Scar's Dumbest Idea

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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The ghost of Scar, who was taken down years ago by the very hyena he tried to use himself, is now in search of a proper conduit to possess and reclaim his rightful throne. But since he can only find hyenas in his region, Scar decides to possess one of them to begin his plans. Unfortunately for Scar, he doesn't seem to realize that hyenas have no respect for males in their group; so when he tries to rally up the troops, all he ends up doing is bringing the more... dominant hyenas out of their rest...

Note - This story was the winner of my Monthly Patreon Commission Poll in September, as requested by Drastic Actions. If you want to contribute your own ideas, or want to show your support for a freelance artist, please consider joining my Official Patreon page:

It was a dark, cloudless night as the stars shone brightly over the vast savannah. As a heavy gust of wind swept across the untouched plains, it glided past the tall fields of grass to cause large ripples that could be seen from above. However, since most of the creatures were sound asleep under the moonlight, there were very few that would've appreciated the serene beauty of the night. And in the case of any creatures that were still awake, it was likely that they wouldn't savor the tranquility of nighttime due to their nocturnal nature.

Of course, with that same mindset in mind, it shouldn't be too surprising that no creatures were alerted from the presence of something glowing within that gust of wind.

Even with how brightly the moon was shining down on the savannah, it was difficult to discern exactly what was gliding above the plains of grass without issue. But if a trained eye were to glance up at the right moment, they might have been able to see a shapeless, bright-yellow void soaring through the skies like a plume of fallen leaves. Given the unusual glow it emitted against the pitch-black skies, it could've been seen as something unnatural moving about the wilderness unhinged. But as the gusts of wind brushed across the tranquil skies, the faint cackling of laughter alongside it indicated that the glow was something supernatural instead.

"Haaaaaaaa, hahahahahahahaaaaaa...."

Miles away within the very heart of the savannah, that deep and raspy voice would've sent strong twinges of fear up the spines of every creature who knew of its origin. Even though the very being had left this realm long ago, its faint and sinister laughter sounded as if they were still among the living. However, since that voice was accompanying the amber glow that ripped across the barren plains, it was obvious that it carried the same supernatural origin as the shapeless entity wafting through the night.

Off in the distance, a similarly unusual source of light could be seen emanating from the far-off cliffsides of the badlands. An orange, flickering glow was illuminating off the jagged rocks, and could be seen from over a mile away. The unknown being traveled alongside the winds towards its source, while a low cackle wisted past the tall grass. By the time that glowing entity was within sight, it was revealed that a massive bonfire was roaring wildly at the crevice of the canyonscape.

"Yeeeeeesssss... I finally found you all now~"

Just as the winds began to die off, and the entity finally landed close to the barren ground, the sounds of rabid laughter and howling cries could be heard echoing off the canyons. Countless shadows were dashing across the lights of the bonfire, revealing a chaotic presence that the Pridelands were just beginning to forget themselves. Speaking of forgotten foes, the unknown glow of yellow light finally began to take shape as a transparent paw pressed down on the dirt. And as the moonlight waned away from the canyonscape, the figure of a fallen lion could be seen effortlessly treading towards the flames with a lecherous grin.

Back during his reign of tyranny and famine, the dark lion was known all throughout the Pridelands as Scar; brother of Mufasa, and the defeated foe of King Simba. But as of now, all that remained was a transparent spirit that wandered aimlessly across the badlands of the savannah. It was unclear how long the entity had been drifting across the wilderness, haunting the brisk nights with his ominous laughter. But with the way he was grinning in his post-mortem state, his eyes narrowing on the flames ahead of him, it seemed that he had finally found what he was seeking for so long.

Scar didn't say a word as he floated up a large boulder, giving him a prime vantage-point of the raging bonfire down below. At the entryway of the rocky canyons, the remaining members of the hyena packs were gathered all around to bask in the fruits of their successful scavenging. Smears of dried blood could be seen littered all across the jagged stones, while the remains of various animals were sprawled half-eaten with various bones picked clean. Even though there looked to be over two dozen hyenas left following Scar's downfall, it seemed that the surviving packs were making do with the creatures they claimed for survival.

"I see..." The ghost of Scar grinned in satisfaction as he peered down at the chaotic scene, with many of his old "brethren" laughing it up with cackling guffaws. While many of the females of the pack were having their share of rotted carcases, the males were all lying around the bonfire laughing it up. Scar tilted his head curiously, before glancing back from which he drifted. He hummed to himself with a skewed muzzle, before bringing up a paw to bat at his nonexistent goatee. "I suppose this explains why all those lions claimed the caverns these savages once lived..."

The last time Scar was in the Pridelands, his spirit witnessed an unusual aftermath following Simba's reign. After the hyenas wandered off to find a new home, the badlands they once occupied were overtaken by the pride's weaker members. Scar had no idea what power-shifts occurred under Simba's rule, but he felt that a strange prejudice had occurred that banished lions with fur as dark as his own. Even though there was likely a lot of details that needed to be explained by Simba himself, Scar's attention soon returned towards the hyenas basking below him.

His eyes narrowed intensely, as he scanned all around the bonfire for any members who may have strayed too far from the pack. Unfortunately, all of the females were tightly nestled together as they devoured the remains of a water buffalo, their muzzles caked in congealed blood. Meanwhile, most of the male hyenas were either rolling around in the dirt like buffoons, or play-fighting one another beside the roaring fire. However, just as he tried to look past the illumination of the bonfire, Scar's face lit up when he saw a lone hyena trying to sleep off in the shadows.

The hyena was a thin, mangly-looking beast that was sprawled out on his back, and snoring with its muzzle wide-open. His tongue was lolled out and laying beside his face, undoubtedly covered with the dry dirt he was resting upon. In most circumstances before his death, Scar would've likely seen a creature like that to be utterly worthless for his plans. But given his current predicament, he wasn't one to be picky while grinning from ear-to-ear. "You know what?" he said to himself with a posh tone of voice. "I feel that he'll do nicely~"

While all the other hyenas were busy either eating or galavanting about, Scar's spirit glided down from the boulder to make his move. Despite his unusual glow and sinister chuckling, none of the pack seemed to notice his presence by any means. Because of that, Scar was quickly able to look over the sleeping hyena without detection. And after taking a quick glance around to make sure the coast was clear, Scar's ghost lunged down to absorb the hyena as his new conduit.

"NNNNNGHHHH!!!" The hyena jolted awake the instant he absorbed Scar's spirit, and his body locked up tightly like he was undergoing an exorcism. The mutt's dark brown fur stood on end, and his golden eyes nearly bulged out of his skull while groaning through gritted fangs. The hyena convulsed on the ground for over a minute straight, but he was too far away from the bonfire's light for any of the others to take notice. But despite how badly the hyena tried to resist the supernatural forces overtaking his body, he eventually slumped into unconsciousness as he fell limp on his back.

Of course, after only a couple seconds of silence, the hyena loomed up for his proper resurrection. His face may have been the same as before, and his eyes still shone the previous shade of yellow he carried; but as Scar took total control of his new conduit form, he grew an evil smirk that matched the unnatural expression that morphed across the hyena's face. "Aaaaaahhhhh... Now that's what I call a wakeup call~"

Scar quickly got back on his paws, taking a moment to assess the hyena body he was currently possessing. He gave a few light stretches, as well as several deep breaths to appreciate the living body he was fortunate to experience after so long. Even though he wasn't too keen on the species hosting his spirit, it was hard to complain as he shuddered from the feeling of fresh dirt pressed beneath his paws. Scar eventually got himself used to being a living being once again, and turned his sights towards the bonfire with a wide and lecherous grin. "Now then... Let's get our title back~"

Back around the bonfire, none of the hyenas paid any notice to the possessed member of their pack who strutted back into the light. Although, since Scar was walking regally with his head held high, and his steps more pronounced like a proper trot, it didn't take long before he caught a few confused glances here and there. Not to mention, as Scar locked his sights on a large bundle of fallen logs to serve as his perastal, his evil expression prompted a few of the other hyenas to look at one another cautiously. Just as the females of their pack were finishing up their carcass, all of the hyenas jolted up when they heard the mutt bellow out, "ATTENTION, YOU FILTHY INGRATES!!"

Scar hoped that his unwavering tone would grant him the attention he deserved, even if his conduit's voice was raspier and higher-pitched than preferred. While he certainly got all the hyenas to look up at him, it was obvious from their narrowing eyes and puzzled stares that they weren't intimidated to say the least. In fact, a good portion of the females looked downright annoyed when they saw who was standing atop the pile of dried wood with a determined grin. Nevertheless, Scar took their confused looks for what it was worth as he began to speak.

"Just look at all of you right now!" he shouted with a disdainful stare down at the pack, despite clearly being much weaker in appearance than any of them. "Is this REALLY the way you want your tribe to be remembered in history? As the mangey mongrels who were casted aside by the likes of SIMBA?! You could've had it all back in the Pridelands! You had all the food you could eat, and all the power you so desperately needed! But now look! After turning on your saving grace, you're all just content on living as nomads from now on!?"

By that point in Scar's tirade, he was hoping that his determined plea would help spark some inspiration among the group. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to notice that all of the females were looking ungodly pissed. One particular hyena was barely able to hold back her seething glare as she walked up towards the logs with a bloodthirsty growl. Meanwhile, Scar continued his little speech while the males of the pack all looked at each other worriedly.

"I SAY NO MORE!!" Scar stomped down on the log as hard as he could as he roared out pridefully. "I say that we've had ENOUGH, haven't we?! Don't you think now is the time to take back the Pridelands once more!? To show Simba and his lions that we're not a species to be messed with!? We've gotten this far on our own, and now only the strongest of our clan remain to serve as a beacon of hope! Each and every one of you has the potential to show your worth, and reclaim the power you rightfully deserve! AND WITH ME AS YOUR LEADER, I'LL STOP AT NOTHING TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN!!!"

With that last booming cry of victory, Scar paused briefly enough to await their response. Judging by the grin he was trying to sport through the hyena's crooked fangs, it seemed that he was expecting an uproar of applause and howls from the pack below. Heck, a part of Scar was secretly hoping that the grounds would open up, and he would ascend to the night's sky around gusts of flame while rounding the troops with a musical number. But alas, even with his dreams of theatrical success striking twice, all that Scar was met with was a wall of blank, awkward silence.

In fact, by the time his rousing speech finally sank in among the pack, the first responses he heard were ones he really didn't predict.

"... Pbbttt... Gnnnghhh... Hehehehehehe..."

"Heh heh heh heh heh..."


Before Scar could realize it, nearly every hyena around the bonfire collapsed to the ground while laughing in hysterics. Scar's expression dropped like a stone, his muzzle fully agape in shock. Considering how long he had spent memorizing that speech while wandering the plains as a ghost, hearing them openly laughing left him feeling extremely offended. And if that wasn't bad enough, a couple of the hyenas pointed up at him to further exacerbate their mockery.

"Dude, what's your problem!? Did you eat some poison berries again?!"

"Get off of there, Mjinga! Go back to bed!"

"Man, that was just pathetic! What's he trying to pull?"

"Oh, shoot! Shenzi's coming!"

"Huh?" Scar (or Mjinga, which he could only assume was the body he possessed) quickly raised his brows when he heard that name. "Shenzi?"


Since his focus was directed down at the hyenas laughing at him, he didn't realize that the hyena in question was right behind him. Shenzi didn't hesitate as she rushed up the wood pile with a venomous glare, and promptly pushed him off without issue. Scar yelped out like an injured pup as he flew off from his pedestal, and fell face-first into the dirt. All of the others continued to laugh their asses off, which further added to the mockery as he tried to get back on his paws. As Sacar groaned to himself in humiliation, and tried to wipe the dirt caked to his face, he didn't realize how quickly the laughter stopped after a pair of paws landed on the ground right behind him.

However, Scar DID hear the deep, rumbling growl which prompted him to turn his head around. "Hmm? GNNGHH!!"

The mangy hyena jolted back in a panic, but it did nothing to dampen the livid stare that Shenzi was bearing down on him. Even though it had been a long while since her pack's expulsion from the Pridelands, the hyena still looked just as bloodthirsty as she had the last time Scar laid eyes on her. Of course, considering that the last time he saw Shenzi was when she was ripping out his throat, Scar was rightfully frozen in panic while still lying on the ground. Because of his stoically stunned state, Scar wasn't able to defend himself when the hyena loomed over his body, and got right up to his face menacingly.

"Mjinga... You better have a DAMN good reason for interrupting our dinner!!!"

"... Uhhhhh..." Even though Scar didn't want to show any signs of intimidation (especially less than a few minutes after finding his first conduit), Shenzi's furious glare was leaving him surprisingly petrified. He wasn't sure if it was because of his inexperience in a living body, or just some biological response with the species he possessed. But instead of trying to defend himself, or even pull himself off from the ground, Scar remained frozen on his back while the female was standing over him. "... I... I was, uhhhh..."

"'I was, uhh!'" Shenzi repeated Scar's remark with a mocking shake of her head, eliciting a good bout of laughter from the other pack members. "You were WHAT, huh?! You think that you can just annoy everyone with your dumb little dinner show!? You should be grateful we even kept you in our pack after that creek incident last week! You need me to remind you of that?!?"

"Uh-Uh!" Scar had no idea what came over him when he gave that pathetic shake of his head. He didn't even know what it was Mjinga did in reference to a "creek incident," but he wasn't too keen on asking Shenzi while she was so pissed off.

"Yeah, that's what I thought!" Shenzi didn't let up after that sharp retort, and kept Mjinga pinned down beneath her weight. After staring him down for a moment, ensuring that Scar wouldn't reopen his muzzle, she looked back up to shout, "Banzai! Ed! Get over here!"

Scar needed a second to remember those names, quickly realizing who Shenzi was referring to. Even though he oversaw hundreds of hyenas after taking care of Mufasa, Scar could recall those two as being Shenzi's partners in crime beforehand. Their faces couldn't exactly reappear in Scar's memory, since it was usually difficult for him to tell hyenas apart when he was still alive. However, the sound of Banzai's voice, as well as the incessant panting from Ed's drooling maw, instantly reminded Scar of Shanzi's second-paw assistants.

"Aw, jeeze!" The two hyenas emerged from the other side of the bonfire, with Banzai in the lead with a strong eyeroll. The instant he saw who Shenzi was standing over, he was already looking irritated when he said, "Really, Mjinga? Again?! You know you're already on thin ice for pissing in our drinking water last week!"

Ed reeled his head back while letting out a cackling giggle, his yellow eyes sticking out in different directions. Banzai paid no attention to his friend's laughter, and instead turned his focus towards Shenzi. "Wait, that was HIM with that stupid speech?! For a second I thought that old fart Scar was running around again!"

"That old WHAT!? MMPHHH!!!" The moment Scar tried to shout out in anger, his response was promptly silenced by Shenzi when she shoved a paw inside his muzzle.

"I'M NOT GOING TO WARN YOU AGAIN!!!" Her violently intense roar caused Scar to crumple like a fallen leaf, his eyes remaining wide-open in fear. Even though he knew that Shenzi was a confident member of the hyena clan, it seemed that she gained a lot of leadership skills since murdering Scar. Part of him wanted to be impressed by her fortitude, but it was difficult to really think while reeling in shock from her intimidation. "And don't think for a SECOND that I'm going to let you act all high and mighty like that! I've taken down men FAR more intimidating than that pathetic Scar! And I'm telling you right now, you aren't even on THAT creep's level!"

As he laid on the ground with his mouth agape, Scar wasn't sure what he should've been more upset about: The fact that Shenzi was treating him (both currently and post-mortem) with such a high level of disdain; or the fact that after she gave that cold statement, Scar didn't hear ANY opposition regarding it. In fact, after Shenzi referred to Scar in such a callous way, all that he heard were giggles and hums of agreement. All around the bonfire, Scar was horrified to see everyone (including Ed) nodding their heads without any defense for the pinned hyena.

"Ugh..." Much like with Mufasa, Shenzi couldn't help shuddering from the mention of Scar's name; however, it was clear that her shudder from Scar's name wasn't from intimidation, but mere disgust. "I still kick myself for listening to that jackass," she muttered with a distasteful grimace. "I just wish I ripped his throat out sooner."

Scar heard another round of shameful murmurs from the other hyenas, all of whom looking remorseful for their past mistakes. By that point in his failed takeover, Scar was quick to realize that he wasn't going to gain their comradery at all. Even if he didn't try to imitate his previous demeanor in search of power, he had a feeling that he chose the worst possible hyena in their pack to possess. And to further emphasize that point, he couldn't help cringing when he heard Banzai add to her statement.

"At least Scar gave us a proper meal when we killed him. I'm pretty sure Mjinga would just make us barf!"

"HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!~" Ed let out another cackling guffaw, which was echoed by several of the other hyenas.

"Honestly yeah, that's a fair point," said Shenzi with an appreciative nod in Banzai's direction. "And his muscles were surprisingly tender too! It was like eating a baby or something."

"Are you really that surprised?" asked Banzai as he tilted his head back at her. "I mean, he was taken out by SIMBA of all lions! That guy lived most of his life doing nothing and eating bugs, and even HE was able to take out Scar! That's pretty damn pathetic."

"HRMMM!!!" Scar tried to shout at Banzai for that insult, but his outburst only made Shenzi shove her paw harder inside his mouth.

"I JUST GAVE YOU A WARNING, DIDN'T I?!?" Shenzi's glare down at him became downright murderous, and was menacing enough to make Scar freeze up in terror. Since his mouth was stuffed with her dirty paw, with the leathery pads grinding hard against his tongue, Scar's bottom lip couldn't be seen quivering by the other hyenas. However, he was still able to hear a lot of them wincing, clearly expecting something bad to happen to him. And much to his dismay, all he could do was gawk up at Shenzi as she glanced over at Banzai coldly. She didn't say a word, and merely motioned him to come over with a nod of her head.

"Heh~" It seemed that Banzai already knew what to, and was grinning evilly as he went to comply. Ed could be heard laughing devilishly as his friend sauntered over beside Shenzi, but Scar couldn't look over to see him rolling around on the ground. Instead, his sights remained locked on Banzai, who leaned in close enough for Shenzi to whisper something into his ear. That fanged grin became even more obscene, which caused Scar's eyes to widen in horror. The very moment Shenzi pulled her paw out of his muzzle, Banzai went to stand directly over Scar's waiting head. "We told you this would happen if you pissed her off again, didn't we?~"

With that, Banzai lifted up a hind-leg, while his flaccid sheath pointed down at Scar's face. The pinned hyena gasped silently, which only made Banzai chuckle in response. "Well guess what, Mjinga? Now you're getting pissed ON~"

If Shenzi wasn't keeping her paws tightly braced atop his chest, Scar could've been able to scurry away from them and possibly escape. But alas, before he could even get the chance to close his mouth, Scar was hit right on the forehead with a thick stream of Banzai's hot, steamy piss. The hyena sighed in relief as he shivered above Scar, which caused his stream to trickle all over the rest of his face. Scar tried to groan sharply in disgust, but all that did was leave his tongue open as a target for Banzai's piss-stream. A good amount of the musky load poured right into Scar's mouth, causing him to cringe and cough several times. "GAHH!!" He tried to whip his head away from the stream, but ended up getting more of his face drenched in piss. "P'too! P'too! UGH!! That's DISGUSTING!!"

"Yeah, that's the point, dipshit." All of the hyenas around them were already laughing at Mjinga's head being used as a urinal, but Shenzi's remark caused them to erupt in howling hysterics. And to make matters worse, it seemed that Banzai was holding in quite a bit; the hyena's pissing lasted for well over a minute in length, which left Scar's face to get completely soaked. By the time he was finally finished, and shuddered with a strong jerk of his raised leg, all that Scar could smell was the acrid scent of piss matted in his fur. He could also taste it on his tongue, with the salty bitterness practically burning into his tastebuds to leave him coughing repeatedly.

"Mnnnnghhh~" Banzai looked rather relieved by the time he pulled away from the hyena's soaked face. "That was WAY better than just pissing on a bush~"

When Shenzi finally stepped off his chest, the pack of hyenas all cackled in sadistic glee while watching Mjinga roll onto his stomach. Unfortunately, the moment he reeled down to hack and spit on the ground, Banzai made sure to kick the ground so gusts of dirt blew right into his face. Because of the piss soaked into his fur, Scar's face was covered in dirt to leave the fur all muddy. And with all the laughter from the others intensifying, Scar couldn't think of a time he felt more humiliated since he was killed.

"You wanna keep talking all big, piss-head?" Shenzi kept her voice cold and ruthless, but she had to keep from smirking after her literal insult down at Mjinga. She motioned over towards the females in their pack when she added, "Let's not be getting any stupid ideas while WE'RE in charge here! All YOU are is a sperm donor for us! And after Scar's bullshit attempts to take advantage of Princess Nala, you better believe we're not gonna take that kind of shit from ANY man! And especially not YOU!"

Scar was still grimacing from the strong taste of piss in his mouth, but that last comment made him pull his head back up in confusion. When he looked back at the other females, all of them were nodding while staring daggers down at him. It was at that moment that Scar's brows rose up in horrified realization, forgetting one of the unspoken rules about this species that he never dealt with as a lion. Even though males like Simba and Mufasa oversaw the lions of their tribe, that was NOT the case when it came to hyenas; unlike his previous life, Scar was horrified to realize he tried to overtake a tribe ruled by women.

As the possessed hyena remained lying on the ground, his face muddied and reeking of piss, Shenzi walked up to stand over him dominantly. Her glare was unmistakably intense as she stared him down, and narrowed her eyes with intimidation. "Apologize."

Scar's eyes widened a little, before he tried to look around puzzledly. "W... W-What?"

"I SAID APOLOGIZE!!" she roared, making sure to get inches from his face like a drill instructor. "Or should I gnaw off your BALLS like I did your brother?"

"GNGHHH!!" Scar jolted back from her in a panic, only to find Banzai standing behind him to keep him in place. While the idea of apologizing to Shenzi felt utterly humiliating, it was obvious from his appearance that he was already at his lowest low. And even without knowing who Mjinga's brothers may have been, he could tell from her treacherous glare that she meant her statement with total sincerity. He may have only had this new body for a few minutes, but the threat of testicular torment quickly made him stammer out a wimpy, "I-I'm sorry! I'M SORRY!"

Shenzi didn't say anything for a couple seconds, and kept herself right in front of Mjinga imposingly. "Sorry for WHAT?"

Scar winced in terror, unsure of how to properly answer that question. The rest of the hyenas continued to snicker and whisper to one another, with Ed openly pointing a paw at him and cracking up wildly. But Shenzi, along with most of the other females glowering down at Scar, remained deathly silent in wait for Mjinga's response. Unfortunately, since Scar was foolish enough to never reflect on his past mistakes, his mind was left fairly blank regarding how to specify his apology. "... Uhhhhh... I, ummmm..."

As his eyes darted around with a petrified look on his face, Scar deeply wished that he could've been able to leave his conduit to drift off elsewhere. But despite how easily he was able to possess Mjinga's body for his foolish plan, Scar knew he'd have to be killed again to leave it. Because of his predicament, he knew that he only had two choices: comply with Shenzi like a groveling coward, or face a fate errily similar to what he encountered with the hyenas in the first place. Even though neither of those outcomes sounded too peachy, Scar eventually decided on the one that wouldn't involve an impromptu castration again. "... s-sorry for... interrupting your dinner?"

Scar tried his hardest to give an apologetic smile to Shenzi, even though he was feeling scared shitless. Luckily for the conduit's well-being, Scar's answer was just enough to make her huff sharply through her nostrils. "Ughhhh... Honestly, I'm too full from that water buffalo to rip you apart right now..."

For a moment, Scar felt like he could sigh in relief. But just as he was about to close his eyes, he was given a hard shove by Banzai from behind. "Alright, alright! You know the drill, Mjinga~"

"H-Huh?!" Scar couldn't say anything else before he was thrown to the ground between Shenzi's paws. He had no idea what he was getting himself into, but he could already hear several enamored hoots and whistles from all around. When he looked up at Shenzi, her grin became much more sensual while keeping her dominant stare. Scar still felt himself unable to move, but his heart began to thunder in his chest in a mixture of intimidation and... something else he wasn't able to explain. "Uhhhhh..."

"What's wrong, little guy?~" Shenzi's question came rather pertly, as she tilted her head down at him before looming in closer. "I would've figured that you'd be used to this by now..."

Scar wasn't sure how to take the hyena's wording, and especially not her unusual tone as she spoke. Even though it was clear she was still miffed, she was giving a vibe that he hadn't expected to see before. For a second, he almost saw the same glimmer in Shenzi's eyes that he had when he attempted to court Nala. However, before he could try to discern the reason for her fanged grin, his eyes soon veered downward to reveal the truth. "Used to... NNNGHHH!!!"

He reeled his head back with a shocked look on his face, almost as if he saw a venomous snake shooting out from the grass. His eyes were the size of saucers as he blinked repeatedly, his muzzle soon growing agape in stunned silence. While he may have known about female hyenas exuding dominance in their tribes (or at least, he knew that fact NOW), he wouldn't have assumed that the reason was anything other than pack dynamics. But as he stared down between Shenzi's legs, his stare was left baffled when he caught sight of the thick, meaty erection she was able to sport with her sizable clit.

"Heh~" Given how shocked he was looking, Shenzi couldn't help chuckling in delight at his reaction. "Did you get knocked on the head or something, Mjinga? You're acting like it's the first time you serviced this thing~"

"HMMM?!?" Scar's muzzle locked shut as he gawked back up at her smirking face. Since this technically was the first time he ever saw something like that on a female anatomy, he needed a moment to discern what she meant from "servicing" it. Even though the answer should've been obvious, he never would've imagined such a thing to be done with the genders reversed. Of course, as soon as that revelation came to his head, Scar pulled himself up just long enough to sneak a glance down between his own legs. "GAH!!"

Scar's heart nearly shot up to his throat, while his expression dropped like a stone. Shenzi's clit may have not been too impressive compared to the endowment he had as a lion, but Mjinga proved to be MUCH less gifted in that department. Scar didn't even realize he was growing erect in this body, mostly due to how overwhelmed he had gotten so quickly after his failed speech. But alas, even with how mortified and humiliated he felt, Scar was even more perturbed by the reveal of a measly, two-inch dicklet that could barely count as an erection.

"W... What the--OOMF!!" Scar wasn't able to process his under-endowment before being pushed even harder from Banzai from behind. He was thrown off his front-paws, and landed face-first into the dirt underneath Shenzi's confident stance. Since he was left bent-over with his rump sticking up, all of the other hyenas were able to see his little nub fidgeting between his legs. But even with the uproarious laughter that came from his position, particularly from Ed who was convulsing on the ground like a seizure, Scar could barely notice them while gawking up at the clit twitching above his head.

"C'mon, Mjinga!" barked Shenzi impatiently with a warning glare. "Do I need to get Banzai to remind you of your place!?"

"Ugh..." Even though he was helping Shenzi out by holding Scar in place, he didn't look too pleased by that threat as he rolled his eyes away from her. "Seriously? I don't wanna do that to a dude."

"Oh, quit your bellyaching! Don't think I forgot what I saw you and Ed doing the other day!"

Shenzi's remark made Banzai's face turn a furious shade of red, and his expression to freeze rather worriedly. He shuck a glance back at Ed, who was looking equally as embarrassed with a blush of his own. All of the other hyenas were snickering at the two, while Scar was left wondering what the heck may have occurred between them. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to discern the implication before Banzai groaned with another eye-roll. "Hey, come on! That's not cool, Shenzi! I told you, we were just comparing how our balls smelled, that's all!"

"All the more reason to shut up and do as you're told! If you can do it with Ed, you can do it with Mjinga!"

"Alright, FINE!" After huffing bitterly through his blush, Banzai complied with Shenzi's order by giving Scar some brutal incentive. He loomed his head down beneath Mjinga's tail, and caused Scar to let out a pained yelp the moment he felt those jagged fangs brushing up against a very sensitive region. Banzai grimaced a little when the taste of Mjinga's unwashed and sweaty balls hit his tongue, despite how small they were compared to his own. But even with his personal discomfort, Banzai was able to place just enough pressure to press his teeth around the base of Scar's new ballsack.

"GNAAAHH!!!" The bite may have not been dangerous just yet, but the sudden intrusion caused Scar to yelp out in pain and nearly hit Shenzi's underside with his head. But even as the hyena groaned with a tensed expression, he tried his hardest not to make any sudden movements while Banzai literally had him by the balls. But since his head reeled up in response, Scar's snout ended up making contact with that waiting clit.

"Nnnfff~ Thaaaaaat's right..." Shenzi took advantage of Mjinga's gaping muzzle, and gave a hard thrust of her hips to shove her meaty clit between his lips. Even though he was shocked by that sudden intrusion, he was thankfully able to keep himself from clenching his jaws shut. But as he laid on the ground beneath Shenzi, with the scent of her unwashed pussy causing his nostrils to flare out, he shuddered heavily while hearing all the females cheering their leader on. And while Banzai kept the hyena still with those tiny balls in his mouth, the other males were staring at the display with varying looks of amusement and disgust.

"Get to sucking!" she commanded with another hard thrust, which caused Scar to groan muffledly between her legs. "Or I'll make sure Banzai does it!"

Banzai tried not to react to her statement, but he was clearly looking uncomfortable with his muzzle perched between Mjinga's legs. Luckily, Scar was able to believe a genuine threat when he heard it, and instantly began to suck on her clit as best as he could. Despite how humiliating it felt to give a weird form of fellacio to the leader of this pack, he wasn't too keen to learn how quickly Shenzi would live up to her warning. Not to mention, as the hyena closed his eyes and began to service her, his legs started to tremble in response to his own member twitching untouched.

"Nnnnghhh..." Scar winced in dread as he heard all the other hyenas cackling and whistling to his lowly state, solidifying himself as the lowest tier of their group. As the taste of Shenzi's dirty, sweaty pussy mixed with the piss lingering on his tongue, he made a mental note to try and escape from this pack as soon as morning came. But until that moment could arrive, all he could do was try to remain on Senzi's good graces as best as he could. So instead of putting up a fuss, Scar tried to swallow his pride, along with the remnants of Shenzi's pussy-juices that soaked into his saliva and trickled down his throat. "Nnnnffffff..."

"Ooooohhhhhh~" Shenzi readjusted her position as she nestled herself closer against Mjinga's lips, making sure he was titillating every inch of her pulsating clit. Her head reeled back while letting out a shuddering growl, her eyes rolling back in tantalizing pleasure. Given how enamored she was looking, a good number of the females watching were beginning to blush out of jealousy. Unfortunately for Scar, the precarious position he was in wasn't gartering the same envious looks from the males; in fact, a good number of them were wincing to themselves silently, their hind-legs tightly crossed in discomfort.

Well, all except for Ed, who was panting heavily and using a hind-leg to knead at his twitching sheath.

"Mmmnnnnnnn!!" As the forced cunnilingus continued, Scar tried his best to appreciate the moment for what it was worth. Even with Banzai's teeth dangerously enclosed around his balls, Mjinga's miniscule erection remained surprisingly rigid between his legs. Meanwhile, the consistent suckles from his drooling lips were proving to be more effective, as Shenzi writhed on top of his head with her muzzle lolling open. Her long tongue eventually draped out over the side of her muzzle, as she left panting as rapidly as Ed was. "Aaaaaahhhhh... Oh, you've g-gotten some practice, didn't ya?~"

Scar couldn't say anything in response, and merely kept going as he smelt more of Shenzi's arousal wafting from her nethers. As the hyena kept her bushy tail flagged up, anyone behind her could be able to see how badly her pussy was winking from the tantalizing embrace of Mjinga's lips. Scar was feeling himself getting shamefully heated as well, but it wasn't like he could do much for his pitiful member while Banzai was keeping him in place. But even with how painful it was to be held by the balls between Banzai's teeth, Scar had to keep from whimpering when he felt trickles of precum drooling down his shaft.

"AAAHHH!!" Much to his surprise, he could hear Shenzi moaning in response to his lips pursing tighter around her clit. Even though he knew she was female, Scar would've sworn she was getting as erect as any male with the way her clit was pulsating in his mouth. The pent-up musk between her legs was growing more notable each time she moaned out deeply, which caused Scar's nostrils to flare out and her arousal to fill up his lungs. And in response, Mjinga's stance beneath her grew much less apprehensive while his member grew as hard as a pebble.

"Y-Yeah, there we go~" Shenzi eventually gritted her fangs in determination, and readjusted herself so her front paws were resting atop Mjinga's back. Scar's eyes widened with a muffled yelp, but he managed to stay in place while Shenzi mounted his head. Her meaty clit remained firmly-lodged in his drooling maw, which provided her enough leverage to start thrusting into his muzzle. Before Scar could even realize what was happening, his yellow eyes rolled back while being face-fucked by the hyena above him. "NNNFFFF~ T-Take it, you little bitch..."

For some reason, being called a bitch by Shenzi didn't really affect him as badly as he would've imagined. Although, that may have been less to do with not being offended, and more due to the fact that he was feeling fairly overwhelmed at that point. Banzai was grimacing as he tried to hold Mjinga in place, but was able to keep from tightening the grip of his jaws over the hyena's ballsack. Unfortunately, that fact was easier said than done when Shenzi's thrusts were causing Mjinga's body to rock back and forth involuntarily.

"Mmmphhh!~" Eventually, Scar was starting to get himself lost in pleasure while sucking on her clit as best as he could The taste of her arousal was growing sweeter as he cleaned off her meaty nub, which allowed for her fresher musk to trickle into his mouth and make his tongue water. The taste of Banzai's piss was beginning to go away, even though his face was still reeking of the acrid scent soaked into his muddy fur. Luckily for Mjinga, Shenzi didn't seem to mind as her thrusts into his mouth became more heated. Her hips were spasming back and forth more erratically, and her hind-paws were scuffling against the ground as she tried to keep good leverage. "AAAAHHH! I'm... I'm almost there!!~"

Scar's hips were starting to thrust in tandem with her's, even though all he was doing was dry-humping the air like a pervert. His tiny little dicklet could be seen with every thrust he gave, which just made the other hyenas all giggle and mock his useless length. His movements were making it harder for Banzai to keep his oral grip, and he groaned in annoyance while keeping himself perched between Mjinga's legs. But despite the increased pain to his balls, Scar was growing too overwhelmed with lust to really notice while slathering his tongue across Shenzi's drooling pussy.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!" Eventually, her head reeled back blissfully as she moaned out, and pounded her hips harder against his snout. The musk from her legs was getting heady enough for many of the hyenas to catch her scent, and her syrupy arousal was beginning to drip from between her legs. Due to how hard she was thrusting, the front of Mjinga's muzzle was growing damp from those secretions as well. Scar couldn't stop breathing in heavily as her sweet scent grew unavoidable, and tiny spurts of precum were shooting out from between his legs. And before he could pause long enough to appreciate the feminine tastes lingering at the back of his throat, his eyes widened when he felt how badly her clit was throbbing in his mouth. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!~"

Shenzi's piercing cry bellowed out far across the savannah, with her orgasmic howl of ecstasy echoing long down the canyonscapes. Her pussy was winking uncontrollably without being touched, as hefty strings of her syrupy arousal squirted out beneath her raised tail. Along with the jagged rocks behind her, it seemed that Shenzi's release also covered the bottom of Scar's chin with her secretions, glistening the muddy fur with a glossy glaze. Luckily, that wasn't enough to keep Mjinga's lips from loosening their grip around her clit, and he continued to suck her off to the point of her reeling hard above his head. As the hyena cried out in pleasure, most of her body weight was bearing down on his shoulders while using his head as her personal relief station. "Aaaaaaaahhhhh... H-H-Hooooolllllllllly... S-Shit..."

Shenzi eventually succumbed to her orgasm, allowing her female packmates to cheer her on from the sides. The males all looked rather blushed in jealousy as well, with Ed being the only one to openly try rubbing his erection to the perverted sight. Banzai wasn't able to notice how close that hyena was to his backside, as he was still firmly holding Mjinga's balls with his mouth. But even with how hard the hyena was pulling back, Scar didn't seem too bothered by those teeth while shuddering in pent-up bliss between them.

His lips were thoroughly coated in her syrupy sweet juices, and his tongue was lapping all across Shenzi's clit to keep her nice and still. Even though he wasn't in the best position pack-wise, Scar wasn't too upset about where he was physically. His little cock remained direly rigid, and his hips were fidgeting in need of attaining some much-needed release himself. Fortunately, it seemed that his muzzle-work got to Shenzi where it counted, and she was smiling to herself tiredly while perched over his back. "Mnnnnnghhhh... Now that's what I call a--"


Banzai's reaction was purely accidental, as his body locked up the moment he felt a hard kick from Ed's paw against his backside. The painful swipe against his rump not only caused the hyena to jolt in a panic, but also caused an involuntary clenching of his jaws:


Everyone within a three mile radius of the savannah were awoken by the piercing, high-pitched shriek that Scar bellowed out in the middle of the night. That pained howl of agony was soon joined by many others, as the hyena pack could all be heard freaking out to Banzai's accidental slip. High above the bonfire, while all the living hyenas struggled to handle the horrible situation down below, a new glowing shape could be seen floating high in the stars. Upon closer inspection, the new amber shape turned out to be the spirit of Mjinga, who was now drifting without his body like Scar had done long before.

"UGH!" The ghost reeled back from the campfire with a horrified look of his own, his muzzle skewing from the outcome of his body-turned-conduit below. The sounds of Scar's piercing yelps made him wince in dread, as well as sympathy for how he must be feeling down there. However, as the possessed hyena wailed out in agony, and Shenzi was busy smacking Banzai over the head for spilling so much blood, Mjinga's spirit eventually shuddered before pulling away from the gruesome sight. "Ughhhhh... You know what? He can keep that body..."

Mjinga may have been "dead," but he was quick to start smiling in glee as he soared away from the campfire as free as a bird. Considering how badly he was being treated in their pack, he didn't seem upset at all for being turned to a transparent spirit of the savannah. In fact, as he used his newfound ghost abilities to fly high into the night's sky, the smile on his jagged muzzle looked to be wider than it had been in years. Scar may have been the one to receive a new life, but Mjinga looked far happier being away from the life he once had down below. Not to mention, unlike Scar's current predicament, Mjinga wasn't able to feel any pain or embarrassment anymore.

The End

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