M/M - Far From Home - Chapter Two

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#6 of Far From Home

After affections between the two brothers, both are suddenly surprised post-coital pleasures and darted - quickly losing consciousness they're both bound and hauled away - but by who - and why?

  • Far From Home -

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

10th September, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

After a half hour rest, Richard had regained his self-control and energy. Struggling to his feet, he shook himself off and helped himself to a bottle of water, quickly drinking it dry and placing the empty container away. Sebastian sprawled nearby, idly playing with a twig as he quirked an eyebrow and glanced at Richard.

"Getting old are we?" Sebastian playfully teased. "Wasn't that many years ago, you'd be ready and willing in moments!"

Richard gave his brother a baleful glance then snorted. "Want to test that theory?"

Sebastian sprawled on his back, gazing up at the stars. "Think you're capable?"

Richard come and stood over his brother, placing one long foot on the insolent younger buck's chest, pinning him to the ground. Sebastian's eyes widened as he seen Richard's firm length twitch and flicker just out of reach of Sebastian's muzzle.

"Oh my..." Sebastian squealed, slapping his paws to his muzzle as his grin spread from one ear to the other. "There's life in the old buck yet!"

"Get up..." Richard growled, and pulled Sebastian to his feet, then for good measure, walked behind him and shoved him forwards.

Sebastian squealed and his paws slapped the ground as he was pushed into a hunched over position, then Richard's paws encircled Sebastian's hips and gripped him tight.

"Ooo - " Sebastian squeaked.

Richard gripped Sebastian by the tail, sliding it aside, before he moved closer and Sebastian wriggled and stepped up onto his toes, lowering his front half as he expectantly looked back at Richard.

"Stay..." Richard growled, slapping Sebastian on the rump.

With a sulky sniff, Sebastian trembled in expectation. "It's not nice to keep a doe waiting..."

Walking back to the SUV and moving behind it, Richard called back.

"Good thing you're not a doe then, isn't it?"

"Why I..." Sebastian moaned.

A moment later, Richard returned and Sebastian's nostrils flared as he smelt the pleasant scented lube his brother had applied liberally to his penis.

"I hope you dried your paws!" Sebastian sniffed. "That stuff is so sticky, I don't want it wiped all over me you know!"

Richard placed his paws on Sebastian's rump and squeezed gently, manoeuvring the smaller buck into a more easily accessible position.

"Anytime now - " Sebastian teased playfully.

Richard snorted then moved forwards as Sebastian once again crept up onto his toes. Gently at first, Richard began thrusting against his brothers tail until he felt himself find the right position and he gripped tighter as he started to slide into Sebastian's cloaca.

"Oh..." Squealed Sebastian, his head tilting back as his brother began to breed him like a doe.

Tightly, Richard gripped Sebastian around the flanks, pulling up down and back as his pistoning hips drove his length deep. Warmth spread from Sebastian's cloaca and spread through his whole body as his brothers heavy panting breaths thundered in his ears.

"Whose..the..." Richard grunted and thrust as hard as he could, making Sebastian squeal and giggle.

"Oh...there...right...oh..." Sebastian gasped, feeling his brother fully mount then slide free only to plunge back inside him again.

"Needy...little doe - " Richard gasped.

One paw gripping Sebastian's nape as the other slid down beneath Sebastian and his wet, sticky paw gripped Sebastian's fully erect penis by the base and started to quickly masturbate him.

"Urgh..." Sebastian squeaked again, his own body betraying him as he started eagerly humping his hips.

Richard squeezed both nape and length harder - knowing from years of experience, Sebastian's nape was one of the young buck's arousal zones. Sebastian was soon overcome, his paws gripping the cool dirt beneath his paws, whole body shaking as he humped harder and harder - Richard timing his own energetic thrusting inside Sebastian to force their hips to come together with a loud slapping sound.

Sebastian's muzzle hung open, thick, ropes of saliva dribbling from his mouth as he panted and gasped, toes curling as Richard snickered and bred his brother like a feral doe.

"Give in..." Richard growled, leaning over his brothers back and licking at his ears.

With a loud squeal, Sebastian's body convulsed and Richard squeezed both paws around Sebastian's penis as it flicked and sprayed his hot, sticky semen all over Sebastian's chest and arms.

"There..." Richard murmured, as he clutched his brothers length, feeling the young buck ejaculate again and again. "Doesn't that feel better?"

Sebastian couldn't answer him, he was completely at Richard's mercy as the stronger and more dominant buck bred him vigorously. His heart racing, Sebastian could only clutch at the ground and moan in pleasure as Richard would dismount, only to sometimes thrust himself fully back in - or go slow and steady, which drove Sebastian wild with pleasure.

For nearly an hour, Richard used every trick he knew - bringing Sebastian to another two orgasms, each more intense than the first, when at last, his scrotum tightened and he shuddered as he quickly used his strong paws to grip his brothers flanks. Sebastian squealed long and loud, head tilted back, as Richard growled and drove his full length back into Sebastian, then he too began or release his pent up climax deep inside the other buck.

Sebastian pushed down and back, forcing Richard to grip tighter as Sebastian's muscular contractions squeezed and trembled, making Richard gasp at the sensations. He had nothing to liken it too - never having bred a doe - but he'd imagined it must feel similar. His semen spurted deep inside his brother, Richard held him tightly in his grip and licked his brothers sweat damp ears, savouring the pleasure they'd shared and the salty taste of his exhausted brothers sweat.

"Oh..." Sebastian gurgled. "That...what got into you..."

"I don't...wait - whats..." Richard suddenly startled, his head snapping up and ears twitching.

"I don't hear..." Sebastian began.

A soft thwip sound reached their ears and Richard violently flinched, his upper body twisting as he swatted at something which had impaled him on the right thigh.

"Richard...you're scaring me..." Wept Sebastian in sudden fright at his brother's violent movement.

"Sebas..." Richard gurgled, his body shaking. "Run..."

As Sebastian struggled to break free of his brothers grip, another dart flew from the shadows and lodged in Sebastian's neck. With a squeal, he shook his head and wildly swatted at it with his paws, but its effects were quicker than him, and his eyes rolled back in his head as he crumbled to the ground, the heavy, unconscious weight of his brother flopping on him.

"Help..." Sebastian's choking cry called out.

His head twisted to the side, he saw some blurred, indistinct forms emerging from the shadows, before unconsciousness swept him away into the darkness...


Sebastian's head swam, as he felt himself being carried, his paws felt like they were bound with...something...

His mind swirled and even his hearing faded in and out, as he felt himself laid on the ground, then something undefinable happened and he suddenly gasped as his paws were wrenched up over his head and he was pulled upright, his toes barely touching the ground.

Someone's rough fingers dug into the edges of his muzzle and his jaws were forced open as a bitter liquid was poured into his mouth. He gagged and choked, but those paws forced his chin up and his throat was rubbed, forcing him to swallow.

Voices were heard, an indistinct, alien language and he thought he heard the creak of rope as something else was pulled upright. He tried to speak but found himself incapable, as a rough cloth was pulled around his jaws and tied behind his head, gagging him. Fear began to seize him as he tried to struggle, but this only made his bonds tighten, so starting to cry in fear, he hung there, his vision blurred by the effect of whatever had darted him and his own tears.

His paws ached abysmally, as he'd lost all comprehension of time. Had he been like this for moment? For hours? Days? He couldn't tell. All he had was his hearing, which was dominated by the many voices in the tongue he couldn't comprehend and the creaking of the ropes.

Eventually, she felt warm, soft paws grip him by the hips and a sweet, almost floral scent come to his nostrils as this stranger lowered him back down. Gratefully, Sebastian slumped to the ground on his bound paws and feet, barely able to crouch, let alone stand. Blood rushed back to his arms and feet, before he smelt water.

"Please..." Sebastian gurgled.

To his surprise, the water, which was in some sort of wooden bowl, was held to his muzzle, letting him drink.

"Not too much..." Come the feminine voice.

"Please...help - " Sebastian croaked. "Who..."

A paw wiped across his forehead and the gave him another brief sip of water. "Who? You will see soon enough...no more questions, please.."

Sensing something in her voice, Sebastian nodded, then he winced as he was pulled back up onto his toes, his paws strung up over his head again. As his senses began to clear, he smelt the fearful scent of his brother close by. With what little strength he could muster, he twisted and caught a quick glance of the still unconscious Richard, likewise tied and strung, hanging about a foot away from him.

As fear built on fear, Sebastian hung his head and begun to cry, he couldn't help it, he was genuinely scared for his very life, and that of his beloved brother and lover...

To Be Continued...

M/M - Far From Home - Chapter One -

Far From Home Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 10thSeptember, 2021 All Rights Reserved. Sebastian slid out of the passenger side of the SUV his heavy tail thumping against the ground as the young grey kangaroo slapped his akubra hat on his head as...

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