remained this way as it slowly inched closer towards him, his mind hypnotized until the skunk began to get uncomfortably close to his face, forcing him down against the carpet to avoid getting buried in its behind. When his back laid on the carpet, nowhere left for him to retreat to, he desperately cried out.

"Woah woah woah, you're way too big!!! You'll cru-" Gary's voice became muffled grunts as his face was submerged in a mountain of pussyflesh, his senses overwhelmed by the musky squelching burial. He tried to squirm out from beneath it, but any attempt to move away was fruitless when fighting against the skunk's massive body. The best Gary could do is move his head a bit to the side, but any time he would the skunk would drag its meaty labia across his face until he was recentered on its nethers. Gary tried to push it off with his hands, but the only thing he managed was to knead its outer lips and cause even more liquid to spill forth. The skunk moaned, drenching him in heavy amounts of juice, a puddle forming around him before the skunk had even its first orgasm.

"What's wrong dear? Don't like my big... Meaty... Sopping... pussy?" It accentuated every description with a shift of its hips that dragged its lovehole from chin to forehead, a loud squelch accompanying each one. He kept trying to get away, but each time he put less effort into it, less disgusted by what was forced upon him, and more attracted to the scent that assaulted his nose.

"Ohhhhh, to feel the pleasures of flesh after ages of capture!" It said exuberantly as it rested itself fully on the ground and forced Gary's head into its vagina. Plunged into its musky depths, the aphrodisiac scents became wholly overwhelming, rapidly enveloping Gary in its seductive embrace. His rough attempts to push it off became willful kneading, his grunts of resistance became moans of pleasure, and his squirming went from trying to escape to trying to please. While he became wholly absorbed in his worship his face began to push out into the beginning of a muzzle; beginning from behind his broadening nose, fur sprouted out around it and spread outwards to cover his entire face, instantly matted. He immediately and without self-recognition began to use his lengthened face to further please the skunk above him, running it along the side of its squishy walls, reaching even deeper with his extremely lengthened tongue.

He eagerly drank from the near-faucet force of honey that baptized his face, the moist sounds of walls rhythmically churning around him music to his ears and the feeling of wet fur on his chest comforting his naked form. In his blinding desire to please, he slowly forced his hands down along the length of its quim, pushing aside large folds of skin to reveal a monstrously sized clit that he immediately began to worship with his hands. He alternated between rubbing, squeezing, and stroking, the skunk responding with the loudest moans yet. Even more juice leaked around them, by this point having grown the puddle so large it reached his ass.

"YES!!!" it shouted, loud enough to shake the walls of the room "How I've longed for the pleasure of flesh! More, more, more!!!" It wildly gyrated its hips to get as much pleasure as possible, Gary trying his best to keep his hands on its clit as it moved to and fro. The skunk's motions became increasingly erratic and its orgasms closer and closer together until they collapsed into one mind-melting climax that froze it in place, its body shuddering uncontrollably with a howl of pleasure, squeezing Gary's head so tight that its juices pooled above it.

After luxuriating in its climax, its body slumped fully to the floor with a deep exhale, limbs splayed to the side with Gary buried completely in fur. Its walls pulsed lazily around his head as juices gushed past, each breath a gamble between a lung full of pussy juice or humid musk-laden air. Even with the breathing struggles, the pressure Gary faced from all angles along with the lungfuls of grool brought him to a tremendous climax of his own, his cum firing out of his cock into the forest of fur above him.

The skin of his head erupted in black and white fur, his ears slid to the upper part of his head, shifting into semi circles. The burst continued past his neck, slowing as it moved, covering his shoulders and traveling down his arm, extra weight packed on right behind it, his lanky arms a thing of the past. His changes continued unnoticed, Gary obliviously bathing in the warmth of the skunk's body, taking deep breaths, both to catch much needed air and to get more of the entrancing heady scent. Too soon however the skunk began slowly lifting its body, its vaginal walls giving a loving squeeze before Gary's head began its retreat, labia stretching out in turn. Not ready for the outside world, he grabbed two handfuls of the skunk's thick fur, hoisting up his unusually heavy body with the help of clasping walls and hands that gained a coat of fur of its own, nails transforming into claws, and palms that became pads of thick skin.

He slid free achingly slow as his strength died down by the second, the lewd moist sounds of his ears sliding out completely pervading his hearing, even overtaking the sensations of his now-sensitive nose that was tickled by the ribbed walls. Gary's desperate hold stretched the outer labia of the skunk above, its ample size and Gary's weight allowing it to stretch over a foot away from its resting place, Gary groaning from exertion as his arms shook, his thick furry ass lifting off the floor as the skunk continued to slowly rise. With his butt no longer to anchor him, his strength gave out and the fur slipped from his fingers, his head thudding on the floor. A splash of juices flew to the side from his landing, some also leaking from above, drenching the topside of his body and soaking his pudgy freshly-furred black belly.

"Ahhhh..." the skunk exhaled, not even acknowledging his fall, "You have no idea how much I needed that." It quickly pushed itself up fully on all 4 legs, then stretched its forelegs forwards like a cat, tantalizingly shifting its backside a few feet above Gary's face. Lines of drool swung from its labia and trailed behind the skunk's motions, sending large globs of femcum across the room, some landing right onto Gary's muzzle and eagerly lapped up. Gary kept his gaze glued to the swaying pussy, transfixed, still under the spell of the skunk's musk. When the skunk ended its teasing display it stood up once again, moving forwards a few squelching steps to make another still-awkward turnaround.

Gary whimpered in disappointment when its cunt receded from view, casting his gaze downwards in resignation. His eyes were drawn quickly to the spreading fur that creeped down his thighs, the weight just an inch behind. Part of him screamed out at the sight, but the skunk's pheromones still had him in its clutches. Meanwhile the skunk finished it's waddling turn and locked its eyes on Gary, stopping a foot in front of him and setting a paw on his leg, running a claw sensually down his fur.

"Thanks hun," it murred, leaning down and bringing the end of its muzzle an inch away from his ear, "you really know how to make a skunk feel alive again..." thick words, full of lust. It lifted its paw from Gary's thigh to his head, drawing a line in his fur the entire way. The feeling of its claw sliding across his muzzle brought conscious attention to his face for the first time, the sight easing him from his trance. Intrigued, he raised a hand to his face, running it along the length of his muzzle. The sight of his own claws drew him further; he pulled his hand away from his muzzle and held it a foot in front of his face, flipping the hand back and forth in disbelief.

"Holy shit..." Gary said with a flurry of emotions. His mind was completely thrown out of whack, freed from the firm grip of the skunk's captivating juices, shell shocked from noticing such unfamiliar fur on his body. He began hyperventilating, his mind stuck between whether to scream, to faint, to stare, or to pinch himself, at least, until the skunk ran its tongue along his cheek.

"Calm down sweetie. I would never do anything to hurt someone who saved and served me so well." It said, licking his other cheek right after. Gary's mind resisted its honeyed words at first, but his subconscious told him to listen to it; after all, it was responsible for the best orgasm of his life. His breath calmed, rapidly coming to accept his new form. With his other clawed hand, he rubbed his palm along his wide belly, relishing in the feeling of his own fur between his fingers and the ample give his stomach now had. The skunk watched eagerly with bright eyes as its magic worked on Gary's body, eager to see his reaction to what was soon to occur.

Gary basked in his new form, fur spreading past his knees and the growth above his ass a comforting warmth. As the new appendage inched out in length and fuzziness, he brought his gaze down and watched as fur spread over his feet, the arch rapidly extending and the heel of his foot pulling back along with it to form a second leg joint. Meanwhile, the balls of his feet began to grow in width and length, creating large pads on the bottom from which his toenails grew to dull points, similar to his fingers. The sensation was ticklish to Gary, who giggled in response, flexing his toes inwards to try to regain some semblance of a familiar sensation.

As he got used to the feeling of his feet, his tail had a burst of growth, popping out behind him in a burst of fur and length, much like a magician popping a flower out the end of his wand. The tail swayed back and forth, shifting his hips and bringing attention to his crotch undergoing a process he couldn't quite figure out. His genitals were slowly being submerged in the growth of what he initially thought was fat, but as it continued to shift he started becoming stressed; he saw his balls fully submerge into fat, his unaltered cocklength become subsumed all but to the end, and a wider separation of his groin starting from where his balls had submerged. When he finally connected the dots, he cried out.

"What the fuck!?! What are you doing to my dick!? You can't do this to me!" He snapped his hands to his crotch, trying to push back the skin that had covered his dick, trying to keep his cock revealed to the world. He quickly began moaning at the inadvertent pleasure he was bringing himself toying with his new, massive clit, now growing in girth.

The skunk let out a hearty laugh. "Oh yes I can. What better way to reward you than to give you than a humongous, meaty pussy that constantly leaks and all but begs to be worshiped?" It said, taking a few seconds to greedily take in the sight of Gary toying with himself, now trapped in his self pleasuring. "My followers used to fight over the right to pleasure me. You'll come to learn how much of a gift this is in time." Gary moaned at his own pleasure, barely having the clarity to understand the skunk above him. "Now, time for me to return the favor eh?"

It pulled its muzzle down between Gary's legs, pushed aside a meaty thigh with its paw, then inched its muzzle forwards, resting just above his muff. It extended a tongue and gave it a slow, sensual lick from bottom to top, wrapping its wide flat tongue around the end of his clit once it reached the top. Gary moaned at the foreign sensations, moving one of his hands on top of the skunk's large head and pulling it in. The skunk smirked, bringing its muzzle closer once again, nestling its nose in between Gary's meaty labia. It teased Gary for a while, shifting it around the entrance to his pussy, enjoying Gary's needy whimpers until he started grinding against its face and made it feel too bad not to give in.

It centered its snout then eased its way into his new hole, stopping after just a few inches to give him time to adjust to the new feelings. It slowly pulled it out once again, then started repeating the motion, in and out, adding a delving tongue after a few narrow thrusts to reach further into him. Gary moaned uncontrollably from the explosion of overwhelming pleasure his new genitals gave him, back spasming under the impossibly intense sensations that refused to die down, no refractory period between each of his increasingly mind shattering orgasms. Gary laid his other hand on top of the skunk's head, gripping it for dear life as he grinded, tussled, and spasmed for even an ounce more of what he felt, all the while his pussy leaking profusely past the skunk's muzzle, completely saturating its head in musky juices. With his needy motions, the skunk began adding more and more of its muzzle, soon reaching over a foot deep, its tongue even deeper. The broad girth of its face was nothing but pleasurable for Gary, his orgasms simply of a different flavor.

The skunk continued its worship for minutes, doing everything in its power to ensure that Gary's first experience would be as pleasurable and memorable as possible, wanting him to become addicted to the sensations of his new sexual equipment. As time went on, the skunk was able to reach even further into his depths, eventually fitting its entire muzzle into him, using the hinging of its massive jaw as yet another way to service Gary. With his energy drives almost depleted and his body almost at his limit, Gary reached one final climax, a body shaking orgasm that sent his pussy into overdrive, releasing a massive jet of pussy juice out of his crotch that splashed off the skunk's broad body, absorbing into its fur and splashing across the room, soaking any little bit of carpet that had stayed dry thus far.

He froze in place, and shortly after slumped to the ground in exhaustion, his back twitching occasionally when the skunk hit a particularly good spot here or there, the skunk having continued beyond Gary's final climax in tender care. The skunk eventually backed off, slowly pulling its muzzle out of Gary's depths in an agonizingly lewd squelch that tugged his skin at least half a foot away from his pelvis. When its muzzle came fully free of Gary's pussy with a loud pop, its nostrils dilated from a large inhale and it licked around its mouth greedily, slurping up some of the juices that literally dripped from its face.

"Ahhhh, that was nice. Nothing like breaking someone in their first time." The skunk said with extreme satisfaction, licking its lips again. Gary moaned weakly at its quip, too tired and too bathed in his afterglow to really understand anything it was saying. He heard it speak more, but he was rapidly losing consciousness, it's voice drifting away as his world slowly went dark. The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes for the last time was the skunk standing over him, staring directly into his eyes.

A loud clang rang out nearby. Gary shot up, forced awake by the harsh sound. The room was dark, the only light coming from parking lot street lamps that peeked through the sides of his curtains . As he pushed himself off the ground the carpet beneath him squelched, unfamiliar sensations coming from his lower body as his fur pulled free from the soaked carpet, wet matted fur dripping lightly as he stood. Gary by this point was still too gripped by fear and grogginess to take note of the unfamiliar sensations, so he ambled out of his bedroom into the rest of his apartment. As he left his room, he flipped on a light switch and saw his arm, now much heavier, covered in black fur, and ending with a shortly-clawed hand. He stared at it for a few seconds, not really taking it in.

Bits and pieces of his drive home came into memory, but everything after he got home was a blur. Standing still beneath the doorway, he looked intently at both his hands, disbelieving his own eyes and beginning to wonder if he was in a dream of some sort. Having already forgotten about the loud sound from the other room, he turned around and walked into his bathroom, flipping on the switch with a clack and gazing at his reflection.

"What the fuck..." he said, gazing at a reflection of a skunk's head, the body it was attached to overweight and heavily furred, a massively fluffy tail visible behind his frame. He tried to fake out the reflection a few times, looking for a way to reveal that he was actually in a dream. He ran both hands along his face, trying to pull off his muzzle, thinking that maybe it was a mask of some sort, then slapping it around, sad to discover that yes, it really was his own head.

"Slapping around your face isn't gonna make you any more sexy you know?" Gary jumped with a yelp, the androgynous voice totally catching him by surprise.

"What the fuck!? How did you get in-" Gary's eyes landed on the skunk. "... Here..." He said with a voice that had gone from fear to resigned recognition. The memories he had forgotten came flooding back in the span of a few long seconds. The first thing he did was reach down between his legs to check. He was both disappointed and happy to see that his set hadn't "fixed" itself since he went unconscious.

"That's a rude way to talk to someone." It said in a light tone, meant to tease Gary. It reached closer and gave Gary's cheek a lick. "Am I so attractive to you that you can't help but reach between your legs at the mere sight of me?" it further pushed, looking and pointing a finger towards Gary's hands on his crotch.

"Nonono, this has to be a dream." Gary said, beginning to hyperventilate. The skunk moved closer and set its muzzle on his shoulder.

"Luckily for me, that isn't the case." It said sensually, reaching a paw up to Gary's cunt. "Lucky for you too..." It said, running one of its stumpy digits along Gary's clit. Gary moaned, his pussy beginning to leak as his breaths turned from anxiety to pleasure. He lifted a hand and set it on the skunk's neck to support his buckling knees. The skunk teased him for a few seconds before dropping its paw and backing up, staring at Gary with a restrained desire. "We'll save that for later. I want to leave this stuffy place first." Gary stood in a stupor for a few seconds, coming down from the high of pleasure.

"But I don't even know your name..." he said, still half-dazed.

"The name's Sah, god of pleasure." Gary's attention was fully caught.

"Wait wait wait. What do you mean, god?"

"How do you not know what a god is?" Sah asked skeptically.

"Of course I know what a god is! But I thought they weren't real!"

Sah laughed. "Well, that's certainly not the case where I'm from. Now I'm even more excited that you saved me!" It said, a smile beaming from its face. "Now let's get out of here so you can show me around!"

"What!? Don't I get any say in this?!"

"You'd prefer to stay in this cramped tiny building and miss out on everything? No way. Now follow me before you're dragged along." It turned around with a pep in its step. Gary followed, arguing as he went.

"Okay, there's no way in hell I can go out looking like this." Gary walked out of the bathroom, onto squelching carpet. "How do you expect to be shown around when we'll be so much of a distraction? Things may have been different back in your world, but there aren't any animals walking around, nor skunks anywhere near your size." Sah rolled its eyes and sighed, stopping in place.

It stomped a foot and a fuzzy sensation overcame them both. Gary's eyes lit up in joy as his fur phased away and became replaced with skin once more, though much to his disappointment, he kept the same recently-gained weight. Still, more excited than anything, he ran his hand along his skin covered arm, but was confused when it instead felt soft and furry.

Testing out what he suspected, he walked towards Sah, but before he could so much as touch the humanoid in front of him he bumped into a large, soft, furry wall. Sah sighed.

"Unfortunately, I'm cursed with this body, despite my abilities. As for you, I'm not gonna go changing your body every few hours because you're insecure. I'll explain to you how to work this as we walk so you can do this on your own, but this should keep us from drawing a crowd, eh?"

"This'll work I guess..." Gary said, not sure whether he was more upset that he was stuck as a skunk, or happy he could at least walk in public again. Sah walked towards the door, but was stopped once more by Gary, firm handfuls of fur held in hand before it could get more than a few feet away. Gary spoke up.

"Hey, we still need clothes, you know!" Sah groaned.

"Ugh, do you guys really wear clothes around everywhere all the time?"

"Did y'all just walk around naked everywhere?!" Sah drooped its head in disappointment. Without answering the question, Sah responded.

"Fine... This place sucks." A set of clothes began to slowly materialize on them both, extremely basic and functional stuff that acted as a rather obvious sign of Sah's unfamiliarity with casual wear. Gary simply sighed in defeat, not wanting to test his luck any further, simply following it once more. As they walked to the door, Gary began to talk again.

"So what exactly is your plan here? You don't know anything about this place. I can't hope to explain everything going on as we walk."

"We're gonna go around turning people into sexy beasts and animals like you of course, it's kinda my thing after all. It's why I got thrown out of my world, damn prudes."

"I don't assume I can ask you politely to not do that?" Gary said dryly.

"No." Sah said flatly. "Now show me the way to somewhere we won't draw attention when the inside gets wild." It ended its sentence with a wink. Gary sighed in defeat, skulking in place for a few seconds until Sah coughed expectantly.

"Fine..." he grabbed his phone to search.

"Is that flashy rectangle gonna be any help?"

"Unfortunately. Do we have to walk there, or can you teleport us around too, your holiness." His sentence ended with bitter sarcasm.

"I'd prefer to walk. Now lead the way, peon!" Sah said teasingly, looking expectantly at Gary. He sighed and led them outside.

An egging to remember

"Leo! Yvette!" Shouted a feminine voice. "It's supper time! Come set the table!" Leo pushed himself away from his desk, happy for any excuse to escape his night's homework. "Coming mom!" He shouted, stretching his legs and exiting to the kitchen. He...

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A Milky Presentation

Coming up on the end of his shift, Bradley stopped working on a presentation and left his desk. "Hey Bradley, how'd your shift go?" asked his coworker John. "Pretty dull today, I just finished up my part of the project and did some...

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