Timothy and Carl Go Shopping

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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It was early one morning when Carl, a middle-aged Bernese Mountain Dog, was manning the local sex shop by himself. Even though he didn't expect any customers that morning, he was happy to see a first-time customer walk in: A slender bunny from the nearby University with a runner's body and a nervous blush. The bunny's name was Timothy, and he was visiting the shop out of curiosity and education. Luckily for the small hare, Carl was more than happy to show him around the store, and get him accustomed to many different products. And given how big and burly the canine clerk appeared, it seemed that Timothy's nervousness wasn't enough to accept his help in a rather... unorthodox way~

Note: This story was a commission for a good friend and Patron named Eirjan. If you want to see my upcoming projects, or wish to show your support for my work and future projects, please feel free to follow me at my official Patreon page (Patreon.com/TheVClaw)

"Ugh... jeeze, why the heck do we even open this early for?"

Even though it wasn't exactly that "early," as evidenced by the clock hanging on the wall indicating that it was just past nine in the morning, it would've been easy to assume it was right at the break of dawn. The sun had only risen a couple hours ago, which shot a blisteringly bright light through the shop's windows. Every shelf and aisle was brightly illuminated, making the entire store feel oddly exposing without any additional lights on. And considering what was proudly adorned across all of those shelves, it's no surprise that customers don't usually show up at this time of day.

The large, burly canine manning the place was leaning against the glass counter, his eyes half-lidded in a bored gaze. When he first started working here years ago, it was fairly easy to entertain himself on lonely shifts by just gazing through all the merchandise. However, after all the countless exchanges and restockings he had to do himself, it didn't take long for the humor and curiosity to fade into mediocrity. Even the most ludicrous items adorning the shelves, like fist-shaped dildos and Blu-Rays of Granny Porn compilations, tend to lose their entertaining factor after seeing them for years. Nowadays, those things were random pieces of inventory waiting to be sold.

"Whoo!" Winter might have not been for another month or so, but the heater was working well enough to make the clerk tug on his collar and sigh loudly. His dark green polo was just barely able to fit his thick torso, despite his manager buying him a custom XXL size. Part of that was because of his fat, low-hanging gut that was just about to peek out from the bottom of his shirt; of course, the canine also had a thick tuft of white fur that was sticking out from the neckline. Since he wasn't able to program the heating/cooling systems himself, the poor mutt was left feeling pretty uncomfortable with his black ears hanging low against the sides of his head. Fortunately, since his boss was "thankful" enough to leave a tiny desk-fan by the counter, the little motor was working its hardest to brush the thick tufts of black, white, and brown fur on his face.

"Ughhhh..." The canine sighed tiredly after fanning his shirt, and pulled up the bottom hem to briefly expose his thick belly. He used the inside of his shirt to polish off his nametag, which read 'Carl' in large, bolded letters. As he went to re-tuck his shirt, his eyes gazed across the store with a low and contemplative hum. His large muzzle skewed ever so slightly, as if an idea just randomly popped in his mind. Even though it wasn't the first time such an idea came to his head during work hours, he had to glance at the shop's front entrance to make sure nobody wasn't about to come in. "Hmmmmm..."

Carl bit his lip when he saw that the parking lot was empty outside, providing a rare opportunity for him to do something special while on the clock. The idea made his cheeks blush the tiniest bit through his fur; but at the same time, his muzzle grew a sly little smirk from the prospect. After looking around the store one last time, the dog reached down to pick up his personal satchel. Even though there wasn't anyone present, and the security cameras were still down for maintenance, Carl tried to appear casual as he walked away from the counter, and headed for the bathroom at the back of the store.

As soon as Carl was out of sight, the store looked completely abandoned. For a couple minutes, the only things that could be heard were the muffled sounds of traffic outside, and some brief grunts from the clerk behind the bathroom door. Unfortunately for Carl, despite how careful he may have been, he forgot to lock the front door or change the sign to 'Closed'. Because of that, it didn't take long for the silence of the shop to be interrupted by an electronic 'Ding!' from above the doorway.

"Hmm?" A small, slender bunny with grey fur looked confused as he entered the shop. His large bare feet tapped the linoleum floor with every step he made, which were slow and careful while scanning the store. The thin lagomorph may have just been outside in the brisk cold, but he didn't look too uncomfortable while wearing a tanktop and a tight pair of black running shorts. His MP3 player was securely fastened to the waistband, and a long cord trailed up towards the earbuds inside of his floppy ears. He turned off the device after looking around, and cautiously pulled out his headphones. "Uhhhh... H-Hello?"

As soon as he spoke out loud, the bunny winced from how meek and feeble his voice sounded. He wanted to feel grateful that the shop was so empty, since there was less of a chance of anybody from campus catching him here; however, the fact that he was the only one in the sex shop felt even more exposing. Part of him was slightly worried he entered the store while it was still closed, or maybe it was vacated from a gas leak or something. He cleared his throat while shuffling his feet awkwardly, and tried to speak more clearly. "Is... Is anybody here?"

"OH! S-Shit..."

The bunny turned his head towards that muffled voice from the back of the shop. Fortunately for the lone customer, he was able to overhear some water running briefly before the bathroom door opened. Carl emerged from his little break with his paws still wet, which he wiped against his shirt. The clerk had a slightly wider gait as he walked out, almost looking like a waddle for the first couple steps. He didn't notice how quickly the lagomorph's body locked up at the big canine's presence; however, he was able to see the deep blush that practically exploded across his cheeks.

"Uhhh, sorry 'bout that," he said with a light shrug. Since the bunny was looking kinda intimidated, he refrained from trying to shake his hand. Instead, he kept a warm smile on his muzzle while keeping a respectable distance. "Hopefully I wasn't in there for too long. Heh heh... Name's Carl, by the way."

"O-Oh! Uhhh..." It took a second for the bunny to stir himself from his stupor, but he eventually got his composure back after a brief shudder. Fortunately for Carl, the customer was able to smile weakly through his blush. "My... My name is T-Timothy. I actually just walked in."

"Well thanks for not making a big deal about me being away from the front desk." Carl was just about to head back to his counter, but paused to ask the bunny, "Oh, umm, I kinda need to see your I.D. before you do any shopping, Mister Timothy. Company policy and all."

"O-Oh, of course..." Timothy nodded and pulled out his wallet, which was thin enough to not make much of a bulge in his running shorts. He handed Carl his drivers license, which the canine inspected with a quick scan. Due to his experience, he quickly nodded in approval before handing it back.

"Hmph~ If you came here a week ago, I would've given you a discount for your nineteenth birthday."

Timothy tried his hardest not to giggle with a flustered smile. "I-It's not a big deal..." He tucked his license back into his wallet, and averted his eyes from Carl sheepishly. "To be fair, I... I've never been in a place like this before..."

"Aaaahhhh, a first-timer..." Carl took a moment to stare up and down Timothy's slender, athletic physique. Even though he kept a respectful smile, it was hard for him to hide how intrigued he looked at the bunny's presence. Not to mention, the canine had to readjust himself due to certain... hidden bouts of pressure he was experiencing. Luckily for the clerk, Timothy was too nervous to really take notice of the burly dog's curious smirk; or at least, he could only assume that Carl was just being friendly to the shop's only customer.

"Hey, it's alright," assured Carl genuinely. "Trust me, you have nothing to freak out about. Shops like these are guaranteed to be safe spaces."

"Y-Yeah, I know..." Timothy scratched the back of his neck and turned his head away from Carl's comforting smile. "It's just a little, uhhh... i-intimidating, you know?"

"I completely understand." Carl chuckled a little as he looked around the shop, not blaming the bunny for feeling that way. Since the two were in the middle of the store, they could see quite a selection of unique toys and DVD titles all around them. The canine shook his head and added, "Honestly, when I first started working here, I was willing to bet money that the Internet would make places like this shut down. But in a way, it kinda did the opposite."

"Hmm?" Timothy glanced back at him with a hint of intrigue. "Really? Uhhh... What do you mean?"

"Well..." Carl's voice sounded a bit more confident, which matched the smile growing on his muzzle. He gave a brief motion of his head, silently beckoning Timothy to follow him as he walked down one of the aisles. The bunny's blush remained heavy as he followed the big canine, especially since he was trying to keep his eyes on him and not the rows of BDSM gear beside them. Of course, Timothy still noticed a few choice items like ballgags and leather whips from the corner of his eye. Meanwhile, Carl continued to speak with experience. "It used to be before the days of the internet, stores like these were the only places where people could purchase adult movies for private viewings. Sure, there were porno theaters for a while, but uhhh... it's easy to see why that eventually died off."

Timothy nodded his head, his lips slightly pursed in discomfort from such a thought.

"Anyway, by the time dial-up became obsolete, and people could view any video they wanted with the press of a button, the whole vibe of these places had to change to stay relevant. It's easier for places along interstates to keep their businesses like usual, since truckers still need magazines or physical films on the road. But at the same time, there's a lot of customers in more urban regions like here where the focus is more on... personal exploration~"

That last part got Timothy's ears to slump down against the sides of his head. He hadn't said anything yet, but it seemed like the clerk had a good idea of why he came here in the first place. The two reached the end of the aisle, which had display racks of collars and name tags proudly adorned by the wall. While Timothy stood and rubbed his arm meekly, Carl looked back at him with a cheeky grin. "So, Mister Timothy... What made you curious enough to come here this morning?"

While that question may have been better to ask sooner, Timothy didn't seem too upset. In fact, the bunny was able to smile a little when he looked up at the clerk. "Uhhh... I guess that you wouldn't believe me if I said I wanted a Blu-Ray, huh?"

"Well, I wouldn't blame ya if you did. There are some surprisingly good films I could recommend." Carl reached out to lean against one of the shelves, which allowed him to get closer to Timothy and loom down at him tauntingly. "But given how badly you're blushing, it seems like my assumptions might be correct~"

Even with how overwhelmed he may have looked, one of Timothy's brows rose up quite a bit. "Hmmm... Assumptions, huh? A-And ummm... what might I ask, were you assuming?"

Carl rolled his eyes in faux innocence, and maintained his devilish smirk. "Well, I dunno... You showed up pretty early in the day to look around. Almost as if you... wanted to make sure you were alone?~"

Timothy looked away from the canine with an obvious veil of guilt serving as his blush. His muzzle was tightly shut, but his timid stance was still an affirmative answer to Carl's question.

"Hmph~ Let me tell you what..." Carl pulled back from the blushing bunny, and reached towards one of the metal racks of collars which was on a spinnable base. He spun the rack with a flick of his paw, allowing the numerous tags to jingle like windchimes. Timothy's ears twitched from the sound, and he shivered at the sight of some of the demeaning names engraved across the pieces of metal. Meanwhile, Carl motioned his head towards the front of the shop. "If you would prefer to be left alone and look around yourself, I'll gladly leave you be. However... if you're really curious enough, I could give you a... private tour of the store after locking the door~"

Timothy looked back at him wide-eyed, his grey fur nearly indistinguishable from how hot his face got. His entire body turned rigid, and he was left speechless from Carl's bold proposition. The canine's eyes veered downward, and he couldn't help grinning when he took notice of Timothy's bright red shorts; more specifically, the sizable tent that was protruding from the crotch. It took the bunny a moment to realize what Carl was staring at, but he quickly tried to cover himself after letting out a panicked, "EEP!"

Carl chuckled as he began to walk towards the front doors. "I'll just give ya a moment to breathe, Mister Timothy. After I lock the doors, I'll come back to hear your response..."

Before he could disappear from the bunny's sight, Carl made sure to look back at him and add insistently, "Oh, and uhhhh... I'll totally unlock the doors if you don't want anything, okay? I swear, it won't be a big deal. Consent is important."

Timothy was still a bit smitten by the clerk's openness, but he managed to nod thankfully to that last assurance. Carl gave him a warm smile, and nodded before heading towards the doors. He made sure to take his time, and even paused briefly to rub at the tent in his jeans. He was already walking differently when he exited the bathroom earlier, but now it was very apparent how riled-up he had gotten himself from that blatant teasing. If his manager was here, he'd likely chew Carl's ear off for acting this way with customers. Nevertheless, the canine had an optimistic blush by the time he checked the parking lot outside, and temporarily locked the doors shut.

"Welp, here goes nothing..." As he began to walk back towards his customer, Carl tried not to feel too apprehensive about his plans. Sure, he may have been getting rock-hard inside of his jeans, but he was aware how monumentally risky this may have been. Not only was the bunny sixteen years younger, but also visiting the shop as a nervous first-timer. The canine tried not to dwell too much, and shook his head clear after breathing out calmly. When he rounded the corner where the collars and tags were, he asked, "So, uhhh... is there anything specific that you were looking to..."

Carl's words trailed off the instant he saw Timothy again. The bunny was still blushing hard in his skimpy getup, but he was also trying to stand more confidently before the clerk. The mountain dog's eyes widened immensely, and he had to do a double-take at Timothy's initiative. While he was off locking the door, it seemed that the bunny was curious enough to wear one of the purple collars around his neck; and attached to the front latch was a silver tag in the shape of a carrot, with the bold lettering standing out clear as day:


"... buy..." Carl blinked a couple times in confoundment, but he was quick to huff with an impressed smirk. Meanwhile, Timothy struggled not to squirm in his new collar, since even the slightest movements made the metal tag jingle loudly against his neck. Fortunately for the bunny, Carl was able to keep from chuckling to the customer's choice of kinky attire. "Well then! A little on-the-nose, but certainly a good choice for a first collar."

Timothy lowered his head sheepishly, but the clerk was able to see his appreciative smile regardless. Carl took a moment to look around with a curious smirk. "Sooooo, I'm guessing you're cool with me helping out a little? I promise I'll be gentle~"

The bunny closed his eyes briefly, and took a deep breath before nodding his head. "Y... Y-Yeah, I... I wouldn't mind~"

"Alright then~" Carl seemed to have a good idea already, and pulled out a purple nylon rope from one of the racks. That rope turned out to be a leash, which matched Timothy's collar perfectly. He reached in to latch one end of the leash to the bunny's collar, while his paw held onto the handle tightly. When he took a couple steps back, Timothy shivered when he saw the canine holding him in his grasp. "C'mon, little guy," he said with a hungry purr, as well as a light tug on the leash to make Timothy step forward. "Let's see what else you might enjoy~"

Timothy had no choice but to follow the Bernese Mountain Dog, not that he seemed to mind. Even though his steps were weak and hesitant, the bunny was blushing hotly with a flustered smile on his face. The tent in his running shorts was much more pronounced, and bobbed back and forth with every step he took. Carl looked back at him as they walked, and grinned at the sight of the bunny following so obediently.

"Hmmm... You know what else would look good on you, Mister Timothy?" Carl went around one of the aisles, and ended up in a clothing section with racks of promiscuous attire. Among the leather garments, kinky BDSM accessories, and colorful miniskirts arranged like a long rainbow, Carl seemed interested in something more revealing. He hummed to himself curiously while browsing through a rack of mesh materials, which made Timothy's head tilt in confusion. Of course, when the clerk pulled out a small, black mesh shirt that looked as thin as pantyhose, the bunny's lips pursed tightly shut. Meanwhile, Carl held up the skimpy item from its hanger and nodded his head. "Yeah, this will totally go well with that collar. You wouldn't even need to take off your shirt if you're nervous."

He tossed Timothy the mesh garment, which landed in his hands like an oversized tissue. His muzzle skewed a little as he held the shirt up, inspecting how tiny it looked compared to his slender figure; but with a light stretch of the material, Timothy was surprised by how elastic the mesh was. Carl reached in to undo the leash for a moment, allowing Timothy the chance to change without any obstruction. Even though his lip was bitten tightly, the bunny eventually decided to prove how un-nervous he really was.

"Yeah, that's the spirit~" Carl nodded happily when he saw the bunny pull off his tanktop, further exposing how fit he was in comparison to the clerk. Along his thin physique, faint black stripes lined up and down the sides of his torso against the grey fur. And even when he pulled the mesh shirt over his bare body, those stripes still stood out wonderfully well with the added contrast of the material. While the bunny stood with his arms crossed over his chest, Carl hummed in thought and gazed downward. "Hmmm... Honestly, those shorts work kinda well already. Although I'm curious, what underwear do you wear?"

"Uhhhh..." If it wasn't for the mesh shirt and collar, Timothy would've considered that to be a very inappropriate question to be asked from someone in retail. But with the bulge in his shorts still twitching hard enough for Carl to see, it wasn't hard to tell that he was enjoying this kind of attention. The bunny looked away from him with a nervous smile, and confessed, "Ummm, I... I'm actually wearing a... a j-jockstrap."

Carl's face lit up "Hey, small world! I used to be a boxers guy for the longest time, but I got into jocks by the time I hit my thirties..." The canine reached back in, and re-latched the leash to his collar. "That was also around the time I started to prefer jockstraps as well~"

It took a second for Timothy to catch that corny joke, but it was coy enough to make him giggle. When he gazed back up at Carl, his eyes widened when he saw the peculiar smile on his face. The canine was nearly a foot taller than him, so his imposing presence made his cheeks feel like they were about to be set ablaze at any second; not to mention, he was sure that if he looked down at himself, he'd notice the slight patch of moisture seeping from the tip of his tented shorts.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that." Carl pulled back with a dorkier smile, and scratched the back of his head while shrugging. "I might not have any kids, but I can't resist a 'Dad joke' from time to time."

"H-Hey, it's cool," replied Timothy. His smile became more natural when he glanced up at the canine. "It... It certainly suits you~"

"Oh, does it now?" His ears perked up from the bunny's confident tone, which made him look back down at Timothy more sultrily. "Is there anything else you think would suit a big guy like me?~"

With the way he narrowed his eyes on the bunny, it was almost as if Carl was goading him to respond accordingly. Timothy may have been blushing hard from the canine's hungry stare, but he could tell that he was hoping for another confident answer. "W-Well, uhhhh... If you want me to be honest, I... I bet you'd look good in one of those harnesses over there~"

Timothy motioned his head towards the wall behind Carl, where several high-quality leather chest-harnesses were hanging on display. Carl took notice of the bunny's selection, and chuckled in delight. "Damn, you really do have good taste!" He looked back at Timothy with a cockier smirk, and said, "Although I gotta wonder... did you ask that because you noticed it already?~"

The bunny's expression turned rather puzzled. "Uhhh... noticed what?"

"This~" Carl pulled up his left arm, and used his right paw to grab the sleeve and pull his shirt off in one, effortless sweep. The burly canine got his polo off in less than two seconds, exposing his thick belly out in the open. Timothy's eyes shot wide-open, not expecting to see that bare dad-bod so suddenly without warning. And much to the bunny's shock, Carl was already wearing a black leather harness that hugged around his chest.

"Heh~ I'm guessing you didn't see this, huh?" The Bernese Mountain Dog stood proudly without his shirt, flaunting his harness like it was as natural as his glossy fur. A thick metal ring was nestled in the middle of the leather straps, right between his massive pecs. Even with his floofy chest-fur, the harness stood out rather prominently for Timothy to gawk at in awe. Carl shrugged his shoulders after seeing the bunny's reaction. "Honestly, I was worried it would show through my shirt from behind. But I'm glad it wasn't too noticeable."

"H-Holy..." Timothy was rightfully smitten by the sight of Carl's kinky getup, which made him look absolutely eye-catching. The bunny gulped audibly, although it did nothing to stop the onslaught of drool pooling up in his mouth. Carl grinned wide while leaning against one of the shelves of DVDs, feeling rather confident in himself after seeing Timothy's reaction. After a few seconds of awe-stricken silence, Timothy fanned his face a little and smiled flusteredly. "Holy cow, I... I wasn't expecting you to wear that~"

"Says the guy in a collar and leash~" Carl added to that teasing by giving a small tug of Timothy's leash, causing the bunny to yelp and be pulled in a little closer. Fortunately, the canine could see how much his customer was still smiling, despite how much the bunny was trying to hide it. But much like his erection, Timothy's enjoyment was obvious enough to keep Carl from feeling too hesitant. In fact, the clerk placed his paw on the side of his hip, making sure that Timothy saw his thumb sinking behind his waistband. "And in case it isn't obvious already, I don't mind if you stare~"

Due to his positioning, the bunny's eyes easily strayed away from Carl's paw to see that well-pronounced crotch of his jeans. The denim was hugging the canine's waist and legs rather tightly, which gave Timothy a clear view of the clerk's plump doggy cock. Everything from the pointed head, the thick knot, and even his heavy balls could be seen in surprisingly vivid detail. Timothy's mouth went agape for a moment, but he was stunned speechless by the sight of that meaty appendage.

Carl leaned back while keeping his hips forward, trying to keep his pose "casual" for Timothy to gawk at. The look on the bunny's face was cute enough for Carl to almost giggle in pride; but instead, he let out a low groan as he slid his thumb across his waistband towards his crotch. Timothy's eyes were still pinned to his groin, but his blush deepened when he saw one of the canine's digits flicking at his closed zipper. Right as Carl pinched the handle of his fly, and his tight bulge throbbed distinctly through the denim fabric, he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes on the slack-jawed bunny. "So, what's on your mind right now?~"

Timothy tried to breathe in while his mouth was hung open. After blinking a couple times, the bunny closed his eyes so he could calm himself down and let out a strong shudder. Fortunately, Carl stayed patient in his alluring pose, and waited for his customer to give a truthful response to his bulge. "W-Well, ummm... H-H-Honestly, I..."

Timothy was clearly nervous about addressing the elephant trunk in the room, but he still pointed down at Carl's crotch. "... I'm not gonna lie, dude. I'm pretty sure something that big would kill me."

That comment got Carl to roll his head back and cackle loudly. Timothy almost cringed from the canine's reaction, worried that he said something too personal about his abilities. Luckily, the clerk shrugged his head after his laughter died down. "Alright, alright. That's a very fair point. Although I'll say from experience, I never caused any damage with this thing~"

Instead of unzipping his pants, Carl merely gave his bulge a tight squeeze for emphasis. Timothy's legs pressed tightly together, and he bit his bottom lip to conceal his muffled groan. He could tell that Carl was being honest about such a claim, but it wasn't enough to keep his ass from clenching instinctively. He looked away from the clerk for a moment, mostly so he could recompose himself. But as soon as he turned his head, his eyes widened when he took notice of what was in a nearby aisle. "Oooohhhh..."

"Ooh?" Carl repeated that reaction with a tilt of his head, and glanced towards the same aisle that Timothy was. And much like the bunny, the clerk's eyes bulged out in surprise. He couldn't say he was completely certain of what caught Timothy's attention, but his smile still lessened quite a bit from what he noticed first. "Ohhhh..."

Now it was Timothy's turn to start smirking more devilishly. He may have been standing in nothing but a mesh shirt and a boner, but his confidence increased immensely compared to the canine. Carl couldn't say anything, since his eyes were repeatedly darting between the customer and the potential products nearby. And since he was still shirtless and already harnessed, it was easy for Timothy to see how exposed he likely felt in that moment.

"Uhhh... Heh heh..." Carl tried to chuckle nervously, but his wariness was apparent through his weak smile. "So, ummm... did something catch your interest, Mister Timothy?"

"As a matter of fact, I think something did~" Carl may have still been holding his leash, but the bunny took the lead as he walked into an aisle full of kinkier items for sale. The clerk followed with a skewed muzzle, since this section was perused by some of the more experienced patrons of the shop. Timothy didn't take too much notice towards the sounding rods or wax candles, which was slightly relieving to Carl. Unfortunately, his muzzle still pursed tightly when he saw Timothy making a beeline towards the racks of merchandise that made the canine's cheeks blush profusely.

"Hmmmm..." Timothy reached out and took one of the plastic packages, which contained a small metal cage with a peculiarly phallic shape. The bunny took his sweet time reading the back of the packaging, leaving Carl to stand awkwardly behind him. Even though it wasn't something he was inexperienced with, he was surprised that Timothy would be so intrigued by that kind of product. After reading through the details on the back, he turned the package back around with a more determined smirk. "So, Carl... what can you tell me about these Chastity Cages?~"

"Uhhhh..." The mountain dog scratched the back of his head while averting his eyes from Timothy. "Heh heh heh... Well, I mean... they're pretty effective for guys who want to last a long time without stopping. Not to mention, it's a popular toy for those with humiliation kinks like cuckolding."

"Yeah, I think I read a few stories about those kinds of people..." Timothy glanced back at the clerk with a more intrigued grin. "But how do you feel about them?~"

With the way Timothy was staring up at him intently, it was pretty apparent that he wasn't asking about the product for himself. Carl tried to keep a cavalier smile, but it didn't look nearly as natural as the leashed bunny. Nevertheless, all that the canine could do was avert his eyes from him and confess, "Uhhh, well I... I may have tried them a couple times before. It's a bit intense, but... it honestly depends more on trust than anything else."

"Hmmmm... makes sense..." Timothy inspected the packaging one last time, taking note of the lock and keys included alongside it. After seeing how much Carl was trying not to squirm, he held out the cage to see how it compared to the clerk's bulge. While the mountain dog's white fur was masked with a pink hue, Timothy smiled mischievously wide. "Hmph~ It seems like you're not lying about having experience, huh?"

"W-Well, ummm... What clerk would I be if I lied to my customers?" Carl tried to say that with confidence, but his voice still came out a little feeble compared to earlier. Timothy could tell he was being truthful, so he refrained from teasing him much further. When he pulled the package away, the bunny saw a distinct throb from Carl's bulge through his jeans. That made Timothy feel even more determined, and he looked up at Carl to see if he had any additional critique.

"A-Although..." Carl's muzzle skewed the slightest bit as he looked between the package in Timothy's paw, and the rest of the chastity cages on display. Even though he knew what he would be getting into, the clerk decided to take action before his customer decided to open that particular package. He reached out to take a different cage out of the display rack, which looked to be considerably bigger than the one Timothy was holding; or at least, the one in Carl's paw looked to have a wider girth. "If you're really that curious, ummm... these are safer for guys with knots."

"Oh!" Timothy instantly noticed the difference, and glanced back at Carl's crotch for a moment. Even while covered in tight denim, that bulge appeared to be much thicker than the cage he was currently holding. He placed the package back on the rack without complaint. "Yeah, I... I can see what you mean there."

Carl reluctantly handed him the packaging he was holding, allowing the bunny to inspect the details on the back. Timothy's brows rose up as he looked through the specs, already noting the upgrade in quality compared to the one he previously had. He was also able to see the thick base on the chrome cage, as well as the thinner tip meant to hold a canine's cock securely. When he turned his attention back at Carl, he held up the package and narrowed his eyes on him. "Interesting choice, Mister Carl~"

The canine's blush deepened as he turned his head away, revealing just how much his muzzle was tightening. Timothy leaned in a little closer, staring up at the clerk like a mountain he was eager to climb. And even with how conflicted Carl may have looked, the bunny was able to see that tent in his jeans still twitching rigidly.

"Uhhh... heh heh heh~" Carl needed to take a deep breath, which helped to make his smile less flustered. Timothy may have been the one in all the subby gear, but he was able to make the canine shudder as he walked his paw up the clerk's bare chest. When he reached the metallic ring in the middle of Carl's harness, he swirled a digit around the thick tuft of fur sticking out through the middle. In an attempt to maintain control, Carl tried to keep a tight grip on Timothy's leash and asked, "So, did you... h-have any ideas on what you want to purchase?"

"Hmph~" Timothy shrugged with a cheerful smile. He looked back down at the mesh shirt he was wearing, and looked at the tag to see the price. "Oh, wow... That's actually pretty cheap."

"Yeah, those are actually on sale. Same with the collar and tag too." Carl rolled his eyes and said more casually, "Don't worry, I wouldn't push anything too pricey on you."

"Well, thank you very much for that..." Timothy then looked back at the cage in his paw, and shrugged at the slightly larger price tag attached. "Hmmm... Y'know, I wouldn't mind buying this as well... as long as I get to see how well it fits~"

The moment his eyes peered back up at the clerk, Carl audibly gulped with a look of realization. But at the same time, the canine tried to regain control as he loomed over him with a more diligent grin. Even if he wasn't going to top, that didn't mean he couldn't keep things in his personal favor. So after giving Timothy's leash a light tug, he leaned down to eye the bunny intently. "Well, how about this... If you're really that curious, I could easily show you the back room where nobody can peek in through the window~"

Timothy's eyes shot wide-open, and his blush instantly returned before turning his head. He glanced back at the front of the shop, with the windows giving a clear view of the parking lot. Carl didn't say anything, despite knowing that the outside windows were tinted to provide privacy from anybody outside. Regardless, he still chuckled when he saw how spooked his customer got from that detail.

"Uhhhhh..." Timothy looked down at himself, and the kinky attire both he and Carl were wearing. He may have been aware that other people likely did the same in this very store, the idea of being seen still made the fur along his back stand up worriedly. Not to mention, the bunny was still wanting to continue their fun without the risk of being caught. So instead of freaking out about their little predicament, he gave a light shrug of his shoulders and said, "W-Well, ummm... A-As long as I have final say."

"Oh, absolutely!" Carl raised his free paw in utmost assurance. "Don't worry, I would never try to force anything on you. We're both having fun, and I just wanna keep it that way. As long as you're still comfortable, I promise to maintain that as much as I can."

Timothy smiled up at him with a nod, grateful that the clerk wasn't being too pushy about their options. Not to mention, it was hard to turn down such an alluring offer when Carl was dressed like a genuine Daddy Dom with a hot muscle-gut. So instead of worrying too much about the impulsiveness of the moment, or even how casually this encounter was going, Timothy decided to just go with the flow. "Ummm... A-Alright then," he said with a strong nod. "If that's the case, then... L-Lead the way~"

Carl grinned in delight, and held the bunny's leash with a nod of his own. "Good to hear, Bunny Boy~"

Timothy may have squirmed a bit from that term, but he didn't try to dispute it while wearing a tag labeling him that very thing. Without pause, Carl began to walk towards the back of the shop with Timothy in tow. The customer shivered with anticipation, and kept his bottom lip bit as he followed the canine holding his leash. Carl went to the rear corner of the store, and opened a small door that was right beside the emergency exit. Timothy may have not been in a sex shop before, but he blushed when he saw the sign hanging above the doorway:

Private Viewing Room

"Alright, here we go~" Carl flipped on the light, revealing a thin hallway with a row of doors along the left side. All of the doors were numbered, and had occupancy signs to indicate whether or not they were vacant. Timothy's muzzle skewed when he followed him down the hall, catching the distinct scent of disinfectant that nearly numbed his senses. Meanwhile, Carl spoke in a more informative tone of voice. "Don't worry, nobody is viewing anything in these rooms right now. This section used to be way more popular when DVD sales were the primary source of income, since people could get a sneak peek of movies before purchasing them. But nowadays, it's one of the most private and sanitized places most of the time."

"Y-Yeah, I can tell..." Timothy's nose wrinkled a little from the sharp chemical smell hitting his sinuses. "Jeeze, it reminds me of the locker room on campus."

"Hey, it's better than smelling it without any cleaning products. Trust me." Carl reached the last door in the hallway, which was labeled vacant like the others. When Timothy saw the inside of the tiny space, he was immediately reminded of the private study rooms in his campus' library. The only major difference was that at the back of the room, the desk that took up the rear wall had a small television and Blu-Ray player installed for private film viewing. There was also a long bench with a padded seat, allowing for more than one person to watch movies comfortably. Every inch of the room looked absolutely spotless, with the linoleum floor shimmering brightly under the fluorescent lights. Carl entered the room first, and smiled in satisfaction of its sanitized state. "Aaaahhhh... Here we go~"

"Hmmmm..." Timothy looked a little more apprehensive as the clerk, but he kept his muzzle shut out of respect. Being confined to a small windowless room was a little unnerving, especially alongside a large, hairy brute like Carl. But at the same time, he couldn't deny that the room looked freshly cleaned, as well as totally secluded. He also noticed an air vent near the ceiling, and a thermometer to provide some adequate climate control. The bunny took some initiative by turning on the air conditioner, not wanting to get too stuffy next to a Bernese Mountain Dog.

"That's probably a good idea," noted Carl, who took notice of the vent's fans humming above their heads to provide some brisk air to the room. The clerk sat himself down on the bench, facing Timothy with his legs splayed wide apart. His grin grew much wider as he eyed the bunny, and saw how much he was blushing at the sight of his presented crotch. Since his thick cock was shown clear as day between his jeans and his thigh, Carl felt little hesitance as he began to rub himself with a paw. His eyes narrowed on Timothy intensely, and he said with a lustful purr, "Close the door~"

Timothy shivered antsily, and did as was told. He pulled the door shut behind him, while his eyes remained pinned to that meaty doggy cock being teased beneath Carl's pants. The canine let out a deep, enticing growl while staring back at him, before his eyes trailed down to Timothy's crotch. The bunny gulped when he saw where the clerk's eyes were pointing; however, he tried not to cover his tent while alone with him. Instead, his blush deepened as he took a deep breath, and put his paws behind his back so his arousal was on full display.

"Good boy~" Carl nodded approvingly as he continued to rub himself. He gave another tug to Timothy's leash, pulling him in a little closer and away from the door. His paw slowly drifted up towards the button of his jeans, and he said with a firmer tone of voice, "Now then... Are you gonna take off your pants first, or should I?~"

Timothy needed to close his eyes for a moment, shuddering hotly from such an upfront question. His erection throbbed hard through his shorts, with the tip showing a sizable wet spot through the red fabric. He could hear the canine's low, lumbering groan while seated in wait. He didn't want to reopen his eyes too soon, since he was already feeling close while standing rock-hard. But even with his heart racing anxiously, the bunny responded with only a light whimper. "Nnnnnghhhh..."

Timothy took a deep breath through his nostrils, and let his impulses take over as he gripped the sides of his waistband with both thumbs. Without warning, the bunny yanked down his shorts so they could fall down to his bare ankles. His petite, pointed cock stood rigid with a hard twitch, and a thick glob of precum was already seeping out to slowly dribble down the underside of his knotted shaft.

"Ooh, impressive~" Carl smiled devilishly at the bunny's initiative, and he did the same with a quick unbuttoning of his pants. Timothy opened one of his eyes the tiniest bit, and he gasped when he saw the canine unzip his jeans to free that beast hiding beneath the denim. Carl's cock sprung out like a jack-in-a-box, and stood triumphantly atop his open fly with the same stiffness as Timothy's member. The candy-red, knotted shaft was already glistening beneath the harsh lights above, and looked absolutely delectable with the pointed tip slathered in pre.

"H-Holy..." Both of Timothy's eyes opened wide, as did his gaping mouth. He may have gotten a good impression of what Carl's cock would look like through his pants, but seeing it out in the open was still intimidating to say the least. Even above that plump, meaty knot, the shaft itself looked as thick as a rolling pin. The bunny's worries about handling such a beast were basically confirmed, as he felt himself clenching hard in response to Carl's reveal. But at the same time, he could feel a lot of drool building up in his mouth, which caused him to close his muzzle tightly.

"Heh~ I've heard that one before..." Carl was smirking lewdly while eyeing the leashed bunny, and used his free paw to start stroking himself. His padded digits gripped his shaft tightly, and he slowly moved his paw up and down to smear his precum across every inch. Timothy quickly groaned through his bitten lips, and squirmed when he saw that intimidating member throb in the canine's grip. Meanwhile, the bunny's slender cock twitched readily between his quivering legs, with more precum dribbling down his untouched length.

"Ooh, someone looks eager..." Carl's teasing tone was accompanied with a brief grunt, as he readjusted himself to pull his pants down completely. As soon as he tossed his jeans aside, he splayed back with his legs wide-apart. He leaned against the desk while stroking his fat cock, grinning as he took in the view of that twinkish bunny gawking at the alluring sight. With his other paw, Carl gave a harder yank of Timothy's leash to beckon him in.

"Nnnnghh!!" Timothy nearly stumbled to the floor from that pull against his collar; but fortunately, the bunny's extensive cross-country training proved its worth as he maintained his balance. Nevertheless, he still abided by Carl's whim as he took a couple steps forward, forcing him to toss aside his shorts and jockstrap. The bottomless bunny could feel his erection swinging back and forth with every movement he made, and throbbing harder as he caught the scent of the canine's heady musk. The thick, relentless scent of unwashed sweat and precum flooded his senses, and caused his knees to buckle badly enough to make him kneel on the floor.

And with that, Timothy found himself at face level with Carl's thick doggy cock.

"You wanna help me fit into that cage, right?~" Carl smirked teasingly and motioned down to the package lying on the floor. Timothy almost forgot that he was still holding that thing when he entered the room, although he couldn't recall when he actually dropped it. Fortunately, the packaging didn't look damaged, which allowed Carl to continue speaking in a deep and sensual purr. "Well, I might be a bit too hard to wear it right now, so... Maybe you could help me out?"

Timothy could barely register any of the words coming out of Carl's mouth. Instead, all that he heard were muffled snippets of sounds while staring blankly at that meaty cock in front of him. The scent was overwhelmingly thick, and caused the bunny's nostrils to flare out repeatedly out of instinct. The ripe, heavy aroma of testosterone and musk made his mouth open involuntarily, and he let out a weak moan while his heart was racing. He may have not heard what Carl just said, but it seemed that he already knew exactly what to do; his paw slowly reached out towards the canine's crotch, which made the clerk nod his head slowly.

"Theeerrrrrrre you go... Go ahead and do what you wish~"

Timothy heard that last part clearly enough, and closed his eyes before leaning in with his maw wide open. As soon as Carl pulled his paw back, revealing how much pre had glazed across his leathery pads, his glossy shaft was caressed by Timothy's paw instead. After the bunny's digits wrapped around that hot, throbbing cock, the leaky tip was given a soft caress by Timothy's tongue. His eyelids fluttered from the titillating taste, as the salty flavor ignited his senses and made his fur stand out through his mesh shirt.

"Nnnnnnnffffff~" Timothy's mouth opened wider, allowing him to moan out deeply from the precum smearing across his taste buds. Carl reeled his head back with a sharp groan of his own, and gritted his teeth tightly. The bunny's soft and pillowy tongue dragged across that pointed tip, giving a strong lap to collect as much of that clear, syrupy substance as he could. Of course, as soon as his paw gave that first stroke up the canine's shaft, even more precum gushed out to be collected inside of his mouth; and with that, Timothy closed his lips to wrap around the top of Carl's twitching shaft.

"Aaahhhh!!~" Carl reeled his head back, moaning deeper from the alluring warmth of Timothy's lips suckling the head. The bunny's pre-slathered tongue dragged across the pointed tip, adding to the tantalizing pleasure that left Carl's toes curling in his shoes. The canine used one of his paws to rest against the back of Timothy's head, softly holding him in place so that mouth would continue its work. Meanwhile, his other claw held onto the bunny's purple leash, which he pulled on to bring Timothy closer to his musky crotch. "Nnnnnghhh... Yeah, get in there~"

Timothy shivered with a muffled groan, but he continued to taste that thick cock that gushed precum into his mouth. His paw stroked up and down the length of Carl's red shaft, causing it to throb hard against his slippery pads. Meanwhile, the bunny used his other paw to reach down and give his own cock some much-needed attention. Even as the clerk kept tugging at his collar, Timothy appeared to be pretty comfortable as he slobbered all over the canine's fat cockhead and enjoyed the moment.

"Awwww, fuck..." Carl hissed through his gritted teeth, and his grip tightened against the back of Timothy's head. His cock throbbed hard between the bunny's lips, which wrapped tighter around his shaft and began to slide down his length. Timothy took his sweet time as he continued to stroke the moaning canine, his tongue flicking around the head to soak his taste buds in more of that syrupy pre. A couple of faint, muffled groans escaped his drooling maw from the added pressure of Carl's paw, as well as the self-indulgence he was receiving from his own. But despite his lustful diligence, Timothy felt the clerk pulling his head in to slip that thick cock further past his lips. "Mnnnnghhh... Y-Yeah, get in there~"

Timothy's eyes rolled back blissfully, not minding the canine's rough treatment at all. Carl's pointed tip was inching closer towards the back of his throat; luckily for Timothy, he was grateful that he didn't have much of a gag-reflex to endanger his tongue-lashing. Carl's moans grew deeper the further Timothy's lips slid down his shaft, which eventually caused him to pull his paw back while it was slathered in the clear, translucent substance. That was when the bunny redirected his free paw downward, and got a proper grasp of the clerk's plump, low-hanging balls.

"Aaaahhhh!!" Carl pulled up from his seat for a moment, his entire body tensed up from that surprising grope to his crown jewels. Timothy's digits carefully rubbed and caressed the canine's balls, slathering them in his own precum while pulsating in his palm. The warm, heavy orbs made Timothy moan around the girth of that fat cock throbbing in his mouth, and caused his own length to twitch in anticipation. He could tell that Carl was getting close, as more of that thick pre spurted to the back of his throat. And with how distinctly Timothy could feel the pulsations of the smooth, red shaft throbbing inside of his mouth, his eagerness prompted him to push his mouth down to that fat knot by the base.

"Hnnnnnffffff!" Aside from a brief gurgle, Timothy was able to keep himself in place while Carl's cock plugged up his throat. A distinct bulge of the canine's cockhead could be seen protruding from the middle of Timothy's neck, although the bunny couldn't exactly see it while his eyes were clenched shut. He was furiously jerking his cock with a heavy shiver, while his other paw kneaded at those delicate balls just beneath his drooling chin. Carl couldn't open his eyes either, but his muzzle certainly did as he let out a deep, guttural moan of titillation. The sensations were causing his long fur to stand on end, and his legs to writhe while sprawled apart.

"AAAAHHHH!!" His hips reeled up from how badly he was throbbing, as he was just about to give Timothy a proper mouthful. But just as he felt like he was about to burst, he reached down to grip the bunny's ears with both paws. With a harsh groan, he pulled Timothy in while his mouth was open wide; the bulge of his cockhead disappeared past the customer's neck, but the bunny's mouth was fully stuffed as that thick, meaty canine knot was shoved into his drooling maw. The added girth was enough to make Timothy freeze up between Carl's legs, and his paw stopped jerking at his eagerly twitching cock. Fortunately, that action occurred just as he heard Carl growl out, "D... D-Don't cum yet, kiddo! I... I-I wanna... I WANNA!!"

Before he could finish his request, Carl leaned back against the desk and belted out a long cry of pure ecstasy. The knot of his cock swole out, basically locking itself inside of the bunny's tight little mouth and forcing him to take the eruption that followed. Timothy's eyes shot wide-open, and his body stayed locked-up from the sheer intensity of that cumshot shooting down his throat. Multiple bulges of the canine's load could be seen traveling down Timothy's throat, flooding the bunny's stomach with a surplus of hot, gooey cum. Fortunately for the cock-stuffed bunny, his own member could only twitch and spurt out thin strings of pre instead of unloading prematurely.

"NNNNNGHHHH!!!" Carl kept a tight grip on Timothy's head, despite how effectively his knot was plugging up the bunny's mouth to ensure every drop could be swallowed obediently. Every inch of Timothy's body quivered from the onslaught of warm, gooey cum that filled his stomach to the brim, and flooded his senses with the taste of Carl's fresh load. His nostrils flared out while pinned against Carl's crotch, giving him a strong dose of the unwashed musk that left his eyelids fluttering wildly. And with the way Carl was squirming above him with a harsh shiver, all that Timothy could do was kneel between his muscular legs and wait for him to finish cumming.

"AaaaaAAAAaaaaahhhh..." The Bernese Mountain Dog was rightfully spent, and nearly fell off the bench after that monumental release. He let out a deep, satisfied sigh of relief while splayed in the buff, and had a dopey-looking grin on his face. Meanwhile, Timothy's mouth was still plugged up by the canine's knot, with the rest of Carl's thick length clogging his throat; the oxygen deprivation was making his eyes clench in tightly, but he was able to focus well enough to wait for that rigid beast to soften. And despite the slight stinging he felt in his lungs, as well as his cock standing untouched and stiff as a board, the bunny looked fairly satisfied after that experience.

"Nnnnnnfffff... Aaaawwwww yeah~" By the time he was able to reopen his eyes, Carl looked blissfully spent when he glanced down at Timothy. The bunny looked up at him while his mouth was stuffed, but his eyes were half-lidded in a lustful daze. The canine couldn't easily see beneath Timothy's torso, but the involuntary twitches across the customer's body made it clear that he was still rock hard. Carl huffed with an approving grin, and readjusted his paws so he could help clear up his throat. "Alright, try to open your jaw a bit..."

The clerk groaned hard, and grimaced a bit from the bunny's teeth scraping against his knot. Luckily for Carl, Timothy was able to keep his mouth open, and allow that massive cock to be freed from his drooling lips. The knot came out with a wet pop, accompanied with a relieved sigh by Carl as he slid out his softening cock in a single thrust. He also made sure to let go of Timothy's leash, which allowed the bunny to pull away and gasp with a couple sputtering coughs.

"A'HEM!! A'hem! A'hem! A'hem!" Timothy was hunched over on the floor for nearly a minute, repeatedly coughing and catching his breath. Several strings of cum seeped from his open muzzle, while his tongue was still coated in a thick sheen of Carl's load. By the time he was finally able to sit upright, the clerk appeared a little worried while staring down at him.

"Uhhh... You alright there, buddy? I didn't mean to go that hard."

Luckily for Carl, Timothy was quick to shake his head after collecting his breath. "It... I-It's alright," he said in a winded tone of voice. "I just... I just needed a moment... I'm fine."

After wiping his muzzle with the back of his arm, the bunny sighed deeply enough to make Carl smile more naturally. Of course, since Timothy was still kneeling in an upright position, the canine's eyes veered downward to see that he was still fully erect. Timothy may have not been as long or girthy as the Bernese Mountain Dog, but it still looked more than serviceable to make Carl smile with a prideful nod. "Welp, it's nice to see you're still rearing to go~"

"Hmph~" Even though his lungs were still stinging a little, Timothy shrugged with an equally cheeky grin. "Well, can you really blame me? Besides..."

During that brief pause, the bunny used his natural swiftness to lean over and pick up the package in less than a second. Despite the package being tightly enclosed in thick clamshell plastic, Timothy managed to rip it open with surprising ease. Carl's eyes widened in shock, and he had to do a double-take from how easily the slender bunny got that open without scissors. But before he could say anything in response, he gasped when Timothy lunged in towards his softened sheath.

"J-Just a sec..." Timothy may have never operated a chastity cage before, but he read through the packaging instructions well enough to get the small metal device opened and fastened around Carl's girth. The clerk tried to reel back instinctively, but not before the cage was latched around his cock and balls. Timothy was grinning devilishly wide, and tried not to snicker as he got the metal casing closed in place. Since Carl was still semi-hard, the cage certainly needed a little effort to fit around that fat canine cock. But as soon as Timothy got the lock secured with a distinct click, all that Carl could do was groan and squirm from that unexpected fastening.

"There we go..." Timothy took a moment to marvel at that massive cock being rightfully locked inside of its cage, causing Carl's legs to writhe and fidget strongly. The clerk may have been open to the idea earlier, but he couldn't keep from groaning through his teeth from how tight and constricting the cage felt. Not to mention, the stainless steel was rather cold against his exposed member, which further added to the hair-raising intensity. And since Carl was too overwhelmed to speak, Timothy was able to finish his comment with a cocky tone of voice. "Anyway... Since you seemed rather eager to get some proper action, I figured this could be a little added incentive~"

"Mmmnnnghhhh..." Carl couldn't sit still, since his cock was already trying to harden inside of the tiny cage. The immovable metal encased around every inch of his shaft, and his knot was already testing the metal's sturdiness. By the time Timothy pulled himself back to his feet, Carl was struggling to stay seated while his fur was standing on end. Luckily, the pressure of that cage was given a proper distraction when the canine found himself at face-level with Timothy's rigid bunny cock. His eyes widened in an instant, and his groaning was replaced with a faint, "Whoa..."

"Dude, seriously?" Timothy raised a brow while peering down at him. "Compared to you, I would've figured you'd see mine like a thumbtack."

"Heh..." The canine glanced up at Timothy with a shaky-looking smile, and merely shrugged. "Hey, it's not like size matters. And given how spry you seem to be, I have a feeling you have a lot to deliver~"

A more flattered smile grew across Timothy's face. "Ooh, look at you with those compliments..."

The bunny picked up his leash, and handed it to Carl with newfound confidence. "Well, how about you show me what I should do next?"

"Gladly~" Carl may have been twitching from that constricting cage, but he took the handle of Timothy's leash with gusto. He grunted a bit as he pulled himself up from his bench, and turned around with his fat ass facing the bunny. Timothy's jaw dropped when he saw the canine's plump, voluptuous ass in full view. Even with the thick coat of white and black fur, it was clear that Carl had some massive cheeks that were just as supple as they were muscular. And with a quick raise of his floofy tail, Timothy almost came on the spot when he saw a thick, black rubber base sticking out between his cheeks.

"Nnnnnffffff~" Carl reached back teasingly, and grabbed hold of the base tightly in his paw. He groaned as he gave the circular puck a slow turn with the flick of his wrist. Timothy bit his bottom lip, and tried to stay in focus while watching the mutt play with his puckering hole. Meanwhile, Carl looked back at him with a sensual, albeit strained smile as he said, "You know, I... I-I actually just got this in when you showed up to the shop..."

Timothy had to do a double-take, not expecting to learn that detail from the clerk. While he may have recalled seeing Carl exit the bathroom when he arrived, he wouldn't have guessed it was so he could walk around with a plug in his ass. Between the canine's legs, his cock was already twitching hard within the confines of his cage. And with every hard twist of the base lodged between his cheeks, Carl moaned out softly as he felt the plug's smooth bulb rubbing against his prostate.

"Awwww, fuck..." He shut his eyes before gripping the base even tighter, and let out a harsh groan as he started to pull. Timothy's knees nearly gave out when he saw the unlodging up-close, and witnessed the mutt's hungry hole being stretched open by his plug. The base may have been thick, but the bunny could've sworn that the plug itself was equally as thick as more black rubber emerged from his opening. Carl's moans intensified the harder he pulled, revealing just how much his tailhole could take by the time it stretched out to nearly three inches apart. "Mmmmffff!! Just... Just a bit more... GNAAAHHH!~"

With a wet pop, the buttplug slipped out the instant the thickest part broke past his meaty ring. The remainder of the smooth bulb popped out with ease, leaving Carl to lay against the desk with a deep and satisfied moan. His plug fell to the floor, allowing Timothy to get a prime view of the pink, puckering hole that was gaping open and ready for action. A thick glaze of lubricant was slathered all around the canine's tailhole, practically begging for Timothy to just ram it in and give Carl a ride he wouldn't forget.

"Nnnnnfffff..." Carl bent himself over the bench, fully presenting his tailhole to the awe-stricken bunny. If it wasn't for the thick fur across his thighs, Timothy would've likely gotten a peek at the chastity cage peeking out from between them. Carl clenched his eyes shut, and tried to ignore the building pressure around his cock while getting in position. He then reached out towards the desk, and pulled out a box of condoms and a small bottle of lubricant that was behind the TV.

"Here, catch!" He tossed the items to Timothy, who luckily grabbed both without much fumbling. The bunny blushed hard when he looked at the two new items, with the realization of what was happening really settling in. However, since he already took that doggy knot in his mouth, he only hesitated for a second before getting one of the condoms out of the packaging. Meanwhile, Carl waited patiently as he stayed bent over. "Mmmmmm... I bet you never thought you'd be doing this, huh?~"

"Uhhh, y-yeah..." Timothy giggled weakly, and tried not to feel too flustered while slipping the condom over his cock. The thin latex rolled down his shaft with ease, and the small knot at his base was thick enough to ensure the prophylactic wouldn't easily slip off. As he began to pour a generous amount of lube across the shaft, he shuddered when he caught a glimpse of Carl teasing him further. The canine reached back with both paws, and spread apart his cheeks to better flaunt that hungry hole. The sight was enough to make the bunny groan and close his eyes for a second. "Mmmmnnnnnphhh~"

"Yeah, you want it, doncha?~" Carl didn't have any shame when it came to enticing the bunny with what he had available. His digits dug into his cheeks while keeping them spread, allowing Timothy to see every distinct twitch and pucker of his waiting tailhole. The bunny's cock twitched even harder inside of the condom, which caused a couple drops of lube to fall to the floor. But even in his lustfully frozen state, Timothy was beckoned closer to the clerk with a hard tug of his leash. "C'mon, big guy... Get in here and fuck me~"

"Aaaahhh!!" He let out a weak yelp before stumbling forward, nearly falling on top of the big dog like a clutz. Luckily, he managed to catch himself by putting his paws out, and grasping both of those plump cheeks to make Carl moan out. Timothy groaned from how supple that flesh felt against his digits, as well as the surprisingly soft fur. But as soon as he pulled himself back upright, the bunny's hips involuntarily thrusted forward to prod his cockhead between Carl's massive cheeks.

"OooooOOOooohhhh, there ya go!" Carl gritted his teeth and grunted as he pushed back, forcing that slender bunny cock deeper between his cheeks. His muzzle opened up with a heavy sigh the instant he felt Timothy's tip press against his needy hole. Timothy moaned out even deeper, not expecting to feel such a strong warmth wrapping around his cock through the latex. But with his shaft already throbbing like mad, the bunny knew that he wouldn't be able to last much longer. So instead of lingering outside that hole, he groaned hard before pushing with his own accord.

"Nnnnnnfffff... Yeah, that's right," growled the canine as he braced himself against the desk, and felt that slender cock pushing its way through his loosened ring. Timothy may have not been the most-endowed guy to top him, but Carl couldn't deny how quickly the bunny was able to work his way inside. His groans quickly morphed into a deep, lumbering moan the instant his hole stretched out to wrap around Timothy's shaft. His claws nearly dug into the desk from how tightly he was gripping the wood; fortunately, he tried his hardest not to clench around Timothy's cock, despite how badly his own was straining inside of the cage.

"Ohhhhhh fuck..." Timothy's voice came out weak and shaky, but he tried to keep pushing in between the canine's supple cheeks. Even though Carl prepared himself, the bunny felt like his cock was being gripped surprisingly tight. Nevertheless, the intense warmth and pressure was enough to make his nerves tingle with every move he made. And in turn, his legs kept fidgeting each time he felt those sharp, jolting throbs from his cock. "Mmmmphhh~"

"Yeah, you got it, kiddo~" Carl was grimacing a little, but he made sure to shoot the bunny a supportive grin. "Jus--Nnnnghhh... Fuck, you're eager... j-just take your time. I don't wa... w-want you to shoot too soon~"

"D... D-D-Don't worry..." Timothy had to close his eyes during an especially hard push, which allowed his balls to make contact with Carl's while they were restrained in the cage framing. Both of them groaned from that titillating contact, which proved that the bunny was able to get his knot firmly inside. But even with Carl's reassurance, Timothy tried to respond in a cheeky tone, "I... I-I'm able to go a few times in a row without issue~"

"Shit, seriously?! I thought that was a myth..." Carl may have heard about bunnies having fast reload times, but he always assumed that was just an exaggeration appropriated by porno movies. Regardless, since he could feel every rigid throb of that bunny cock inside of him, the clerk merely shrugged before growing a slyer grin. "Well, if that's the case... I wouldn't mind seeing how many you have~"

Timothy froze up briefly, and stared down at that big fuzzy hunk he was mounting. Slowly, the bunny's grin turned much more devious than expected. Like a supervillain making his big reveal, Timothy couldn't help shuddering to himself with anticipation. And as he kept a tight grip on both of Carl's cheeks, the bunny cracked his neck like he was about to run a cross country meet. "Challenge Accepted~"

After taking a deep breath, Timothy put his athleticism to use by giving that fat ass a rapid, and very thorough rutting. The bunny's hips practically vibrated from the fluidity of his motions, which barreled in and out of Carl's hole faster than any toy he ever sold. It sounded like a muffled barrage of smacks, although it was quickly flooded out by the sharp moan that came out of Carl's muzzle.

"AaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" The clerk didn't know what he expected, but his eyes shot wide-open the moment he felt that bunny cock pistoning in his ass like an ignited engine. Carl nearly collapsed against the bench while wailing out in shock, feeling like he just got a pegging from a machine with an industrial motor. The insanely fast reaming only lasted ten seconds at most; but with how many times Timothy thrusted in and out of the canine, he exuded just as much energy and diligence as a decorated porn star. Meanwhile, Carl was caught in a stunned whirlwind of sensations while clutching the desk for dear life. "Hol... H-Holy SHIT!!"

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" Just as soon as Timothy started pounding the middle-aged clerk, his climax came just as abruptly. The bunny froze up while buried balls-deep in Carl, and groaned through his teeth as he erupted inside of him. Much like his girth and performance overall, Timothy's load came out in only a couple of small, rapid strings that went into the condom with utmost efficiency. But after he finished delivering an hour's worth of fucking in ten seconds flat, Timothy needed a quick breather as he laid on top of the moaning canine. "Mmmmphhhhh... OoooOOOooohhhh, that was nice~"

"... Holy fuck, kid..." Carl was still taken aback by how brief and concentrated that fuck-session felt. His cock was straining hard within the chastity cage, with his knot trying its best to test the metal's strength. But unlike Timothy, whose cum was already dribbling down the canine's taint while still inside of him, Carl's chastity was effective enough to only have a thick glob of precum seep through the cage's opening at the tip. The two laid there for a moment, breathing heavily without much to be said; but since Timothy was still firmly lodged inside of the clerk and rock-hard, it didn't take long for Carl to point out, "Jeeze... If I knew you bunnies were that effective, I'd bottom more often~"

"Y-Yeah... Thanks..." Timothy smiled rather sheepishly, and tried looking away from him with a heavy blush. However, both of them were able to feel how erect the bunny still was, even after shooting his first load in the clerk's plump ass. And with every second that passed, Carl's body was trembling from every increasingly hard pulsation he felt from Timothy's cock.

"Oh damn..." Timothy clenched his eyes tightly shut, and had a full-body shiver as he felt his arousal intensifying. His hips instinctively pushed forward once again, allowing for his wrapped cock to bury itself deeper inside the moaning canine. Carl didn't mind the bunny enthusiasm by any means, and even pushed himself back against his hips. Nevertheless, Timothy was still blushing profusely when he tried to mutter out, "S-Sorry, I just... I can't help it sometimes..."

"Do you hear me bitchin' about it?~" Even with Timothy's cock still throbbing inside of him, Carl shot the bunny a jeering smirk. "Kid, if you're able to keep doin' that, I'll let you empty out as many times as you need."

The Bernese Mountain Dog had a smile just as comforting as his deep voice, which left Timothy speechless for a moment. The bunny was still blushing heavily, but his earlier embarrassment was replaced by a strong wave of confidence that made him smile eagerly. He let out a shivering breath, and nodded back at Carl happily. "S... S-Sure thing!~"

With that, Timothy took one final breath with his eyes closed, and resumed his rampant fucking without any shame. The bunny delivered another thunderous barrage of thrusts that left Carl moaning in rapture, his rumbling voice nearly shaking the walls. This secondary round of pounding lasted about twenty seconds, nearly doubling Timothy's first efforts; but at the same time, the onslaught of ball-smacking, cock-pistoning action was intense enough to make Carl's eyes roll to the back of his head. If his prostate was rubbed any harder or more viciously, the sheer friction against Timothy's cock would've likely melted the condom. Fortunately for both of them, Timothy's merciless onslaught was good enough to make Carl moan with drool leaking from his gaping maw.

"AAAAA-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-AAAHHHH!!!" The clerk's euphoric moan was rippled by the ferocity of Timothy's thrust, almost as if he was laying on top of a running washing machine. Heavy ropes of precum were continuously spurting out through the grates of Carl's cage, leaving him edging from his cock swelling inside of its containment. The combination of pain and pleasure was too overwhelming for the canine to process, leaving him a drooling wreck who was laying across the desk and taking it like a little bitch. All the while, Timothy soon found himself reaching his second climax just as quickly as the first.

"Aaaahhhhhh!!~" That short, feminine shriek was all that Carl could catch before the rampant thrusting stopped, and he felt another bout of gushing warmth inside of him. Timothy reeled his head back with a deeply satisfied moan, his hips twitching as he filled his condom once more. Several more strings of cum filled the prophylactic, causing both of them to quiver from the titillating sensation. The bunny's nerves were fraying strongly enough to feel like an electrical surge was coursing through his body, followed by him falling on top of the canine's back once more. "Mmmmnnnfffffff..."

"Heh~ You're tellin' me!" Carl chuckled when he overheard Timothy's exhausted panting, but he didn't blame him for a second. Considering how quickly the bunny was humping him in sporadic bursts, that amount of physical exertion would've left most non-lagomorphs in cardiac arrest. Heck, even though Timothy used a lot of lubricant, the sheer amount of friction from his shaft was enough to leave Carl's hole burning. But much like the canine's chastity cage, which was twitching from how badly his cock was straining through the metal grates, the slight sting wasn't nearly as distracting as the sheer arousal that left Carl comfortably nestled under the bunny weight. "Aww, fuck," he said with a winded breath while shaking his head. "So, uhhh... How many more loads you think you got in ya, kid?~"

Despite how heavily he was still breathing, Timothy's eyes widened with an impressed smirk. "Well, I mean... I suppose I can get a couple more rounds out before making my purchases."

"That's the spirit!" Carl looked rather pleased with the customer's response, even though his eyes were half-lidded in a mixture of exhaustion and euphoria. He didn't dare say it out-loud, but the clerk was seriously contemplating offering a discount if it meant keeping Timothy as a "regular customer" later on. Or at least, Carl could think of a few other guys who would love someone with the amount of confidence and stamina Timothy possesses. But since the two were still in the middle of their private romp, Carl sighed deeply and kept his muzzle shut on the matter. Instead, the canine readjusted himself on the bench and waited for Timothy to get back in action.

"You know..."

The bunny's sultry voice caught Carl's attention, and he glanced up to see an intrigued expression on the bunny's face. One of his digits trailed up the fur across the clerk's back, stopping when he reached one of the leather straps wrapped around his shoulders. Even though all that thick fur, Timothy could feel how muscular Carl was with the harness wrapped around his torso so tightly. The customer's head tilted with interest. "I... might happen to know a couple other bunnies on the cross-country team who swing the same way as me. I can't guarantee anything, but..."

Carl's eyes shot wide-open, and he clenched hard around Timothy's knot to make him gasp unexpectedly. But even with that sudden bout of pressure, the bunny's words were halted for only a few seconds before groaning through his teeth. "Nnnnghhh... I... I guess you're interested, huh?~"

"Hmph..." Carl shrugged his shoulders while keeping his smirk. "Kid, if you're able to get some other guys who fuck like you, I'll be sure to recommend some buddies of my own next time~"

That detail got the bunny's brows rightfully raised. "Ooh, interesting..." The bunny dragged his paws back down towards Carl's hips, right as he felt himself throbbing hard inside of the writhing canine. He gave a light chuckle, and didn't stop Carl when he saw him reaching for his leash. "I gotta say, I wouldn't have expected to make such an impact with how fast I'm going."

"Pbbt! Dude, come on!" Carl gave a hard yank to the bunny's leash, pulling him in closer by the collar. He looked up at him slyly and asked, "You wanna keep feeling self-conscious about that jackhammer cock you got, or are ya gonna keep fuckin' me proper?~"

Timothy quickly smiled more sheepishly, and accepted those options with an eager nod of his head. "W-Well, I mean... I guess speed can be good in some instances..."

"That's right~" Carl pointed up to a clock on the wall with his free paw. "I tell you what: If you can fuck me three more times before a half hour passes, I'll offer a ten percent discount. And if you can make me cum through the cage, I'll double that~"

"Hmmmmm..." Timothy rubbed his chin in contemplation, clearly curious about getting such a discount. But despite his heavy blush, the bunny felt confident enough to counteract with, "How about... if I can make you cum, I get to keep the key to your cage until next time~"

Carl was frozen for a moment, his blush as deep a shade of red as his cock inside the straining cage. The idea of complying with such an offer would've sounded completely ludicrous to most guys, especially those with a girth as impressive as the canine. But with thick globs of precum continuously leaking through his tight cage, Carl was too tantalized to think coherently. The clerk nodded his head blankly. "... deal~"

Timothy's grin grew exceptionally wide, which made Carl grip that leash even tighter in response. The two actually took a deep breath at the same time, both of them anticipating what was likely to happen next. The bunny looked nothing short of determined, and narrowed his eyes down at that leaking hole that was wrapped so tightly around his knot. Meanwhile, Carl clenched his eyes shut, and waited for Timothy to act accordingly.

Outside the closed door, all that could be heard for the next twenty minutes were the muffled moans of Carl and Timothy repeating in unison, between the sporadic rounds of padded thumps that left the canine groaning in pleasure. Fortunately for the two guys, nobody seemed to show up to the stop while they were occupied with one another. And eventually, silence soon took over by the time the two were equally finished, and left to bask in the afterglow of that impromptu shopping trip.


"Uhhh... Sir, are you okay?"

"Hmph?" Carl's head perked back up, revealing the heavy dark lined underneath his eyes. It was just reaching noon, which meant the shop had a few more customers perusing the aisles and merchandise. Carl was lucky that he was remaining behind the counter, since his knees were weak enough to buckle at any moment. Not to mention, he was sure that there was some residual moisture seeping through the denim of his jeans, despite how diligently he and Timothy cleaned themselves up afterward.

"O-Oh yeah! I'm fine, I'm fine..." If Carl were to be honest, he would've admitted that he felt close to passing out after his brutal fuck-session. But since he was still on the clock for a few more hours, all that the canine could do was remain courteous to shoppers and keep his fake customer-service smile. A couple of energy drink cans laid empty in the trashcan beside his feet, although it did very little to quell his fatigue. If anything, the one thing ensuring he couldn't pass out was the constant pressure he felt from the chastity cage he was still wearing.

"Yeah, sorry. I've been here since this morning..." Carl finished scanning the rest of the items, not showing any judgement as he loaded them inside of a black plastic bag. "Anyway, your total comes to thirty-four, seventeen."

"Ooh, not bad!" The couple across the desk from Carl appeared equally happy with the price, with the larger one pulling out his wallet. While the silver gryphon inputted his information in the card machine, a short aqua stallion placed the items inside of a personal bag he had hanging from his shoulder. Carl recognized the two from some previous visits, but he never tried to ask for their names; considering how they were a close-knit couple, he could only assume that they wouldn't be as open-minded as that bunny from earlier.

"Uhhh, are you sure you're alright?" asked the stallion as he looked at Carl with a hint of concern. "You're sweating a lot."

"Oh, it's the stupid air conditioner," he pointed back to the air vents on the wall above his head, as well as the personal fan pointed at him. "Trust me, it's all good."

After completing their transaction, Carl kept a chipper smile as the gryphon and pony left the shop together. Even though a few other customers were still looking around, Carl closed his eyes and let out a brief sigh in relief. Sure, it didn't do jack-shit to counteract how tightly his cock was trying to fill the confines of his cage; but at the same time, he was able to settle a little easier after taking a couple heavy breaths.

"Awww, c'mon," groaned Carl through his teeth, making sure to keep his voice faint so nobody could overhear him. He looked down at himself, and grimaced when he saw the large dark spot around the crotch of his jeans. Even though the bulge of his chastity cage wasn't visible through the fabric, he was apparently leaking badly enough to make it look like he wet himself. The canine grabbed a nearby jacket, and tied it around his waist before anyone took notice.

'Vvv! Vvv! Vvv!'

The clerk's phone buzzed loudly against the desk, prompting him to quickly pick it up before it distracted anybody. He winced in regret, since he usually kept his phone silent during work hours. But when he caught a glimpse of the notification that came on the screen, Carl looked around before unlocking his phone. Before he and Timothy parted ways, they made sure to exchange information so they could hang out sometime after his shift. Unfortunately, as soon as he opened up the message sent to him, Carl lurched his head down in an attempt to hide his heavy blush. "Ugh... Seriously, dude?"

The text message sent by Timothy was nothing but a simple picture, which showed the bunny lounging in his dorm room in his mesh shirt. He had a couple bother bunnies on the couch beside him, most likely those friends he mentioned to Carl earlier. All of them were smiling for the camera, while Timothy held up a metal chain with a small key attached. Less than a few seconds after that photo was sent, a text message appeared just below it from the cheeky bunny:

'You free at ten tonight? My track buddies wanna meet you~'

The added titillation made the clerk groan, and he readjusted himself while his member throbbed hard inside of his cage. Part of him wanted to text how he was busy at work, or that Timothy should lay off the teasing until his shift was done. But after making sure nobody was looking over at him, Carl quickly texted a response to his new buddy. As soon as he pressed send, he put his phone on airplane mode before resuming his work.

Meanwhile, Timothy and his friends all gathered around his phone, impressed that he responded so soon. Below Timothy's text was a simple answer:

'Sounds like a fun night, kiddo. ;) '

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