Connie the Hormone Monstress vs. El Orgazmo

Story by Troius Clawston on SoFurry

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Late one night, Connie the Hormone Monstress finds herself alone in a peculiar setting dreamt by one of her clients. It seems that Jessi had discovered a sex shop in town, which left an impact large enough to provide a detailed recreation of the store. However, since Jessi herself wasn't anywhere present, Connie was left alone with all of the teenager's memories. Most of the toys and movies were fake, but there was one particular item that caught the monstress' full attention: An oversized, and vastly-detailed dildo that was making waves on the Internet nicknamed El Orgazmo.

Sure, it wasn't realistic by any means, but Connie wasn't going to let such a lovely toy go to waste~

"Hmmmm... Now what do we have here?~"

Just outside the giant windows of a storefront, a very unique creature was standing by herself beneath the night sky. Even though the nearby road provided some much-needed illumination through its streetlamps, the bipedal being was given more than enough of a comforting glow from the moonlight against her yellow form. The thick patches of brown fur along her torso and limbs helped to give her a more voluptuous, pear-shaped figure; and even with the thick horns protruding from her head, as well as her large ears and boar-shaped nostrils, the being appeared strangely titillating for any passers-by. Of course, considering how vacant the area seemed to be, it was doubtful that she was too worried about freaking anybody out.

"Hmmm..." After a contemplative hum, one of her claws reached out to test the handle of the storefront's door. Much to her surprise, the store appeared to be open despite its vacancy. The yellow monster walked in with a smirk across her plump, fandango-hued lips. Her blue eyes scanned across the store's interior, and a giddy shiver crept up her spine to leave her brown fur standing on end. "My goodness," she purred in a deep, lustful tone ripe with intrigue. "Now, which one of my girls decided to dream about this place?~"

Even though she hadn't walked into this shop in the real world, the monster knew exactly where she was. On the other side of town, far away from the middle school or any "Safe-For-Work" businesses, there happened to bee an adult novelties shop named "Patty's Passions"; none of the kids at school really knew much about it, but it was rumored that it used to be a weird place called a "Block-Buster". But to anyone whose parents drove past this section of town, the store's distinct pink front and obvious merchandise were guaranteed to leave a lasting impression to any developing minds.

"Okay, let's see which one brought Connie out here..." The monstress walked past the front counter, which was just as empty as the rest of the store. Sure, there were rows upon rows of pornographic Blu-Ray cases lined across the walls with dozens of kinky images; but since this was clearly within the dreamscape of a middle-schooler, Connie immediately recognized most of them as thumbnails from various PornHub or XTube links. And from a single glance across one of the walls of porn, the monstress was able to narrow down her list of clients a little. "Hmmm... Well, most of these have guys and not anime girls, so I don't think it's Nick..."

Connie turned her head to examine the shop's front, but her eyes widened when she saw nothing but walls of white. Even though the store looked surprisingly life-like from the outside, she only needed to step a few feet inside before realizing it was mostly a facade. When she glanced over at her sides, most of the aisles and racks of merchandise were nothing more than cardboard cutouts to give the appearance of a sex shop. Connie didn't seem too surprised by such a reveal, but she still shook her head with a disappointed huff. "Damn... and here I was thinking one of those girls actually snuck inside of this place..."

Even with the actual setting being an imitation, Connie was impressed by how vividly-detailed it appeared from her earlier perspective. She could only imagine that Jessi or Missy had walked past this shop by themselves (most likely without any parents present), and got enough of an eyeful to remember a good portion of it. Gina's family never ventured to this side of town, so it was doubtful that she was one dreaming of this place. Missy was a long shot too, but Connie recalled that time her parents took a wrong turn off the interstate and went past here as a detour; she may have been given a book as a distraction by her Mom, but there ain't no way she was more focused on Judy fucking Bloom than this sight.

"Oh, what do we have here?" Connie took notice of a distinct shelf by the register, which was full of adult novels she recognized from the local grocery store. Among the various corny titles with vaguely "naughty" cover pages, which mostly consisted of shirtless men or handcuffs with a velvet backdrop, one of the larger books caught Connie's interest. It was a dark blue hardcover with a woman on the front shrouded in sheets from the chest down, and the title underneath reading, 'The Red-Headed Sultress'. Connie smiled warmly at that detailed book, and shrugged with a confident expression. "Yep, this is Jessi's dream alright..."

Connie took a moment to look around the storefront, unsure of where her client could have actually been. Even though she could tell that Jessi was asleep, it seemed that she was in a completely different dream setting away from the monstress. Usually when she ventured into one of her clients' dreamscapes, Connie would immediately try to find them to provide assistance or advice. But as the monstress stood by herself in the partially-finished store, she wasn't piqued by any senses from Jessi's hormones to indicate she was in need. Connie could only assume that her client had begun to think of this setting, but drifted off to sleep to have a more "wholesome" dream. In other words, her services weren't needed for the teenager tonight.

"Damn, girl..." Despite how fruitless it was to remain in this part of Jessi's subconscious, Connie continued to peruse the store and see what was lurking in her head. "I knew you didn't have the parental blocks set up, but I didn't think you'd take advantage of that so well! Such an adventurous young woman..."

Connie grinned proudly when she saw the array of items on display in the store's 'BDSM' section, which was just a rack full of bondage gear and sex toys. Even though Jessi was obviously too young to indulge in any of these things in real life, the monstress was glad that she was learning them safely online. Considering how limited those sources used to be before the Internet, Connie was mostly grateful this store wasn't composed of items from old Victoria's Secret catalogues or HBO sex documentaries. Not to mention, she could tell how insignificant that section was in Jessi's subconscious from how small and out-of-the-way the shelf was located.

"Damn, you sure have a thing for blonde dudes, huh?" Connie examined some of those Blu-Ray shelves more closely. Most of them looked to have the same actors on the front covers, most-likely from Jessi exploring certain websites in private while her parents were out. Connie would've preferred more variety, but she was understanding enough to merely shrug her fuzzy shoulders. "Well, at least they're of legal age... and real people... and human..."

After rounding another cutout of an aisle, Connie found herself in a section with many more toys on display. Her face lit up at the sheer variety of dildos and plugs of various sizes and colors, looking like an array of candies lined up on the shelf. "Ooh, now that's what I'm talking about!~"

Connie whistled with an impressed smirk, and was able to recognize most of the dildos from Jessi's incognito search history. Everything from basic "massage wands'' to girthy monster cocks (both in size and literal creature) were present and accounted for, right in front of the shop's display window. If Jessi was here to explain herself, Connie would've recommended a Hitachi Wand to add to the shop's layout as well. Her blue eyes dazzled with pride as she inspected the inventory her client thought up all by herself. "My goodness you're a horny gal! If I hadn't have known better, I would've guessed that you were--NNNGHHH!!"

The monstress reeled back in disgust the instant she saw one particular item laying on the ground beside all those pretty dildos: A single cucumber wrapped in a condom.

"Ewwww!" Connie reached down, and grimaced when she pinched the bottom rim of the condom in two digits. She had her claw fully extended out as she walked towards a trashcan, wincing like she was holding a dead mouse. "Well, that explains her search history. Gross..."

Connie tossed out the ruined vegetable, and shuddered before reaching for a bottle of hand sanitizer on the front desk. She may have been grateful Jessi used a condom, but she didn't want to ask how long that was lying there in her mind. Fortunately, the monstress could look past that slight discomfort with a deep breath, and a calming sigh. She turned back towards the rack of toys while muttering under her breath, "I really need to talk with her about saferrrrrrrrrrRRROH MY GOD!!!"

Connie's jaw went agape, and her eyes nearly bulged out of her skull when she saw what was nestled at the very corner of the store. Just beside the display window, there happened to be a particular item that wouldn't have been seen from the outside. She almost didn't realize what it was at first, since it was large enough to be mistaken for a display case of some kind. But as soon as she took notice of the phallic shape, as well as how vividly-detailed it was alongside all the blank scenery, it was obvious that she found something special lurking in Jessi's mind. "OooooOOOOOOoooohhh!~"

The monstress walked up towards the item, which was far too large to be stacked on the shelf alongside all the others. In fact, it looked to be slightly taller than Connie herself. Every inch of its girthy silicone structure was glistening under the fluorescent lights, making it shimmer like a brand new toy on Black Friday. Thick lines could be seen traveling down the side of its smooth length, clearly resembling veins that would be on a real phallus. And with the entirety of the toy carrying a bright, candy-red color from the tip down to its base, Connie couldn't help licking her lips sensually. "Mmmmm... Okay, this is unexpected~"

The monstress took a moment to marvel at the gigantic rod of rubber standing triumphantly before her. She was absolutely certain that the actual item was much smaller in real life; but since it was obvious Jessi only saw some pics of it online, she didn't have much of a reference for what "big" could mean. Given how thick it looked to be, Connie was sure that several of her current clients could fit inside of that thing if it was hollow enough. Of course, she was sure that the toy was just as thick on the inside as it appeared on the outside.

"Hmmmm... I think I know exactly what this is..." Connie reached out with a claw, and let out a shuddering purr as she slid her digits up the length of that smooth silicone. She may have not had the most experience with online trends, but it was hard to forget a dildo as distinct as the one in front of her. Part of her wanted to be shocked that Jessi even saw pictures of it to remember this vividly; but given how quickly things can be shared online, it could've easily been a meme image passed around or something. Nevertheless, Connie grew a devious gleam in her eyes when she peered up at the toy's pointed tip. "Why hello there... El Orgazmo~"

Despite how exaggerated the size may have been in Jessi's head, Connie couldn't have cared less when she saw how massive it was. In reality, El Orgazmo was a specially-made dildo meant to mimic the appearance of a notorious Mexican Luchador; it went by several other names across social media, which included gems like 'El Chupacabra', 'The Mexican Worm', 'The Cunt Punter', and 'Chief Pokalotapuss'. But whatever humorous or culturally-insensitive name it carried, all that Connie saw was a very big toy, and a very rare opportunity to get some private time with it.

"My goodness... Where on Earth did Jessi learn about you?~" Connie knew that this inanimate object couldn't respond to her question, especially while they were nestled in a deep recess of the young woman's mind. But regardless, Connie still slid her claw down the length of that fat dildo with a grin that mimicked a fat girl who discovered a Lolli Pops shop at the mall. Her blue eyes remained peered up at the plump, pointed head that was perched at the top of the toy's veiny base, both intimidating and luring the monstress at the same time. Sure, such a dildo would've been absolutely absurd to contemplate playing with in real life, unless it was in the setting of some horror or snuff film; but since reality wasn't necessarily a necessary component in a teenager's developing mind, Connie knew of a unique opportunity when she saw it.

"Hmmmm... you know what?" Since she wasn't receiving any warning feelings from Jessi, or any of her other clients for that matter, the monstress felt giddy enough to try something a little experimental while the chance was presented. "Maury wouldn't even think of having a dick that big, so why the hell not?"

At the corner of Connie's line of vision, her bushy brows rose when she saw a small step-ladder leaning beside the front desk of the shop. She had no idea if that was just a lucky coincidence, or if Jessi actually remembered such a detail when she envisioned this store for a possible dream in the future. But since the ladder didn't appear to be a cutout like most of the other things in this setting, Connie was able to grab it without much interference. It even opened up like any functional step-ladder would, which allowed her to place it right beside the base of El Orgazmo. And much to her surprise and satisfaction, the ladder proved to be equally as sturdy when she placed one of her bare, hairy feet on the bottom rung without any buckling.

"Damn, this is interesting," she muttered to herself as she got her full weight on that bottom step. Even while gazing up at the top of El Orgazmo like some entitled white asshole about to scale Mount Everest, Connie shrugged her head and added cheekily, "Maybe I should see if Jessi can do lucid dreaming sometime. It'd definitely be an interesting concept to explore in the future..."

Fortunately for the monstress, it was easy for her to think past that hypothetical as she climbed up the ladder step-by-step. By the time both of her feet rested on the top rung, all that was ruminating in her mind was how easily she could conquer such a girthy toy. She may have arrived in this section of her client's subconscious a few minutes ago, but she was beginning to grow wet when she got up closer to that thick silicone head. Between the monstress' legs, the full bush she was sporting was already growing damp as her brown fur became darker along her hungry slit.

"Nnnnnffffff~" Connie shuddered when she reached out to rub the smooth, bulbous tip of El Orgazmo. Even without any lubrication, her claw glided across the silicone like it was a soft variant of marble. Her eyes darted back and forth for a moment, but it didn't change the fact that she was the only being alone in this secluded space. And with such a lovely dildo standing in wait for some attention, Connie didn't waste much time contemplating her options.

"Hmph~ It's a good thing I can lubricate this toy without much outside influence..." The monstress used her free claw to dig down between her legs, and shuddered when her digits sunk into her hungry slit. Due to how soaked her bush was already getting, it was easy to slather her claw with a generous amount of her ripe, syrupy juices. Her eyelids fluttered as she moaned to herself shakily, and her knees buckled precariously at the top of her step-ladder. But due to her millennia worth of experience, it wasn't too difficult for the monstress to maintain her balance while fingering her pussy so furiously. "Aaaahhhhh!!~"

Connie's digits may have been scaled and pointy like avian talons, but they sunk through her bushy lips like a hot knife through butter. Her eyes closed naturally as she moaned out, and her back hunched from how powerfully she was able to pleasure herself in preparation. There may have been an array of toys to assist her from the shelf nearby, but her digits dug in with much more dexterity and precision than any dildo or vibrator behind her. Not to mention, trying any other toy before El Orgazmo would've been as wasteful as eating a bag of chips before enjoying a lavish lobster dinner.

"Nnnnnghhhh... Ohhhhh yeaaaahhhhh~" As soon as Connie's claw slipped out from her dripping bush, she reached up to slather the top of El Orgazmo's head with her syrupy arousal. The silicone may have already been shining under the shop's overhead lights, but the added lubrication of the monstress' juices made it glisten like a newly-waxed sports car. She groaned out lustfully when she saw how wet the tip of the toy was getting, but it wasn't enough to make her stop her preparation. While her soaked claw rubbed against the bulbous cockhead, her other claw was digging into her pussy to keep her hunched like a gargoyle. "Aaaaahhhh!!~"

For several minutes, Connie studiously worked with both of her claws to properly lubricate the toy with nothing but her pure, dripping arousal. As soon as one of her claws stopped furiously digging into her hairy pussy, the digits of her other claw sunk right back in to keep her moaning like a bitch in heat. Eventually, small rivulets of the monstress' juices could be seen trickling past the girth of El Orgazmo's head, and were dribbling down the length of that scarily thick shaft. It may have not been a giant tube of astroglide, but Connie wasn't too worried about logistics while keeping herself constantly titillated.

"Ohhhhh, fuck!~" Connie's tedious efforts to lubricate the toy intensified each time one of her claws pulled from her winking lips, leaving her nerves tingling badly enough to get her other claw between her legs as soon as possible. Her eyes remained pinned on the head while half-lidded, even as she continuously rubbed the silicone with her claws like a kid in finger-painting class. By the time the tip of that gargantuan dildo was adequately coated in her sweet and syrupy juices, the inside of her hairy thighs were equally as matted in the arousal that was dripping down her legs. The top step of her step-ladder was beginning to grow wet as well, which prompted the monstress to make a move before slipping off by accident; sure, she couldn't get "hurt" within Jessi's dreamscape, but that didn't mean she wanted that to happen when there was a chance she had to explain herself later.

"Nnnnnffffffff... C'mere, big guy~" Connie grabbed hold of the giant toy with both claws, and lifted herself up to crawl up the shaft of El Orgazmo. Despite how slick and smooth the dildo may have been, her razor-sharp claws and leathery paw-pads helped to ensure she could traverse the daunting climb with ease. When she reached the thick, bulbous cockhead resting at the top, she was already dripping a generous amount of arousal that was soaking through her bush, and adding even more lubrication to the red rubber under her feet. And with a single swing of her legs, the monstress repositioned herself so she could fall snatch-first onto the tip.


Her eyes clenched tightly shut, and she shuddered with a lumbering moan the instant her hairy lips made contact with the toy. Her head reeled back as she trembled in sensual pleasure, her toes curling up from the sheer titillation. Even with all of her weight bearing down on the top of El Orgazmo, her slit could only open up so much. Little by little, her puffy lips tried their best to part open and allow such a girthy piece of silicone to cram its way through; but even as she gritted her fangs and groaned harshly, Connie was still precariously nestled on top of the head.

"Mnnnnnghhhh..." The monstress may have felt like her pussy was being stretched past its limits, but she had enough centuries of experience to know this was merely a warmup. Since she was perched so close to the store's ceiling, she was able to lift up both her arms and touch the flimsy tiles with ease. Her claws sunk through the mineral wood like it was wet cardboard, and her digits tightly wrapped around the thin metal supports for leverage. She needed to take a moment before giving any serious exertion, making sure to take several deep breaths; while that was going on, Connie slowly gyrated her plump hips to make her pussy grind against the top of El Orgazmo like a marking. "Aaaaahhhh!!~ Nnnnnfffff... God damn I needed this..."

As her claws gripped the ceiling frame tighter, her arms tensed up when she began to push herself downward. Like a piece of elastic, her drooling cunt started to stretch open and git in more of the toy's gargantuan girth. El Orgazmo might have been large enough to kill most humans, but the monstress saw its size as a challenge she couldn't ignore. With every strenuous push she gave against the ceiling above her horns, her hairy lips showed less resistance as it allowed that dildo to worm its way through.

Since her eyes were closed shut, Connie felt no shame or embarrassment as she indulged in such a carnal display. Not to mention, it'd be difficult for her to really think straight while sharp waves of stimulation were shooting straight up her snatch. She wasn't able to touch her clit, even though it was pulsating right above her stretched-out lips like the weak point on a video game boss. Her claws continued to push up against the ceiling, which forced more of her body weight to press against El Orgazmo and test its sturdiness. Fortunately for Connie's sake, the dildo's silicone was fairly soft to the touch, and allowed just enough give to squeeze through the monstress' opening. It may have been the equivalent of shoving a Cadillac through a doggy-door, but the size difference wasn't enough to keep Connie from moaning in rapture.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!~" With an especially strenuous push, Connie's lustful moan morphed to a shrill shriek as her pussy swallowed up the entirety of El Orgazmo's head. The girth of the toy may have been wider than a bowling ball, but the monstress still managed to take it between her legs like a snake unhinging its jaw. Her drooling lips were clinging tightly around the top of the dildo's shaft, while more of her juices dripped from her bush to trail down the bright-red length. The thick bulge of the cockhead could be seen protruding through Connie's fur, with the pointed tip sticking out just above her waistline. And even with her pussy stretched out badly enough to turn the supple flesh white, her little pink button could still be seen throbbing prominently through her bush.

"Mnnnnnghhh... Oh, Jesus Christ..." The monstress finally let go of the ceiling frame with one of her claws, and brought it down to stimulate herself even further. She may have been stuffed with enough silicone to basically be a reverse birthing, but she still grinded her claw hard against her aching clit. Her digits slid up and down her tantalized nub of flesh, which made her moan out even louder atop that intimidating toy. She took her time while rubbing herself so vigorously, making sure that every caress of her claw was enough to get her clit some loving attention; and with every pulsating throb that left her dangling legs tensed up, her pussy gripped El Orgazmo's head like she was trying to swallow it whole. "Aaaaaahhhhh!! AAAAAHHHH!!!~"

Connie spent several minutes indulging in the shared pleasure of her bean-flicking, as well as the massive stretch that left her pussy quivering like mad. Thick droplets of her arousal continued to dribble down the toy's shaft, which allowed for her drooling lips to slowly slide down another inch or so. She may have only been gripping the ceiling with one claw, but her brute strength showed no bounds. While her free claw was busy pressing that meaty button to drive her deeper into ecstasy, her other arm remained tightly tensed so she could continue pushing herself around more of El Orgazmo.

"AaaaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaahhhh!!~" Soon enough, the massive head of the dildo could be seen sliding up to leave a bulge against her stomach. Meanwhile, her hairy cunt opened up even further to get that thick shaft firmly embedded inside of her. Her toes kept curling up, and her fur was standing on end with every inch that disappeared past her dripping bush. Even though she was being stretched to limits cartoonish enough to make Daffy Duck blush, it was undeniable how much she was relishing in the experience. Her strained moans intensified enough to echo off the store's walls, further emphasizing how vacant and spacious the room really was. Of course, since the monstress was enjoying her 'private time' with such a behemoth of a sex-toy, there was no reason for her to hold back.

Little by little, Connie's claw had to reach up higher to keep a tight grip on the ceiling above. El Orgazmo was sliding its way deeper inside of her, filling every crevice and leaving her reeling in perverted bliss. Since the ribbed and girthy silicone was grinding so wonderfully against her dripping folds, the monstress couldn't have cared less how much it was bloating out her midsection. The thick bulge of the dildo's head was working its way up towards her chest, almost looking like a third breast nestled in the middle of her hairy bust. And with how riled-up she was getting from her vigorous bean-flicking, her clit was swelling out badly enough to almost resemble a tiny erection sticking out of her bush.

"NNNNNGHHHHH!!!~" The excitement of such a brutal stuffing was really getting to Connie, since her near-immortal form left no qualms about pesky details like "safety" or "limits". All that was running through her mind was how much of that fat dildo she could stuff through her elastic cunt, and how easily her organs could move aside so El Orgazmo could work its way in. Even as her pussy swallowed up more of that gigantic shaft, which was now nearly twice as thick as her meaty thighs, it didn't stop the onslaught of her dripping arousal that coated the remaining length of that red silicone. However, just as the bulge of El Orgazmo was just about to nestle itself right between her robust breasts, the digits of her claw were no longer able to touch the ceiling above her head. "Oh... Oh, FUCK!!~"

The monstress knew that she was giving herself a hefty filling, with her hungry pussy stretched out to a ridiculous degree to fit the girth of El Orgazmo. But even after claiming nearly two-thirds of the toy's length, which left her insides crammed with more silicone than the cast of a Real Housewives season, she couldn't help quivering with a quivering moan that left her yearning for more. But since she had pushed herself down far enough to no longer touch the ceiling, all she could do was rub at her clit more mercilessly. In addition, Connie tried her best to gyrate her hips with earnesty, just in case she got the remaining shaft slick enough in her arousal to slide down further. Unfortunately, due to how tightly her cunt was hugging the veiny shaft, she wouldn't be able to push herself down further without additional force.

Luckily for the monstress, it was unlikely she would need much more of a stuffing to set her off properly.

"MMMMMPHHHHH!!~ Ohhhhhhh, SHIT!!~" Connie was reeling in ecstasy as she rode El Orgazmo like a mechanical bull, with her strenuous movements causing her curvaceous figure to jiggle flauntingly. If someone were to witness her during that tantalizing display of self-love, it would've been easy for them to see just how bluntly she was relishing in the fruits of her labor. While the claw rubbing her clit became soaked in her syrupy juices, she finally brought down her other claw to grope at her breasts. She pinched one of her nipples tightly between two digits, which added a nice bout of pain to the waves of pleasure coursing across her nerves. Even though her hairy snatch was experiencing its own share of pain, it was almost indistinguishable from the enticing sensations that came with every harsh grind from El Orgazmo's girth.

"Oh god... OH GOD!!~" Connie could feel herself growing closer to climax, with her claws working in tandem to stimulate her while her body was wrapped around the silicone behemoth. She alternated between pinching both of her nipples as tightly as she could, making sure both of her breasts were made super-sensitive while the bulge of El Orgazmo's cockhead was nestled between them. Meanwhile, the digits in her other claw went to work pinching at her needy clit, driving her towards deeper realms of pleasure that left her shrieking powerfully. "AaaaaAAAAAAHHHH!!!~"

She tried to arch her back from the intensity of that additional pinch; however, due to how stuffed her torso was with the massive dildo, the monstress was barely able to move an inch around it. Regardless, her plump hips continued to squirm back and forth to work that shaft around, allowing the rubber base to help stir her cunny-pot. Her folds were being put under constant tantalizing pressure, which ensured that she would remain nice and wet with every gyration of her voluptuous waist. But even with the relentless strain her body was going through, her pussy remained tightly latched around El Orgazmo's shaft so she remained firmly in place.

"AAAAAIEEEEEE!!!~" The monstress couldn't keep herself edging much further, but not for a lack of trying. Given how bloated her body became from the size of that gargantuan dildo filling her up, she was basically wearing it like a living condom while moaning so powerfully. Even though her thick fur, the bulges of El Orgazmo's fake veins could be seen leaving random lines crawling down her midsection. The monstress' pussy was quivering with the lips strained enough to be pale-white, but thick droplets of her juices were still leaking out to let her slide around the shaft freely. And with every squirm of her hips, Connie's thick clit was pulsating badly enough to make her body lock up around the toy in absolute rapture.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!~" Her euphoric cries grew more immense, and her legs were dangling helplessly above the floor as she slipped closer to release. The titillation was keeping her body frozen in place, leaving her tightly wrapped around El Orgazmo for every inch it was worth. She had to crane her neck to lean her head back, with her long horns pointing towards the empty display windows exposing her overstuffed state. And even with the head of the dildo pressing against her lungs and limiting her breathing, her pants grew more rapid between the hearty cries that escaped her open maw. "AAAAHHHH!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! AAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!~"

Despite how far El Orgazmo had sunk into her torso, Connie's body managed to arch back like she was undergoing an exorcism. Her deep, lumbering cry rumbled across all the shop's walls as she finally slipped past the precipice. Her pussy clung around the girth of that soft silicone as tightly as she could, squeezing it like she was trying to milk the fake cock for any loads it may have carried. But even with how fruitless such an involuntary response may have been, it didn't change how heavily she climaxed while stuffed to the brim and stretched far past any human recognition. She clenched around El Orgazmo to savor every inch of its massive size, but that didn't stop several thick spurts of her clear, syrupy juices to shoot out and splatter across the floor.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!~" Connie furiously rubbed at her clit while her eyes were clenched shut, which helped for more of her arousal to squirt out like she was auditioning for a porno movie. The monstress revelled in the pure, unadulterated bliss that swept across her body, shooting endorphins through her veins far better than any drug she could've gotten from a drug dealer or pharmacist. Sharp, electrifying throbs of pleasure coarse through every nerve of her body, leaving her fur standing on end and her body frozen in tantalizing glee. Her lustful moaning continued on as she trembled around El Orgazmo, with the bulge of that pointed head slipping just a little bit higher up her chest. Meanwhile, several more thick ropes of her sticky secretions squirted out to add to the mess she was leaving below her feet.

"MMMMNNNNGHHHH!! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh... Nnnnnffffff~" Connie's intense orgasm eventually began to subside, which left the monstress tiredly wrapped around El Orgazmo and trying to breathe deeply. Even in the aftermath of her blissful climax, the monstress continued to rub her voluptuous breasts and quiver in a mixture of elation and undying pressure. She was fully aware that she would need to leave this setting sooner than later, especially if Jessi decided to wake up unexpectedly for a pee-break. But in that brief moment of post-coital euphoria that left her head blissfully clouded, all that Connie wanted to do was slip herself into a hot bubble-bath with a pitcher of sangria and a Lizzo CD.

"Nnnnnnghhhhh... OoooooOOOOoooohhhhh, that's good~" The monstress spent a long moment basking in the afterglow of her titillating display of self-love, with nothing but the fake storefront in Jessi's head to witness how kinky she really was. Connie knew that she could get herself out of this predicament with a snap of her claw, but she spent a little longer in that overstuffed state to really appreciate the intensity that ran from her head to her stretched-out cunt. She wasn't too worried about organ failure or her pussy gaping, since she knew her body well enough to understand how well she'll recuperate after a proper soak. But in that brief moment she had to herself and the toy buried inside of her, all that could ruminate in her mind were the lustful thoughts that remained after her lengthy orgasm.

'Okay, okay... As soon as I get out of this, I need to have a long talk with Jessi about replacing that cucumber.'

The End

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Private Brady's 'Private' Mishap

11:25 That number was the only source of light which could be seen, with its electronic lettering standing out with an eerie red glow. Sure, there was also the tiny strip of light beaming from underneath the door; but with how dark the rest of the...

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Eirjan's Special Gift

It was late in the night, with the display on Marzo's laptop just recently showing the twelfth as the date on the bottom right corner. He had originally meant to start the stream sooner, and have the live feed begin just after midnight. Unfortunately,...

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