A Slave Begins

Story by Vanamee on SoFurry

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#2 of A Slave's Tail

This is part one of a story I'm working on that I like to call, A Slave's Tail. I'm using my own character (Vanamee) as the protagonist. I would like to say that this is a work of pure fiction, I have had none of this or anything like it, happen to me. Please don't confuse the character I'm creating here with myself. I plan for this to be a Victorian styled fantasy world, but I decided to forgo the use of guns and replace it with swords and bows. Let me know what you think! THANKS! -Vanamee-

Vanamee awoke to the sound of crying and yelling, much like what he had blacked out to the night before. The wolf didn't want to open his eyes, so he lay there, listening to the sobbing and screaming all around him. His muscles were all so sore that the slightest movement sent a bolt of dull pain up his spine. The back of his head hurt especially. Last night had been a nightmare.

Vanamee was a young wolf, the kind that was only found in the great western islands. He was rather effeminate looking, or so he thought. He had a skinny frame and an overly long and fluffy tail, tipped with the same color blue fur as the long hair atop his head. His belly, chest, chin, neck and paws were all a creamy white, contrasting sharply with the black fur that covered the rest of his body. Most striking of all were his eyes, something unlike anyone else he had ever seen. His left eye was red and his right eye was blue!

For eighteen years he and his family had lived in relative peace on their island home. The small town they had lived in was a prosperous little trading hub and they had always been well off. That was, until last night when the Empire had attacked. The soldiers had come under the cover of night, without warning, and had overwhelmed the town's defenses within moments. Vanamee could vaguely remember his father shaking him out of his sleep. The wolf had opened his eyes to see his father hovering over him, his face illuminated by the fires that the Imperial soldiers had started outside, a look of fear etched on his face. The young wolf had hurriedly put on his tunic and followed his father. He remembered fleeing outside, only to run directly into a group of soldiers. The tall, armored warriors had surrounded them so quickly that there was no hope of escape. He could remember their dull red armor clanging against him as the soldiers tried to shove the wolf and his family to the ground. Vanamee recalled his father trying to fight them... The wolf stifled a sob as he also recalled seeing his father run through on one of the soldier's swords. He could remember running toward his father, his mother's screams echoing in his ears just before everything went black. As best he could figure, one of the soldiers had given him a blow to the head.

The young wolf opened his eyes, blinking as the light of morning flooded in. Vanamee pushed aside some of his long blue head fur which had slid into his eyes and glanced about. At first he thought he was in some sort of cage, but after a moment he realized it was the back of a wagon, the kind that slaves and prisoners were commonly carried in. All about him were other wolves like himself, people he had seen about town for years, all of them crammed into the confines of the iron barred wagon. Outside he could see the remains of the once vibrant town, the stately walls and buildings in various states of smoldering ruin. There were hundreds of Imperial soldiers running about, carrying wolves in chains... along with many bodies. There were also a number of other wagons like his own, each loaded with crying, wailing prisoners. Vanamee gave a quick look around his own wagon, trying desperately to find his mother. The wolf cried out, yelling her name over and over. There was no reply save the screams of others doing the same.

Vanamee leaned back against the bars of the wagon and hung his head, crying silently. He sat there, losing himself in his own misery until he finally noticed that the occupants of his wagon had grown strangely hushed. The wolf looked up, wiping the back of his hand across his eyes, letting the tears soak into the fur. The others in the wagon were all looking at the same spot, a few whispering to one another. The lupine tried to stand up so he could see over the others around him, but the space was so cramped he couldn't. Instead he craned his head about, looking through the crowd. What he saw mystified him. Nearly twenty feet from the back of the wagon stood two Imperial soldiers unlike anything he had ever seen. They appeared to be completely hairless and possessed no hint of a tail or muzzle. The wolf peered at them intently, trying to discern if they were some type of lizard folk or perhaps avians. Suddenly the wolf realized that they were devoid of scales or feathers as well.

"What are they?" Vanamee heard someone nearby whisper.

"Humans." An old, grey male replied in a whisper. Vanamee let out a soft gasp. Humans! He had heard of the strange race before, but had always assumed they were just a fairy tell used to scare children into behaving. The stories about humans were always terrible. It was said they enslaved whoever they came into contact with, that they cut down the forests and poisoned the seas to satiate their greed. Most of all, the wolf remembered how the stories said that humans cooked and ATE other Anthro races. The pair of strange creatures stood looking at the wagon and conversing in some strange language that the wolf couldn't understand.

"What are they saying old one?" Vanamee asked the elderly lupine that had spoken earlier.

"I have no idea child." The grey furred elder replied, his red and grey head fur shaking as he hung his head, "They're speaking Hume, the language of the humans." The wolf gulped, looking out tentatively at the pair as they continued to converse. At last, one of the humans pointed toward another of the other Imperial soldiers, gesturing for him to come there. The soldier quickly obeyed, and as he neared Vanamee could see that he was a fellow wolf, but the kind that came from the mainland to the east. He was much bigger than any of the wolves from the islands and his fur was a solid black, even that on his head and tail tip. The human gave the wolf an order, something in common tongue that the lupine couldn't quite make out. The soldier nodded and walked over to the wagon, four other guards joining him, each armed with a wickedly sharp looking spear.

"All right prisoners!" The tall, imposing wolf soldier commanded, "Come out and line up for inspection! If any of you try and run I'll have my men put a spear in your back!" With that the soldier stepped forward and unlocked the door to the wagon, allowing the first few prisoners to exit and making enough room for Vanamee to stand up. After a few moments the entirety of the wagon had been led out and lined up. The soldiers ordered them to stand up straight. Vanamee looked down the line, spying one of the humans starting their inspection at the far end of the line, looking each and every prisoner up and down. Most of them were wolves, like Vanamee, but there were a few rabbits and raccoons that had experienced the misfortune of being in the town at the wrong time. The Imperial soldier wolf walked behind the human inspector, occasionally ordering another soldier to remove a particular fur that the human had picked out... usually a young girl. After a few minutes, the human came to Vanamee and paused.

"Oh my." The human exclaimed, now speaking in common tongue, "What an unusual specimen. I've never seen anyone with one red eye and one blue one before. What's your name young wolf?" Vanamee stayed silent, opting to give the human a hate filled glare instead. The wolf's defiance was rewarded with a strong slap from the wolf soldier who accompanied the human, sending the smaller lupine stumbling.

"The commander asked you a question you fucking runt!" The soldier growled. Vanamee let out a whine as he rubbed the spot where the other wolf had slapped him.

"V...Vanamee." The wolf answered, not particularly relishing the thought of another such blow.

"Take your clothes off Vanamee." The human ordered, gesturing down to the now dirty rags that had been a virtually new tunic only the night before. Vanamee looked at the human incredulously, getting a chance to observe his rather flat and critical face.

"NO!" The wolf cried out, taking a step back. This answer brought a rather distasteful look to the human's features.

"A rebellious little fellow isn't he?" The human remarked, turning to the wolf soldier beside him, "Take him to Igo and inform the cat to teach this little runt his place. No scars though! I want him in prime condition. He'll fetch a small fortune in crown city." Vanamee took another step back, considering bolting. Before he could do anything however, another soldier took hold of him from behind, pulling the young lupine's arms behind his back. The wolf looked over his soldier to see a rather irritated looking bear in the red armor of Imperial soldiers.

"Come on short stuff!" The bear growled, giving Vanamee a rough push. The young wolf let out a defeated groan as he allowed the bear to lead him past the line of prisoners. Vanamee found himself lead through the remains of his town. The wolf looked all about and found the places he had seen every day for years reduced to smoldering heaps. After a few minutes they arrived in the town square where a number of tents had been set up by the soldiers. It was to one of these tents that Vanamee was led. As they approached the wolf heard a shriek echo from within that sent shivers down his spine. The ursine soldier must have sensed this and started to laugh. "Not so rebellious now are ya?" The bear teased, "Can't wait to see how long it takes Igo before your screaming and begging to go back and do what the commander asks of ya!" The wolf gulped audibly as he saw a pair of soldiers hauling another, half dead looking young lupine out of the tent. A male, no more than two years from Vanamee's own age, his back covered in lash marks. The bear gave Vanamee a hard shove, releasing his hold on the wolf's arms and sending him tumbling into the tent.

As the wolf looked about him he felt his heart drop into his stomach. All about him were racks and shelves, covered in a variety of wicked looking torture implements, many showing bloody signs of recent use. In the center of the tent was a table with straps on top, obviously designed to hold down a victim. Beside of the table stood a tall, thin panther, wearing a pair of tight fitting leather pants and no shirt. Despite the fact that the cat's fur was solid black, the wolf could tell that there was a great deal of blood congealed on him. The feline was putting away a rather wicked looking whip as he looked back over toward Vanamee.

"Ah! Another customer?" The panther laughed.

"Little runt wouldn't do what he was told Igo. Commander wants him taught his place. No scars though." The ursine soldier whom had escorted the wolf there informed the panther as he stepped into the tent.

"No scars?" The feline repeated with a sigh, "Oh well. I suppose I'll just have to enjoy making him scream some other way." The cat gave Vanamee a disquieting grin, looking the young wolf up and down. "Take his clothes off and strap him onto the table, then you can leave." Igo ordered, walking over to the shelves of torture devices and looking through them idly. The bear didn't bother asking the wolf to do it himself; instead he took one massive paw and took hold of the lupine's tunic, literally tearing it off of the poor wolf, leaving him standing naked. Vanamee quickly lowered his rather long and fluffy tail and covered his crotch with his hands, trying to hide his naughty bits. The bear grabbed Vanamee by his long head fur, pulling mercilessly and eliciting a yelp from the wolf as he was picked up and thrown onto the table, landing on his back. The ursine quickly grabbed his arms and held them into place, taking the table's black leather straps and tightening them up, effectively pinning Vanamee down. Next he walked down to the Vanamee's legs and tightened the straps over them.

"There." The bear snorted, "And Igo?"

"Yes?" The feline replied, picking out a long leather riding crop and carrying it over to the table.

"When you're done, I'd like a go with the little guy." The bear announced, running his huge paw through the wolf's soft white chest fur. Igo gave him a sordid chuckle.

"So would half the camp." He replied, "But I'm not sure how well the commander would take it if you tore THIS slave up too!" The bear gave the feline a disappointed huff.

"Come on! He's such a pretty one... and I haven't had a chance to breed in soooo long." The ursine complained, moving his hand from Vanamee's chest slowly down his side, ruffling his soft fur.

"Well... ok." The cat agreed, causing Vanamee to involuntarily whimper, "But you can't be using his tail hole. Ok?" The bear gave Igo a big, toothy grin.

"Sure thing pal." He replied, giving Vanamee a sly wink before turning about and stepping outside, leaving the helpless young wolf alone with the cat. The panther walked over to the table slowly, making certain that the wolf could plainly see the black leather riding crop, swinging suggestively from the feline's hand.

"We'll start off your lessons easy little toy." The cat announced, his slender black tail starting to flick about, "What's your name?" The wolf hesitated a minute, watching the crop swing about.

"V...Vanamee." He answered. No sooner had the words left his mouth than the cat brought the crop down, smacking the young wolf's exposed testicles, bringing a loud yelp out of him. Vanamee's eyes watered as he sat there, holding his breath through the pain.

"Wrong answer." The cat hissed, "From now on your name is fucktoy! Now say it!" Vanamee whimpered, trying to wiggle his way out of the constraints which held him tightly to the table. Suddenly the cat brought the crop down again, a loud smack echoing as it slammed into the wolf's already sore balls. The lupine boy let out a howl of pain, his legs instinctively trying to close over the wolf's privates as waves of pain surged through his body. "Say your name!" Igo commanded.

"F...Fucktoy." The lupine whimpered softly, his voice a notable octave higher.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that?" The cat replied, lifting the crop up and preparing to strike again.

"Fucktoy! My name is Fucktoy!" The wolf cried out, desperate to avoid another blow. The feline lowered the crop and ran a hand gently over the lupine's belly, smiling at the feel of the wolf's soft, warm fur.

"Good boy." The cat praised, "Now let's move on to your next lesson." The cat slunk around the table, moving to just above the wolf's head. Vanamee leaned his head back, trying to see what Igo was doing, only to find himself face to crotch with the large cat. Igo reached down, undoing the fastenings on his pants, much to the young canine's disdain. Vanamee let out a startled meep as the cat undid his trousers, letting them drop to the floor and exposing his sizeable equipment to the wolf. The feline was already rather aroused, his spiny shaft sticking out of his furry black sheath mere inches from Vanamee's nose. The panther took a step forward, his large furry sack now placed directly onto the wolf's cold, wet nose. "Smell them." The feline commanded. At first the wolf was too startled to do anything, but he quickly recovered and tried to jerk his head away. The panther was having none of it though, and he took a tight grip on the wolf's throat, starting to strangle the wolf. "Do as I say or I'll find worse things to do to you than just smacking your little sack about!" The cat hissed, a look of irritation on his face.

Vanamee whimpered, stifling back a sob as he stopped struggling and allowed the cat's large balls to be placed on his nose. The wolf let out a whine as he took a deep whiff, the feline's strong, musky odor filling the wolf's lungs. The canine was surprised to find the scent less repulsive than he had expected, in fact it was almost... intoxicating. The wolf took another deep whiff, letting the feline's musk wash over him. The cat began to laugh.

"Like that do ya, you little slut?" The panther teased, reaching one of his rough paws down and taking a grip on the lupine's sheath. As he had been sniffing the cat's musk, the wolf had inadvertently begun to get aroused, his own cock beginning to peek from its furry hiding place. Vanamee let out a gasp as the panther began to slowly stroke him, working more and more of the wolf's cock out into the open.

"P... please... stop." The lupine begged, even as his body betrayed him, responding eagerly to the panther's ministrations. Igo chuckled, moving himself so that his shaft was directly in front of Vanamee's face. The lupine could feel a few droplets of warm, sticky pre drop from the cat's spiny cock onto the wolf's upturned lower jaw. As he began to get more and more excited, the wolf started to pant. Just as quickly as the panther had begun to play with the wolf he pulled back, leaving the young canine panting, embarrassed and most of all... wanting. The wolf looked up at his tormentor, letting out a disappointed whimper. The panther stepped back and turned toward the entrance to the tent.

"Come in Barry." The cat called. A moment later the large ursine who had drug the wolf there stepped inside, giving the cat an eager look. "I figured we could both have a little fun out of this." Igo explained. Vanamee gave a terrified gulp, looking between the two horny furs. Barry laughed and began to undo the straps that held Vanamee down. The wolf considered bolting for a second, but knew that it was pointless. Even if he did make it away from these two, someone else would catch him before he got very far. After the last strap had been undone the wolf sat up tentatively. No sooner was his upper body vertical than the ursine took a tight hold on the wolf's long, blue head fur.

"Get on all fours." The bear ordered, licking his lips as he stared down at the nude young lupine. The wolf whimpered and grudgingly obeyed, hopping off of the table and getting onto his hands and knees, making certain to cover his exposed rear with his tail. He fought back tears as the bear pulled his face upward, getting it even with his crotch. Underneath the armor, the ursine was wearing a pair of thin cloth pants, which he used his free hand to undo. As the bear's cock popped into sight, the wolf caught his breath. Barry was huge! The shaft was a good nine inches in length and so thick that the lupine thought there was no way it would ever fit in his mouth! The bear was already rock hard, the thick pulsing veins sticking out on the side. "Open wide slut." Barry growled, pushing his throbbing dick against the wolf's muzzle. Vanamee whimpered, grudgingly opening his muzzle as wide as he could. The bear gently slid his cock past the lupine's lips, forcing the wolf to stretch his jaws wider and wider to accommodate it. Vanamee whimpered as the salty taste and the bears overpowering musk hit him, almost making him gag as his mouth was stretched painfully wide. "Oh fuuuuuck..." The bear groaned, "Nothing like a good virgin muzzle!"

Igo gave him a laugh as he took hold of Vanamee's tail, forcing it up and exposing the wolf's puckered tail hole. The lupine whimpered, trying to glance back. A quick jerk on his head fur stopped that however. The wolf whimpered as he felt something stiff and spongy press against his rear. He tried to force the bear's cock out of his mouth, tried to cry out and beg them to stop, but the ursine gave him a rough slap across the face.

"Stop fighting you runt!" Barry growled. Vanamee felt a tear run down his cheek as he realized there was no way he was getting out of this. The bear placed his other hand on the wolf's head as he began to thrust into the wolf's mouth, sliding his throbbing bear cock further with each thrust until Vanamee began to feel it hitting the back of his throat. Meanwhile Igo had taken a grip on the wolf's hips. The feline pressed his cock to the lupine's virgin ass, spitting a little and using his cock to rub it around. At last the wolf felt what he knew was coming, the cat thrusting himself suddenly into the wolf, spearing the lupine's ass. The cat moaned as he slid into the canine's tight ass, the hot muscles squeezing around his spiny cock. Vanamee let out a muffled scream as he was taken for the first time. The two larger males held him still and began to build up synchronized thrusting, Barry slamming his shaft into the lupine's mouth as Igo was pulling back out of the wolf's ass. Vanamee felt the cat begin to thrust harder and faster, the fleshy spines on his cock running along the wolf's insides and giving him a sensation unlike any he had ever experienced. Barry was also beginning to go at it with more zeal. The ursine had two handfuls of Vanamee's head fur and was using them like handlebars as he thrust his enormous cock into the wolf's mouth and back into his throat. The wolf's throat visibly bulged with each of the ursine's frenzied thrusts, his throat muscles gagging and squeezing around the bear's shaft. Igo had begun to hit the wolf's prostate, making the uncomfortable ass raping a bit more pleasurable.

Suddenly Vanamee felt the cat reach around and take hold of the wolf's cock, which was still peeking outside of his sheath and was steadily getting larger with each press against his sensitive prostate.

"Look Barry!" Igo teased, "The little fucktoy is enjoying it!" The bear chuckled, pulling his throbbing meat all the way from the wolf's muzzle for a second, giving the poor lupine enough time to cough and sputter as he tried to get his breath. A thick rope of drool led from the wolf's lips to the bear's hard cock. The ursine twisted his hips, slapping the wolf in the face with his hard shaft before forcibly ramming it back down the young canine's throat. This went on for another couple of minutes, the wolf thinking he might pass out as it became harder and harder to catch a breath between any two of Barry's lust filled thrusts. At last he heard the cat let out a loud moan, slamming himself into the lupine balls deep. A moment later the feline's shaft erupted; spewing hot sticky cat cum into the wolf's waiting bowels. The sensation was amazing, and as he felt the sticky hot goo pour over his prostate, the lupine lost all control, his hips bucking as much as the cat would allow as he began to cum, the wolf's load splashing out onto the cat's ministering paw. A moment later Barry let out a growl, tightened his grip on Vanamee's head fur and forced himself in to the hilt, the thick bear cock sliding down the wolf's throat as he felt the ursine's thick, hot spooge shoot down his throat. The wolf tried to pull back, gagging terribly as the ursine cut off his air, using the wolf's tight throat to milk every last drop from his shaft.

At last Barry pulled back, leaving the lupine to cough and sputter, gobs of musky smelling jizz coming up and dribbling down the wolf's chin. Igo finally pulled out, leaving a trail of white cat cum to drain down the wolf's ass and thighs. Vanamee collapsed to the floor, feeling utterly humiliated and used. At that moment the wolf felt like finding a rock and crawling under it forever. Was this living hell his new LIFE? Barry took hold of the wolf's head fur again and forced him to his feet.

"Come on! We're heading out soon and the commander still wants to get a look at you!" The ursine growled, grabbing the wolf by the scruff of his neck. The bear gave Igo a quick farewell, the cat busily cleaning himself up. Vanamee's legs were so wobbly that he found walking nearly impossible, so the bear hefted him up over his shoulder, opting to carry the exhausted canine like an old sack. As they exited the tent, the wolf looked over to see another young fur, this time a pretty young girl, waiting outside, her eyes getting big with fear as she saw the bear carrying the abused Vanamee out.

A few moments later and the ursine dropped the wolf, letting him slam to the ground and knocking the wind out of the lupine.

"Ah! Our little friend is back!" Came a familiar and taunting voice. Vanamee looked up to find the human commander gazing down at him, an amused look on his face. "Feeling more co-operative now?" The young wolf lowered his head, giving a weak nod. The will to fight no longer in him. "Igo always does such good work. Remind me to give that cat a promotion." The commander noted cheerfully. "Now stand up." Vanamee pulled himself up, his knees shaking as he stood before the commander, completely naked. He tried to cover his privates with one paw, but a harsh look from the commander was enough to move it. Vanamee whined as the human looked him up and down, slowly walking around him and inspecting him. "No cuts or bruises. Good. This little fellow will fetch a small fortune in Crown City. Islanders are all the craze there nowadays." With that the commander waved his hand dismissively, and the bear roughly hauled the lupine off.

He was not taken back to the cart with the others, as he had expected. Instead he was forced over to a different wagon; this one looked like a giant box, with several doors on the sides. Barry opened one of these, revealing a tiny room on the other side, dimly lit by a tiny window on the door. The ursine gave the wolf a rough toss, sending him into the miniscule cell and locking the door behind him. As soon as he was alone, the wolf bowed his head and began to cry, sobbing uncontrollably. He would find some way to escape. He just had to!

Zain's Suprise

Zain let out an irritated sigh. He had been sitting on the park bench for an hour watching the people shuffle by. Zain was a short, skinny, white rabbit and was considered rather attractive, even by other males. He had a rather feminine physique and...

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