Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 1

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#1 of Sins of Our Elders

Amethyst and Helga decide to take their little cuckpuppy out to her first play party. But things are not what they seem to the vole, and faces she meet may be more important than she realizes.

And so begins a new weekly series of mine. I'll be posting this eight chapter story every week, Friday or Saturday around noon EST. This will be a more drama heavy story featuring my attempts at dealing with adult themes. That doesn't mean there won't be sex, but it won't be the primary focus of each chapter.

I hope you all enjoy.

"Is there a word for scared and excited??" Rebecca asked from the backseat, hands in her hoodie pockets. No doubt to make herself feel more bond than the seatbelt. The pitbull had even suggested Helga tie her up but Amethyst had been told the problems of that idea enough that the vole could mouth along with it. "Like, I know about scaroused, but I think my first public play is more exciting than arousing. Though it's plenty arousing."

A quick search through her phone told Amethyst the answer, "Frisson. A thrilling fear, like when you're riding a rollercoaster." Helga snorted at the vole's explanation, "Or when you're riding bitchseat on my ride." Amethyst remembered her first time fondly, clenching herself so tight to Helga's back that she swore they might fuse. The vibrations of the bike, and the muscles underneath her mistress's tummy. Not to mention the outfit she wore underneath her clothes.

"So, you've done this before, right?" Rebecca asked, scooting up to the front only for the pig driving to push her backward. "Sit still." She commanded. Amethyst bit her lip at the tone. Even with the most mundane tasks, the authority Helga's voice carried had her drifting to both submit and, somehow, rebel, all to hear it more. But car rides were no place to be a brat.

"Yeah, we've done this before. Momma prefers the gang clubhouse for more intense public play, but we gotta support our local groups." The vole's finger trailed across Helga's arm, climbing up the chain wrapped tattoo coiled around her bicep. Too often had her own neck been held in a vice by that very arm, and still she looked forward to feeling the muscle pulse against her throat. "After all, we wouldn't have met if it weren't for munches."

Her mistress smiled, clasping her strong and calloused hand with the vole's soft palm. "Can't imagine you trying online dating. You'd be swarmed instantly with 'do me' messages."

"And you wouldn't?" She giggled, "Big tough gal like you would get all the thirst."

"Well I wouldn't be dating online," the pig said, turning into the parking lot, "If I wanted to fuck, I'd just go to a bar and find a gal looking to experiment."

"Not date?" Rebecca asked, her clipped ears furling at the thought of ruining their moment by mistake. Helga shook her head, "People don't go to bars to pick up dates. They go for one night stands. Some might eventually turn to relationships, but rarely has that happened. Aside from..." She paused and held out her fingers, raising each digit until her palm was free, "Ok, five or so times. But only like...two of them lasted for more than a few weeks."

"Anyone we know?" Rebecca asked again, her curiosity betraying her canine visage.

"Well you can ask Alison next time you see her. And probably Dawn, but if I'm being honest she glorifies the past. The only time we didn't fight was when I had her tied up and at my mercy."

"Or when she drank your piss." Not that Helga totally didn't have recordings of such an encounter that Amethyst definitely didn't watch in private. The pig looked a little mirth at the comment, but said nothing. Rebecca on the other hand had her ears furling and her face red at the mental image. "Ew..." was all she uttered, but her expression betrayed her supposed disgust.

"Sure is," Helga said, parking near the entrance. One of the many perks of arriving an hour early. "You two go grab the gear in the trunk."

"I still don't see why we can't wear it inside." Rebecca pouted.

Amethyst pointed to the sun, one hour away from finally setting. "Because it's still daylight, Michigan doesn't have laws allowing exhibition, and we don't have the consent of people outside, or even those from the windows on the ride here, to expose ourselves. I don't think I'd want some kid to ask questions about our latex get ups in the backseat."

Rebecca tapped her window, "These windows are pretty tinted. Except for the front I guess, but you can just be here bond with-"

"Let's go, bitches," Helga pulled her leather biker cap from the back seat and twirled her finger, "Any more lip out of you and I won't even take the belts off tonight."

"Yes Momma." Amethyst bowed.

"Yes, Mistress," Rebecca followed, her sneakers hitting the concrete while Amethyst walked out in spiked heels. While the pitbull kept it casual with cargo shorts and a red hoodie over her grey t-shirt, the vole preferred to let her punk fashionista flair out tonight. The side of her head freshly buzzed, she sported a new leather vest gifted from Helga with a shield patch stitched into its chest. A black star logo shirt covered her stomach, with her black and red plaid skirt obscuring her mesh leggings down to her feet. Had she spoiled herself? Yes, but Amethyst wanted to have a pair of heels for at least one special outing. Boots got boring after a while.

Not that Helga shared that sentiment. Their pig mistress wore loose jeans and a leather jacket over a tight t-shirt. Amethyst ran a finger around her studded collar as her eyes ran down her mistress, heart beating in excitement for their play tonight. The hog smirked, "If you're gonna drool, get some water for hydration."

With the burn of a blush on her cheeks, Amethyst headed to the trunk and pulled out her bag. Helga waited for both of them to approach her, each standing rigid before their owner. Her strong arms pulled the pittie and vole to both sides, keeping them close as they made their way indoors. A grey furred rabbit sat behind a plastic table with a black tarp rolling over it, eyes deep into his phone until they entered. "Welcome. Did you all sign up for set up?" He pulled out a checklist, "Can you right your screen names on here?"

"Screen names?" Rebecca blinked, "Um...I don't have a profile on-"

"She's with me, Ronald. Well, actually she's with Amy but I drove us and Amy is my partner." Helga grabbed a pen and wrote in her screen name, 'FreeQuaker' followed by a plus one. Amethyst signed in hers, 'Emeraldgleam53' and passed it back along. "Mistress I didn't know you were a quaker," Rebecca asked.

"I'm not. It's just another translation of my nickname." Helga scratched her black hair with the explanation, showing a few strands of grey thanks to age and stress. Amethyst liked it, made her dominant feel more...well she would say refined but the pig would laugh at the description. Experienced perhaps, not old enough to lack the energy to keep up with her two pets. "It's just a dumb little thing me and the gang did for each of us. We kind of bring it up nowadays as a joke."

"So like a codename?"

Helga sighed, blushing at the question, "No it was...look it doesn't really matter. Ronald you got stuff for us to help set up?" The rabbit pointed past the black curtains, "See Steph. She's got some furniture that needs rolling out. We already got people working in the rest area."

The 'club' the trio saw as they passed the black curtains was nothing more than a wide open warehouse with concrete floors and three steel support beams wedged into the floor. Several furs were already moving about the floor, rolling bits of S&M furniture like X-crosses or wooden horses, or setting up chains from hanging bars. Nothing like the professional clubs thrown together on TV or high class clubs best suited for villains. Why were they for villains anyway? Good guys can't be into kink? Amethyst shook her head, regaining focus as they made their way to a portly but shapely fox woman with a clipboard and leather straps.

"Dressed already?" Helga quipped, "Or was that Richard's idea?"

Stephanie smiled, gently pulling at the loop of her collar, "Mine actually. Wore these under my clothes all day. Was tempted to just clean the house in them, but what would my neighbors think?"

"That they should mind their own goddamn business inside. But sadly, not enough do, else I'd probably keep these two naked the entire time." Helga patted both her girl's bums in jest, "So what you got for us? And don't say floor tiling, I-"

"It's floor tiling."

"Fuck," Helga sighed, "Ok. Where are the pads?"


"So why do they need to cover the floor?" Rebecca asked, currently struggling to pull up her latex gimpsuit. Baby powder only went so far to ease the task. "Wouldn't it be more fitting for people to kneel on the cement?"

Amethyst nodded from across the dressing room, having already pulled on her outfit save for the final ties in the back and her mask. They'd helped Helga lay out foam gym pads across the floor for half an hour before she told them to get dressed, knowing damn well how long it takes to get comfortable in their suits. "Sure, but not everyone who parties is as into the lifestyle as we are. Plus some people have bad knees." Seeing that the pitbull wasn't going to get further without assistance, the vole stood up and helped pull it along. "Be careful with this. We don't want to stretch it out too much."

"Sorry, Mistress," Rebecca hung her head, but Amethyst saw her smile. She could relate, feeling a rush of feeling at the dog's subservience to her. Though both were collared, Amethyst was the top slave under Helga and Rebecca's mistress. She never expected to enjoy switching, fingering herself to be only submissive. But experiences change people, and she very much enjoyed being in charge of the pretty pitbull.

"It's has been a while, hasn't it?" Amethyst's hands coiled under Rebecca's body, under the pittie's arms and past her waist. "In fact, I think it's been a month since you've had an orgasm," Latex covered fingers trailed down to her fellow submissive's exposed crotch, lightly brushing the canine's clit and watching her squirm in the vole's grasp, "Right?"

"M-Month and a week, Mistress..." Rebecca shuddered, her breathing tensing as Amethyst's fingers pushed against the dog's wet folds. The vole smiled, "That long? I must have lost count, since Momma has been giving me more as of late." Not entirely truthful on her part. Helga enjoyed playing the denial game between them, but since Rebecca came into their lives, the pig grew more fond of playing in front of their shared slave. It had earned Amethyst a few more pleasurable outbursts, but she still stayed denied about half as often. "Course, you would know. You watch all the time." With a soft breath against the chopped ears, she asked, "Do you like being our little cuckquean?"

Amethyst felt Rebecca's spine tingling against her chest as she exhaled. "Yes...yes, Mistress." She could hear the drops fall from her pussy. "I love seeing Mistress Helga fuck you. Her fingers turning you red and your screams...god they keep me up at night."

"Oh do they?" Amethyst asked, gently brushing against the latex puppy's clit, "Do you imagine doing the same to me?"

The canine gasped, biting her lips as she forced herself to speak. "Never! I couldn't bring myself to harm you, Mistress. Mistress Helga knows where to strike, and most importantly, she enjoys it. I...I..."

"You want to make me scream in other ways," She cooed, nibbling against her ear. "Getting between my legs and eating me out like a good slave. Is Momma's strap-on after she fucks me not enough?"

The burning blush of shame pushed Amethyst forward, shoving her pet to the wall as her fingers gently toyed with Rebecca. It'd be so easy to stick inside and explore, finger her until she could barely stand. But that'd ruin the fun for the party, and even though Rebecca was technically under her jurisdiction, she needed her mistress's permission first before letting the pittie cum.

Not that Rebecca seemed to mind. "Are you nervous for tonight?" She decided to change subjects, pulling her pitbull in closer as they sat against the floor. "There will be more eyes on us tonight."

"A little...I'm excited because you'll be with me, but I'm still a little scared."

The vole nodded, carefully holding Rebecca's chin and turning her head, "Do you remember your safeword?"

"Of course," She said, smiling, "Watermelon, Mistress."

"And if you're gagged?" Rebecca raised three fingers in response. "Good girl," Amethyst said, petting the blue pittie's red hair. Reaching into the nearest bag, the vole took out a gimp hood. Angling the pitbull's muzzle just right, she pulled the mask over her fellow submissive's face, digging out her ears and hearfur through the top holes for comfort. She quivered in her arms, softly moaning as her identity was stripped away from her.

A foolish thought, one Amethyst knew all too well. She'd worn a hood enough to feel the delight in what was stolen. But underneath that mask, she knew it was still Rebecca, and she knew Helga saw the same whenever she was masked. But in that brief moment, locked behind the restraining leather and latex of their outfits, a submissive could forget the responsibilities of their name and be no more than a simple toy for their dominant.

Smiling, she pulled at the impromptu ponytail of the hood and pressed her muzzle against her pet's. The vole's pierced tongue pushing past the subservient lips of her slave sister, their latex stretching with every twitch made. The dressing room door cracked open, with Helga's frame silhouette in the entrance. "I can't leave you two alone at all, can I?" She said, smiling while shaking her head and stepping inside.

"Sorry, Momma." Amethyst took to her knees with Rebecca following, "I just got a little carried away with-" Helga's fingers dug into her scalp. Nails scratched against her, adding to the overwhelming pressure of their owner. "I don't want excuses, slut. We can't hold up the dressing room forever." Her tone aired with no disappointment, but she felt it all the same. The pig wrapped the second gimp mask around Amethyst's face, sealing her identity away beyond the pulled ponytail and pierced ears slipping from the hole. "Now you two gimps just stay nice and still while I get dressed."

Her outfit came quickly. Assless chaps with a black thong, a leather vest around her midsection that showed off her impressive arms, and finally the biker cap. They watched her, mesmerized and waiting for their shared show tonight. Looping a finger around each D-ring, she pulled her girls up by their collars and smiled. Her lips braced Amethyst's, demanding breath seeping into her maw and nearly robbing the vole of her balance as she melted into the pig's grip. "You," She softly growled, firmly holding the green-haired gimp's jaw, "Are going to be my lovely little assistant tonight. And you," She grabbed Rebecca, "Are going to get a nice reward if you behave well. Just remember, use your safeword if it's too much."

"Yes Mistress," Rebecca whispered. Satisfied, Helga walked out with them following behind, leashless but not aimless as they stepped into the set up S&M club. Furs of all types wandered the floor, with most relaxing in the rest area, chatting each other up. Some reached for the play area, with paddles, whips, and screams of pain and lust echoing off the walls and garnering the attention of passersby.

Finding a bondage frame with their gear lined up, Helga directed Amethyst to the side and Rebecca underneath the bindings. Pulling her hands above, Rebecca dangled from the frame while Amethyst locked a spreader bar against her ankles. Their sub's little tail nub wagged impatiently, and her cries were silenced by the thick gag locked between her teeth.

Envy flared under the vole's hood as she watched her mistress's strong hands dragged along the pitbull's body. She buried it deep, locking a blindfold across Rebecca's mask and reaching for the vibrating wand below them. Helga stopped her, smiling and nudging her head to the pitbull. "She prefers your touch," she whispered.

Paddle in hand, Helga softly tapped its black leather frame against the exposed bum. "Such a tough ass," the pig cooed, grinding the tool as Rebecca shivered, "Ready to show them how tough?" The paddle swung down as the pitbull nodded, its impact crackling through the air. Rebecca pulled at her restraints, the pain coursing through her as Helga wound up for the second strike. Amethyst's lips embraced her hooded sister's, tongue mixing with the saliva seeping through the gag.

"Good girl," The vole whispered. Another strike struck the pitbull. Amethyst held her chest, feeling the canine's heartbeat flutter with the pain and anticipation for the next. "That's a good gimppuppy for our audience." Not that they had any more eyes watching than the rest. A few stragglers, some furs dressed to party, others simply newcomers in casual clothes watching with interest. No doubt some thought of asking Helga to dom them, but she was preoccupied with her own girls.

And she knew Amethyst hated to be skipped.

Stopping her onslaught, Helga pulled Rebecca back by her scalp. Her eyes trailed down, admiring the reddened ass of her submissive while Amethyst massaged the small breasts underneath the latex suit. Her paddle sliced through the air suddenly, snapping down against the relaxed bum. Rebecca squealed into her gag, while Helga laughed. "Someone got too comfortable..." Running the edge of the paddle between her cheeks, the pig nodded to Amethyst. Dutifully the vole pulled the gag from between Rebecca's lips, letting her ragged breath free.

"Do you want to cum?" Helga asked, keeping her grip tight and dragging the edge of the paddle against her clit. Biting her lips, Rebecca tried to nod only to relent with words. "Yes, Mistress..."

"Even in front of strangers?" The pig smiled, her voice barely a whisper, "If you want to cum, you need to tell all these fine gents how you love being our special cuck puppy." Seeing her point down, Amethyst fell to her knees before the quivering gimp's bare and dripping cunt. The smell had her own suit feel so tight, her nipples tightening against the latex binding her chest. "Good cuckpuppies get rewarded...are you a good cuckpuppy?"

"Y-Yes..." Rebecca muttered out with a hoarse whisper. With a silent order, Amethyst buried her tongue against the pitbull's snatch, the barbell piercing digging in with her as their shared slave cried out. Helga slapped down on the dog's ass, "What are you?" She demanded.

"A cuck puppy!" Rebecca yipped, "I'm a cuck puppy, a cuck puppy," she repeated, her juices dripping down Amy's leather hood. Fighting the urge to finger herself, she pushed every ounce of desire into her work, making the pitbull so restless in her bindings that Helga embraced her from behind, never resting to drive her position in place. "I'm a cu-" Her final squeal ended as she chomped down on her maw, suppressing herself while her body shook and juices splattered against Amethyst's maw.

"That's a good girl," Helga cooed, her cruel disposition gone. "Let's get you down." Rebecca nodded absently, lost in the thrill of ecstasy. Amethyst knew the feeling, being adrift in that same headspace herself from time to time. What followed was the best part, where her envy flared up briefly yet again: The aftercare.

The pitbull melted in Helga's arms. With care, the pig carried her over to the small rest area opposite of the social spot. Amethyst cleaned the frame with a wipe and took their toybags over, knowing not to leave furniture messy for others to use. As she went to sit on the leather couch beside them, Helga held out her hand, "Just hold on, got a task for you," She said, freeing Rebecca from her hood in the process. Taking two heavy bondage mittens from their bags, she locked them over Amethyst's paws and whispered, "Go get us some water. I need to rehydrate before we play."

"Umm..." Amethyst held up her now immovable hands, "How?"

"You can ask for help."

"Ok, but why?" Not that Amethyst didn't mind the extra difficulty. The vole cracked a smile underneath her hood, "If you really wanted to humiliate me, you'd gag me."

Her mistress's finger tapped her pink nose, "What did we say about topping from the bottom?" She asked, smiling smug to her submissive. "Besides, you need to socialize more."

"I'm social." Helga's tilted head in response said otherwise. "You hang on my arm whenever we go out to these events," The pig explained, "And while I love having a sexy little bitch at my beck and call, it's your community too. So, go on," She ordered, pushing her sub to the party area.

Various furs dressed from casual to kink sat around and talked about normal topics. Taxes, anime, movies, politics, she made sure to steer clear of politics, and etc. Amethyst found Helga's whole perspective ridiculous. She totally socialized. Sure, after Samantha and Brian graduated she didn't have that much of a social life on campus. Jewel and Alex helped, but they were always turned away when Amethyst talked about S&M. She had other interests, just...well they weren't always on her mind.

And asking for help to open the damn fridge door wasn't going to fix that. Which is why she didn't ask, instead fruitlessly trying to get a grip at the handle to pull it open. "You know, you could use your foot." She looked up, seeing a chubby golden retriever in a pink collared shirt, glasses, and tan shorts standing next to her. "Getting punished or just forgetting to take gear off?"

"Enforced socialization, if you believe it." Amethyst rolled her eyes, "Can you help me with this door...sir?"

"Sure, just don't call me sir."

"Not a dom?"

He shook his head, "No, I just don't like having honorifics I haven't earned yet." After opening the fridge, he reached for one of the water bottles lined up, "You're gonna want to make a base with your arms. So you can better hold it."

"I was just gonna hold them in my armpits." She said, eyes peering down to notice his hands shaking slightly. Amethyst didn't address it, would have been rude.

"And let them get warm?" He shook his head. "It's not like they'd be there that long," She replied, but he was adamant on her folding her arms for balance. Reluctantly she did, feeling two ice cold bottles brace her latex wrapped arm. "Name's David by the way," the dog said, casually grabbing a third bottle only to pause at Amethyst's open mouth. "Um...there's more room in your arms."

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" She teased, "Mine's Amelia, now stick the bottle in my mouth else I keep the good lady waiting." With a shrug and a nod, David did as she requested and Amethyst held the bottle by its cold plastic tip through her teeth. Earning a few snerks and playful stares, she swayed her ass back and forth to give a show for everyone that couldn't touch. The only person who could wait with a smile, one arm wrapped around a tired pitbull with her hand scratching through the redfurred scalp.

"Well isn't this inviting?" Helga said, taking the bottle from Amethyst's maw. She let the saliva drool down it and handed Rebecca the second before unlocking Amethyst's personal bondage mittens. "So, meet any new friends?"

"One trip to the fridge won't result in more friends, Momma." Laying on the otherwise of Rebecca, she wedged their shared submissive between themselves and rested against Helga's shoulder. "Do you think I'm lonely when you're out with yours?"

"I mean...yeah?" Helga relented, "Don't get me wrong, I know you and Rebecca like to hang out. It's just...well I feel guilty sometimes. I got a whole gang of gals that have my back. You two have just...well each other and me."

Amethyst had more. Jewel and Alex were always available to talk with, and she'd made a few friends online through games the vole had picked up. But that didn't matter to her much, not as she brushed away the older pig's dark hair and whispered, "Don't worry, I have what I need."

"What you need is a good spanking," Helga snickered, twisting off the spit covered tab of her bottle and downing its cool contents. "But it looks like we'll have to wait for another station to open up. Pretty packed tonight."

"It's not normally this packed?" Rebecca asked, having stayed quiet between the embrace of her dominants. Amethyst shook her head, "There's always some action, but it's never this popular. Must be some people out of state tonight. Was there any big event posted, Momma?"

Helga shook her head, "None that I'd seen. Alison might know, might ask her later." The swine's lips pressed against Amethyst's, her tongue toying the vole's piercing and laying her flat to the floor of her mouth. Breaking away, she smiled and peered to the right, "But that's later. Right now, I need to turn your ass red." She pointed to the bondage horse in the corny, currently being wiped down by a stoat, "And your seat just opened up."

Sins of Our Elders: Chapter 2

_Beep. Beep. Beep._ Joyce's eyes snapped open at the incessant banging of her alarm. Pushing off her covers, the vole yawned and sat up from bed, rubbing her eyes before she walked across the room to turn her clock off. Up and about, she made her way...

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Roadie Chapter 12: Trending

Tapping her drumsticks tepidly against her lap, Tiffany leaned back into her chair and waited. She expected to be practicing now, but Deborah had called an emergency meeting with the band. A meeting that, so far, only her, Conner, and Connie had shown...

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Defiance and Obedience (Commission)

Whitemane's spine shivered across the cold stone ground. The hard rock had the white wolf missing the dirt she'd been forced to sleep in since her capture. How long had it been since strange wolves took her? She had been hunting alone, only to find...

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