A Bet's A Bet (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#11 of Commissions

The lockdown has been hard on both Julius and his sister, Destiny. He's been caged and stuck crossdressing, and she's been without a good fuck. As tensions reach their peak, a bet is made, but can Julius follow through?

A commission for Elberik. Characters belong to their respective owners.

The wig itched. Julius resisted the urge to scratch it, gripping into his crossed arms as he leaned back into the school chair his sister 'borrowed' from god knew where and watched her act like a teacher for the stream of simps and perverts she had at her beck and call. "Are you paying attention, Juliet?" Destiny asked, tapping the tip of her marker against the whiteboard but refusing to turn around. Wouldn't want to rob her audience of the open view that her dress gave, completely exposing her back and the top of the vole's ass.

He had to admit, the look made his cage all the tighter. "Sure am, Miss." He crossed his legs, letting the striped skirt rise up and revealing his knee socks. Not his choice, none of these were his choices. But his sister had decided to use the quarantine to her advantage, robbing him of even the basic decency of wearing pants inside. Bad enough he rarely got to go out in guy clothes anymore, but now he was her sissy 24/7. Curling a finger through the pink pigtail wig, Julius pretended not to notice the red light on the webcam across from the siblings. "Not my fault your class is boring."

"It's, Juliet, it's." Julius rolled his eyes at the older vole's correction. She'd been taking her streaming too seriously as of late. Getting deep into character and, worse, dragging him along to be part of their show. Her fans ate it up, throwing step sibling memes whenever he came on stage.

There was nothing 'step' about their relationship.

She turned, light bouncing off her round glasses and capping her marker. "I must say, Juliet, if you're not going to pay attention to my lectures, the least you can do is keep up after class. We've been learning proper english for weeks now."

"Uh huh...ok, Miss," He said, lazily bobbing his head to the ceiling. No doubt Destiny was looking at him with daggers, but Julius couldn't care less about sticking to her hackney script. Not like she was sharing any streaming profits with him, or earning him some reprieve from the cage he wore. The vole hadn't felt an erection, much less a proper orgasm, in months, and his sister's loud solo sessions every night weren't helping.

"Ok? Oh it is not ok, my dear Juliet," Destiny looked on with a sinister smile, picking up a ruler as she swayed her hips back and forth on her way over. "In fact, you've been doing poorly in all of your classes. Now I believe every student should succeed, so I'm willing to offer you some extra credit if you'll be happy to do what I say. We wouldn't want you expelled for poor grades, now would we?" She rested her palm against his maw. Here he was supposed to mewl and say yes, begging for extra lessons. It would have made sense if he followed the script closer.

But he couldn't do it. "Pass." Julius, to the frustration of his sister, got up and walked out of camera view, flipping Destiny off on his way out of the basement. Wig in hand, the vole crashed down on their couch and grabbed the remote with minimum slack.

Lights blared from the TV. Having already caught up with every show on every streaming service they could afford, Julius opted to channel surf for something, anything remotely interesting. He found only garbage; Ancient Aliens, News on the quarantine, reruns of shows that some people loved way too much.

"What the fuck, Julius?" His sister railed. Destiny carried a sour disposition on her way into his view, hands on her hips with her back to the TV lights. "You don't just walk out of a scene like that! I lost like twenty subscribers because of that." He shrugged. His field of fucks about her viewership were as barren as his chance at pussy.

"Seriously? Do you have nothing to say?" His middle finger answered, "Oh fucking adorable, Juliet."

"My name's Julius, sis."

"Not in that skirt," The older vole crossed her arms, long blonde headfur draping over her shoulders and shaking with each turn of her head. "Jeez, I figured this forced alone time would be great for your sissy training, but you're only growing more annoying."

"I'm more annoying?" He got up, skeeving up at her, "I'm not the one forcing his sibling to act in front of a bunch of perverts."

"Well my usual streams are getting stale! There's only so many times I can fuck myself on camera before it gets old." Her brother's sympathy came in the form of his hand forming a mouth and mimicking the flapping movements of hers. Sighing, she plopped down into the nearest chair and kicked her feet over on the coffee table. "You realize that's basically our income for now, right? Unless you suddenly got a remote job while binging your shows?"

"Nope, I've mainly been doing that or eating you out." Sometimes both at once. The lockdown had been tough on everyone, but his sister's sexdrive took it the worst. Now without a steady stream of hot blooded studs to enjoy, the vole was forced to rely on her array of dildos, or her little brother's reluctant tongue. All the while Julius's cock stayed locked in the ever tightening cage between his legs. "I don't get why you're complaining so much. At least you get off."

"Oh please, like I haven't seen your cage dripple."

"That's all I get." Julius lifted his skirt, revealing his diminutive cage, "You know how much prep it takes to get into anal when all I want is a quick wank? But no, you and this ridiculous 'training' you put me through keeps me from enjoying that."

"Sissies don't cum through their clitties."

"Girls still touch them when jilling off!" He wasn't getting through to her. And why would he? Destiny enjoyed seeing him struggle, and the worst parts of him shared that pleasure. "Point is, you're not as desperate as you pretend to be, sis. If you were, you'd have unlocked me already."

His sister laughed, a deep gut wrenching giggle. "What? Little sissy thinks he's a stud all of a sudden? I don't think you've ever actually fucked anyone, bro."

"You don't know my entire sex life!" She pretty much did, but he didn't want her to know that. "Plus it's not that hard to get a slut like you to cum."

She opened her mouth, only to promptly close it and smile. "Not that hard, huh?" Destiny repeated, crossing her legs and giving a sideways glance to her little brother. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah." He knew that look, having seen it plenty of times whenever she found something new to put him in. "W-Why else would you pretty much let any guy fuck you?" Ignoring his half-baked insult, Destiny stood up and crawled over her brother. His resistance wavered as her breasts pressed against him, tucked beneath an obnoxious boob window. "G-Get off, sis."

"Hmm...I have a better idea," She said, grinding her crotch atop his own, on the tight cage his straining cock cried against. "How about we test your little theory. Five orgasms."

"What?" He asked, red blush flaring across his muzzle. She smiled, shining perfect teeth that finally had no need for braces. "If you can fuck five orgasms out of me, I'll let you cum without your dick locked up."

This had to be a trap. Destiny had kept him locked for so long that she'd only let him out to clean his cage, and those precious moments were spent with him bound up. "What's the catch?" Better to know what he was getting into than jump in without a parachute, no matter how much his dick wanted out. "Beyond fucking my dumb bimbo of a sister."

"You act like you hate it, but I see that blush." She poked his pink nose, "And your tongue isn't half as reluctant as you think it is."

"The catch, Destiny."

"Fine." Rolling her eyes, she pulled up and straddled his crotch, "Obviously you're not going to last inside me long enough for an orgasm. Frankly, I expect you to spurt after two thrusts. So that kind of endurance isn't fun. But I do have plenty of dildos, some built to work as strap-ons or extenders."

"So you want me to use a strap-on?"

Destiny shook her head, "If I say yes, you'll say no. You'll get out of your cage, but I'm putting an extender on your dick."

"And how's that any different from you using a toy?"

"Because I'll have a 'big strapping stud' pounding me instead of imagining it." Her hands crawled down his chest, fingers digging in the younger vole's shaking fur. "It's not everyday you get to play top, little brother. And, like I said, if you give me five, I'll give you a cageless orgasm."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you don't get a cage free orgasm. Duh." As obvious as it was, he had to be sure Destiny didn't have an extra punishment set in mind. On one hand, he'd get a chance to feel an erection again, cum, and make his sister quiver like a slut. On the other, Julius had doubts he could give her five orgasms. The walls in their home weren't thick, giving him many sleepless nights where his sister seemed to never stop. But she'd been away from studly strangers for so long that maybe, just maybe, she'd be sensitive enough down there.

"Deal, but no riding. And no bondage. I'm not going to be your sex doll." Her smile didn't give any confidence on Julius's part. "Course not, bro. You're going to be my stud." Helping him up, the siblings headed upstairs toward Destiny's room. Like always, controlled chaos filled the decor. From homebrewed world maps, gamebooks from D&D to niche titles like Iron Kingdoms or Bunnies and Burrows dotting her bookshelf, and of course all the dice and card games strewn about.

How she kept track of anything was a mystery. "Get on the bed," She commanded. Julius shook his head. "Nope." Crossing his arms, he stared sternly at his older sister, then pulled up the skirt he'd been reluctant to wear, "First this off, then I'll get ready."

Rolling her eyes behind her glasses, Destiny sighed and spun her finger, "Well turn around then. Can't have you seeing where I put the key."

"Why? Not like I could find anything in this mess." Snickering at her glare, he turned and listened as his sister moved through an assortment of drawers and papers. For a second he worried she'd lost the key, intending to never take it off. But her eureka moment, and the fact that she still cleaned the cage, brushed those worries aside.

Despite the comfortable room temperature, his dick shivered upon release. Locked for so long in its stuffy prison, building up sweat and musk only to let loose. He reached down, fondling his limp noodle with satisfaction at what was to come. "Now get on the bed."

From the bed cover with a tacky D20 pattern, Julius watched with a smug little grin as Destiny opened her closet. He'd seen her stash plenty of times, from the smallest dildos that were hers (and his, due to training) first, to the absolute monsters vole's shouldn't be taking. "Let's see...let's see..." She pondered aloud, finger draping over each toy in her armory, "No way you've got the stamina, so we might as well go big."

"I got the stamina, sis."

"Shush you. Important people are thinking."

Ignoring that, Julius laid against the covers and closed his eyes. Focusing on his dick, he let the blood flow into it, rising it up from its pitiful stump to the hard and pulsing erection the vole so desperately craved. With a twitch, it moved, bobbing up and down like a happy dance of freedom.

"Perfect!" He opened his eyes, finding Destiny straddling onto the bed with a translucent silicon horsecock. Not the biggest or widest in her library, but still beyond what his own cock could accomplish. "Seriously? You're that hungry for dick?"

"If you were any good at fucking, I'd get something more manageable." Grabbing his sack, she slipped the base of the cock through, letting his own erection fit snugly in the hollowed out inside. "God, it's almost like the hotdog in resin on reddit. But smaller," She snickered, taking a bottle of lube and slathering it down.

"I-I can do it," Julius grunted, more from the strange movement of his cock than frustration. He could feel the pressure from his sister's hand, moving up and down the fake shaft while the fleshy rod inside throbbed for its touch. She simply smiled and shook her head. "Not uh. Let me enjoy this."

"Enjoy what? A fake dick?"

"The fantasy of an actual stud on my bed, rather than the twink with a fake rod." Not wanting to egg her further, Julius crossed his arms and leaned back, closing his eyes again to lose himself in a fantasy. One where anyone else was taking his cock, from athletic tigresses to nerdy wah girls, eagerly licking their lips at the sight of his girth, drooling for a taste.

She patted his leg, "Ok, it's ready. Let's do this." Destiny turned around and bent over, exposing her bare pussy with a lift of her tail. He hadn't realized how wet she'd become. Seeing opportunity, he stood on his knees and lined the toy against her pussy. "That's it...rail me..." The nerdy vole whispered.

Holding the horse attachment for stability, Julius brushed the top of its shaft against her slick cunt, and grinded it down, never penetrating. She mewled, "C-Come on already, fuck me."

"Five orgasms," He reminded her, digging a hand into her buttcheek, "That's what you said."

"So you're just..." her breath became ragged with her words, "Gonna t-t-tease me?"

"I t-t-think I will, at least for now." Shaking his hips, Julius watched her juices slowly drip and mix into the lube across the attachment. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're liking this."

"Fat...fat chance, dork."

A swift spank returned a squeal, "No, I think I'm right. I think deep down you prefer being the bitch on bottom."

"M-maybe with a real-" Another strike, this one opposite cheek. Still effective in shutting her up. "Beg me for it."


He pulled away, "Simple. Beg me for my cock."

"That's my cock you're-" He struck again. "That doesn't sound like begging, sis." She looked over, eyes scowling down toward him. But all Julius saw was a pitiful pout on her lips. Turning away, she arched her head into the bed and muttered under her breath. "What was that?" Julius asked while cupping his ears, "I can't hear you?"

"Please fuck me..."

His grin widened with the beat of his heart, "You need to be clear, sis."

"Please fuck me!" She roared with her head held high. Smiling ear to ear, he propped the flat head against her sopping cunt and said, "Well, if you insist." Before thrusting forward. Her mouth hung open in silent pain and pleasure while her body jerked with the toy. For someone as active as his sister, the toy still had difficulties getting in, meeting soft resistance halfway through. Not that it needed to go balls deep right away. Digging his nails into her reddened cheeks, he pulled back and thrusted in again and again, keeping a slow and steady pace for his over eager slut of a sister.

The way she mewled and quivered had his own cock restless inside its hollow tube. "You're such a slut," He egged on, thrusting with force. "You're always bringing guys to get fucked. How you can even feel anything with that loose cunt is beyond me." Every pound into her pushed against his cock. It wasn't enough.

"Got nothing to say?" He cackled, slapping her ass before grabbing her tail and pushing deeper inside. The warmth of her pussy enveloped around the fake cock, seeping in to his own throbbing member. Swears escaped her lips as his balls finally reached her cunt, "Most girls would be screaming in pain. But you," Slowly, he pulled back, "You just break your insides for a big dick." He stopped right as the flat head entered. "Let's test that!" Julius cried, ramming the full force of the plastic stallion down her cunt.

Destiny's mouth hung open, silently screaming in pain as her body quivered with ecstasy. He blinked, not willing to believe she just orgasmed. "Did you fucking cum?" He chuckled, grabbing the older vole by her hair and pulling back. "Well, slut? Did you?"

"Y-Yes...you brat..." She smiled despite everything. A nice cocky grin that pissed him off in all the right ways. Julius smirked back, "Then this is gonna be easy."

The bed rocked with every thrust. Pulling out far and forcing in deep, giving her everything all while he got nothing beyond the warmth. His cock twitched inside the attachment, begging for attention. After the second orgasm, he focused on rutting quick with the toy inside her, never leaving the inner warmth with each thrust and fuck. Slowing to catch his breath, he found her hips bouncing against the cock. He was halfway spent and she, despite the heavy breathing and lost eyes, kept begging for more and more.

"You fucking bitch!" Julius growled, pushing her head against the bed as he adjusted his legs, power slamming into her loose pussy. Confidence started him on, but irritation empowered his second wind. Next time they did this, he wouldn't be using some dumb hollowed-out horse dick. No, he'd make her beg with his own cock, make her cry for release that refused to come.

Wrapping his arm around her neck at the fourth orgasm, the siblings fell backward against the bed. "Bounce on my cock you nerdy slut." She followed with no argument or clever wit, hammering her cunt down with enough force to imprint his ass against the mattress. By now his stamina had been spent and more, pushing his body into debt. Julius couldn't even muster the strength to spank her reddened ass, laying the weakened arms out against the covers while she rode her chosen toy. The vole needed to cum, his throbbing cock screamed out for release from the endless teasing. With a wicked cry, Destiny hugged herself and fell forward, lost in the final wave of pleasure hitting her.

"I...did it..." Julius whispered, letting his head fall back against the pillows.

She pulled off, letting a wet schlop noise echo in his ear. "Aww, is my little bro sleepy?" Destiny teased. Not willing to lift his hands and raise his middle finger, Julius stuck his tongue out. His sister laughed and stepped off the bed, no doubt to freshen up. He however was content to just lay still and relax, having earned his victory.

He didn't open his eyes until cold metal braced against his wrists. Turning his head, Julius found Destiny locking his hand against the headboard. "Hey, what are you-" She hooked another pair of cuffs around his opposite wrist and latched him up. "What the fuck, sis?!" Newfound rage prompted him upward, but it wasn't enough to do more than rattle his bindings.

She silenced further protests with a wide and pink ballgag. "Oh shush. You wanted to cum cage free right?" He nodded, scowling up to the nerdy vole, "Well," She answered with a white smile, "I didn't say you'd be touching your dick, did I, Juliet?" After fitting the pigtailed pink wig against his scalp, Destiny skipped along out of the room, humming carefree as her brother fruitlessly struggled against his bindings. This wasn't fair. He made her cum five times, he did everything right!

She returned with her camera set and set about keeping his legs spread with a bar and a chain to lift his lower body when pulled. "Hey my lovelies," Destiny cooed, propping up a peace sign as she stared into the camera, "Surprise stream tonight, but I had to make up for ending early, didn't I?"

They were live? His face burning red, Julius turned to hide the blush, earning a cute laugh from his older sibling. "Well if you're wondering about our 'technical difficulties', it's all pretty simple. See, my sissy Juliet here was getting jealous of all the studs I used to bring home, taking time away from her training, and made a bet that she could make me cum five times. Now obviously her little clitty isn't enough to satisfy me, so..." She flicked the silicon cock, letting it flop like a leaning tower, "We had to improvise. Sad to say, she gave up around four, so I had to do all the work for my fifth and final."

Julius violently shook his head. He didn't give up. If anything, the vole just needed a solid rest before the fifth one. "But I got my five orgasms. And since you all, my loyal fans, deserve a show, I figured you can decide if I let my precious step-sissy cum tonight." Holding her hand up, she counted off the options, "We're gonna have three options, with whichever gets the most in thirty minutes being the victor. At five dollars, I'll relent and touch her clitty, teasing it to orgasm. At fifteen, I'll give that prostate of hers a proper milking, and at twenty-five," A machine with a dildo on the end fell atop the bed, "I'll hook this up into her and keep the stream on overnight. Start donating, sweeties!"

With eyes wide in bashful terror, Julius watched the red light from the camera, unaware of the comments or votes casted for his inevitable release. Destiny's chuckling from her desk didn't help, watching her computer screen with glee. "No, she's not going to be keeping that toy on forever," She said into the microphone, "But at least now I know she can use it for a little while. I might have to put her on a treadmill to pump up that stamina."

Julius's swears and protests came out unintelligible. Destiny perked her ears regardless, "You know, Juliet, some of my fans have a soft spot for you. You're actually getting some donations for me to pump your clitty between my fingers. Not a lot, but a few."

The vole laid his head back, wallowing in frustration as the timer dinged. "Looks like we have a winner. And it's the best one. You guys are so sweet." Blowing a kiss to her fans/simps, Destiny hoisted the fuck machine against the bed and pulled his legs up high. Wet, cold, and slimy fingers braced against his pucker, slowly penetrating and spreading out inside his rectum despite her brother's gagged complaints. "Oh please, we can all see how hard you are in that horsecock, Juliet. Don't act like you hate it." She met his blushing scowl with a blindfold, robbing the vole of what little knowledge he had of the surroundings.

An engine whirred. The bulbous head of a dildo pushed against his ass, pushing into him at an agonizingly slow pace. His cock twitched inside its new prison, with moans escaping his lips as the machine built up. The warmth of her body fell on him, her breath cascading down his snout as she whispered, "Because I'm a great sister, I'll let you cum as much as you like tonight. But you owe me for using my bed."

Getting off, she issued a final warning, "Stream keeps going until I turn it off. You can donate to change the speeds, but don't go too crazy guys. I'll need my sissy to clean up tomorrow." She closed the door, sealing his fate.

Not a second later did the toy speed up. While smaller than the horsecock, it brushed rapidly against his prostate while Julius moaned and begged for mercy. How many were watching him? His feminine form, bound and gagged and at the hands of strangers who jacked and jilled off to his sister's sessions? His cock stuck inside a shaft that dwarfed it, tensing with every thrust.

His back arched with the first wave. The machine pushed faster, torturing his prostate as strands of seed shot up and fell against his cock, filling the hollowed equine dick with each new release.

At least Julius was erect this time.

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