Good Vibrations

Story by Vanamee on SoFurry

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#10 of A Slave's Tail

Vanamee groaned, keeping his eyes shut as he slowly came back to consciousness. For a moment he couldn't remember where he was or how he had gotten there, all he knew being that he felt sore all over. Then he heard someone laughing and it all came flooding back. The young wolf opened his eyes to find Zazan and Mizoo, the cruel Garder brothers, standing nude before him. The pair of young Lions smiled down at him.

"See brother?" Mizoo chuckled, reaching down and ruffling the wolf's long head fur, "I told ya' he wasn't dead!" Vanamee whimpered, realizing that he was still in the same situation he had been whenever he had passed out. He wasn't sure how long the three had been in that room, but it felt like an eternity. The white furred canine tried to move his arms, only to suddenly realize that they had been tied above his head, using the gold colored tassel on the room's drapes. He whimpered as he tried to struggle free, his arms being asleep from having been above his head the whole time he was unconscious.

"P... Please..." Vanamee begged, looking up and feeling like he was on the verge of tears, "Please no more!" This only served to amuse the lions who currently towered over him.

"MMM..." Zazan purred, his long sinewy tail flicking about behind him, "I love when they start to beg." That comment was simply too much for Vanamee, who lowered his head and began to sob, waiting in dread for whatever the lions were planning next. Suddenly Vanamee felt a strong, padded hand grab him by the throat and lift him up off the floor, holding him against the wall and strangling him. The young lupine found himself staring into the face of the elder Garder brother, Zazan, who looked like angry enough to kill the poor boy. "Now listen ere ya little slut!" The lion growled, parting his lips to show row after row of sharp fangs, "I'm getting a wee bit tired of all this crying! If ye' do it again lad, I'll make sure Mr. Clang has ya castrated!" The wolf whimpered and thrashed about against the wall, struggling to pull himself up and be able to get a breath. Zazan leaned in, putting his face directly against Vanamee's. "Now I'm going to let ye down lad. Best mind your manners! Ya here?" And with that the hand on the canine's throat released, letting him flop down, gasping and coughing as air rushed back into his burning lungs. The small island wolf looked up at his tormenters, stifling back a sob as he nodded.

"Yer so good with doggies brother!" Mizoo chuckled, stepping up beside his brother. The lupine noticed with a tinge of despair that both of the felines were sporting sizable hard-ons. "And look!" Mizoo added, pointing at Vanamee, "He's so eager to get a-hold of our cocks he can't take his wee little eyes off em!" The young canine blushed a bright red as he quickly directed his eyes back up to the pair's faces. Zazan reached over, taking hold of the tassel that currently held the slave wolf's paws and undoing the knot, letting Vanamee free. The lupine whined, wiggling his arms uncomfortably as the blood and feeling began to gush back into his limbs.

"Now be a good little doggy and beg for your bones!" Zazan laughed, crossing his arms and showing off the appreciable size of his biceps.

"P... please sir..." Vanamee managed to nervously reply, "C... can wolfy have a bone?" He was rewarded for his humiliating display with a hard backhand across his cheek, the stinging sensation drawing a few more tears from his already moist eyes.

"Beg for it LIKE A DOG!" Zazan ordered, glaring down menacingly at the young wolf. Vanamee dropped down to his knees, holding back tears as he looked up at the wicked lion, holding his front paws together in front of his chest, like he'd seen many feral canines do. "Better." Zazan growled, taking a handful of the slave's head fur in his strong grip and using it like a handlebar to force the canine's head up against the lion's throbbing member. The young slave could see a little pre drip from the tip of the lion's cock out onto his nose, the strong smell of feline musk and pre filling his sensitive nostrils. At first the lupine tried to pull back, to get away from that intoxicating scent, but a strong tug on his hair and a menacing growl was enough to cease his resistance. "Now be a good doggy and smell it!" The lion commanded dominantly.

The young lupine whined as he did as he was told, burying his face deep into the lion's pubic fur and breathing in his powerful, mind numbing musk. The wolf blushed bright beneath his newly white fur as he felt himself becoming aroused, his cock poking out of his sheath at the smell "Aye! I think he likes it brother!" Mizoo laughed, pushing his own crotch towards the wolf's face, letting the helpless slave get a good whiff of the other male's arousal and making his shaft slide even further out of his sheath. Then, in utter humiliation, the wolf stuck his tongue out and began licking at the feline's big, heavy, furry orbs; rolling the gargantuan testicles about with his mouth. Mizoo shivered with delight as he felt the canine's long agile tongue teasing his balls. Vanamee quickly lost himself in the act of submission, happily lapping away at that wonderful sack before his head was jerked rudely back around and his nose once more buried into Zazan's crotch fur. The young wolf moaned softly now, sticking his tongue out again and getting just the tiniest lick on the bigger male's hard cock, the taste of pre on his tongue making the canine even more aroused.

"Good puppy. Good puppy." Zazan cooed, releasing his iron grip on the wolf's hair, turning it into a gentle petting. The young canine whimpered, leaning into the lion's petting. "You know Mizoo," Zazan chuckled in satisfaction, "We're really doing ol' boy'o a favor here! Ol' Clang is too soft to properly break one in!" This brought a fit of giggling from the younger Garder.

"You're a riot brother!" Mizoo snickered, "And since our little puppy is being such a good little toy, what say we give the lad a little treat?" Vanamee looked up timidly at the two lions, his ears laying back and his tail tucked between his legs submissively. The feline pair stood side by side, each angling his hard, dripping cock at the boy's face. "Two bones at once! I bet you're one happy pup aren't ya lad?" Mizoo asked. In reply the wolf leaned forward, opening his jaws wide, his hands coming up and guiding the pair of throbbing malehoods into his muzzle, his long canine tongue lapping at the hard shafts. The lions seemed to enjoy it, reaching their paws down and gently petting the slave on top of his head. The wolf slurped loudly as the pair of barbed shafts slid in and out of his mouth, coating them in his drool.

Zazan seemed to be the first to near orgasm, the pleasuring of the wolf's tongue and the sensation of stuffing the slave's mouth along with his brother's cock sending waves of pleasure through his body.

"I'd like to finish first if you don't mind brother o mine?" He inquired in a polite tone, his brother responding by stepping back and giving him a gracious bow. The elder Garder turned his attention back to Vanamee. "Now open that pretty little throat bitch. I ain't planning on being gentle with ye." The young canine had just enough time to whimper fearfully before the lion resumed his iron grip on the wolf's hair, slamming his hips forward and forcing his long, hard, barbed cock down the helpless boys throat. The slave fought back his gag reflex once more, now somewhat easier than the first time someone had done this to him, and resisted the natural urge to bite down on the invading member. The lupine shuddered to think what the cruel lions would do to him if he bit down...

Zazan growled lustfully as he bucked his hips back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of the canine's throat, the feline's barbed shaft tickling the wolf's throat and mouth with each rough thrust. At last the wolf's tormenter could take no more and bucked his hips one last time, forcing his cock all the way down Vanamee's throat, the cat's heavy sac slamming against the boy's chin as Zazan gave a few last small humps, shooting his thick, hot seed down the unwilling canine's throat. For a moment Vanamee was forced to hold his breath, hoping that the lion would finish before he passed out. At last Zazan pulled out, shooting the last few strands of his seed onto the wolf's face.

"Hahaha! That's a good look for ye lad!" The lion chuckled as he rubbed off his now limp shaft on the whimpering wolf's face before turning around and gesturing to his sibling that it was his turn.

"Bout time!" Mizoo snorted, coming forward as his brother walked over to where his clothes lay on the floor, reaching into the pocket of his discarded trousers and retrieving a cigarrete and a match, then going over to sit on the bed and have a smoke. As Mizoo saw his brother going through their clothes, an idea seemed to come to him and he scampered over to where his own clothes lay and began rifling through some of his pockets. "I just remembered a little toy I brought!" He announced as he pulled out a small silver cylinder, The base of which was perfectly flat while the other end tapered to a blunt and rounded tip, "Especially for you pup!" He added as he turned back around, smiling menacingly at the young slave. As he brought it closer, Vanamee wondered what in the world the device was, unable to discern anything overly frightening about it.

"Bet the pup's never seen one o those I do!" Zazan chuckled, holding his cigarette between his lips and laying back luxuriously on the bed.

"It's called a vibrator boy'o!" Mizoo explained as he grabbed hold of Vanamee's hair, forcing him to follow the big lion as he walked over to the bed, "The latest thing it is!" The lion tried to explain, pointing at the base of the cylindrical object, "There's a wee crystal powered motor inside and when I twist the base..." The lion twisted the base of the vibrator to the right and suddenly it whirred to life, shaking and... well... vibrating. Vanamee watched the device curiously as the lion gave him a sudden push onto the bed. He then reached down and picked up a stray sock from the floor, jamming it quickly into the wolf's mouth to work as a gag. The dry cloth tasted of the lion's feet, which the wolf would guess needed to be washed.

"Good idea." Zazan nodded to his brother, reaching over and taking hold of the wolf's arms, forcing them above his head where he held them in place, "I remember how ol' man Johnson's mouse boy screamed when you used that on him!" The lions both fell into a fit of laughter.

"Aye!" Mizoo concurred, doubling over with the force of his chuckling, "Like a bitch in heat he was!" After the pair had collected themselves, they returned their attention to the wolf, who lay partly on and partly off the bed, on his back, with his hands pinned above his head. Vanamee's lower half leaned off the bed, forcing his back into an uncomfortable bend. Mizoo turned the vibrator off for a second as he forced one of the canine's thin, shapely legs up over his head, exposing the wolf's vulnerable rear to him. The lion smirked as he lowered the cylinder, which the wolf could now see was about seven inches in length, and pushed the tip teasingly into the canine's tail hole. The slave gave a muffled moan through his makeshift gag, wiggling about uncomfortably as the feline penetrated him with the small metal toy an inch at a time. Thankfully the wolf's rear was still very slick with the Garder's seed and offered little resistance as the vibrator made it's way inside. When Mizoo had the full length inside him he stopped and gave the base a slight twist. The device whirred to life inside the wolf, the metal cylinder slamming into the wolf's prostate as it vibrated, causing him to give a muffled scream.

The canine's already exposed cock grew quickly under such intense pleasure, the lupine's eyes rolling back in his head as the lion reached down once more, turning the speed up on the vibrator. The wolf began to thrash and struggle but the lion's grip on his hands wouldn't relinquish. The lupine boy's knot swelled up quickly, his hard shaft dripping pre onto his belly and the bed sheets as he thrashed about, unable to escape the torturously powerful vibrator inside him.

"Look at him!" Zazan guffawed, "He's screaming at least as loud as that mousey boy did!"

"Aye!" Mizoo agreed, reaching down and rubbing his fingers tauntingly along the underside of the canine's cock. "Wonder if he'll stay conscious any longer than he did?" Vanamee of course could barely even make out what the lions were saying, feeling himself starting to black out as the sensation became too much, starting to overload his system. To make matters worse, he was stuck with his swollen knot and unable to tie. At that moment the wolf would have done anything to tie, to feel something... ANYTHING around his knot. "Awwww...." Mizoo giggled as he watched the pup start to thrust his hips vainly in the air, "Does the puppy want to tie?" Van gave a loud moan in reply.

"Down right disgusting if you ask me!" Zazan chided, "The idea of a slave getting an orgasm before me brother does!" Mizoo looked over at his brother and smiled.

"Too right my dear sibling!" The younger Garder said with a nod, then reached down and pulled the still active vibrator out with one tug. Vanamee gave another high pitched scream as the sensation on his prostate was removed, leaving him feeling empty as he panted through the sock gag, trying to catch his breath. He wasn't given long to recuperate however, as Mizoo's barbed member quickly slid in to replace the vibrator. Vanamee moaned loudly as the lion began to savagely mount him, those feline spines sliding against his prostate with each forceful thrust. The wolf once again felt himself nearing unconsciousness as the big male had his way with him. With each powerful hump the wolf could feel the feline's heavy sac slam into his hips.

"Wonder what he'll do when I do this?" Zazan chortled, reaching down and wrapping his padded hand around the wolf's knot. The lion's effort was rewarded with a high pitched scream as the small wolf came, shooting rope after rope of seed out onto his chest and belly. Vanamee couldn't breathe for a moment, his orgasm so intense that it seemed to disable his every faculty. At last he finished, the darkness spreading over his vision quickly as he passed out, his brain having reached its limit. Just before he fell asleep he could feel Mizoo finishing, spurting his molten seed into the wolf's waiting bowels.

When Vanamee next awoke he was once again in the plush, warm bed he had awoken in that morning. The room was completely dark except for a candle sat on the nightstand, bathing the room in a soft, warm glow. At the foot of the bed he could see his master, the tall and stately coyote sitting slumped over on the edge of the bed. Vanamee tried to sit up, only to find his arms were like noodles, collapsing back to the cushy mattress immediately. The movement however caught Lord Clang's attention, the noble turning about quickly, concern etched on his face.

"Shhhhh!" He whispered soothingly, "Don't try to sit up! You're still weak my boy." He reached up, putting a hand on the wolf's forehead, "Your fever seems to have gone down at least."

"Fever?" Vanamee replied quizzically, his voice raspy, his mouth and throat absolutely parched. Darrius reached over to the nightstand where a glass of cool water waited, bringing it back quickly and holding it up to the wolf's lips, tipping it back and letting the younger canine drink a little at a time.

"Yes Vanamee. You've been asleep for the whole day." Lord Clang expounded, anger slowly slipping into his voice, "Those damned Garders! They pushed you too far!" He turned back to the wolf, a sorrowful look on his face, "Because you're a slave, there's nothing I can do except accuse them of property damage." He admitted regretfully, "But I swear that somehow I'll make them pay for this." The young slave looked up at his master, watching as his face contorted into a snarl as he spoke, feeling a tinge of fear at the normally calm nobles sudden change in demeanor. He also felt something else however... affection perhaps? He had certainly felt a bitterness when he had simply been handed over to those monsters earlier, but now as he saw the coyote's anger, he couldn't help but forgive him. The lupine weakly lifted himself up and leaned forward, resting his head on the older male's shoulder. At first the nobleman seemed shocked, but he quickly recovered, reaching one of his strong hands up and gently stroking the boy's face.

"I am so sorry Van." Darrius sighed, "I swear to you that those two will never be back here again though."

"I forgive you." Van managed to answer, the effort seeming to extract the last of his energy, the boy quickly drifting off to sleep on the yote's shoulder.

The next day, the wolf awoke to a scene much like that he had encountered the morning before, with the pretty equine maid hustling about, busily rousing him from his sleep. The master of the house had gone to town for the day to a business meeting with some of his investors in the city. Vanamee smiled as he thought to himself that he might have a day of freedom at that news, but Inga was quick to inform him that he was expected to spend the day studying with Mr. Talon, who would be arriving at the manor shortly. Thus the wolf was rushed up out of the bed and into the bathtub, where he was given a thorough scrubbing (Though the water did nothing to remove the white stain that was on his fur. When the wolf emerged from the bath, still as white as ever, The old avian was waiting for him downstairs.

"Good morning Phineas." Talon greeted as the still nude wolf descended the stairs. The owl was dressed in a tan and red suit that looked like it was made of velvet and seemed to fit the bird rather awkwardly. To complete the look the avian had a pair of small, wire frame reading glasses balanced precariously on his yellowish beak. The young lupine snickered as he looked at the owl's unusual ensemble.

"The master says the boy's name stays as Van." Inga retorted as she hurried down the stairs behind the wolf, holding up her long black and white dress as she moved.

"Yes well..." Talon huffed, pulling off the small pair of spectacles he was wearing and rubbing them on the collar of his suit, "I will certainly do my best to dissuade the master from that decision." Vanamee gave a whine at that.

"But I like my name!" The young canine protested, producing a bemused smile from the equine maid who followed him and a not so bemused frown from the owl.

"Come now young sir!" The bird commanded, gesturing for the wolf to follow him, "I have the day's lesson set up for us in the kitchen." The young slave looked back over his shoulder at Inga, who gave him an encouraging nod.

"Go on now Van." She told him gently, "I have some chores to attend to and then I'll be to the kitchen to prepare some coffee for the two of you." This brought a puzzled look from the wolf. He had never heard of... coffee. The pretty mare simply laughed. "I suppose you don't know what coffee is do you?" She giggled.

"You'll love it." Talon assured him, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder and giving him a tug, "Especially Inga's. Top notch stuff I assure you!" The pair turned then and headed off toward the rear exit of the large entrance hall, which led into a spacious, white walled kitchen. The floors were done in a sparkling white tile that matched the walls perfectly. On the far side of the wide, rectangular room the young boy could see a wall of counters, complete with a wood burning stove and two large pantries at either corner. Off to their right was a set of stairs which appeared to go down to some sort of root cellar, while on their right stood an old, pine wood table with four simple wooden chairs around it. It was toward this that the owl led the young canine. On the table sat four large books and a notebook and pencil. At one of the chairs sat a familiar face.

"Olaf!" Vanamee cried, recognizing the young horse he had met the day before. The equine boy looked up curiously, giving the slave a friendly smile.

"Hello." Olaf responded. The horse was dressed much more formally than he had been the day before, wearing an old grey suit that looked far too big on him, even though Olaf was already quite a big fellow for his age. "We didn't get a real chance to meet yesterday." The horse noted, sticking out one brown furred hand for the wolf. Vanamee looked at it uncertainly for a moment, not sure what the horse was expecting.

"For heaven's sake!" Talon piped up, shaking his head, "He wants you to shake his hand wolf!"

"Shake his hand?" Vanamee repeated, looking back at the old bird, thinking he had misheard him, "Why would he want me to do that?" Olaf meanwhile pulled his arm back, looking rather awkward as he fidgeted a little in his seat.

"It's how civilized people greet each other. Certainly you've at least SEEN someone do that before?" Talon groaned, getting only a blank stare back from the young wolf. "God's preserve me..." The owl muttered in defeat, gesturing for Vanamee to take a seat. "Now," The bird began, stepping toward a nearby counter, where a large chalk tablet lay, picking it up along with a small piece of chalk and coming back over to the table, "Lord Clang has asked me to educate both of you. So get familiar with your new schoolmate." At this the two boys smiled at each other.

Darrius returned some time later that evening to a quiet and seemingly empty manor. As he stepped through the large, double wooden doors he took off his heavy, black riding coat and his tophat, hanging both on the rack by the door.

"Inga?" He cried, receiving only that same silence in return. After a moment he called again, getting nothing but the same. The noble walked slowly toward the stairs when he heard laughter coming from the kitchen. The coyote froze, listening now with a smile on his face as he recognized the voices. When Clang finally moved into the kitchen, he found Talon and Inga sitting on one of the counters, watching with amusement as Vanamee and Olaf played a game of chess. The young slave boy seemed oddly.... Impatient. He would constantly fidget in his chair, and when he talked (Which was often) he would talk extremely fast and excitedly. "What's going on in here?" Darrius chuckled as he walked up behind the young lupine, putting a hand on his white shoulder.

"We are studying the effects of caffeine on one's ability to play chess." Talon answered with a snicker. Clang cocked an eye at him curiously.

"Caffeine?" The coyote said questioningly.

"I got to try coffee master! I got to try coffee!" Van suddenly exclaimed, turning about to face the noble, the young canine's face looking absolutely wired. Darrius couldn't help but chuckle. Olaf meanwhile was looking sort of nervous himself, but Clang doubted that it was a result of the coffee.

"What's wrong Olaf?" The nobleman asked in concern.

"It's getting late my lord." The young equine answered, looking out one of the kitchen windows, the fading light of the sun slowly vanishing over the trees that stood behind the manor. "My father will probably need my help if he wants to finish his chores on time." Darrius shook his head in reply.

"Nonsense!" The coyote assured him, "I made a point of hiring on a young hand to help him out whilst you are in your studies." Olaf looked at his lord in shock. The horse was about to speak when Clang cut him off, "No need to thank me my boy," Darrius explained, waving his paw at him dismissively, "You're family has put in many years of service to me, and when I noticed what a bright young lad you were, I felt that giving you the education that you deserved was the least I could do!"

"Quite!" Talon concurred, hopping down off of the counter, adjusting his collar as he did so, "I must say that both of my pupils have proven both willing and surprisingly bright." the owl reached down and gave both boys a pat on the head.

"See you old bird?!" Lord Clang laughed, giving the teacher a slap on the back, "I told you it wouldn't be that bad!" And so the lot of them stood there in the kitchen, talking and laughing for a while longer, until night finally fell about them.

Some Things Never Change

Vanamee whined as he rolled about, his eyes still closed and the bright morning sun shining through them. He didn't quite remember where he was, but wherever it was... it was comfortable. He could feel thick, rich cotton quilts atop him, with a soft,...

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A Noble Promise

So here is the next little bit! I took less time with this one (I think \>.\>;) But it isn't as long as the others :(. I got back into the yiff! (YAY!) and I laid out the plot that will be driving the rest of the story. But now I'm starting to worry...

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A Twist of Fate

The breeze blowing in the window carried with it the smell of freshly mowed grass and the pungent scent of burning wood. Inga leaned out the window to her room, closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth of the sun on her smooth, white and brown spotted...

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