Of Mice and Nagas

Story by Vanamee on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales From Crown City

Elric was a young black mouse, and he was in BIG trouble. The little mouse paced back and forth frantically in his cell. Elric was slim, with just a slight hint of toned muscles on his chest and abs. His fur was pitch black all over, save for a small white spot over his right eye that looked just like a star. People had always accused him of getting his fur dyed, but it was honestly just a birth mark. He was just turning 19 and was now about to die.

The young mouse had come from a poor family and grown up in the Rodent's den, the poorest and most dangerous corner of Crown City. He could barely remember his parents, having lost them when he was young, leaving him and his brother to make a living as pick pockets. Two days ago the pair had tried to pick-pocket the wrong target. It had turned out to be a noble, and one with little patience for thieves. Elric's brother, Eric, had gotten grabbed by the large nobleman as the pair had tried to escape, and when Elric went back to help him he had gotten nabbed too. The guards had wasted no time in carting the two little thieves off to jail. Now the pair waited for whatever the judge decided would be their fate. Eric seemed convinced it would be simple jail time but Elric knew better. His younger brother (Although only a two years younger) was naïve. He had seen other boys get caught and they were never seen again. The way the judges saw it, they were just getting rid of the surplus population.

"Will you quit pacing!" Eric shouted irritably, sitting nearby on a hard metal bench that was attached to the wall, "You're making ME anxious." Eric was about the same height as his older brother, a whopping five feet (Which was considerable for mice) and had a fur pattern that was completely opposite his brother's, being white furred with a black, star shaped birth mark over his left eye.

"You should be!" Elric spat back, "We're going to hang! Just wait and see!"

"Well even so," Eric replied irritably, "pacing like that won't help." The older mouse was about to make an angry retort when he heard the door to their cell being opened. The pair turned to find a large ursine guard standing there. He was dressed in the dull red armor of the Imperial army, a large short sword at his waist.

"You two!" The bear shouted, gesturing for them to follow him, "Come on! Judge has made his decision." The two young mice looked at one another and gulped nervously. The boys followed the bear outside, where a large, older looking fox sat at a wooden table, waiting for them. He was dressed in the long, flowing, black gown of a judge and he held in his red furred hand several pieces of paper.

"Elric and Eric Gatz?" The fox asked demandingly.

"Y...yes your honor." Elric replied, speaking for the both of them.

"For the crime of attempted theft against a noble, for which you have pled guilty," The fox announced, his voice booming in the stone confines of the jailhouse, "I sentence you both to death." Elric felt his heart drop into his stomach. He had been certain this was coming, but he supposed that nothing could ever prepare you to hear those words. "Unfortunately the gallows are rather full right now," The judge continued, "what with the prisoners coming in from the war with Galleo and all that. And so I have made other arrangements for you. Mr. Saleek?"

A nearby door opened and through it stepped a tall, stately looking naga. His body was covered in reddish-brown scales, his upper half being extremely muscular and toned, intimidating so even. Elric could tell that his lower half was equally strong, the large coils bulging with sinewy muscles as he slithered over. The naga's face was unremarkable, looking the same to Elric as every other naga he had ever seen, which was to say, like a snake's head. Though the reptile's lower half was nude, he wore a large, maroon tunic like shirt and a dull red vest with a number of pockets on it.

"Oh my." The naga hissed in delight, "They look absolutely ssscrumptiousssss."

"Please Mr. Saleek," The fox sighed in something that sounded like disgust, "I'm loath to give in to this idea, even considering your sizable donations. The less I know about what you're planning to do with them the better. Just as long as the punishment is dealt out, I'm happy." Suddenly it dawned on Elric what the two were hinting at.

"NO!" The mouse cried, falling on his knees in front of the judge, "Please your honor! Not this! You... you can't do this! It... it's not fair!" The little mouse pleaded, his eyes starting to tear up a little. Ever since he was little, he had been told about things like this. To mice, nagas were almost boogeyman like. Little mice would be told that if they didn't go to bed or if they misbehaved that a naga would come and eat them. He had always known there was an element of truth to those stories, and that had made them all the more terrifying. Even adults would often shiver when they saw a naga go by. Thankfully they were rare in Crown City, so he had rarely seen them, let alone held any real fear that he would be eaten by one. But now, with that enormous snake smiling hungrily down at him, the mouse felt like he was going to pee himself in terror.

"Enough!" The judge growled, snarling at the pleading mouse, "You should have thought of that before you decided to try and rob one of our fair city's most respected citizens! Guard! Have them stripped and collared, and make sure to provide Mr. Saleek with some leashes so that he can get them home."

About an hour later, after being humiliatingly paraded through the streets in the nude, collared and leashed by the naga, they arrived at the serpent's home. It was a nice looking double storied house, snuggled nicely inside the merchant's quarter. As the 15 foot serpent busily unlocked the door, Elric considered grabbing his brother and bolting. The younger mouse had practically been in a trance since the judge had given out his verdict and Elric wondered if he would have even been able to get his brother to move if he did try to escape.

Before he could decide, the naga gave their leashes a tug, pulling them after him into his home. The inside was nicely decorated, with fine cherry wood tables and a number of odd, eastern looking statues positioned about. One in particular caught Elric's attention. It was a small ivory carving depicting a large naga, robed in a large golden headdress and ornate jewelry. All about him were smaller mice, each with a collar and chain leash that led to naga's tightly clenched fist. The mouse blushed as he noticed that the naga in the statue sported an enormous hard-on, as did the mice he held on chains, two of which were on their knees and looking like they were about to "service" him.

"Admiring my art?" Saleek chuckled as he turned around and locked the door behind him, sliding an extra deadbolt in place and locking it as well before replacing the keys in one of the pockets of his vest. The serpent slithered over to his table, adeptly tying the two leashes tightly to one of the chair legs. "I had them imported all the way from Draconia." The snake told them proudly, "That one your were admiring issss a religiousss icon."

"Pretty fucked up religion." Elric spat, trying to sound tough even as he started to shiver in fear. The large naga slithered up close to him, wrapping his arms around the mouse's shoulders, making him cringe.

"Not really." Saleek replied, a calm and kind looking smile on his face, "You sssee, back in Draconia, nagasss serve as the priesssthood to all of Reptile kind. We are considered holy even. And do you know what the only creaturesss that are permitted to ssserve usss are?" Elric remained quite, glaring defiantly up at the naga.

"Mice?" His brother squeaked, causing Elric to give him an angry look.

"Exactly my little sssnack." The naga answered, turning about and looking with pleasure at Elric's brother. "We have a sssacred relationship, your kind and mine. In naga religion, mice were created asss counterpartsss to the nagasss. Asss our ssservantsss and asss our... food." At that last word Eric let out a timid squeak, making Saleek laugh.

"Great history lesson." Elric growled, "So why don't you just quit teasing us and get it over with?" The serpent turned his attention back to the black mouse. Suddenly one of the snake's scaled hands shot out, grabbing hold of Elric's head fur and violently forcing his head back, the naga's other hand shot down to the mouse's little black sheath, giving the sensitive spot a rub.

"Becaussse my sssweet meat," Saleek replied, leaning down and hissing into the mouse's large, sensitive ear,

"I'm doing thisss properly. I'm not going to eat you until you WANT it." The big naga's hand moved, grabbing the rodent's jewel sack, gently rolling his testicles about and causing the mouse to moan involuntarily. "Sssee? That's a good ssstart."

"F...fuck you." Elric whimpered, trying to hold back another moan as the naga toyed with him, "I'm nn....ahhh....never going to want it!"

"Yesss you will my plaything." The serpent hissed, his voice becoming very serious and cold, "When I am done, you and your brother will be my broken little playthingsss. You will BEG ME to eat you." Eric, who had been watching this take place, finally seemed unable to take it, and began to sob, sitting down and curling up into a fetal position. As Elric saw it he began to feel more and more enraged and more and more emboldened.

"Go to Tartarus you bastard!" He yelled, starting to struggle in the naga's grasp. His efforts were rewarded with a sharp blow from the serpent, and suddenly everything went black.

Went Elric awoke, his head was pounding. The mouse opened his eyes, finding himself in a large, dimly lit room. The only light seemed to come from eight torches scattered about the area, casting an eerie, flickering glow across the dark stone walls and floor. The mouse tried to move, only to find he was shackled to the wall, two tight fitting metal cuffs on either wrist attached to the wall by a short, metal chain. The rodent's arms hurt, having been holding his unconscious body upright. He couldn't see anything more than a few feet away, and the young rodent let out a timid squeak. "Eric?" He whispered out into the dark.

"Ahh." Came a sinister reply, "I ssseee you're awake." Elric cringed as the enormous naga slithered into view, a pleased smile on his face. At his side came Eric, his eyes half open and a goofy looking smile on his face.

"Eric!" Elric cried, struggling against his bindings, "Where are we? What happened?" The mouse's brother didn't reply, but simply stood there giving him that stupid smile. "Eric?"

"That name no longer meansss anything to him." Saleek told him, slithering up next to the bound mouse, "All that mattersss to him now isss pleasssing me."

"Eric!?" The black mouse cried out in a panic, "Please answer me! Oh gods... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?!" The mouse screamed out now, glaring furiously at the reptile.

"Nothing he didn't already want. Right my pet?" The serpent laughed, reaching one clawed hand down and gently petting Eric. The younger mouse churred happily, leaning into the petting.

"You bastard!" Elric sobbed, tears welling up in his eyes as he saw his brother, nude and collared, acting like someone had put a will collar on him. The naga noticed the black mouse's consternation with satisfaction, slithering against the mouse's side.

"Shhh..." The reptile cooed, reaching his hand down and petting his prisoner, "I've set him free. You two ssspent your daysss living from hand to mouth. Ssstealing and thieving sssimply to sssurvive. You had no purpossse. I have given him that. I have given hisss life meaning. He doesssn't need to be afraid anymore. Doesssn't need to think or worry. He need only pleassse me." Elric looked at his brother, tears in his eyes as he pleaded with him.

"Please Eric... please snap out of it." The rodent begged, "I need you." His brother looked up at him, as if just suddenly noticing he was there at all.

"It's ok Elric." The younger mouse replied, his voice calm and sedated. "I'm happy now. Master is kind. I love Master. Just give in Elric. It's so nice to be obedient. You can be happy too. Please brother? Please stay with me... with Master..." The black furred mouse shivered in terror.

"He's going to eat us!" Elric screamed, thrashing against his bindings once more, "Don't you get that?!" Eric smiled back at him, nodding.

"I know brother." The younger mouse answered, leaning over and embracing the large naga in a hug. "I want it to happen. I can think of nothing I've ever wanted more."

"Sssee little morsel?" Saleek teased, leaning down and getting right in Elric's face, "I can give you purpose. I can bring you happinesss like you've never known. If only you will sssubmit to me. Body and soul." Elric growled, glaring right back into the naga's proud eyes.

"I'd rather die!" The mouse spat back. The naga shook his head.

"I sssee you won't give in easily." Saleek sighed, looking rather annoyed, "But that isss fine. A little toying with you and that will quickly change." The serpent reached out, thrusting his hand down onto Elric's crotch and taking a grip. The mouse let out a surprised squeak, blushing a bright crimson beneath his dark fur. "Eric," The snake ordered, a cruel smile on his face, "Ssshow your brother what Massster had you do for him earlier." The younger mouse gave a submissive nod in reply, moving over towards the naga's front. "Not to me my tender sssnack." Saleek told him quickly, putting a hand on his head and pointing him toward Elric, "On him."

The bound rodent wiggled a little in discomfort, the serpent giving his genitals a small squeeze, as if to warn him to stay still. Eric slowly walked up to his brother, then lowered himself onto his knees.

"E...Eric?" Elric whimpered as his brother looked up at him, that glued on smile beaming at him still, "What are you..." The little mouse's question was cut short as his brother reached one small, white furred hand up and took hold of his brother's balls, just as the naga released his grip and slithered back a few paces. The black mouse couldn't say anything as he looked down at his brother in shock. The white mouse seemed unperturbed by what he was doing as he began to gently roll his older brother's balls around in his hand. "Eric... s...stop..." Elric pleaded, feeling utterly embarrassed as his cock slipped out of his little furry sheath.

"Good... very good." Saleek praised as he watched the white mouse play with his brother, "Now ssshow him what a wonderful tongue you have."

"Yes Master." Eric responded dreamily, lowering his face forward, his jaws parting as he slowly eased his big brother's showing cock into his mouth. Elric gasped as he felt his younger sibling's tongue begin to lap teasingly at the tip, then slowly swirl around it.

"No!" Elric whimpered, trying to keep his mind elsewhere, to think of something else. But suddenly the only thing he could think of was his cute, lithe little brother with Elric's steadily growing cock in his mouth. "T...this isn't right... ohhhh.... Eric... sto... stop..." The naga seemed to be enjoying the show, Elric noticing that he was rubbing his waist as his cock began to peek out. Then the young mouse noticed something exceptional. The naga had TWO penises! Each one was covered in spines, much like a cats, and as they continued to slide out of the serpent's body cavity, the mouse could see that they were quite large.

Eric meanwhile was only working faster and harder on his brother's shaft, bobbing his head up and down and teasing the underside of Elric's cock with his agile little tongue. The black mouse could see that his brother was getting quite excited as well, his own cock flopping up and down as he worked on pleasuring his brother.

"Give in little moussse!" Saleek hissed, coming close once more and putting one of his clawed hands on Elric's throat, forcing the young mouse to look him directly in the eyes, "Sssurrender to the pleasssure. Let yourssself go. Give in..." The little black mouse began to pant heavily, feeling himself getting close to orgasm as his brother's tongue expertly worked on his now throbbing cock. As he looked up into the naga's eyes, he began to lose himself in them. For the first time he noticed what a wonderfully inviting shade of dark yellow they were, like two shiny pieces of amber put into the snake's face. "That'sss it little one..." Saleek's voice softly assured him, "Look deep into my eyesss. Give in..." At last Elric could fight it no more, and as he began to cum, spewing ropes of warm mouse seed shamelessly into his little brother's muzzle, he felt his mind break. He belonged to the naga. He had always belonged to the naga.

"There." Saleek purred in satisfaction, "Now I have two little moussse slavesss." The serpent reached up, undoing the manacles that held Elric to the wall. The cute, little, black mouse looked up at him with the same half awake, smiling gaze that his brother held. The naga had only recently made the white furred rodent please him, but already he felt his loins burning for release. He gazed down lustily at his trophies. Eric's face had a little of his brother's cum still on it, which the serpent cleaned up with his hand, then held it out to Elric himself.

"Clean it ssslave." He ordered. The rodent gladly leaned forward, putting the naga's hand in his mouth and suckling the last of his own seed down. "Good boy." The reptile praised, noting with pleasure that the little mouse was still hard, as was his brother. "Now I will give you both the honor of pleasssing me." Saleek laughed, "Ssshow me what your little mouthsss are good for."

The two mice dropped to their knees, each whimpering happily as they leaned forward, using their tiny hands to guide the naga's large, throbbing shafts into their mouths. The boys did well, even without instruction. Each took a different cock, all to happy to slurp and suck noisily on it. The reptile felt bolts of spine tingling pleasure shoot through his coils as those little tongues worked over his sensitive male hood. The serpent reached down, taking a hold of each of the boy's head fur, using it as a grip while he began to force them to pick up the pace. Saleek slammed the little rodent's faces up and down his hard cocks, taking as much care as he would if he had been fucking a piece of meat. The thought brought a snicker to the snake's face. In a way, he supposed, he was doing just that... fucking pieces of meat. At last the great reptile could take it no more, the two boys had gone limp and were simply letting him skull fuck them as he pleased, putting up no sign of resistance. Saleek let out a loud moan as he released, shoving both boys all the way down. A visible bulge formed in their throats as his hard serpent cocks slid down them, the bulge growing and shrinking as he spewed out load after load of his seed.

After a moment he released his grip, letting both mice slide his now limp shafts out of their mouth. The two rodents coughed and sputtered as they collapsed, each gasping for breath. Again Saleek smiled as he saw that both mice were still hard as a rock, their little cocks drooling out pre onto the stone floor of his little makeshift dungeon.

"And now my playthingsss..." The serpent laughed, his long, powerful coils snaking their way around the pair, corralling them as they sat up, "Massster hasss a very different ussse for you." With lightning speed the snake tightened all of his muscles, capturing the two little rodents inside of his coils, wrapping them up from shoulder to calf, leaving only their heads and feet poking out of his scaly prison.

"A... are you going to eat us Master?" Elric whimpered, wiggling a bit as the reptile tightened his grip.

"Do you want me to my ssslave?" Saleek inquired, leaning in until he was right in the mouse's face. He knew what the response would be. He had hypnotized it into both of them. The mere thought of being devoured by the naga would be nearly enough to bring them to orgasm, so strong was the suggestion he had planted.

"Yes Master!" The once stubborn mouse squeaked. "I want Master to eat me so bad! Mousy belongs in your belly!" Saleek nodded approvingly. That was a good sign. When it came time for this part most of his victims began to struggle against their hypnosis. It didn't seem that these two would.

"Very good then my pet." The reptile replied, feeling himself start to drool a little in anticipation, "I will let you two ssscream your lassst out in my belly." That was too much for his little mouse toys however, as he could feel both of them start to cum, spewing their little loads on the inside of his coils. The naga chuckled to himself at this. It was always amusing to see his prey be so eager to be devoured. The two little rodents lay limp in his grip, panting heavily from their release.

The two mice looked up at him, each pleading for their Master to devour them first. The snake put a finger to his lips, signaling them to be silent.

"Sssince you were firssst to sssubmit little Eric," Saleek decreed, "It isss you who will have the honor of being my firssst courssse." The little mouse squealed with delight at this, wiggling about excitedly in the serpent's wrap. His brother seemed to be none to pleased with the arrangement however and opened his mouth to protest when Saleek stuck his tail tip into the hole to silence him. "Sssuck on that my pet and wait your turn." He ordered. The little mouse whimpered in reply as he began to suckle on the serpent's cool, scaly tail. Just to tease Elric a little more, the naga pushed his tail a bit further in, churring with delight as it slid down the back of the rodent's throat.

The reptile leaned forward then, looming over his first meal, who merely looked back up at him expectantly. The naga's mouth loomed open above his prey, his jaw unhinging as he began to drool, the warm liquid dripping down and soaking the little mouse's fur. Eric wiggled about as he gazed up into the yawning black hole above him, his body burning with a desire to go into it. The naga lowered his head teasingly slow, letting his long forked tongue whip out and lap at the mouse's face as he slowly lowered his mouth so that the rodent's head slid up into his waiting maw. The little mouse tasted as delicious as he'd hoped, the little rodent having a juiciness and flavor that only came with younger ones. He could hear the young mouse moaning loudly as the serpent devoured him inch by inch. Elric meanwhile continued sucking on the reptile's tail tip, looking on eagerly and with just a hint of jealousy.

Eric steadily vanished into the naga's mouth, the serpent using his hands to pull him up out of the coils inch by inch as he swallowed his prey down. The mouse was soon pulled in up to his waist, much of his body forming a visible bulge in the serpent's throat and abdomen. The reptile leaned his head back, pulling the remainder of Eric's body up with him, now letting gravity aid him as he quickly swallowed the little mouse down. After a moment all that remained of Elric's brother was his thin, whip-like tail, which the serpent greedily slurped up like some spaghetti noodle.

Elric moaned, oddly finding the image to be incredibly arousing. The naga smiled as he leaned in, glancing over the more difficult to break mouse. He loosened his coils a moment as the rodent's already devoured brother slid downward, the wiggling bump being deposited into the serpent's empty gut. Elric whined as he felt his brother wiggling about inside the naga through the flesh, bone and scales that surrounded him. An hour ago this would have been terrifying, but now it only made him jealous of his sibling, and more eager than ever to be his Master's meal.

"I haven't eaten in two weeksss my pet." Saleek told his remaining morsel, sliding his drool soaked tail tip from the mouse's muzzle. "Jussst so I could prepare room for the two of you." Something clicked at the back of the mouse's mind, a thought both distant and hard to grasp. They had only spent one day in jail... how had the naga known that he was going to get them? He said he'd waited two weeks. "Truth be told I've been watching you and your brother from afar. Waiting for a chance to get my clawsss on you. I knew you would be in the market yesssterday, and I sssent my friend, the noble lord Jansssen down there in hopesss you would try sssomething. The judge wasss easssily bribed, and thusss I had my darling mealsss." With that the naga opened wide, thrusting his face forward and gulping down the tiny mouse's head. He could feel the little rodent shiver in delight as the naga released his coils from around him, sliding more and more of Elric into his gaping maw.

Elric moaned, a feeling of delight running through him as he felt the tight, velvety confines of his Master's throat squeezed around him. He could feel the serpent's thin, forked tongue slide about over his bare chest. The mouse whined, loving each and every second in that dark, rippling tunnel. The young boy felt his Master lift his head up, leaving the mouse's legs sticking into the air. He could feel the naga's hand outside, rubbing on the nice bulge that he made as he slid down. Elric understood now what his brother meant. This was all that mattered, being able to please the naga.

Suddenly, as the reptile gulped him down, Saleek stopped, leaving the mouse helpless in the serpent's throat, his feet still stuck inside the naga's mouth. Elric could feel his Master's tongue slip about his feet, tasting his cute little, pink, furless toes.

"P...please Master!" The mouse sobbed, wiggling about helplessly inside the tight, fleshy prison. "Please Master! Please swallow me! I... I want to be in your belly so badly!" The serpent waited a moment longer, getting the last tastes of his meal before swallowing a final time, sending the little mouse sliding down to his waiting stomach to join his brother. Saleek let out a satisfied sigh as he felt the black mouse slip into his belly, pressed tightly against his brother.

"Delightful." He hissed, slithering slowly over to a chair on the opposite side of the room, hidden in the shadows cast by the torches. Saleek eased his upper body into the seat and relaxed, his hypnotic hold over the two mice vanishing as he allowed himself to ease his concentration. Almost immediately he felt them begin to kick and struggle inside of him. Their muffled screams and pleas echoed out into the room, echoing off the stone walls.

Like most of his kind, Saleek took great pleasure in his prey's pleas and their pain, taking it as confirmation of his own superiority. "Mmmm... yesss my little mealssss wiggle and ssstruggle for me. It feelsss delightful!" The serpent ran a clawed hand over his swollen gut, feeling the outline of the two, now intricately intertwined mice struggle and kick. The sound of the pair screaming and sobbing reached the grinning snake's ears, making him laugh. "Don't worry my playthingsss... you are very lucky." He told them tauntingly, "I haven't eaten in sssome time and you will be digesssted quickly. The pain will only lassst a few hoursss."

Elric awoke screaming, his brother laying next to him. The black mouse's cries awoke his younger sibling, who sat up and looked about in confusion.

"W...what happened?" Eric whined, wiping the sleep out of his eyes, "Where are we?" Elric gasped and panted, catching his breath as he looked about him. Had it all been a dream? Perhaps, he thought, but on the other hand, where were they? The room in which the pair found themselves was small, only about six feet by seven feet and too dark for either of the mice to really make anything out. Before they could discuss it further however, a door opened, bright light gushing into the room and blinding both of them.

"Ah!" Came a cold and familiar voice, "You are awake at lassst."

"No." Eric whimpered, the younger mouse crawling away from the door in a panic as a great, muscular looking figure appeared at the entrance. "This isn't real... it isn't real." The younger mouse sobbed, crawling into the corner and curling into a terrified ball. Elric meanwhile could only stare at the door in shock and fear as the figure he recognized as Saleek stood there ominously looking down at them.

"H...how?" Elric whimpered, "You... we..."

"OH!" Saleek laughed as he slithered into the room, "You were wondering how you are ssstill alive?" Elric nodded dumbly in reply.

"That's very sssimple" The serpent explained, gesturing toward the pair, "While you were unconsssciousss and your brother wasss hypnotized I gave you both reform potionsss."

"Re... re..." The mouse stammered in confusion.

"Reform potionsss." Saleek reiterated with a smile, "I invented them ssseveeral yearsss ago. I sssell them to the vore brothelsss. Much cheaper than buying new ssslavesss every time one getsss eaten. All you have to do isss collect the remainsss and they'll reform by themssselvesss." Elric cringed, not wanting to hear any more.

"But... why?" He inquired, not sure he really wanted to know.

"Becausse my petsss..." The serpent answered, "I'm planning on having fun with you two for yearsss to come." The snake turned then to head back out, then turned his head about and added, "Try to get sssome ressst. I think I'll be having moussse for supper again tonight." And with that the naga slithered out, locking the door behind him and leaving the two young mice in the dark, to wait in terror for another night of being digested alive.

From Savage to Suave

Thus passed the next three years of Vanamee's life, living with Lord Clang as his pet. Overall it was a happy existence, and one that the wolf quickly became accustomed to. He would spend most of his days with Talon and Olaf, getting the proper...

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Good Vibrations

Vanamee groaned, keeping his eyes shut as he slowly came back to consciousness. For a moment he couldn't remember where he was or how he had gotten there, all he knew being that he felt sore all over. Then he heard someone laughing and it all came...

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Some Things Never Change

Vanamee whined as he rolled about, his eyes still closed and the bright morning sun shining through them. He didn't quite remember where he was, but wherever it was... it was comfortable. He could feel thick, rich cotton quilts atop him, with a soft,...

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