A Noble Promise

Story by Vanamee on SoFurry

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#8 of A Slave's Tail

So here is the next little bit! I took less time with this one (I think >.>;) But it isn't as long as the others :(. I got back into the yiff! (YAY!) and I laid out the plot that will be driving the rest of the story. But now I'm starting to worry about how many chapters this thing is going to end up being. Is there a limit on how many chapters a story can be? Oh well. It will be what it will be. ENJOY!

Lord Clang smiled to himself as he shut the door to his study. The small wolf that Inga had purchased was better than he had dared hope! His looks were soft and effeminate, the coyote having a hard time keeping his eyes from wondering down the young lupine's black and white

furred body. The boy stood before him, shaking a little as he looked nervously around the room.

"Are you cold little one?" The nobleman asked, putting a hand on the wolf's shoulder and leading him toward the fire. The younger canine whined as he stepped closer to the roaring fire. Darrius moved over to his plush seat and plopped down, trying to keep his short brown tail from wagging. The wolf stood before him, carefully keeping his eyes diverted at the floor. The coyote nobleman took a moment to size up his new plaything. The wolf was thin, but very well in shape, his body covered in soft black fur, except on his belly, chest, neck, chin and paws which were a creamy white. The young slave's hair was a nice, seemingly unnatural shade of blue as was the tip of his tail. Then there were his eyes. Red and Blue eyes! Something Darrius had never thought he would see again... Darrius suddenly noticed that the young wolf was still shaking.

"You're not cold are you?" The coyote sighed, "You're scared." The noble patted one of his brown furred knees, signing for the wolf to take a seat on his knee. The lupine looked at him uncertainly for a moment. "It's all right." Darrius assured him, "I won't hurt you. I promise." The boy came forward slowly and hesitantly, setting his bare rump down against the coyote's knee. The nobleman lifted his hand up, undoing the gag that still kept the young male silent, but made sure to leave the cuffs that bound his hands in place, lest the boy try to escape. As the gag came out the young wolf worked his jaw around, it obviously being sore from hours of being forced open around the red rubber ball. "What is your name?" The coyote inquired. The wolf dropped his gaze back to the floor.

"F...fucktoy." The boy answered timidly. Darrius' eyes grew large with surprise.

"I find it hard to believe your mother actually named you THAT." The noble responded. The wolf looked back up at him, his strange and haunting eyes searching the coyote's own for a moment.

"Do... do you want to know my REAL name?" The wolf whimpered. Darrius nodded. "Vanamee." The wolf replied.

"Vana...mee?" The coyote repeated slowly, "Do they still attach their tribe names to their first names in the isles?" The wolf nodded. The coyote smiled, finding this rather amusing.

"I didn't know they still did that. I guess you lot are still living in the past." Darrius thought aloud, "That hasn't been in practice in the empire for nearly four hundred years." The wolf noted with some pleasure that the slave boy had stopped shaking, and now merely looked at him with curiously.

"So... Vanamee, why don't you tell me about yourself?" Clang pressed, giving the boy his most reassuring smile. The wolf hesitated a moment, perhaps wondering if this were some sort of trick. At last deciding that the coyote was genuinely interested, the boy began relating to him how his town had been attacked by the soldiers a month or so back, how he had been dragged, beaten, raped, drugged and humiliated until he at last came to Crown City and sold. Lord Clang had long prided himself on being a calm and centered man, but as he listened to the poor slave's tale, he felt himself alternately on the verge of tears and enraged. As the warm firelight danced across the boy's sad features, the coyote reached his arm around him and pulled the boy tight against him, embracing him in a hug. Perhaps the wolf was afraid to struggle, or perhaps he just genuinely needed the affection, but he leaned in and laid his head against the noble's shoulder, nuzzling him gratefully.

"I cannot undo what has already happened little one," The coyote whispered soothingly, "but I promise you I will not be cruel, and perhaps in time you will come to see me less as a master and more as a friend." For a while Vanamee did not say anything, but simply continued to lay against Clang's warm, furry chest. Finally he spoke.

"Why are you... you being so kind master?" The lupine quizzed, his voice barely above a whisper. Lord Clang sighed, pushing the wolf back and examining him once more in the dim, orange glow of the fire.

"I want to show you something." Darrius told the wolf, pushing him off of his lap and standing up. The coyote readjusted his robe, then led Vanamee over to the far wall of the study, next to a heavily draped window that overlooked the front lawn of the manor. Next to the window stood a tall, gold bordered portrait of a young, blue haired coyote. Vanamee looked up at it in awe. The coyote had a coy, mischievous smile on his brown furred face and wore a rather elaborate red coat. He looked very similar to lord Clang, except for that blue hair, and his startling eyes.

"He.... He has eyes like mine." The wolf gasped, looking back at his new master in disbelief. Darrius nodded.

"He was my brother," The coyote explained, "Devon Clang. He disappeared many years ago. You bear a striking resemblance to him my pet." The noble reached one paw up and brushed it gently across the time worn canvas, his mind going back...

"What happened to him master?" The wolf inquired, looking up at the coyote with a compassionate expression. Clang sighed, pulling his hand away and turning back toward his warm chair.

"He disappeared while on a trip to the western isles." Darrius replied, waving his hand dismissively, "It was a long time ago." The wolf made his way over and sat on the coyote's lap once more. Darrius looked at the wolf and chuckled, noticing the pink, silky bow that was still tied to his head. The noble reached up and undid it, letting it drop down to the floor. Even the slave boy cracked a smile over this. He was a truly adorable slave, Lord Clang mused as he watched him, and he looked so like his lost brother.

"Do you hate me little one?" The noble asked, his face growing serious, "I know you have every right to." Vanamee looked at him blankly for a while.

"You have been kind to me so far." The wolf answered, speaking slowly and choosing his words carefully, "I have no reason to hate you. It... it's just the way things are."

"Whoever told you that my young friend," Clang answered, "Is a fool. Things are only the way we are willing to let them be. Just because something is one way doesn't mean it is right. Nor does it mean that it is beyond change. You would do well to remember that." Vanamee nodded solemnly. "But with that said..." Darrius reached a paw up and placed it on the canine boy's cheek before slowly leaning forward and planting a kiss on the slave's forehead, "I can be a kind master, if you will let me. And most of all, I can promise you something that you could not otherwise have."

"What is that master?" The wolf pressed.

"I can give you all of this." The coyote replied, sweeping his free hand across the room. The wolf looked at him uncomprehendingly. "I can give you everything wolf." Darrius explained, "If you will agree to serve me for a short time."

"I don't understand master." The slave whined.

"Why do you think it was YOU that Inga picked out of all of the other slaves available?" Clang questioned. The lupine shrugged in reply. "It is because you so resemble my brother little one. You see..." Darrius took a breath before launching into the speech that he had been running through in his head all that day, "I am getting old. I turned 42 just three months hence and I have never married, nor produced an heir. I have no love for this place, nor for the rigors of politics and business. But my brother did, and I loved my brother very much little one. I cannot bear the thought of seeing all that my family worked so hard to earn, all that my brother sweated and toiled over, go to the vultures of that den of thieves they call Crown City! And that is why I have you my pet." The wolf sat there, looking at him in disbelief, "And from the story you have told me thus far, I could not have picked a better person to leave this all to."

"But... master, I don't know anything about politics and business! How will you make ME your heir? I'm a slave!" Vanamee protested. Darrius merely shook his head.

"You may not know any of that now my boy," The coyote expounded, "but you will when I am done teaching you. That and a great deal more!" The poor slave boy looked like he was about to faint, unable to believe that this were truly happening. "BUT!" Lord Clang added emphatically as he placed one hand on the boy's thigh, giving it a squeeze, "Remember that you are still my slave! I purchased you and rightfully own you. In the time you are here, I will expect you to... serve me." The wolf's face instantly cracked, nearly bursting into tears at this seemingly cruel news. "Do not fear little one," Darrius told him quickly, "I will not be cruel with you. I swear to you that I will be as gentle as I can!" From the look on Vanamee's face, Clang could tell he didn't believe him.

"You think I'm lying don't you?" The coyote pointed out, "You think that I shall treat you as those before have?" With that the coyote let his hand slide slowly up the wolf's thigh, caressing it softly. The young canine whimpered, looking at his new master with a great deal of trepidation. The noble's hand slowly moved to the boy's crotch, cupping his furry sack and slowly kneading his balls. At this Vanamee let out a surprised gasp, a hint of something pink showing at the top of his black sheath. Darrius smiled to himself as he continued to play with the slave's balls, urging more and more of the lupine's cock out of its hiding place. The boy was rather... blessed, for one of his size, the coyote noted. The boy began to relax noticeably, leaning back in the larger male's lap. The coyote pulled Vanamee around so that his bare back was laying against the noble's chest, before wrapping his free arm around him and gently rubbing his front. The slave boy reacted accordingly, his shaft moving out into the air completely. Darrius moved his ministering hand upward, wrapping his paw around the wolf's cock as he began to slowly stroke it. The lupine whimpered, his hips bucking slightly each time his master's hand moved down his member, thrusting into the warm hand.

The coyote began to pick up the pace, stroking him faster and squeezing just a bit tighter. He was rewarded by a spurt of warm pre and the ecstatic moaning of his pet. The slave boy began to thrust his hips up faster and more urgently after a moment, a noticeable swell appearing at the base of his shaft. Darrius immediately stopped, using his hand wrapped around the boy's chest to pull him back, tight against him.

"Now now..." The noble whispered into one of the wolf's ears, "Calm down. Only good boys get to have an orgasm from master!" Darrius' words surprised even him. He hadn't realized until that moment just how much of a rush this was giving him. The coyote had gained a sizable boner from this, and as the wolf's body pressed the soft fabric of Darrius' robe against it he felt a shiver go down his spine. He wanted to take the wolf so badly, but knew that if he were to rush ahead and just rape him, then Vanamee would never trust him. As he was thinking the wolf gave a needy whimper, turning his head up and looking at the coyote expectantly. "My pet..." The coyote began, thinking about just how to phrase his request, "Perhaps if you truly want an orgasm... you could... do a little something for master?" The coyote didn't of course need to tell him what "something" meant, as the boy had easily been able to feel the coyote's large erection pressing into his back.

"Yes master?" The wolf replied, at once acquiescing and inquiring. The coyote reached down the wolf's back and undid the cuffs that bound his arms, hoping that the boy wouldn't try and escape. As the cuffs came off, Vanamee pulled his arms back to the front and stretched them, testing the sore muscles after nearly a day of being bound. The lupine wordlessly rose, and for a moment Clang feared that he might indeed run for the door. Instead the slave dropped to his knees in the floor in front of the coyote, reaching his creamy white hands up and moving the robe's flaps aside and letting his master's engorged shaft pop out. The canine boy's eyes grew large as soon as he laid eyes on Darrius' member. The coyote was quite large for one of his kind, or any kind for that matter. The boy gently tried to wrap a paw around it, finding that his hand was actually to small to fit the thick, nine inch monster that stood before him. Darrius didn't mind though, letting out a pleased groan as soon as he felt the boy's warm, soft hand on him.

"G...good my pet." The noble stammered, "But please... use your muzzle." The wolf nodded, Clang noting with satisfaction that the look on his face was by no means sad or scared. The slave's hand gently stroked the coyote as his muzzle slid down, letting his warm breath wash over the sensitive tip. Darrius bucked his hips reflexively as he felt the lupine boy's warm, wet tongue lap at the tip, a small spurt of pre coming out. Vanamee looked up at his master's face, his expression a mixture of amusement and perhaps a bit of apprehension. But that quickly passed and the slave diligently lowered his head the rest of the way, his muzzle parting and letting the coyote's throbbing cock slide into the hot, slimy wolf muzzle. The lupine used his tongue, guiding his master's shaft past his sharp fangs as he bobbed his head up and down, taking a little more of the canine cock with each lowering.

The mixture of the wolf's obviously experienced mouth and the sheer rush that his power over the boy gave him was almost too much, and Darrius had to reach down, pulling the boy's head back lest he lose control and blow his load right then. By this time the canine's knot had swelled to almost its full size, and it begged to be used.

"Stand up my pet." The nobleman ordered, pushing Vanamee back as he lifted himself out of his seat, tossing his robe aside and standing before him completely nude. The younger male hesitantly obeyed, rising to his feet as he wiped a little excess drool from his chin. Clang placed a hand on his shoulder, twisting the lupine about so that he was facing the now empty chair. "Bend over." Darrius ordered, his voice becoming more urgent... more dominant. The slave boy let out a pitiable whimper, his eyes knowingly drifting down to the coyote's sizable knot. Darrius glared down at him. "Now." He ordered.

Vanamee let out a whine as he leaned over, his overly fluffy tail lifting up to expose his tight pink pucker to the coyote. The slave looked up and over his shoulder at his master as he placed his hands against the back of the chair, balancing himself. Darrius reached down, taking hold of the wolf's tail and keeping it lifted as he carefully aimed his hard member at the boy's waiting orifice. Everything in him was screaming for him to take the wolf, to impale him and tie. But the coyote held back, pushing the tip in slowly, letting the slave slowly get used to his girth. Vanamee let out a soft moan as the larger male slowly forced his way inside of the slave boy, the wolf's cock slipping out of his black furred sheath as he felt the coyote press against his prostate. The noble slowly began to pick up the pace, taking longer, harder thrusts into Vanamee. The young lupine was obviously finding Darrius' gentleness to be a pleasant change, evident by the blissful look on his face and the rather girlish moans that escaped his muzzle. At last the coyote's thrusts became long enough that his knot pressed against the boy's tail hole. Clang let out a groan as he felt himself stretch the wolf a little more with each thrust. He wanted to tie soooo badly. He had to make a conscious effort to stop himself from simply biting the wolf's neck and thrusting his enormous knot in, tearing the poor boy apart. The young wolf's moans had gotten louder with each little inch of hard meat that the noble fed him, his smaller shaft now hanging fully out and bobbing in the air as the coyote hunched over him, slamming harder and harder (Yet still making sure not to hurt the wolf). Vanamee suddenly let out a howl as Darrius slipped his paw around the boy's waist, taking a firm grip on the younger male's now engorged knot. His touch was instantly rewarded by a few thick, sticky ropes of wolf cum, shooting down onto the surface of the couch.

That was his cue. As the wolf's lithe young body jerked about in the throws of his orgasm, Clang slammed forward, forcing his swollen knot inside the wolf. The noble roared with pleasure as he emptied his balls into his possession, the claws on his feet digging into the floor as he curled his toes. Vanamee only made a few soft moans as his master released inside him, feeling the molten coyote seed flooding his bowels. After a moment the coyote's shaft spurted out its last drop of warm seed and the noble collapsed atop his pet, panting.

"Now was that so bad little one?" Darrius whispered, giving the boy a kiss on the cheek. The wolf looked up at him, his curious eyes peering deep into the coyote's own.

"No master. No it wasn't." The lupine answered, a smile on his lips. The coyote wrapped his arms around the wolf and with one fluid motion, flipped him over, so that the noble could sit in his chair with the wolf on his lap whilst they waited for his knot to go down. The wolf's own knot, having not actually tied with anything had already receded to virtually nothing. The slave let out a whine and wiggled about uncomfortably.

"I know it feels... uncomfortable my wolf," Darrius laughed, locking his arms tight around the smaller canine and pulling him back against his heaving chest, "but if you keep wiggling it will never go down." So the pair sat there silently, basking in the warmth of the slowly dying fire and each other's furry bodies until at last Clang's cock came free with a wet "POP!" The coyote gave a contented sigh. "I think it's about time for bed. Don't you?" The wolf gave only a loud snore in reply. "I'll take that as a yes." Darrius chuckled, picking up the small canine in his arms and carrying him out of the study. He would have Inga prepare a room for the boy for now. Then tomorrow they could get started on more urgent business.

A Twist of Fate

The breeze blowing in the window carried with it the smell of freshly mowed grass and the pungent scent of burning wood. Inga leaned out the window to her room, closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth of the sun on her smooth, white and brown spotted...

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One Last Torture

Oh wow. I'm uber sorry about how long this took (Assuming I still HAVE any fans). School has been murdering me. \>.\< But here it is! The long awaited next chapter! Also, in case anyone is curious, the next chapter should be where our ever-so-cute...

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A Voyage by Sea

Lawdy... I know it's been a while since the last chapter and I appologize. Between the H1N1 virus, school starting up, and getting settled in the new place, it has been hard to work on this chapter, but I definitely think it was worth it! ENJOY! (And...

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