Pack Mentaility Chapter 6

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#6 of Pack Mentaility

Two days later Pat and Jezeca set out for his usual run His cart was driven by a pair of horses which were intailly frighten by Jezeca's scent whe she firt approached them a day earlier, but luckily she knew the way to a horses heart and with food and care them no longer minded her scent. It took a week to make the rounds and all of it without a hitch. However when they were on the return trip Jezeca caught a famiular scent in the wind. Grabbing her bow she says to Pat "We've got company." Soon 10 men jump out of the woods one of them the Gang leader from before. They circle the wagon and the gang leader sneered.

"Told you we wouldn't forget this and now we'll finish you both off and take the money." he starts to laugh until an arrow goes into his head. As his gang stands there shock as Jezeca climbs down and draws her sword taking 2 more down before they can react. After 5 minutes it's all over all of them dead most with sword wounds but 2 with arrows in their back when they tried to run. Jezeca gather her 3 aarows before getting back on the cart. A stunned look still on his face from the speed she took them out.

"This was the best deal I ever made." he says after he finally recovers himself. She just grins at him in response. They finally make it home without further incident and pat tally's up everything and finds he made quite the profit even after paying Jezeca her fee's which unknownly to him she reduced. In a celebritory mood he immeditaly goes to his wife to tell her the news. She was very happy for her husbands sucess and giving the fact they've been seperated the past week it's no surprised their celbration took a more itamite course. Jezeca couldn't help but smiles as her werewolf enhance ears pick up the groaning,moaning, and humping going on in the main bedroom, even from her room.Months progress and Jezeca now most defiatly knows her wolf is very happy here even though it misses the pack, but what surprises her is how the wolf responds to Veli. The Wolf adores Veli, it always want to be around her and when it picks up her scent the wolf says "Pack." to her. Veli for her part sees Jezeca as an older sister. She even calls her Jezi since she's called pup by Jezeca. Thankfully Lela also has warmed up to Jezeca and their close friends although Lela still tries to occantionally to get Jezeca to wear for tradtional clothing, but that has turned into a game between the two of them. It did get a little heated though when Veli finally mange to get her own pair of long shorts and a t-Shirt, but outnumbered and her husband staying out of it she relents.

However not every thing was perfect. While getting firewood for the fireplace she grab much more than she should have and when Pat she's her with her load with a shocked look on his face she responds."I'm stronger than I look." Which is saying something before her change she had defined muslces after they only grew sleeker and more defined. The only downside she thought of was the fact her breasts went from b cup to c cup, but at least they were firm. Thr biggest problem happened on the day of a full moon. During full moons she heads out to a clearing in the woods where she change change safely without anyone noticing. Unfortunaly Veli now an energetic 11 year old wanted to know what her 'big sister' was up to. It was dusk when she caught Jezeca heading into the woods.

"Jezi where are you going?" Jezeca turns to her and says.

"There's something I need to take care of I'll see you tomorrow."

"Can I help you with it?"

"No this is something I have to take care of myself pup." Jezeca then turns Veli around and lightly slaps her in the butt."Now go inside with your parents and I'll see you first thing tommorrow okay." Jezeca then walks into the woods leaving Veli standing there. Unknown to both Jezeca and her parents Veli had learn to be very quiet we she wanted to get somewhere unnoticed. The few times Jezi manage to catch her thanks to her nose which Veli only knows her 'big sister' had a strong nose but not why. She has countered this with a strong smelling floral perfume. She goes to put it on the races to catch up with Jezi. She knew about the clearing Jezeca used and figure it Jezi was doing something it would be there. It was night when she arrived at the outskirts of the clearing. She finds a bush to hide behind then searches for Jezi. She quickly finds Jezi in the middle of the clearing butt naked and looking into the sky. "That's weird why is Jezi naked?" her asks herself. This time the fur appeared first sprouting all over her body.Then her legs enlongate to give her the 7 feet high she has as a werewolf. Then her feet change their form to be more like a wolf's rear paws then both the feet and the hands sprout her semi retractable claws. Finally her muzzle forms and her ears relign. In less than 5 minutes a werewolf stands where Jezeca did and howls to the moon. In fear Veli tries to walk backwards unable to take her eyes of what was her big sister and steps on a twig. Jezeca's head snappings to the sound and leaps into the air slamming into the intruder only to find a scare Veli.

"Veli! OH GOD ! What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here. I didn't want anyone to see this side of me. Why didn't you just do as I asked?" Tears are now streaming down her face fearing she's lost her second home to the darn wolf.Tears also stream down Veli's face as well when she replies.

"I just wanted to see what you were doing and if I could help. I had no idea you were a werewolf."

"Well now you no and just for your imformation I wasn't born this way."

"You weren't?" Jezeca shakes her head and tells Veli everything.When she was done she asks.

"You think I'm a monster don't you?"

"Would your wolf her me?"

"Surprisingly no, it likes you alot and your parents it tolerates, heck it's the reason I call you pup."

"Then I don't see you as a monster."

"But look at me." Jezeca was still in her were form.

"yes and what I see is a strong, graceful, and beautiful sister who can protect my family."

Shocked Jezeca stutters out a but, she does get to finish her sentence as Veli bear hugs her.

"MMMMmmm.Your fur is so soft." Still in her shocked pose Jezeca finally composes herself and wrps her arms around Veli.

"Thank you pup, you don't know how much this means for me."

"That's what little sisters are for."

Snorting Jezeca jokes. "I thought it was to annoy their big sisters?"

"Well that to." they sit there together most of the night. Usually the wolf wants to run through the woods enjoying the freedom giving by the moon, but tonight the wolf just wants to hold pup in it's arms. It was probably one or two o'clock in the morning Veli had fell asleep earlier,her hug had truned into a cuddle. Smiling Jezeca picks up Veli into her arms and gets up her self and carries Veli back to the house. She gets into Veli's room and strips the young girl of her clothing and puts on her night gown, Veli doesn't even wake from it then Jezeca tucks her in. Before leaving Jezeca brushes a lock of purple hair from Veli's face inticing a moan and a smile from the girl with her werid but natural hair color. Entering her room Jezeca strips and climbs into the covers, her wolf likes sleeping in the nude. She finally goes to sleep herself more peaceful than she been since the change.One of the perks of the full moon night is that it gives werewolves more energy thus they require less sleep. In the weeks that follow a routine happens. Every full moon Veli joins Jezeca to the clearing and spend most of the night in the woods though it usually ends with a smiling Jezeca carrying a sleeping Veli.

It has now been a year and a half since Jezeca came to live withem them and now all of them can't imagine life without her energetic spunk.Veli the most affected before Jezeca she was an outsider to the rest of the children her age,but she is fully accepted and loved by Jezeca even more so since Veli discovered the wolf. pat has also grown more prosperous since hiring Jezeca. though many have attempted to raid his cart all have suffered heavy casualties. Pat can due 5 tours before there's a raid attempt. This time the group they defended themselves against was better equipped and organized than the usual raider group for once she had a workout. As she finishes the last man that was still around, some had wisly fled Pat checks over one of the bodies. What he finds confirms his concerns. "This is not good Jezeca."

"What is it?" Pat rasies the arm of the body and below the wrist was a tattoo. The tattoo was a black circle surronded by four enlogated triangles in a north south east west configeration.

"Symbol of Black Star Industries." Pat finally replies.


"Your really not from around her if you don't know of them." Signing he gets up and heads to the cart Jezeca quickly follows. After their underway again Pat resumes his talk. "the Black Star Industries has long been a magor part in the criminal world. Mainly suppling the underworld with various items, but some of their branches decide to take a more active role. the surivors will tell their bosses and those bosses will want repayment."

"I'll just deal with them as I've done others that tried." Pat just shakes his head.

"Even these more active branches can be subtle when they want to be and considering the pounding you gave them that's the route they choose. Stay on your guard partner.By the way how's you arm?" Jezeca glances at her right arm which was hit by an arrow during the battle. It was now completely healed since she pull it off. When Pat notices it's condition."There's not a scratch! How is that possible?" Wincing Jezeca responds.

"There are things I haven't told you about myself, but don't worry those things won't hurt you." Pat just stares at her. They get home without further problems.

Deep in a forest nearby the headquarters for this area's Black Star operations. Two of the men from the raid kneel before a desk raised a couple of feet of the ground. Behind it was a 40 year old woman and a naked 18 year girl in bondage contraption bolted to the wall. the woman leans forward."So you were sent out to raid caravans to the nearby towns and after only a week you two are all that is left of a 20 man team. Very disappointng."

"But Maduam Lei Vu the cart we attacked was defended by a woman of amazing strength and speed. Archie here even hit her with an arrow and she just pulled it off like nothing." Lei Vu sits back in her chair in deep thought. After a few minutes she gets up and approaches the 2 men.

"No matter how it happened we can't tolerate it. Find everything you can about them. Then we'll get our repayment now get out." The men race out knowing their lives were on the line. Lei Vu then goes to the girl hanging behind and to the side of her chair. The girl shows terror in her eyes as Lei Vu approaches. Lei Vu starts groping the breast of the girl and smiles as the girl moans into her ball gag. After a few minutes she puts some fingers into the girls pussy and starts thrusting it in. After another few minutes she lets the girl orgasm this time. The girl was the daughter that had gotten in Lei Vu's way. His daughter was now Lai Vu's sex slabe for the rest of her life as repayment. Lei Vu hopes this trader has a daughter as well she'd be a nice addition.

Two weeks past since the Black Star attack. Jezeca and Veli are just heading back to the house after an archery lesson. Lela conceded to the fact it would be good for Veli to know how to hunt with a bow and Jezeca was of course the best choice to teach her. The two of them were chating when Jezeca notices the woods were unusually quiet. She hold up a hand singaling Veli to stop and be quiet. She starts to sniff when two familar figures sprout from the trees. Raceh and Argus once again stand before her.

Smiling Argus takes a step and says."Jezeca you relly out done yourself this time. It tooks us a month to pick up your trail after our last encounter and another 5 after you used the sea as a barrier well done, but now it's time to go home." Drawing her sword Jezeca puts herself between the werewolves and Veli.

"Why couldn't you just leave me alone I finally found a place that made me happy."

"But we're pack Jezeca you should be happy with us." replies Raceh.

"The wolf maybe but not me. Now leave."

"You know we can't. your coming home."

"I broke your knee last time Argus. Should i break them both this time."

"I'm prepared this time." He nods to Raceh. Raceh leaps into the air colliding with Jezeca and they both hit the ground. After they roll on the ground and fight a bit Jezeca leaps back and once again puts her sword up between her and her attacker.

"Raceh why are you fighting I know you hate it?"

"You left me no choice after the last time. I'll do what's nessicary to bring you home." Before Jezeca can respond to that she's hit from behind by Argus and she loses her grib on her sword. She then turns to Argus and does a swinging kick to the head. Raceh starts walking to the fight waiting the right moment to enter when she hit with a sudden pain in her back. She reaches with her arm and pulls out an arrow. Looking at the blood tipped arrow she looks behind her and she's Veli preparing another arrow from her bow. Anger in her eyes Raceh races forward grabs the bow and rips it in two bbefore grabbing Veli and lifts her into the air by her throat. Jezeca sees this and her wolf finally acts.They instantly change to wolf and with another swinging kick much faster since Jezeca and the wolf are finally commited together and it hits Argus in the temple and knocks him unconscious. She then races to Raceh and Veli and before Raceh can respond she throws one heck of a punch that hits her in the jaw and sends her flying until she hits a tree with her head and falls to the ground also unconscious. Jezeca then looks to Veli.

"Pup are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" She start inspecting Veli.

"I'm fine execpt for a swore throat. She broke my bow."

"The throat should be fine in a couple of days hand me that rope you have." Veli hands her a rope she had been carrying just in case they caught something. Jezeca then drags both Raceh and Argus to a tree and ties them to it then ties the legs together."There that should hold them awhile. Long enough to get a good head start."

"Your leaving?"

"I have to. Their bound and determined to get to me and bring me back to their pack even though I want nothing to do with them."

"Why not just kill them."

"One: the wolf won't let me and two: Raceh was the other surivor of her town I just can't kill her even though she's embraced herwolf so completly."

"Will I ever see you again?"

"No, I'm going to have to go even father than last time,so this is goodbye for us." She hugs Veli tightly."You and your parents made me feel human again and I will never forget that. I need to take care of a few things before I go so I'll see you at your parents berfore I'll leave for good." Jezeca then changes back to her human form and races into the trees to pre pare for her next and hopefully last flight leaving Veli alone with the two unconscious werewolves. She goes to the werewolves takes out her water casks and splashes both of them with water. They sputter awake from it.

"You to listen and listen good. Thanks to you Jezi now has to leave and never come back all because you can't let her live her lfe as she chooses. She was like a sister to me and now I've lost her. I'm so tempted to kill you right now but I know Jezi's wolf wouldn't forgive me if I did that, so I'll spare you for now but if any of you come near my family I won't hesitate to kill you." Veli then stomps off in the direction of her house tears streaming down her face. The werewolves are left dumbstrucked. Then Argus tries to free himself from the rope.

"All this time I thought we were in the right. That this would be better for Jezeca to come back with us and now look at the pain we caused." Raceh wonders.

"No matter what the alpha order us to bring her back. The girl wil have to learn about lost sometime it might as well be now." raceh is not sure about the answer but that can what another time and she helps Argus in attempting to free themselves. Veli was half way home when she is sezied by some mask men. She treis to struggle but one of the men casts a spell and she goes limp in their arms and is carried away. After taking care of her things away from the house Jezeca finally returns to get the last of her things and say goodbye. before she can start how ever Pat and Lela rush out, Pat carrying a scrolll in his hand.

"Jezeca! Jezeca! Thank goodness your home."

"What is it what's wrong."

"Veli's been kidnapped!" and Pat hands her the scroll. She reads what it says.

You have disrupted our operations and directly challenges us. Your daughter will pay what you owe us. Let this be a lesson to you.

Signed Black Star Inc.

With fierce anger in her eyes she looks at Pat and Lela. "No matter what price I have to pay I'll bring her home." Jezeca then races off to find Pup.

Pack Mentaility chapter 7

It takes two days for her to find the head quarters. many found out the hard way never get on the bad side of a werewolfe on a mission. She reaches the outskirts of the compound and takes a look to see the security. Even though it's hidden in the...

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Pack Mentaility chapter 5

In the months that follow Jezeca travels around doing an odd job for food. She evey crosses a inland sea to get away from the pack. Finally though she is tired of running and wants to settle, she heard there was a town nearby and figure she try here....

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 4

It's been a month since Jezeca made her escape from the pack. After taking a long way around to through off any persuit the pack might send she was now at the outskirts of the town she based herself at. she srrived at this part of the outskirts for a...
