Haida's Quick Pitstop

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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On their way to a work-sponsored retreat, Haida and Fenneko run into some unexpected troubles that leave them stranded in the middle of a rice farm. While waiting for their mechanic to arrive, Fenneko discovers some rather interesting things about her friend, as well as his "friendship" with Retsuko's former partner Tadano. Even though the hyena seemed nervous about admitting too much (especally after discovering some surprising things himself), Fenneko is more than eager to help her friend out in any way she can.

And with the help of Tadano in a private group chat, the three end up arranging a rather kinky means to pass the time while stranded all alone~

[Note: This story was the winner of December's Patreon Randomizer Poll, where the winning entries were Haida as the main character, a farm outdoors as the setting, and pegging as the main kink. More of my work and upcoming projects can be found on https://www.patreon.com/TheVClaw]

"UGH!! For crying out loud, HOW CAN A COUNTRY ROAD BE THIS LONG?!?"

Far past the view of the windshield, all that could be seen was the seemingly endless road that went in a straight line. At both sides were vast rice fields that stretched as far as the eyes could see, making the stretch of farmland feel more like Kansas than a rural prefecture in Japan. If the hyena was the one driving, there's a good chance that he would feel less agitated while gnawing at his fingernails incessantly. Unfortunately, since he was in the left seat of the kei-car, and the fennec driving was struggling not to giggle at her passenger's irritation, it took everything in him not to lose his mind.

"Nnnnnghhhhh..." Haida gritted his fangs, and reached down to check his phone for the fifth time in the past minute. Even though the phone was connected to the rental car's USB, he wouldn't have been surprised if his incessant checking would still drain its battery. As much as he'd want to see something different, he was dismayed by the time on his phone being over twenty minutes past their planned schedule. Unfortunately, when Haida took the briefest moment to glance at the car's instrument panel, his eyes shot wide-open before screaming, "FENNEKO, WHY ARE WE GOING FIVE UNDER THE SPEED LIMIT?!?"

"Hahahahahahahahaha..." Fenneko's laugh was as flat and bemused as her grin, as her beady eyes remained staring at the road ahead of them. Even though she knew she was pissing off the hyena beyond comprehension, she didn't seem the slightest bit worried behind the wheel. Haida tugged at his hair with both paws, and grimaced to himself while groaning through his teeth. Fenneko may have been amused by how pissy her friend/coworker was getting; nevertheless, she still sighed before pushing a little harder on the gas pedal.

By the time Haida managed to control his breathing, he was slightly relieved to see she was going at the speed limit once more. Unfortunately, the hyena still looked upset when he checked his phone again. He winced with an upset look on his face, and leaned back against the uncomfortable headrest of his seat. "Aww, jeeze," he grumbled to himself worriedly, "I don't think we're going to make it to that conference on time."

Fenneko nodded her head pertly. "Yeah, that's the plan."

"And just to think, Retsuko was going to be giving her--WAIT, WHAT?!?" Haida caught enough of the driver's statement to gawk back at her wide-eyed. "W-What did you say?!"

"I said that's the plan," she repeated without a shred of shame or guilt in her voice. Instead, she took a sip of her energy drink before placing it back in the cup-holder. "In fact, I purposely took this scenic route so we wouldn't get there until lunch. We'll still get paid regardless of when we get there."

"Fenneko, what the heck?!" Haida's head darted around the interior of the kei-car, which was basically just the two of them since it was a two-seater. He was starting to panic while holding a paw up against his chest. His face was growing redder in agitation, and his chest could be seen convulsing due to hyperventilating. "Oh, god... W-Why the heck would you do that?! You know that Retsuko was worried about giving that big conference speech!"

"Exactly, Haida." Fenneko made sure that the cruise-control was turned on, before looking back at Haida directly. "Retsuko is already under enough stress, and doesn't need any more reason to feel embarrassed. I already texted her before the drive, and told her that we likely wouldn't make it. Because of that, she'll have enough time to focus on the speech professionally, and not worry about feeling too overwhelmed with friends in attendance."

"Wait, you TEXTED her?!" Haida picked his phone up, and sighed disheartedly upon seeing the large red X over the signal icon at the top of the screen. Despite how well-connected Japan may have been, there were still a few regions of the country where cell reception and Wi-Fi were tricky at best. He was too busy with the paperwork when he and Fenneko got their rental car this morning, so he planned to try and text Retsuko while on the road. But since Fenneko purposely took this route to leave him out of signal, he was basically on a moving island with no alternative route to the conference. "Ughhhh..." The hyena groaned while dragging his paw down his face. "... Did you at least say anything about me when you texted her?"

"I told her that we were perfectly safe, and that we both wished her the best." By that point, Fenneko was looking back at the road and taking another sip of her drink. "I also reminded her of how confident she can be, and that she could ask Gori and Washimi for advice if she needed it."

Despite how upset he may have felt about Fenneko's deceptive plans, Haida relaxed the slightest bit from those additional details. Even if he couldn't be present to help Retsuko out, he was grateful that his friend had strong connections with the Secretary and Marketing Director. If anyone could make sure things went smoothly for her opening speech at the conference, it would be them. Regardless, even after breathing out more calmly, Haida was still staring at his phone like a pot of water waiting to boil. "Well... Okay, that's actually a good message to send her... Thanks, Fenneko."

"No problem." The fennec smiled to herself more confidently. The rice farms around them were still near-endless, which meant that there wasn't much else to distract the two in their tiny car. Because of that, Fenneko tried to lift up Haida's spirits by pointing out, "You know, I heard that Tadano was going to be at the convention center too. He was actually the one who recommended us getting this car for the trip."

"Wow, seriously?" Haida tried to readjust himself in his seat, but it didn't make him feel any less cramped. The two-seater was definitely a more appropriate size for someone like Fenneko, who looked much more comfortable than the hyena beside her. Haida huffed with a shrug of his head, and said, "Honestly, I wouldn't have guessed you'd take the recommendation of a guy who doesn't even have a license."

"Hey, this car has really good amenities." To emphasize that point, Fenneko reached over to the multi-media console just below the dash. "In fact... I think it even has a Wi-Fi hotspot for us to use if we wanted to."


"Hahahahahahaha...." Fenneko gave a single press of a button, which turned on the car's automated Wi-Fi system without pause. Haida groaned when he looked back at his phone, which automatically connected to the car's system to deliver his updates. He tried opening up the Monogram app to message Retsuko, just in case something came up; unfortunately, her listing was accompanied with a red dot to indicate she didn't want to be disturbed. Fortunately, the car's Wi-Fi also notified him of several emails that popped up on his phone to keep him distracted.

"Well, that's convenient..." Haida may have understood why Fenneko kept him offline, since he'd probably bother Retsuko multiple times otherwise. But considering how long they've been driving down this near-empty farm road, he would've appreciated scrolling through some apps to pass the time. His eyes darted between the phone and the car's media console, which looked surprisingly hi-tech for a car this tiny. "Hmm... Is this one of those American cars that Elon Muskrat built?"

"No, I think this is a design that Tadano helped invest in." She pointed at a large blue button near the top of the touch-screen, which looked to be a fingerprint scanner. Fenneko held her thumb up against it for a moment, while a flash of light went up and down the button to scan her digit. After a faint beep, Haida saw the button turn green when Fenneko pulled her thumb back. The fennec looked back at her steering wheel, and slowly pulled her paws away from it with a smile. "Ooh, nice! It actually works..."

Fenneko made sure to point to the touch screen, which was now showing a camera feed from the car's front pointed at the road ahead of them. Multiple colored lines were drawing out the sides of the road on the screen, like the computer was making an algorithm on the spot to direct the car. Haida's jaw dropped, but he couldn't say anything when he saw the steering wheel moving on its own. The car remained on the left side of the road without veering off in the slightest, as if Fenneko's driving wasn't needed at all.

"Whoa..." Haida looked back at Fenneko, who was able to pull back from the pedals without affecting the car's speed. Their rental car was driving by itself down the road, allowing the two to unwind safely without interruption. Haida shook his head in amusement, and smiled back at the fennec while saying, "Okay, I'll give Tadano credit for that. He really knows his way around AI, huh?"

"Absolutely~" Since she didn't need to pay attention to the road, Fenneko trusted the car's self-driving systems well enough to reach behind her seat. She pulled out two bento boxes with a smirk, which caused Haida's eyes to widen in surprise. "I got these at the convenience store while you were getting the car rented. Since we had the company card for small expenses, and our drive is long enough to allow for food purchases, I decided to get us a couple--"



The touch-screen on the dash was flashing red, while the car itself was shaking violently on the road. Even though the car's AI was trying its best to keep the vehicle on the left lane, the on-screen display brought up a warning notification regarding a flat tire. Fenneko quickly grabbed the steering wheel, regaining control of the car so they could pull over. Meanwhile, Haida was clutching both bento boxes with a terrified look on his face, and was frozen in his seat by the time Fenneko got off the main road.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me..." Fenneko's expression may have looked neutral, but it was clear she was upset as she pulled the kei-car into an old driveway. The two were fortunate enough to have been near an abandoned barn when the tire popped, keeping them from swerving into the stagnant waters of the rice fields all around. The barn was basically a skeleton of old metal frames, as it stood beside an abandoned driveway large enough for several mid-sized cars. Haida and Fenneko's car wobbled across the wet dirt, before parking nearby the barn safely.

The car's touch-screen beeped a couple times, indicating that the GPS tracker just activated for roadside assistance. While Haida and Fenneko breathed heavily in shared shock, they saw a small cartoonish icon of a mechanic pop up on the screen. Beneath that was some Japanese text, which explained that the car's built-in computers had already sent out a signal to the nearest mechanic to provide a new tire for them. After a spinning icon lingered below the text for a few seconds, it was followed by a numbered timer to estimate when a mechanic would arrive at their location.

"So, uhhhh..." Fenneko was the first to see the timer, and she looked back at Haida to ask, "Do you know how to change a tire? Because if not, we're gonna be here for at least forty minutes."

"WHAT?!" Haida looked at the screen himself, and groaned from the high number on the timer. Even though he technically did know how to change a tire, he also saw a small disclaimer at the bottom of the screen:

-Warning: Please do not attempt any repairs while waiting for roadside assistance. This model is in Beta-Testing, and must be seen by trained professionals-

"Oh, that's just great!" Haida slumped back in his seat, while Fenneko pulled out her phone to investigate further. "Ughhh... Now we'll really be late for the conference."

"Aaaaaand... I just lowered the rating from a five to a three."


Haida and Fenneko may have been upset about their mechanical mishap (especially so soon after turning on the self-driving feature), but they were fortunate enough to not have their bento boxes ruined during the tire-popping. Because of that, the two sat in the car while the engine was turned off, and the center console was playing some music through the still-active Wi-Fi. Haida was worried at first about the battery being drained, but Fenneko was quick to point out the solar panels connected to the car's roof to keep the electronics charged. Plus, since a mechanic was supposed to arrive in less than an hour, it wasn't like they couldn't get a jump if needed.

As the two ate their surprisingly tasty convenience store meals, the mood felt eerily silent due to how isolated they felt. Only one car passed them on the actual road, and that was just an old tractor with a flatbed trailer on the back. Aside from that, Haida and Fenneko were sure that they were the only living beings within a large radius of the farmscape. Part of Haida wanted to be grateful for the isolation, since the mood felt fairly calm overall. However, despite the fact that it was a bright and sunny day, it was hard to keep from feeling like he was in the beginning of a horror movie scenario.

"Well, it seems like the higher-ups got my message." Fenneko smiled while looking at the response to her email. As soon as the two were safely parked, Fenneko made sure to take several pictures of the flat tire with her phone. One was sent to the head managers at the convention center, which granted them a fitting excusal for their tardiness. The other pictures were saved to her personal photo gallery, just in case she needed to be "late" for something else in the near-future. "Oh! It looks like Retsuko sent a message too."

"Hmm!?" Haida had a mouthful of rice that he nearly choked on. After putting his near-empty box back on his lap, he leaned over to Fenneko's seat to peek at her phone. "W-What did she say!? Is she alright?"

"She said the speech went perfectly fine," replied the fennec with a grateful tone of voice. "She also heard about our mishap, and wishes for us to stay safe."

Fenneko showed him her screen for a moment, revealing how brief and on-point Retsuko's message was. Haida sighed with a thankful smile of his own, and leaned back in his seat to sigh in relief. Meanwhile, Fenneko was still scrolling through her messages, and nearly gasped when she opened another email. "WHOA! Tadano actually PreyPaled me twenty thousand yen!"

"What?!" Just as Haida looked back at her in shock, his own phone buzzed with a new notification. Fenneko was still wide-eyed from her own surprise, but glanced over at Haida's phone expectantly. The hyena opened his phone as quickly as he could, and saw that he received an email from Tadano as well. As soon as he opened the message, he looked just as stunned as his friend. "HOLY!!"

'You have received 20000¥ from Tadano.'

'Message: I'm really sorry about the flat tire. I'll be sure to send you something from the car company as compensation. :)'

Haida's jaw was rightfully dropped, not expecting to receive a gift that generous from Tadano. He wasn't even that upset about the flat tire in the first place, but he still appreciated that surprise donation. Haida blinked a couple times in confoundment, unsure of whether or not to transfer the funds to his account. Meanwhile, Fenneko was back on her phone as she muttered to herself, "Aaaaaaand back to five stars."

Haida could only shake his head, needing a moment to process being friends with someone who had that kind of money. He may have known that Tadano was rich, but it was still a jarring thing to process in moments like this. Of course, given how he originally befriended Tadano after his breakup with Retsuko, Haida couldn't deny how surprisingly well they got along. After a moment of contemplation, Haida exited from his email page to open up his personal photo gallery.

"Hmmmm..." Haida began to scroll through his photos, which mostly consisted of memes he saved off the internet. However, there were more than a few photos he took of himself and his friends over the years. He only had to scroll back a month or so before finding some pictures he took with Tadano. They were from a small weekend getaway he had with him, where they spent some time in Osaka as a "mind-cleanser" after Tadano's breakup. By the time Fenneko looked away from her phone, she couldn't help smirking to herself upon seeing the hyena's silent stare.

Haida glossed through his photos without much thought, with each picture reminding him of that weekend in Osaka. Some of the first pictures were from when they first arrived, and were trying out different street foods; even though he just ate, Haida nearly groaned in envy when he saw the takoyaki in his photo gallery. He remembered how excited Tadano was to get some takoyaki from them, especially when Haida admitted he never tried it before. After that, a good portion of their weekend composed of the two stuffing their faces with whatever new or weird-looking things they could find.

Another set of photos were from a nightclub the two went to, although the pictures themselves were rather blurred and spotty from indirect lighting. Even though neither of them got any phone numbers or one-night-stands, the two still had a great time living it up and drinking like fish. A couple of the photos were those Haida was grateful he never shared, since they were pretty suggestive-looking with how much Tadano was leaning against him for support. He was mostly lucky that neither of them passed out in the club, or got arrested on their way back to the hotel.

"Ngh!" Haida nearly jolted in his seat when he saw a set of photos right past that, which made his cheeks blush out profusely. Fenneko didn't lean away from her seat to peek at Haida's screen, but she tried not to chuckle from his sudden response. The photos he saw were taken from the next day, when he and Tadano were relaxing in the hotel room and fighting off their hangovers. It seemed that Tadano was able to unlock Haida's phone, since the photographs looked to have been shot from him while the hyena was asleep. The two were shown lying on the couch together, with Haida resting his head on Tadano's shoulder. Meanwhile, the lavender donkey was shooting a kind, albeit tired-looking smile for the picture.

Another picture showed Tadano resting his head against Haida's, still looking content in that brief moment of serenity. Haida had no idea that those photos were ever taken, or that Tadano kept them on the phone for him. He wasn't sure if Tadano did that on accident, or if he wanted Haida to see them himself by the time they returned home. Either way, it seemed that the photo looked slightly more than just "friendly" from how much Tadano's cheeks were blushing. Of course, they likely looked more subtle than the blush Haida was carrying at that moment.

His eyes shot wide-open when he opened up one of the last photos in the set, which had Tadano kissing the unconscious Haida on the cheek. The hyena may have been clearly out of it, with his muzzle lolling open and a little drool seeping from his fangs; but at the same time, the picture looked surprisingly sweet from how tenderly Tadano was holding him. If some random stranger saw those pictures Tadano took, they'd likely assume that he and Haida were a full-fledged couple. The hyena could only stare in bafflement with his eyes repeatedly blinking, and his thumb hesitantly scrolling to the last photo in the set.

Unlike the other pictures in the camera feed, this one was of a piece of paper resting on a table. It was a message written by Tadano, most likely as a subtle way of letting himself be known to Haida when the time was right. Even though the photos were taken a month ago, this was the first time Haida actually took the time to look back at them himself. Because of that, his expression was genuinely shocked while reading the handwritten note:


I'm sorry if those pics I took were too much. I'll admit I was still a little drunk when I took them. However, I want you to know that you're a really sweet guy, and I don't regret this trip we took.

If you ever want to have another weekend like this, I would totally be down to spend some time with you. You're a really cool friend, and I like you a lot.

Also, it's totally cool if you just want to be friends. I might be open to a lot of things, but I totally respect your choices too. Just know that the offer is on the table if interested~

Love, Tadano'

Haida's left eye twitched while reading through the note, which was clearly a confession of sorts from the donkey himself. To say that Haida was shocked would've been an understatement; sure, he certainly had a great time with Tadano as well, but he wouldn't have guessed that he saw that weekend in such an intimate way. Heck, even when the two had chat conversations after their trip, Tadano acted totally chill like nothing was amiss. Haida wasn't sure if that was because Tadano was waiting for him to make the first move, or if he assumed that he hadn't read that note yet. Regardless of what may have been the case, it left Haida feeling rightfully stunned as he sat in his uncomfortable seat.

"So, are you going to ask him out?"

"W-WHAT?!" Haida jolted strongly enough to hit his head against the car's ceiling. As he winced and groaned with a paw rubbing his head, he tried to shove his phone back in his pocket before Fenneko could see that message. "W... W-What are you talking about?! I wasn't looking at anything."

Fenneko didn't say anything, and just pointed at the center console screen. Much to Haida's horror, it seemed that his plug into the USB drive also allowed screen-sharing with the press of a button. Because of that, Fenneko got a prime view of his photos from the comfort of her own seat. "Hahahahahahaha~"

"W-WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, FENNEKO?!" Haida cringed as he unplugged his phone from the cord, turning off the live feed from the car's console screen. His face was as red as a beet, but he tried to keep a bitter scowl while looking away from her with his arms crossed. "S-Seriously, that's a huge invasion of my privacy."

"Oh, please," jeered Fenneko with a strong eye-roll. "All I saw was a friendly kiss and that letter. It's not like I saw any dick-pics or anything."

"F-FENNEKO!!" Haida grew even more flustered as he dragged a paw down his face. He also squirmed a bit in his seat, making sure to cross his legs out of embarrassment. "Nnnnghhh..."


"CAN YOU STOP DOING THAT?!" Haida had to keep himself from snapping any further, and clenched his paws while clutching his eyes tightly shut. By the time he was able to breathe out more calmly, all he could do was slump his head in a mixture of embarrassment and guilt. He tried to hide his shameful expression while turning away from Fenneko's knowing gaze. "Ughhh... I had no idea he even took those photos..."

"Well, it's a good thing you didn't post them on social media then," she noted with a shrug. "Otherwise things might have gotten more awkward."

"W-Well, it wasn't like I was going to just post pictures of me drinking online! You know how snoopy the IT Department can get!" Haida could've also pointed out Fenneko's immaculate cyber-snooping as a secondary reason, but he wasn't going to dare mention that while she was right there. So instead, all he could do was sigh disheartedly before pulling his phone back out. "Geeze... I can't believe I never noticed that before."

"Honestly, how many times do people look back at pictures on their phones?" Fenneko gave a thoughtful shrug before adding, "Besides, you were clearly drunk that weekend, so it's not like you don't have a valid excuse. He probably realizes that too."

"Yeah, maybe so," noted Haida as he tried not to feel too guilty. "But still, I wish I could've said something about that. I mean..."

As soon as that truthful statement came out of his mouth, Haida froze and bit his lip worriedly. He was starting to look even more unsure as he glanced back down at his phone, needing a moment to process his thoughts. Even though he couldn't deny how much fun the two had that weekend, this was the first time that Haida had any realization that it could've been anything more than two friends hanging out. And even if he had seen that note in his photo gallery sooner, it wasn't like Haida could come up with a proper response right on the spot; nevertheless, since he was sitting next to one of his friends following that reveal, Haida felt like he had been put on the spot.

"I... I don't even know what to say..." Haida awkwardly scratched the back of his head, and struggled not to wince at how unsure he sounded. Fenneko seemed to notice how sheepish he was acting, but didn't say anything about it out-loud. Instead, the fennec was waiting for him to find his words while carrying a warm smile. The hyena was too distracted by his own thoughts to take much notice of how his friend was looking; fortunately, Haida was able to process himself enough to continue speaking regardless. "... Like... You know that I didn't do anything that weekend, right?"

"Of course I know that," she said without hesitance. "And even if you did, it wouldn't change how I saw you at all. You would still be my friend."

"Wow, ummm... th-thanks, Fenneko." Haida may have been blushing a little, but he still smiled back at her thankfully. "I-It's just that, uhhh... I wouldn't have thought he would, like... you know..."

Fenneko nodded her head silently, not showing any judgement in her faint smile. "Well, would it be alright if I asked you something?"

Haida readjusted himself in the seat so he was facing her more directly. Fenneko did the same, and asked, "If you had known about Tadano's feelings sooner, would it change how you saw him as a friend?"

"N-No!" Haida was quick to throw his paws up insistently and say, "No, absolutely not! I wouldn't stop being friends with him or anything! He's a really cool guy, that has nothing to do with his orientation!"

"Okay, that's good to hear." Fenneko nodded in approval of her friend's answer, and then said, "But let me ask you this... Would the fact that he kissed you change how you saw him?"

Haida was just about to repeat his previous answer, but paused while his mouth was slightly agape. He blinked a couple times in thought, and took a few seconds to really contemplate Fenneko's question. He didn't want to admit that his feelings about Tadano would've changed a little, since he didn't want to be seen as homophobic or anything. However, if any friend had kissed on the cheek like that, regardless of gender or orientation, Haida would definitely need some time to reflect on the ramifications of such a gesture.

"Ummm..." After thinking it over, all that Haida could do was shrug his shoulders uncomfortably. "I mean... I would've preferred that he kissed me while I was awake, y'know?"

"True, true..." Fenneko couldn't argue with that point, and nodded pointedly in response. However, that answer from Haida prompted her to ask, "So... if he had asked to kiss you while you were awake and consenting, would you have accepted it?~"

Haida quickly blurted through his blush, "T-T-That's not what I mean!"

"Well, it's not a bad question to ask, is it?" Fenneko was beginning to smirk as she reached down and took another sip from her energy drink. "I mean, it's not like you're dismissing that point right now, are you?~"

All that Haida could do was huff in exasperation. He rolled his eyes with a faint groan, and shook his head before giving a response. "I just meant that I... I would've liked to at least think it over, you know?"

That answer made Fenneko's brows rise up in surprise. "Oh, really now?~" Her tone of voice sounded more intrigued as she smiled at the hyena. "So, you're saying there's a chance you could've kissed him that weekend?~"

"Oh, come on!" griped Haida with a more flustered look on his face. "N-Now you're just putting words in my mouth!"

"I wasn't doing any such thing. You were the one who didn't give a direct yes or no to my question."

"S-So what, that means I would've done something if he was more direct?!"

"Well, does it?"

"UGH!" Haida covered his face with one paw, while the other was still clutching his phone. He knew that this bickering wasn't getting him anywhere, but he was also aware that Fenneko wasn't the sole reason he was feeling so frazzled. After all, he was able to hear his answers just as well as the fennec beside him. While he knew her points were probably for his best, Haida had to control his breathing so he wouldn't get too snippy about his defensive behavior. "I just... I don't know, okay? It's... It's a little weird to think about that right out of the blue..."

As he looked back down at his phone, Haida let out a soft exhale through his nostrils. He was starting to feel more shameful as he thought back to that weekend in Osaka, and muttered to himself, "Besides, I... I don't think that's gonna matter much anymore, will it? That happened a month ago... If anything, he probably thought I flaked him or something."

"I don't know about you," noted Fenneko, "but if I thought someone did that to me, I wouldn't send them twenty thousand yen for a flat tire."

Haida shrugged his head in response, not faulting the logic of Fenneko's point. But at the same time, he was aware of how easily a guy like Tadano could throw money like that around, especially if it was meant to be an apology gift. Nevertheless, Haida glanced back at her to ask, "So... you don't think he's upset at me?"

"If anything, he probably assumes you haven't seen the picture yet." Fenneko then reached over and took Haida's phone. "Here, let me try something~"

"H-HEY! What are you..." Haida froze up in shock when he saw his friend unlock his phone with ease, as if she had the finger pattern memorized from sight. The fennec opened up the photo gallery, and scrolled through all his saved memes and porn pics like it was nothing to her. As soon as she got to the note that Tadano wrote, she attached the picture to a message addressed for the donkey. Haida quickly jolted himself back to reality, and tried to snatch the phone back from her. "F-FENNEKO! Wait a second, hold on!"

"Just a moment..." Fenneko leaned herself away from Haida's reach, and smirked to herself as she wrote down a message from the hyena's phone.

'Hey, Tadano... I was browsing through my pics while waiting for the mechanic and found this note. I honestly didn't know about it until today.'

"Aaaaaaand sent~" Fenneko handed the phone back to Haida, who's jaw was nearly touching his lap while agape. His left eye was twitching repeatedly, but the only thing that could come out of his mouth was a faint and mortified creak. He looked back down at his phone screen, seeing clear as day that she sent Tadano the photo and message to start off a conversation. And to make matters worse, just as he was about to yell at her for doing something so intrusive, the spinning icon below his text indicated that Tadano was already making a response.

"OHMYGOD!! F-F-Fenneko, what have you done!? He's writing back to me, HE'S WRITING BACK!!!"


"THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!" Haida felt like he was just about to snap his phone in half like a graham cracker. Fortunately, his twitching paws didn't cause any damage before he saw the text Tadano sent back.

'Dang, it took you that long, bro? I was a little worried you were just gonna ignore it or something. :P'

"Told you," said Fenneko smugly. Haida pulled his phone away from her line of sight, but the device buzzed once more as Tadano sent a follow-up message:

'Still tho, I'm glad you finally read it. I hope it wasn't anything too upfront. I just wanted to be honest without having to say it outright. :)'

Haida's muzzle clenched with a blush, unsure of how to take Tadano's statement. He knew he couldn't leave him hanging, even though it was Fenneko who started the conversation. Fortunately, the hyena was able to sigh briefly before texting back.

'TBH I'm still trying to process it...'

'Not in a bad way, just surprised'

"Nice save there, Haida."

"C-Can you quit peeking at my phone?! Jeez..." Haida may have appreciated her feedback about his double-text reply, but he was feeling increasingly constrained in the car while she was snooping at his messages. He tried to keep his focus on the screen of his phone, while skewing his body in a way so she couldn't see what was being typed. The spinning icon below his messages reappeared, but only lasted a few seconds before Tadano gave a response:

'Yeah, I get what you mean.'

'Sorry if I assumed anything that wasn't true.'

Haida sighed guiltily from that last part, and quickly sent a reply to assure his friend that things were fine.

'I'm not mad or anything. You're a really cool guy too :)'

The hyena cringed a little when he read his own text, unsure if the smiley emoji was too much. Just as Tadano's spinning icon came back up to write something, a sudden notification caught both of them by surprise.

'Fenneko Just Joined the Group Chat'

"H-HEY!" Haida looked back at his friend, who was already texting on her phone. "How did you do that anyway!?"


Fenneko shot a quick message in the chat before either of the guys could react.

'Don't worry about me. I'm still in the car with Haida, so I know the context of this chat already.'

'Also, Haida is blushing super hard while typing to you~'


"Don't bother the driver while she's typing~" Even though the car was turned off, Fenneko smirked to herself confidently after that remark.

Tadano texted back, 'Oh, really now? I didn't think I could get to him that badly~'

"Nnnnghhhh!!" Haida covered his face with a paw, and grimaced at the two bantering right in front of him. After breathing out in a quick huff, he tried to text back at them:

'This feels very inappropriate to discuss in a group chat! >X('

'Don't worry, I'm not inviting anybody else in here. It's just us~'

'Did I really make you blush, Haida?~'

"Oh, come on!" Haida griped with his head reeled back. "I don't need this right now!"

"Hmmmm..." Fenneko's grin grew more devious, and a sudden idea prompted her to start typing furiously. "Hahahahaha~"

"Fenneko, what are doi--AAAAHHH!!"

In the group chat, Fenneko typed out:

'To be fair, you sent him a pretty suggestive pic.'

'Maybe he should send one back to make things even~'

"WHAT?!" Haida looked back at the fennec like she sprouted a dick on her forehead like a unicorn. "Fenneko, what are doing!? What kind of pictures are you even talking abou--"

He was interrupted by his phone buzzing in his paw, indicating that Tadano already replied to her suggestion. He looked back at his screen, and his eyes widened in shock.

'If he's cool with it, I wouldn't mind seeing something from him~ ;)'

"Ooh, lovely~" Fenneko turned back to her friend with her grin widening. She held up her phone, and asked the hyena, "Would you prefer taking a photo yourself, or should I do it?!"

"Hey, wait a minute!" snapped Haida back at her. "I didn't even agree to it! What would make you think I'd be comfortable with sending a picture of myself?!"

"Well, it doesn't have to be anything dirty." Fennekp shot him a flat and insistent stare, which caused him to huff and look away from her in embarrassment. "I could just send him a picture of your face if you want. That's not too uncomfortable, is it?"

"I... I mean..." Haida squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, his blush becoming rather evident across his cheeks. While he couldn't say he trusted Fenneko's intentions, he couldn't necessarily say that a face pic was anything too inappropriate. He needed a moment to think out what to say, but he eventually relented enough to lean back against the car door. "Well, I mean... If you're willing to do it..."

Haida couldn't look back at his friend, and had his muzzle pointed towards the windshield while seated across from her. Fenneko took a moment to scan the hyena's body up and down, clearly appreciating how prone and blushy Haida was looking in his seat. After taking note of his features, Fenneko angled the camera so that most of his body was presented in the screen of her phone. She took a quick pic of the hyena in his apprehensive state, and sent it to the group chat for Tadano to see.

'He said this was cool ;)'

Haida sighed when he heard his phone buzzing, and he looked back at the chat to see the picture himself. His brows raised in surprise, not expecting to see such a nice-looking photo of himself seated in the kei-car. He looked the slightest bit uncomfortable, but it was difficult to tell while his cheek was blushing so deeply. He hated to admit it, but Haida's pose made his picture look surprisingly cute.

"Wow, ummm... you did a good job with the pic, Fenneko."

"Thank you~" Fenneko was smirking to herself pridefully while fiddling with something on her phone. Meanwhile, Tadano was quick to send a reply to Haida's picture.



'You really ARE blushing~'

"Ughhhh..." Haida dragged his paw down his face, which left him unable to see Tadano's forth message until feeling the phone vibrate in his grip. When he saw what was sent, he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Uhhh... what?"

'My goodness, is that what I think it is?~'


"Uhhhhh..." Haida looked back at the pic Fenneko took, unable to see anything worth a response like that. Of course, that was because he was staring at his own face, as opposed to the rest of his body. In fact, it wasn't until he received a new text notification that he was able to scroll back down. The moment he saw the additional picture Fenneko posted -- or more specifically, the zoomed-in version of the earlier pic -- Haida gasped with a paw over his mouth. "W-WHAT THE?!"

In the group chat was a cropped picture of Haida's crotch, which showed what looked to be a sizable tent protruding from his slacks. The hyena froze in terror, unable to process how such a thing could've happened. He wanted to think that it was just a weird crease of his pants due to sitting in such a weird position. But alas, when Haida looked down at himself, he was horrified to see that he actually was erect. His slacks may have been a dark brown, but the slightest hint of wetness could still be seen from the very tip of his rock-hard and tenting erection.



"Why couldn't you feel it?~"

"Oh my god..." Haida couldn't even say anything back to her after that. His phone kept buzzing in his paw, but he was busy covering his face with his other paw to really read through Tadano's texts. Meanwhile, Fenneko kept chucking as she looked through the messages from her screen:




'I guess I made quite an impact, huh?~'

"Yes, you certainly did~" Fenneko began to type in to the chat on Haida's behalf, leaving the hyena to cringe by himself.

He was already feeling confused enough as it is, mostly since he never considered Tadano to be the kind of guy who would want him in that kind of way. And even though he was perfectly okay with those sorts of relationships, this was the first time he ever found himself in that kind of situation. He wouldn't have ever thought of himself being with another guy, even someone as kind or fun to hang around with as Tadano. However, judging by how his body was acting, it seemed that his overwhelmed state was leaving little to the imagination by that point.

"Th... This can't be right..." Haida was just about to give a quick response to both of them in the chat, and try his hardest to end things before they get any more uncomfortable. Unfortunately, just as he was about to start typing, a new photo popped up from Tadano's end.

Or more specifically, from Tadano's front~

"AAAHHHH!!" Haida covered his muzzle with a paw, while his other gripped his phone shakily. The picture was taken from the foot of a bed by a timer, which gave Tadano enough time to lean back in his hotel bed with his cock fully exposed. Tadano may have been a donkey, but it looked like he was sporting a genuine horsecock that sprung out from the fly of his jeans. The beast looked to have been at least a foot in length, with the cockhead flared out to show off its crowned ridges. And just behind that intimidatingly thick member, Tadano was shooting a sly-looking smirk to the camera for Haida and Fenneko to see.

'What do you think of this?~'

Haida and Fenneko's muzzles were equally gaped in stunned silence. The fennec was blushing almost as badly as her friend, and had a paw against her chest to control her breathing. Haida looked rightfully shocked by such a sudden dick-pic being presented out of nowhere; unfortunately, the sight only made his own erection throb uncontrollably inside of his pants. He tried his best to squirm his legs in a meager attempt to control himself; meanwhile, Fenneko quickly saved that pic onto her phone to keep for herself. "Man, Retsuko really let a good one pass, didn't she?~"

"D-Do NOT send her that!" Haida shot Fenneko a stern glare alongside that statement. "Seriously, this is going too far!"

"One second, I need to say something..." Fenneko was grinning mischievously as she typed into her phone's keypad, before sending a message into the groupchat.

'Damn, do you feed that thing or something?~'

'Haida and I were both left speechless~ ;)'

"Oh, don't tell him THAT, Fenneko!"

Unfortunately, Haida's remark was unnoted by the fennec as she added with a snicker, "Hahahaha~"

'That looks like the toy I brought with me in my luggage~'

"What the heck are you telling him that for?! Don't you think that--WAIT A MINUTE, YOU HAVE A SEX TOY IN YOUR LUGGAGE?!"

"Better than my fingers~" she said with her free paw raised, wriggling her tiny little digits for emphasis. "Besides, it's not like we're flying anywhere."

Haida was stunned in disbelief, while Tadano gave several messages in response:

'Wow, really?! :o'

'Well, it's good to hear you both liked it~ ;)'

'Maybe one of you could do the same... >;3'

"Oooohhhhh~" Fenneko readjusted herself in her seat, and kept a devious smile as she texted back to him, 'I thought this was just about Haida~'

The hyena was still too stunned to say anything, and he felt frozen at the spot while his eyes were glued to his phone. He couldn't keep himself from staring at Tadano's thick, meaty cock as it took up most of the screen. It may have been sent consensually by Tadano himself, but he still felt dirty for staring at the picture while Fenneko was right next to him. When another text notification popped up, he quickly shook his head clear before scrolling down.

'Well, I certainly wouldn't mind pics of both of you if that's how you roll~ ;)'

"WHOA!" Haida reeled back in his seat. "Is he serious?!"

"I'd be down for it~" Fenneko's shamelessly quick statement was accompanied with a shrug of her shoulders. "I mean, two guys at once is most girls' biggest fantasy, right? And I'd be willing to trust both of you well enough for that."

Haida was so blown-away by her casualty with that answer, he couldn't even say anything in response. While he knew he should've been a little flattered to be considered by Fenneko, he still felt like a third wheel to the lewd discussions between her and Tadano. All he could do was sigh in disbelief while shaking his head, barely able to process the texts on his group chat. Meanwhile, Fenneko was looking back at him as she asked, "So, what do you think, Haida? Would you be alright with sending another pic to make things fair?~"

Haida nearly had a heart-attack. "W-WHAT?!" He gawked back at her wide-eyed. "You... You're not seriously suggesting that I..."

"Hmph~" Fenneko smirked confidently while Haida's words were put on pause. Since Tadano already sent a pic, the fennec wasn't afraid to send a response of her own. She pulled herself up from her seat, and reached up her skirt to effortlessly pull down her panties. While Haida sat with a shocked look on his face, Fenneko slid her panties down her legs so they were wrapped around her ankles. Then without a shred of hesitation, Fenneko positioned herself in a spread-eagle stance in her seat, and pointed the camera of her phone right beneath her open skirt. "Well, allow me to make it easier for you..."


Haida was absolutely floored by the boldness of his friend, who sent a pic of her exposed pussy into the group chat like it was nothing. The moment his phone buzzed in his paw, Haida couldn't hesitate to look in the chat to see what she actually submitted. The fennec managed to get a surprisingly good shot of her pussy, with the lips already glistening with a sheen of her arousal to better expose her inner folds. There was a good amount of fur around her slit, but her fingers were pulling it open just enough to give Tadano (and Haida, technically) a prime view of her supple, pink flesh. There was already a good amount of moisture trickling down her inner thighs, which just made the view all the more titillating for Haida on his end. He groaned with his bottom lip tightly bitten, and he tried to cross his legs together while throbbing beneath his tenting slacks.

"Ooh, that's a lot of wide-eyed emojis~" Fenneko tried not to chuckle in perverted delight as she sat back in her chair properly, despite her panties still wrapped around her feet. "I think he likes what he sees..."

Haida knew that he was getting in too deep for his personal comfort; but at the same time, he couldn't help reading through the texts Tadano sent after his wall of emojis.

'Oh, DAMN!!'

'That's a really good shot, Fen~'

'I'm guessing Haida is getting harder too, isn't he?~'

';) ;) ;)'

"Nnnnffffff..." Haida didn't text a response to that question, but his writhing body was a good enough answer for Fenneko to see herself. While the hyena was wincing with his eyes clenched shut, Fenneko took the opportunity to respond on his behalf.

'He looks nervous, but it seems like those pants of his are getting tighter~'

'LOL Nice~'

By the time Haida was able to breathe out somewhat-calmly, he was still throbbing particularly hard in his pants from the constant teasing and lewdness occurring. Not to mention, considering how tightly-cramped the interior of their kei-car was, he was able to smell Fenneko's arousal pretty well with those panties removed. The oddly sweet musk was causing his muzzle to grimace tightly and skew, which only barely muffled his enamored groans. But despite how overwhelmed he was clearly getting, it didn't keep Fenneko from placing a paw on his thigh to catch his attention.

"C'mon, Haida..." The fennec didn't show any apprehension as she looked up at the squirming hyena with a knowing grin, and a sly lick of her lips. "I know you're getting hard in excitement, aren'cha? And it's not like you'd be the only one either. I promise, I won't say a word of this to Retsuko. Just like how you wouldn't say a word about my involvement to anyone~"

Haida shuddered while biting his lip, but tried his best to nod to that last part of Fenneko's statement. He may have been flustered beyond belief, but he tried to say sincerely, "O-Of course, I... I wouldn't tell anyone about that pic..."

"Thank you~" With that, Fenneko moved her paw in to rest atop his tent. Haida tensed up and let out a shuddering moan, while his cock throbbed hard with her tiny paw resting atop the head. More precum spat out to make his stain much more pronounced, not that it seemed to bother the fennec in the slightest. In fact, she seemed rather flattered by that reaction as she smirked up at him more enticingly. "So, what do you say? Can I send Tadano a pic of what you're packing? I promise it'll only be between us~"

"Nnnnghhhhh..." Haida squirmed especially hard in his seat, his face blushing hotly before the grinning fennec. Fenneko's paw gave the slightest grope to the tip of his cock, causing it to pulsate hard beneath the fabric of his trousers. The stain of his precum grew larger around the head, which was looking more pronounced with the fabric clinging to ever inch. The last thing he wanted to do was give in, and allow his friend to make him expose himself for the sake of being "equal" with Tadano. However, as much as he'd hate to admit it, he was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with his erection straining within the confines of his pants.

"Oh, how about this..." Fenneko gently gripped her friend's zipper, and looked up at him to add enticingly, "If you pull it out for me, I'll help you get off before the mechanic arrives. Deal?~"

Haida winced with his eyes tightly shut, although that did little to quell his awkward feelings of arousal. While he knew it'd be extremely inappropriate to accept such an offer -- mostly because he didn't want to change his friendship with Fenneko -- he was also aware of how much it likely changed after seeing a picture of her pussy on his phone. Not to mention, he'd be lying if he tried to claim he didn't need some relief really badly. So after the briefest bout of deliberation, Haida gave in to his libido as he nodded his head sheepishly. "I... I, uhhh... Oh alright, I'll do it..."

Fenneko smiled in approval, just before giving Haida's zipper a hard yank to spring his cock free from its pre-stained confines. "There we go--OOH!!~"

The fennec pulled back a little with an impressed smile, not expecting for the hyena to be packing something that large. His red, knotted member looked just as thick and girthy as the canine-shaped toys Fenneko would see for sale online. His shaft almost looked muscular with its bulging curves up the shaft, as well as the multiple veins that stood out prominently against the hot-red flesh. His cockhead boasted a pointed tip that could be seen pulsating with every hard throb, which caused Haida to close his eyes and whimper in embarrassment. His blush was nearly as red as his member, but Fenneko was barely focusing on her friend's face at that moment. Instead, her brows flagged up upon seeing the thick glob of clear, gooey precum that was seeping at the tip of his pointed head.

"Well then..." Fenneko only needed a moment to herself while marveling at her friend's impressive-looking equipment. But with her phone still tightly clutched in her paw, she didn't hesitate to point her camera down at it and get a couple of decent shots for Tadano to see. Haida cringed with his muzzle twitching, but he refused to look down at his friend when he heard her camera clicking numerous times. After getting a good shot of that thick cock, as well as Haida's blushing face in the background, Fenneko smirked in satisfaction. "Aaaaaaand sent~"

With that, Haida felt his phone buzzing as his penis was presented to the group chat. Haida took a shaky breath before looking at his picture, grimacing to the sight of his member prominently presented on his phone screen. After only a moment, Tadano gave a proper response:

'WOW!!! :O :O :O'

'That looks really nice~'

'Almost a shame I prefer being the top. I could see that being put to good use...'

"Nnnnfffff..." Haida squirmed and looked away from his phone, unable to think of a proper response to Tadano's praises. Meanwhile, Fenneko looked a lot more interested as she looked at the chat through her own phone.

"Hmmmm... You're the top, eh?~" Fenneko's grin grew to Cheshire levels, and her thumbs began to furiously type out a fitting message for both of them to read. "Hahahahahahaha~"

'You know, my dildo also has a strapon attachment~'

Haida's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates, and he gawked back at Fenneko to see her giving him serious bedroom eyes. Meanwhile, Tadano quickly flooded the chat with wide-eyed emojis, water droplets, and eggplants galore. Haida paid no attention to the constant vibrations from his phone going off, since he was still rightfully shocked at what his friend was planning. He may have known exactly what was running through the fennec's perverted head, and what she was suggesting for him to do with her; however, even with the mental image clear as day in his mind, it didn't make his cock any less harder as it twitched in approval atop his lap.

"What's the matter?" she asked tauntingly while perking her brows a couple times. "I mentioned I had a toy that looks like Tadano's cock, remember? And I said that I'd help you get off if you agreed to taking that picture. I never specified how I'd do it~"

"... Uhhhhhh..." To say that Haida was at a loss for words would've been a great understatement. Fenneko narrowed her eyes on him sultrily, silently coaxing the hyena to comply regardless of his nervousness. Haida blinked repeatedly, while his face felt like it was on fire from his heavy blush. Meanwhile, his phone was still buzzing like mad as Tadano gave an adequate response:

'You serious, Fen???'


'Oh fuck...'

'If you put it on facetime for me, I'll pay you more~'


"Hmmmm..." Fenneko was the first to see that message, and smirked with intrigue at such a prospect. Meanwhile, Haida's eyes repeatedly darted between his own phone screen, the sight of Fenneko's piqued expression, and his cock still standing rigidly through his open fly. The idea being presented was certainly one that made his heart race in worry, and also caused his butthole to clench for obvious reasons. But as Fenneko loomed in closer beside him, she made sure to speak as sensually as possible while whispering in his ear.

"Think about it like this, Haida... If you actually agree to do this, it could be good practice if you and Tadano decide to do anything together. Heck, maybe you'll find yourself a partner you can be really happy with. It certainly seems like a part of you is a little interested, right? After all, you're still rock-hard~"

Her little paw reached down to grasp the base of Haida's cock, causing it to throb hard in her grip and make the hyena moan out weakly. Haida shuddered with his head lurched down, unable to look back at his friend's insistently coy stare. But even with how he was looking, Fenneko continued to try and coax him while moving her paw up the length of his twitching shaft. "Mmmmm... Oh, come on, Haida... are you really going to say you've never been curious about those sorts of things? Heck, I bet you've done some experimental stuff yourself in private, haven't you? It's alright, you can admit it~"

"Aaaahhh!!" Haida reeled his head back as he tensed up in his seat, his cock throbbing hard in Fenneko's grasp. A couple thick strands of precum began to trickle down the underside of his cock, not that it seemed to faze Fenneko in the slightest. Even when one of those clear, syrupy globs oozed over the fennec's digits, she kept stroking his length slowly to keep him nice and hard.

"Besides," she continued as she leaned up close to his ear, and gave it a teasing nibble to make him moan in her embrace. "... I saw how strongly you reacted to seeing Tadano's cock on that screen... You can't tell me you're not even a little interested, are you? And if you allow me... I guarantee I'll make sure it feels just as nice as the real thing~"

Haida groaned sharply through his teeth, and squirmed in his seat while Fenneko continued to tease his cock. More precum was coating her paw, and the musk wafting from his member was growing as thick as the arousal dripping down Fenneko's thighs. Soon enough, neither of them could breathe in anything aside from their shared musk while the windows were rolled-up in their tiny kei car. Both of their faces were blushing hotly as the mood grew more heated, and Haida's resistance grew weaker with each passing second.

"All you have to do," purred Fenneko, who made sure to drag her tongue up the edge of Haida's ear to make it twitch antsily, "is send a text to Tadano himself. I can get the toy from my luggage, and the two of us can have a nice little session before that mechanic rolls up. Does that sound like a good deal?~"

Fenneko was increasing the rates of her paw as it stroked his twitching length more relentlessly. Haida couldn't stop writhing in his seat, as his friend's tenacious rubs made it feel like he was going to shoot his load sooner than later. His paw tried to clutch his phone as best as he could, but it was doubtful he could do much while reeling in pleasure. Fenneko was quick to catch his inability though, as she slowly decreased the pumps of her strokes so he could get the chance to breathe. "Just text Tadano that you're good to do it~"

"Nnnnnnffffffff..." Haida's hips reeled up from the chair, as he was left too heated to really say anything more substantial than that weak groan. Fortunately, even though Fenneko was still teasing his cock with her slow, titillating strokes up and down his shaft, her pace had slowed enough for him to shudder in slight relief. He picked up his phone, and shakily unlocked it so he could look at the group chat screen once more. When he saw what Tadano messaged him, the hyena let out a weak sigh while blushing heavily. "Aww, jeez..."

The first message was another pic courtesy of the donkey, as Tadano showed a close-up shot of his cock glistening with lubricant. The bottle could be seen in the background, while Tadano himself was holding the base of his thick shaft to better flaunt his length. Every inch of his cock looked like it was coated in a thick sheen of the glossy substance, which helped to emphasize every smooth curve and bulging vein. And just beneath that revealing photo, Tadano left a simple text for Haida to see.

'Cmon, Haida...'

'I wanna see if she fucks you better than I can~'

"Nnnnghhhh..." Haida squirmed in his seat for only a moment longer, and could barely keep his eyes open when he gave a hasty text back.

'Okay give me a sec...'

The moment he pressed send, and he saw that message appear in the group chat, Haida felt like a large weight had been lifted from his chest. Fenneko snickered when she saw that reply, and pulled back so she could prepare herself. She pulled some napkins from the center console to wipe off her paws, not wanting to lick Haida's pre off her digits like some deviant. Instead, the fennec kept herself professional as she reached behind their seats, and pulled out her personal travel bag. "So... Do you have any requests before we do anything?~"

Haida was breathing heavily, and his face was as red as a beet when he saw his friend reaching into that bag. But before he could think to say anything, both of their phones buzzed as a new notification popped up.

"What the..." Haida was the first to check his phone, indicating that a new email had been sent. The moment he opened up his messages, he gasped with his eyes bulging out of his skull. "WHOA!!!"

Fenneko quickly checked her own phone, and gasped from receiving the same email as Haida.

'You have received 100,000¥ from Tadano'

'Message: Do it outside on video~'

Haida and Fenneko were silent for a moment, neither of them expecting Tadano to raise the stakes that drastically. Sure, the two were pretty isolated out in the middle of nowhere. And given how tiny the interior of their kei-car was, it would probably be easier to do it outdoors anyway. But at the same time, the two still looked back at each other for a moment with a shared look of bafflement, with Fenneko being the first to speak up feebly.

"... W-Well, ummm... the barn might give us good cover?"


-Five Minutes Later-

"Ughhh... I can't believe I'm doing this..."

Even as the two stood outside of the car, neither of them could hear anything from the nearby road. Both of them were behind the barn, although it didn't provide too much cover while the walls were dilapidated and missing from multiple rungs. Haida was able to see the road pretty easily between some of the gaps in the wall, which meant that any passing drivers might have a chance of seeing him. However, considering how isolated he and Fenneko were, that worry wasn't as immense as what was happening right behind him.

"Alright, I think I have the camera angled right..." Fenneko happened to have a miniature tripod setup for her phone, which meant that she could have it standing upright on the hood without much chance of wobbling. She already had the phone set up so she could facetime Tadano with the press of a button. Unlike Haida, she seemed much less nervous about being outdoors as her friend; and considering how she already had her skirt off, and was wearing the leather straps for her device where her panties used to be, her causal stance was even more jarring from Haida's perspective.

"Hmph~" Fenneko huffed with a pleased smirk when she saw how flustered Haida looked while staring at her. Since the straps wrapped around her thighs were connected to a large metallic ring nestled against her crotch, it served as a pretty effective point for his eyes to be drawn to her wet, exposed pussy. Even while standing out in the open half-nude, Fenneko didn't show any shame as she placed her paws on her hips. "Well, whatd'ya think, Haida? Bet you wish it was the other way around, huh?~"

Haida tried not to wince when he looked back at the hood, and saw what else was standing beside Fenneko's phone on the tripod. A thick, bright purple dildo was standing upright on its suction cup, clinging to the kei-car's hood like the lewdest ornament. Much like the cock he saw Tadano sporting in those pictures, Haida couldn't help but feel intimidated by the foot-long hunk of silicone clinging to the hood. The thick shaft was thankfully smooth, which meant he wouldn't have to deal with much aside from the girth overall; still though, Haida gulped from the sheer size, which was almost half the size of Fenneko herself.

"Now, don't worry. I had this cleaned before I left..." Fenneko turned on the facetime feature, which immediately dialed out for Tadano to watch privately from the phone camera. Meanwhile, Fenneko popped the dildo off the hood by its suction cup, which was able to be removed and reveal a bulb-shaped base beneath. Haida could only watch while he was braced up against the barm wall, with his pants barely able to stay wrapped around his waist. Of course, when Fenneko began to slip the smaller end of the toy through that ring on her crotch, and she gasped from the thick bulb pressing up against her nethers, the sight was more than enough to make Haida's jaw drop to the floor.

Of course, so did Haida's pants as they dropped to his ankles, revealing his bare ass for Fenneko to see. "EEP!!"

"D-Don't you dare try to pull your pants back up--MMMGH!!~" Fenneko shivered in delight as she pushed that bulb in deeper, allowing the smooth silicone to slip through her dripping slit. With a wet pop, the smaller end of her dildo worked its way in to nestle securely between the lips of her pussy. The girth of the toy's shaft settled within the metal ring of her strapon, while Fenneko moaned out with her knees wobbling. "Aaaahhhhh!~"

Haida may have looked completely vulnerable while leaned against the barn, with his ass and twitching cock out in the open for any passing cars to see. But as his eyes remained glued to the sight of Fenneko getting her strapon applied, he barely noticed how much he was drooling while his mouth was agape. He also didn't notice the strands of precum that spat out from his cock, and landed on the muddy ground below his feet.

"Oooh, damn! That's a nice view from here, guys~"

Fenneko was still shivering while feeling that thick toy stretching her out, but her half-lidded gaze turned over to the phone still standing in full view. The facetime screen was opened up, revealing Tadano splayed out in his hotel bed without any pants. He was still playing with his cock as it was slathered in lubricant, which allowed him to easily rub his length and keep himself riled-up. Even with Haida standing several feet away, he was able to see how much of that meaty donkey cock was taking up Fenneko's phone screen. As much as he hated to admit it, his body shuddered to emphasize how much his own member throbbed to the sight of that thing. Fenneko looked equally as impressed, and turned around to swing her fake cock flauntingly in Tadano's line of sight. "Well, hopefully this'll give you a good idea how well Haida can handle things~"

"Nnnnfffffff..." Haida's knees buckled, and he bit his lip while gripping the barn wall to hold himself steady. His prone stance looked even more appealing from Tadano's perspective, as he grinned wide with an approving nod. Fenneko covered her mouth with a paw to muffle her snickering, but it was still audible enough to make the hyena wince in embarrassment. Fortunately, his overwhelmed state wasn't enough to keep his ass from remaining presented for the camera.

"I hope you got plenty of lube for that thing," noted Tadano as he continued to stroke himself in the video call. "I don't wanna actually hurt him or anything."

"Oh, don't worry about that..." Fenneko happened to have her purse beside the camera, which she reached into to pull out a large bottle of lubricant. She held the bottle in both hands while grinning back at Haida, and squirted a generous amount of the clear gel all over her floppy toy. Much like Tadano's cock in the video call, her silicone shaft was coated thick with the glossy substance to reveal how smooth and titillating it would feel for the hyena. Haida gulped in worry nonetheless, despite how badly his cock twitched a couple times between his wobbling legs. "There we go," she said with an antsy shudder to herself, pleased with how easily her digits were able to slide up and down the dildo with those lubed strokes. "I think we're good~"

Haida lurched his head down, and clenched his eyes shut while braced against the barn wall. He knew that Fenneko was right behind him with that toy, but he couldn't bear to look back and see it pointing right as his ass. However, he was still shuddering in anticipation while his spotted tail was flagged up high. If Fenneko wasn't using her phone to bring Tadano in on the action, she likely would've snapped a couple pics of her friend's tight, pink little pucker standing in full view. Heck, there were probably a lot of things she would've done with that tailhole if she wasn't wearing a strapon already.

"Nnnffff~ Holy crap, you look good..." Since Haida was already in frame for the phone on Tadano's end, Fenneko looked nothing short of confident as she walked up towards the presented hyena. Haida had to bite one of his paws to stifle a moan, although it did very little to conceal how flustered he was feeling. Tadano was watching the two studiously from the hood of their car, and making sure his strokes were as teasingly slow as possible to keep himself on edge. Fenneko was doing the same with her dildo, but that was mostly so she could keep it steady within the frame of her straps. But despite how firmly she was trying to hold it, the fennec was still shivering from every slight movement of the toy's smaller bulb nestled inside of her. "OoooOOOOooohhh~"

"Heh~" Even from a few feet away, the speakers on Fenneko's phone picked up Tadano's voice clear as day. "I take it you don't wear that strapon too often, Ms. Fenneko?~"

"W-Well... N-Not as often as I'd prefer..." Fenneko may have been trying to keep a dauntless grin on her muzzle; but as the girth of that plump silicone brushed up against her dripping folds, it was hard for her voice to keep from cracking in titillation. Meanwhile, Haida was already tensing up against the wall while trying not to worry. Sure, he was freaking out about doing something this lewd outdoors; but at the same time, he didn't feel enough resistance to speak up when he felt Fenneko's paws resting against his bare hips. "Mmmmmm... You think Tadano would be this gentle with you?~"

Haida kept his eyes clenched while shuddering in her grasp, mostly because he knew that the business end of her dildo was likely pointed right at his puckering hole. But after breathing out with a weak-sounding moan, he managed to say feebly, "I, uhhh... I don't know..."

"Well, let's see how this session goes for now~" said Tadano from the video feed. "Who knows? Maybe I'll learn a thing or two from you guys~"

"Oh, I'm sure you will..." Fenneko wasn't lying about her claims of going gentle, as she slowly pushed her hips forward to give Haida's hole a kiss from her toy. The moment her plump, lubed tip prodded the outside the hyena's opening, Haida gasped and tensed up even more against the wall. His fur could be standing on end across the length of his legs, which fidgeted and struggled to keep him in place. Fortunately, Fenneko was able to keep her dildo firmly between those muscular cheeks while shivering in place. "Nnnnnnghhhh..."

She pressed herself a little tighter against Haida, which caused the bulb of her toy to nestle up deeper inside of herself as well. She let out a brief, moaning gasp as more of that fat silicone sunk into her slit, which caused trickles of her arousal to drip down her thighs. The fennec's fluffy tail twitched upward a couple times, which gave a Tadano a better view of how thick that toy looked as it penetrated between her legs. Even though his focus was more on Haida than anything else, he still groaned through his teeth while stroking himself to that alluring sight.

"Awww, fuck... This is a good use of money~" Tadano likely didn't realize he said that outloud for the two coworkers to hear on camera. Fortunately, it seemed that Fenneko and Haida were too focused on each other as her pushing grew more determined.

"NNNNGHHHH!!!~" The very moment Haida was able to relax himself beneath his tail, Fenneko's tenacious pushing finally resulted in some progress. The thick head of her dildo finally began to open up Haida's tailhole, stretching out that puckering ring while the hyena was direly biting his paw and groaning. The feeling was intense to say the least, as the stinging pain was accompanied with a lingering desire for the fennec to keep going. Haida didn't want to say it out-loud, but Fenneko's toy was doing things for him that he was never able to replicate himself on only nights with his paws or makeshift toys. And even as the pain grew harder to ignore with each hard push, it was soon followed by a deep and relieved-sounding moan when the girth of that head finally popped in. "AAAAHHHH!!!~"

"Mmmmnnnnnnffffffff~" Fenneko was feeling the stretching and pressure of that toy just as much as Haida, and was struggling to keep herself steady while standing on her tip-toes. But as both of them were given a good filling by that plump silicone inside of their orifices, there was no doubt that they were feeling equal amounts of pleasure between them. And while the two of them could only see Tadano's cock through the small screen of Fenneko's phone, the donkey himself had a lovely wide-screen shot of Haida's deflowering from the Smart-TV in his hotel room.

"Ohhhh yeah~" Tadano was sprawled out in his bed with his cock throbbing hard in his paw, with a couple heavy globs of precum already dribbling down the underside of his shaft. It was hard for him to control himself, since he wanted to jerk off freely to the sight of Haida getting his ass opened up by Fenneko's strapon. But considering how the two have only just started, the last thing he wanted to do was shoot his load too soon. So with a shuddering breath, Tadano tried his best to maintain his composure while watching Fenneko pushing her hips in further.

"Aaaahhhh!!~" A deep moan escaped the fennec's mouth as she pushed her toy deeper inside of Haida. Despite how tightly he was biting his paw, Haida's muffled groans could still be heard intensifying from his hole stretching wider apart. Luckily for the sake of his (almost) virgin tailhole, the toy's soft silicone was malleable enough to slip through his opening without too much discomfort. So even with how tightly his toes were curling up from the intense strain, all he could do was let out a deep moan as he felt that head pushing further inside of him. Meanwhile, Fenneko growled through her gritting fangs as she continued to push, which in turn caused the other end of the dildo to press against her folds. "Oh, yeah... T-Take it, Haida~"

"MRRRRNNNFFFFF~" Haida was lost in a whirlwind of embarrassment and pleasure, with every nerve of his body tingling like mad from being stuffed by the fennec's fake cock. Fenneko may have been a tiny creature compared to most others, but her tenacity and strength was more akin to a bull claiming its prey. She mounted herself on top of Haida's back, clinging to his shoulders while her feet were dangling off the ground. Meanwhile, she was using her weight to continue pushing forward, which helped to slide more of her dildo through his tight little tailhole. Eventually, due to how smooth and well-lubricated the shaft itself was, a couple inches were able to cram their way through like it was nothing.


Well, almost nothing.

"Oh, damn~" Tadano's hips reeled up from the bed for a moment, and he had to pause his stroking to keep from cumming too early. The sight of Fenneko mounting Haida was hot enough, since the size-difference between them was so unique and taboo in their positions. But the instant Fenneko made that singular thrust, which made a good portion of her strapon disappear into Haida's tailhole, the hyena's hungry moan was enough to make more precum shoot out of Tadano's cock. His paw was becoming glazed in the clear and syrupy substance, but it also made every stroke easier as the pads slid effortlessly up and down his shaft. Of course, that also made it hard for him to control himself while watching the exhibitionist display on screen. "Nnnnfffff~"

"H-Here!" Fenneko was struggling not to feel too overwhelmed herself, since her new position made it so all her weight was bearing down on the dildo nestled in her hungry pussy. But since her paws were now on Haida's shoulders, she was able to reach around his neck and undo his tie. After rolling the red piece of cloth into a tight ball of fabric, she pushed it into his face and commanded, "Bite down on this~"

"Hrmph?~" Haida's eyes were rolled back while trying to handle so much thick silicone inside of his ass. But when he took notice of his rolled up tie, he moaned out before unlodging his paw from his muzzle. He was fidgeting a bit as he tried to shove the tie in his mouth, letting it serve as an impromptu ball-gag. With both of his paws now freed, he was able to better brace himself against the barn wall and really wake what Fenneko was giving him. "Nnnnnnnnn..."

"Yeah, that's better~" Happy with the hyena's sturdier stance, Fenneko was feeling more comfortable mounting his back with that thick dildo connecting them. As she began to writhe her hips back and forth, which caused her legs to spasm from the added tantalizing pleasure she was receiving herself, the other end of that strapon sank even deeper inside of Haida. As more of her weight was pressed down towards her hips, the lubed shaft of the dildo disappeared even further between Haida's cheeks. Inch by inch crameed its way deeper inside of the hyena, which made his moans increasingly louder through his makeshift gag. But even with how badly he was fidgeting from the added pressure, or how much of his precum was shooting out to land on the side of the barn wall, Fenneko was nothing short of determined as she tried to thrust herself in deeper. "Mmmmmmm... Oh, I bet Tadano's gonna love how tight you are~"

Haida reeled his head back with a muffled moan, his eyes rolling back from the thought of that thick donkey cock taking the dildo's place. While he may have considered himself to be straight for the most part, he couldn't deny how well Fenneko's strapon was pressing buttons he never knew existed. The underside of her toy was sliding in far enough to reach his prostate, with the underside of her smooth silicone being able to grind against the fleshy nub to really set him off. His cock was twitching spastically as his hips fidgeted in place, and he howled out through his tie with drool seeping down his muzzle. "HRRRMMMPHH!!~"

"Nnnnnfffffff!!~" Tadano was growing more heated as he watched from the TV screen, getting a 4K defined view of Haida's sweet ass getting filled to the brim. He could also see how matted the inside of Fenneko's thighs were getting, as copious amounts of her arousal were dripping down her legs and leaving her tan fur glistening. Even though she was clinging to Haida's back like a spider monkey, she was able to thrust her hips well enough to keep him properly stuffed. And by the time most of her dildo was able to shove its way inside of the moaning hyena, Tadano shivered upon seeing the faint bulge of that tip prodding against the underside of Haida's stomach.

"Awwwww, yeah..." Tadano gave a hard squeeze to his veiny shaft, which caused more of his crowned head to get slathered in his creamy pre as it seeped from the tip. "Give it to him hard, Fenneko~"

"Nnnfffff..." Fenneko looked back at the phone while Tadano was watching, indicating that she heard him make that lustful remark. "Oh, don't worry, Tadano... I'm already in pretty deep~"

By that point, the fennec wasn't lying about her estimate. Haida's stomach was sporting an impressive bulge from the tip of that dildo sinking as deep as it could inside of him. Fenneko's waist was nearly touching the hyena's ass, while the other end of her toy was prodding as deep as it could within her own nethers. Her pussy was clenching hard around that thick silicone, which caused her to let out brief, shuddering moans with every spastic twitch of her hips. But as her paws clung tightly to Haida's shoulders, she let out a shivering breath before slowly pulling herself back from the hyena's hole.

"MMMPHHH!!~" Haida clenched his eyes shut when he felt the girth of that dildo slowly sliding out of him, with every smooth inch brushing against his prostate to make his cock spurt out more strings of precum. The thickness of that toy gave an odd feeling of relief as it began to slide back through his sensitive opening; but at the same time, it left a strong lingering sensation that made Haida feel empty. His cock was throbbing hard as he moaned through his gag, and his body tensed up like he was trying to keep that toy inside for as long as he could. The emptying sensation grew more intense the further that Fenneko pulled back, which made it feel like his bowels were begging for that pressure to come flooding back with a good, hard thrust. If his muzzle wasn't gagged by his tie, he likely would've tried to say something by the time Fenneko's tip reached his puckering hole. But alas, all he could do was quiver against the wall while his pants were around his ankles, and his cock was twitching eagerly for her to finish the job.

"You want it, big guy?~" Fenneko didn't pull her dildo out completely, and made sure the head was still firmly lodged inside the hyena's hole. Haida was left reeling beneath her, with only a meager groan coming out through his gag. Fenneko grinned more evilly, which made Tadano shiver in approval while watching from the stream. Much like Haida, the donkey's cock was twitching hard in his paw as more of his length was coated in his gushing pre. Meanwhile, Fenneko was keeping her sights pinned down on Haida to make him squirm. "C'mon... You know you want me to take you hard, don'cha?~"

"Hrrrrrrmmmmph!!~" Haida shivered badly enough to nearly make Fenneko fall off his back. Fortunately for both of them, the fennec was able to stay right in place as she looked down at him, and saw the hyena's head nod eagerly through his blush. "Mmmhmm!!~"

"Do you want me to hold back?~" Fenneko continued with the teasing as she skewed her hips back and forth, like she was trying to make her strapon twist a little within his hole. The added titillation really got to Haida, as he writhed even harder within her grasp. "Yes or no, bitch?"

Her tone of voice sounded much harsher and more dominant, and made the hyena melt like butter as he shook his head violently back and forth. "NN-NNN!!"

"Oh, so you DON'T want me to hold back, hmmm?" Her jeering grin was accompanied with her hips giving the slightest twitch inward, making her dildo slide back in half an inch. It wasn't enough to make Haida satisfied, but it certainly made him know that she has the ability to give him what he wanted. Nevertheless, she continued with her taunting questions as she asked, "Would you want Tadano to do this to you too?~"

Tadano tilted his head, and paused his stroking as best as he could to hear the hyena's answer. Haida couldn't exactly say anything while his mouth was stuffed, but he seemed to know that she wasn't wanting a vocal response. His eyes clenched shut as he trembled against the wall, and his hole clenched as hard as it could around the dildo's head. The bout of emptiness was intensifying inside of him, which made her incessant teasing all the more frustrating for his arousal. After breathing out through his nostrils, Haida gave an honest response by nodding his head insistently. "Mmhmm!! MMHMM!!~"

"Aaaahhhh!!~" Tadano nearly shot his load right there, and he had to clench his eyes while pulling his paw off his cock. That floppy donkey dick spasmed hard atop his lap, but all that came out were a couple more strands of his sticky pre to cling to his stomach and waist. Haida was looking equally as close to cumming from his view on the TV screen, but it was unlikely he could do too much while waiting for Fenneko to respond. Luckily for the antsy hyena, that dire plea of honesty was more than enough to make her grin with an approving nod.

"That's all I wanted to hear you say, Haida~"

"NNNNGHHHHH!!!" Without warning, Fenneko thrusted her hips back in with as much force as she could. The full length of her dildo slid right back into Haida in a single thrust, grinding against his sensitive flesh all at once to leave him reeling intensely. Haida's head shot back like he was undergoing an exorcism, with a hearty moan coming out muffledly through his gag. The tip of Fenneko's toy made a prominent bulge that stuck out just beneath his belly button; meanwhile, his cock was twitching harder than ever before, with spurts of his precum shooting out to splatter all over the wall. "HRRRRRMMMPHHH!!!~"

"OoooOOOoohhhh, yeah!~" Fenneko was shivering just as much as her friend, since that thrust gave her a proper taste of the toy's girth on her end as well. Regardless of how much that sensation made her fur stand on end with a shiver, she was able to pull her hips back to repeat the motions as quickly as she could. She pulled the dildo back a few inches, before sliding right back in to elicit a meaty smack between their bare bodies. Another hungry groan erupted through Haida's gag, but it wasn't nearly as evident as the raspy growl that emitted through Fenneko's gritted teeth. "Nnnnnghhhhh... Oh, you're gonna get it now! MMMFFFFF!!!"

Another hard-hitting thrust struck Haida at his deepest core, with another spurt of precum shooting out of his untouched cock. Fenneko immediately pulled out after getting "balls-deep", just so she could thrust herself back in and cause the tip of her toy to bulge against Haida's stomach again. The process continued while she kept a steady grip on the hyena's shoulders, ensuring that she could keep going at a primal and studious rhythm. Her hips kept pumping back and forth, plunging her toy deep into Haida's tailhole to make him moan like a mare in heat. Each pounding motion caused Haida's hips to thrust in and spasm, and his knees to buckle under the weight; but at the same time, it was obvious that Fenneko's relentless pounding was bringing Haida closer to his peak.

"Nnnnnffffff!!!~" Tadano was growing close as well, and he used his remote to zoom in on the action as Fenneko pounded that hyena hole for all it was worth. Her dildo was sliding in and out at a rapid pace, treating Haida's tailhole like her own personal fleshlight with the aid of her strapon. Part of him wished he could save this to video, just so he could have something to jerk off to before meeting up with Haida himself. But since the two were set to arrive at the convention center later today, Tadano was more than fine to wait for the real thing while stroking himself eagerly. "Mmmmmm... C-C'mon, Fenneko... Make him shoot~"

"Nnnnffff!! W-What do you think I... I'm trying to do!?" Fenneko didn't show Haida's hungry hole any mercy, and plowed into his ass like her dildo was a weapon. She was spearing him as hard and mercilessly as he could, causing Haida to wail out through his gag like a little bitch. Just as Fenneko's dripping pussy was starting to wink tighter around the girth of her end, she could feel how much Haida was trying to cling to his end of the toy as well. "Aaaahhhh!! C... Come on, Haida... I-I know you wanna do it too~"

"Aaaahhhh!!!" Haida couldn't take much more, and hung his head low while taking those relentless thrusts as best as he could. He couldn't stop thinking about Tadano, and how well his cock could fill him up with the same sensations and toe-curling intensity he was getting from Fenneko's toy. His cock was throbbing like mad as it flopped between his legs, not needing anything to touch it in order to set him off. All that he needed were those hard thrusts from Fenneko as she continuously grinded against his prostate, and slowly pushed him past the precifice to meet his much-needed climax. "AAAAHHHH!! I... I'm gonna... I'M GONNA!!!"

"NNNNGHHHH!!!" With that last dire plea, Fenneko pounded into him with one final thrust, causing the tip of her dildo to protrude out especially hard against his stomach. Meanwhile, Haida's head reeled back with a hungry cry, with his muzzle opening up wide enough for his gag to fall out.

"GNNNAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Without even touching himself once, Haida's cock erupted as a thick, twitchy stream spat out at a near-continuous rate. It almost resembled a broken faucet, as the heavy pulsations of his cock didn't cause his cum to shoot out in heavy ropes; instead, it dribbled out at a somewhat steady rate, leaving a puddle on the ground right in front of his bunched-up pants. Meanwhile, Fenneko was shuddering hard as she clung against Haida's back for dear life, and let out a shaky moan of her own.

"AaaaaAAAAAAaaaaahhhh!!!" Her pussy was continuously clenching and winking around the girth of her toy, as if she was trying to suck it in past the bulb to fill every crevice of her dripping folds. A near-torrent of her arousal was dribbling down the inside of her thighs, almost making it look like the intensity of her orgasm caused her to wet herself. If it wasn't for the sheer thickness of that bulb nestled deep inside of her, the fennec would've likely squirted all over herself and Haida. But much like the hyena himself, who could barely even stand while draining his balls from that effective prostate milking, Fenneko was close to losing consciousness while riding the high of their shared aftermath with an elated sigh. "Aaaaahhhhhh... Hahahahahahahaha~"

"Whooo!!~" Tadano slumped back on his bed with a content exhale of his own. Much like Haida, the donkey had finished rather enthusiastically at the same time as his friends. His waist and cock were absolutely slathered in a thick coat of his milky-white cum, with several ropes drizzled all over his hoodie like a bad design piece. There was even a thick strand of cum draped over the bridge of his muzzle, not that he seemed to notice or care while laid back with his eyes rolled back. The intensity of that orgasm rivaled some of the experiences he had as a teen, when he was first discovering internet porn on the family computer while his parents were out of the house. Even though he knew it would likely take him a few hours to get his strength back in full, he had absolutely no regrets after experiencing such a strong climax with the aid of that video chat. "Holy... S-Shit~"

With a single press of his thumb, Tadano turned off the facetime call so the Smart-TV could turn itself off. He laid back in his bed without much of a goodbye to his friends, who likely needed a moment to themselves after such a rampant fuck-session. Even though he already paid both of them handsomely for the experience he was fortunate enough to witness, Tadano made a quick mental note to treat them both to dinner when they arrived at the convention center. However, just as he was about to slip into a much-needed bout of rest, his ears perked up when he felt his phone buzzing in his paw.

"Hmmm?" Tadano reopened his eyes groggily, and unlocked his phone to see the notification that popped up:

'Thank you for your maintenance request! The mechanic will arrive at the car's destination in five minutes.'

His eyes shot wide-open, and a strong shudder swept across his body before he muttered to himself, "Uh-Oh..."

The End

Spotty's Ticklish Testing

"Mnnnghhh... Wh... What the..." Simon had no idea how long he had been out, which was probably a good thing considering all that happened during his procedure. As soon as he began to come back to consciousness, he had to clench his eyes tightly...

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Adrian's Induction - Chapter Two

An Hour Later As he sat by himself in the backseat of Marzo's sedan, Adrian tried not to feel too apprehensive while clutching his phone. The buck's heart was thundering in his chest, and his bare fur was tingling each time he squirmed against the...

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Adrian's Induction - Chapter One

"Alright, here's your bag! Have a nice night, Sir." Even though the clerk was giving a warm smile for the sake of customer service, the husky on the other side of the counter was blushing really hard and averting his eyes from him. Aside from an...

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