(ZOO) Rowan's Dilemma

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Rowan enjoys some 'special' time with his favorite mare, Raine, something both anthro and feral equine enjoy immensely, little does Rowan know, but Raine is meant to be bred to a stallion that day, as she's cycling and as the young colt discovered - quite - willing...

(ZOO) Rowan's Dilemma

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

2nd October, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

Rowan paused from sweeping the stable hall, resting his worn straw broom against an empty stable door. His brown eyes stung with sweat, as he snorted through broad nostrils and swiped a black gloved paw across his forehead. Flicking away the salty sweat that made the young colt's forearm glisten.

"Its hot - " Rowan grunted.

His hooves clicking on the concrete, he walked down the hall and just outside, where he tilted his dark chestnut head up to the sky, closing his eyes and feeling the heat beating down on him. An idea struck him and he dunked his head into the rain barrel next to the door, before throwing his head back and snorting, the water droplets spraying and his forelock and mane clinging to his wet head, giving him a little relief from the oppressive heat.

As his mind returned to the mucking of stables and brushing of fellow equines - he suddenly stamped a hoof with a loud clop as he felt hands slide around his hips and then down his trousers, gripping his leathery sheath as a warm breath washed over his back-swept ears.

"Hey stud..."

With a shudder, Rowan reached down, gripping the human forearms lightly but firmly, as he pulled them free and twisted about, his face neutral, but his ears slashing backwards as he stared at the young human girl who had so inappropriately touched him.

"Jennifer - " Rowan spoke quietly, yet inwardly, he was horrified and enraged, glad this foolish young human didn't have the senses to pick up on such.

Holding her forearms, he sighed and released her, then stepped back two paces.

"What you feeding that thing? I think its still hungry - I could totally go for some horse flesh... you could really plough my field..."

His eyes widening, Rowan's muzzle fell open and his nostrils flared at the crude and audacious nature of Jennifer - speaking of such things a young woman should not...

With a huff, Jennifer turned and walked away. "Your loss stud, I could have made you whinny I bet..."

Shocked, horrified even, Rowan stood there, braced against the stable wall, one paw splayed out and the hooflets clattering against the faded timber as he shuddered. Not only was her attentions unwarranted and certainly unwelcome - Rowan had confessed, many times, his personal predilection didn't lay with the fillies at least those of the two legged kind...

Jennifer was, in every sense of the word, trouble. As the bosses daughter, she was pure as new fallen snow around daddy...but around Rowan? She was worse than the cheapest of bawdy prostitutes he'd seen in some of the towns he had travelled through in his younger years.

With a deep convulsive shudder, Rowan turned back to the stables, the heat of the day replaced with the chill that filled him from ears to ankle.


Late afternoon, he'd finished his jobs and he leant up against Raine's stable. A beautiful palomino mare, she flicked her ears and lipped playfully at his mane as Rowan bit down on the apple he held in his hand.

"Hey!" Rowan squeaked, then pushed away and turned to face her.

Raine nickered at him and looked at the apple, then at him and flicked her ears forwards before tossing her head.

"Manners missy!" He chastised her, as he bit off a chunk of apple and dropped it into his hand, holding it out to her.

Raine nickered and lipped the apple from his hand, then chewed it as her ears flicked forwards.

"Oh no you don't, don't be greedy! I know how much sugar is in these, we don't want you getting overweight!"

Raine's ears pinned before she snorted at him, then brought them forwards again. Rowan rolled his ears, then ruffled hers with his fingers, before he held out the apple.

"I can never say no to you Raine!"

Raine's large blunt teeth encircled the apple and bit it in half, before she swished her tail and chewed the delicious treat. Rowan felt at ease amongst the equines on this stud. In a way, he got along better with them, than he did with the humans or anthro's like himself. Their love was unconditional, they either liked you, or hated you - there was no awkward societal niceties in their lives, they just lived so happy and carefree and...

"Hey!" Rowan squealed as Raine snorted and nudged him with her nose.

Frustrated, Raine stamped a hoof and nickered at him again.

"I got no more apples you greedy little mare!" Rowan laughed and rubbed her forehead gently.

Raine snorted again, then backed up a step before turning around and swishing her tail aside, looking back at him intently. Rowan blinked, then he blushed and squirmed, before he looked either way in the stables.

"So eager, aren't you young one?" Rowan murmured, as his hooflets clattered against the latch holding her stable closed.

Raine nickered and nodded at him, before she lifted her tail up and to the side, her pale labial folds contracting and releasing again as she stared at him.

"Patience, you little hussy..." Rowan giggled.

Slipping into her stable, he pulled it shut and heard the metal catch engage. Placing a paw on her rump, Rowan scratched gently as he looked around the stable, then sighed softly.

"I forgot something..." He murmured, patting Raine on the rump. "Just wait, alright?"

Raine snorted and let her tail drop, as she turned back around and bunted him with her nose, making Rowan stumble back against the stall door.

"Hey now, be gentle, you don't know your own strength!"

Raine playfully nibbled his shoulder, as Rowan reached backwards over the door and unlatched it again, then slipped out into the stable hallway.

"A moment, sheesh, you'd think you were in season, I've never seen you so needy before!"

Raine tossed her head and stepped from one front hoof to the other, as Rowan walked away, returning shortly with a small but well built timber mounting block. Awkwardly, he held it in one paw, whilst he unlatched the stable door again. Raine nickered and nuzzled at him, as Rowan giggled and pushed her nose away again, before re-locking the stable door.

Eagerly, Raine stood and quivered, as Rowan walked behind her, only to feel Raine's tail slash upwards and drape over his right shoulder. From where he stood, he got a lovely view of the trembling labia, the muscular contractions and winking doing more to arouse this young colt than anything any human woman had ever done.

"Easy there, slow down!" Rowan whispered, as he placed a quivering paw on Raine's rump and pet her gently.

Awkwardly, he slid his trousers down and stepped out of them, kicking them aside. He took his half-firm length in one paw, idly stroking it, as he used his other furred fingers to tickle lightly up and down on Raine's quivering vulva. With a squeal, Raine pushed back at him and her labia flared wide, exposing the sensual pale pink inner walls and the tunnel leading up, before it slapped closed again.

"Urgh - " Rowan gurgled, feeling his arousal rapidly rising. "You know how to tease, don't you honey?"

Looking back at him, Raine again nickered and swished her tail, impatient and eager to feel her beloved stallion mount her. Placing his paws either side of the mounting block, he moved it a bit closer behind her ankles, then stepped up onto the first step. Gently, he placed both thumbs either side of Raine's labia and leaned forwards, his velvety nose hairs tickling it as Raine shuddered and squealed.

"Shh..." Rowan giggled, as he gently prised apart her folds, then his long, broad tongue began lathering her inner vaginal walls.

Raine nearly reached orgasm here and then, as she adored Rowan's skilled tongue. He probed deeply into her depths, before peeling apart her labial folds and slurping at the nub of flesh at the bottom, sending the young mare's mind whirling as Rowan slurped and lathered her clitoris with his tongue.

For fifteen minutes, Rowan brought Raine to the edge of equine orgasm again and again, her lubricating fluids flowing like a river - which he eagerly licked and swallowed, before he felt she was truly ready for her much wanted stallion.

"You taste so good my love," Rowan murmured, as he stepped up onto the top of the mounting block, then placed a paw on Raine's rump.

Carefully, he guided his penile head against her folds - teasingly pushing it forwards, then as Raine tried to squeeze down, he'd slip it free before pushing forwards again, gasping as he felt her tight, hot folds part under his gentle mounting. At first just the head, then the first few inches...

Raine squealed and her orgasm rippled through her body, making her tremble from hooves to tail, as her muscular contraction squeezed down in a crushing grasp on Rowan's length.

"Urk...not..." Rowan wheezed, slapping his paws on Raine's rump as he shuddered.

Raine trembled and looked back at him, then whickered and pushed back, sliding her stallion to the hilt inside her.

"Raine..." Rowan gasped, eyes wide and nostrils flaring.

Raine whickered at him and flicked her ears, before her labial muscles crushed down on him and her vaginal passage convulsed and rippled.

"No...don't...do that..." Rowan squeaked, as he splayed his fingers out, trembling and gasping.

Raine merely ignored him, looking back at him with a look of love and adoration as she continued to work her beloved stallions length. Whilst Rowan wasn't a true stallion in any sense of the word, his penis was quite long and with a respectable girth - and Raine intended to enjoy every second of their mating. Her contractions come quicker and quicker, as Rowan panted and fell forwards onto her rump, his arms hanging limply down her hind legs.

"No...please stop..." Rowan gasped.

Raine nickered at him and pushed back even harder, striving to almost pin him against the back wall.

"Raine...easy girl - " Rowan panted helplessly.

Again, Raine ignored him, her muscles working Rowan's length with increasing pressure and warmth, until Rowan suddenly squealed and gripped her hips and arched his back inwards as he slammed against her rump. With a loud moan, he gave this sweet, gentle mare his seed that spurted in a dozen strong pulses deep inside her. His penile head flared, just like a feral stallion as Raine's contractions milked him for another orgasm that almost turned Rowan's knees to jelly.

"Fuuuccckkkk...." Rowan moaned, as he gripped Raine's hips and shuddered, his tongue lolling from the corner of his muzzle and ears flat. "What...got into you..."

Raine snorted and eased her labial muscles, feeling her beloved stallions erection easing. With a slurp, Rowan slipped free of Raine's hot depths and stumbled off the mounting block, his penis dribbling semen onto the straw that covered the floor. Raine dropped her tail and nickered at him.

"A...minute love," Rowan panted, placing his paws on his knees and bending over, breathing heavily through his nostrils.

It took closer to ten minutes, before Rowan could breathe almost normally, and he slid his paw along Raine's side and stroked her neck adoringly. Raine leaned into his gentle stroking, before her ears snapped forwards and she whinnied loud and long.

"Rowan - you in here?" Come the human voice of his boss.

"I'm dead..." Rowan muttered, as his ears went flat and he looked at his pants in the far corner of the stable.

"yeah, just here with Raine - " Rowan weakly called out, as he gently pushed Raine and she stepped sideways. "What do you need boss?"

Coming down to stand in front of the door, the man stroked Raine's velvety nose, before he nodded at Rowan, who leant casually against the wall closest to the door.

"Just come down to say we gave dear Raine here an injection a few days ago, to bring her into season. It should have taken effect now, can you go get the halter and lead rope? We'll bring her out to the stallion, see if she's cycling or not."

"What!" Rowan squeaked, his eyes widening in fright.

"Raine, she's to be bred to the stallion today - didn't Jennifer tell you? Hell, didn't I tell you, after you come back from town yesterday?"

Raine nickered at Rowan and nuzzled him, as the startled young colt stood there, ears flat and eyes wide....


(ZOO) - Winters Gambit -

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All The Best Efforts

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A Price Too Deer - Chapter Two - Finale

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