To Court the Fèidh - Chapter Two -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#3 of To Court the Fèidh

Alexander finds himself offering himself, freely and willingly, to the Warden for a sacrifice - just not how he intended it to be...

To Court the Fèidh

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

2ndOctober, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

Fèidh are © Possum, used with permission and grateful thanks.

_Wake up..._Come the voice within his mind, or so it felt.

Consciousness returned reluctantly - it was elusive and furtive, almost like the cold touch on his body here... there... somewhere else... his skin prickled into goosebumps as he felt the caress.

His eyes fluttered open and he blinked twice, before he tried to move and found himself bound by magicks he couldn't understand.

Squatting on the ground, the Warden idly traced patterns randomly with a fingertip, as she smiled to herself then rose, her robes brushing against the ground.

"It is most unwise to trespass within a grove, without permission..." She spoke calmly as she sheathed a strange dagger like weapon into a leather scabbard. "It might even be considered rude..."

"How...what magicks is this? What did you do to me?" He moaned in fright.

Druids and others like them, often conduct blood ritual sacrifices. His mind reminded him.

As if reading his mind, the Warden smiled and shook her head slowly.

"A sacrifice must be made, in appeasement for this transgression. However, there are..."

"I - " He stammered, going pale. "I meant no disrespect, please..."

With a delicate chuckle, she leaned forwards and her lips brushed his forehead.

"Am I not attractive? Do ones such as yourself claim celibacy when you take your oaths?"

"No..." He murmured. "We are free to love, and be loved..."

With that shy, knowing smile, she trailed her fingers lightly down his cheeks and gazed into his eyes.

"As I said, a sacrifice must be made for this transgression - however - I did not say it had to be a blood sacrifice, did I?"

He stared at her, before his eyes widened and he blushed deeply. Stepping back, she crossed her hands over her hips and in one smooth motion, lifted and shed her robe, laying it over a log. Turning to face him, she stood naked as the day she had been born and ran her fingers down her pert breasts and firm belly.

She was not unattractive, but not a living goddess either, according to his mind. Her body was athletic, lithe and sensual - he couldn't deny that, as he felt the first stirrings within his breeches.

"Magicks such as what I wish to share with you - " Come the Warden's gentle voice as she moved closer and placed a hand lightly on his chest, over his heart. "Is not freely given. Magicks such as this, well, I doubt your Mage training even considered the power than can be raised from the act of sexual intimacies, did it?"

He swallowed and blinked twice. Indeed, nothing in his two decades of study told him anything about _these_magicks. Then again, the Wardens, Druids and others, generally kept their magicks closely guarded.

"" Alexander admitted.

Gazing into his eyes, hers seemed to see into his very soul.

"Magicks such as this, I offer to you, as you must offer yourself in exchange. I come to you freely and willingly, will you, offer me the same?"

"I..." Alexander shuddered, lost in her eyes that seemed to grow and draw him into them. "I give myself, willingly, freely and without restraint, if you will have me."

With a smile, she caressed his cheek and then tapped him lightly on the forehead with a fingertip.

"I shall..." Come her fading voice, as his consciousness fled.


Magicks seized him, bound him and brought him sensations his human mind had never perceived imaginable.


A warm breath followed the ice cold touch, a sensual, soft warmth followed by the incredible sensations of...

Was that a tongue? Come Alexander's thoughts.

Again, that soft, yet slightly sticky thing brushed across his chest, the tongue swirling around each nipple and making him gasp and moan.

He fought the grip of magicks that had seized him in its powerful, yet silken like grip. As he summoned his own to combat it, his magicks fizzled within him and he felt the silken strands of this strange, unknown magick winding him into a cocoon of invisible, irresistible yet gentle power he was unable to break free of.

"Do not fight little one..." Come the voice again, its touch cool on his ear, like the most gentle of breezes on a hot midsummer day.

Cold slid down his chest, his firm, muscular belly and...

No... Alexander gasped, feeling the coldness tickle like a birds feather from root to stem and back again.

Sensual feelings he'd never imagined could exist, caused him to moan helplessly as that wet tongue slurped from tip to base then back up. He couldn't help it - he felt himself growing aroused under this sensual touch.

A warm breath... the feel of that tongue...

Cold things splayed out on his chest, as he felt warmth and his muddled mind was a moment, before he felt fur against his thighs.

A blanket? Am I being covered because night has fallen, yet this Warden...

Warmth spread from his groin throughout his body as he felt _something_parting and sliding his not inconsiderable length inside its hot, wet depths.

"Uh..." Alexander gurgled.

With a quiet gasp, the cold spread up to rest then grip gently on his shoulder blades, the warmth of the fur warming his legs and thighs as he felt himself sheathed inside of the Warden's tight folds.

"Oh..." Come her weak whisper. demanded.

They refused his mental commands.

As the Warden moved, Alexander gasped and grunted, feeling her vaginal walls do things no prostitute in town had _ever_done. He could feel the weight of her as she knelt over him, her knees either side of his ribs as she cautiously began a sensual rocking motion against him.

I've never... Alexander's mind flew like a wild bird freed from its cage.

He couldn't begin to even imagine the sensations, the incredible heat and the pleasure of this unexpected lovemaking was bringing him. He wasn't inexperienced, far from it, but this? This defied anything he had ever even fantasised about.

"Good..." Come a soft panting breath, as he felt the Warden lean forwards, her weight taken on her knees and hands that pressed down against his shoulders. Hands, that felt...warm... she was wearing gloves made of a beautiful soft velvet...

"I...oh my Gods..." Alexander squealed, as he felt himself tense, then his gift was given freely and willingly to the Warden who squealed in surprise and mild disappointment.

"I had hoped - " Come her quiet sigh, as she squirmed. "You might last longer than that..."

Something finally broke and he felt the magicks loosen enough for him to regain a minor semblance of control. He forced his eyes open and he stared up, before his mind whirled and he stared wide-eyed, his throat locking tight with abject terror.

He stared wide eyed into the broad, leathery nose of a Cervine.

"" He gasped.

With a frustrated sigh, the Cervine placed a furred paw over his mouth and silenced him as she rocked forwards and back, staring down from eyes so dark as to be almost black. Her long, leaf-like ears twitched as she looked down at him.

"I smell your fear young one - " Come the voice from this - creature- Alexander's mind refused to accept what his eyes saw.

"You fear me, I can smell it and see it in your face. You truly fear my true form? Oh, go ahead, summon your magicks, force it to obey your will, as your kind has always done!"

He drew deeply on the magicks within him, yet hers ensnared him and his faded into non-existence, as she raised an eyebrow and gazed down at him.


"Beast! You tricked me!" Alexander moaned.

"Tricked you? How did I do this? I offered myself willingly, you accepted my offer and shared yourself and your seed with me."

Alexander struggled beneath her, but she merely leaned forwards, the powerful paws on his shoulder pinning him to the forest floor as she moved and sighed in pleasure, powerful vaginal walls clamping down as she shuddered.

"I offer you magicks beyond your imagination. Your kind force magick to do your bidding, such is not the way of the world, for it is a part of all of us, of everything! It is to be cherished, adored and asked for its assistance - not forced to obey your whims and desires."

"I'll..." Alexander whimpered, fear flooding him, but also pleasure as she squirmed again and he felt himself coming back to arousal within her again. "What vile magicks have you ensnared me with Therian?"

"Therian?" She sighed. "Truly, you think I am a Therian? Oh my dear, sweet, naive child! You know nothing... Magicks such as I possess, I can teach you. Free yourself of your delusions and will to dominate and control!"

"I will not lay with a Therian beast!" Alexander grunted, as he tried again to summon his magicks, but once again, they faded as he grasped for them.

"Is my body so repulsive? Do you not feel the warmth of it, the softness of the fur and the..."

She trembled and squirmed, and his mind nearly fell away as her vaginal walls rippled and as she moved forwards, the sensual pleasure of her body undeniable.

"To lie with a beast, a Therian...just do it already! My life is forfeit beast! Do you hear me? You have taken everything from me...with your vile magicks and..."

With a sigh, the Doe flattened her ears and shook her head slowly from side to side.

"I will say this once child, since you suddenly seem incapable of accepting the truth. I am not a Therian...nor am I a Were. I know your kind hate and hunt them, you have for longer than I wish to know..."

"Just tear my throat out already - do not prolong this torture, have mercy on my condemned soul!"

Looking down at him, she smiled softly and leaned her head down, her eyes fixating his as she breathed delicately against his right ear.

"I am of the Fèidh, now, with your gift you have given me...I thank you. Now, let me grant you a gift in return, one we Fèidh do not give lightly..."

He suddenly gasped as he felt teeth against his carotid artery, then he heard her soft sob, before she bit down hard....

To Be Continued..

To Court the Fèidh - Chapter Three -

To Court the Fèidh Chapter Three © Cederwyn Whitefurr 4thOctober, 2021 All Rights Reserved. Gently, she shook him by the shoulder, gazing down at him. With a strangled croak, he awoke and tried to sit up, but she sighed and pushed him back down...

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(ZOO) Rowan's Dilemma

(ZOO) Rowan's Dilemma © Cederwyn Whitefurr 2nd October, 2021 All Rights Reserved. Rowan paused from sweeping the stable hall, resting his worn straw broom against an empty stable door. His brown eyes stung with sweat, as he snorted through broad...

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(ZOO) - Winters Gambit -

Winter's Gambit © Cederwyn Whitefurr, 28thSeptember, 2021 (revised and edited) All Rights Reserved. Winter was bored - beyond bored, the young anthropomorphic grey kangaroo sprawled on his effeminate belly, his black tipped tail laying between his...

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