An egging to remember

Story by yetanothersmutwriter on SoFurry

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Here's a story that's been 90% finished for 8 months but I finally brought myself around to finish just recently. Big thanks to Sexyvegetable for the initial inspiration for the story all those months ago, and for some suggestions along the way as well.

This one's a long one, definitely my longest yet; 12.5k words and 26 pages. I'm pretty happy with it, lots of kinky stuff, and even had a few different scenes of smut in one story (a first, for me!).

The story sets up for another chapter, but I'm gonna be real, probably won't be for a few years that it gets done unless I get a sudden burst of motivation to continue it lol. Still, I hope this suffices until it's (probably) eventual release, lol.

"Leo! Yvette!" Shouted a feminine voice. "It's supper time! Come set the table!"

Leo pushed himself away from his desk, happy for any excuse to escape his night's homework.

"Coming mom!" He shouted, stretching his legs and exiting to the kitchen. He passed his sisters room then the living room, arriving in a tiled room informally split in two. He walked into the kitchen, then grabbed some plates and utensils.

"Have you finished your homework yet?" Said Leo's mom.

"No," Leo responded with a dismissive tone and a sigh, "I haven't."

"Wow, you'd think having his computer taken away would make things easier!" His sister said behind him, laughing at his expense. Leo clenched his fist, holding back insults his mom would probably slap him for.

"Don't go making this night all bad already Yvette." Their mother said, voice half stern half chuckling.

"Come on now honey, she does have a point!" His dad said, walking in from his bedroom, having just changed from his work clothes. Yvette cracked into laughter at her dad's encouragement.

"See, even dad thinks you're slow!" Yvette said. "Did you sneak your phone in there or something? Maybe you got busy looking at an inappropriate magazine!"

"Yvette! Don't talk about that kind of thing in front of me!" The mother said while setting down her spoon noisily, glaring at Yvette, having paused her cooking. A somewhat scared expression landed on Yvette's face.

"Yes ma'am, sorry!" She said quickly. Leo laughed internally hearing the favorite child getting chided.

"And Leo, you better get your homework done within 30 minutes of finishing supper! Don't expect your computer back this weekend if it isn't."

"Yes mom..." Leo said with a great deal of frustration.

The two children then set the table, the mom putting the last touches on the food while the dad sat at the head of the table with a newspaper. Soon they were sitting, then forced into a prayer by the father, something that bothered Leo to no end.

"Amen," said everyone but Leo.

"Leo, say amen." Said the father.

"Aaaaaamennnnnnn." Leo said with a sarcastic drawl.

"Leo, don't you dare disrespect God like that. Say it again properly or you're not eating supper tonight." Leo was barely able to hold back a no, let alone a complaint at the stupidity of everything his father had just said. Both his fists were balled on the table, trying his best to control his breathing and calm down.

"Amen," he said, his teeth clamped shut; the father nodded his head in satisfaction. Right after the sound of clinks and clanks filled the air, food being put on plates, silverware hitting them soon after.

"Hey Yvette, can you pass me the rolls?" Leo asked.

"What was that?" Yvette responded sassily.

"I said, can you hand me the rolls?"

"Yes, it wasn't that I didn't hear you. You didn't say please though!" She said, picking on what she knew was a nerve.

"Stop toying around with me, hand me them!"

"Leo! Say please! Have some manners!" His mom butted in.

"Can you, please, hand me the rolls?" Leo said with dripping venom.

"Oh, someone's scary!" Yvette said mockingly. Leo glared with murderous intent. "Yeesh, fine, here's your dang rolls..." She passed them over, and he plopped one onto his plate. "You're welcome, by the way..." Leo came within an inch of throwing the roll at his sister.

Leo sat there eating his meal in silence, trying to calm himself down while Yvette was busy being friendly with their parents. Yvette always got along great with them, playing the angel, doing well in school, having multiple friends, and having hobbies that the parents enjoyed supporting. Leo didn't get along with his parents however, struggling in school, only having a few online friends that his parents didn't care about when they took away his only means of talking to them, and a hobby that his parents viewed as a waste of time and brain rotting.

"So kids, tomorrow mom and I are going to visit some friends a town over. We'll be leaving somewhat early, so you probably won't be awake by the time we leave. We won't be home until night time probably, it's been a few months since we've seen them, so we'll be talking a while." His father said

The mom chimed in. "Don't go making a mess of the house while we're gone, you'll be the ones to . . ." Leo stopped paying attention at this point, not caring about what they had to say past when they were leaving and when they were getting back.

"The more the merrier," Leo thought, "with them gone I can play my PC without worrying about them hearing me yelling." He sat back in his chair with his roll in hand, smiling, his mood improved.

"And Leo," The father said, Leo's attention grabbed again. "I want you to mow the yard tomorrow while we're gone."

"What!?" Leo shifted forwards. "Just me!? What about her!" he said, pointing a finger at her head.

"She's gonna be busy doing a project she has due on Monday, I don't want her to be distracted."

"But I have a project due this week too!!! And that's one of the only days I get to use my computer!" Leo shouted.

"Yeah, but you're gonna put it off until the night before anyways, aren't you? Besides, you spend too much time on that thing. You need to stop being distracted by such things and take school and life more seriously" His mom said.

"That's unfair! What about her! She spends so much time on her phone yet you don't care about that!"

"Well she has good grades, unlike you." Leo was about to complain more, until his sister cut him off.

"Yeah Leo. maybe if you were smarter or worked harder you'd get to use your computer! Too bad, it's your fault anyways." Leo pushed his chair back and shot up.

"Screw you Yvette! You have things soooo easy, yet your pampered ass keeps mocking me every chance it gets. You'll finish that project in 2 hours, all while I'm out there sweating my ass off for 3 hours on top of that." Leo's father pushed his chair back and stood, his face warped with intense anger.

"Leo, that's it. I'm done dealing with your mouth tonight. Go to your room, now." Leo bit off a huge chunk of his roll in spite, then slapped it on his plate and stomped to his room. He slammed the door behind him, jumping up and landing into his bed. He screamed into a pillow, his frustration overwhelming him.

He laid there for many minutes until he cooled off a bit, at least until he could think about something other than the worst supper he'd had in the last week. His mind wandered, trying to think of something to do to try to calm down and pass the time. His PC and phone were taken away, so that was out of the cards, and he didn't feel like jerking off while his parents were awake. He joked around with doing his homework, but muttered "fuck the homework" to himself, not wanting to let his mother get any satisfaction out of him today.

He grabbed a cd off a shelf and popped it in his speaker he was forced to buy because of his regularly stolen phone, turning it up loud enough to hear a few feet through his door, intentionally to spite his sister whose room was next door. A few minutes later, his mind wandered to his closet, which held stashed in the back a few things he bought in secret to burn off steam from time to time. He smirked mischievously, but forced himself to calm down; he couldn't do it with his parents awake, so he'd have to wait until the household was asleep. He turned down his speaker to avoid making another scene, then began his wait.

Leo peered from the bush he hid in and looked both ways. Full but cloudy moonlight illuminated the unlamped road, splitting the driveways of two rows of houses. He was on the lookout for passing cars, still an occurrence despite the late hour. No cars in sight, and the only sound being gently rustling leaves, Leo shimmied out of his hiding spot and carefully grabbed the bag left lying in the brush.

His footfalls filled the air as he ran by house after house. Occasionally the headlights of a car around a corner would appear and he'd duck into cover, usually scratching his arm with a branch or two when there wasn't a tree to duck behind. Twenty minutes of stealth later he stopped, afraid to go too far, lest he find himself having to sneak in through his window to avoid his early bird parents.

The house was like most: unique in some regards, but ultimately just another in a near endless row. What set this house apart was its two-shades-darker pavement, and a flower bed filled with exotic plants he had yet to see anywhere else in his life. The flowers were made even prettier from the yards of the neighbors, whose plants were wilted and whose yard was unkempt.

Leo grabbed a pair of binoculars from his bag, and scoped the house from across the street, on the lookout for any cameras or dogs. The only things that caught his attention were various stone statues modeled after frogs, deer, or snails.

With the coast clear, he made a quick jet across the street and rested behind a large tree. He delicately set down his bag, and opened it to reveal the event of the night. Two cartons of eggs sat in the bottom, resting on top of a pair of towels for padding. The squeaking of rubbing styrofoam rang out as he opened the two cartons, grabbing four eggs.

Leo gave the house a final look over, checked twice for incoming cars, then sprang from cover. He chucked the four eggs one by one, pretending each egg was landing on his dad's truck, his sister's face, his mom's recliner, and his sister's backpack. Out of ammo, he ran back behind the tree, checking again for incoming cars, and listening intently for any activity in the house. In the clear still, he repeated this process again, then again, then twice more, each egg a cathartic release that filled his heart with a dark joy. A couple times he needed to interrupt himself and duck to the other side of the tree to hide from a passing car, but that didn't get in the way of his fun.

As he was mid throw on the last set of eggs however, the door blasted open. Leo's stomach dropped, and heart rate doubled. He dropped the remaining eggs, grabbed his bag and began sprinting away. As he neared the edge of the yard, however, the air began to thicken. Thickening the further he ran, the air became totally unpassable by the time he had reached the border between the road and the grass.

"Aww, what's wrong, are you stuck?" The lady said with a bit of a chuckle. Leo shook in surprise.

"Here, maybe I can give you a little bit of help." The lady snapped and Leo felt himself pushing off track instead of grass.

"Aww, is that not helping? Perhaps this will work instead." She snapped again, and Leo lost his footing, the icy floor doing nothing to break his fall.

She breathed in sharply. "Ouch. looks like I used the wrong spell there, sorry about that!" The lady said insincerely. Leo began to slowly turn over through the molasses-like air, working to face his tormentor.

By the time Leo's face came into view it was visibly straining from his continued attempts to push through the thick atmosphere. The lady held up an oozing cracked egg that Leo had dropped and inspected it carefully.

"Eggs huh? I'm sure with how many you just threw at my house your family has quite the shortage! Well no worries, I think I have just the spell for you. I think I'll even throw in a bit of a twist, for someone who obviously knows his way around a prank."

"What the fuck is all this, and how the hell do you know I know my way around a prank!?" Leo said with a shaky voice.

"How quaint. You really think I caught you at the last minute? No, I've been watching you since you entered my yard. Word has been going around about a series of pranks going on in this neighborhood, so I figured I'd set up some wards to possibly meet this 'criminal' in action. I'm quite happy I did, now I get the chance to have some fun of my own!"

"I'm sorry for fucking with you, alright!? Just, let me out of here, please! I'll avoid your place from now on!" Leo said with a barely confident tone, his arms and legs uselessly sliding across the floor as he continued to try to push himself through the wall.

"You think I care at all about a mess I can clean with a wave of my hand?" She did that and the mess behind her actually disappeared. "No dear, nor do I care about the grief your other messes have created."

"Then why the fuck won't you let me run away!?"

"Things are deathly boring around here, but recently I have been hearing about a little rascal giving those stuffy old folks trouble. Something tells me that you're involved in some way..." Your 'acts of terror,' as some have taken to calling it, made the last few HOA meetings barely tolerable for once. I've been too complacent since I moved here, the fact that you're the first to cause an uproar is certainly testament to that. It's time for things to get actually interesting, and you're gonna be the cause of things to come, too."

"What the fuck does that cryptic shit mean!?" As Leo began to spout another complaint, the witch closed her eyes and began to faintly grow, her pajamas fluttering in a corporeal wind. She outstretched her arms and held her hands in a complicated formation. She held this for a short bit until a bright flash of light formed in the center of her hands and zipped over to, and then into Leo.

"Sorry about the fancy display, that was quite the advanced spell!" She boasted.

"What the fuck did you just do to me!?" Leo said loudly, his voice enough to wake up the neighbors if it weren't for the mystic blockade.

"No spoilers! You'll have to figure that out for yourself! Now go home, live your life, and make my meetings even more interesting!" She turned around, then casually walked back to her house, her laughter filling the air.

When the witch closed her door Leo slid back a few feet, off the ice and onto the empty road. He sat there dumbfounded for a few long seconds, then shakely stood up and bolted down the road. The only thing that slowed him down was the occasional car or two that forced him to duck behind cover.

The moonlight fell upon him unquestioningly, and the trees rustled emptily, accompanied by the heavy footfalls of the scared and scarred teen whose mind was filled with endless questions and whose body was on full autopilot. When he finally arrived back at home he almost slammed the door, forcing him back to reality for a short bit from the almost equally terrifying fear of his parents discovering his late-night jaunt.

Although his usual nightly bedtime routine was unchanged, his mind kept running over the witch's words over and over again, wondering what they meant, and afraid of what might happen to him. By the time he finished showering and began to lay in bed, however, he began to question her words. Nothing had happened to him since the witch had closed her door, even after a triple checking of himself in the mirror.

Despite this, sleep did not come easy to him. The constant rerunning of the entire night in his head kept him up long enough for the smell of coffee from his dad's morning routine to fill the air in his room, keeping him up even longer. He groaned, the smell reminding him about the mowing he'd have to do tomorrow.

In a hazy shimmer, Leo materialized into a wide open field, sun beaming overhead through a crystal clear sky. Leo, not even aware he was in a dream, stood in the empty field, tilling away at the land beneath him. A bell rang in the distance, and he instinctively knew it was time for lunch. He stood straight up and stretched out his back, then began walking back home.

He dropped the hoe carelessly before walking into his house. It was simple lodging, a single room: a fireplace for cooking on one side with a table and chairs close by, and a bed and chester drawer on the other side. The room was unoccupied, save himself. Still, on the table was a steaming meal waiting for him. A dish filled to the brim with fried veggies sat in the middle of the table with a bowl of scrambled eggs next to that.

"Well would you look at that, quite the feast! I wonder what's the occasion!" Mouth drooling, he rushed over to the table and filled a wooden plate to the brim with food. The sound of his own voracious eating filled Leo's ears, but as he ate, he began to faintly hear the sound of chickens outside his house. Leo chuckled at the humor of the chickens clucking feet away from food made by them.

The empty plate was filled three times over, each time the clucking of the chickens getting a little bit louder. By the fourth plate full the sound of chickens overwhelmed even the sound of his own eating. He was about to get up and check what the hell all the ruckus was, at least until he heard the door creek open behind him.

"Sorry sugarplum, I had to take care of our chicks~!" Their voice was high and bright, full of a genuine loving sweetness. "I hope my eggs still taste good today, you know how much hot weather changes their flavor." Leo gulped the eggs in his mouth and stared at the fork full worth he had on the way. He stared at the light yellow on his fork intently, the woman's words reeling in his head.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean 'my eggs?' Don't you mean the eggs of our chickens?" Leo said.

"What do you mean dearie? Why would we use theirs when mine are so much easier to prepare such big servings with?" The lady behind him said. Leo set down his fork and turned around.

"Holy shit." Leo said under his breath, jaw agape. The woman that met his gaze wasn't a human, but a standing, talking chicken. A large, pointed, yellow beak took the place of her mouth, the color contrasted by a red that covered its perimeter and her eyes. A large flap of red skin hung beneath her beak and opposite that, long, hair-like feathers sat on the top of her head, running down past her shoulders and gradually shifting from white to red. The parts of her face and neck not colored red had cream feathers, with the rest of her body down to her knees a light brown speckled with off-white splotches.

Just as shocking as the fact that he was staring at a human-chicken hybrid was the fact that she was totally unclothed, and jaw droppingly hot. His eyes were at first glued to her large round breasts, each as wide as Leo's own chest, and tipped in large nipples surrounded by a wide areola. When she shifted her stance Leo's attention was brought to her wide hips and thighs, the soft flesh following after her. Leo next focused on her large and round belly, deformed slightly around a hand she set on her hip in confusion at her husband's frozen reaction. When she waved a hand to try to pull Leo out of his stupor, Leo's attention was lastly brought to her oversized jiggling labia, the dripping flesh implying a passage large enough to easily fit both of Leo's fists.

"Hun, what's wrong?" She said with a saddened face. She walked over to Leo on large, three-clawed, scaled toes, then pulled over a large chair and sat next to him. She wrapped one of her feathered forearms around Leo's head and pulled him into her soft bosom. "You must've had a tough day. Why don't we take a bit of a break, the fields can always wait." Half of Leo's head sunk under her pillowing soft chest feathers, her heartbeat and purring pulling him into a state of relaxation.

Every now and again she'd let out a little cluck as she stroked her lover's head. The gentle clucks, the vibrating purring, and the soft feathers all worked together to lull Leo to the brink of sleep. The moment he was about to fully doze off, however, he was pulled out of her soft embrace.

"Sweetie, I may have said the fields can wait, but you should know I can't." After rising out of her chair, she pulled Leo out of his and nuzzled her beak against his head. Right after she grabbed the straps to Leo's overalls and dropped them to the floor, followed immediately by unbuttoning his thin workshirt. Instead of a hairy chest, Leo saw a plume of brown feathers, spreading outwards in response to her satisfactory clucks. She ran a feathered hand along his chest, purring at him with a sultry gaze.

She pulled him into her bosom, his head submerging into her soft titflesh, world becoming completely black. She reached down and pulled his underwear off, revealing Leo's stiff prick. Eventually, Leo struggled for air, and he began pushing off her boob with both hands. Instead of making any ground, however, he simply deformed her breast, inches of his forearms submerging. His muffled attempts of complaints were responded to with a few sassy clucks, his ineffectual resistance almost leaving him entirely out of breath. Right before he was about to pass out, he was freed for breath, but he wasn't given any time before he was forced into a beaked kiss.

Leo was really beginning to wonder what hell was going on here, but before he could say anything he was pulled into a big hug, the soft clucks and warm flesh easing his mind. A few seconds later, Leo was pushed away from the hug. His feathered arm was grabbed, and he was dragged to the other side of the room.

"All this huggin 'n rubbin has me worked up!" She plopped down on the bed, her body jiggling in response. She reached both hands down to her muff and spread it apart, lines of juice connecting the two meaty lips. She pulled one hand back to motion "come hither," pushing Leo's head down below the moment he got within arms reach.

Leo submerged his beak inside her muff, her wide passage taking it with ease. Leo's tongue massaged her ribbed tunnel while he used a free hand to knead the sides of her muff, getting a moan in response. Eventually he began using his own beak to pleasure her, moving it in and out, opening and closing it, and twisting it back and forth.

All of the action that the woman was receiving eventually led her to let out a piercing "SQUAWK" as her vagina squeezed his beak shut and liquid shot onto Leo's face. Leo's head was squeezed by one of her hands, forcing him to stay attached to her face while she rhythmically grinded against him. A long string of liquid connected her nether lips to Leo's beak when he pulled away, the lewd display darkening his bright red face.

Rivulets of her cum ran down from his spiked red hair, falling until it dripped from his rubbery red neck. His brown head and neck feathers were matted to his skin; no bother to the woman in front of him though, who sat up and pulled his head forwards into a deep beak kiss.

"I don't think we're done yet," she said, grabbing Leo's chubby stomach and forcing him to stand on his clawed feet. She grabbed Leo's human dick, her other firmly planted on his ass to force him forwards. His small dick was completely engulfed by the sheer size of the woman in front of him. Regardless, he grinded it against her, content purring easing his worries about his own ineffectiveness.

The soft yet supple lips gave him pleasure in spite of the size difference, but not enough to bring him any closer to climax. Pleasing clucks raised Leo's confidence and gave him the courage to thrust a little, eventually managing to reach the entrance to her passage. She clucked in satisfaction as soon as he reached that, which Leo responded to by pulling her into a soft hug, thrusting more earnestly.

The more he thrust the more she vocalized, and the deeper he was able to reach. Soon the sound of plapping filled the air, Leo's balls striking the plump ass, giving Leo a source of pleasure outside of the heavenly honeypot. He gripped tighter, relishing in the feeling of her boobs pillowing against his own chubby flesh, along with his lover's increasingly erratic sounds next to his ear.

The plapping sped up, and the vocalations crescendoed until another loud squawk filled the air. The woman cried out and shook in pleasure, Leo's tail feathers puffing up from his own oncoming orgasm. His thrusts became harder and faster, his hug became more and more of a deep mating press, and his neck feathers fluffed until he finally reached his orgasm and let out a loud ---


Though Leo didn't realize it, with his eyes closed in orgasmic bliss, his bellow was one that spoke in the real world. Instead of his cock filling the MILF chicken, it was spewing cum through the comically tented sheets. Gallons of seed shot out of his cock, staining both the wall behind him and the ceiling above him. Such was his bliss that even the feeling of matted feathers wasn't enough for him to realize the changed situation.

"LEO!? What the hell was that?!" his sister shouted through the door, angry knocks coming from the other side. Leo's cum continued to pour out of his cock, completely oblivious to what should be a terrifying situation. Yvette spoke as she opened the door, which Leo was forced to keep unlocked by his parents' orders.

"Did you steal a chicken from someone's backyard last night or some..." Yvette dropped her jaw in shock and froze with her hand still on the handle. "-thing..." Instead of her younger brother she saw a human sized rooster showering under a stream of white. The unbelievably large tent gave away the source of the liquid that coated the impossible animal and dripped from the ceiling and walls.

"What. The. FUCK!?" The sound of his sister's voice instantly pulled Leo to reality in a heart dropping moment of terror. He jerked upright and his eyes opened wide, freezing on the intruder that caught him red handed in a situation he wouldn't be able to explain even to himself. Leo quickly realized that his dream wasn't something limited to a false reality, his covered cum-sputtering cock filling up half his vision.

They both stared at each other, slack jawed, the reality of the situation completely unbelievable to either. Leo had an extra bit of shock, as Yvette's face was tipped with a beak, her chin growing the red flap of neck-skin chickens are well known for. They stared at each other for some time, the silence broken by frequent splatters, until Yvette dashed away, slamming the door shut behind her.

Leo simply sat in bed, not even sure if this was reality he had come to. He raised his dripping hands in front of him, staring at his matted feathered appendages. He gawked at the massive tent in front of him, disbelieving the reality he faced despite the obvious fact that it was very, very real. His cock had gone from eruptions to spurts to dribbles, drops of cum now running down the sheets from the top of the tent to the wad of sheets on his lap.

Yvette slammed the door to her room behind her. She rested with her back against the door, breathing hard. Her eyes were still wide open in shock from the scene she walked in to. She thanked god that her parents were out of town, otherwise she would've had to explain to them why she was running around slamming doors, and she did not want to be the one to have to explain to her parents what she saw.

The image of her brother's massive tent popped into her mind and she unconsciously moaned. Instead of a total disgust towards the obscene scene, she felt a hint of lust. Something about the way the scent of cum filled the air and the sheer impressiveness of the stains that covered a fifth of the room left her unable to view the memory as wholly gross. Each time she tried to force herself to think of something else her mind got brought back to the obscene tent capped in a white fountain. She chastised herself, her brainy side reminding her that the chicken was still probably her brother, and that it wasn't okay to find that hot.

"I must be in some sort of nightmare. First I walk in on my brother as a giant chicken, and then I have to tell myself that it wasn't hot." She said with an air of certainty. She held her hand out in front of her and slapped it, staring at the red skin for a few seconds.

"... oww... maybe that just wasn't enough..." She tried to grab a cheek to pinch, but instead of skin she felt a patch of feathers. Unfettered, she grabbed one and yanked with all her strength.

"FUCK!!!" After wincing in pain she stared at the feather she held in her hand. She sighed, "Even if I'm in a dream, I'm not doing that again." She slumped to the floor and let her head rest against the door, staring upwards. The thought of what happened starting looping in her mind, each one leaving her a little less disgusted.

After a few seconds spent staring at his cock, Leo blinked hard and began trying to make sense of everything. He threw the cum-soaked sheets off his body, stood up, and took a long look at his massive shaft. The human-like red-hued member was at least 2 feet long and as thick as the bottom of a bucket, the foreskinned head wrapping greedily around the tip. Beneath this behemoth was a set of low hanging and feathered balls which individually wouldn't look out of place in a row of heavy bowling balls. They swayed from his standing, revealing and hiding each of his 3-toed scaled feet in turn.

"If only I wasn't such a freak of nature... this cock fucking rules!" He let out a sigh, imagining all of the situations his member could've put himself in had this change been limited just there. Cum fell from his head into his eyes, which he instinctively wiped away, only to blind himself even worse.

"Shit, I didn't think that through." He blinked his eyes in rapid succession, meanwhile reaching over to his hamper. He grabbed a few shirts and used them to clean off his head and hands, throwing them about without care for where they landed. With one whole wall covered in cum and the floor beneath him soaked, spreading it on the rest of his furniture wasn't really that much of a big deal to him.

The sound of his sister slamming her door in her nearby room pulled him from his daydreaming, bringing him back to the reality at hand. His mind replayed what his sister walked in on, which left him feeling guilty, even if he usually hated her. He knew he'd never live that moment down, but still felt the need to go over and apologize regardless.

He thanked god his parents were out of town; the last thing he wanted to do is run into them. He didn't want to walk around naked though, just in case their parents got home early, so he grabbed the best option he could think of to cover up his substantially larger form. Although a dripping mess, he pulled a sheet off his bed and wrapped it around his waist. The sheet barely fit, and even then, he had to leave his cock tool exposed for it to work. He grabbed another sheet and draped that on itoff his cock, sucking in a sharp breath at the sensation of the sheets against his still sensitive shaft right after cumming what felt like a hundred gallons of spunktool.

"This'll have to do I guess." Leo said, wondering if there was even a point to covering himself up like this. Ready to leave his room, he very carefully opened the door, not wanting to risk the slim possibility of walking out on his parents. With the coast clear, he began the walk over to his sister's room

It was far more difficult than he anticipated. The sensation of the draped sheet rubbing against his cock as he walked, the scent of cum that filled the air, the wide trail of cum he saw left in his wake, and the feeling of his balls rubbing along his thighs all forced involuntary clucks of pleasure. Leo began to wonder if it would even be possible for him to leave the house again if mere walking could have him holding off jerking himself off.

Halfway to his sister's door, Leo pulled the sheet off his shaft, the many subtle shifts against it too much to bear. The sudden action almost brought him to his knees, but he held on. He cringed at the trail he was making, though the sudden thought of spraying everywhere in the hallway really pushed his buttons, already again bringing pushing him closer to a messy release. He gazed at the drenched cloth he threw to the side, wondering if he'd be stuck strutting naked the rest of his life. Wanting to at least talk it out with his sister before he got too anxious, he forced himself to resume his walk, the large member bobbing and flinging precum in anticipation of his cum filled path.

The constant replaying of the event had started to really impact Yvette. She stopped thinking about the wrongness of it all, and instead began viewing it as hot. The memory of the scent of the stream of cum turned her on, forcing her to resist her own hot and bothered body. Her muff was moist, and her brain was begging her to start pleasuring herself.

Right when she was about to finally give in, she heard a knock at her door.

"Yevette?" She ignored it, and another knock followed

"Yvette, c'mon. I heard you slam this door shut, I know you're in there." She was afraid to open the door, not wanting to give herself even more horny fodder she'd need to resist. A familiar smell began to sneak up on her however, beginning to push her over the edge. She heard Leo speak to himself through the door.

Leo's mind was brought back to the beak Yvette had when she opened the door. "Does that mean that this thing spreads from noise?" He spoke aloud to himself

Yvette's fragile mind was overrun: "What is he talking about? Spreads from noise? Is he gonna make me into one too? Oh god don't tell me this is why I'm so turned on right now." She clutched her knees against her chest in an attempt to calm herself, the scent of cum now readily apparent.

"Yvette! Come on! If you don't come out we won't be able to clean up this mess quick enough!"

"The mess is entirely your fault anyway! Why would I help clean up your disgusting mess when I didn't even have anything to do with it!?" Yvette said, trying to keep him away from her, her lust building by the second. She panicked for a moment when she felt something weird seep through the crack under the door, something warm soaking into her pants from behind. She scraped some of it and looked at the gooey stuff, immediately regretting it as she realized it was her brother's cum. Her body tensed when she connected the dots, realizing that it meant the warmth on her ass was cum as well... She moaned under her breath, conflicted like never before in her life.

"Do you really think this mess is the kind that they won't go nuclear over!? Even your pampered ass won't escape this one!"

"Nnnnng!! Fuck you! Fuck off! Go away you fucking pervert!" Yvette said, her long nails drawing blood as she squeezed as hard as she could to try to keep her thoughts at bay

Leo scowled. "Fine! If you're gonna be like that, I'll play that game too." Deciding to test out his hypothesis, Leo let out a cluck, easily passing through the door into Yvette's ears. Within moments the feathers on her face spread out, her hair thickening into a more feathered consistency. Leo clucked again and Yvette's clothes began to hug her form, her baggy sweatpants and oversized shirt filling in. Another cluck and her lust exploded, aided by the cum that had leaked under the door and soaked her sweatpants. Her will shattered and she gave into her inhibitions, rubbing her muff through her pants and moaning loud enough for Leo to hear through the door.

"What was that??" Leo said with half snark and half surprise, not expecting her first response to be something so lewd. Yvette simply kept rubbing away, not even cognisant of her brother's complaint. The front of Yvette's sweatpants were completely saturated in her juices, her muff leaking far more than it ever had before, fingers fitting with an ease that usually took multiple minutes of foreplay to achieve. The wetness made her actions audible to Leo, leaving him both embarrassed and turned on, especially when he noticed a thin liquid begin to come in thin lines from the other side.

Yvette didn't take long to be brought to orgasm, having already spent so long fighting against herself. She let out a deep moan, juices bursting from her quim and soaking the ground in front of her. Leo's cock was aching hard; the sounds of his sister's orgasm, the strong scent of cum, and the edging caused by his walk all combined to make resisting grabbing two handfuls of his cockflesh almost impossible.

When Yvette came down from her orgasm the only thing that occupied her brain was getting more: More changes, more cum from her brother, and more pleasure. She stood up, unlocked her door, then opened it. She moaned as she was hit by a wall of musk, her knees wobbling, an eyeful of ginormous cockmeat front and center. No words were spoken. Leo didn't even know what to say, and even if he did, he could tell that nothing he said would be heard.

Yvette reached forwards and grabbed an armful of cock, her head rushing forwards to let her nostrils shove against the tip. Leo clucked in pleasure, the sensation overwhelming him, causing a spurt of pre to splash against Yvette's head. The messy gift was thanked with a pump of his shaft, Yvette's tongue sticking out of her beak and beginning to massage the tip of Leo's member. The pumping was at first uncoordinated, but she soon got into a rhythm, working both hands up and down, bringing Leo's cockhead into and out of cover of his ample foreskin.

Yvette pulled her nose off his tip, and began trying to take the head into her mouth. The attempt was rather unsuccessful; her beak had too narrow a range of motion to be able to take that much inside her mouth, accomplishing little except stabilizing his shaft so that the spurts of pre would enter her mouth instead of splashing against her face. Still, her dexterous tongue did what it could, working to add any bit of pleasure possible in her desperation for his load.

Leo let out a long moan, the intense sensations pushing him beyond any care for the taboo nature of what was occurring. He put a large feathered hand on the back of his sister's head, working to keep her head still while he subtly thrusted his hips against her. The cock-worship was intense, Leo's breath heavy, eyes rolled back in bliss. It didn't take long for him to orgasm, everything combining to push him to completely new heights of pleasure.

Leo let out a loud "cock-a-doodle-do!" as his cock began to burst. The underside of it visibly bulged as cum burrowed its way out, the force causing cum to blast into Yvette's mouth. Her head was pushed back from the force, cum splattering off her head onto everything within a 3 foot radius.

Leo's cries reverberated in Yvette's bones, the transformative noise leading to a wave of changes. Her clothes were already visibly strained from the few clucks Leo had made since she opened the door, but this cry tore them to pieces. A sheen of cum replaced the tattered clothes in an instant, glossing her buxom body.

While before her form was nothing to write home about, this new body could drop jaws. Her breasts had grown to DDs, the rest of her torso and arms having plumped up considerably. Her partially feathered ass went from flat to phat, her thighs gaining muscle mass to support her heftier frame. The feathers covering her neck spread to cover her upper arms and torso, her breasts now a light brown.

Yvette let out cries of joy, the firehosing worth of escaping cum flooding all senses entirely. The sound of it splattering against her and the walls enough to match her own cries. The flavor overwhelmed her taste buds as she gulped mouthful after mouthful. The scent drowned her smell in pure musk, her sinuses completely flooded. Her world was dominated by a cock so big even two hands weren't enough to encircle it, the musk wafting from it the only thing she could smell, the sound of cum splattering behind her, against her body and on the furniture in her room all she could hear. The feeling of cum flowing down against her skin and feathers sent goosebumps up her spine. Her vision blurry in one eye and dark in the other, face under inches of cum that was replaced as quickly as it fell away.

With his cock now unattended due to Yvette being prone on the floor under a shower of cum, Leo grasped his own tool. He spread the aim back and forth to shower the rest of Yvette's body, stroking it as he did so. Yvette pushed herself up off the slippery floor and rubbed the cum into her feathered breasts, moaning from the pleasure her newly sensitive breasts gave her. Cum flooded the hallway, flowing into the adjacent living room and into Yvette's bedroom too. As Leo came down from his high the flow of cum began to subside, at least, enough for Yvette to regain her sight.

"Oh. my. god." Yevette said half-gargled, cum still readily escaping from Leo. She leaned forwards and grabbed a total armful of cock, the head now sputtering over her shoulder. "Don't you dare think for a moment this is over." Leo's member throbbed in response, literally shaking Yvette in place. She responded with a few pumps and a long lick of his shaft, eye contact maintained between the two of them the entire time.

Leo groaned, "Yvette, I don't know what the hell has come over us, but god damn, you're turning me on too much to care, and I'm still fucking cumming!" Yvette purred softly and started pumping his shaft, her breasts dragging along it. With the ejaculation dying off, Leo's cock started drooling cum in a continuous stream, flowing down Yvette's back.

Still desperate for more, Yvette stood, using Leo's shaft for leverage against the slippery floor. She gave Leo bedroom eyes and walked towards the living room. She attempted to use this time to turn on Leo even more, but the moment was a bit ruined when she lost her balance and fell on her ass. Leo let out a snicker.

"Pfft, who knew my cum would be such a hazard!" he said with a mocking tone. Yvette stood up, using a couch for support.

"Just get over here and fuck me senseless alredy you beast." She said, half scowling at him, slapping one of her ass cheeks and spreading them to reveal her cum soaked muff. Leo simply laughed and began walking over, cock sending squirts of pre across the room. He reached around and grabbed a handful of both breasts, his dick sandwiched between the two of them, his beak right next to her ear.

"Don't you dare think about pussying out now, or else I'll cluck until you won't." Yvette moaned in response, her hands resting on top of Leo's. After a few tortuously long seconds Yvette pulled Leo's hands away and laid her back on the coffee table, spreading her legs and using her hands to pull apart her folds. Both smelled her need, the depths of it, the scale of it that was beginning to match his own in intensity. Her muff was swollen, beginning to resemble the one in Leo's dreams. He gulped and smiled, putting on a cocky smirk in front of her.

"Wow, you're really needy huh?" Yvette nodded her head. "How about you ask for it first huh?" Leo said, stroking his cock and spraying pre on Yvette.

"What?! " She gave Leo a stink eye.

"I said ask for it. I don't think you'll be able to resist your need even if you try." He said with a cocky grin. "I can always jerk it in your room and leave you sleeping in my musk all night til you absolutely need it, if you don't want to give in now..."

Yvette let out a sound halfway between a groan and a moan. "Fiiineee. Can you please fuck me?" She said with venom.

"That wasn't very nice, I don't know if I can fuck you with my feelings hurt like this." Leo said with the most pouting face a beak could muster.

"Why do you care so much!!" Yvette said with a groan, her breasts jiggling as she rubbed her cunt, legs spread wide. Leo just stared at her, his cock throbbing, occasionally painting Yvette with streaks of precum.

"Ugh, Fine!" She exclaimed between moans. "Would you pretty please come over here and fuck me?" She said in a cloyingly sweet, girly voice.

"What's that, be a bit more specific please..." He said, milking the opportunity to have her sister debase herself like this.

"Can you please come over here and stick your oversized cock in my needy fucking vagina!?!" Yvette shouted, her face reflecting her desperate need.

"That's more like it! Sure thing sis, since you were so kind as to ask." He walked up next to Yvette, then plopped his dick on the end of the coffee table with a loud thud, the head comically oversized next to her pussy, the shaft the size of her thighs. "Small problem though, I don't think this is gonna work right now Yvette..."

"I don't care! Just try it!" She said, spreading herself as far apart as she possibly could. Leo grabbed the end of his shaft and lined it up with her vagina, pushing forwards lightly. The flesh gave a very surprising amount, but it still wasn't enough. Leo could barely fit half his head inside her, the foreskin not even being forced back yet. Yvette let out a guttural moan, the sensation unbearably painful and pleasurable at the same time. He was too big, too thick... and yet, she needed him to cram all of that inside her, the pain a small price to pay for such pleasure.

"Cluck you fucking bitch!!! I want you to make me big! Just... do your thing and make big enough so I can take this fat fucking cock to the hilt! Just do it!" Yvette screamed. Leo gladly accepted her request and let out a loud cluck. Feathers spread down her thighs, her body gained mass, and his head sunk in an inch. Another, and her shins became scaled. Again, and her breasts grew. He clucked time and time again, each one making her body a little chubbier, her vagina a bit bigger, and her whimpers a little more needy.

Suddenly, Leo's cock slipped in and both let out a guttural moan simultaneously. They completely froze in shock, the extremely sudden explosion of pleasure too much for either to bear. Yvette's eyes rolled to the back of her head while her hands were frozen on either side of her muff, Leo's hands filled with Yvette's meaty thighs. Yvette's walls spasmed, giving Leo a bit of a shock, pulling him to reality enough to begin working his member deeper into Yvette's passage. Yvette responded with a moan, grabbing Leo's hands and squeezing them.

After sinking a bit over half of his cock into Yvette, as much as she could take at the moment, he began to slowly pull out, tugging her pubic flesh inches away from where it would usually rest. The passage was almost painfully tight, and downright difficult to work its way out of; he could feel the skin collapse behind his receding member, literally tugging his foreskin as he pulled out. He dragged it until all that remained was the head itself, holding it there to tease Yvette. He waited until the moment Yvette looked him in the eyes with a bit of confusion, then clucked while pushing his cock in again. Yvette yelped in surprise, getting a bit of a chuckle out of Leo after his strained grunt. He repeated this in and out motion a few times, each time the passage a bit deeper and a bit more forgiving; more pleasure, less pain.

Yvette meanwhile was on cloud nine. Even though she did find his cock to be painfully large, the intense pleasure she got was enough to keep her from pushing him off. Her occasional screams made Leo question whether or not this was pleasurable for her, but the occasional "Oh my god more!" "Fuuuuck yessss!" and "Deeper!!!" made things clear enough. Each time he'd work his way in she'd feel a bit less pain, and a lot more pleasure. Yvette soon grabbed Leo's arms and pulled him to her chest, wrapping her arms and legs tightly around him.

Leo moaned at the sudden change in position and decided to take things his own direction. He pushed himself off of the coffee table and stood up, Yvette falling two thirds down his cock under her own weight. She moaned deeply into Leo's shoulder, absolutely in awe of him, able to lift her like this when before he'd struggle with just a jug of water. Leo walked over to the couch, each step bouncing Yvette up and down Leo's cock, making the awkward walk pleasurable for both. He waddled until he stood next to the couch, then plopped his ass down. The sudden drop caused his member to hilt inside Yvette, causing both to release a guttural groan.

Yvette squeezed Leo as tight as she could, her breasts splaying around Leo's waist and her head resting firmly on Leo's shoulder. Leo gave his hips a quick jerk, shifting his cock inside the rapidly flexing tunnel; Yvette let out a whimper in response. She squirmed in place, pleasuring herself on the fully hilted fuckstick and trying to coax Leo for more. He picked up on the hint and grabbed her thick thighs, spreading them apart to try to get her to squat off the couch to give him room. She gladly obliged, shifting her weight and pulling herself off his cock noisily, inch by inch, until half of it was exposed.

Her prodigious breasts hung over Leo's face, almost completely smothering his face despite Yvette being at least a foot away. He grabbed a thick nipple and took it into his beak, his hands effortlessly submerging fully in her breasts from his attempt to knead them. Yvette moaned, dropping in surprise from the sudden burst of pleasure, hilting herself again and sending the tit flying out of his mouth, causing a burst of milk to cover his face.

Leo blinked in surprise at the milky treat then grinned mischievously. He grabbed a hold of both of her oversized tits, then squeezed, sending a long arc of milk flying into the air, landing on Leo and the couch they sat on. Yvette let out a cluck in pleasure, the animalistic sound filling Leo with pride at how much she'd changed. When Yvette came down from the high of her first milking, she lifted herself back off the cock, supported by her thighs that were thick enough to exceed her waist 30 minutes earlier.

"Stop toying around with me already!" Yvette begged Leo, her face full of need. "Fuck me as hard as you want, I don't care! Just... Just fucking -" Her sentence disolved into a moan as Leo slammed his cock straight to the hilt. Waves travelled across her body, her ample weight allowing the force of the slam to spread in a jiggly shockwave. Her wide ass was especially active, with Leo's balls slamming into her cheeks with a satisfying slapping sound a short moment later; the force from the tremendous orbs were only kept from causing pain by the ample fat that her cheeks held, absorbing the shock and dispersing it to her huge body.

Leo waited almost no time before he slammed home again, the breasts he was using for partial leverage spraying on both him and the couch. The mess was made even worse from the constant flow of lubrication leaking from Yvette's cunt. The amount was enough to easily exceed the rate of a bath faucet and absolutely drenched the couch cushions below, causing a very audible squelch to escape into the air each time Leo would land on the couch as he pulled out. The mess was made worse, spreading as far as the coffee table, when Leo started getting especially active. Vigorous fucking sent her juices flying off Leo's cock and splashing from beneath his ass onto every nearby surface. Her worshiped breasts matched and exceeded that with milk.

Leo was in a world of his own as he jackhammered away at Yvette. The vigorous fucking put every single sexual experience he had in the past put together to shame. The sensitivity of his monstrous shaft combined with Yvette's silky warm tunnel that pulsed and gyrated with every thrust pushed him to yet again new heights of pleasure. His actions were kept running almost entirely on pure instinct, almost all of his mind overwhelmed; it was so much that he was barely able to even keep his hands on Yvette's breasts.

Yvette was in a world of satisfaction herself, her mind brought to near nothing from the copious sensations, each individually enough to be overwhelming on their own. Her 3 scaled toes were fully clenched beneath her, the claws ripping into the cushioning and adding the sound of thick tearing fabric to all the others: the squelches of the moist couch, the splattering of milk falling on the floor behind them, the shlicking of Leo's cock pistoning in and out of Yvette, and the moans and clucks that escaped both their mouths in droves. A squeeze of Yvette's breasts would send a jolt of pleasure up her spine and then not even half a second later Leo would hilt his cock, followed by a slap of his balls against her cheeks, each sending powerful jolts of their own.

The vigorous fucking had both drawing heavy breaths, their actions tiring for their heavyset forms. Yvette's thighs were trembling from pleasure and from the exhaustion of keeping her voluptuous body hovering. Leo's similarly set stomach and thighs burned from his many upward thrusts, the aching adding an extra layer to the sensations he was drowning in. Leo's thrusts slowly became more and more strained, with less force behind them and more rest between them as time went on. Yvette was faltering, slowly letting herself sink down closer towards the couch as her thighs trembled more and more. This was made worse for both by the sheer overwhelmingness of the pleasure they experienced, the actions their mind was trying to tell their body to do getting jumbled wading through the tsunami of sensations both were under a constant assault from.

Yvette's thighs gave out and she fell completely to the hilt on Leo's cock, a spray of juices flying across the room from the sudden weight applied to the soaked cushion. The sudden jolt of the hilting combined with all the extra weight resting on his waist pushed him over the edge, a "cock-a-doodle-doo" escaping his beak.

Yvette felt his shaft throb inside her harder than it had yet, the feeling of cum working its way up his cock pushing her to the precipice of her own release. The cum bulged up along his cock inch by inch until she felt what was a punch to the stomach consisting entirely of pleasure. The burst of cum forced its way into her oviduct, flooding it entirely in an instant, the first of many bloating waves. Gallon after gallon shot out of Leo's cock, forced to empty solely in Yvette by the enormity of Leo's cock, expanding her belly by inches every second. The sensation of the massive ejactulation filling her womb brought Yvette to a thunderous climax, letting out a screeching moan that cracked her voice, her entire body visibly quivering, her passage most of all. If any neighbour had not heard Leo's clucking before, now they could hear his sister's orgasm. For the briefest of moments both worried about being found out by someone curious enough to peek through the windows, but that thought vanished the moment Leo's nuts churned and pumped another fat shot into Yvette, another inch to her belly.

Yvette's already pudgy stomach grew dramatically, to the point where she looked well beyond nine months pregnant. With nowhere left to go, the cum squeezed past the behemoth blocking its exit, forcing itself down the walls of her stuffed passage and squirting it out around the base of Leo's shaft onto his thighs, balls, and stomach. The couch, already fully saturated with Yvette's juices, showered the floor with a waterfall of sticky white. Yvette was no slouch here either; her own juices gushed out just as readily as cum escaped, her milk showering the floor behind Leo with similar ferocity.

Yevette took every drop with pleasure, floating on a cloud of ecstacy unlike anything else, each salvo of cum flew her up as fast as she was falling down. It wasn't until his load started its achingly slow slowly abation that she began to regain semblances of conscious thought. Each enormous shot was overtaken by the last, Leo experiencing his own descent to earth. Minutes passed like this, each slowly beginning to fondle the other in a chase of more to make up for what they were losing. Kisses, rubs, gropes, squeezes, and more all gleefully shared until they both were able to think beyond their lust.

They both groaned as Yvette slowly forced herself off Leo's geysering cock, Leo aiding the best he could, each inch of freedom causing a greater volume of cum to escape than the last. When the head of Leo's cock finally tugged out of the last few inches of the depths of Yvette's passage, cum was bursting out like an opened fire hydrant. Leo's entire body was fully coated in a thick layer of cum, more rushing out of Yvette's muff by sheer pressure than Leo's body could naturally slough off. The stream splattered off Leo's stomach, spraying it across the room like a sprinkler, the amount hitting Leo's face forcing his gaze away from the sight he oh-so-wanted to see.

Free at last, Yvette cradled her oversized belly, pushing against it to try to force it back down to a comfortable size. When she moved out of the way of Leo, his still sputtering cock shot up into the air with enough force to hit the ceiling, spraying off it like an emergency sprinkler and coating the rest of the living room that had somehow made it this far without getting soaked or ruined. Both stared at the stream in awe, their orgasmic high allowing them to appreciate the scene in a horny haze unbridled by any worries. Cum pooled on every surface, flowing away into other rooms when there wasn't anywhere left for it to pool. His father's sofa, his favourite, private sofa that only he could sit on, the stand with prizes from Yvette's achievements to show to guests, the tv, the crass painting on walls, all either coated in cum or knocked over only to suffer the same fate. The floor beneath the couch was covered in almost a foot of it, the amount that had escaped and continued to escape from Yvette's muff combined with that that came out of Leo enough to create a puddle of the liquid that grew quicker than it could flow away.

Yvette leaned over and wrapped Leo's shaft around her breasts, now large enough to be able to sandwich it between them. She angled it so that it would sway left and right, bouncing with her every motion , relishing in the chance to cover every surface possible in the room with her brother's seed, all the while spreading a similar stream beneath her. The second spurt died between Yvette's prodigious breasts and was replaced with a third, this process repeating time and time again until a slow stream flowed out, which Yvette used to shower her body with even more cum. She gazed deeply into Leo as she rubbed the last of the flow deep into her wide body, feathers spreading under her circular movements.

When the balls finally ran empty they both sat there in a blissful afterglow, appreciating the nearby presence of each other and their post coital haze. The smell of musk in the air created from their lovemaking was thick enough to feel in their breath, being absorbed by the furniture of the surrounding rooms, and permeating the entire house in its smell. Leo smiled in satisfaction at the mess they had created together, patting her Yvette on the head, who purred in response. She stood up, laying on top of Leo's stomach, nuzzling her head in Leo's shoulder, and cradling his cock between her thighs and thick asscheeks.

"God damn." Leo said, Yvette's heavy weight and loving embrace getting him worked up again already. They let the two words hang in the air a while, listening to the drip-drops that rang out constantly around them.

"Yeah..." Yvette said through her purring, her voice muffled by Leo's soft feathers. Leo wrapped his arms around Yvette and squeezed, patting down her wet feathers.

Leo started to speak, but couldn't think of anything to say. Anything he thought of felt not worth breaking up the moment they shared in silence. They both embraced for minutes, their eyes soon fluttering in exhaustion. Each other's embrace, soft forms, rhythmic breathing, the sound of cum dripping off every surface for white noise, the warmth of each other's bodies, the thick musk, and the feeling of cum slowly sloughing off utterly soaked feathers; both dozed off into unconsciousness in the deepest comfort and contentment imaginable.

Yvette awoke with a load yawn, stretching her arms out to the side. She felt Leo's stomach rise and fall, orange beams of light falling on her head through open blinds. The memory of her lewd afternoon slowly returned to her as she left her groggy haze, filling her with a deep satisfaction. She shook Leo beneath her, trying to wake him up.

"Hey." She said with a still tired voice. Leo didn't wake up, even with a few more shoves. "Leo." She said a bit louder. Unsuccessful, a devious thought entered her mind, a smirk landing on her face. She shimmied her body down, cradling Leo's cock between her thick cheeks, her football sized muff rubbing against his base. She gently tugged his cock with her thighs, grinding against him at the same time.

Leo's eyes squeezed a bit tighter. "Mmph, what's going on...?" he said, more of a mumble than anything. His eyes slowly cracked open, opening wide when they finally focused on Yvette's godly form.

"Good morning~" Yvette said with a lilt. "Finally awake, huh?"

"Jeez, helluva way to wake up." He said with a bit of a grunt, "I'm not complaining though, god damn." He said as he grabbed a couple handfuls of Yvette's breasts. Yvette let out a whimpering moan.

"Ungh, not right this moment, mom and dad will be getting home soon." Yvette said as she was pushing herself off Leo. A few seconds passed, and they both froze in place. They stared each other dead in the eyes, looked around the room, then back in each other's eyes.

A cacophony of exclamations erupted between them at the same time, sentences overlapping: "Oh fuck, oh god." "Shit! This mess!" "Fuck!!!" "Ahhhhh!" "Everything's ruined!" Etc. They both jolted up, frantically pacing around the room; not even the ridiculousness of frantic cock bobbing, body jiggling, and white splattered steps could break the panic. After a minute of this, Leo addressed Yvette directly.

"What the hell are we gonna do about this!?"

"How am I supposed to think of anything!? This entire house is fucked!" Yvette said, her feathered hands resting on her head in despair. "We'd need days of pure abstinence to have any hope of cleaning this!"

"Fuck!!!" Leo exclaimed, pacing even faster. Suddenly, in the middle of their talking Yvette clutched her stomach. "What's wrong!?"

"I don't know! My stomach feels all weird!" She hobbled to the couch and sat down, leaning forwards, tightly hugging her distended stomach.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." Leo said, completely at a loss. "Do I need to call 911!?"

Yvette let out a groan, "No way! Look at us! Do you think doctors would have any clue what to even say?! We'd probably get put in some vat or something!"

"Fuck then! What do we do!?" Yvette reeled over again and groaned.

"I don't know! Try and figure out how far away mom and dad are! Give them a call somewhere they won't hear me, ask them how far away they are!"

"Shit, fine. I'll be back in a bit." Leo said. He returned about three minutes later, his face distraught. "They said they're 30 minutes away!!!" Yvette looked him in the eye and moaned, she was bent over with her ass facing the couch.

"God dammit, why so soon!!?" She said in between grunts and moans. Her eyes widened fully and she let out a deep guttural groan. "Oh. my. god." She said, each word interrupted by a moan. A few seconds later her labia began to stretch apart, her pubic mound bulging slightly. Leo just stood there with his mouth agape, completely unsure what to do or say.

Yvette's labia began to spread apart, a white shell peeking forth from it. Yvette moaned, grabbing her tits and geysering milk on the coffee table, her eyes running to the back of her head in ecstasy.

"Holy shit..." Leo said to himself, lust peeking through his intense anxiety. The egg kept pushing down inch by inch, the egg's width past that of even a watermelon. It slid out until the thickest part escaped, then was flung out onto the tattered couch cushion. Yvette squirted from the pleasure of the laid egg, soaking it in even more fem cum. Right as Leo was about to say something, she moaned again; another egg, slowly pushed out, landing next to the other.

By this point, Leo was undeniably horny; the fear of his parents' arrival receding in importance in his head. By this point, he figured, there was nothing either of them could do but run away, which would probably end up with animal patrol on their tail feathers. "Might as well enjoy the scene," he said to himself, grabbing a couple handfuls of cock and pumping.

Another egg was in the process of being laid when Leo walked over and brought his cock to Yvette. She sniffed the musk laden tool, pulling her from her constant orgasm. At least, enough for her to expand her jaw to take the entire head of his member. Leo moaned, his hand on the back of her head as Yvette put hers on his cock. She moaned against his shaft as another escaped her clutches, a fourth already on its way.

Leo shoved his cock into Yvette's gullet, half the thing able to fit comfortably inside her obscenely stretchy body. His cock bulged Yvette's neck a comedic amount; the member was almost the size of it, yet it still was able to be pushed in. She used her two milk-stained hands to rub the other half of Leo's cock, getting grunts of satisfaction. Leo pistoned his cock in and out of her mouth, the moist sounds of a sloppy blowjob reverberating against the ceiling.

Right as the fourth egg shot free of Yvette, Leo came, instantly distending Yvette's stomach to the size of an egg filling. He let his cock rest inside her for a few seconds, then pulled out, covering Yvette in seconds along with the eggs beneath. The load was like the one from before, except this time aimed horizontally, spraying into the hallway behind them, splattering against the house's entrance door.

"You know what? Everything's already a mess, and there's no way we're making this any better at this point. How about we see how far we can go with this eh? Try and make the biggest mess we can." Leo said with a smirk, his cock still spraying like a geyser.

Yvette giggled. "You know what, sure. we can't run off through the streets like this anyways. Dibs on the kitchen!" She stood up into the stream of cum and ran off to her right towards the kitchen, breasts in hand. Yvette squeezed her tanks, showering milk onto the counters, covering the cabinets, and adding to the thin layer of cum. As she was about to turn around a fountain of cum shot over her shoulder.

"Guess I'll take the office and their bedroom." He said with a laugh as he watched his sister flood the kitchen. He held his cock in hand, keeping it straight while he ran to his right towards the office. "Lets see how dad likes having his computer taken away." He laughed maniacally, completely drowning the desktop and monitor in white, ruining hundreds of hours of paperwork in the process. "This puts egging to shame," he said as he covered the cabinets chairs and desk.

Right after, he ran towards the bedroom, his third wave just starting. "Hey Yvette, help me fuck up their bedroom! I call the bed!" He shouted, a comical wave of cum left in his wake. As soon as he entered their room he aimed straight at his target, covering it in a layer that stained the blue fabric white, thoroughly soaking the bed and sheets. He swept his cock back and forth, easily covering a third of the room in seconds.

Yvette rushed past him, covering the TV and dresser in her milk just as quick. They swapped places when each surface was covered, leaving as much of a mark as they could. They both agreed to share the duty of their closets, leaving their parents without a change of clothes within two minutes, the entire closet flooded in an inch of mixed liquids. By this point, both were running dry, Yvette left with weak sprays, and Leo with a low pressure stream.

"Whew, that felt fucking amazing." Leo said, happy to get the slightest bit back at his parents for all the shit they had put him through over the years.

"Hell yeah," she said, following it up with a barely audible "although probably not quite as good as it did for you..." Before Leo could get a word in she blurted "Man, this sure made my hands sore haha!"

Leo laughed. "Has my cum got you thinking clearer or something? Since when do you admit that my life is harder!?" He said with half sarcasm.

"Maybe it's a bit because laying eggs felt so good I want you to fuck more into me." She said softly, shuffling in place. "What are we gonna do when mom and dad get back?"

"Good question..." he asked, looking at a clock. "It's only been 15 minutes... What do you say we just grab them and fuck them silly!?"

"And get a chance to turn dad into a cock too?" She said, feigning contemplation with a hand on her chin. "It'll be weird fucking our parents, but I think it'll get easier once they lose their faces." She said with a laugh, Leo joining in.

"We better clean any cum that seeped through the garage door now, I don't want them to run away before they even enter the house." Leo said.

Yvette nodded in agreement. "I hope we can find a clean towel though..." She said, walking off towards the laundry room.

After making sure to wipe themselves down before stepping outside to avoid making an even worse mess before they got started, they began cleaning. They mopped up around the door, then dried it up, making sure nothing looked off before walking back inside the house and relocking the door.

"You ready?" Asked Leo.

"Yeah, I'll wait in my room, you in yours."

"You sure they won't run off before they check?"

"They'll be too livid at the mess to have any common sense, and by the time they calm down enough to regain any, our mess should get them riled up. That's what happened to me before you started clucking; walking into your room was enough to leave me turned on, let alone when it seeped through the door. With how much of a mess there is now? No chance they get away."

"I'll take your word on it." Leo said, a mischievous grin landing on his face. The sound of the garage opening pulled both their attentions towards the garage door.

"Go! I'll meet you back outside soon." Yvette said, giddy with excitement, doors creaking closed after a few sloppy squelching steps as they walked to their rooms.

A Milky Presentation

Coming up on the end of his shift, Bradley stopped working on a presentation and left his desk. "Hey Bradley, how'd your shift go?" asked his coworker John. "Pretty dull today, I just finished up my part of the project and did some...

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