Spotty's Ticklish Testing

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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Simon Tudor, also known as Private 'Spotty" back in training, was more than eager to join the elusive Star Fox Squadron as their newest member. However, due to certain medical issues that needed to be counteracted for Zero-G flights, Spotty needed to undergo a controversial procedure that every other member had done: replacing his legs with robotic prosthetics. Fortunately for the cheetah, as well as Krystal as she oversaw the procedure herself, his new legs were installed successfully. However, it seemed that "Phantom Limb Syndrome" kept certain sensations feeling just as strong as they had before his surgery. Can Krystal figure out why their newest crewmate can still feel himself being tickled? And can poor Spotty control himself while the fox was having a go at his prone, vulnerable feet?~

NOTE: I'm aware that the "robotic prosthetic" thing isn't canon in Starfox. I just thought it was a cool idea to add to this story. Also, this fic was the winning entry in November's Randomizer Story Poll on my Patreon page:

"Mnnnghhh... Wh... What the..."

Simon had no idea how long he had been out, which was probably a good thing considering all that happened during his procedure. As soon as he began to come back to consciousness, he had to clench his eyes tightly shut to keep the piercing lights above from seeping in. One of his paws came up to cover his face, which was thankfully not strapped down to the table anymore. But since the drugs in his system were still taking effect, lifting an arm was the utmost maximum amount of effort he could do.

"Mrrrrghhhhh..." He leaned back against his pillow with a tired groan, feeling like he just awoke from a massive kegger that left his body totally wrecked. Fortunately, instead of a splitting headache or debilitating nausea, all that Simon felt was a serious case of tiredness that left him borderline-paralized on the table. It took a while for his thoughts to come seeping in, but he didn't feel too confused or panicked about where he was at that moment. Instead, all that he could do was struggle not to think too hard about the aftermath of his decisions; also, he really tried his hardest not to open his eyes and look down at himself.

"Ah! There you are..."

Simon's eyes finally opened, but they remained strained from the blinding lights as he slowly pulled his paw away. He glanced over from the table when he heard the mechanic whirs of the pod-bay doors sliding open. Along with that posh-sounding voice, he quickly took notice of the beautiful blue fox that sauntered into the room. She was wearing a professional-looking white labcoat, as well as a slender pair of glasses that didn't diminish from her feminine looks by any means. Even though he just woke up, Simon was able to narrow his eyes and read the name tag above her labcoat's pocket: Krystal.

"It's nice to see you're finally awake," she said with a chipper tone, which carried the slightest hint of an accent. Simon wasn't sure if it was meant to be British or Australian, but it was doubtful he was too focused on her voice while staring up at her with a heavy blush. Fortunately, it seemed that Krystal was too preoccupied with the clipboard she was holding to notice his bulging eyes. "Alright, before we begin," she said in a more professional voice, "I need to ask you a few questions to make sure you're not too inebriated from the drugs. Is that alright?"

"Uhhhhh..." Simon almost didn't register the question, until he saw the fox glance up from her clipboard to stare back at him. He quickly nodded his head, and tried not to sound too flustered when he said, "Y-Yeah! I... I understand."

"Okay then~" Krystal smiled before looking back at Simon's records. "First of all, can you tell me your name and species? This is purely protocol."

"A-Alright, uhhh..." Simon paused for a moment to glance down at himself, only to see a thick medical blanket covering him from the chest down. He sighed in relief, secretly glad he wasn't able to see the results right off the bat. He then looked back at Krystal to answer, "M-My name is Simon, ma'am. Private Simon Tudor. And, ummm... I'm a cheetah. Back in training, I was given the nickname 'Spotty'."

"Excellent~" Krystal checked something on the clipboard with a pen, smiling in approval. "I'll be sure to note that nickname alongside your general info. Next, are you aware of where you are right now?"

"Umm, yes," he said with a sheepish nod. "I'm on the... Great Fox, correct?"

"That's right." Krystal checked another box on her clipboard. "Nice to know you remember the Star Fox Squadron's ship. Falco almost forgot after he awoke on that very table."

Simon blushed a little, and tried to pull himself up as he felt less groggy. Krystal quickly reached out with a paw, and laid it gently against his chest. "Please wait before making any major movements, Private. I still need to get the diagnostics confirmed."

"Oh, right. Sorry..." Simon laid back down on his pillow, and breathed out anxiously as he glanced back down at that blanket. He could see the shape of his feet at the very end of the table, but it was hard to discern much beneath the medical padding. He bit his bottom lip as he grew more aware of his procedure, and what was likely waiting beneath that blanket over his lap. Even though he didn't feel much regret or worry, that didn't keep him from blushing in realization.

"It's quite alright. I promise I'll have you back on your feet before you know it~" Krystal kept a warm, reassuring smile as she continued to read through her clipboard. "Now, do you feel any headaches, nausea, or general discomfort? It's important that you remain honest, Simon."

"Uhhh... S-Spotty is fine..." The cheetah tried to give a cheekier smile with that clarification, but it was clear he was looking nervous. Fortunately, he only needed a breath before answering her question with a shake of his head. "And... I feel fairly comfortable right now."

"That's a good sign." After giving her clipboard another check, Krystal said with a smile, "And judging by your vitals, it seems that everything went exactly as planned."

Spotty wanted to be happy about that, and even gave Krystal a smile as he nodded in understanding. However, as the realization of what happened really started to sink in, his blush deepened as he looked back down at his waist. He knew exactly what had happened, and even underwent a month's worth of therapy sessions to fully adjust to the idea prior to his surgery. But even with all the assurances of how safe the procedure was, Spotty was starting to feel apprehensive about looking under the blanket. "S-So, ummm... Nothing went wrong?" he asked while trying not to sound too worried.

"Simo--I mean... Spotty," she said with a warm smile, emphasizing her sincerity. "I can assure you that everything went perfectly fine. If you need some time to adjust to things, I'll completely understand. That's what this questionnaire is for anyway."

Spotty breathed out as calmly as he could, even though his paws were fidgeting a bit on the table. Fortunately, the cheetah only needed a brief gulp before closing his eyes, and saying assuredly, "It... I-It's alright, Doctor Krystal."

The fox had to look away from him while covering her smirking muzzle with a paw. She didn't want to laugh too openly at the cheetah's formality, but Krystal was quick to say, "Oh, it's perfectly fine to call me Krystal. If you can be called Spotty, it's only fair."

He looked away from her with embarrassed blush, and scratched the back of his neck while still lying on the table. "R-Right," he said sheepishly. "Sorry, it's just... It's kinda nerve-racking, you know?"

"It's okay, Spotty. I completely understand." Krystal put down her clipboard, and walked up to the table while keeping a confident smile. "I was on that exact same table when I first joined the Star Fox Squadron, and I had to undergo the same thing. And believe me, I was just as scared when I first woke up."

"I-I'm not scared," Spotty tried to clarify, "I'm just trying to adjust to..."

The cheetah blinked a couple times during that brief pause, and eventually glanced back at Krystal with his brows raised. "Wait... You did it too?"

"Well, of course I did~" Krystal motioned her head downward, which allowed Spotty to veer his eyes down and see what was past the bottom hem of her coat. His eyes shot wide-open, while Krystal stood with a confident smirk.

The top of Krystal's thighs carried the same powder-blue fur as the rest of her body; however, just a couple inches above the knees, her fur collided with the sleek, polished metal plating of her robotic augmentations. Her prosthetic legs meshed surprisingly well with her slender figure, almost looking like the metallic augments were painted over them to keep her legs' overall shape. Even though the robotic knees joints were less than a foot away from Spotty's ears, he wasn't able to hear any whirring gears or motors when they bent the slightest bit. Krystal wasn't even sporting any obvious limps or difficulty standing, like those prosthetics were as natural to her body as her born-legs were. Spotty may have known how advanced robotic augmentations have gotten (especially after researching them for months beforehand), but seeing them up-close was still fairly jarring for him to process.

"W... W-Wow..." That was all the cheetah could say in response, before huffing with a bewildered smile. "I... I would've never guessed if you were wearing leggings or something."

"Why, thank you~" Krystal stepped back from Spotty, and turned herself around so he could better examine the robot ligaments holding her legs firmly in place. "I've had these for about... five years now? They barely require any upkeep, and I never experienced any nerve pain since my procedure." Every inch of her metallic legs were absolutely seamless, even at the tops where they connected with what remained of her thighs. It was nothing short of miraculous how well her prosthetics meshed with her body, which helped Spotty to smile more comfortably in response. Of course, when he eventually glanced back at the blanket covering his lower half, he was still blushing as he took a breath in anticipation.

Krystal took notice of the cheetah's glance down at his own legs, which prompted her to turn back around and maintain a professional demeanor. "It's quite alright, Spotty. I promise you, this procedure was all for the best."

The cheetah sighed with his eyes closed and quickly nodded his head. He understood how important it was to take these augmentations, since Zero-G maneuvers could easily result in major issues if his born-legs were still intact. He heard horror stories about pilots losing consciousness due to blood flow drawing down to their legs, or even developing brain damage from how suffocated their brains became from blood-loss. Not to mention, he trusted the medical procedures enough to know that any post-surgery risks were at the absolute minimum. But even with all his mental reassurances, he needed a moment to build himself up before he could say, "I... I believe you, Krystal. I just... I needed a moment, that's all..."

While the cheetah tried to keep himself content with his thoughts, Krystal walked towards the back of the table to help Spotty get in a seated position. He blushed profusely as he felt her paws wrapping around his chest, helping to lift him up from his pillow. His legs instinctively moved so he could sit more comfortably, with his knees bending upward and leaving two notable bulges through his blanket. Even though Spotty could tell something felt different, he was surprised at how naturally his legs responded with that simple motion.

"See? They're even correcting your posture already." Krystal kept a pleased-looking smile as she pulled her paws away from his chest. "That means they're perfectly connected to your nervous system."

Spotty wanted to be grateful for that detail, but his smile was still pursed shut by the time Krystal walked around to the opposite end of the table. When the blue fox was facing him by his feet, she gently grabbed the end of the blanket while keeping a reassuring look. "Do you want me to remove the blanket, Spotty?" she asked calmly. "Or would you rather do it yourself?"

After looking down at his covered waist for a moment, Spotty closed his eyes while taking a deep breath. "G... G-Go ahead, Krystal."

"Alright then~" Krystal treated the process like removing a band-aid, and pulled off the blanket as if she was revealing a magic trick. Spotty tried not to gasp at how abruptly he was left exposed, and kept his eyes closed for a couple seconds in anticipation. Krystal didn't say anything, and waited for his response as she glanced down at his new legs. When the cheetah was finally able to open his eyes, they immediately bulged out in shock when he saw what was augmented above his knees.


Much like Krystal's prosthetics, Spotty's legs appeared to be just as seamless and form-fitting as the ones he was born with. There may have been an abrupt change from the spotted yellow fur on his thighs, towards the stainless steel metal plating that took its place towards the robotic knees; but even with the absence of fur or flesh, the overall shape remained as immaculate as Spotty would've imagined. Even though he was already aware how easily he could bend his knees, it was still shocking to see a couple of metallic joints where his natural limbs used to be. As his eyes veered down the length of his new legs, his eyes grew even wider when he saw the intricate robotic appendages serving as his feet. The metal plating was much flatter than his natural feet were, but they also looked fairly sturdy as he gave a small wriggle of his toes. Just like his knees, Spotty didn't feel any major difference between his new feet and the old ones he used to carry. Sure, they may have been metal prosthetics now, but they still felt disturbingly natural while connected to his body.

"... Wow..." Spotty's eyes remained glued to his new legs, while Krystal stayed silent and watched his awe-stricken reaction with a warm smile. The cheetah carefully reached out with a paw, and gave a testing knock to one of the metallic thighs just above the knee. It was obviously as hard as the robotic prosthetic was expected, but his leg still gave a slight twitch as he flinched in surprise. Even though he knew there was no actual sense of feeling in the metal plating, he could've sworn he felt his paw against the leg when he touched it. "Whoa! That... That felt so real."

"Well, the legs are technically real," noted Krystal with a light shrug to match her smirk. "But if you're referring to the actual touch, I should remind you of Phantom Limb Syndrome. It's something a lot of fliers experience when they get the augmentations, similar to amputees."

"Yeah, I... I remember hearing about that..." Spotty tried not to feel too weirded out, even though Krystal's wording reminded him that he was now an amputee himself. He shuddered a little as he kept his sights down at his new legs, and bit his lip worriedly. "S-So, ummm... Even though the nervous systems are installed, I... I can't actually feel these legs?"

"Well, your brain can still send signals to the prosthetics to make them function, just like before." Krystal leaned in with a paw raised, and gently dragged a digit down the underside of his new metallic foot. "But in regards to actual sense of touch or feeling, the Phantom sensations will go away after a wh--"

"GNGHHH!!" The moment she glided her paw down his foot, Spotty had to clench his eyes shut and struggle not to giggle. He may have known clear as day that he shouldn't have felt anything; but the moment he saw Krystal touching his foot like that, he felt a sharp jolt of titillation where his born-foot would've experienced it. He quickly pulled his leg back from her out of instinct, causing the fox to raise her brows in surprise. Spotty looked away from her with an embarrassed blush, and tried his hardest to keep from snickering involuntarily.

"S-Sorry," he blurted while covering his face with a paw. "I just... I didn't expect that to happen."

Krystal didn't look offended in the slightest, and merely giggled with an amused smile. "Like I said, Phantom Limb Syndrome is perfectly normal to experience. Heck, Falco said he felt Phantom sensations almost a month after his procedure. You don't need to be embarrassed~"

Spotty nodded once more, but he still tried to avert his eyes from Krystal's cheeky smirk. He looked back down at his robotic foot, which tried to curl up and reel away from Krystal's paw. While he knew he shouldn't have felt so worried, it was still embarrassing to think he could feel that sensation so soon after the augments were in place. In a weird way, it made one of the benefits of his procedure feel nonexistent in retrospect.

"Y-Yeah, I know," he said when he finally tried to respond to Krystal's kind words. "And I'm not embarrassed. It's just..." The cheetah needed a brief pause to collect his thoughts, before letting out a brief huff and saying with a blush, "Heh~ It's just weird to think I could still be ticklish with metal feet."

Krystal didn't want to embarrass him any further, but she still had to cover her mouth to muffle her giggling. "W-Well, it could always be worse," she replied with a shrug of her head. "At least it wasn't anything painful, right?"

"Yeah, true," he said with a shrug of his own. While he was still shameful of that response he gave, he'd rather deal with a tickle than his foot jolting from a needle. But alas, he still shook his head and muttered, "Still though... I was always really ticklish growing up, so... P-Part of me was kinda looking forward to not being ticklish anymore, y'know?"

"Well, I doubt it's only your feet that can give such a reaction~" Krystal said that with a matter-of-fact tone of voice, but her slight smirk hinted at something more than that. Her head tilted curiously as she stared back at Spotty, taking notice of his bashful blush. Even though she knew better than to press what could've been a sensitive issue, she tried to lighten the mood by saying, "If it helps, that sensation is purely in your head. I bet if you were blindfolded, you wouldn't even realize it."

"Hmph~" Spotty rolled his eyes and tried not to smirk too wide. "No thank you. I already dealt with that bef--"

The cheetah froze with his eyes wide-open, and instantly shut his mouth to stop himself from saying anything more. Krystal narrowed her eyes on him in suspicion. "Ummm... what was that?" she asked curiously.

"N-Nothing!" Spotty pulled both his legs up so he could sit in a fetal stance on the table. The fact that he could move his legs so effortlessly should've been a positive for him; but after that accidental slip-up, all he could do was reel in worry about saying much more. "Nothing, it's just, uhhhh... Something before I enlisted. I... I'd rather not say..."

Now Krystal was even more intrigued. She reached for the clipboard again, and began to read through Simon's records past the initial vitals. "You know, Spotty... The academy does pretty extensive background checks before you can even be enlisted in these programs. I'm not going to ask what happened, but... if it wasn't bad enough to get you pulled from the program, it's unlikely that any of us would judge either."

Spotty's ears pulled down to the sides of his head. He appreciated Krystal's assuring words, but he was still fretful about admitting anything more than he already had. However, considering how the fox had his records on file, he doubted it would be too difficult for her (or any of the members of this squadron, for that matter) to discover his past. Heck, it would probably be easy enough for the crew members to learn what Spotty had done with a quick internet search. So instead of delaying the inevitable, the cheetah sighed with his eyes closed in guilt.

"W-Well, ummm..." Spotty turned his head away from her, which did nothing to conceal his shameful blush. "... let's just say that... I may have starred in some videos online that are related to... tickling..."

Krystal looked confused for a moment, but it didn't take long for her eyes to widen in realization. "Oh... OH!"

Spotty winced from how surprised she sounded with that second 'Oh'. "Yeah, I... I didn't have any savings, so I had to make money to pay for college somehow. I came across these guys who posted specific videos, and... yeah."

Krystal blinked a couple times while keeping a confounded stare on the cheetah. She was aware of what Spotty was talking about (mostly from a documentary special she watched about those types of companies), but she wouldn't have expected for him to be part of that trend. However, instead of showing any judgement, the fox kept a respectful look as she said with a shrug, "Well... I suppose that's a safer means to pay for school than other methods."

"Yeah, thanks..." Spotty was happy she wasn't making fun of him, but he still felt rightfully shameful while scratching the back of his neck. Even though he hadn't met the other members of the squadron yet, he could only hope that they were as accepting as Krystal. Part of him wanted to ask her to keep things a secret, but he doubted that it would mean too much in the end. So instead, Spotty tried to lighten the mood himself by saying, "So, uhhh... Yeah, your whole 'blindfolding me before touching' method might just remind me of... previous jobs~"

Krystal couldn't keep her response muffled that time, and had to look away with a blushing chuckle. "Right, right... Fair enough, Private Spotty..." After taking a calming breath, she tried to add, "Although... it would be interesting to see how well those Phantom sensations would translate to your new legs, perhaps~"

Spotty looked at her with a more confused expression, one of his brows rising upward. "Uhhh... Heh heh heh... Y-You're not, like... serious, are you?"

"Well, I just mean..." Krystal rolled her eyes innocently while holding her clipboard. "If you really did tickle videos in your past, you would likely register to those sensations far more than others. And if I were to be perfectly honest... I'd be curious to see how strong those Phantom sensations remain~"

Spotty's other brow rose up just as quickly, and his eyes widened in realization. "Wait, you... You wanna do what now?"

"I'm not trying to suggest anything. At least, not right off the bat..." By that point, Krystal's smile grew more intrigued as she stared back at Spotty with her head tilted. "But you have to admit, though... You reacted pretty strongly when I touched the bottom of your prosthetic foot~"

"Nnnghhh..." Spotty struggled not to cringe as he groaned to himself flusteredly. He looked down at his robotic limbs, unsure of how to feel about Krystal's unsubtle suggestion. On one hand, he couldn't blame her for being so curious about his Phantom sensations reacting so strongly post-procedure. But alas, given how difficult it was for him to leave that profitable past behind, it was awkward to consider doing anything more in that specific regard.

"If it means anything," added Krystal insistently, "I'll completely understand if you're not comfortable with trying anything else. I was merely suggesting it as a way to test your nerves, and to make sure the prosthetics were installed properly. But I'm also fully aware of how those... 'studios' treated actors like yourself. If that's in any way triggering, I sincerely apologize."

"N-No, it's not like that..." Spotty may have felt a little awkward, but the last thing he wanted was to make her feel guilty. He raised a paw up in assurance and said, "It's not your fault, I swear. I knew what I was getting into back then, and... I was actually pretty well-prepared when I left that industry. It paid all my student debts, and I was able to leave without much of a stain on my reputation. It helped that I didn't have any family for them to use against me. But still..."

Krystal merely nodded, not wanting to say anything to add to that particular topic. Fortunately, Spotty kept a more content smile when he added, "I mean... I'm not gonna say I'd want to do anything like that, since well... being ticklish was something I tried to hide during training as a weakness, you know?"

"Yes, that makes sense..." Krystal nodded once more, but her eyes narrowed on the cheetah as she caught onto his wording. "But... I feel like you're going to say something more than that?"

"Heh~" Spotty was blushing more bashfully to match his smile, and he glanced over at the closed doors before nodding his head. "Well, I... I can't say I blame you for being curious. I mean... it's kinda weird I could still be ticklish right now~"

"Like I said, Phantom sensations are perfectly normal to experience. Especially right after the procedure..." Krystal was still smiling assuredly, but it morphed to a more piqued smirk as she glanced back down at the cheetah's robotic limbs. She then looked over at the wall of tools beside the medical sink, just a few feet away from Spotty's table. Among the racks of stainless steel medical equipment, which Spotty tried his hardest not to look at without grimacing, Krystal's eyes locked onto one particular tool hanging by the end. The pole was thin and slender, with a piece of what looked to be a fluffy piece of cotton at the end; it was meant to be a tool for cleaning up open wounds, but the fox seemed to be staring at it for a more... unorthodox purpose.

"Hmmm..." Krystal put down her clipboard, and walked over to that specific tool hanging on the wall. Spotty soon took notice of the item himself, which caused his cheeks to blush and his eyes to widen. His mouth opened for a moment, as if he was about to say something about her obvious plans. But alas, even while his lips were parted, he wasn't able to say a word about -- or even against -- what Krystal was thinking.

"Alright, I'm willing to make an offer with you right now, Private..." Krystal picked up the long, metallic rod with the fluffy swab of cotton at the tip. She looked back at Spotty with a piqued smile, and spoke in a more contemplative tone. "Regardless of what happens, I promise I won't say anything about your videos to the other crewmates. And I also won't say anything about you being ticklish. However..."

As she walked back towards the table to face him, she stood at the end right in front of the cheetah's robotic feet. Spotty kept his knees tightly bent and held against his chest, but didn't say anything through his heavy blush. He could clearly tell what Krystal was wanting to do, as his eyes darted between her smirk and the tool held in her paw. But instead of speaking up, the cheetah was left speechless when he heard her suggest, "... considering how you're not showing much resistance, it seems that you're slightly curious how ticklish you are too~"

"Nnnghhh..." Spotty lowered his head from her sights out of worry, although it did very little to dispute her assumption. If anything, the fact that he could only give a sheepish groan was proof enough he was curious as well. He knew that the Phantom sensations were solely in his head, and that Krystal trying to tickle his feet would be pretty pointless in most circumstances. But at the same time, that didn't keep the cheetah's toes from wriggling the slightest bit, making the metallic digits clack loudly against the table. For most medical professionals, they likely would've asked what was causing that involuntary response in their prosthetics; but for Krystal, it only made her more determined to make Spotty comply.

"So, Private... " Krystal lowered her tool, allowing the cotton-poof end to point right at the cheetah's robotic feet. When Spotty looked back up at her bashfully, she narrowed her eyes on him and asked, "Do you want to see if it's possible? Or are you going to keep your feet out of reach?~"

Spotty tensed up with his undying blush, needing a moment to think over his options. Given what he used to do in his past, he knew that giving in to Krystal's suggestion would likely remind him of those experiences. But at the same time, his legs struggled not to squirm as he felt himself growing more heated atop the table. He hated to admit it, but Krystal was making him feel rather vulnerable, but in a stranglely positive way. After taking one last glance down to his prosthetic limbs, and biting his lip in trepidation, he came to a decision as he closed his eyes with a sigh.

"O... Okay..." Spotty reluctantly unbent his knees, and slid his robotic feet out to present to Krystal and her tool.

"My goodness, that was quick~" Krystal didn't mean for that remark to sound too teasing, but she still chuckled in delight before grabbing his ankles with a free paw. She held his metallic feet tightly together, exposing the polished sheets of metal that served as his new soles. There wasn't a single scuff or scratch across the stainless steel just yet, even alongside the bottoms of those perfectly round and symmetrical toes. Krystal knew from her own prosthetics how quickly the metal would get dingy before repolishing, so it was interesting seeing them brand new on Spotty's legs. Nevertheless, she made sure to look back at his face while holding his waiting feet. "Any requests before I try anything? You know your weak points better than most would~"

Spotty tried not to wince too notably from that little jab, but kept himself from groaning a second time. Instead, he breathed out through his nostrils before saying meekly, "W-Well, I... I've been told that the... t-the inner arches were sensitive..."

"Hmmm..." Krystal looked back down at his prosthetic feet, and the seamless curves that his feet made between the heels and the soles. She brought in the cotton-swab connected to her tool, and very carefully pressed it against the underside of one of those feet. Spotty instinctively closed his eyes, unable to see the tool in action. But even if he wasn't able to witness the cotton gliding down the inner curve, her slow motion was more than enough to make his legs tense up in her grasp.

"Nnnghhh!!" Spotty's lips pursed tightly shut, but weren't able to conceal the pursed smile he was struggling to hide. His eyes closed just as tightly, and he squirmed on the table while convulsing in front of her. "Pbbtttt!! Hngh... Hehehehehe~"

"Oh, wow~" Krystal looked nothing short of impressed by the time she finally pulled the cotton back for a moment. "Even without seeing it happen, you react as if you could feel it! Might I ask, was that in both feet, or just the one?"

"Uhhh..." Spotty had to take a couple breaths to stop his giggling, but was quick to reaffirm his thoughts after a moment of reflection. Despite knowing his feet were just metal and gears beneath them, he was shocked at how naturally it felt like he was being tickled in Krystal's grasp. He tried to keep his legs clenched together, especially since he was only wearing a thin hospital gown that the blanket could barely conceal. But despite his heated blush, he managed to answer her with a shrug. "Uhhh... w-was it only the right foot?"

"Indeed it was~" Krystal pulled her tool back, and asked the cheetah, "How about you close your eyes before trying again? I want to know if you can guess correctly~"

Spotty was a little unsure how such an experiment would work, since he knew that those Phantom sensations were purely a creation of his mind. But considering how well-built his prosthetics were, with even the slightest movements of his legs being registered through his nervous system, there was always a chance that the tech was advanced enough to know which foot was experiencing a sense of touch. So after a brief nod, Spotty re-closed his and took a breath in anticipation. Meanwhile, Krystal leaned back in with a devious smirk, and her cotton swab going back in.

"Nnnfff~ Mmmghhh..." Spotty clenched his muzzle tightly, and tried his hardest to discern which foot those titillating sensations were coming from. He wanted to say that the tickling feelings were dragging up his left foot this time, which were causing him to stifle some muffled snickering through his gritted teeth. However, he could've sworn he also felt the slightest sensation of something against the bottom of his right foot as well. But since he was keeping his eyes tightly shut, all he could do was try and process his thoughts while giggling under his breath. "Hehehehehe... Hahahahahaha!!"

When Krystal finally pulled her tool away, Spotty's feet tried to reel back with a strong buckle of his robotic knees. She wasn't sure if that was an involuntary reflex, or if he actually felt something by some unexplainable response. Regardless, Krystal kept her sights on his blushing face when she asked. "Alright, Spotty... Which foot did I tickle?"

"Uhhh... the left?" Spotty kept his eyes closed out of embarrassment, his muzzle still smirking from how much he was giggling by the end. "A-Although I felt a little something on the right one too... Did you touch that one?"

Krystal's brows rose up in surprise, showing a look that would've caught Spotty's interest. "I... I actually may have..." Spotty looked up at her with his eyes wide-open, while Krystal turned her head away with a worrisome skew of her muzzle. "Or at least... I I think I accidentally touched the right foot for a second... I didn't think you'd feel that though..."

After a moment of reflection, Krystal picked up her clipboard, and flipped towards one of the back papers where additional notes could be written down. She scrawled down some details about that response, while saying back to the cheetah assuredly, "I promise, I'm not mentioning the tickling itself. Just how you accurately caught those Phantom sensations. It's pretty coincidental right now..."

Spotty may have been blushing in worry, but he still nodded in understanding of that point. While Krystal wrote down something in the clipboard, Spotty used part of the blanket to cover up his crotch. His past work may have been solely for profit, but he'd be lying if he claimed that tickling didn't cause certain physical responses to occur. Fortunately, Krystal didn't seem to notice by the time she put her clipboard back down. "Alright, ummm... would it be okay to repeat that test? I doubt it means anything big, but I just want to make sure, you know?"

Spotty doubted it meant much either, but he still nodded before re-closing his eyes. He pushed his feet back forward for Krystal to test out, while both of his paws were clutched over his tenting crotch. He hoped that she didn't notice that obvious erection, or at least that she was gracious enough to ignore it for the sake of this "experiment." But since he couldn't see her blushing face, all he could do was sit in wait for that tool to give another go at his feet.

"Okay, here we go..." Krystal kept a tight grip on his ankles with her left paw, while the right went back in to give a more thorough tickling to one of his feet. She alternated between the left and the right, which caused his legs to squirm and buckle uncontrollably in her grasp. Despite her tight hold, she tried not to struggle while giving those metallic feet some proper polishing with the cotton swab. Meanwhile, Spotty had to bring up one of his paws to cover up his muzzle, as he convulsed on the table and laughed uncontrollably.

"Pbbbttt!! Hehehehehehe!!~ HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Spotty couldn't control himself from the onslaught of Krystal's tickling, and was reeling before her with tears at the corners of his eyes. His legs tried their hardest to squirm away from that tenacious fluff of cotton, but Krystal kept a tight grip to ensure his soles were at her mercy. He tried to give a response to her relentless tickling, but it was hard to say much between the uncontrollable giggles that came between his strained breaths. "Hehehehehehe... Are... A-Are you--hehehehehehe!! I... I can feel it in BOTH!! HAHAHAHAAAA!!"

"Which one did I tickle first?" Krystal focused on the cheetah's right foot after asking that question, but refrained from stopping just yet. "C'moooonnnnn~"

"Hehehehehe!! THE RIGHT! YOU STARTED WITH THE RIGHT!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Please stop, I still feel it there!! HEHEHEHEHE!!~"

"Whoa!" Krystal quickly stopped her merciless assault, and paused while gawking at him in awe. "That... That's right! I started with the right one!"

Spotty reopened his eyes to stare at her in surprise, looking equally as stunned by that revelation. Krystal narrowed her eyes on him with suspicion. "Are you sure you're not peeking?"

"N-No!" Spotty threw up both paws in defense, unknowingly exposing his tenting erection to the fox. "I swear I wasn't! I didn't see a thing, I just felt it! Seriously!"

Krystal blushed even deeper when she got a split-second glance at his hard-on poking through the blanket. However, she was quick to divert her focus to the clipboard, scribbling down some more notes with a shake of her head. "Fascinating... I might need to use a blindfold for this next one, just to be sure..."

Spotty's blush deepened in response, and his paws instinctively tried to cover his member fruitlessly. Even though the idea was troubling, he had a feeling that Krystal wasn't going to let up. He seriously wasn't peeking as she was tickling him, but he could've sworn he felt those tickling sensations like the prosthetics were his natural feet. Maybe he was just lucky with his guesses, but he had to admit that the coincidences were getting a little weird for his liking.

"Okay, one moment..." Krystal pulled out a couple eye-patches from one of the drawers, and went around the table to cover the cheetah's eyes. "This'll only be for a couple sessions. I'm sorry for prolonging this, but these findings are really fascinating~"

By the time she returned to Spotty's exposed feet, the cheetah was seated completely blinded with eye-patches over both eyes. He was blushing hard in his new bondage, but he could only gulp in anticipation. He was feeling even more like he did during his previous work, which made his cock twitch more profusely under his coverings. He was sure that Krystal took notice of his arousal, but he was grateful that he couldn't see her expression at that moment. Not to mention, it seemed that she was more focused on his "Phantom Sensations" than anything else.

"And, just one extra adjustment..." Krystal had a lot of medical equipment at her disposal, so she decided to implement a couple more items to better assist in her experiment. A couple of leg-splints were pulled from the supply closet, which were attached to Spotty's new legs to keep his knees from bending. She also found some parts of old crutches, which she was able to form into a makeshift spreader bar to strap between his ankles. In less than a couple minutes, the fox was able to restrain his legs so they were spread a couple feet apart, and fully bound with his bare feet facing her. If he was able to see her handiwork, he likely would've been reminded of multiple videos he starred in with similar-looking bondage. But in Krystal's eyes, all she did was make a more effective means to rest his "ticklish" prosthetics.

"Okay then..." Krystal picked her tool back up, and brought it down to his right foot once more. "Tell me which foot I'm tickling... now~"

She began to vigorously dangle the cotton swab over the right foot, while her eyes peered up at the cheetah's blushing face. Despite how badly his legs tried to squirm and buckle, her medical equipment served as surprisingly sturdy bondage to keep his prosthetics in place. Spotty began to giggle uncontrollably once more, even though he couldn't see anything through his eye-patches. It should've been impossible for him to determine which foot she was tickling, or even discern a tickling sensation through that metal. But alas, his giggling was the only thing that kept him from giving an immediate answer. "Mnnghhh!! HEHEHEHEHE!!~ T-The right, THE RIGHT!!"

"W-Wow!~" Krystal paused long enough to write down her new findings in the clipboard. And then went right back in on the same foot. "How about now?~"


"Okay, you got me there~" Krystal shook her head with a bemused smirk, and gave him a moment to breathe. She knew that her findings weren't necessarily something to write for a scientific journal, but these readings were leaving her far too bewildered to keep undocumented. Either something medically baffling was occurring with this cheetah, or Spotty is just really good at guessing. Either way, she had a feeling that he might be more important to their squadron than previously expected.

"Okay... I'm going to do both feet at varying times, and I need you to let me know which one you feel when it happens, alright?"

Spotty needed a couple deep breaths to settle himself down, but he nodded affirmatively to Krystal's instructions. He wanted to grip the sides of the table for added support, but he really didn't want to leave his tenting erection exposed while Krystal was only a couple feet away. Regardless, he took a deep breath while keeping his eyes closed behind the eye-patches. He had no idea which foot Krystal was going to tickle first, but the anticipation was leaving his heart thumping as badly as the throbs beneath his blanketed crotch.

Krystal didn't give any warning, and began to drag the cotton tip across the underside of Spotty's left foot. Despite trying to keep herself silent, not wanting to give him any indication she was doing anything, she was shocked to see his left leg fidgeting strongly to her touch. Spotty tried his hardest to keep from laughing, but it was all for naught while enduring those familiar tickling sensations at her mercy. "Hahahahahaha! HEHEHEHEHEHE, THE LEFT! THE LEFT!"

"How are you..." Krystal could only shake her head in confoundment, and brought the tool to his other foot while he was still laughing. Even though both legs were fidgeting in the makeshift medical bondage, Spotty was reacting just as he would've done with his natural born feet. The cheetah was reeling on the table with uncontrollable laughter, his robotic toes wiggling from the endless titillation. Krystal tried to ask while he was giggling incessantly, "Okay, do you still feel it on your left foot?"

Krystal was trying to throw him off while he was blindfolded, but the cheetah was able to speak between fits of laughter. "HEHEHEHEHE, N-NO! Hahahahahahaaaaa!! You... Y-You're tickling the right again! Heheheheheheeeeee!!~"

"Holy!" Krystal continued to tickle both of his feet with the tool alternating between soles. But with her free hand, she managed to write down her findings in the clipboard with a baffled shake of her head. "I don't know how this is possible, but you're really seeming to detect a sense of touch in these prosthetics! Are you really feeling them being tickled?"

As if the answer to her question wasn't obvious, Spotty could only reel his head back while cracking up in his bondage. His laughter grew more immense as his feet continued to be tickled without pause, with Krystal moving her tool more viciously against the bottoms of his metallic soles. It was almost as if she was trying to polish the curved pieces of stainless steel, despite how badly Spotty's legs were fidgeting in their restraints. She may have been floored by how miraculous Spotty's Phantom senses were reacting, almost as if the prosthetics were working too effectively; but despite her shock, she couldn't stop tickling the poor cheetah to see how much he could squirm in his metallic limbs.

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!~" Spotty couldn't stop laughing, with only his forced breaths serving as the only pauses from his constant giggling. His body was convulsing hard on the table, while both of his paws tried to cover his crotch as best as they could. But alas, even with how much he tried to keep himself looking civil, his cock was throbbing harder under the blankets the more his feet were taken advantage of. Krystal was blushing badly the longer the tickled him, most-likely from knowing that detail just as well as Spotty did; but instead of giving the cheetah a moment to breathe or collect himself, she just kept on going while marvelling at how well he was responding to those unexplainable tickles.

"HE HE HE HE HE HE HE, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" Tears were starting to stream down Spotty's face past his eye-patches, while his cheeks were heavily blushed from the tantalizing torment he was enduring. But even with how overwhelmed he was looking, it didn't seem like any words of distress or help were wanting to come out between his faint, giggle-laden breaths. In fact, the cheetah seemed rather persistent in his bound setting, laughing it up while Krystal played around with his prone feet.

"Heh~ It seems like that 'college job' you had wasn't just for profit, huh?~" Krystal didn't want to tease the newbie too badly (especially when she felt like she was discovering quite the medical marvel), but his vulnerable enjoyment was certainly amusing to see. She didn't want to say she was enjoying it as much as the flustered cheetah; but at the same time, her tool was dancing across those footsies much more vigorously the longer she went. She knew that it was unprofessional to treat this experiment so casually, or to mock the prone cheetah while he grew harder beneath his blanket. However, by the time his body was reeling much more notably in those restraints, all that Krystal could do was grin and see how much longer he could last.

"Hehehehehehehe!! D... D-Don't-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Spotty's eyes were clenched shut behind his eye-patches, and he was growing more lost in his tantalized hysterics as he belted out uncontrollably, "D-D-DON'T STOP, PLEASE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!"

"Whatever you say, Private~" Krystal was giggling to herself as she went all in, using her digits to work both those metallic feet in place of her cotton swab. She got her paws in against those shimmering soles, dancing her claws across the smooth metal to leave him squirming like mad on the table. She was grateful that none of the other squadron members were present, since it would be hard to explain why she was tickling their newest recruit without mercy. Of course, as the cheetah's laughter grew more uncontrollable and titillated, Krystal's focus was directed more towards those feet than anything else.

"C'moooonnnnn..." Krystal was grinning rather coyly as she drove Spotty closer to his peak, her digits dancing diligently across his feet while they squirmed helplessly before her. The cheetah wasn't able to pull back, not that he wanted to while laughing it up like a madman. His giggling was coming out at full force, and even his caws covering his crotch wasn't enough to keep his hips from thrusting up from the table. His knees were wobbling inside of the casts and Krystal's makeshift spreader, testing the medical equipment's stability while he was left reeling in her ticklish torment. "That's right, Spotty~" Krystal licked her lips while looking up at him with a smirk, her claws playing with his feet like a piano in an energetic orchestra. "Tell me when, big guy~"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!~" Spotty was growing completely lost in ticklish pleasure as he endured those tenacious paws as best as he could, feeling every tantalizing sensation as they crept up his metallic legs. He was just as baffled as she was about his Phantom sensations, but he couldn't care less as he was thrown into such familiar realms of uncontrollable ecstasy. The sensation was so overwhelming, but his tingling nerves were sending strong endorphins up his spine to leave him in a titillated and blissful high. He wasn't sure what was going to give out first, but he could tell that he was likely to go over the precipice if she kept going. Of course, just as he felt like couldn't take much more, his giggling wasn't enough to keep him from hearing her say one last thing.

"I know you can do it, Private~" The fox continued to play with his feet like her personal toys, as she crept in devilishly and added with a coddling coo, "Tickle tickle~"


Spotty's body locked up, and his hips pumped up repeatedly as he ended up cumming at the spot. Thick, heavy ropes of his gooey load instantly soaked the blanket covering his lap, while his paws clenched hard around his tent with every nerve-tingling throb. The intensity of his orgasm left him spasming uncontrollably on the table, his breaths peppered with lingering giggles and unstable moans. Krystal was quick to stop her "experiment" when she heard those all-too-familiar sounds, and pulled her paws away to glance up at the writhing cheetah. Spotty could barely think while his nerves were being thrown into such strong, electrifying waves of ecstasy that kept him reeling on the table; but at the same time, he couldn't feel the slightest twinge of regret as he felt the fruition sweeping through with every pulsating throb.

"Nnnnnnnfffffffffff.... Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh..."

Spotty eventually slumped back onto his pillow, and his claws pulled away to reveal the massive tent soaked with cum over his waist. Krystal was grateful she didn't see his cock beneath the blanket, but she still giggled with a blush at getting him to do such a thing. She may have been aware of her abilities as an attractive female on the team, but she never thought that touching a man like that would get him to cum so easily. Regardless, by the time Spotty was left sighing contentedly before her, Krystal could only smirk in satisfaction as she crossed her arms. "Well then~" she said to herself with a flattered tone of voice. "I can safely say those are the most intense Phantom sensations I ever witnessed on a new recruit~"

Adrian's Induction - Chapter Two

An Hour Later As he sat by himself in the backseat of Marzo's sedan, Adrian tried not to feel too apprehensive while clutching his phone. The buck's heart was thundering in his chest, and his bare fur was tingling each time he squirmed against the...

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Adrian's Induction - Chapter One

"Alright, here's your bag! Have a nice night, Sir." Even though the clerk was giving a warm smile for the sake of customer service, the husky on the other side of the counter was blushing really hard and averting his eyes from him. Aside from an...

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Scar's Dumbest Idea

It was a dark, cloudless night as the stars shone brightly over the vast savannah. As a heavy gust of wind swept across the untouched plains, it glided past the tall fields of grass to cause large ripples that could be seen from above. However, since...

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