Pack Mentaility chapter 7

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#7 of Pack Mentaility

It takes two days for her to find the head quarters. many found out the hard way never get on the bad side of a werewolfe on a mission. She reaches the outskirts of the compound and takes a look to see the security. Even though it's hidden in the forest the compounds security is very tight and proficent. Mutiple guards even a werewolf with a collar on her, It's a magic collar that ensures her obedience. "This is too hard for me alone to handle."She admits to her self.

"Raceh and Argus can help." Her wolf relpies.

"Are you kidding! They won't help."

"Your pack they'll help."

"Veli's not pack to them. You saw how Raceh responed to her in the fight."

"Nothings hurt by trying and their the best option you know that to be true." Sigh Jezeca getts up and races off to see if the wolves were still where she left them. They were exhasted from trying to get free making only a minimum of progress and were sleeping under Jezeca's familar scent woke them up.

"I wasn't expecting to see you hear again." Argus sneers at her.

"Trust me I wouldn't be hear if it wasn't nesscesary."

"Oh really."

"Yes, I need your help." Grinding her teeth at the admission.

"Our help?"

"Yes a group of criminals have taken Veli, the girl who was with me and I can't get her out alone."

"WE can help but you know are price for doing so."

"You can't be serious!?"

"I'm very serious, you want our help then you come back with us to the pack THAT'S the price."

Jezeca paces while she debates with herself. As time passes she grows more angry until...

"RRRRaaaaaaaa!" and she punches the tree above the werewolves. it cracks cleanly and falls to the ground away from the werewolves. "Fine, you have a deal but only if we get her out of there alive."

"I can accept that." Jezeca then frees them of the rope.

"First all get you something to eat you've been tied up for 2 days." She couldn't help a smirk.Both of the other werewolves grumble and they went out to hunt deer for lunch. While having lunch Jezeca (who has changed to her wolf form) describes the compound. " There are 4 buildings in the compund. A barracks, a workshop. a warehouse, and a minipalace. There are about 40 personel that I saw including a captive werewolf so we'll need to be careful." After taking a bite of meat Argus asks.

"How do they have the werewolf captive?"

"She wears a collar around her neck and I constantly saw her commanded to do stuff I know we wouldn't do."

"So I guess you'll want to attack from mutiple directions at the same time." Seeing Jezeca's shocked expression he laughs and explains."I was with a milita berfore my rebirth."

"Okay, well then you take the barracks. Raceh you take the workshop and I'll take the minipalace."

Raceh jumps in."What about the warehouse?"

"Both of you will search that after the barracks and warehouse. Becareful she may not like you if you find her."

"Defiantly after her little speech to us."


"I forgot you were gone when that girl woke us up and bashed us with words. She probably hates us more than you do."

"Well i've been living with her family for a over year.'

"That explains that." Argus then gets up and stretches. "Well lets get going."

It was late afternoon when they arrive at the compound. They spread out in the directions of their targets. After waiting a few minutes Jezeca draws her bow and let loose. the arrow flies true and hits a female in the head killing her instantly. Her death was the signal to the others to attack and 3 werewolves charge out of the woods. Sword drwan Jezeca beheads another guard then exchanges blows with a third guard. Parry, thrust, parry, swipe, block, lunge. The guard body falls to the ground with a sword wound through the heart.Jezeca's next opponet is the female werewolf. Stabbing her sword into the ground she exchanges fists and kicks with the enslaved werewolf, but Jezeca had combat training and the momentum moves to her favor quickly. battered and bloddly the werewolf falls to the ground panting whating for the final blow. Jezeca pulls out a dagger and approaches the beaten werewolf. A whimper escapes from the female scared of her inpending death. She feels Jezeca grab the collar that has forced her to do many things she didn't want to do including having sex with Lei Vu. Instead of feeling the blade go through her heart or head she feels the collar go away. Opening her eyes she see's Jezeca holding up the cut collar.

"No more for you your free go home." Jezeca then continues onward to her goal leaving a shocked female looking at the collar that has tormented her for 20 years lying on the ground uselessly.

Lei Vu rushes into her office. She gathers important documents and items."Darn those guards! Can't even hold back 3 werewolves." She starts preparing a spell that will shrink both Veli and the girl to pocket size so she can take them with her. She's halfway through her incantation when her doors slam open and a furious Jezeca stomps through eyes glaring fiercely at Lei Vu. Turning to the door Lei Vu sees Jezeca marching towards her. Lei Vu asks."Are you the pack my pet belonged to?" Jezeca pauses then replies.


"Then why have you come?"

"To get Veli."

"The trader, I'll offer you half my wealth to leave and a promise of no retrobution for this attack."

"I'm not doing this for money besides your kidnapping her has cost me more than my defending her father from your raid had orginally cost you. Now you have to repay me." Lei Vu casts a fireball at Jezeca who dodges it but is singed. Lei casts a lighting bolt that hits square on throwing her back. GHroaning she tries to get up. Seeing an approtunity Lei takes out another collar.

"I'm surprised you survived that. You'll make an excellent pet." knowing if that collar gets on her she's doomed and still weakened by the lighting strike she throws a flying star. Lei Vu easily blocks it but is killed by the dagger following it. Jezeca finally manages to stand as the body falls to the ground. Jezeca finds the naked girl still bonded to the wall. Using her wherewolf strength she frees the girl.

"Where did she put the girl she captured 2 days ago?"

"In a private cell on the left wall." She says weakly. It was the first time she's been able to in a year."Mistress said she was to young yet for play,so she put her in there.There's a button on the desk."

Jezeca finds the desk and the button and presses it. The cell door opens. Going back to Lai Vu's body she finds a sack of gold. Taking the bag she tosses it to the girl.

"Here this should get you home you can take clothes from the dead."

"Thank you wolf." And the girl runs to the doors. Jezeca walks into the cell and finds Veli tied to a chair with a pair of tubes coming out of her crouch and butt(thankfully still covered) leading to a bucket under the chair. Veli's mouth has a ball gag but her eyes light up when she sees Jezeca standing in front of her.

"Oh Pup! Are you okay."As Jezeca begins untying her.

"Fine now. I wasn't expecting to see you again and be stuck here for the rest of my life."

"The woman in command here foolishly left a note before I left and your parents told me." Finished untying her Jezeca turns around to let Veli take out the tubes in some privacy. They head out to the courtyard in front of the minipalace and find Raceh,Argus and the female all waiting for them. Veli stops after seeing Raceh and Argus.

"What are THEY doing here?" She asks.

"I needed their help to free you."

"They wouldn't have done that for nothing considering what I said to them." Jezeca chuckles at the comment.

"You eared their respect for that, but your right there was a price."

"No, all your hard work to be free-"

"Means nothing if I can't keep my word and I promised your parents no matter the cost I'd bring you home."

They finally approach the trio. "I'm taking her home to make sure she makes it then I'll go with you." Argus nods as she then looks at the female werewolf and asks."What are you still doing here? Your free go home."

"I can't mistress I owe you my life." She then kneels before Jezeca and continues. " I am your humble servant. Do with me as you will,but I will not leave you."

"I didn't go to the trouble of free you to replace your master.Why after enduring that?"

"Because this time I choose it instead of it being forced on me. My original pack did nothing to free me and I know you'll treat me well Mistress."

"How do you know that?" The wolf points to Veli.

"She's not your pup, she doesn't have your scent in her base scent yet you've sacrifice you own freedom to save her. Your packmates told me while we waited."

"I don't think your going to get rid of her Jezeca." Argus says with a look of amusement on his face.

Sighing and shaking her head Jezeca replies. "Fine I'll be your mistress, What's your name?"

Puzzeled the female looks at her mistress with sad eyes."I don't know it's been 20 years of being called pet I've forgotten. Please name me mistress." her eyes pleading. Jezeca sadden by the story thinks fora minute to think of a name.

" How about Nadia, It was my sisters name."

"Yes mistress I like it." Nadia nods happlily.

"Allright lets get Veli home."

It is dusk as they leave the compound, abandoned except for the dead who lay where they fell. When they finally reach the house the sun has been set for 2 hours. Veli opens the door and her parents look up expectantly, when they see their daughter they both rush to hug her. "Oh! Veli! we were so sacred for you are you allright?" Lela asks as she tightly hugs her daughter.

"I am thanks to Jezi and her packmates..Opps!" Veli stops realizing what she let slip.

"It's allright pup they were going to find out anyway.' Jezeca (who's back in human form) steps to the side and Raceh,Argus,and Nadia enter the room still in their wolf forms. Lela gasps while Pat rasies an eyebrow. Noticing Pats reponse she states. "Your not surprised?"

"I had my supistions which weren't confirmed until recently."

"Your not mad?"

"Not at all. You saved my life. You gave me my daughter back. Nothing else matters to me."

"It's too late to head out do you mind if they sleep in the living room they won't hurt anyone,right." They respond with vigorous head nods.

"What do you mean head out?"

"The price for their help was returning to their pack, the pack I was running from when I came here."

"Oh Jezeca I'm sorry." Jezeca waves it off.

"Your daughter is worth it. We'll head out early in the morning."

"Of course they can stay right honey?..Honey?" They hear the bedroom door slam shut behind him. Sighin at his wife's action he faces the trio. "Please make your self comfortable." he then walks over to Jezeca as the rest of them get ready for bed."I'm sorry Jezeca for that."

"It's okay Pat that's why I kept it hidden." Heading into her room for the last time she looks back to Pat. "Goodnight Pat." And closes the door.

It's late at night and Jezeca sits at her window. She tried to sleep and got a few hours but couldn't stay asleep so she looks out the open window and absorb the night. Her door opens and she sees Lela coming into the room and closes it behind her."Can I talk to you?"

"Of course have a seat." and Jezeca jestures to her chair. Lela sits down looking very nervous."You know I would never hurt you, not even my wolf."

"I'm sorry, I was just so surprised by it I just got scared and after Veli's kidnapping I was on edge."

"I never wanted to be this. It was force on me nearly 3 years ago and minus Veli, wonderful Veli how can anyone like a monster like me except other monsters."

"Your not a monster." Jezeca looks sternly at Lela.

"It's true though I might have thought that when we first ment and I saw your outfit." They both chuckle at

now running gag of their tastes of clothes."But seriously You have saed my husband more times than I'll probably want to know. You've been so kind and caring to Veli like a big sister she sees you should. She was so lonely before you came.I may not fully accept everything but I know you care for us." Lela then gets up and leaves.

"I'm not a monster?" She thinks to herself.

"Of course not your just not only human anymore." Her wolf responds.

"I don't need to be reminded of that,thank you very much. I lost it on that bloody day."

"But you gained me. I'm not sorry for that day. I was born you were reborn. If it hadn't happen I not only wouldn't be here but I wouldn't have known you."

"Why would knowing me or not be a big deal?"

"Because I like you."

"But I hate you. Why would you like me? I shown nothing but contempt for you and have only taken your adivce when there's no other choice."

"You don't hate me. You hate what I repesent to you. The lost of something Important to you, the fear of what you've become. You have not accepted the rebirth which is why we're so seprate in here in comparison to Raceh or even Argus you fought just as long. You shouldn't fear what WE are We are still one in this beatiful body no matter what form. Pat and his family I love them as much as you do. It was you who spared Nadia and you alone I didn't care she wasn't pack then, but you did and now we have another sister."

"Another sister?"

"YES! Why do you think I call Veli pup? As I said before I love her. You are misguided by fear that's why I and the others are born. To guide our other halves into their new life. I endured everything not just because it's my purpose. I do it because I love you."


"I.LOVE.YOU. If i could have chosen who I would spend my exsistence with it you allways be you. I am blessed to do so."

"I....I don't know what to say. I...."

"Sssshhhh. You don't need to say anything right now.Just think on what I've said. We should go back to sleep we have a long journey ahead and need rest. I will admit one thing, as much as I look forward to going home I will miss pup." Jezeca goes to bed with her mental world rocked by her wolf.

Morning cames and every body was up. Lela cooked a huge breakfast as a send off. Jezeca gathers the 3 bags she made last night and walks into the dining room butt naked. Lela frowns a little at this but says nothing. They eat the breakfast in silence and soon the plates were empty. They head outside to say their final goodbyes. Jezeca hands Pat the smallest of the bags. "This is all the coins I had kept. I don't need them anymore. I also have a sheet of paper in their for an account that I used to store money I made in investments." She then puts the largest bag in front of Veli."This contains my sword, bow, dagger, and my armor. When your old enough you might need them." Veli just looks at her with tear filled eyes. She then adress all three of them. "Thank you for accepting me into your home, you made me feel human even if only for a while." Then she changes in front of them. They have a look of awe on the faces. When she's done she gives them one last look then she heads into the woods with her companions. Leaving a family feeling the lost a member standing in the early dawn.

Pack Mentaility Chapter 8

They stayed off the roads to avoid travelers and did what they called 'tree hoping'. Tree hoping is where they use their speed and agility to hop from tree branch to tree branch and they can make good time and do so almost unnoticed. it does have it's...

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 6

Two days later Pat and Jezeca set out for his usual run His cart was driven by a pair of horses which were intailly frighten by Jezeca's scent whe she firt approached them a day earlier, but luckily she knew the way to a horses heart and with food and...

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Pack Mentaility chapter 5

In the months that follow Jezeca travels around doing an odd job for food. She evey crosses a inland sea to get away from the pack. Finally though she is tired of running and wants to settle, she heard there was a town nearby and figure she try here....

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