- Outback Travels -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of Far From Home

A young Anthropomophic Grey Kangaroo is sent by his employer out into the edge of the great desert. His skills allow him to survey and examine geological structures for potential mining or mineral exploration later. That first night, beneath the stars, he discovers he's not alone out here...

Outback Travels

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

11th September, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

  • Authors Note: This is a non-canonical story involving the Eastern Grey Kangaroo Buck Sebastian, it is included in this anthology collection purely for involving said character.

Sebastian pulled off the road - if such a thing he'd driven on for the past four hours_counted_ as a road... It had been a washout and rutted track for hundreds of kilometres and the Kangaroo leaned forwards, folding his arms over the top of the steering wheel and resting his forehead on his arms.

"I feel like every bone in my body has been pulverised..." Sebastian murmured to himself. "They call this road good condition? I 'd hate to see a bad one!"

Glancing at the dashboard as he reached for the key in the ignition, his brown eyes fell on the temperature gauge - it sat at 47.9 Celsius.

Shaking his head slowly, he feared the worst as he shut off the four wheel drive and looked out at the harsh, inhospitable landscape that surrounded him. He had been sent by his company to what felt like the back end of nowhere, for preliminary geological surveys and study. It was meant to be a week long expedition on the edges of the desert.

"I better get started..." Sebastian muttered as his paw gripped the door handle and slid it open.


Sebastian lay himself down on the canvas swag, as naked as the day he'd been born. It was surprisingly cool, but not cold, and he yawned widely then idly scratched at his furred belly. His thick tail laying between his legs, he looked down at the three toed feet and wiggled them before he yawned again and pulled his hat down over his eyes.

Far above, the full moon hung heavy and pregnant in the sky, its light turning the desert into an alien landscape of shadows and silvery sands. He stretched again, then wriggled into a slightly more comfortable position.

"What a..." Sebastian murmured, then dropped off before he finished that sentence, his muzzle falling open as he started snoring quietly.

Sebastian murmured and growled in his sleep as his paws contracted and he squirmed. More asleep than awake, he felt _something_grab his tail, blunt claws scratching at it and working their way upwards.

"No..." Sebastian murmured, trapped in that realm between sleep and wakefulness. "Go away..."

Again, those claws scratched and worked their way upwards, before a low grunting sound was heard and he felt the paws scratching at his hips. With a snort, he woke and his eyes widened as he titled his head down and looked at the large feral red kangaroo buck who was scratching at him.

Sebastian swallowed, noting the strong physique of this buck, who clucked and growled, continuing to scratch and clutch at him.

Don't move - Sebastian's mind screamed at him in fright.

Flicking an ear, the buck grunted again and Sebastian frowned. This enigmatic buck didn't seem at all frightened by Sebastian, if anything, he was curious and... Sebastian swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked down the large buck's chest, seeing the furred testicles and the prehensile penis that flicked and twitched.

I'm dreaming... Sebastian thought to himself. I got to be, there's no way...

As the Buck moved forwards, cautiously, yet with intent, Sebastian's eyes widened as he felt the strong paws placed on his belly as the buck clucked at him and scratched insistently.

"Hey..." Sebastian whispered.

Pausing, the buck tilted his head, then resumed creeping forwards, his paws resting on Sebastian's chest. Sebastian was both surprised and outright terrified, as he felt the strong male above him in such a dominant position - worse - his penis was flicking and rubbing against Sebastian's cloaca.

Sebastian squeaked in fright, as he tried to get his paws under him and slide himself back, but the Buck had other ideas - as Sebastian wriggled, this only seemed to excite the buck who grunted and gently, almost thoughtfully, splayed his paws out on Sebastian's shoulders and pushed him back down.

"No..." Sebastian moaned as he wriggled his feet either side of the buck and struggled to get them beneath him. "No...I'm not..."

With a snort, the buck did the unexpected, he moved backwards, feeling Sebastian's feet slide either side of his hips, before he moved forwards and Sebastian felt his legs pressed up against the Buck's hips, effectively trapping him. Grunting and clucking at Sebastian, the buck twitched and moved forward a little further, his penis probing and rubbing against Sebastian's cloaca.

"Wait...no...naughty!" Sebastian squealed in fright. "I'm not a doe...I mean..."

With surprising precision, the buck grunted and pushed Sebastian down again, before his penis parted the cloaca slit and slipped the penile head inside. Sebastian shuddered, he couldn't help it, the sensation of their penises touching brought him pleasure - but the surprise and unwanted mounting...

Starting to pump his hips, the Red grunted and splayed his paws out either side of Sebastian.

"Oh..." Sebastian gasped, feeling the buck sliding deeper and deeper inside him.

His own penis swiftly grew to full arousal, pressing up under the feral's scrotum until it slipped free and held apart the testicles. Enthusiastically, the buck thrust and began pounding his hips against Sebastian's, their cloaca's pressed tight. Ticklish fur rubbed itself against Sebastian's penile base and he gasped in unimagined pleasure.

Timidly, he clasped his paws around the ferals forearms, up near his elbows, as the feral grunted and panted, thoroughly breeding this stranger with vigour and enthusiasm.

"I - " Sebastian gurgled, his body trembling.

With a gentle movement, the buck altered the position of his mating and Sebastian squeaked, the full length of the buck finally mounting him. Four inches? Six? No...it was longer than that...He did not know, all the did know, is this buck knew exactly what he was doing...and the pleasure was unmistakable.

For what felt like an eternity to Sebastian, the feral buck paced himself with an unnatural instinct, until at last he arched his hips forwards and Sebastian's lifted off the cold canvas, their cloaca squeezing together as the buck grunted and pumped Sebastian's anal passage with his hot, sticky semen. Unable to help himself, Sebastian gurgled and a half-minute later, his own orgasm sprayed over his belly chest and throat, some of it accidentally spattering over the buck's belly and chest.

Looking down at the kangaroo beneath him the feral grunted and clucked, before lowering his head and lovingly licking Sebastian's forehead as the last few twitches of his body rippled through him. Sebastian lay slumped on the ground, panting and trembling. He'd never made love like this before - the sensations, the pleasure...the...taboo nature of it all...

Sebastian moaned as the feral grunted and slid himself free, taking two short steps backwards as he grunted something unintelligible at his panting partner.

"I've never..." Sebastian wheezed. "You..."

Curious, the kangaroo, tilted his head, before leaning over Sebastian again and once more licking his face, as if trying to express his pleasure. Sebastian giggled at the soft tongue, knowing from experience his own was just as long and according to his partners, he was quite gifted with it.

Sudden realisation spread over Sebastian's muzzle as his eyes widened and he realised he'd just made love...no... mated... with a feral kangaroo...

As if sensing the buck's confusion, the Red grunted and licked him again, oblivious to the other marsupial's confusion and growing dismay.

"I'd never...I mean - " Sebastian stammered, as he clawed his way backwards, carefully sitting up.

Frowning, the Red grunted again and shook his head, before he crept closer on all fours and paused, one ear forwards, the other twitching backwards.

"We shouldn't have...you're a..and I'm..." Sebastian moaned, wringing his paws together. "Its..."

Obviously confused, the Red merely grunted and flicked an ear. He appeared completely without any semblance of guilt or shame at what he'd done. Which, as Sebastian thought, was precisely that - they did not have emotions as he knew them, so to anthropomorphise this beautiful animal was wrong - yet what he'd done...it defied imagination.

"I..." Sebastian whispered, as he nervously held out one paw.

Creeping a little further, the buck permit Sebastian to gently ruffle his ears, as he grunted and licked Sebastian on the forehead again. Without warning, he turned and hopped a dozen paces away, before looking back over his shoulder at Sebastian. Something happened at that moment, some unseen but emotionally felt bond was made, before the buck grunted and hopped off into the shadows.

Sebastian shuddered, eyes wide and mind reeling, before a cool breeze ruffled his fur and he winced, feeling the sticky semen that had spattered his pale fur. He got to his feet, his groin aching and as he walked, he dribbled little spots from his cloaca, the thirsty ground quickly sucked the moisture from it. With quivering paws, he twisted the tap on the canvas shower bag he'd hung up and there, beneath the moons gaze, he washed himself from head to foot. This was an experience he'd never forget - nor would he dare tell anyone, for they'd either disbelieve his story - or worse...

Shaking his head, he began towelling himself off, then went and lay on his side, before rolling over and gazing up into the moonlit sky, his mind wandering...


A grey furred doe sprawled on the edge of the cliff, laying on her side, one long furred leg crossed over the other, as she stared out over the valley. Her dark brown eyes glistened with tears that were un-shed, as she dreamed about that night - what seemed like a life time ago - with that strange, enigmatic buck who had taken a male kangaroo anthro...bred him like a doe with kindness, gentleness and amazing talent...

Only now, a year after that experience, did Sebastian...

I am no longer that person - Her mind thought to itself. You know know, what he really was, or do you still deny it?

"My name is Greytail - " Spoke the young Doe quietly, as he looked up again at the stars. "I know what I am now...I also know what he was..."

A sharp kick made her gasp as she winced and her black furred paws clasped at her pouch where the restless joey tumbled and kicked again.

"Easy little one..." Greytail murmured, as she tenderly stroked the barely furred joey's head with the palm of one of her paws.

My life changed that night... forever ...


M/M - Far From Home - Chapter Two

- Far From Home - Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 10th September, 2021 All Rights Reserved. After a half hour rest, Richard had regained his self-control and energy. Struggling to his feet, he shook himself off and helped himself to a bottle of...

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M/M - Far From Home - Chapter One -

Far From Home Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 10thSeptember, 2021 All Rights Reserved. Sebastian slid out of the passenger side of the SUV his heavy tail thumping against the ground as the young grey kangaroo slapped his akubra hat on his head as...

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(ZOO) Night Shift - Chapter Two - Final

Night Shift Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 9th September, 2021 All Rights Reserved. Alex curled up around Catherine's stocking clad foot paws, his nose tucked under his tail. Every so often, he'd twitch of woof quietly, dreaming of something...

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