Haida's Poolside Redemption

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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This story is a commission for Eirjan, and also a sequel to Haida's Quick Pitstop: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1685389

It's been a couple weeks since Haida came to terms with his feelings, and decided to take his friend Tadano up on a generous offer. The hyena finds himself at a secluded hot spring resort, with Tadano waiting eagerly. Even though he was worried how well their meetup would go, Haida was pleasantly surprised by how accepting the donkey was about things. Despite all the time spent apart, both from ignorance and guilt, both of them were happy to help make up for lost time. And much to Tadano's relief, Haida wasn't afraid to strip down and enjoy the resort's luxurious hot springs with him...

"Aww, jeeze... How far off is this place?"

Haida sighed and leaned his head back, not expecting the driver up front to answer his rhetorical question. It had been over an hour since he left the city, although he tried his best not to think too hard about how pricey this trip may have been. Even though he wasn't footing the bill honself, he could only imagine how much an hour-long drive into the countryside would cost. Not to mention, the "taxi" reserved for him was a spacious luxury sedan with all the amenities of a limousine; there was even a tinted partition window that separated the backseat from the cab, which he only closed for the sake of his driver having some privacy for himself.

It was nearly noon when he checked his phone, which made him sigh and shake his head in confoundment. Despite how late into the morning it may have been, it was difficult to tell when the mountains in the rear view mirror were leaving a thick shadow over the horizon. The taxi still had its headlights on by the time the sun finally came to view, revealing just how serene and tranquil the setting had become compared to the big city. The hilly terrain and villages below were able to finally receive some much-needed sunlight, as well as give Haida a proper view of the region he was invited to.

"Whoa..." Despite the car's stupendous air conditioning, Haida rolled down his window to get a better view of the lush, untamed mountainside they were driving through. Thick green foliage was hugging along the sides of the road, with massive bamboo sprouts towering high above the sunroof. In addition, heavy branches were draped over one another above the road, almost making Haida feel like he was riding through a nature-made tunnel towards his destination. There may have been plenty of sunlight to beam down, revealing the vast acres of farmlands and villages in the distance. But with the road ahead still blanketed in a comforting shadow, Haida felt strangely safe while seated in luxury.

"Man, Tadano knows how to hook a guy up..." As he rolled the window back up with the press of a button, Haida couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as he sighed to himself. Sure, he was more than gracious to have stayed on Tadano's good side, even after not noticing his message for so long. Plus, the two were able to exchange several long, personal emails with one another regarding how to handle things, and what to do next. The prospect of actually meeting Tadano in person again was still pretty daunting, mostly due to his own apprehensions. But at the same time, the hyena couldn't exactly deny such a generous request after that little... experiment with his friend Fenneko a couple weeks ago.

"Ughhhh..." Haida shuddered hard when he recalled that day, which was still one of the weirdest things he ever did in his life. Although, despite how badly his muzzle wrinkled up from remembering that "Trust Exercise," the heavy blush on his cheeks made it unclear whether he was shuddering in a bad way or a good way.

Luckily for the hyena, his thoughts were put on temporary hold when he leaned to the side slightly, and felt the car making a sharp turn. When he glanced out the other window, his eyes shot wide-open upon seeing an ornate road that was leading up towards the mountainside. They may have been driving a long distance, but it still felt jarring just how quickly he went from his apartment downtown to such a luscious region. As the taxi's wheels traversed smoothly across the cobblestone driveway, Haida couldn't help but stare down at his outfit with a disheartened look. "Oh no... I should've worn my suit today..."

Haida groaned in disgust the instant those words came out of his mouth, hating that the idea even went into his head. However, the fact that he was wearing his casual "off-work" attire made him feel very out of place. He could see fancy streetlamps lining across both sides of the road, while a stunning view of the mountain above was towering just past them. In contrast, the hyena was wearing his old leather jacket and striped shirt, as well as his acid-washed jeans with worn holes at the knees. In a brief bout of paranoia, Haida made sure to glance down at the carpet to make sure his boots weren't leaving any dirt stains; fortunately, he sighed in relief when he saw the fabric was still pristine, most likely from some protective coating or whatever.

Just as the taxi reached the top of the elevated driveway, Haida's muzzle went agape when he saw the gargantuan structure built along the mountainside. This certainly wasn't the first time he saw a hot spring up close, or even went to one from his days back in high school; but compared to the moderately-priced locales he was lucky to attend, this place looked like something out of a movie. The mountainside lodge looked absolutely-breathtaking with its wooden architecture, almost like one of those log cabin mansions they had in some western movies he watched growing up. And in the background, several bubbling hot springs could be seen high up in the mountainside to spew out steam, and trickle down their natural gift via waterfall towards the resort below.

Instead of a massive parking lot, all that was waiting up ahead was the lane to check in at the front desk. Haida was blushing even deeper when he reached for his personal bag, which was just a small satchel with a couple days worth of toiletries and spare clothes. He made sure to bring a pair of swim trunks, since Tadano mentioned him being prepared for a relaxing hot spring weekend. However, this luxury resort made the hyena's ears slump down worriedly, already realizing just how unprepared he may have been.

He made sure to thank the driver before exiting the car, and stood with a deep blush as he looked at the large glass doors ahead of him. As the taxi drove off to its next appointment, Haida felt even more out-of-place by himself. He was sure if he wasn't invited by reservation by Tadano, his punkish appearance would've gotten him some nasty looks from any of the bougie guests in the lobby. Heck, he'd probably be kicked out without question, since he looked more like a thug than anyone who could afford a weekend at this place. Regardless, after taking a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breath, Haida tried not to feel too self-conscious when he walked through the sliding doors.

Much like the resort's exterior, the lobby looked absolutely immaculate from top to bottom. Haida was awestruck when he saw the roof tower up several stories in the air, with multiple levels being seen with natural wooden walkways. The space still had the warm, cozy aesthetic of a log cabin with its wood paneling and winter-esque decor. Of course, before the hyena could really appreciate the high-class lodgings all around, his ears perked up when he heard a familiar voice nearby.

"Hey, there you are, Haida!"

He turned towards the voice, and was surprised to see Tadano waiting by the front desk with a huge smile on his face. Unlike Haida himself, the donkey appeared to blend in quite naturally with the resort's fancy aesthetics. Even with his shaggy teal hair and baggy hoodie, Tadano didn't seem to look too worried about being "under-dressed" for such a venue. In fact, even with several other guests walking around the lobby and enjoying their business, Tadano went right to his friend with his arms wide open. "C'mere, dude! It's been way too long!"

Despite blushing heavily in nervousness, Haida wasn't one to turn down a hug from the gracious donkey. The two embraced for a long moment, holding each other tightly and appreciating one another's touch. Haida tried not to wince from the realization of all of this being real, since he was still trying to adjust to certain ideas regarding him. But instead of letting those thoughts muddle the moment at hand, Haida closed his eyes and exhaled contentedly; after all, there was plenty of time to talk about those things over the weekend.

"So, how was the trip out here?" Tadano was the first to pull back, and was smiling at him warmly. "Hopefully the drive wasn't too boring or anything."

"Pbbt! You kidding me?" Haida couldn't help scoffing with a blushed smirk. "Dude, I can't believe you arranged something that nice to pick me up! You really went all out for this, huh?"

"Well, yeah!" Tadano shrugged nonchalantly, not really seeing the gesture as that big of a deal. "I mean... if anything, I'm just happy you actually said yes."

Haida's smile struggled not to lessen in guilt, and he nodded to that point silently. In retrospect, he really wished that he found those damn pictures on his phone sooner. Even though it turned out alright in the end, he couldn't help but wonder how easily an opportunity like this could've been lost. Not to mention, if he knew just how loaded Tadano was to make this trip for them out of the blue, Haida would've taken the chance regardless of... possible other activities later on.

"Y-Yeah, I... I guess this is a big thing for both of us, huh?" Haida averted his eyes from the donkey and scratched the back of his neck. "S-So, uhhhh... should I get changed into my trunks somewhere, or..."

Haida tried not to cringe at how awkwardly he sounded out loud. He may have been to onsens and bath houses before, but this lavish resort was making him feel like a first-timer or aimless tourist. It didn't help that Tadano was shooting him a puzzled-looking smirk, and a raised eyebrow. "Uhhhh... you didn't read that website I linked you, did ya?"

Haida's muzzle clenched tightly shut, but his answer was still obvious through his blush. He may have skimmed through the website a couple times, but he was distracted more by the beautiful pictures than the actual rules or guidelines posted. He also had an issue perusing through the site on his phone, since it didn't translate the best to mobile. Regardless though, the hyena shrugged guiltily and confessed, "W-Well... I'm guessing I didn't read enough of it, huh?"

"Eh, don't worry about it. I already got us checked in, and we have a suite waiting for us upstairs." Tadano turned around to give a motioning wave, which allowed a couple of penguins in bellhop uniforms to run up briskly. They carefully took Haida's travel bag, never even giving him a second-glance in his punk jacket. Haida looked like he wanted to say something, but his muzzle was left open by the time they went off with Tadano's luggage as well. Meanwhile, the donkey smiled back at him to point out, "Don't worry, I already got us our key cards. Although I'm guessing after that trip up here, you might prefer to relax before doing anything else."

Tadano tried to keep a cavalier tone of voice, but his brows perked up to emphasize something more behind his smile. Haida could feel that wave of hesitance in the back of his mind again, but much like with Fenneko, he knew better than to let those worries get the best of him. So instead of dwelling over any hypotheticals or looming fears, he decided to follow Tadano's lead and just take things as they come.

"Well, I mean..." Even though he was standing in nothing but his basic clothes, Haida shot him a genuine smile and shrugged in acceptance. "We're already here, so... Sure, that sounds good!"

"Awesome! I already have a private bath reserved for us, so we just gotta wash up before heading out..." Tadano led the way away from the lobby, leaving Haida to stand for a moment with a slightly perplexed expression. His eyes narrowed in puzzlement, and he blinked a couple times as he watched Tadano walking away.

"W... W-Wash up?"


Only a short distance from the lobby, the bath house's wash rooms proved to be just as stunning in quality as the rest of the resort. Gorgeous marble tiles lined every inch of the spotless space, while aged wood stalls were set up to provide guests with privacy. Haida was fully aware of how important it was to wash up before soaking in the hot springs, and was prepared to handle it as discreetly as possible. However, now that he was alone with Tadano, the realization of them getting undressed together was making his muzzle tighten quite a bit.

"Yeah, I wish I brought up the policy about swim trunks before you came up here." Tadano was the first to reach the changing room, which provided special lockers for his and Haida's clothing. Since their key cards were electronically linked to the same lockers as their room, all he had to do was swipe it past the scanner with a quick beep. Plush towels were already waiting inside both of their lockers, which helped to alleviate Haida's anxieties the tiniest bit. Meanwhile, the donkey draped his own over the open locker door before unzipping his hoodie. "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't know that rule. Isn't that common at most bath houses in Japan?"

"Well, uhhh... the ones I went to allowed them when I was growing up..." Haida knew that was a flimsy excuse, since he was just as aware of the commonality of such a practice. However, he also figured that a place as fancy as this wouldn't have their high-paying clients walking around with everything exposed. He didn't say anything about that though, since he already knew it would probably sound stupid coming out of his mouth. So instead of making his awkwardness any clearer, he tried to focus on his locker while pulling off his jacket.

"Ooh, that's new!" Tadano was leaning back to admire Haida's backside, which allowed him to see the metal chain serving as the hyena's belt. Haida cringed when he realized he was still wearing that thing; it may have not stood out much from the rest of his outfit, but he knew how inappropriate it was for this kind of venue. But before he could unclip the front of it, he gasped when Tadano reached back to give the chain a teasing yank. "Hmmmm... I wonder if there's a collar for this too~"

"NGHHH!" Haida tried to pull away from Tadano's grip, but all he did was sink his blushing face inside of the locker. His strained expression wasn't immediately noticed by the donkey, who huffed in amusement at his friend's impromptu belt. But before he could make any other cheeky remarks, Haida tried to say, "I, uhhh... I-I kinda forgot I was wearing that when I got in the car."

"Hey, I'm not judging. If anything, I'm really glad you brought it~" Tadano looked back up Haida's face to shoot him a sly, knowing wink. "Besides, it's not like you're gonna need it out in the hot spring... or do you?~"

"N-NO! No, no, no..." As he shook his head flusteredly, Haida quickly unclipped his belt and yanked the chain out of his pants' belt-loops. He hoped to just toss it into the locker, not wanting his friend to get any pervy ideas when they still needed to find a common ground. Unfortunately, Haida temporarily forgot how essential that chain was in his flustered mindset.

Because of that, Tadano was given quite a view when Haida's jeans comically dropped down to his ankles.

"GAH!!" Haida froze up in a panic, and gawked down at his newly-exposed underwear. Tadano's face lit up when he saw the tight, skimpy briefs that were hugging the hyena's surprisingly thick ass. His plump cheeks were only partially covered by the red and black fabric that hugged around his figure like a coat of paint. It almost looked like he was wearing a speedo, especially when his crotch was already swelling out to pronounce his hefty bulge. Fortunately for Haida, Tadano was more enticed with the view he was getting from behind.

"Aww, they match your outfit! That's really cute~" Tadano may have still been fully clothed, but he didn't hesitate to loom in closer and press up against Haida's ass. The hyena gasped loudly, and shivered when he felt Tadano's crotch prodding between his cheeks. The donkey wrapped his arms around him, with his digits nestled right over the waistband of his briefs. Despite how overwhelmed he may have felt, Haida couldn't move when Tadano leaned in and whispered, "You need any help getting the rest off?~"

Much to Tadano's surprise, Haida let out a shuddering groan and managed to pull away from his embrace. He quickly turned around with his face a beet red, and his eyes bulging wide. His back was up against the lockers, while Tadano stood in a slightly confused stupor. Even though the fabric of his undies were showing obvious strain around his crotch, Haida's frazzled expression was enough to make Tadano pull back.

"Hey, it's alright, dude..." He took a couple steps back from Haida, allowing him to relax in his half-dressed state. There was a slight hint of disappointment on the donkey's face, but he still had a calm smile in understanding. "I... I get it, alright? If it's going too fast, I'm really sorry. I just... I kinda figured you would be open to it, you know?"

Haida instantly closed his eyes, and sighed with a remorseful look on his face. He may have felt like Tadano was rushing a bit, but at the same time, he couldn't really blame him after waiting so long for this moment. Deep down, the hyena knew that he was likely just as grateful as Tadano to get together for this. But at the same time, he nodded his head faintly to his friend. "S-Sorry, ummm... I mean, I... I'm not against it, it's just..."

"Hey, it's okay. Take all the time you need." Since Haida was literally caught with his pants down, Tadano refrained from giving him a supportive hug. Instead, he gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder before returning to his own locker. The donkey took his time getting himself undressed, not minding at all that Haida was right next to him without any barriers. Meanwhile, the hyena tried not to feel too insecure as he pulled off his shirt, and kept his sights pinned on his own locker.

"Mnnnnghhh..." By the time Haida was down to his underwear, Tadano had already walked off with his towel draped over his shoulder. The nude donkey walked up towards one of the shower benches, which were only separated by a waist-level wall made of meticulously-arranged stonework. Haida couldn't help staring over at him, which caused his knees to quiver at seeing Tadano's bare ass moving with every step. He then looked back down at himself, and winced when he realized what was gonna happen next. "Ugh... good thing it's just the two of us..."

After Tadano's brief teasing, as well as the view of his naked form, the crotch of his briefs had expanded out to an obviously phallic degree. The outline of his sheath was standing out prominently against the bright red fabric, including the tip of his cockhead that strained hard against the crotch. Haida knew how awkward it would be to walk around with a full erection at a bathhouse, especially at a bougie location like this. But since he already came here for the main goal of exploring his intimacy with Tadano, he could only hope that no unlucky patrons walked in to catch them acting too inappropriately.

With a sharp exhale, Haida bit the bullet by pulling down his underwear, which allowed his member to finally hang freely between his legs. He wasn't fully erect just yet, but the thin shaft of his cock was already starting to slip out of his sheath. Regardless, he quickly grabbed his towel to wrap around his waist. He then walked towards his friend, who was already using his personal shower nozzle to spray down his back.

Tadano didn't say anything, but he smiled while watching Haida get on the bench beside his own. He made sure to turn himself around and face the hyena, not wanting to accidentally spray water on him like a dick. When Haida sat himself down, he made sure to keep his crotch covered with the towel. Of course, the obvious tent he was sporting was enough to make Tadano smirk a little.

Meanwhile, Haida's eyes were locked on the fat, meaty equine cock that was hanging semi-flaccid between Tadano's legs.

Despite carrying a girthy beast that almost looked like a third leg, Tadano was still spraying his back rather casually. Haida nearly fumbled with his own nozzle, but was thankfully able to keep it in his grip. He started to wash his paws, not wanting to get his towel wet like a novice. Of course, the hyena couldn't help sneaking a couple glances back at Tadano's shamelessly sprawled stance on the bench.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh..." The donkey closed his eyes with a relieved smile, enjoying the warm water cascading down his fur. He was also rubbing a bar of soap up and down his chest, allowing his matted fur to get all soapy and harder for Haida to look away from. As the white suds dripped down his slender torso, it helped to emphasize his cock even more as it twitched and stirred between his legs. Haida tried to wash himself as well, but it was obvious he was more focused on his friend's bathing than his own.

"So, Haida..." It took the hyena a second to realize Tadano was speaking; luckily, the donkey waited a second before looking at him with a smile. "Are you still feeling, uhhh... unsure or anything?"

"Ummm... Haida kept his eyes wide-open, and tried his best to keep his focus on the donkey's face. As his cheeks kept a strong blush, he breathed out before giving a light shrug. "W-Well, I... to be honest, I was mostly trying to adjust to doing something that's not, ummm... s-straight..."

"Ahhhhh..." Tadano nodded with his brows raised, and looked away from him to continue his lathering. "Yeah, that makes sense. I'll admit, it took me a while to realize I was Bi. It was easier for me to be open about it, especially when I was in America. But even over there, it's very easy to face judgement. And not just from straight guys either."

"Wait really?" Haida may have known about his friend's international travels, but that detail made him rightfully confused. "But... Isn't that sort of thing really accepted over there?"

"Ehhhh... kinda? But mostly in urban regions. And even then, being Bi isn't the same as being gay or straight." Tadano then quickly shook his head, and huffed before turning back towards him. "All I'm saying is that I get it, alright? If anything, I was more worried that you were apprehensive because of Retsuko or something."

That point caused the hyena's ears to lower down to the sides of his head. In retrospect, the fact that he was feeling so flustered around Tadano instead of Retsuko was enough to make him squirm. For the longest time, she was one of his most important friends and confidants (aside from Fenneko); but now that Tadano helped open his eyes to newer prospects, he wasn't sure how to handle such a transition. He didn't know how to adequately respond to such a point, but he knew that he needed to say something to Tadano for both their sakes.

"Ummmm... I..." Haida put down his nozzle, and rubbed the back of his head while skewing his muzzle. "... I'll admit, that's... that's definitely weird to think about sometimes... B-But you know that we're on good terms about all that, right?"

"Yeah, of course!" Tadano smiled more naturally with another nod. "I wouldn't have invited you out to Osaka if that wasn't the case."

"Y-Yeah... Yeah, that's true..." Haida tried to nod back, but his blush deepened as he thought back to that fateful weekend. He quickly let out a strong huff before trying to add, "A-Also, I... I still feel kinda bad about how long it took for me to respond to all that--"

"Dude, it's totally fine." With that brief interruption, Tadano kept an assuring tone of voice to quell Haida's nerves. "If anything, I'm glad you had some time to really think it over. I'd rather wait a little bit for a proper response than to get an immediate rejection."

Haida looked away from him for a moment, but still nodded his head in silence. That was when Tadano reached out, and gently touched the hyena's bare thigh just past the towel. "And you gotta admit, you certainly made a big impact with how you answered~"

Haida lowered his head to hide his blushing face. A faint groan came out through his closed muzzle, clearly frazzled by such a remark. Tadano chuckled a little to his friend's reaction, and continued to rub his thigh in a friendly manner. "Although I gotta ask, Haida... You don't regret sending that video, do you?"

The hyena froze up, and his muzzle clenched tightly shut. He knew that any normal person would've likely said yes, since getting butt-fucked by their best friend with a strap-on wasn't appropriate for such a setting. But at the same time, he couldn't deny how taboo and exhilarating the experience proved to be for all the parties involved. Plus, the fact it got Tadano on his good side was enough to feel very little remorse.

"I... I can't say that I do..." Haida's face grew especially hot the instant he heard those words coming out of his mouth. But even as he hung his head in slight embarrassment, he couldn't hide the flustered smile on his muzzle. He even huffed to himself when he overheard his friend's brief chuckle. "Heh... Man, that's weird to say out-loud."

"Yeah, I guess I can't blame you there." Tadano continued to rub Haida's leg, and moved down a little lower to grab his knee. "But since you already said that... Would you be alright with continuing with all this?~"

That question prompted Haida to glance back at him with his lips tightly pursed. Part of him wanted to ask what he meant, but he knew that both of them were fully aware of the donkey's intentions. The idea certainly made his legs squirm a bit in apprehension, but Tadano kept a firm grip on his knee. In addition, that question was enough to make a tent begin to peek out from Haida's towel.

"Ummmm... I mean..." His head tilted sheepishly, and he tried to shoot him a confident smile. "I... I came out here for a reason, didn't I?"

Tadano smiled even wider, and took that answer as a proper excuse to officiate their weekend. He leaned in slowly, allowing Haida to realize what was about to happen. Even though the hyena's eyes widened quite a bit, he didn't try to pull away from Tadano's blushing face. In fact, Haida breathed out softly before closing his eyes, and leaning in towards his muzzle.

Their lips locked together for a light, sensual kiss. Even though both of their eyes were closed, there was no doubt that they knew how much they appreciated one another at that moment. Tadano let out a faint hum while their muzzles were connected, and he wrapped an arm around Haida's back. The hyena's eyes rolled back as he did the same, pulling Tadano in closer so their bare chests touched as well.

Since nobody else was in the showers, the two were left in a peaceful state of serenity while kissing for the first time. Haida may have felt a plethora of butterflies in his stomach, but he couldn't deny how strangely natural Tadano's lips felt against his own. Meanwhile, the donkey couldn't have felt more elated to have such a rare opportunity to hold one his friends in this kind of embrace. Even though he was fully aware that Haida needed some time to fully accept this kind of relationship, Tadano was confident that things were going in the right direction already.

"Muah!~" With a wet pop, Tadano pulled away from Haida's lips while they were still locked in each other's arms. Since their fur had become wet and soapy, the donkey picked up his nozzle so he could begin spraying both of them down. Despite how taboo it was to splash others in the shower at most public bathhouses, it wasn't really a huge deal compared to making out with one first. Plus, Haida didn't seem to mind as he smiled more flusteredly, and pulled back just enough for the shower stream to cascade down his sudsy chest.

"Just so you know," said Tadano, as he continued to spray both of them down and ensure they'd be clean, "I already tipped the staff earlier before you arrived. We have a special hot spring waiting for us outside, which is in a secluded place where we'll be guaranteed some privacy~"

Haida was already feeling wary as he pulled off his towel, not wanting it to get soaked from Tadano's nozzle. But with the additional nudeness, he felt even more exposed when he caught what Tadano said. "W-Wait, really? Like... what do you mean by 'tipped' them?"

"Well, let's just say... I offered a few staff members some 'bonus pay' if they turned a blind eye to anything deemed... 'inappropriate' around here~"

"Inappropri... OH..." Haida blinked a couple times in confoundment, clearly surprised at his friend's preparedness. He was sure that Tadano could certainly afford to bend the rules in their favor; but at the same time, he awkwardly shrugged and tried to say jokingly, "Damn, dude... I wouldn't have thought of you as someone who'd bribe people like that."

"Not a bribe. It's a tip. Something I picked up in America." After shooting Haida a sly wink, he leaned in to whisper into his ear, "Although, I could provide a different kind of 'tip' if you're curious~"

Instead of giving a direct answer, all that Haida could do was freeze up with a cutely blushed expression. Fortunately for the hyena, Tadano responded with a pleased huff before continuing with their shared washing...


It took Haida and Tadano a bit longer to fully wash themselves in the shower room; although, that was mostly because they were more focused on admiring each others' soapy bodies than actually rinsing off. By the time the two were fully dried off, they were met with quite a sight then they walked outside to the actual hot springs. Haida's eyes widened in shock, and he tightened his grip on the towel wrapped around his waist. Meanwhile, Tadano stood shamelessly in the buff with a pleased smile, and a soft sigh from his muzzle.

Since the hot springs were right along the mountainside, snow was beginning to fall from the higher altitudes to give the resort a lovely dusting. It wasn't nearly enough snow to bother either of them, even as they stood naked outside the shower room; but at the same time, Haida's knees pressed tightly together in response to seeing those thick, fluffy snowflakes dancing across the air. A few of them landed on his shoulders, clinging to his fur while his cheeks remained hot and bothered.

"Aww, nice! I was hoping it'd snow today." Tadano looked absolutely content with the weather update, not even bothering to cover himself up like Haida had. Even though they were fully exposed outdoors, they were fortunate enough to be in a more secluded region of the resort where no other guests or staff could be seen. In fact, Haida was able to see just how effectively his friend "tipped" his way towards them having their own personal spring with one of the best views.

"W-Wow..." Haida was completely awestruck by the gorgeous view the two had, as the snowy mountaintop served as a perfect backdrop to the steaming hot spring nearby. A couple of thick bamboo sprouts were constantly pouring fresh, hot spring water into the stone-lined pool to keep it nice and warm. There were also a couple of burlap sacks tied beside the bamboo, dipping into the water to provide some exfoliating green tea for whomever is in need of a proper soak. If Tadano wasn't here to cover the bill, Haida was sure that such a luxurious hot spring would have cost at least a couple months' income. Luckily, he didn't have to think too much about those things when he saw Tadano walking towards the spring.

"C'mon, dude! Take the towel off and get in here~" Tadano practically strutted towards the steamy hot spring, his bare ass hanging right out for Haida to gawk at. His bare hooves made soft clopping noises against the cobblestone path, while Haida's paws only slapped faintly. Even while walking behind the donkey, Haida could catch brief glimpses of Tadano's thick, flaccid cock swinging freely between his legs. The hyena looked down at the towel around his waist, which was already trying its best to lift up at the bottom from his erection. He may have trusted his friend about them being in a discreet location; but aside from that one time back in his teenage years on a dare, Haida never considered himself to be the type to get fully naked outdoors.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh~" Tadano dipped his hooves in the warm water, shuddering from the calming embrace that touched his cleaned fur. After tossing his towel aside, the donkey took his time as he slowly descended into the murky water with his cock twitching in approval. When he glanced back at Haida, he could see that his friend was still looking apprehensive with his tenting towel doing nothing to cover him up. By the time Tadano slipped down waist-deep, his eyes narrowed on the hyena to say sultrily, "Oh, come on, big guy. I've seen far more than your dick in that video, remember?~"

Haida cringed painfully hard, his eyes averting from the donkey and his truthful point. He knew that he wanted this to happen, and was fully willing to go through with his friend's plans. But before he could reveal himself out in the open, he took a moment to glance behind them. Luckily for Haida's sake, he didn't seem to notice any video cameras or pervy staff trying to peek in on them.

"Ughhh... A-Alright then..." With a deep sigh, Haida took the plunge as he allowed his towel to drop down to the floor. After all the teasing he endured back in the showers, the hyena was rock-hard with his thin, slender cock standing fully rigid between his legs. Tadano lifted his brows with an impressed smirk, happy to see that lengthy piece of cockmeat upclose. However, as his eyes traveled down the length of that thin shaft, his eyes widened when he caught sight of something unexpected.

"Whoa!" The sound of Tadano's surprised voice made Haida wince and turn his head away. However, his ears flagged up when he heard his friend ask, "Dude, is that a knot?!"

"Hmm?" Haida glanced down at himself, taking notice of the same distinct bulb at the base of his cock that Tadano recognized. Even though that feature of his appendage wasn't too noticeable in Fenneko's video call, the pink bulge was very easy to see up close now. Tadano appeared more than a little surprised, since knots weren't really a thing in hyena anatomy. Haida may have looked embarrassed standing in the buff, but he couldn't help shrugging sheepishly to his friend's surprised expression. "Oh, uhhhh... Y-Yeah, uhhhh... I happen to have a little canine in my family on my Mother's side. My Dad doesn't even have one, so he was shocked when he found out about this."

"Hmph~" Tadano slipped deeper into the hot spring, and leaned against the side of the rock-lined edge while smirking at him. "Shocked in a good way, or a bad way?~"

Haida may have been rightfully flustered by that point, but he was quick to shoot him a flat glare. "Dude, you really wanna bring up my Dad right now?"

"Right, right. My bad." Tadano put up his arms apologetically, instantly catching his mistake by Haida's warning tone. Instead of saying anything more about that subject, he motioned towards the steamy bath awaiting them. "Anyway though... I feel like you'll enjoy this a lot more than you think~"

Haida sighed with a strong roll of his eyes, and decided to just go with it. The moment his paw dipped into the water, he shivered from how warm and alluring it felt against his pads. His spotty fur could be seen raising up as he stepped further into the hot spring, which made Tadano nod with an approving grin. "Yeah, there ya go! Just enjoy the moment, buddy~"

"AaaaAAAAaaaaahhhhh..." Haida took his time sinking into the water, especially when his rigid erection was met with the warming caress of the tea-infused water. He nearly stumbled as he moved through the murky water, but was able to settle beside Tadano at the edge of the rocky ledges. The donkey quickly pulled him in, wrapping an arm around his shoulder so they were nestled side-by-side. Meanwhile, he reached down with his other arm to touch the hyena's toned abs beneath the water.

"Oooohhhhh... Someone's been working out~" Tadano shot him a warm smile, which made Haida shudder and try to smile back. Of course, that was easier said than done when the donkey's digits were effortlessly sliding down his stomach, and reaching closer to his twitching cock. Haida eventually closed his eyes, and let out a shuddering moan when he felt Tadano softly grip the base of his member. The donkey loomed in even closer, and he whispered into his friend's ear, "Don't worry, Haida. I promise I'll be gentle..."

His digits began to slide up and down the length of Haida's shaft, feeling every inch of his slender length while the hyena's legs squirmed like mad. Haida groaned hoarsely through his fangs, and tried to reel his head back and enjoy the sensation as best as he could. He knew that if they were at any other bathhouse, they'd likely get kicked out or even arrested for acting this inappropriately. But considering how much money his buddy had at his disposal, he could only hope that Tadano knew what he was doing to stroke his cock out in the open.

"Yeeeaaaaahhhhh... Feels good, don't it?" Tadano picked up the pace with his tantalizing strokes, moving up and down Haida's cock at a faster rate. A low, almost howling moan came out of Haida's muzzle as he writhed in titillation beside him. Without even thinking, one of his arms reached out to take hold of Tadano's plump equine cock. Unlike Tadano, whose digits were able to wrap around Haida's shaft completely, the donkey proved to be much girthier in comparison; in fact, Haida almost felt like he was holding a rolling pin when he realized just how thick it was while erect. "Mnnnghhhh... Yeah, that's right, Haida," he purred before giving a long, hair-rising lick up the side of Haida's neck. "You wanted this for a while, huh?~"

The longer that Tadano played around with his cock, Haida's head grew more clouded in surprising bliss. But even as his thoughts grew more muddled, he heard enough of that question for his body to blankly nod on its own. He was still moaning weakly as his own efforts intensified as well, jerking the hung donkey to feel just how long that girthy beast really was. Tadano's muzzle skewed the slightest bit as he groaned in response, but his own lustful grin remained. After leaning in to give another long, teasing lap of his tongue across the nape of Haida's neck, he whispered sensually into his ear, "So, Mister Haida... Are there any special ideas you'd wanna try first?~"

"Mmmnnnfffffff..." Haida tensed up as he leaned back against the rocky ledge, his cock throbbing hard in Tadano's grasp. He was trying his best to match the rapid pace of the donkey's strokes, but his grip was growing more fidgety the longer he was caught in such a captivating state of euphoria. He would've been perfectly fine with just having Tadano finish him right then and there, despite knowing how much of a waste it'd be at a moment like that. Luckily for both of their sakes, his muzzle opened up shakily as he tried to blurt out a request. "Aaaahhh... I... I-I mi... I might have... a-a-an idea or two..."

"Oh?~" Tadano began to slow down his jerking motions, allowing his friend to catch his breath. "And what that might be, hmmm?~"

"Haida gave that fat donkey cock a few more good strokes, which caused Tadano to shudder with a heavy groan. When he was finally able to exhale deeply enough, Haida tried not to blush too deeply in embarrassment. "Uhhhh... I... I-I may have had a thing for... f-for uhhh..."

He knew how weird his personal kink may have been, especially to someone who had never been informed about it until now. Even in their email conversations leading up to this day, there was something that Haida never thought he could indulge in. But now that Tadano is here and fully willing, the hyena decided to throw caution into the wind and mutter faintly:

"... h-hooves?"

Tadano's eyes widened quite a bit, not expecting to hear that kind of preference from his friend; although in retrospect, he was also grateful it wasn't something REALLY weird. "Hmmmmm... Is that right?~"

Before Haida could get the chance to nod his head in shame, he gasped with his eyes wide-open the moment Tadano lifted one of his legs. A freshly-cleaned, and soaking-wet hoof was brought up from the water's surface, with a light mist of steam still bellowing from the matted fur. Tadano smirked devilishly as he brought his hoof up to Haida's face, causing him to freeze up with his muzzle tightly shut. However, the hyena's face was also growing a heavy blush that masked his spotty fur with a deep shade of crimson.

"So tell me, Mister Haida," he said with a voice brimming in intrigue, "what would you wanna do with one of my hooves, huh?~"

It took Haida a moment to really assess what was going on, as he was left staring at that presented hoof blankly. The freshly-trimmed fetlocks were leading down towards the smooth, pedicured keratin that lined across the bottom of Tadano's leg like a cute little cap. Haida wasn't able to see a single blemish or crack across the hoof's surface, which was rather surprising given Tadano's carefree lifestyle. And with the addition of the hot spring's specially-infused waters, all that the hyena could smell was the sweet aroma of green tea that wafted about with the steam.

Haida's eyes went half-lidded, and he barely realized he was moving his head in closer to that waiting hoof. As soon as he grabbed hold on the ankle, he loomed in with his eyes closed, and his muzzle opening up wide. Without even thinking, Haida dragged his flat tongue across the bottom of Tadano's keratin, groaning faintly from the titillating taste and the smooth surface against his tastebuds. That first lap was done in a slow, sensual manner that left Tadano's body tensed up, and his head reeling back with a shaky gasp. The donkey had to bite down on his fist to keep from giggling at the instantly ticklish sensation. Meanwhile, Haida was already beginning to drool as he gave the hoof another heavy lick. "Aaaaaahhhhhh..."

Since he was already rock-hard and lost in pleasure, Haida didn't show much shame as he indulged in such a carnal and impulsive kink. He took his sweet time licking every inch of Tadano's hoof, moaning from how smooth and soft the keratin felt against his tongue. He dug the tip against the soft region in the middle, which caused Tadano to hiss and groan through his teeth in tantalizing pleasure. As more of the hyena's slobber slathered the bottom of his hoof, Tadano couldn't help stroking himself while savoring his friend's diligence. "Nnnnnnffffff!! Ho... H-Holy shit, Haida... Mmmnnnghhhh~"

Another soft moan came out of Haida's muzzle, which remained wide-open to better appreciate the tea-soaked hoof in his grip. Tadano eventually leaned himself back, and pulled up his other hoof so Haida could continue with his fun. The hyena mindlessly grabbed hold of both ankles as his lustful inhibitions grew stronger. His eyes were closed contentedly, and he alternated between devouring both of those perfectly-pedicured hooves with equal amounts of passionate vigor. "Aaaahhh!!~"

"OoooOOOHHHH!!~" Tadano may have not been that keen on hoof or paw stuff, but he'd be lying if he claimed that Haida's tongue-lashing wasn't getting him riled-up. His hooves were trying their best to curl up in response to the hyena's ravenous licking, and he was struggling not to buckle his legs and accidentally kick him in the face. The bottoms of his hooves were becoming more sensitive with every harsh drag of Haida's tongue, which made it harder for the donkey not to start laughing uncontrollably. He wasn't sure if he would end up with a hoof kink or a tickle fetish by the end of this weekend; but with the way Haida was going all-in, Tadano honestly wouldn't have minded if either outcome occurred. "Aaaaahhhhh... Awwww, fuck... Mmmmmmm, keep going~"

Haida let out a brief moan, and responded by pulling him in closer by the ankles. The donkey was left reeling with a deep, giggling moan of his own while his legs were being tightly latched against Haida's chest. The hyena slobbered all over those hooves side-by-side, shamelessly tasting every inch of their smooth undersides while spurting precum beneath the water's surface. His face was heavily blushed, although it was unclear if that was from his arousal or looming feelings of embarrassment. Either way, Haida eventually started rubbing the bottoms of those hooves against his face, smearing his cheeks in his own drool while savoring the sweet scent the hot spring had given to those petite little pucks.

"Mmmnnnnphhhh!!~" Tadano eventually got too pent-up to take much more, and he pulled his hooves back so he could change his positioning. He leaned back against the edge of the hot spring, and brought up the bottom half of his body so that it could float atop the murky surface. His thick, rigid cock was standing at full-attention between himself and Haida, blocking the donkey's view of his friend's blushing face. The hyena was taken aback by the sight of that girthy beast upclose, even as his tongue still lingered with the strong taste of tea-flavored hooves. He was still throbbing hard beneath the water, but neither of them seemed to take much notice of the thin strings of pre that slithered up towards the surface. Although, it's not like any of those droplets were as impressive as the large bulb of precum seeping from the tip of Tadano's flaring head.

"Mmmmmm... whad'ya think, Haida?~" Tadano shot him a wide, cocky grin as he reached down and gripped the base of his cock. Much like what Haida was doing earlier, Tadano made sure to give his shaft a couple of long, teasing strokes to flaunt how plump and massive it really was. Haida's knees buckled beneath the water, and his muzzle hung agape when he saw a thick glob of Tadano's pre dribbling down the underside of his shaft. And each time the donkey's digits slid up towards the cockhead, the veiny flesh of his shaft pulled up enough to show off his heavy, low-hanging balls just underneath.

Tadano grinned when he saw how obviously his friend's eyes were drawn to the sight of his balls. The pupils were moving in tandem to those plump orbs dangling like a pendulum. Even as more precum seeped out from the tip, coating his digits as they tightly gripped his shaft, Tadano narrowed his eyes on him and said lustfully, "C'mon, Haida... I know you wanna~"

Even without any added context, Haida nodded his head blankly to that statement. The water around him rippled as he moved in closer between the donkey's legs, his muzzle remaining open for that endowed package right in front of him. When his head got in between Tadano's thighs, the scent of green tea wasn't enough to cover the distinct, ripe musk that was still permeating from the donkey's equipment. Even after a thorough washing, Haida's muzzle wrinkled up when he got a good whiff of the heady aroma. And with Tadano pulling his cock back with a good tug, his balls were given some proper focus to keep Haida's undivided attention.

A faint, shaky breath escaped Haida's muzzle, which caused Tadano to shudder from the hot breath touching his wet ballsack. But before he could think to say anything, he gasped the moment Haida's lips wrapped around the girth of one of those thick balls. The hyena closed his eyes once more, indulging in the salty musk that permeated in every crease of the donkey's wrinkly flesh. His muzzle opened even more, allowing both of those hefty balls to slip into his drooling maw without much strain. And much like the donkey's hooves, Haida continued his ravenous tongue-lashing as he gave those balls a deep, hungry lap.

"AaaaaAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Tadano had to bite his first once more, although it wasn't enough to keep a brief moan from echoing out towards the mountainside. He let go of his cock to grab a hold of Haida's head, hpong to keep him in place while his balls were inside that warm muzzle. The underside of his thick cock smacked the bridge of Haida's snout, splattering his syrupy precum all over the hyena's spotty fur. Haida didn't seem like he minded, as he continued to slobber all over those balls with his lips tightly pursed around the base. His cheeks could be seen bulging out to carry the girth of those plump, meaty orbs; and with every harsh throb of Tadano's cock against his face, he could feel the sharp pulsations of his balls as they swelled out inside of his mouth.

"Mmnnnffffff!!! Oh shit... O-Oh SHIT!!~" Tadano wasn't expecting for Haida to suck his balls so well, especially as a first-timer. But even with the hyena's intimidating fangs sticking out of his muzzle, he was able to caress the donkey's balls surprisingly well with his lips curled over his teeth. More drool could be seen trickling down the corners of Haida's chin, before dripping into the steamy water below; by that point, multiple strings of the hyena's precum were littering the water's surface as he kept throbbing untouched in the murky depths. But as he held onto Tadano's thighs tightly with both arms, Haida didn't need too much self-care while slathering his tongue across every inch of his friend's musky sac.

"MmmmMMMMMmmm... Ooooohhhhh, I'msogladyoucameouthere..." Tadano was growing lost in pleasure, and eventually laid back on the ground beside the hot spring's edge. Haida remained in the water while sucking those fat balls, not minding that the donkey's hooves were the only part of his body being soaked. Tadano's ass was hanging off the spring's ledge, while he used his towel to cover his face and muzzle his lumbering moans. If he hadn't paid off the resort's staff, there was no doubt that someone would've come out to investigate their "inappropriate conduct." But even as Tadano's words grew more rushed and flustered between his panting breaths, it wouldn't be until Haida's muzzle pulled back that he would lose his ability to speak.

Haida opened his muzzle wide, and slowly pulled back from those heavy balls with several lines of saliva connecting them to his parted lips. Haida took several deep breaths, which tasted distinctly of musk and green tea in a strangely fitting combo. Tadano's fat cock twitched repeatedly while the donkey was lost in a dazed stupor, not even realizing how much of his precum was splattering all over Haida's face. But even with how thick and intimidating that meaty cock may have looked, the hyena's tongue stuck out when he glanced lower. "Aaaaahhhhh..."

"Wh... What are ya--OOOOOOHHHHH!!!~"

Haida lunged in before his friend could finish his question, and his muzzle went right between the donkey's plump cheeks to deliver a thorough rimming. His flat, canine-like tongue eagerly went to work, lapping that puckering hole at a rabid rate. Tadano's eyes shot wide-open, and his back arched up from the ground like he was undergoing an exorcism. He had to stuff the towel into his muzzle to muffle his heavy moans, not expecting for the hyena's tongue to be so diligent or tantalizing with every rapid flick. Meanwhile, Haida clenched his eyes tightly shut as he grabbed hold of that gorgeous ass, and growled like a primal beast while devouring his hole.


Tadano found himself caught in an unexpected whirlwind of intense pleasure, his muzzle hung open in response to the hyena's merciless tongue. Haida was fully lost in lustful inhibition, and he ate out that ass like the countless nights he fantasized doing with Retsuko's pussy. But in that moment, she was the furthest thing from his mind as he indulged in the donkey's tight little hole. He could hear every cute, muffled moan that belted out through the towel stuffed in his mouth. And between his tensed-up cheeks, Haida could feel just how tightly that hole was puckering against his wriggling tongue.

"Hrrrrrrmmmphhhh!!~" Tadano's legs were writhing harshly against Haida's sides, but he tried his best to keep them apart so that the hyena's tongue could continue its work. Haida was buried muzzle-deep with his growls intensifying, and his tongue working more fervently to loosen that hole up. His knotted cock was throbbing harder with every moan he heard from Tadano, with both of them getting increasingly riled-up for some proper action. Not to mention, the sensation of that musky hole twitching against his tongue was making Haida's eyes roll back in deep, perverted bliss.

"Aaaahhhh!!~" Haida pulled back briefly enough to breathe, with more strings of his drool connecting his muzzle to that ripe ass. Tadano's tailhole looked absolutely mesmerizing while coated in a thick glaze of saliva, with the pucker twitching badly in need of something more substantial. The donkey himself couldn't do much while lying on the ground before him, but his legs remained wide-apart to show off his fully exposed state. It took Haida a moment to fully process what might happen next, but his eyes soon widened in a mixture of realization and surprise. Meanwhile, Tadano's moans eventually died down enough for him to lift his head up, and pull the towel out of his mouth to speak.

"H-Hey... You, uhhh... D-Do you wanna... like..."

Due to how heavily Tadano was breathing between his winded words, Haida needed a second to realize what he might have wanted. Even before the two came out to this resort, Haida was sure that he would've been the one on the receiving end of the donkey's massive cock. But even with it still standing rigid and twitching, it was hard to deny how quickly plans may have changed while Tadano was in a presented stance.

"Do... D-Do you..." Haida's blush deepened when he looked past the donkey's cock, and saw the equally impulsive expression on Tadano's face. It was obvious that both of them were thinking the same thing, regardless of what may have been arranged earlier. The idea made Haida's heart race rapidly, but it also made his cock throb especially hard beneath the water's surface. And with his muzzle still slightly agape, it was easy for him to finish his question without much further thought. "... D-Do you want me to... to t-top?"

Haida almost winced when he heard himself ask that last part out-loud. However, his curious gaze remained pinned on Tadano and his blushing face. He could see the donkey's eyes darting between his friend's expression, and the water where that knotted cock was waiting just underneath. He didn't say anything for a second or two, but Haida could hear an audible gulp from him. After taking a deep breath through his nostrils, Tadano made his decision by quickly pulling himself off the ground.

And before Haida could even have a split-second to react, Tadano lunged back into the hot spring to fall into the hyena's embrace. "MMMPHHHH!!"

Tadano wrapped his arms around Haida, and locked him in place for a deep and passionate kiss. The hyena needed a moment to adjust to the donkey's tongue sliding inside of his drooling maw, not expecting him to do that right after rimming him so deeply; however, he was quick to reciprocate after his eyes rolled back sensually. The two made out in the middle of the pool in each other's grip, the undersides of their cocks pressing tightly together beneath the water. But after nearly a full minute of tongue-laden kissing, Tadano made the first move as he pulled his hooves up, and wrapped them around the hyena's waist.

Haida's eyes opened wide when he felt him repositioning, with his cock nestled between the donkey's plump cheeks. The two were still kissing passionately by the time Tadano got in position, perching himself right atop that slender and knotted cock. When they finally pulled apart with a wet pop, Tadano shot him the hungriest stare of lust and desire when he growled out, "Fuck me~"

Haida gasped when he was pushed back against the other edge of the hot spring, his back pressing hard against the smooth stones behind him. Meanwhile, Tadano got himself in position as he took charge, and held onto the hyena's shoulders to pull himself up. Haida's cock remained fully erect, and was standing rigidly by the time Tadano began to lower himself back down. Haida tried his best to hold him in place, with the water assisting to carry the donkey's weight. Fortunately, even the hyena's wobbling knees weren't enough to keep the tip of his cock from slipping between Tadano's cheeks.

"Nnnnnfffffff..." Tadano closed his eyes and tried to focus, slowly lowering himself down towards Haida's waist. His muzzle opened up to gasp softly when he felt the petite, pointed cockhead of the hyena's prodding against his waiting entrance. Even while underwater, there was more than enough of Haida's lingering drool to help keep his entrance well-lubed and ready for more than just his tongue. And after being thrown into such deep realms of pleasure, Tadano didn't hesitate to get that plump head inside of him as soon as possible. "Nnnnghhhh!!"

With a harsh groan, the donkey began to push himself down on Haida's cock. The hyena moaned out with his head reeled back, while his cock firmly nestled itself against that tight pucker. He had no idea how well-versed Tadano was when it came to bottoming; but given how determined he was looking, Haida could only assume that he had enough experience to know what he was doing. Tadano didn't let up, and he continued to push down while growling through his teeth. Haida began to wince as well, feeling just how tightly that hole was pressing down on his cockhead; but despite how petite the donkey's hole may have been, both of them let out a deep, unified moan when they felt it beginning to open up for the hyena's girth.



Slowly but surely, Tadano was able to relax himself enough to allow Haida's pointed head to work its way in. As soon as he was able to wrap around the hyena's thin shaft, Tadano wrapped his arms tighter around Haida's back. Both of them needed a moment to settle themselves in, with the donkey shivering each time he felt that rigid cock throbbing inside of his puckering hole. But despite how tight he may have felt, Haida tried to push his hips inward when he felt his friend lowering himself even further. "Nnnnnnnghhhhh!!"

Tadano had his muzzle wide-open as he rested against Haida's shoulder, keeping him close as he savored every inch that slid into him. Haida's cock may have been slender, but it proved to be just as hard as the thick beast rubbing up against the hyena's chest. Due to its manageable girth, only a couple minutes of strenuous pushing were needed until Haida's plump knot pressed up against the outside of Tadano's hole. The donkey held onto him even tighter, and took that moment to give him another deep kiss in preparation. "Mmmmmmm..."

Haida held him just as tightly, and kissed him back while the two were connected so intimately. While their muzzles were locked, and their tongues slathered over one another quite sloppily, Tadano began to push himself down harder against that knot. Haida's muzzle wrinkled a bit while Tadano's tongue slithered its way inside; but due to their ravenous makeout session, he could feel just how much it was helping loosen the donkey up. He tried his best to continue kissing him as deeply as he could, while also pushing himself harder against Tadano's hungry hole. Eventually, the hyena tried to thrust himself back and forth against his friend's entrance, like he was knocking on his door to allow himself inside.

"Mmmmmphhh!!~" Tadano's lips were slobbering all over Haida's, and he tried to move in tandem with the hyena's water-logged thrusts. Each gyrating motion of their hips was making them more riled up, despite Haida's inability to knot him just yet. Thick strings of Tadano's precum were floating up to the surface between them, but neither seemed to care while fucking in each other's tight embrace. Haida's thin shaft worked its way in and out, each time pressing up hard against him with his knot. The combination of friction and pressure was more than enough to make Tadano moan into his mouth, while his own member rubbed up hard between their chests. Neither of them were sure how easily that knot could get inside, or even if it was possible at that time; but as Haida picked up the pace with his thrusts, and Tadano pushed himself down more diligently in tandem, all that they seemed to care about was making the moment count.

The two were moaning deeply into each other's muzzles, embracing their bodies while making out in lustful passion. Haida's cock was pistoning in and out of that tight hole at a faster rate, filling the donkey in ways that made his eyes roll back cutely. Meanwhile, Tadano was trying his best to push down on that knot each time Haida thrusted in in, eager to get that plump bulb inside before either of them could shoot their loads. He could feel himself loosening up each time the hyena got close to balls-deep, almost as if his body was taunting him to go for it. Eventually, Tadano had to pull his muzzle away so he could reel his head back, and moan out while hopping up and down on that knotted cock. "Aaaaaahhhhhh!!~"

"Mmmnnnghhh!" Haida had his teeth tightly gritted, and he tried his best to thrust into the donkey and give him his full. His knot continuously pressed hard against that tight hole, each time getting in a little deeper than the last. By the time a good portion of the thick, meaty bulb was able to work its way through, Tadano tightened his grip around Haida's waist so he couldn't pull back. He wrapped his arms and hooves around the hyena, and kept a tight grip as he growled into his ear, "Get it in there!"

"Aaaahhhhh!!~" Haida moaned out weakly, his cock throbbing hard in response to that threatening demand. His hips fidgeted while pressed up so tightly against Tadano's hole, with the knot stretching him open little by little. Haida could feel himself throbbing hard inside of him, undoubtedly shooting several ropes of precum without protection. But with Tadano's massive cock pulsating just as harshly between their bodies, Haida knew that it was now or never if he wanted to give him that fat knot.




With a deep and rapturous shriek, Tadano shuddered with intense elation as he felt the hyena's knot lock their bodies in place. His hole clung as tightly as it could around the base of Haida's cock, while also feeling his balls pulsing right up against his cheeks. Tadano's muzzle hung open as he savored that feeling of fullness, not expecting something so thin to be so satisfying overall. But even with their bodies tightly embraced and unmoving, Haida groaned out with his eyes clenched, "D-DUDE! I... I'm gon... I'm gonna cum!!"

"S-So am I!" Tadano didn't give him the chance to say anything else, and he locked muzzles with the hyena so they could kiss deeply through their shared orgasm. The two went right back to making out, just as Haida's cock throbbed intensely inside of the moaning donkey. Tadano's eyes rolled back blissfully, and his entire body locked up when he felt that first blast of hot, gooey cum shooting into his deepest depths. Haida pushed in as far as he could, and the toes of his paws curled up from the nerve-tingling climax that caused several thick, heavy ropes of his cum to flood Tadano to the brim.

"MMMPHHHHHH!!!~" Much like Haida, who continued to cum deep inside of Tadano like a proper breeding, the donkey's massive cock erupted while nestled between their bodies. A continuous rope of his cum eventually floated up to the surface, looking like a long gooey string due to the spring's high temperature. The donkey's load clung to their fur like glue, holding them even tighter in place while Haida's knot swelled up inside of his friend. Neither of them could do much but moan into each other's mouths, and clung tightly to one another as they rode that intense bout of orgasm in tandem. The height of their climactic end lasted for well over a minute, which left their minds thoroughly blank by the time they slumped into the steamy water in pure sensual euphoria.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh..." Neither of them said anything for a while, even after they reached their peaks long enough to sign in contentment. They continued to kiss for several minutes afterward, savoring the hot spring's alluring warmth while Haida's knot was firmly locked in place. Tadano couldn't have been happier in the hyena's embrace, even while his cum was practically glued to their fur and endangering the integrity of the spring. Meanwhile, Haida held onto his friend with a heavy blush, and a warm smile that indicated just how confidently he felt about the donkey in his embrace.

"Uhhhhh... S-So, ummm..." Haida didn't want to ruin the moment by speaking up too soon. However, he couldn't help blushing sheepishly when he stared back at Tadano. "... We're not gonna get in trouble for this, are we?"

"Pssh~ Of course not!" Tadano may have been wiped out, but he was quick to shoot his friend a dismissive roll of his eyes. "Don't worry, dude. I already got everything settled out, so we're cool. Besides, I know for a fact that we'll have a pizza waiting for us in our room later on."

"Ooh, pizza?!" Haida's face lit up like a kid in a candy store, which prompted Tadano to chuckle cutely. "Damn, that must've been a good tip!"

"Yes, it certainly was..." Tadano gave his friend-turned-mate one last deep, sensual kiss on the lips. Haida didn't even reel back, and accepted the gesture with an eager reciprocation. When their lips finally broke apart, the look in their half-lidded gazes confirmed just how much their relationship had changed for the better. However, it wasn't until Tadano grew a randy smirk that he added in a devilish tone, "And believe me, big guy... You're gonna get a proper tip from me after we clean up~"

Haida's eyes may have shot wide-open in realization; however, his blush wasn't nearly as obvious as the distinct twitch of his cock that Tadano could feel inside of him.

Connie the Hormone Monstress vs. El Orgazmo

"Hmmmm... Now what do we have here?~" Just outside the giant windows of a storefront, a very unique creature was standing by herself beneath the night sky. Even though the nearby road provided some much-needed illumination through its streetlamps,...

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Timothy and Carl Go Shopping

"Ugh... jeeze, why the heck do we even open this early for?" Even though it wasn't exactly that "early," as evidenced by the clock hanging on the wall indicating that it was just past nine in the morning, it would've been easy to assume it was...

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Private Brady's 'Private' Mishap

11:25 That number was the only source of light which could be seen, with its electronic lettering standing out with an eerie red glow. Sure, there was also the tiny strip of light beaming from underneath the door; but with how dark the rest of the...

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