One Last Torture

Story by Vanamee on SoFurry

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#6 of A Slave's Tail

Oh wow. I'm uber sorry about how long this took (Assuming I still HAVE any fans). School has been murdering me. >.< But here it is! The long awaited next chapter! Also, in case anyone is

curious, the next chapter should be where our ever-so-cute protagonist meets his new master!!!!

Kuramee sighed, shaking her head as Vanamee once more tried to get her to eat his rations.

"Really," The she wolf assured him, "I'm feeling much better. My own rations were more than enough." Vanamee sighed, looking somewhat dejected as he pulled his bowl of oatmeal back. Vanamee and Edwin had not budged from Kura's side the entire three days that she had lain in the doctor's bed recovering. The captain had been kind enough to allow that and made certain they were given a little bit extra in their rations. Vanamee had been eating about half of his and forcing Kura to eat the rest. She had jested (When she had finally recovered enough to talk) that Vana was trying to fatten her up. Edwin would have gladly shared some of his own rations had they been something more palatable to a canine. As it were the rabbit's meals consisted of some dried fruit and rather sad looking lettuce.

The days went by quickly, the privacy of the Dr.'s quarters allowing them to play around and talk freely from dawn till well into the evening. Then the time would come and the Dr. would return, informing Edwin and Vanamee that the captain was waiting for them. They would bid Kuramee a rather sad farewell, returning later that night completely exhausted. The captain had been keeping the boys quite busy, constantly trying something different on them every day. Vanamee found himself less and less disgusted by what he was forced to do, even coming to willingly enjoy it.

At last the journey neared its end, and the captain informed them that tomorrow morning would bring them to dock in Crown City. The young wolf boy's heart dropped at the news. He had managed to keep pushing the inevitable separation out of his thoughts. He had come to be so fond of Edwin and Kuramee, coming rather close to all out love in the latter case. Now that he knew that their separation was tomorrow, he felt like crying. All that day the three of them sat around, talking little. None of them knew what to say. At about noon one of the sailors knocked on the door, opening it up and pointing one gnarled finger at the young wolf boy.

"Ye! The captain wants to see you!" The seafarer spat, waving for Vanamee to follow. The young canine gave his friends an uncertain look. This was the first time that the captain had asked specifically for Vanamee, and not Edwin as well. "Come on!" The sailor growled, taking a threatening step toward the wolf. Vanamee quickly got to his feet, giving his comrades one last look before following. After a brisk walk across the deck, the warm breeze and sunshine feeling quite nice compared to the stuffy doctor's quarters, Vanamee was left alone in front of the closed doors to the captain's quarters. The canine knocked twice then entered.

Inside sat the grizzled looking old otter, a toothy smile etched into the scarred surface of his face. In his hand he held what looked like a perfume bottle, filled with a clear liquid, which he persistently tapped on.

"Come on in lad!" The captain greeted as Vanamee stepped inside. "Shut the door behind you." Vanamee obliged, shutting the old wooden door and stepping over to one of the ornate seats that occupied the center of the room. The captain leaned forward, putting a paw on the wolf's bare shoulder.

"I bet you're wonderin' why I just called you this time?" The otter noted, giving the young wolf a wink. "Well the truth is, I've had this here bottle for a while and I've been wanting to try it out. Problem is I only have enough for use on one person." Vanamee looked down to the bottle. It was made of quality glass, as clear as crystal, a smooth, rounded bottle about half the size of the lupine's fist, stopped up with a light brown cork. The liquid within looked like nothing but common water.

"What is it?" Vanamee inquired.

"Well lad," The otter expounded, "back before they had will collar's they used this stuff to take away their slave's free will." Vanamee's blood ran cold and for a moment he considered trying to run. But he quickly realized there was nowhere for him to go except the murky waters below. The captain seemed to catch on to what the wolf was thinking and gave a laugh. "Don't bother trying to run lad. I'd hate to waste my money feeding the fish. But if it makes you feel any better, the effects only last for about a day." Vanamee whimpered, although the fact that it wouldn't be permanent did do a little to ease his worries.

"I chose you," The otter continued "Because it works better on canines. Your kind still have a lot of your old pack instincts... and a lot of submissive instincts." Vanamee gulped audibly as the captain handed the bottle forward. The canine boy hesitated looking from the bottle up to the otter's face, hoping that perhaps the mustelide was kidding. There was no such luck. Vanamee hesitantly opened the bottle, softly sniffing at the concoction within. The smell that hit his nostrils was nothing like what he had been expecting. The scent was amazing... no! It was absolutely intoxicating. The lupine boy took a deep sniff of it before throwing the bottle back and guzzling the lot of it down. When he looked back to the captain, the seafarer looked quite pleased. "Get in the floor boy." The sailor ordered.

Without even stopping to think, the wolf boy slipped down to the floor, his actions more expedient and eager than they had ever been. He looked up at the mustelide, and suddenly he appeared much more handsome than the wolf recalled, the once unnerving scars now giving his face a distinguished look. Thoughts of the captain circled around in the canine's brain and Vanamee quickly felt his cock begin to slide out of his sheath as images of the captain's naked form danced through his mind. The otter gave a happy churr as he took hold of the lupine's head fur and pulled him close. Vanamee's head was in the seafarer's lap and the unmistakable scent of the male's musk wafted up. The poor wolf thought he might lose control right then and there. The canine dimly realized that he was quickly losing his ability to think straight as the drug's effects took over. Vanamee couldn't stop himself as he hugged the captain's leg, beginning to hump it like a feral dog in heat.

"Good boy." The captain teased, petting Vanamee's head as the young wolf blushed and thrust away against the captain's leg. "Now tell captain what you would like to do." The boy didn't hesitate for a moment.

"Breed me! Please breed me!" The wolf begged. His tail hole felt like it was on fire it was so hot. Somehow the wolf knew that the only thing that could make it stop was his master's hard shaft... master? Why had that word suddenly popped into the lupine's mind? He couldn't think straight long enough to analyze this odd thought, as the insatiable lust he felt quickly pushed it out of his mind. The otter pushed the wolf's head down, rubbing it against the sizable bulge which had formed in the front of his pants.

"No." The captain replied, his voice now calm and cold, "You'll get no breeding from me." For a moment the poor canine felt as though his heart might burst from want of a good breeding. "If you want to be bred then you have to ask one of the crew to come in here and do it." Under normal circumstances the wolf boy would have simply died from humiliation right then and there. But the effects of the drug overruled any sense of humility or pride the boy had. Vanamee nearly tripped as he made a mad bolt for the cabin door, crashing through and falling out onto the deck. The sailors must have already been informed of what the captain had been planning, as all of them were huddled around the door, already waiting as Vanamee came out.

"What have we here boys?" One of the sailor's shouted, producing a laugh from his fellows. Vanamee hardly heard anything any of them said as he looked up, nearly in tears his want was so bad.

"Please!" Vanamee shouted, "Please yiff me! I want it so bad! I'll do anything!" He had hardly finished when one of the sailor's stepped forward, a rope in his hands. One end of the rope had been tied into a noose, which the sailor slipped around Vanamee's neck. Using the apparatus as a leash, he drug the poor, whimpering canine to the middle of the deck, tossing the main part of the rope up and over a hook that had been driven into the mast. The amount of rope slowly got shorter and shorter as the seaman pulled it up, finally forcing the poor wolf to stand on his tiptoes in order to breathe. The sailor tied the rope off, leaving the wolf like that. The other crew members had circled round, smiling to one another and gazing the wolf up and down lustfully. Vanamee gave a humiliated whimper, still feeling the maddening urge to be bred. At last one of the sailors stepped forward, a tough looking tiger, his body framed with rather impressive muscles. Vanamee managed to catch sight of the tiger's crotch out of the corner of his eye, the thin fabric of the already torn trousers being stretched to the limit by the tiger's raging hard on. As he caught sight of this, Vanamee began to unconsciously buck into the air, making the tiger grin even wider.

"Well now little missy." The buff feline teased, "I'll offer you this just once. If you want to be bred, you have to let the entire crew have a turn." Vanamee let out a moan as he struggled to keep himself from being choked.

"YES! YES!" The wolf cried out, not even stopping to consider that there were nearly a dozen sailors around him, each wanting a go. The tiger laughed, stepping forward and wrapping a paw around Vanamee's midsection, bringing his rump into contact with the tiger's rock hard shaft. The small canine's face was a river of desperate tears as he looked up at his tormentor, softly begging him to yiff the wolf boy raw. The cat reached down and undid the leather belt that held his raggedy clothes up, letting his pants fall to the deck and pool around his ankles. Even though his head was a good deal higher up, the strong unmistakable musk of the tiger drifted into the wolf's nose, making him shutter with desire. Vanamee hiked his tail up as he felt the tiger stick his pre-slickened shaft against the wolf's tight, hot hole.

"I'm going to make you regret this decision." The tiger whispered, giving the canine's ear a gentle nibble. Vanamee simply moaned, pushing his rump back against the tiger as hard as his constraints would allow. The tiger wrapped his large paws around the soft fur of the wolf's midriff, lifting him slightly as the slimy head of the feline's cock pressed it's way into the wolf's waiting hole. Vanamee's moan was a few octaves higher this time, his already hard shaft spurting a string of warm pre as the cat forced his way into him with a satisfied groan. Vanamee reached his hands up, taking hold of the noose and trying to pull a little slack in it as the feline pushed himself in further. After he was about halfway into the young canine, he pulled back, the sensation bringing out whimpering from the poor wolf who wanted every last inch of that wonderful cock inside him. The tiger stopped just before the head popped out, giving a rough shove back in. The wolf boy let out a loud moan as the tiger's thick meat slammed into his "g-spot", sending bolts of pleasure through the wolf's whole body.

The cat began to thrust harder and faster, his sizable furry orbs slapping loudly against the wolf's supple ass. The young canine moaned like a bitch in heat as the blunt tip of the cat's shaft slammed mercilessly against his sensitive prostate. Suddenly the cat stopped. Another sailor pushed his way out of the crowd and moved to Vanamee's front side. The wolf looked at him uncertain as to what was going on, until he felt the tiger take hold of his legs, lifting them up into the air. This of course made it easier to breathe, but it also made his tail hole much more accessible. The canine whimpered as the new sailor, a lanky looking rat that he had seen about the ship several times, dropped his pants and exposed his tapered cock to the young wolf.

"W... what are you.." The wolf started to inquire, but the tiger quickly threw a paw over the canine's mouth, clamping his muzzle shut. The rat stepped forward, taking hold of the wolf's legs and spreading them further. The rodent pressed the tip of his cock against the canine's already stretched hole, looking up at him and smiling maniacally. Suddenly Vanamee realized what they were about to do. The wolf let out a muffled plea, shaking his head feverishly. His cries were ignored however, the rat giving one rough thrust and sending his cock halfway up the lupine's ass. The wolf boy let out an agonized scream. He was still relatively new to taking anything up that particular hole, and now they were both taking him at once! It felt like he was being ripped in half!

The canine's muffled screams were drowned out in the cheering of the other sailors as they watched and waited their turn. Vanamee's own shaft was still throbbing, despite the extreme discomfort of his current position. The other two males seemed to be loving it though, their hard cocks sliding against one another as they forced their way into the tight little canine. The two males let out a little pre and the wolf's tail hole slowly became more lubricated, easing the pain slightly as the two large males bred him. Vanamee relaxed a little and began to even feel a few slight hints of pleasure as the hard shafts slammed upward, brushing teasingly against his prostate. The wolf gave a muffled moan as the two males, each now panting, continued to assault his rear. Finally the tiger let out a roar, letting his claws slide out of his hand a bit and cut the young slave's muzzle. The feline bucked hard, sending his shaft completely into the young wolf, his molten seed spewing out and flooding his bowels. A moment later the rat followed suite, making Vanamee feel as though he were about to burst.

After the pair had spent themselves, they pulled out one at a time, their warm cum following in a torrent that ran down the wolf's ass cheek and inner thigh. Vanamee panted heavily, shaking slightly from the rough treatment he had just received and struggling to keep himself from choking as the two males let him down. As the tiger and rat stepped away, two more sailors stepped up, a pair of canines. Vanamee looked up at them almost fearfully. The pair looked almost identical and if he had to guess the wolf would have said they were brothers. Their fur was black with spots of ruddy brown and entirely too long and shaggy. They gave the young wolf a grin.

"You aren't done yet little fag." One of them chuckled running his hand down the wolf's side. The larger male ran his hand back, giving Vanamee's ass a firm squeeze before slipping a finger into the wolf's stretched and violated rear. The young lupine let out a moan as the other canine moved in front of him, taking hold of Vanamee's throbbing hard-on and beginning to stroke it slowly. The first male pulled his finger out of the wolf's ass, bringing his hand up to Vanamee's face.

"Clean my finger." He ordered, pushing the cum soaked digit to the young boy's lips. At first the wolf hesitated, his sense of disgust holding out against the effects of the drug for a moment. When the musky scent of the fresh cum reached his nose however, the wolf's muzzle immediately opened and he began to suck the finger clean. Vanamee moaned as the salty liquid came into his mouth, the taste driving him wild. The other canine, whom had been stroking Vanamee's shaft the entire time, began to pick up his pace. The wolf didn't take long in his sensitive state before he was ready to orgasm. His hips bucked against the pleased canine's hand, desperate for release. As soon as the other male sensed that Vanamee was close he pulled his paw away, leaving the wolf unfulfilled.

"NOOO!!!!" Vanamee sobbed as the canine's ministering paw pulled back. "Please! I was so close!" The dog who had been fingering the poor wolf now gave Vanamee a hard slap, leaving a bright red mark beneath the lupine's soft black fur. With his other hand the larger male took the rope, pulling it up and cutting off Vanamee's air supply.

"Do you think we care little wolf?" The large male growled, making certain to press himself tight against Vanamee, letting the small wolf feel the canine's hard, slimy cock rubbing against his thigh, "You exist for our pleasure. We don't have any intentions of pleasuring YOU!" he added with a laugh. Vanamee felt rivers of tears running down his cheeks, as much from his desperate desire for oxygen as the other male's taunting words. Finally the larger canine let go of the rope, letting the poor lupine catch his breath.

"Hey!" One of the sailors in the crowd cried out. A moment later Vanamee felt something soft and fuzzy slam into his cheek. The wolf was stunned for a moment as he looked down to the deck. The object he had been hit with was none other than a child's teddy bear. It was an old and worn toy, many bare spots appearing in what had once been a fine, chocolaty brown fabric, complete with two black button eyes. The large canine who had busied himself with Vanamee's still unsatisfied shaft gave a laugh, adjusting the rope on the young slave's neck before completely pulling it off.

"If you want any pleasure for yourself," The canine laughed, pointing down at the toy, "then go ahead and take it." Vanamee didn't want to do it, but he couldn't stop himself. The wolf grabbed the toy and pushed it to the ground, hunching over it and beginning to thrust his hardened shaft against the soft, plushy bear. The sailors rubbed themselves furiously as they watched the sex crazed young canine hump the stuffed toy. Vanamee on the other hand took no joy in what he did, and openly sobbed as he continued to hump the toy. After a few minutes the young wolf's body tensed up. With a loud, feral howl Vanamee came, with more force than he had ever come before, spewing several thick ropes of wolf spooge all over the toy.

As he finished, one of the canines who had been tormenting him a moment ago returned, grabbing a handful of the wolf's head fur and pulling him up to his knees. Through tear stained eyes the young canine looked straight ahead, the other male's throbbing shaft only inches from the tip of his muzzle, the intoxicating scent of the other male filling his nostrils and sending the wolf into another fit of lust. The other male didn't need to say a word. Vanamee's muzzle was open and wrapped around the cock almost immediately. The wolf bobbed his head back and forth, his long agile tongue licking teasingly at the head and carefully guiding as much of the shaft as he could comfortably handle into his warm, wet muzzle. The other male did not seem satisfied with Vanamee's progress however, and taking a tighter hold of the boy's head fur, he began to rapidly push the wolf's face further and further, sending more and more of his cock down the lupine's throat. Vanamee moaned around the shaft, his thoughts consumed with pleasing the larger canine. Vanamee's head was soon being slammed painfully forward, the other canine moaning in delight as the small wolf's throat constricted around his throbbing meat. Within a few more thrusts the sailor let out a groan, taking both hands and forcing himself all the way into Vanamee's muzzle, the thick, hard shaft completely blocking the wolf's air supply as the larger male shot his load into the slave's mouth. After a moment he pulled out, leaving Vanamee coughing and sputtering for breath. When he had finally recovered, the wolf looked up to find the rest of the ship's crew eagerly waiting in line.

A few hours later the slave boy was exhausted, his body having been used by each member of the crew in turn. The drug had worn off well before the sailors had finished with him and the lack of it had made the last few breedings some of the most agonizing events of the wolf's life. Miraculously it seemed they hadn't damaged anything on him physically. Mentally however was a different story. As they rudely threw the exhausted and sore canine back into the doctor's quarters, Kuramee and Edwin rushed over to him.

"Vana!" Kura exclaimed, "What happened?" The young wolf boy looked up at her, those ice blue eyes filled with concern, and he collapsed, sobbing uncontrollably once more.

"Vanamee," Edwin whined, reaching out and placing a paw on the canine's shoulder, "What did they do to you?" Vanamee jerked away almost instantly, as if the rabbit had touched him with a hot poker.

"Don't touch me!" Vanamee screamed, pulling away and scooting until he felt the cold, wooden wall against his back. There he curled up, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them, hugging them tight as he continued to cry, rocking slowly back and forth. His friends watched him in mute horror for a moment, unsure what to say or do. Vanamee didn't care however. He just wanted it all to stop. It was one thing for them to use him. He had accepted that and could even deal with it. But they weren't satisfied with taking his body. They had made him want it! They had made him humiliate himself and submit to their will. He felt dirty and worthless as he curled up, sobbing against his furry knees. Even worse than the shame was having Kura know about it. The wolf boy had become so fond of her, but how could she ever like him back? How could she ever want a weak, worthless male like him?

Then, unexpectedly, Vanamee felt a paw lay on his right shoulder. Looking up, he came face to face with Kuramee, her eyes just as filled with tears as his own. Edwin was right beside her, the long ear tentatively reaching out a paw as well. Before Vanamee could say anything, the pair hugged him tight, taking a seat to either side of him and holding him as the young slave boy bawled his eyes out.

A Voyage by Sea

Lawdy... I know it's been a while since the last chapter and I appologize. Between the H1N1 virus, school starting up, and getting settled in the new place, it has been hard to work on this chapter, but I definitely think it was worth it! ENJOY! (And...

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Friends and Enemies

So here it is! Chapter three is up! I didn't get into any yiffyness this time (Sorry!) But I promise something extra kinky for you guys next chapter! This bit gets a bit more emotional and focuses more on the poor slave wolf and his budding...

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A Long Journey

Sorry this took so long to get up. I've been busy with moving and RL type stuff. I feel this chapter is a bit more fast paced than the last and I spent more time on character development and plot. Hope you enjoy as you all seemed to like the last one!...

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