Nick's "Big Boy" Yoga

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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After getting caught snooping on his friend/partner's phone, Nick Wilde ends up having his secret fetishes discovered by Judy when she did the same. But instead of blackmailing him, or even making fun of the fox for his taboo interests, she decides to help him out by scheduling a rather... unorthodox interpretation of Yoga at the Mystic Springs Oasis. Nick might be apprehensive about opening up to a stranger about his questionable tastes; but when he saw that his instructor was Nangi, the elephant instructor that he and Judy met during the Night-Howler investigation, he's able to overcome his nervousness and allow her to teach him some intimate lessons~

Note: This story was a commission for Jaybird78. If you want to schedule a commission yourself, or wish to help out a freelance writer, please consider joining my official Patreon page here:

"Oh, jeeze... Why the heck did I agree to come here?"

The blushing fox had his muzzle skewed uneasily as he stood outside the ornate doorway. This may have not been the first time he attended the Mystic Spring Oasis spa -- even by himself -- but that didn't keep him from feeling alien in the clothing-optional resort. Although, that was mostly because he was still wearing a plush white bathrobe, unlike most of the other patrons at this spa. Even though he was currently alone in the massive hallway, the fox had to look around worriedly in case anybody could see what was hiding beneath his robe.

"Nnnghh..." He was supposed to keep his phone in the locker, but that didn't keep him from stashing it discreetly in his pocket. Even though he tried to reassure himself it was for the sake of his policework, it was mostly so he could check if any last-minute cancellations were made for his upcoming plans. But alas, as soon as he opened up his text messages to see his chats with Judy, his blush deepened while re-reading their earlier conversations:

'Are you on your way to the spa, Nick?~'



'You know, it's kinda creepy how much you're texting me about this...'

'Hey, I wanted to do something nice for your birthday! >:('

'You should be grateful I arranged all of this~'

'Well, it's still weird you insisted on THIS'

'Would you rather go back home without seeing her?~'



'That's what I thought >:3'


'Trust me, she's a pro with this sort of thing. :D'


'... Do I need to ask how you know that?'

'Stop asking questions.'

'She already knows you're coming, Nicky boy. So just go in and...'



'Let loose~'

'>:3 >:3 >:3'

"Ugh!" As soon as he saw that last cheeky text, Nick rolled his eyes and turned off his phone. While he knew he should've been grateful for his partner/friend's open mindedness, that didn't change how anxious he felt about agreeing to come here. Sure, he may have snooped through Judy's phone first, which prompted her to do the same with his own; and yeah, the sheer amount of fetishy content in his photo gallery could've amounted to decades worth of blackmail on her end. But even with her rock-solid assurances that his secrets would be kept safe, Nick wasn't too thrilled about complying with this outing she reserved for him. Not to mention, the longer he stood outside the doors in his robe, the more likely it would be that someone would see him and hear the faint crinkling noises beneath the plush fabric.

Nick glanced up at the clock on the wall, indicating that it was just about to reach noon. Part of him wanted to just enter the room a little early, just in case she was waiting inside for him to arrive. However, the fox felt far too hesitant as he closed his eyes, and took a calming breath to quell his nerves. His tail wagged about antsily beneath his wobe, which caused him to overhear the muffled, plasticy smacks against his waist. But in an attempt to keep himself still, Nick tucked his phone back in his pocket and muttered to himself, "Alright, alright. Just... Just keep yourself calm, okay? You already came this far, so... s-so just go with it..."

"Ah! You must be Nick~"

"GNGHH!!" The fox jolted up in surprise, not expecting to hear the deep accented voice just behind him. When Nick turned around, his eyes widened when he looked up at the massive elephant standing before him. His brows raised up in surprise, quickly recognizing her from when he and Judy worked on that Night-Howler case together; although, the elephant wasn't fully nude like before, and was wearing a thick bathrobe like himself. Since he couldn't exactly remember her name, Nick tried to keep a sheepish smile as he brought out his paw. "Uhhh... Heh heh heh... I-It's nice to see you, Missus..."

"Nangi." Unlike the last time they met, where she gave off a very cold and unamused demeanor during their investigation, the elephant had a warm smile on her face while shaking Nick's paw. "And the pleasure is likewise, Officer Wilde. Judy already paid for your session, and she informed me of your... situation~"

With the way she inflected that last word so sultrily, Nick's ears pulled down to the sides of his head. As his cheeks burned a deep shade of crimson, his eyes darted around worriedly. "Uhhh... W-What exactly did she tell you?"

Nangi's smile morphed into a more knowing smirk, and her eyes narrowed on Nick devilishly. "Well... Let's just say that she specifically wanted MY services to best suit your interests~"

Nick's eyes widened when he looked back up at her, quickly realizing how massive their size-difference really was. Even with the fluffy bathrobe covering her voluptuous form, Nangi looked like she could easily crush him without warning. But even with how notably she was smirking down at him, Nick was able to speak after gulping timidly. "Wh... What do you mean by that?"

Nangi's grin widened before she leaned down, and got up close to Nick's blushing face. "Do you really want to keep asking questions, or do you want to find out directly?~"

Once again, Nangi made sure to place quite a bit of suggestive emphasis with that last word. Nick may have looked nervous, but the elephant was able to see how badly his tail was trying to wag beneath his bathrobe. Of course, it was the underlying sounds of plastic smacks and crinkles that got Nangi's ears twitching upon notice. But instead of asking the fox the obvious, she remained right in front of his face in wait for his response.

"Uhhhh..." Given how badly the fox's muzzle was skewing nervously, it was hard to believe that he was the same Nick Wilde who helped save Zootopia less than a year ago. However, due to how insistently the elephant was staring him down with a strangely comforting smile, it didn't take long before Nick closed his eyes, and let out a feeble breath through his nostrils. As he hung his head down in embarrassment, he wasn't able to see Nangi's smirk when he finally answered, "Ummm... di... d-directly..."

"That's what I thought~" Since she was already looking rightfully satisfied, the elephant stood back upright before speaking down to the fox. "First, I need you to disrobe before we enter."

"W-WHAT?!" Nick gawked up at Nangi in shock, clearly not wanting to undress himself out in the open. Unfortunately, his outburst caused him to instantly cringe and look around in a panic. "Y... Y-You can't be serious."

"Indeed I am~" Nangi narrowed her eyes on the fox, but kept standing upright to emphasize how small he looked from her perspective. "Oh, come on," she said with a more teasing coo as she tilted her head with a smirk. "Does the widdle foxie need help from their Mommy?~"

"Nnnngh!!" Nick winced strongly, and glanced away from Nangi with his orange fur sticking up. If he was outside the spa and back in his regular clothes, he likely would've dismissed her baby-talk as immature bullying. But considering what he was wearing at that moment, all he could do was squirm badly enough to elicit more crinkles beneath his robe. "I... I don't wanna be... seen..."

"Well, I'm going to see you eventually," pointed out Nangi with a more matter-of-fact tone. "And the longer we stand out here in wait, the more likely someone else will come by and see for themselves~"

Nick looked back up at her with an even deeper blush, and was able to see how confidently Nangi was smiling from that remark. However, his eyes widened when he saw the elephant reach down to her own robe, and teasingly grabbed the front to indicate the same gesture. "If you do it first, I'll let you see mine. Up close~"

With the way she was grinning down at him, Nick couldn't help shuddering from how suggestively she worded that last detail. His sights went down to Nangi's plump, full-bodied hips that spread out further than his overall height. Even though he had a feeling she would be wearing the same attire as himself, he had to gulp in realization of her having it on right now. And after letting out a shivering breath, Nick peered up at Nangi's smile like a little kid needing approval from an adult.

"Well, Nicky?~" Nangi gripped the hems of her robe tighter, but stood in wait for his response. "Is the widdle baby gonna be a brave boy for Mommy?~"

Once again, Nangi's teasing baby-talk was enough to make him look away from her with a heated blush. But after looking up and down the hallway one last time, Nick sighed sharply while closing his eyes. His heart may have been racing anxiously, but Nangi's overbearing presence was somewhat comforting enough for him to finally disrobe. And with a single pull of the fabric, the fox stood completely exposed as he heard the plush fabric fall to the floor.

"Ooh!~" Nangi grinned to herself in amusement while staring at the diapered fox before her. Nick's face was burning with a heavy blush, but his worrisome expression was still as noticeable as the thick padding wrapped around his waist. With the robe off his body, the involuntary wags of Nick's tail were much more audible as it smacked against the plush plastic incessantly. Even though the diaper itself was currently clean, Nick still looked rightfully embarrassed when he heard Nangi say, "Such a cute widdle baby foxie!~"

Unlike Nick, the elephant didn't show a shred of shame in her smile when she disrobed herself. Nangi's thick, voluptuous hips were wrapped in a thick diaper that kept her legs notably spread apart; however, while Nick's diaper was a basic white garment, Nangi's was bright pink and covered with cutesy bunnies. Given her size, the diaper looked big enough to serve as a tent for somebody Judy's size. And judging by how quickly Nick's eyes widened to the size of frisbees, he was clearly taken aback by the sheer girth as well. "Ho... H-Holy..."

"Hmph~" Even while standing out in the open with nothing but a diaper on, Nangi huffed with a confident smirk on her face. Since the key to the doors was in the pocket of her robe, the elephant took her sweet time as she turned herself around, and bent over to retrieve it. Nick's muzzle went agape, and his knees wobbled in response to that massive diaper hovering less than a foot from his face. And just as she was about to lift herself back up, she made sure to glance back at Nick with a more upfront stare. "You ready to try some 'Big Boy' yoga, widdle baby?~"

Instead of reeling away from Nangi's baby-talk, Nick just shuddered while trying to close his legs as best as he could. Unfortunately, his thick diaper only made it look like he was already trying to squat in front of her. But even with how overwhelmed he appeared behind his deep blush, the fox exhaled hoarsely before giving a meager nod of his head.

"That's good to hear," cooed Nangi with an approving nod of her own. "Because I'm not going to hold back unless you tell me to~"

With that, the elephant got back up before going to unlock the door. Meanwhile, Nick was left frozen in place as he struggled not to groan too audibly to himself. His diaper may have been rather thick between his legs, but the padding wasn't enough to conceal the sizable bulge that was already beginning to protrude from the crotch. The fox winced when he snuck a glance down at his infantile garment, and tried to cover up his growing tent before Nangi could see. Unfortunately, all that did was make him look even more squeamish when she turned around at the open doorway. "Come on in, Nick," she said with a sweet tone of voice that contrasted with her hungry grin. "Let's see if we can get you relaxed~"

As the elephant waddled into the room, Nick followed in tow while trying to control his heavy breaths. Nangi made sure to lock the door behind them, which left Nick to look around the windowless room. The floors were lined with bamboo boards, while the walls all boasted colorful murals of serene landscapes to help ease the mind. There were also two yoga mats already laid out in the middle of the floor, with one much larger than the other. Nick noticed an incense holder nearby, although there was nothing lit to help conceal any incoming scents.

"Now then..." Nangi waddled up towards the larger mat, and kept Nick's attention as she slowly squatted down into a seated stance. The fox didn't say anything, and could only watch while trying to keep his muzzle tightly shut. When the elephant finally got herself in a full squatted stance, which elicited a brief groan, Nick shuddered greatly from the implied image shown before him. However, Nangi's position was only temporary as she looked back at Nick, and sat herself padding-first on the mat. "I have some poses that I'd like for us to try together for this session. They're simple enough for a beginner like yourself to follow, but I'll warn you. Many of them can be seen as... intimate~"

Nick was already aware of the elephant's suggestive behavior, and nodded his head before gulping audibly. Meanwhile, Nangi was already getting herself into position as she sat on her diapered rump, and bent her legs outward from the sides. Despite her plump build, the elephant's flexibility caused Nick's brows to flag up in surprise. Before he could even contemplate her physique, Nangi had both of her feet nestled up against her crotch so her lap was wide-open. "Now," began Nangi as she sat upright in her stance, and brought out her arms to maintain proper balance, "this is called the Bound Angle pose. It's meant to help relax the body and regulate the bloodstream."

She then motioned her head down towards her large, poofy padded lap for Nick to see. "It's alright, widdle Nicky. Come and sit on Mommy's lap~"

Nick was already feeling nervous while standing in nothing but a diaper, even with nobody else around to see him. But after hearing Nangi's directive, the fox had to pause long enough to take a deep breath. However, his tail continued to wag about antsily as he waddled over to the elephant with a blush. As he turned himself around to sit down, he closed his eyes with an embarrassed wince upon hearing his diaper crinkling loudly. Fortunately, Nangi helped to alleviate Nick's worries by wrapping her arms around his waist, and pulling him in securely.

The moment Nick sat himself down, his ears twitched from their diapers meeting to make a large, poofy crinkle between them. Due to how thick their paddings were, Nick was pleased by how comfortable it felt to sit atop her waist. It was almost like sitting in a plush armchair, with the arms themselves giving him a caring hug from behind. As soon as the fox was able to position himself on her lap, mimicking the Bound Angle pose as she was, he shivered with a soft sigh as he tried to settle in her embrace.

"That's a goooooood baby..." Nangi kept a warm smile on her face as she pulled her arms away, and replaced her grip with the aid of her thick elephant trunk. Nick gasped weakly as he felt that appendage rubbing down his bare chest, not expecting for the tip to prod the crotch of his diaper. Due to the surprising comfort of his "seat," combined with the titillating taboo of being diapered with somebody else for a change, his member had already gotten fully erect within his padding. Because of that, the fox couldn't keep a weak moan from stammering out when he felt Nangi's truck rubbing against his tent. "Daaaawwww~" Nangi chuckled with a sweet-sounding coo as she teased the bulge of Nick's diaper. "Such a cute widdle baby you are, Nicky Nick. Even with your naughty widdle wee-wee sticking up like that~"

Nick's eyes went half-lidded while shuddering strongly in the instructor's embrace. He tried his best to keep his legs spread open to mimic Nangi's pose, but his nerves were continuously tingling from the tantalizing embrace of her trunk. Despite how unique her appendage may have looked, Nangi's trunk proved to be quite dexterous as she teasingly rubbed against the outside of Nick's diaper. During her titillating rub-down, she kept baby-talking Nick to get his cock even harder within the garment.

"Mmmmm... You weally are a cute widdle baby foxie, Nicky... You wike having your wee-wee rubbed by Mommy?~"

"Nnnnghh!" Nick shivered with a more audible moan, and leaned back against Nangi's bare chest while feeling himself throbbing against her trunk. Even though she wasn't technically touching his cock, he wasn't sure how long he could last before her sensual rubbing set him off. The cushy confines of his diaper, as well as her coddling demeanor, were hitting every button that Nick guiltily wanted to be pushed. And without even realizing it, Nick's muzzle opened up to give a muttering response. "Y... Y-Yes, Mama..."

"What was that?~" asked Nangi, her smirk growing more lustful as she rubbed the tent of his diaper even harder in response. "Come on, big baby. Tell your Mommy what you want~"

"Aaaahhh!~" Nick's back arched up, and he let out a heavy moan as he reeled in shameful pleasure. "I... I-I-I wanna... I wanna be with a... a b-big Mommy..."

Nick tried his hardest not to cringe when he heard himself say such an embarrassing thing out-loud. If Judy was present with her recording pen, it was doubtful she would ever let him live down such a statement. Fortunately for the fox, the only response he heard was a comforting coo from the elephant behind him. "Oh, that's a good widdle baby boy," said Nangi pridefully, before rewarding the brave foxie by rubbing his tent even harder. As Nick reeled more profusely atop her lap, she could feel how badly he was throbbing through all that thick padding. "Does Nicky need to use his diapee yet? I think you do~"

"Nnnnghhh!!~" Even though his cheeks blushed more notably, he tried his hardest not to instantly respond to her teasing remark. However, the fox was able to take a couple heated breaths before replying, "I-I... I don't... I don't n-need to right now, Mommy..."

As soon as he made that embarrassing admission, Nick gasped when he felt her trunk pulling away from his twitching tent. "Well, that's okay," said Nangi reassuredly as she smiled down at her foxie. "Just be sure to Mommy when you need to go poopie, alright? I don't want you making any accidents on the floor~"

Nick lurched down with an even deeper groan, unable to look up and see the elephant's taunting grin. He may have looked rightfully humiliated, but the strong twitches from his tent indicated how much he was loving her baby-talk. Of course, before he could try to recompose himself on her lap, Nick's fur stood on end when he felt Nangi's hot breath brush up against his ear. "Besides," she added in a sensual whisper while leaning down beside his head. "I might need to get up myself, if you catch my drift~"

His head reeled back up sharply with a gasp, while his eyes grew as wide as frisbees. When he turned his head to gawk up at the smirking elephant, the color of his fur was nearly camouflaged by his pronounced blush. "You... Y-You mean..."

Nangi's smile remained just as warn as it was sensual, and she gave him a firm nod of her head. "That's right, Nicky. Why do you think I'm wearing this diaper for?~"

His face was frozen in an awe-stricken expression, while his body shuddered badly in anticipation. Before he could ask anything else, Nangi looked into the fox's eyes and asked, "So with that being said... Would you like to stay in the room if anything happens?~"

Even though his mind was growing a blank in his overwhelmed state, Nick could feel his head nodding almost instantly in response.

"Good," purred Nangi while narrowing her eyes on him devilishly. "And do you need any incense? I already warned Judy that I can be rather... musky~"

Nick let out another hard quiver from how lustfully she inflected that last word. However, he could feel his head immediately giving a hard shake.

"Then it's settled~" Nangi wrapped her arms around Nick's torso once more, and pulled him off her lap so he could stand on the floor. The fox's knees couldn't stop wobbling as he stood upright, mostly due to his cock throbbing intensely in his bulging diaper. Even though he was close to cumming from Nangi's trunk-work, he had to clench his eyes shut while desperately trying to maintain his resolve. Meanwhile, the large elephant effortlessly pulled herself up so she could stand atop her mat once more. "For my next pose, I need you to try something different from myself. Are you aware of how to do an... Upward Facing Dog?~"

Nick's brows perked up in surprise, and he looked back at the elephant as she stood over him with a waiting grin. Even though he was a novice when it came to yoga, he made sure to watch a few instructional videos online prior to this session. Because of that, the fox was able to nod his head honestly, albeit sheepishly in response. And as he waddled back to his own mat, he took a couple calming breaths before getting himself in position.

"Nnnnghhh..." Since the Downward Facing Dog required him to lay against his crotch, the fox couldn't help groaning the moment his tenting diaper pressed down on his mat. He tried to keep his legs straight as a board while stretching himself out, but Nangi was able to see how badly his toes were curling in titillation. Fortunately for Nick, he was able to get into the proper stance as he pressed his claws against the ground, and made his arms straight to stretch his back upward. He may have been blushing deeply from the position he was in, but he managed to pull his head up so he was laying diaper-down against the floor. "Is... I-Is this good?"

"Awwww, that such a good job~" cooed Nangi, her tone of voice remaining comforting and maternal for Nick's sake. "Now just stay right there, while Mommy gets herself into a Chair pose~"

Nick's face lit up, but he wasn't able to say anything before the elephant's massive diaper filled his line of vision. Without any strain or discomfort, the voluptuous elephant bent her knees down so she was in a squatted stance. While her arms hung out in front of her to maintain balance, her padded backside ended up pressing hard against Nick's face. But aside from a muffled groan protruding through her diaper, Nick didn't show any signs of concern while remaining in his Upward Facing Dog; although, his body could be seen trembling in anticipation while his muzzle was buried in Nangi's padding.

"Mnnnnghhhh..." Nangi closed her eyes with a slow, practiced breath that she let linger out for several seconds. "That's right," she cooed sweetly above Nick's waiting stance. "Just take a deep breath, and... relax..."


"Aaaaaahhhhhh~" As soon as Nick heard that all-too familiar sound of hissing right against his face, Nangi sighed in comfort as she relaxed her bladder and let loose. The elephant's Chair Pose remained as steady as a rock, even as she began to piss into her diaper without apprehension. The loud hissing caused Nick's body to convulse strongly beneath her, and he let out a deeper moan that was muffled through her padding. However, as the bottom of Nangi's diaper began to swell out, and the pink padding started to grow a deeper shade around her crotch, the stench of her hot, musky piss caused Nick to groan sharply in response.

"Mnnnnghhhh!!~" Since his face was buried snout-first into Nangi's diaper, he was able to smell her urine right from the source as the padding swelled around his face. The more Nangi emptied her bladder for the diaper to soak up, the more that material grew warmer and contoured around the fox's muzzle. For most animals Nick's size, the sheer amount of her piss would've been intense enough to make them reel back and cough from the thick, acrid aroma. But despite how concentrated her diaper was beginning to smell, almost like huffing a rag soaked in ammonia, Nick could be heard moaning between deep, heavy breaths as he began to inhale.






Even though Nick's arms were wobbling from the strain of his body weight, which was bearing down primarily on his palms, it was his erection that was making him groan so needily. Despite the cushy padding between himself and the mat below, his cock was straining hard within his diaper with every hungry breath he sucked in. The rich, musky scent of Nangi's piss was driving him wild, and his eyes rolled back blissfully from the impulsive state he was in. But even when his hips tried to grind against the floor, clearly trying to hump himself to fruition, the poor fox was left in an endlessly titillated state and left unable to cum in his diaper.

"Mmmmmm..." By the time Nangi was finished wetting herself, which caused her diaper to swell out to an obscene degree and hang several inches closer to the floor, she shivered in satisfaction before glancing back at Nick. "Ooh, look at the naughty baby," she said with a mischievous smirk. "Is Nicky enjoying himself back there?~"

"Nnnnnnfffffff..." Even with his face deeply buried against her piss-soaked padding, Nick was able to nod his head fervently. "Mmmhmm!~"

"Good~" Just as Nick was about to prepare for the inevitable, he was surprised to feel Nangi pulling away from his face. The elephant groaned a little as she got back on her feet, her legs notably widened to make up for the added gait between them. But even with the front of her padding damp and reeking of piss, she didn't seem bothered in the slightest when she turned around to face Nick. "So, widdle baby... Do you think you can go wee-wee in your diapee too?~"

Nick was already blushing hard after that lengthy piss-huffing session, but his muzzle skewed in uncertainty when he looked away from her. "Uhhhh... W-Well, technically I--"

"Ah, ah, ahhhh~" Nangi was quick to interrupt his answer with a chiding wave of her finger. "While you're in that diaper, I expect you to talk like the baby you are."

The fox winced from that additional detail, but didn't try to dismiss it while she was standing before him. As his eyes lingered on her swollen padding, he shivered a little before rewording his answer. "Uhhh... I-I... I'm wee-wee shy, Mommy... I'm sowwy."

"Awwww!~" Even with that disappointing answer, Nangi was still happy about his infantile wording nonetheless. "Oh, that's certainly alright, widdle Nicky. Besides, I think I know how I can help~"

Since Nick was back in a seated position on his yoga mat, Nangi was quick to hunch down to his level and crawl up to him. As the fox blushed heavily from her close proximity, he showed no resistance when she carefully guided him onto his back. When he was fully laid out underneath the sultry elephant, it looked like Nick was already anticipating a diaper change. But since he was still currently clean, Nangi instead helped pull back the waistband so his knotted cock could spring out like a Jack-In-A-Box.

"Nnnghh!~" Nick squirmed a bit from his unexpected exposure, which caused his diaper to crinkle loudly between his legs. But as Nangi hovered in with a hungry grin, the only response he gave was a nervous gulp.

"How about this..." She moved down towards his padded crotch, until her face was mere inches from his twitching member. "Can the widdle baby go wee-wee if Mommy helped?~"

His eyes instantly bulged open, not expecting for her to offer such a dirty alternative to him wetting himself. But as the elephant licked her lips readily, Nick couldn't keep himself from shuddering hard beneath her. He wasn't able to give an audible response, but he nodded his head while his muzzle was clenched shut.

Nangi didn't say anything either, and just smirked with a nod of her own. She then opened her mouth wide, and bent in to wrap her lips around the fox's throbbing shaft.

"GNNNGHHHH!!!~" His back arched up from the floor like he was undergoing an exorcism. His teeth gritted tightly, but it did nothing to hold back the hungry moan that erupted from his muzzle. Nangi may have been a big girl, but her lips felt surprisingly soft and alluring as she gave his length a sensual suckle. Since he was already rock-hard, Nick could feel himself throbbing painfully hard inside of the elephant's mouth. But after seeing how eagerly she was willing to piss herself in front of him, the last thing Nick wanted was to shoot his load before she could do anything more.

"Mmmmmm..." Nangi had her eyes blissfully shut while sucking on Nick's thick, veiny cock with vigor. Her tongue made sure to swirl around the fox's pointed cockhead, titillating him to the point of gripping the sides of his yoga mat with his claws. Of course, she also made sure to go at a slow and teasing pace, ensuring that he can be relaxed enough to follow her request. Fortunately, after about a minute of sensual cocksucking, the elephant reopened her eyes to shoot Nick a deep and insistent stare.

The fox only needed one glance down at his crotch before moaning loudly, unable to avoid that hungry look Nangi was giving him. Even though he was too nervous about peeing in his diaper, that stare compelled Nick to close his eyes to try and control his breathing. The tantalizing suckles she was giving his cock kept him reeling on the yoga mat, but it didn't make him too tense to relax his bladder. Although, even with his body determined to do the deed, it took several deep breaths before he could blush heavily, and let out an unwavering sigh of relief. "Aaaaahhhhhhhh..."

Nick had no idea how he was able to pee so effortlessly with someone else present, let alone in their mouth while sucking him off. But much to Nangi's delight (as well as Nick's swelling bladder), he was able to let loose as a strong torrent of piss quickly filled the elephant's mouth. Even with how relieving it may have felt, Nick's muzzle couldn't help grimacing as he tried to adjust to the feeling of Nangi's lips wrapped snug around his cock. Meanwhile, Nangi had her eyes blissfully closed as she continued to suck the fox off, while also swallowing his load with deep, audible gulps.

Glk... Glk... Glk... Glk...

"H-H-Hoooolllllly fuck..." Nick's toes were curling in tightly, and he was reeling in intense pleasure while unloading his bladder. He could feel every hard suckle from Nangi as he pissed into her mouth, almost as if she was trying to suck out every drop to guzzle down. By the time he was finally finished, and the last of his musky load went down her gullet, Nangi continued to suck him while he throbbed even harder between her lips. He was already panting rapidly from the overwhelming sensations coursing through his system; but as he felt himself about ro release, he gripped the sides of his yoga mat as tightly as he could while squirming beneath her. "Nnnghhh!! Nnnnghhhh!!! NNNAAAAHHHH!!!~"

"Mmmphhh!!~" Nangi was already savoring the moment while tasting Nick's piss lingering on her tongue, as well as feeling the warmth sloshing around her stomach. But when she was able to feel how badly his shaft was pulsating, and his cockhead spurting more precum to the back of her tongue, her lips coiled around the base tightly to deep-throat the fox. The additional pressure proved to be too much for Nick, as he reeled his hips upward to buckle against Nangi's chin. And even after swallowing every drop of his piss, Nangi shivered elatedly when she felt him unload something else into her mouth.

"AAAAHHHH!!~" Thick, heavy ropes of Nick's cum shot to the back of Nangi's throat, only for her to instantly swallow it down without question. She kept sucking him dry while guzzling down his load, which proved to be intense enough to make his fur stand on end like a petrified housecat. Even though he felt like he was standing on pins and needles, the foxie continued to moan out heavily as the orgasm swept through him like a tidal wave. After what felt like an eternity of euphoric pleasure, Nick eventually slumped back with a long, shaky sigh of elation. "Mnnnnnnnfffffff~"

"Hmph~" Nangi slowly pulled her lips off of Nick's cock, which remained rock-hard while twitching atop his bare waist. After wiping her lips with her forearm, the elephant carefully tucked his member back within the comforting confines of his diaper. "There you go, widdle wee-wee," she said teasingly to the fox's knotted cock. "Time to put you back in your diapee where you belong~"

Nick shuddered from her cooing tone, but wasn't able to pull himself up after that soul-sucking orgasm. Nangi didn't get up either, and instead peered down at him with a curious smirk. Since her diaper was still notably swollen and reeking of piss, she waited a moment for Nick to settle down before asking him an important question. "So, widdle baby... Do you still want anything special from Mommy?~"

"Hmmm?" Nick's eyes reopened groggily, only to leave him blushing the moment he saw her looming grin down on him. "Uh! Wh... W-What do you... m-mean?"

Even though he should've known that answer already, his mind was temporarily blank following his climax. However, his eyes were quick to widen in realization the moment Nangi pulled herself up, and repositioned her body in a sixty-nine stance above the fox. He wasn't able to say a word more before her thick, piss-soaked diaper was hovering mere inches above his face. Meanwhile, Nangi was still on all-fours while getting herself in a squatting stance. "Nnnnffff... I think you know what I mean, Nicky~"

For most creatures, the realization of what was happening would've left them running for the hills; but for Nick, who refused to blink while gawking up at Nangi's massive swollen padding, the only response he gave was a weak moan as he squirmed underneath her. Even after just cumming, the fox's cock was throbbing badly while leaving a notable tent in his diaper. And just as he was about to say something, his ears twitched when he heard the deep, rumbling groan that came from Nangi's gut.

"Mmph~" The elephant reached down to clutch her stomach for a moment, and exhaled sharply from the building pressure. "You better tell me what you want from Mommy," she cooed with a slightly strained groan. "I... I don't know how much longer I can hold it~"

Given how big Nangi was in comparison to himself, Nick could only imagine how badly she could test the confines of her diaper. The padding may have been massive, but Nick could tell from her grumbling stomach that she needed to go. BAD.

"Aaaahhhh!!~" Nick couldn't control himself while laying in a blissfully orgasmic state, with every breath forcing him to suck in deep breaths of her musky piss. Despite knowing how severely things could go, the fox moaned out like a little baby, "Aaaaahhh~ P... P-Please, Mommy! I... I-I want you to... t-to go..."

"Nnfff~" Nangi's knees began to buckle in her squatted stance, but she looked back at him with a confident smirk nonetheless. "To go what, baby boy? Mommy wants you to beg for it~"

"Aaahhh!!~" Nick clutched his eyes shut, and reeled badly beneath her before complying. "P-PLEASE, MOMMY! I... I want you to... t-t-to go poopie! Please go poopy, Mommy! I want it! Please go poopy, Mommy! PLEASE!!"

Nangi couldn't help chucking in delight, happy to see one of Zooptopia's heroes groveling beneath her like a little baby bitch. Without hesitance, the elephant gave a pert nod before stating, "That's a good boy~ NNNGHHHHH!!!"

Nangi clenched her eyes shut, and quickly began to push while groaning through gritted teeth. As she commenced with Nick's dire plea, the fox moaned out upon seeing her backside squatting down closer to his face. Even though the yellowed padding didn't press down against his muzzle just yet, the backside of her garment quickly bulged out just underneath her flickering tail. And just as he heard the muffled rumbling of her mess spilling out, the lumpy backside of her padding hung down low enough to make contact with his snout. "MMMMHHHHH!!!~"

"Aaaaaahhhh!!!" Nangi's head reeled back while moaning out in relief, clearly holding in that load for a good while before Nick showed up. Because of that, her heavy goans continued as she pushed out more of her thick, sloppy filth into her padding. The back of her diaper swelled out beyond comprehension, with the cutesy bunnies soon disappearing from the heavy shade of brown that soaked through the plastic. By the time most of her backside had morphed to a large, lumpy mass of brown, it had ballooned out large enough to completely swell around the girth of Nick's waiting muzzle.

"NNNNFFFFFF!!!~" The diapered fox was left completely suffocated under the heavy mass of Nangi's diaper, forcing him to suck in deep breaths of her filthy load as it draped down heavily over his snout. It was downright shocking that the fox didn't immediately pass out from the sheer stench of her messing, let alone from the weight as it bore down on his muzzle and left him unable to breathe fresh air. But even as the lumpy padding continued to swell out and cover more of his face, Nick was writhing in shameful pleasure while throbbing hard in his clean diaper. It was unclear whether or not he could cum a second time in his padding, mostly due to how soon it had been since his previous orgasm. But even as Nangi finished her lengthy messing, which left the back of her diaper nearly twice its original size, the bulging plastic wasn't enough to deter her from keeping him hard.

"Nnnnghhh... You like that, baby?~" Nangi may have been shivering with a heavy blush following her hefty unloading, but she was still grinning while squatting down lower. She took her time as she grinded her soiled padding against Nick's muzzle, leaving him reeling as he moaned out muffledly below her. Even as the raunchy stench wafted about in the cramped confines of their room, Nangi didn't seem the least bit deterred while squishing her mess hard against his face. Instead, her smirk actually widened when she saw how much his tent was twitching through the bulge of his diaper. "Yeaaaahhhh... You think you can make poopie too? Mommy would be really happy if you did~"

"Nnnnghhhh!!~" Nick couldn't exactly speak while her heavy load was covering his face, leaving him light-headed from the lack of oxygen in his system. Nevertheless, his nostrils still tried to flare out while moaning between guiltily deep breaths. His member was spasming wildly within the confines of his padding, while his legs kept writhing from the sheer tantalizing pleasure of such a taboo experience. And even with his inability to speak, the fox tried to nod his head as clearly as he could for her to feel from up above. "Mmhmm!!~"

"Hmmmmm..." Nangi continued to grind herself against his face, and glanced down at his diaper for a moment in contemplation. Even with how eagerly Nick tried to respond through her messy padding, she was hesitant to believe him after learning of his pee-shyness. However, when Nick's legs started to contort more notably in front of her line of vision, Nangi eventually pulled herself up so he could breathe. As the fox gasped loudly with his eyes bulging open, the underside of Nangi's diaper had a large section caved-in from when Nick's muzzle was encased within her lumpy load. Of course, as soon as she managed to get back on her feet, that mass quickly reshaped from her getting back in an upright stance. "Mmmmffff... Hopefully it won't leak like last time..."

Nick's brows flagged up, and his blush deepened as he looked up at her messy form. Nangi tried not to move too much while standing upright, as the backside of her diaper was bulging severely from the massive amount that was testing its limits. The fox couldn't help shuddering with a moan from the sight, which left most of the back swollen out and stained a deep shade of brown. He looked like he wanted to ask something, but his muzzle clamped shut before he could get the courage to do so. Not to mention, it didn't take long before he looked up and saw the insistent stare Nangi was shooting down at him. "You better do it, Nicky~"

Nick shuddered once more, but closed his eyes before nodding in understanding. As he tried to pull himself back up, he remained seated before turning over on his claws and knees. Instead of standing up to get into a squat, the fox decided to remain on all fours with his legs spread wide apart. Meanwhile, Nangi was standing right behind him with a satisfied grin, and her eyes pinned on his red tail beginning to flag upward. "That's right, widdle baby," she cooed in support, "show Mommy how big of a poopie you can make~"

"Nnnfff~" Nick reached down with a claw to grasp at his diaper's tent, needily rubbing himself while throbbing through the padding. He wasn't able to cum, since each pulsation sent sight jabs of pain due to how recently he orgasmed earlier. But alas, the fox kept groping his erection as he pulled his tail up even higher, and clenched his eyes shut. He may have had issues peeing earlier, but his arousal and lightheadedness prompted him to ignore his apprehensions as he started to push. "Mmmmnnnghhh!!"

"Don't overexert yourself," stated Nangi with a more professional tone. "Just take deep breaths, and try to relax~"

Nick secretly preferred her baby-talk, but he couldn't blame her for acting as a proper instructor for this last part of their session. Following her advice, the fox tried to relax himself by taking several slow, practiced breaths. His legs could soon be seen wobbling, and his toes clenched in as he felt a distinct pressure in his gut. And much like Nangi had displayed earlier, it didn't take long before his natural impulses took over. "NNNGHHHH!!!"

The fox pushed hard, and was immediately rewarded with a thick bulge that protruded from underneath his wagging tail. Unlike Nangi's diaper, it was obvious that Nick's padding could handle the load as he pushed out as much as he could. The thick, sloppy mess soon turned into a mudslide, as the thick bulge grew larger and more pronounced down his backside. And since the padding was a simple white, Nangi smiled with an approving nod when she saw the material slowly morph into a deep brown.

"That's a good widdle baby!" she cooed sweetly, leaning in to give a supportive pat to Nick's lumpy load. The messing continued as he groaned in response, and more of his filth pushed out the diaper to a larger degree. Even though he was clearly holding a lot, Nangi didn't seem too worried about him bursting his diaper. Because of that, she made sure to continue patting him on the back in support. "Therrrrrre you go... That's a good poopie~"

"Aaaaahhhhh..." After a long and deeply relieved sigh, Nick slumped down on the ground with his padded ass sticking up. The thick bulge of his messy diaper was on full display for Nangi to see, with the underside beneath his tail sporting a rich brown in contrast to the white on the front. The elephant smirked as she gave his padding a couple hard smacks, causing Nick to groan in response to the audible squishes it made. Feeling properly emptied-out, Nick's eyes rolled back in ecstasy as he basked in the afterglow of such a raunchy session. "Mnnnghhh... Re... R-Remind me to thank Carrots for setting this up."

"I'll be sure to text her that myself," she said with a satisfied tilt of her head. "So, do you need any help getting changed? Or would you rather keep wearing that like a naughty widdle baby?~"

Nick's eyes reopened, but he remained frozen on the ground while processing her question. As his cheeks started to regrow its blush, he eventually looked back at the elephant smiling down at him so warmly. "I will say though," she made sure to add more insistently, "I can easily have a bath drawn for both of us~"

Since Nick was rightfully wiped-out following their "yoga exercises," it didn't take long before he nodded up at her with a kindly smile. "You know what?" he said with a small shrug of his shoulders. "I think that's definitely needed right now~

A Centaur's Payment

"HUUUHHHHHH!!!" With a sudden and profound gasp, his head lurched up quickly enough to nearly strike the post perched above him. He tried to open his eyes, but was immediately blinded by the sunlight that caused him to wince painfully. He almost...

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Pierced Pleasure - Chapter Two

By the time the sun had completely set, and the night's sky was fully dark to reveal the bright stars above, Marzo's tattoo shop remained closed with a sign hanging over the front doors. Fortunately, even with the neon displays brightly lit over the...

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Gideon: The Luckiest Unlucky Fox

"Hmmmm..." Even though the light was fairly limited from the flickering porch lamp, the bunny was able to read the newspaper text well enough to smirk to herself. Her eyes veered up from the clipping pinched in her paws, scanning across the massive...

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