In Deer Trouble

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Two twin sisters, out celebrating their 21st birthday, have way too much to drink at said party and on their way home, stop by what they assume to be a bottle shop - but this store doesn't sell alcohol...

In Deer Trouble

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

4thOctober, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

Aleisha and Catherine clung to each other, the two young women laughing and unsteady on their feet as they walked down the rain slicked pavement. It was late at night, not that either of them cared. Our celebrating their twenty-first birthday, the two ladies had had way too much to drink...

"Hey - Catherine?" Aleisha slurred, as she gripped awkwardly at her intoxicated sisters shoulder.

"Whu?" Come the mumble from the twin.

"Hey...check this out - " Aleisha giggled and stepped sideways, crashing into the plate glass door and rebounding. "Woo, whats this place?"

"Whats...what place?"

"This...this shop - let's check...check it out."

Shaking her head, Catherine wobbled and a weak, lopsided grind spread over her face.

"Yeah...what's the worst that can...can happen?"

As they walked through the door, a concealed bell tinkled merrily...


"Yanow?" Aleisha grunted, as she squinted at the dark blue vial she clutched in her hand.

"Whut?" Come Catherine's barely conscious murmur as she lifted her own. "What this?"

"We bought...bought these - says something, on the..the label...for the doe in you..."

Uncorking it, Aleisha sniffed it and her eyes widened.

"Smells...amazing...some sort of new alcoholic...drink?"

"More drinks!" Come the cackle from Catherine, as she uncorked her own and clinked it against Aleisha's.

"Bottoms up..."

Together, the two young ladies upended the vials and drank down the sweet scented liquid.

" a nice..." Aleisha blinked, then the room seemed to spin around her head and she slumped into a couch. "Woo..."

There come a thump and Aleisha barely turned her head, before she seen Catherine sprawled on the carpet, snoring.

"Hah...can't hold..."

Aleisha's head fell onto her chest and in seconds, she too was unconscious...


Urgh, what did I do last night and...why do I feel so...strange?

Aleisha tried to prise herself off the couch, only to find sometime during the night, she'd slid to the floor. Trying to get up, she felt as weak as a newborn - her legs felt...strange...different somehow and...

Shaking her head, she felt _something_slap from side to side and the ache in her head nearly caused her to pass out as the hangover crushed her mind to jelly.

"Hey..." Aleisha croaked. "Hey...sleepyhead!"

Aleisha lifted her head off the floor with a supreme effort, before she barely cracked open her eyes and moaned as the dawn sunlight struck her like a mallet between the eyes.

A groan come from an indistinct lump on the carpet, then the strangest sound - like _something_scraping at it.

What's wrong with me... Aleisha thought, as she shook her head again, and again, that strange slapping sound come and she felt the oddness that had filled her body.

Forcing herself to open her eyes, she squealed and squeezed them tightly closed again.

"Its...too bright...close the curtains or something!"

"I'm sick - " Come the weak croak from nearby.

" - go to the...urk..."

Aleisha felt the gorge rise in her own throat and she swallowed the hot, bitter liquid. Even her throat felt - different - changed somehow. She was warm, way warmer than she expected, like someone had cranked up the thermostat in their home.

A barking cough come from her sibling, who retched and retched then with a sickening convulsive retch, vomited on the floor. Smells overpowered Aleisha's nostrils and seared into her brain as she tried to get to her feet again - then she felt her feet hit the couch. Expecting the excruciating pain of stubbing her toes, Aleisha felt...nothing. There was a loud thump when she did it, but no pain - just - nothing.

"What the...did you just..."

Again, forcing her eyes open to mere slits, Aleisha squinted and then she drew a shaking breath before her eyes widened and her pupils dilated - almost filling the sockets.

"Catherine...there's a deer..."

"Whu..." come the choking gurgle. "How a deer..."

Aleisha shook her head violently, yet again that slap slap slap sound come, and she squealed as she looked at herself.

"I'm a...."

Her mind refused to process it - for instead of her human body, now lay the form of a feral Whitetail doe.

"No," Aleisha panted, fear clutching her. "No...this' can't be real..."

Shaking, Aleisha forced a leg to move, watching as the pale furred leg and cloven hoof flexed.

"No...I'm not a..."

"'re a..."

"No, I'm not, I'm not a..."


Both humans overnight, had become feral whitetail does, who lay shaking and trembling on the carpet, their minds reeling.


Dawn passed into early morning, when at last, the two terrified sisters worked out how, at first, to move their legs, then kneel, then finally, stand. Both looked at each other, eyes wide, black tipped ears flat and muzzles hanging loosely, shocked and incapable of coherent thought.

"We're to be - what _was_in those drinks we had..."

"I don't.."

Catherine looked at the vomit on the floor, before she turned and stumbled away, gagging and retching. Her tail flat against her rump, Catherine's stomach twisted and tumbled within her as she dropped her head and her entire body began to convulse as she tried to throw up again, but only thick ropy strands of saliva dribbled from her muzzle.

"I don't great - " Aleisha moaned. "I'm hot, like...like_really_ hot, like when...when its a visit from Aunt Flow..."

Catherine continued to gag and retch helplessly as she nodded her head and shuddered.

"You too?" Aleisha moaned. "I know our...usually in a day or two...""I feel it I'm burning up inside, the...the feeling, my groin is so uncomfortable and..."

Timidly, Aleisha sniffed the air, then she frowned as her foggy mind thrashed for memories through a thick soup of haziness and confusion.

" - you remember, when we were ten... mom took us to the deer sanctuary and..."

Catherine slumped to her knees and then into her side, nudging at her belly with her velvety nose as she shuddered. Realisation slowly spread across her muzzle and her ears went flat against her neck.

"Those does...the stag...he..."

"No, its not possible - we, just two weeks ago..."

Both of them stared at the other, before Catherine managed a sickly smile.

"I don't know...about you - but we're both - feral whitetail deer and... us being in season comes as a surprise?"

"We can't be...we just can't..."

With a shudder, Catherine staggered back to her hooves and shuddered from ears to tail.

"We...we can't stay here, we just can't! We got to get out of here, what if...when someone comes..."

Panic set into the twins, as they stumbled around their house, going from room to room, until at last, Catherine pushed her nose against the back door and it creaked open a crack. Scents flooded her nostrils - the smell of the grass, the air itself - even the forest just beyond that fence... It had never smelt so - so clear!

"Door, here!" Catherine called, as she pushed harder and it swung open, then she stepped out, her cloven hooves clicking against the patio.

Aleisha soon joined her out on the grass, and the two does just stood beneath the early morning sunlight, feeling its life giving warmth warming their furred bodies. Experimentally, Catherine began to walk, then trot, quickly working out how to move all four hooves as she ran rings around her startled sister.

"This...this is amazing, I've never..."

Following her sisters lead, Aleisha soon followed, the two does quickly playing tag and squealing in almost childlike innocence and pleasure as they chased each other.

After ten minutes, they stopped and panted heavily, their flanks heaving and lungs burning, desperate for a drink of water.

"Think..we'd clear that?" Aleisha asked, as she looked at the picket fence that separated their backyard from the forest beyond.

Stepping from one cloven hoof to the other, Catherine grinned and glanced sideways at her sister. Like a sprinter out of the blocks, Catherine burst into full speed and four feet from the fence, leapt like a gazelle and easily cleared the fence, landing with a crunch of leaf litter and twigs on the other side.

Aleisha followed, with much less grace, then the two does giggled and fled into the forest, their flag like tails raised and the playful, joyful spirits that filled them revelling in their play.

Randomly, they ran here, there and everywhere - until at last the scent of sweet, fresh running water reached their nostrils. Guided more by instinct than by knowledge, they made their way to the brooks edge and looked down at the crystal clear water.

" do we..." Catherine frowned.

Aleisha pondered, then spread her front legs out so her muzzle could reach the water. Eagerly, she drank deep of the cold, clear water until she felt like shed surely burst. Catherine watched and then she too began to drink - but the snap of a twig had her head up, muzzle open and dribbling water as she stared wide-eyed across the brook.

A majestic stag, all seven points on his antlers glistening, pushed his way through a thicket then stopped, staring at them.

"He's...beautiful..." Aleisha murmured, unable to take her eyes off the beautiful stag who stared back at the two does.

"Do we we..." Catherine murmured.

Sniffing the air, the stag trembled and he pawed at the ground then grunted at them.

"What...what does that mean?"

"Do I look like an expert on deer?" Catherine whispered back nervously. "He doesn't seem...aggressive..."

Splashing through the brook, the stag approached, sniffing at Catherine, who bleated and flinched away, making the stag tremble and snort again, his nostrils flaring.

"Oh..." Aleisha moaned.

Snapping his head around the stag stared at her, then moved towards her.

", go on, shoo!" Aleisha squealed, as she backed away, eyes wide and ears flat.

Persistent, the stag followed, flagging his tail and Aleisha's eyes widened as she seen the stag grunt as his penis slid out of its sheath and began to dribble a slightly viscous fluid onto the ground.

"No, I'm...I'm not that kind of doe..." Aleisha moaned and backed up further. "I don't want you...go...get!"

He persisted, following and grunting at her, intoxicated by her scent and the pheromones her body was flooding his mind with.

"You've never turned down a man before - " Come Catherine's faint giggle.

"He's not a...urk!"

Aleisha felt herself backed up against the tree as the stag stepped closer, gently prodding her with his sharp antlers as he tried to turn her.

"No, get...go on..." Aleisha squealed at him.

He persisted, and the mixture of almost feral instinct and the growing ache and warmth of her neither regions compelled her to move from her position. Catherine watched, both fascinated and horrified, as Aleisha fought the urges within her, but she quickly stepped about a dozen paces away, then her hind legs folded towards the ground. Wasting little time, the obviously aroused stag licked and nibbled at her tail until he burrowed under it then his soft tongue lathered her folds and depths.

"Urgh!" Aleisha squeaked, her eyes widening. "I've!"

Rearing up, the Stag slipped his forelegs over her hips and gripped her ribs tight, as he skittishly danced from one hind hoof to the other, his member probing and poking at Aleisha's groin.

" me!" Aleisha yelped.

With a grunt, the Stag forced her down with his weight, before he twitched and Aleisha felt a hot spray against her folds. Instinctively, she crouched lower and the stag moved forwards then in one swift movement, sheathed himself within her.

As stag met doe, the instinctual muscular contractions squeezed down on him and he grunted and pushed forwards, sliding himself to the hilt inside this strange, yet willing doe.

"Urk!" Aleisha gurgled, feeling him inside her was so wrong - yet at the same time - it felt so right as well.

With a dozen thrusts, the stag squirmed and wriggled, until without warning, he lunged forwards, slapping his groin against hers and at that moment, his orgasm flooded into Aleisha's body.

"! Bad...bad deer!" Aleisha moaned, feeling the hot warmth of his seed.

Her ears going flat, Catherine shuddered and looked at Aleisha.

"Oh no...did he...he really just..."

With a shudder, the stag pulled back and Aleisha squirmed as he slid from within her tight, wet folds, the ache in her groin almost unbearable as it was an impossible itch she couldn't scratch.

"He just...I mean..." Aleisha panted. "He just...bred me like a...a doe!"

With a shudder, the stag stood panting and quivering, a few dribbles of his semen splattering on the ground, before he looked at Catherine and grunted at her.

"Oh, no, no!" Catherine bleated, as she flattened her ears and snapped her tail down. "No, I don' can't, you just can't..."

Aleisha stood trembling, still in the mating pose the stag had forced her into, her mind conflicted and whirling. A part of her - some primitive, primal part, had felt the need to breed herself to the stag, it felt - right, perfect even - yet part of her mind, her rational, human-like self, was both traumatised and sickened by what had happened.

Pursuing Catherine, the Stag quickly caught her off balance and knocked her to the ground, before he wasted little time and stood over her, his penis dribbling pre-ejaculate fluid onto her back, as Catherine trembled and remained with her belly firmly against the ground.

"No, I won't get up..." Catherine whimpered.

At first amused, then growing mildly irritated with this frustrating doe, the Stag began to poke at her, then shove at her with his sharp antlers.

"!" Catherine cried in fright. "No, I've never...I'm a..."

"A...really?" Aleisha's voice come to her., "You've never...with a man..."

" not like'm still a virgin and...OW!"

Frustrated, the Stag poked her again and fearfully, Catherine began to stand. He licked and nibbled at her tail that she refused to raise, making him more insistent and frustrated. He'd never had an in-season doe be so irritating! She was in the height of her cycle, he could smell it, taste it even, yet she refused to stand and...

Aleisha walked over, then nuzzled her sisters neck.

"Honey? Trust me...longer you draw him out like this - the angrier he's going to get..."

"I'm...scared - I've never..."

Holding her sisters gaze, Aleisha nodded and stared into her eyes.

"Do what I did, lower your hind legs...a little more..."

Sniffling and terrified, Catherine did as her sister told her, then the Stag eagerly leapt up onto her back and began thrusting against her tail.

"Lift your tail honey..."

"I...I can't and..."

Without warning, the frustrated stag bit down on her neck and Catherine squealed, her tail snapping upright. With a few awkward thrusts, he found the right angle then with a loud slap, he drove his length into the young doe and in that moment - claimed her maidenhood. His seed exploded with an intensity that Catherine had never known - it felt like it would surely fill her to overflowing - almost as if he knew she was a maiden doe, and gave her everything he had - to ensure she would receive his fawn.

"Oh gods, that hurts so much..." Catherine wept, tears sliding down her muzzle.

Licking her sisters salty tears, Aleisha could do little as the stag trembled and thrust again, making Catherine whimper and shudder as he gave her another quick ejaculation inside her.

"Get...him off - " Catherine wailed.

As Aleisha struggled to figure out how to do that, the Stag trembled and stepped backwards, sliding free of Catherine and standing there panting and trembling.

"You..." Aleisha growled, as she flattened her ears and stepped towards the stag.

He stared at her, then sensing or smelling the anger in her, he backed up and turned then fled into the forest, his flag like tail showing the white underside. Aleisha saw Catherine collapse to the ground, and she lay down beside her crying, shaking sister, licking her neck and trying as best she could, to comfort her.

"What have we done..." Catherine's choking sob come.

Placing her neck over Catherine's, Aleisha draped a foreleg over her sisters body and tried to cuddle her close as they had as children. Her groin ached, both from the stag's unwarranted mating and her own body's desire to be bred again and again.

"How...those vials, they weren't some...some alcoholic drink we bought at some shop..."

Shaking her head slowly, Aleisha could only nuzzle and lick at her sister.

She had no answers for the trembling, traumatised young doe - or herself...


To Court the Fèidh - Chapter Three -

To Court the Fèidh Chapter Three © Cederwyn Whitefurr 4thOctober, 2021 All Rights Reserved. Gently, she shook him by the shoulder, gazing down at him. With a strangled croak, he awoke and tried to sit up, but she sighed and pushed him back down...

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To Court the Fèidh - Chapter Two -

To Court the Fèidh Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 2ndOctober, 2021 All Rights Reserved. Fèidh are © Possum, used with permission and grateful thanks. _Wake up..._Come the voice within his mind, or so it felt. Consciousness returned reluctantly...

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(ZOO) Rowan's Dilemma

(ZOO) Rowan's Dilemma © Cederwyn Whitefurr 2nd October, 2021 All Rights Reserved. Rowan paused from sweeping the stable hall, resting his worn straw broom against an empty stable door. His brown eyes stung with sweat, as he snorted through broad...

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