A One Nights Stand

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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A single nights dalliance with a young Eastern Grey Kangaroo leads a young Border Collie into a life changing experience...

A One Night Stand

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

7th September, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

Jess sat at the bar, her black tipped ears pinned back against her neck and held in place by a brilliant red silk ribbon, as her index finger lightly trailed its way around the edge of the glass. Her brown eyes glanced shyly across the bar, as her heavy black tipped tail twitched slightly on the floor.

Voices mingled and her sensitive hearing filtered through them, her sharp mind quickly associating the voices to species. One in particular caught her attention and she raised an eyebrow speculatively.

"I was put on this earth for two things - " Come a masculine voice. "To herd sheep and pleasure women - I'm not good at the former, but I'm fantastic at the later!"

A smile briefly curled Jess' lips as she inwardly rolled her eyes. Her eyes flicked to the side, as the brash, borderline obnoxious canine caught her gaze then with a broad smile on his muzzle, he made his way over to the empty chair beside her.

"Hey gorgeous, fancy meeting an angel from heaven here!" He opened with, giving her what she assumed was his most sweetest, silly grin, his broad tongue lolling from the corner of his muzzle.

With a snort, Jess gestured to the bar tender and nodded. He nodded back then took her empty glass.

"I love a shy, sweet doe who plays hard to get - makes the chase all the better!" Insisted the over-eager Collie. "I'm James, pleasure to meet you!"

Jess glanced sideways at him, her eyes narrowing behind her long eyelashes, as she mentally sized him up. Almost as he was about to lower the paw he held out for her, she took it lightly and squeezed gently, then favoured him with a shy smile.

"You know," James laughed quietly, his white tipped tail starting to wag from side to side as his ears pricked forwards. "I don't think I've ever seen a kangaroo in here before - "

As Jess reached for her purse, the Collie smiled and dropped a $20 note on the bar.

"Please, allow me to buy such a lovely young Doe at least one drink?"

"I - " Jess began. "Thank you..."

Smiling broadly, James nodded like one of those ridiculous nodding headed miniature anumals humans seemed to find so entertaining.

"I'm James - " He began again, then sheepishly grinned and gestured to the barman.

"Yes, I know, you mentioned that - " Jess smiled, then sipped her drink, glancing at the flustered young collie beside her.

He blushed, his ears flattening, then he blinked as Jess smiled and leaned over, placing one paw lightly on his forearm and gazing into his eyes.

Maybe my luck is turning after all... James thought to himself, his ears pricking back up.


Hours later, Jess unlocked the door to her appartment, then turned about and smiled at the wobbling Collie, who reached out and braced his drunken self agains the nearest wall.

"I'm not usually like this - " He muttered, hanging his head and shaking it carefully from side to side.

Jess smiled then unlocked the heavy door, pressing her shoulder against it as it swung open, then she took his paw in her own and lead him in over the threshhold.

"I think what you need is a hot bowl of coffee, maybe a shower and oh... how about you sleep it off on my couch tonight? I've enjoyed your company immensely, there's no need for it to end so... suddenly, is there?"

"Wha?" Stammered the Collie, before he tried to stand upright, then nearly fell.

"Come in, come in..." Jess laughed quietly, then lead him inside. "Besides, I don't think you're in much fit state to try to get home..."


Jess smiled, then lead him to the kitchenette, sitting him down on a stool whilst she walked back to the front door and pushed it closed. As she made her way back, her long talons clicking on the timber floor, he rested his head in his paws and moaned slightly.

"Can I be a bother for a drink of water - please?" He asked.

Jess nodded and happily obliged him, filling a bowl half full with ice cold water from the fridge, then setting it down on the countertop.

Taking it in his paws, he lifted it up and lapped it until it was dry as if it'd never held water. With undisguised interest, Jess watched his broad, rough tongue as it slurped the water up, before she involuntarily quivered and nodded to him.

"Thank you, I feel so much better - " He murmured, then smiled that adorably puppy-like grin of his.

Jess smiled, then playfully ruffled his black furred ears, before she walked off down the hallway and he sat at the bench, looking somewhat bewildered and confused by this nights events.

A few moments later, Jess returned, a thick fluffy towel draped over one shoulder, as she reached up behind her head and pulled the silk ribbon, letting her ears free then shaking them lightly, feeling the blood rushing back into them.

"That feels so much better, now, here you go...the shower is just down the hall and to your right."

Holding out the towel to him, Jess watched him, her expression kept neutral.

"Oh...shower, right..." He muttered, then slid off the stool and his knees instantly turned to water.

Jess dropped the towel, then caught him, her slender arms and small paws under his elbows as she pulled him back to his feet.

"To the shower with you young pup!" Jess chuckled, then walking behind him, guided him down the hallway and into the bathroom.

"Uh..." James grunted.

Jess began peeling off his shirt, tugging it up over his head, then as he giggled and squirmed, her hooflets clicked against his belt buckle as she unfastened it and with one whiplike slash, she pulled it free of the loops and dropped it to the floor.

"Oh...hey..." James yelped, eyes widening.

Jess ignored him, quickly sliding her paws either side of his black furred hips and slipping the tightly fitting slacks down around his ankles. James was both aroused and concerned, as this seemingly shy doe, suddenly seemed to be becoming quite dominant. He inhaled her scent and it sent his mind reeling, as he could smell the strong pheromones, which only added to his own growing arousal.

With a snicker, Jess nuzzled her way up his left leg, her nose trailing over the firm bulge that was forming in his tight boxers.

"Oh..." Come the low, gasping moan.

Jess kissed, nuzzled and lipped at it, winding her way from groin, up the belly and then his chest. Her tongue left a glistening swatch through the pale fur and he shuddered from ears to toes.

Sure, her affections were undeniably arousing and pleasurable, but something - elusive lurked in the back of his mind, just out of his mental grasp. He was about to ask something, when he yelped and gasped as Jess' left paw slid inside his boxer shorts and her cold claws encircled his firming sheath and she licked his right ear up one edge and down the other.

"You taste so good pup - " Jess' voice purred in his ear.

Rational thought fled, as she nibbled the ear, her paws grasping the waistband of his boxers and pushed them down. He wiggled his hips, helping her to disrobe him completely. Leaning back on her tail, her paws bracing on his shoulders, she looked him over from head to foot and back again, licking her lips seductively as she trailed a claw tip along his cheek then under his jaw, lifting his head up to gaze into his eyes.

"I've never - " Jake panted, his tail wagging uncontrollably, as a hint of his firming errection peeked from the tip of his sheath.

Jess grinned wider, then reached down and once more, her claws wrapped around the furred sheath as she began a sensual caressing and squeezing.

"You've never made love with a Kangaroo before?" Jess murmured, as she nibbled his throat and began slowly crouching. "You're in for a treat then..."

Quivering with expectation and excitement, James placed his paws on her shoulders and Jess glanced up through her long eyelashes, before she smiled and lowered her head, her warm, moist breath washing over the tip of his penis.

"I..." James gurgled, his fingers contracting on her shoulders.

Jess breathed again, before she smiled and her incredibly soft tongue swirled over the tip, enclircling the head as she closed her eyes and carefully began to lower her muzzle over the sensitive organ.

James squirmed and quivered, words failing him as Jess cupped his furred scrotum in one paw, lightly caressing and ticking with her fingers, whilst her tongue pressed the tasty treat against the roof of her mouth. As her muzzle slid down and her nose brushed against the delicate fur at the base of the sheath, James' toes curled in pleasure and he lost any semblance of rationality under her sensual affections.

Jess pleasured him for nearly ten minutes, doing things with her throat muscles and tongue he'd never experienced, the tight knot quickly swelling and pressing against her furred lips before she paused and looked up as his shaking paws drummed against her shoulders. She could sense he was close to orgasm - a surprisingly sweet taste of his pre-ejaculate fluid had been spurted into her throat, yet she didn't want to bring him to full orgasm just yet.

Reluctantly, Jess lifted her muzzle and she smirked up at James, whose whole body shuddered.

"Urgh - " James gurgled.

Standing upright, Jess rolled her neck, then smiled and placed both paws on James shoulders, before she gripped him tightly and pressed herself against him. At first, she felt his firm errection rubbing against her thighs, so with a chuckle, she carefully reached down and guided it against her labial folds. James twitched and whined as she started to mount him, the warmth of her body far beyond his comprehension.

"Mmmm - " Jess gasped, feeling his length parting her folds and probe into her. "I'd forgotten how..oh...yes, right there..."

His penile head rubbed against her clitoris, making her quiver, then he pushed forwards, sliding his full length into her as the firm knot was squashed between his groin and her tight cloaccal folds.

"Easy pup..," Jess growled quietly, as she took a moment and several quick panting breaths. "You're not a buck, so..."

He couldn't respond to her, his vocal cords were strangled by the sensations this young kangaroo's body was bringing him, all he could do was clutch at her tightly and his heavy panting thundering in his ears.

With a quiver and a low gasp, Jess wriggled her hips and ever so slowly noved forwards, feeling the pulsing knot straining against her labia. It was careful, gentle and extremely paced out, but after ten minutes, Jess squirmed and slid forwards, then threw her head back and squealed as the knot finally lodged inside her, locking both collie and kangaroo together.

"Sorry..." James whined, as he tenderly caressed Jess' back.

Jess winced and crept up onto her toes, which eased the position between them and she took a moment to force herself to relax. It wasn't the first time she'd mated with a canid, but he was, without a doubt, the largest she'd ever made love with and it had surprised her.

"Quite a..." Jess grunted and leaned back, to touch noses with him.

James blushed, his ears slicking back as he smiled and licked her forehead with that broad, rough tongue. "My dad was a timber wolf, I guess I inherited it from..."

"Shhh..." Jess murmured, placing her paw over his muzzle and gently closing it.

James was overwhelmed, the feeling of making love with this kangaroo was truly, beyond anything he had experienced. Her amazing muscular control as she smiled at him and her vaginal walls alternated between squeezing and relaxing made him nearly lose his sanity. Jess relaxed a little, lowering herself back down onto her long slender feet, then pulled him close and making him gasp as he was pushed even further inside her.

Jess giggled and squirmed into a slightly more comfortable position, before she slammed him hard against the bathroom wall, his expression turning to surprise and fear, as she leaned back on her thick tail and slapped both long foot paws either side of his knees.

He blinked, confused, bewildered and very much certain he couldn't break free even if he'd wanted too, as Jess ground her groin against his and arched her back inwards.

"I - " James yelped, as his body tensed under the crushing weight of the unusual pleasure of this positon brought him.

Jess grinned and placed her paws on his shoulders as she pulled him close, then bit down on his neck just above the shoulder. With a loud yelp of surprise and pain, James struggled as Jess held him tight, her muscular contractions conflicting with the sharp pain of her bite.

Lapping at the wound with her tongue, Jess squeezed him tight like a plush toy, before she quivered and he gasped as her orgasm sent powerful contractions all long his length. With a low moan, he slid his paws down her flanks and gripped her rump as he began trying to thrust against her, his own instincts to consumate this mating overriding the fright that'd flooded his body with adrenaline.

Eagerly, Jess nodded and squirmed in his grip as she pulled him tight, just as he yelped and Jess gasped as she felt the forceful ejaculation deep inside her. Pulse after pulse of the Collie's hot, sticky sperm flooded her body as he writhed helplessly, his tail frizzled out to twice its normal size.

Jess gripped him tight, her pleasure filling her body as she felt the Collie she clutched in her paws shaking and gasping. His knot lay deep within her, still tying them both together, as Jess licked his throat again and cuddled him close, her short arms barely wrapping around his shoulders and holding his weakening body upright.

"I never - " James began, then Jess silenced him, by pressing her muzzle against his, her tongue finding and probing his. "Mmmph!"

Her tail aching from holding herself upright, Jess twisted her long legs around his hips and crossed her feet over behind him, locking her ankles one over the other. Jess knew from experience with other canids, the mating tie, as they called it, could last for anywhere from ten minutes to an hour or even longer - not that she minded.

"Heavy..." James gurgled, when she finally broke their passionate kiss.

With a snort, Jess leaned her upper body back, then frowned. "I'll have you know, a lot of my weight is on my tail, I'm not..."

James grinned and pulled back slightly, making his firm knot press hard against her vaginal walls, which in turn made Jess gasp and shudder.

"Think I can get this beautiful young Doe off again?" James snickered, then licked her forehead. "I know I can..."

Jess's eyes widened as she looked into his, then she snorted and squirmed against him, making him shudder.

"You'll find you won't wear out a kangaroo pup..."

Raising an eyebrow James grinned at her and nuzzled into the cup of her right ear, as he started a careful movement against her, his knot still firmly lodged within her body.


Just after midnight, James was worn out, sexually, physically and emotionally, he lay beneath Jess, who had her long feet splayed out either side of his hips, her paws resting on his chest as she gazed down at the panting Collie beneath her.

"I give, I give!" James gasped, tongue lolling and his whole body shuddering.

Jess grinned down at him and leaned forwards, until her lips brushed his nose and she snickered.

"I told you..."

With a jaw cracking yawn, James blinked and looked up into her eyes, as he felt their spent passions dribbling down his furred sheath and inner thighs. How many shared, singular or otherwise orgasms had they experienced? He didn't know, all he knew, was this Kangaroo Doe had done things to him, no one ever had. Her remarkable physiology and strength seemed indomintable, as she leaned down and lipped playfully at one of his sweaty ears.

"Want to try again?" Jess murmured, then bit playfully at the tip of his ear.

"I...can't, I admit defeat!" James laughed nervously.

Lifting herself up, Jess twisted her upper body until she could guide him back inside her once more, feeling him shudder beneath him as she carefully mounted him.

"Mmm...." Jess grunted, as she squirmed slightly and felt the familiar pressure of his knot once more tying canine to kangaroo.

"I can't..." James whined plaintively, eyes squeezing closed. "I got nothing left in me..."

Jess snorted and relaxed her tense leg muscles, sheathing him completely inside her her, before she leaned forwards and gazed into his eyes, seeing the exhaustion and genuine anguish in his eyes.

"You say no..." Jess smiled down at him as she began a sensual rocking motion. "Yet your body says something different...yes...yes indeed..."

Jess looked down at him, giving him a playful smile as she felt the ache in her groin become a burning sensation, his knot swollen and locking them togther. Her paws splayed out on his shoulders, the blunt claws gripping both fur and flesh.

"So..." Jess gasped, arching her spine inwards. "Oh...oh..."

Her orgasm, the strongest one yet, hit her like a thunderbolt. Her paws gripped tighter and tighter, until James yelped and began to struggle beneath her. Oblivious to his obvious pain and discomfort, Jess was lost in her own orgasmic rush of sensation. Her paws so tight, Jame's frantic mind thought she'd snap his collar bones as she quivered and she began panting, saliva dripping from her lips.

"Hey..." James squealed, his eyes wide in fright.

Without warning, Jess's paws gripped him even tighter, as her head snapped to the side and it dropped. He had the briefest moment of pure terror as he felt her hot breath against his vulnerable throat, the sticky saliva saturating fur and flesh before she growled in something that wasn't at all pleasure...and a sickening burning come from his throat as he felt her bite down...


James gurgled and twitched, his paws reaching up and clawing at the cloth that covered his head. Suddenly, he gasped, feeling waves of pain washing over him and he tried to cry out, but all he managed was a weak gurgle. He heard doors open, then he was gripped by the wrists and pulled backwards. With a heavy thud, he hit the ground and the air rushed from his lungs with the impack.

What...where am I, what happened? Jame's mind whirled. Where am I...

Blinding sunlight suddenly flared, instantly making his eyes tear up as the cloth was yanked off his head. He shook his head slowly, trying to clear it, before a shadow passed between the sun and him, blotting it out.

"I'm quite surprised - " Come the quiet voice of Jess, but gone was the sweet, gentle lilt of her voice - now it was cruel and filled with malice.

James blinked and tried to reach up to rub at his eyes, but he found his wrists tightly bound. As confusion and conflict filled him, he struggled to sit up, but Jess growled and one of her long feet slammed down on his chest and pushed him flat, the dust puffing up around him and making him cough. She curled her middle toe warningly, pricking the flesh beneath the fur with her long, sharp talon.

"I think - " Jess growled, as she glared down at him, then a cruel, predatory smile spread over her furred lips. "You'll make a wonderful addition to my sanctuary..."

Gasping, his throat feeling like it was burning, James managed a strange mixture of animal-like growls and badly formed words. Jess tilted her head, frowning as she listened, then smiled wider.

"You will quickly lose the ability to speak..." Jess laughed quietly, then walked away and returned a few moments later, holding a mirror between her paws.

Awkwardly, she held it up so he could see his reflection in it, and his mind instantly reeled with disbelief. Where once he was a handsome young border collie - now was a strangely furred kangaroo...

"Its..." James croaked.

"Oh, its all too real..." Jess grinned, as she set aside the mirror, then gripped him by the bound wrists and pulled him upright.

He stared down at the dark grey fur and the pale, long slender feet. He could feel the heavy tail behind him and he tried to step forwards, but he nearly fell as Jess grabbed him by the collar around his neck.

"Not so quick little one..." Jess grunted. "You'll need a few hours to get used to your new appearance..."

She watched as he braced his feet widely apart and experiementally used his tail to balance, as she looked him over from ears to feet.

"Interesting colours you have..." Jess commented, as she walked slowly around him.

He growled at her, his voice more marsuipial than human-like, and she frowned and shook her head.

"No, my new pet... you will stay like this for the rest of your life and..."

Without warning, he leapt at her, the powerful legs driving him forwards and Jess squealed and grappled with him, before she managed to twist and throw him to the ground, where she slammed a foot on his chest again and applied much of her weight to it to keep him there.

"What's the matter? Isn't this what you expected? You were - entertaining - I'll conceed that, but in your new form...well...we'll see..."

He struggled beneath her, as Jess smiled and looked down, leaning forwards and applying more weight into his chest. Leaning even further forwards, her nose almost touching his, she smiled and looked down into his wide, terrified eyes.

"What's the matter...wasn't this what you wanted?"

Jess stepped backwards and stood here, resting her chin one one paw, the other supporting her arm as she gazed down at her newest member of her private sanctuary...


Jess' ears twitched too and fro, as they filtered the sounds of the bar, a few seats down, she furtively glanced at a young Whitetail buck who sat hunched over the bar and nursing his drink. His four tined antlers caught and reflected the lighting, further intriguing her.

Sliding off her stool, she walked quietly down the bar and slipped into a chair beside him, just as he pushed across his empty glass towards the bar keep.

"Allow me - " Jess murmured, as she laid a paw on the Whitetail's forearm and tipped a seductive wink at him.


Show Me Your Fangs - Chapter One -

Show Me Your Fangs Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 16thMarch, 2020 All Rights Reserved. "No-one remembers the War to end all Wars...for once, this verdant, peaceful world was ruled by tribes of humans in countless numbers beyond imagination! Who...

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Show Me Your Fangs - Chapter Two -

Show Me Your Fangs Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr 15th March, 2020 All Rights Reserved. It happened again; that proud, noble Stag and I were alone in the showers - whether by circumstance or fate, I know not which. He had been needling me for...

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Dark Valley - Chapter Ten -

Dark Valley Chapter Ten © Cederwyn Whitefurr 17thJune, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Gendrie sat at his computer, typing away on his story, his fevered brow glistening under the light cast from the screen, his heart racing. Behind and slightly to the...

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