Friends and Enemies
#4 of A Slave's Tail
So here it is! Chapter three is up! I didn't get into any yiffyness this time (Sorry!) But I promise something extra kinky for you guys next chapter! This bit gets a bit more emotional and focuses more on the poor slave wolf and his budding friendships (And his budding... err... enemyships?). So I hope you enjoy it!
Vanamee awoke the next morning with an idea in his head. It couldn't really be called a plan, as it didn't result in any sort of change, but it was an idea. The lupine boy opened his eyes and started to stretch, slipping his paw out of that of the still sleeping Kuramee. His cellmate, Edwin, appeared to still be asleep. The wolf wasn't surprised. Vanamee sat with his back against the wall, eagerly awaiting breakfast, and hoping against all odds it was the same guard who had brought them food the day before. After a relatively short wait, the lupine heard the other cells on the wagon getting opened, one by one, until at last the lock on his own could be heard and the door swung open to reveal the face of a tall, thin, grey wolf.
"Morning kid." The guard greeted, handing him two crusts of bread and what appeared to be a bowl of oatmeal. The scent of food instantly woke Edwin up, the rabbit stretching and yawning. Vanamee hesitated a moment to go through with his idea, the friendly Imperial beginning to shut the door back before Vanamee made a move.
"Wait!" The young wolf boy cried, rushing forward to the door. The guard stopped, looking at Vanamee through the half closed door.
"Yeah kid?" The grey wolf replied.
"The other day you said to tell you if I needed anything, remember?" Vanamee said, ignoring the suspicious glance that Edwin gave him.
"Yes." The guard responded, the wolf recalling his name to be Lagano, "Why?"
"Could you... could you please see if you can find a couple of people in the other wagons for me?" The lupine pleaded. For a second Lagano didn't reply, looking about as though to make certain none of the other soldiers were listening.
"Like who?" The Imperial wolf inquired.
"I was wondering if you could find mine and my friend's mothers?" Vanamee expounded.
"I'll try. What's yours and your friend's names?" Lagano asked in a hushed voice. Vanamee quickly whispered his and Kuramee's names. Lagano gave him a nod before shutting and locking the door back.
"What do you think you're doing?" Edwin hissed, putting a paw on the young wolf boy's shoulder, "He's just going to get you in trouble!"
"Why would he do that?" Vanamee asked, picking up the food bowl that Lagano had left and starting to eat.
"Because he's an Imperial! Don't you get it?" The long ear groaned, shaking his head incredulously, "That guy could care less about us!"
"Then why did he offer to help?" Vanamee shot back, taking a bite out of his bread crust, the crumbs falling down and sticking to his belly fur.
"I don't know..." Edwin admitted, "But I can pretty much guarantee that it's some kind of trap!"
"I don't think so." Vanamee replied, "I think he genuinely wants to help us!"
"Then why doesn't he let us free?" Edwin scoffed, taking his food and scooting back, leaning against the wall.
"They would probably kill him if he did..." Vanamee responded, laying down now that he had finished his meal. He placed the bowl over in the corner, knowing that the guards would pick it up when they stopped that evening. The two boys sat silently, listening to the rumbling of the wagon and the soft, muffled cries of soldiers outside. It was a long day, but when they stopped that evening, Vanamee felt so full of energy he could burst. The entire day he had been thinking of what Lagano might have to report to him. He had told Kuramee what he had asked Lagano to do, and now as they sat by the fire, waiting or the soldiers to pass out their food, both wolves were eager to see if their Imperial friend had found their mothers. Kuramee's bright blue eyes twinkled in the light of the fire as she shuffled about next to Vanamee.
"What's taking him so long?" She whined impatiently.
"I'm still not sure he'll even show up." Edwin, who was sitting on Vanamee's other side, spat.
"We'll see." Vanamee sighed, looking off into the growing darkness. There were just two many soldiers hustling about for the lupine to discern if any of them were Lagano, especially in this low light. The wolf sighed, hoping he had made the right choice in trusting the Imperial. As he sat there, the shrill sound of someone crying cut through his thoughts. The lupine looked about. On the other side of the fire sat a small wolf boy, his fur a soft grey, marked with bright red head fur and a tail tip of the same hue. Vanamee guessed that he was probably only nine or ten years old.
"Shut that damned crying up!" One of the soldiers commanded. The Imperial walked over, glaring down at the tiny wolf. He was a rather pudgy looking lion with an extremely hateful looking face. Vanamee felt his stomach knot up as the child continued crying, ignoring the soldier. The lion looked behind him at another soldier, whom Vanamee assumed was his superior. The second Imperial gave the lion a nod and the pudgy feline leaned down, grabbing the wolf child by his head fur and lifting him off the ground as he kicked and screamed in both pain and fear. "I warned you ya' little runt!" The lion roared, dragging the struggling child off into the darkness which now surrounded them. The other slaves around the fire sat in fearful silence as the sound of the child's cries got softer and softer. After a moment they stopped completely and were swiftly replaced by the sound of a whip cracking. The screams started up anew now, but they were now screams of agony. All of the captured slaves sat around the fire, looking at one another as the whip cracked and the child screamed, over and over...
At last the sounds stopped. A few minutes later, Vanamee caught sight of the lion once more, walking along the edge of the firelight, something limp and bloody thrown over his shoulder.
"What's wrong runt?" Came a cold and familiar voice, "Going to start crying too?" Vanamee wheeled around to find a muscular husky in Imperial armor standing behind him, holding onto a large, menacing spear. The lupine didn't answer, but looked up at the other canine hesitantly.
"I... I don't want any trouble..." The wolf whimpered, scooting back a little.
"Trouble?" The husky laughed, looking down at him, "You're already in so much trouble, I don't really feel the need to give you any more!" Vanamee whined, looking up at the grinning dog.
"What do you mean?" He asked the soldier hesitantly. Vanamee could feel Kura shifting about uncomfortably next to him.
"I mean that you and your little runt friends are going to be sold in Crown City. I can't think of anything worse than that! You'll all be in a Vore Brothel or a in some noble's little torture room!" The Husky explained with a laugh, "You see, Crown City is where most of the nobles live... and most of them are a bit TOO kinky."
"He's full of crap." Edwin grumbled. The soldier looked down at the long ear and snickered.
"Actually, I know a noble named Gregor Hooffall," The Husky informed him, "who just loves buying long ears. He ties them to his carriage, like Feral horses and has them pull him all about town. He's always on the lookout for new ones... since the old ones die so often." The soldier started to chuckle, pointing to Kuramee, "And I'm sure your pretty little friend over there will find a nice master to rape her pretty ass." Vanamee felt his anger rising as the soldier taunted Kura, the white furred wolfess starting to silently cry beside him. Vanamee was about to lunge at the soldier's legs when another Imperial came up.
"That'll be quite enough sergeant." The second Imperial growled, still standing too far from the edge of the fire for the wolf boy to make out any of his features. The husky turned about, giving a quick salute.
"C...Captain Lagano, sir!" The tormenting dog gasped, "I was just..."
"I saw what you were doing sergeant." Lagano growled, the tall, thin canine stepping into the light, "And I suggest you get out of my sight." The husky turned back and gave the three friends a sneer before marching off. "Hello kids." Lagano said after the burly dog had left, "I have news for you." Kuramee and Vanamee's eyes lit up at this, the Husky's ominous words temporarily forgotten.
"Did you find my mom?" Kura asked excitedly, her tail slapping the ground as it wagged. Lagano paused a moment, taking a deep breath before answering.
"Well... no." The captain told her, "But I did find out SOME good news."
"What's that?" Vanamee inquired, feeling rather crushed by the other wolf's inability to find his mother.
"Your mothers aren't being shipped to Crown City." Lagano explained, "In Jade there is a man who buys slaves and then rents them out as a cleaning service. He bought all the older females from the raid ahead of time."
"How is that good news?" Kura whined, the poor girl curling into a ball and starting to sniffle. Vanamee looked over at her, pushing his own hurt to the back of his mind as he saw Kura's pretty blue eyes tear up.
"It means that they won't be sold into a factory or mine." Lagano explained in a sympathetic tone, "And that they won't be sold to some freak in the capital."
"Wait!" Edwin suddenly interjected, "Do you mean that the stuff that jerk was telling us is... true?" Lagano looked off, obviously having been hoping he wouldn't have to answer that question."
"I... I'm afraid so." The captain replied, sighing, "But that doesn't mean that it will happen to you!" He added quickly as he saw the frightened look on the trio's faces, "I mean... you're all considered 'exotic' slaves. You're worth a LOT of money. I don't think anyone will buy you just to hurt you, and I know for certain that none of those trashy vore brothels will be able to afford you!"
"W...what's a vore brothel?" Vanamee asked, still uncertain as to what THIS particular horror was.
"A disgusting hovel that purchases slaves," Lagano expounded, "for the sole purpose of putting on a show. Basically they feed the slave to some monster, or cook them alive, in front of an audience. It's a favorite pastime for many of the city's upper class." Vanamee whined. What kind of horrible place where they being sent to? Nothing he had heard of Crown City so far seemed even remotely pleasant. "I'm sorry." Lagano spoke at last, "I can't stay over here any longer or they're going to start getting suspicious." The wolf gave Vanamee and his friends one last, sad look. "I'm sorry." He repeated and then stepped out into the night once more.
None of the three slaves said a word as they ate dinner, each lost in their own thoughts as the warmth of the fire danced across their fur. At last Edwin spoke, the rabbit's ears held flat against his brown head fur.
"What are we going to do?" Edwin whimpered, the rabbit's usually calm, collected manner having disappeared entirely, replaced by an aura of fear and dread.
"I... I don't know." Vanamee sighed, looking between the Edwin and Kuramee. The situation seemed utterly hopeless. As the boy glanced over to Kura, he saw tears running down her cheek, soaking her white fur and pressing it flat against her face. The lupine's heart broke in two as he watched her, feeling utterly helpless. Vanamee leaned forward, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to him. "Don't worry Kura." Vanamee whined, "I'm sure we'll figure something out!" As he spoke, Kura looked over at him, her blonde hair falling to the side and laying on Vanamee's black furred shoulder.
"That's not why I'm crying." Kuramee replied, reaching one paw up and wiping at her eyes. "I saw what you were going to do. If the captain hadn't come, you would have tried fighting that guard." Vanamee blushed, feeling rather self conscious.
"He shouldn't have spoken to you like that..." The young lupine responded, feeling a tinge of anger rise up as he remembered the husky's cruel words.
"Yes he should have Vana!" Kura groaned, her eyes tearing up once more, "We're slaves! Don't you get it? He can speak to us as he pleases!"
"Kura, why are you..." The wolf began, but Kura cut him off.
"Don't ever do it again!" She spat, "I don't want you to get hurt because of me!" Vanamee sat and looked at her incredulously, not knowing what to tell her. As Kuramee looked up at him with those tear filled blue eyes, the wolf sighed.
"Ok." Vanamee replied, "I won't."
"Promise me!" She sobbed, clinging tight to the young boy. Vanamee waited a moment.
"I promise." He answered, holding Kura tight against him. The wolfess cried on his shoulder silently for a moment.
"I don't know what I'd do if... if they..." She stuttered, sniffling. The pair sat there, listening to the sounds of soldiers and slaves alike settling down for the night. Off in the distance, night birds chirped out a long, sad tune. Vanamee looked out into the night, looking at the dark hills and deep woods of the islands, possibly for the last time. He felt Kuramee's hand rub through the fur on his side.
"Aren't the stars pretty?" She whispered, her gaze fixed on the sky. Vanamee looked up, marveling at the sheer number of the stars. They twinkled high above them, like bright diamonds set in a black sea. Vanamee smiled, despite everything that had happened to him and just enjoyed the night sky. The pleasant moment didn't last long, the soldiers herding all of the slaves back to the wagon. Before he stepped up into his cell, Vanamee gave Kuramee one last look, the girl now giving him a weak smile. A moment later the lupine was in his cell, sitting quietly beside Edwin.
"Vanamee?" Edwin spoke, his voice hesitant.
"Yes Edwin?" Vanamee replied.
"I... I'm scared." The rabbit admitted, shocking the wolf. Until now, it had been Edwin who was calm and collected, knowing what was coming. Now the rabbit's voice was filled with fear and uncertainty.
"Me too." Vanamee admitted, turning to look at the wall that divided the two young boys from Kuramee. "But don't say it too loud." The wolf boy added in a whisper, "I don't want to scare Kura." At this he could hear Edwin sigh.
"You shouldn't get too attached to her Vana." The long ear informed him, "You know this won't last. We're going to be split up and we'll never see each other again." Vanamee whined, wincing as the rabbit's words sank in. Vanamee could think of nothing to say to the long ear, his face burning a bright red. "Anyways, sleep well." The rabbit sighed, rolling over and showing his back to the wolf.
Vanamee lay awake for a while, listening to the buck's rhythmic breathing and the distant call of animals in the night. A whirlwind of thoughts ran through the wolf's head, most of them centered around the lovely, young, white wolfess in the next cell over. As he lay there, dreaming pleasant thoughts of what could have been and what could be, the unmistakable sound of the lock opening could be heard. Vanamee's head shot up as the door flew open, a large, shadowy figure standing on the other side. Before the wolf could even speak, the figure leaped forward, partially into the wagon, and snatching hold of the wolf by his arm.
"Bet you thought I'd just forget about you, didn't you?" Came a chillingly familiar voice. Vanamee was forcibly pulled from his cell and thrown to the ground. Looking up Vanamee finally caught a glimpse of his assaulter by the soft light of dying fires. It was the Husky from before! "You got me in trouble you worthless runt!" The dog spat, reaching down with his free hand and taking hold of the wolf's throat. "You're going to pay for that!"
Vanamee tried to pull away, but the Husky's grip was far too strong. The lupine thrashed about, grasping the dog's hand and trying to pull it off of his throat as he was lifted off the ground. As soon as the lupine was in the air, he felt his throat constrict, his air supply instantly disappearing.
"What's the matter you little fag?" The Husky growled, slamming Vanamee's back against the wagon as the wolf continued to struggle, "I'm going to strangle the life out of you!" Vanamee felt tears running down his cheek, the edges of his vision starting to go dark. The wolf's struggles began to weaken as he felt himself drift closer and closer to unconsciousness. Vanamee felt as though he couldn't hang on a moment later when the hand on his throat unexpectedly released, leaving the wolf to fall to the ground, coughing and sputtering.
"Get off me you fucktoy!" The Husky cried out. Vanamee looked up to find the Imperial soldier thrashing around, trying to rid himself of Edwin, who had leapt out of the wagon and latched onto his back. Vanamee quickly got back to his senses and leapt forward, grabbing hold of the Husky's legs, holding on tight. The three thrashed about, fighting for only a few moments before the other soldiers arrived.
"Hey!" One of the Imperials cried, rushing up with a blazing torch in one hand and his sword in the other, "What's going on here?" The three fighting furs stopped instantly, looking over dumbly at the group of about six soldiers who had come to investigate the ruckus. "Well?"
"I found two escaping slaves!" The husky answered, grabbing hold of the two smaller furs.
"He's lying!" Edwin cried, letting go of the Husky and dropping to the ground, "He was going to strangle Vanamee!" The other guards didn't seem to believe the buck and one of them promptly smacked the rabbit across the face. As the blow landed, Edwin crumpled up, collapsing to the ground.
"Edwin!" Vanamee cried, trying to go to his friend, only to be siezed by two of the soldiers, their grips like iron vices.
"Good work Zeke!" One of the Imperials laughed, giving the husky a congratulatory pat on the shoulder. "Come on boys! You know what we gotta do!" Vanamee felt his heart stop, watching as one of the larger soldiers pulled out a hammer from his belt. "Let's find a good stump and tie him down." The soldier growled.
"NO!" Vanamee screamed, kicking and thrashing about as the larger furs began to drag him away. One of the soldiers gave him a hard slap, but the wolf continued to struggle, begging and pleading with the guards. "Oh gods no! Please don't do this!" The young wolf's pleas fell on deaf ears. After a few moments the soldiers gave him a rough toss, the lupine feeling something hard and rough colliding with his rump. Before he could react, the canine was seized by two guards, his arms pushed behind his head and tied tight, his legs stretched out and tied together. The wolf looked about frantically. One of the guards held a torch that flickered and sputtered, illuminating the area for a few feet around. The wolf was effectively tied down to an old oak stump, his feet hanging over the edge. Another guard, a lean looking weasel, stood there glowering down at him, a large, flat headed hammer held in his paw. As Vanamee laid eyes on it, he began to sob uncontrollably, his whole body shaking with fear. "Please! Please nooooo!" The lupine begged, "I'll do anything. Just please don't do this!" One of the guards gave him a hard smack.
"Save your damned screaming till after we've actually hobbled you!" The guard, a short, skinny rat growled. The weasel meanwhile raised his hammer high, aiming it at the wolf's creamy white footpaws.
"Please..." Vanamee sobbed once more.
"Hold it!" Came a booming voice. The weasel with the hammer froze instantly, his head shooting toward the source of the voice. "What are you soldiers doing?"
"Major!" The rat soldier cried, hurrying to salute as his superior stepped into the dim light of the torch. Much to Vanamee's surprise, it was the wolf who had struck him two days ago, when he had refused to tell the human commander his name!
"I repeat," The lupine soldier growled, "what are you scum doing?"
"Sergeant Zeke caught this slave and his cellmate trying to escape!" A third soldier, a hefty pig with bulging eyes answered, "We were just about to hobble him!" The major looked down at Vanamee, examining him with piercing green eyes.
"Is that true slave?" The wolf asked him intently.
"No!" Vanamee cried out desperately, "He... the Husky was going to kill me! Edwin was only trying to save me!" The major paused a moment, looking down at the wolf silently.
"I see." The lupine soldier replied, "Take this slave back to his cell, do the same with his friend."
"But sir!" The pig contended, "Are you really going to take a slave's word over that of an officer?"
"Since said officer has abandoned his post and fled, yes." The major replied. The other Imperials looked at each other dumbfounded. "I recall captain Lagano telling me that Zeke was particularly intent on bothering this slave." The soldiers gave the major a quick salute before picking Vanamee up and carrying him off. The wolf was so relieved that he began to sob, feeling almost delirious as he was dragged back to his cell. As he was thrown inside, he saw Edwin already inside, sitting up and conscious now. As the soldiers were locking the door, Vanamee could hear one of them make a rather ominous remark.
"I'll be glad when we get to Jade in the morning." The soldier groaned, "I'm tired of playing babysitter to these damned savages." With that the Imperials were gone, leaving only Vanamee and the buck to themselves. For a moment, the pair just sat and looked at each other. At last Vanamee could hold back no longer and began to sob. The rabbit leaned over, taking him in a tight hug as he too began to sob. The pair sat there for a while, crying against one another. At last the pair had cried themselves out and fell asleep in one another's arms.
that night the wolf dreamed of the sound of whips, and the screams of children. The lupine awoke the next morning, not feeling at all rested. Across from him sat Edwin, already awake.
"Never expected you to be up!" Vanamee laughed, the sound strained and unnatural.
"I couldn't sleep." Edwin replied, shuffling about anxiously.
"Me either." Vanamee admitted, "But by evening we'll be away from these soldiers." The wolf hung his head, realizing that it meant he would also be away from his mother... forever.