(ZOO) Night Shift - Chapter Two - Final

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of Night Shift

Catherine and Alex, her loyal and faithful German Shepherd share a special bond during the night shift at the Veterinarian Clinic, once the rest of the staff have left for the evening, Catherine and Alex do a little 'private study' of their own...

Night Shift

Chapter Two

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

9th September, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

Alex curled up around Catherine's stocking clad foot paws, his nose tucked under his tail. Every so often, he'd twitch of woof quietly, dreaming of something pleasant as Catherine sat at her desk typing away on her laptop.

It was quiet in the surgery, for the first time in weeks, they had only two patients - one the Joey who slept peacefully in the hanging pouch near at paw and a Labrador who had needed some medication to remove - of all things - a pair of socks it had apparently ingested.

Catherine didn't mind working nights, it was usually peaceful and gave her plenty of time to just relax and unwind. Of course, some nights were full on crisis and stressful, but thankfully, those were few. Reaching to her right, her blunt claws clicked against the coffee cup, then curled around the handle. Sliding it closer, she lifted it up, her eyes focused on the laptop screen, before she took a deep sip and instantly her lips curled back as she winced.

"Urgh, its cold..." Catherine grumbled, as she set it down then wiped a forearm across her furred lips.

Leaning to the side, she looked down at the lump of the sleeping German Shepherd that kept her foot paws toasty warm.

"Some guard dog - " Catherine chuckled quietly.

Reaching down, she lightly trailed a claw tip along one of his ears, watching as it flicked and twitched, but Alex remained otherwise oblivious, so soundly did he sleep.

"Hey..." Catherine murmured, as she stroked his head.

Almost instantly, Alex went from a dead sleep to wide awake, his head lifting and his deep brown eyes gazing lovingly up at her.

"Move you big fur rug, I need to go get a coffee!" Catherine told him, as she started to push her chair back from the desk.

With a jaw cracking yawn, Alex blinked and slowly stood up, stretching his forelegs out and then his back ones, then giving himself a vigorous shake as he padded out from under the desk. He sat to the side, his head tilted to the side as he smiled up at her with that adorable puppy-like grin, broad tongue lolling from the side of his muzzle.

"I need coffee - " Catherine reiterated, tapping her claws against the cup.

Tilting his head the other way Alex huffed at her and frowned, obviously not understanding.

"Coffee...drink, you know?" Catherine laughed, as she stood up and turned about.

Alex followed her, obediently walking beside her, as she made her way to the kitchen and began preparing her coffee. A rumble from her stomach reminded her she hadn't eaten in hours, so she opened the fridge and bent over, pushing aside various containers and looking for something light but filling.

As her brush of a tail swished from side to side, Alex huffed and playfully tugged at her tail, his sharp teeth gentle as he tugged again, lightly shaking his head from side to side.

"Hey, that's attached you know!" Catherine laughed, as she pulled a apple danish from the fridge, then twisted about to playfully pull her tail out of Alex's mouth. "I'm not a chew toy!"

Alex grinned at her and spun around in circles before looking up at her and huffing again, his tail wagging from side to side.

"You want some of this?" Catherine asked him, as she broke off a piece of the treat and held it out to him.

Alex sniffed at it, then licked it from her fingers. Catherine watched in amusement, well aware of how long his tongue was - especially - how gifted he was with it. Eagerly, Alex sat, wagging his tail faster as he huffed and looked at the treat, then at Catherine.

"Oh no you don't!" Catherine gently chastised him. "I know how much sugar and such is in these things, I don't want you getting diabetes or overweight or something, so you get what you get, don't be greedy!"

Placing a paw on her foot, Alex whined plaintively, giving her his famous 'I'm starving' look.

"That won't work either, you know better than to beg for food - your diet is perfectly balanced, now, stop sulking and we'll go back to work!"

Bouncing up to his feet, he spun around and around, then huffed and wagged his tail.

"You're such a drama queen - " Catherine chuckled and ruffled his ears, before taking her fresh cup of coffee back to her desk.


2:49AM clicked over on the clock on her desk and Catherine rested her head in her paws and sighed softly. Some nights just flew by, other times, they seemed to drag on for an eternity. One ear twitched backwards as she heard the quiet clip clop of hooves approaching.

"All done for the night Penny?" Catherine called out.

"Yep, its quiet as tonight, I got my phone, so if an emergency comes up, I can be here in a few moments, you all good?"

Alex barked and ran over to Penny, who smiled and crouched down, then placed her dark furred paws either side of the Shepherd's head and cuddled him. He lathered her dark muzzle in licks, making the young Elk nurse giggle.

"He's such a sweetheart." Penny grinned as she stood back up and smoothed down the mid-thigh length nurses blouse.

Catherine nodded and smiled, loving the interplay between the Shepherd and the Elk. Truly, Alex loved everyone and everything, it was almost as if he was genetically hard wired not to have a single nasty bone in his body.

"I got to go home darling," Penny told him, as she smiled and caressed his neck. "You be good, okay?"

With a quiet huff, Alex sat obediently and looked at at Penny, as if to say that was exactly what he was doing.

"Alright, goodnight Catherine, as I said, I got my phone and -"

Catherine nodded. "I feel its going to be a quiet night tonight, our newest guest is fed, toileted and sleeping soundly, our other patient last I checked was asleep in the kennels, so I think we're all good here, good night, pleasant dreams."

Penny patted Alex on the head, then she turned and made her way to the staff entrance, touching her card to the reader. Catherine followed her, and Alex in turn followed Catherine.

Pausing as she unlocked her car, Penny looked over her shoulder at Alex and Catherine.

"You two have a unique, and special bond...you know that?"

Catherine chuckled and laid a paw on Alex's neck, who gazed up adoringly at her, then looked at Penny.

"More than you know - " Catherine chuckled. "Goodnight Penny."


About an hour after Penny left, Catherine shut down her laptop and rubbed at her eyes, before she pushed back her chair. Alex's head snapped up off his bed, his triangular ears pricked forwards as he started thumping his tail on his bed.

Catherine chuckled and nodded, as she stood up and left her office. Hear own triangular ears twitched too and fro as she stalked through the quiet clinic. Double checking the front door was shut and locked, she checked other entrances and windows, Alex whining softly and staying glued to her left hip.

"You know our procedure Alex, now, stop being such a baby!" Catherine giggled, as she ruffled his ears.

His soft whines and insistent nuzzling of her hips and paws showed his eagerness for that which was to proceed. Finally, Catherine lead him into one of the recovery rooms where she had a low bed. Alex bounded around her, huffing and dancing from one foot paw to the other, eager and willing, already Catherine could scent his arousal and as he leapt onto the bed, she looked between his front legs and saw the gift that awaited her, primed and ready.

"You're so eager tonight!" Catherine noted, as she smiled at him.

With a huff, He sat down, which further seemed to extend another inch of his already quite firm erection. His sheath was retracted almost to the base, and the penile tip began to flick and dribble his pre-ejaculatory fluids as he dropped to his belly then sat up again, his tongue lolling and tail whacking against the wall behind him.

Catherine reached between her shoulder blades and unzipped her uniform, letting it slide over her russet shoulders. Alex whined softly and quivered with anticipation as Catherine carefully stepped out of her uniform and folded it over, placing it on a nearby table.

Now, as naked as the day she'd been whelped, she ran her black gloved paws down her pale throat, across her firm yet petite breasts, feeling the nipples hardening as her dark finger pads encircled each nipple in turn. Alex sat, his whole body quivering, before Catherine stepped towards the bed and he obediently hopped down.

He knew their playtime routine, they'd been doing this for five years now, and he was after all, a very smart canine...

Catherine lay down on the bed, her thick brush hanging over the edge of the mattress as Alex moved carefully, his impressive member dribbling and swinging beneath him as he carefully lay his fore paws on the mattress and huffed at Catherine.

"Good boy, come..." Catherine murmured, one paw between her thighs, caressing and rubbing her labial folds.

Alex huffed and using his hind legs he walked a little closer, his tongue lolling and tail slashing from side to side as he longed to breed this lovely Vixen beneath him. Catherine felt him edge a little further, his dribbling penis rubbing against the underside of her tail and she held a paw against his nose, stopping him momentarily.

"Now, remember..." Catherine murmured.

As she wriggled back slightly and awkwardly, slipped a paw under his firming knot, Alex nearly lunged then and there. Catherine smiled at him and carefully guided his penile head against her labia and nodded. Alex pushed forwards and Catherine gasped in pleasure as his length slid inside her and she slid her legs either side of his hips as he began eagerly pumping, driving himself into her warm depths.

"Uh..." Catherine gasped, feeling the unmistakable pleasure of the canid length swelling and lengthening inside her.

Alex stepped from one hind foot to the other, his hips pistoning against her groin as he gave himself willingly to their shared pleasure. His nine inch length parted the dark depths, swelling as it did and soon Catherine grunted as she shuddered, feeling the baseball sized knot pushed hard against her.

"Do it..." Catherine panted, as she writhed beneath the eagerly thrusting shepherd.

Alex twitched again, before he pushed forwards and Catherine's back arched off the bed, her brush frizzling out as the tight knot was pushed inside her and her labial folds squeezed down behind it. Panting, Alex dropped his chest against Catherine's as he instantly began ejaculating in powerful, warm squirts. Each one made Catherine gasp and moan in pleasure as he filled her with his exquisite semen.

Her fingers slipped around his retracted sheath, feeling the pulsing of his length within her as she squeezed lightly and Alex huffed, relaxing his frenetic thrusting as he finally achieved the mating tie between himself and Catherine. Every subtle move made Catherine shudder as the knot within her formed a tight seal, her vaginal walls squeezing and relaxing.

"Oh my god - " Catherine gurgled her head tilted back and whole body shaking. "You're such a good boy...you know that?"

Alex huffed and leaned further forwards, lathering Catherine's muzzle and cheeks with wet, sloppy licks as he stayed where he was, enjoying the pleasure of mating with his beloved mistress.

For over an hour and a half, her muscular contractions of his length and knot brought him to orgasm again and again, each spurt just as hot and strong as the first, until she felt it starting to dribble from her labia and down to spatter on her tail. Almost mindless, Catherine wrapped her legs up over his back near his tail and she pulled him down and forwards, pressing his knot even further as she wrapped her forearms around his neck and buried her muzzle into the thick ruff as she squealed and violently shuddered beneath him.

Alex huffed and wagged his tail, scenting and feeling his mistress reach orgasm, which only further excited him and brought him pleasure. Yet his knot refused to deflate, leaving them locked together, as Catherine used her black furred paws to wipe away the tears from her eyes and she quivered, before tilting her head down and staring into Alex's warm, brown eyes.

"I love you Alex - " Catherine gurgled.

He blinked and gave her that adorable smile of his, before he huffed and lathered her face in licks again. After another fifteen minutes, Alex began to pull against her and Catherine lowered her legs and held them apart as Alex pulled harder against her.

"That...that feels..." Catherine moaned, clutching the thin sheet beneath her as she felt his knot straining apart her folds.

With a loud wet popping sound, Alex's knot slipped free and a veritable flood of fluids spurted from between Catherine's thighs. Alex stepped back, his penis still dribbling as he immediately nuzzled between Catherine's thighs and began licking and slurping at the mixture of Vulpine and Canine fluids.

Her groin ached and burned, but the sensation was familiar and word-defying. He was such an amazing lover, kind, generous, considerate and above all - as far as shepherd went, Catherine was adamant he was at least nine inches in length with a knot like a baseball.

Feeling the fluids spattering her tail and beginning to soak into the sheet on the bed, but Alex's attentive tongue and eagerness drove away rational thought. Both knew, within an hour, Alex would be fully revived and eager to breed his beloved mistress again - something both of them looked forwards too.

After all, who said, night shift had to be boring?


Therian's - A Case Study - Part one - Odocoileus virginianus (Whitetail Deer)

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