Defiance and Obedience (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#10 of Commissions

Whitemane has been taken in by a blackwolf intent on showing the white wolf her place.

A commission for Chloe Wintermane

Whitemane's spine shivered across the cold stone ground. The hard rock had the white wolf missing the dirt she'd been forced to sleep in since her capture. How long had it been since strange wolves took her? She had been hunting alone, only to find herself caught in a bit and then entangled by a trapper's net. Despite her struggles, they had bound her up and taken her across the seas. She'd spent so long on the rocking edge of the ocean, shivering in chains and snapping at any so called attempts to train her.

Despite the differences in the appearances of her captors, she could understand a few words. Their failed attempts to pacify her had labeled the white wolf as unruly, willful, and a liability. When fear wouldn't work, they simply wrapped a sack around her head, robbing the wolf of her sight as they paraded her around to gods knew where. Her own clothes were ripped away, leaving only her fur to provide warmth in the dismal cell.

Her body ached with movement, slowly rattling her chains and cuffs bound to her legs. Her arms were held by a bar strapped to the collar on her neck, exposing her breasts to anyone who wished to grab her. Ears perked against the sackcloth as footsteps echoed down the cobblestone hallways and bars were pulled open. The inner workings of the latch lock were undone, and a shrill creek filled the room as the door opened.

Two sets of footsteps followed. One heavy and rough, following behind soft and graceful paws. Her sack was pulled off, letting her see the black furred wolf woman with red edges along her headfur, and a curious smirk across her face. " don't you look good for a savage."

Whitemane growled and glared at the black wolf. She wore naught the metal armaments of her captors, but a soft purple robe that stopped mere inches from the floor. She strode around her, fingers on her chin and pondering, "Hmm...what should I call you? What name best fits?" Whitemane bared her teeth to the wolf. When she reached, the white wolf snapped.

She hit the wall before she could blink. One second later, and the grey wolf's arm was wrapped around her throat, strangling the air from her bruised neck. "Kias, be gentle with my property," The black wolf said, with all the worry of a disappointed mother.

He loosened, but did not let go, "Your hand is worth more than her life, Mistress Northstar."

"I know how much she's worth, Kias. I bought her after all." Northstar grabbed Whitemane's chin, staring deep into the white wolf's green eyes. "Hmm...I can still see a fire in you," She smiled, her own light blue eyes burning bright. "Kias, spread her legs."

Despite her struggles, Whiteman's legs were forced open. Her pussy exposed to the outsider while none of her struggles bore fruit. She opened to scream, to damn her kidnappers a thousand hells, but pain suddenly shot up and stole her voice. Northstar winded up her leg and struck the white wolf's cunt again and again. Attempts to close her legs were denied by Kias's own knees locking her open. Some strikes pushed further and hit him, but only a grunt escaped his lips as the white wolf's struggles grew weaker and weaker.

Throbbing and on the verge of tears, Whiteman stopped struggling. "Tired already?" The black wolf chuckled, running her hand through the white wolf's black headfur. "Hmm...naming you after your color would be too on the nose. Though you do look like a Chloe to me." Smiling, she wiped a tear away from the wolf's eye, "Are you fine with that, Chloe?"

She didn't speak, not wanting to give this bitch the satisfaction. Instead, she looked away, but her eyes caught the confident smirk of Northstar. Wrapping a rope around her neck, she tugged the wolf along and out of the cell. "Come now, Chloe. Best to get your training started."

Whitemane wouldn't yield to any torture they provided. She lasted this long after all. The three wolves traveled deeper into the halls of the dungeon, with cells and barred doors lining the walls. Most empty, and the ones that weren't had weak willed furs laying upon the floor. In the corner of her eye, the white wolf noted something odd about her new owner's expression upon the slaves. Hints of worry, as if she cared about them.

She scoffed, ludicrous.

"Here we are." Northstar pushed open the next door, revealing a chair with latches to spread the legs of anyone sitting on it. The grey wolf following grabbed Whitemane and hoisted her up against it, logging her limbs where he could. A bit was fitted into her mouth, leaving her to bite it fruitlessly as the mistress attended to the table. "There are so many ways to train slaves. Some prefer more brutal approaches, to inflict fear directly into their minds. But I never liked that," The black wolf said, holding up a small barbell between her fingers, "Being looked at by a fearful slave can be fun, but only short term." Taking a needle and a dab of liquid, she turned over to her slave and whispered aloud, "And I prefer to keep my slaves for a long time."


She'd been unable to sleep since then. A few hours at most, if she had to guess, but each night had her waking up drenched. Not from pain, her mistress's additions to her healed almost immediately thanks to sorcery. No, Whitemane's slumber was impeded by the furious lust pooling inside her.

The white wolf tensed as she felt around her body. Jackie, as Northstar referred to herself, had pierced her nipples and her pussy with adorning metallic barbells. Her cunt had been sealed off, leaving only her clit to be touched. Her arousal steadily grew, yet even in her desperation as she toyed with what she could, the white wolf couldn't push herself over the final edge.

The food had to be the cause. Some kind of poison? Either way, she avoided eating what they handed her through the slot. Jackie visited her soon after, sampling the same food given before her. Part of her didn't want to believe the good will her mistress offered, but hunger took her in the end.

But the heat never ceased. She'd gone as far to prostrate herself to a guard sent to clean her, only to be denied and teased more. Words were difficult, her strength waned, and the fire in her chest burned brighter and brighter.

She still tried to escape, pushing down her lusts through sheer willpower to gain what little ground she could. A pilfered key or a mad dash during food, either way it ended the same: captured and thrown back in.

"My, my, my, so resilient," Jackie mused aloud upon entering the cell. Whitemane glared up from her huddled position in the corner taking note of the rope and cuffs the black wolf held. "I would have come to train you sooner, but I got roped up in some business." She giggled and swayed the binding in her hands, "But I'm sure you're going to be roped up now."

Whitemane didn't budge. Her arousal burned brighter in Jackie's presence, unable to fight the panting coming through. "Why don't you be a good girl and stand facing the wall," Jackie commanded, "Arms behind your back."

She refused, claws digging into her wrists to fight the urge. Jackie sighed, "Kias, help her up. We have a schedule to keep." The grey wolf guard forced Whitemane to her feet and pushed her against the wall. Cuffs were locked around her wrists and ankles, while the noose wrapped around her neck and a gag locked into place behind her teeth. She marched behind the black wolf, eyes forced down to watch the fur's welcoming ass sway underneath those robes.

She shook her head. It was the lust talking, nothing more.

Stone gave way to wood as they ascended stairs. Her ears twitched at the murmurs of others she couldn't see. Jackie stopped at a small cross made from bamboo and snapped her fingers. Without warning, Kias grabbed Whitemane and shoved her head between the two sticks. The cuffs behind her were released, only for her hands to be held up and tied to a third stick that locked her head into place. Ropes then tied her thighs to the bamboo, forcing her legs open before a curtain.

"And now we reach my favorite part, Chloe," Jackie whispered. Unable to turn her head, the white wolf watched her apparent mistress step up before her. Donning a small eye mask, she doffed her robe to reveal a black leather corset. Another snap, and the curtains were raised.

So many eyes on her.

Whitemane was a warrior and a hunter. She wore little beyond what was needed to pursue her prey. Few in her village did. But now, before the eyes of hundreds in an open crowd, she wished to cover herself. "Ladies and gentlemen!" Jackie cried out, expanding her arms in gratitude, "Tonight I bring you a very special guest. It seems my dear Chloe still doesn't understand her station, so I've decided to help speed up the process."

She thrashed into her bindings. Biting down at her gag in vain to escape their glares. Her lusts burned, breath quickening at all their eyes watching. Jackie stepped out of sight, letting her see the varied faces watching with disgust, glee, desire, and other emotions that bore into her soul.

Leather snapped through the air and struck her back. Arousal burned from her piercings, now vibrating within rhythm to the strikes. Her screams bit into the gag, fits clenched tight as the white wolf struggled relentlessly from the unholy mixture of pleasure and pain.

They laughed. The audience pointed fingers and jeered through their masks at her predicament. All the while she edged closer and closer, teetering on that final tipping point. Jackie's fingers curled through her headfur, gripping tight as she whispered, "I can smell it, you know." Adding the long sniff for emphasis, "You're practically dripping. One would almost think you were into it."

Her lusts dropped in the break, bringing her down from her cruel edge. Her eyes pleaded no, but Jackie read them correctly. Just to be safe, she twisted her slave's nipples, letting the pleasure and pain dance together once again. "That's love this."

She did. Whitemane's pleading grew muffled in the gag, but Jackie heard her well. With a wicked smile, she turned and faced the crowd. "It seems my Chloe wishes for some release. What do you say, my peers? Shall I give this pathetic slave pleasure?"

They booed, raising their hands to point their thumbs down at the prospect. Jackie laughed and tossed aside her flogger, picking a bamboo cane to thwack against the white wolf's back. Each strike cracked her resolve, bringing tears down her cheeks and matting her fur as her release stalled itself in agony. The pain, the pleasure, she needed out.

The curtain closed. Pushed to her back, she squealed against her gag as Jackie's foot pressed against her pierced cunt. "Thankfully, you're my slave, not theirs," She said, grinding her paw against the white wolf's crotch. "What is your name?"

Whitemane. Her tribe called her that. Jackie ground her foot harder, "No. What is your name?" She asked again, her cruel smile lit up by burning eyes in the curtain shade. "Tell me, and I'll bring you over."

Chloe. She screamed it into her gag. Her name, which she had been given, was Chloe. Shame filled her, followed by the crashing wave of ecstasy as the black wolf snapped her fingers. Throwing her head back, Chloe questioned if she could breathe with each surge or pleasure running through her. "It feels good, doesn't it?" Jackie whispered, crawling atop the bound wolf, "Every orgasm you've had since I put this on you, hitting you at once. An enchantment of my own design." Her claws circled the piercings while her lips pressed against the white wolf's gag. "It's amazing what a little amplification does to bring out people's hidden desires. So long since I've seen a budding masochist."

The term escaped her, as did most of what Jackie whispered. Crashing back to reality, her tears drying now against her cheek. The black wolf patted her headfur, "Shh...good girl," She whispered, holding the wolf tight, "You're a good girl, Chloe. My good girl."

Chloe relented, softly resting in her mistress's grasp.

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