Some Things Never Change

Story by Vanamee on SoFurry

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#9 of A Slave's Tail

Vanamee whined as he rolled about, his eyes still closed and the bright morning sun shining through them. He didn't quite remember where he was, but wherever it was... it was comfortable. He could feel thick, rich cotton quilts atop him, with a soft, silk sheet underneath it. The mattress was enormous, going out further than he could stretch his arms and legs, and unbelievably soft. He never wanted to open his eyes.

"Time to wake up young Master Vanamee!" Came a soft and familiar voice, cutting through the semi-darkness behind his eyes. The wolf opened them, looking about at the exuberantly luxurious room. The floor was covered in dark, rich hardwood. The walls were covered in an interesting mosaic made from tiny pieces of glass that depicted a meadow in spring. On the far side of the room was an ornately carved dresser, beside of which stood a familiar looking white and brown mare. "About time. Master Clang wants you fit and ready as quickly as possible!" The lupine whined, his ears laying back at that news. "Oh!" Inga added, noticing the wolf's face, "I believe he just wants to introduce you to someone."

Vanamee leapt out of bed, the cold wood floor sending a chill up his back as his creamy white paws sat down onto it. The young canine stretched with a loud yawn as he stood up. The young pretty mare smiled at him as she began to make the covers that he had only recently vacated. "First things first young master," Inga announced, coming over and taking hold of the wolf by his ear, giving a slight tug. "Let's get you into a bath!" Vanamee whined as she tugged on his ear, pulling him along with her as she trudged out the door of his room. Outside was a long hallway with lush red carpet along the floor. The walls were covered in an old and faded wall-papering, depicting vines covered in flowers, now wilted looking from the many decades they had stood there on the wall. Inga mercifully released the boy's ear, pointing toward an open door several feet down the hall. "I have your bath drawn and ready," The maid announced, "be a good boy and hop on in. I'll be there in a minute to wash you, as soon as I finish making the bed."

Vanamee groaned, trudging obediently to the open door and stepping into the room. The bathroom was just as fancy as the rest of the house, the floor covered in soft blue and green tiles, as were the walls. A beautifully sculpted marble wash basin stood to one side of the room, a dark wooden cabinet and mirror hanging above it. On the opposing side stood an immense ceramic bathtub, standing upon four old metal legs. The young canine's eyes grew large as he looked over at the basin, filled to the brim with large, white suds. How in the world had they gotten the water for the bath to it? Vanamee walked slowly toward the tub, noticing a series of metal pipes leading from the floor up to the side of the tub, where a large metal faucet, like those he had seen on many water pumps back in his village. As he stood pondering this, Inga stepped into the room behind him, placing a strong hand on his shoulder.

"Now what's this?" She chided in a sing-song voice, "I could have sworn I told the young master to get into the bath!" She gave the young wolf a rough push toward the tub as she shut the door behind her.

"Where is the pump for the water?" The wolf asked, looking about and trying to find one.

"Pump?" Inga replied quizzically. After a moment it seemed to dawn on her what the wolf was asking and she gave a soft giggle. "You've never seen running water before have you?" Vanamee looked back at her blankly for a moment. At last she reached over to the faucet, turning a large metal knob next to it. As soon as she did, much to the wolf's amazement, water began to pour out of the faucet and down into the sea of foam and bubbles which hid the water below. "Now if you would," Inga continued as she turned the water off, "please step on into the tub." Vanamee smiled, intrigued by the strange device, stepping into the almost uncomfortably hot water and sitting down. Inga immediately reached into the water and pulled out a small brush which she proceeded to use, scrubbing roughly at the lupine's blue head fur, getting the soap in his eyes and mouth.

A short while later and the bath was done and the young slave stepped out, dripping wet onto the tile floor. Vanamee immediately began to shake and thrash, sending the water flying off of his fur and all about the room. Inga began to yell and shout, the mare now being soaked with bathwater.

"What on Earth are you DOING?" She cried, her face turning red beneath her fur, "Are you an animal? Look at the mess you've made!" Vanamee merely stood staring back at her in confusion, not really comprehending what she wanted from him. How else was he supposed to get dry? After a moment the mare sighed and shook her head, it finally becoming obvious that she wasn't getting through to the boy. "No use worrying now I suppose." She acquiesced, "You're already dry."

"Indeed he is." A familiar voice announced. The two in the bathroom turned about to find lord Clang standing in the bathroom door and smiling amusedly. Beside of him stood a short and fat owl, a pair of comically small spectacles sitting precariously across his curved yellow beak. He wore a baggy looking brown suit, which probably went very well with his feathers at one time in his life, but now large patches of grey ruined the effect. The owl looked down at Vanamee, an intelligent glint in his eye.

"So this is your wild boy eh?" He spoke, his voice a slow and even tone, "It would appear I've certainly got my work cut out for me Darrius!"

"It isn't that bad Talon!" Clang laughed, patting the owl on the shoulder, "I'm certain he'll make up for any wildness with his eagerness to learn." The owl called Talon scoffed, stepping forward into the bathroom and inspecting the young wolf with an enormous pair of cold and severe eyes. Vanamee looked back meekly, unsure what he should do.

"What did you say the lad's name was again?" The owl asked after a time, turning his head sharply to look at lord Clang.

"Vanamee." Clang replied, giving the young slave boy a nod.

"Most peculiar name..." Talon mused, rubbing the lower half of his beak with his feathered hand. "We'll have to give him a proper Imperial name! What about Phineas?" The old bird suggested. Vanamee's face contorted in disgust at the name.

"I think Van will be fine." Clang interceded, a wry smile on his face. Vanamee nodded appreciatively.

"As you wish." Talon replied, waving his hand in the air dismissively. He turned his attention back to the boy. "Now then, I'll have to do a little bit of work to determine just where we are. Can you read?" Vanamee shook his head in response. "Gods preserve us!" The owl groaned, "He can speak Imperial but not READ it? How did that happen?"

"My father taught me." The wolf replied sheepishly. The bird paused a moment, an intrigued look in his eyes. For a moment Vanamee thought he might press the issue, but Talon quickly changed the subject.

"Fine." The bird responded, "How familiar are you with Imperial history?" The young canine merely stared blankly in reply. "I'll take that as a 'nothing' then?" Talon groaned. "Well there's nothing for it I suppose. We must begin lessons at once!" At that moment however, there came a noise from the hallway outside.

"Lord Clang! Lord Clang!" Shouted a youthful voice, "Pa said to tell you that a messenger from Crown City is here!" Vanamee peered around lord Clang out into the hallway. There he saw a young stallion, his white and brown spotted fur looking almost identical to Inga's. He wore a flat cap, pushed to one side with his long brown mane flowing down the other side. His dingy and dirty looking blue overalls seemed very out of place next to lord Clang, dressed in his fine black suit.

"Oh?" Darrius Clang answered, looking at the new boy curiously, "And what did they say Olaf?"

"Well..." Olaf began, peering curiously around lord Clang, trying perhaps to see why everyone had gathered at the bathroom, "He said that the Garder brothers were coming to visit. They say they wanna see your new slave sir." There was a moment of awkward silence after that.

"It does appear old friend," Talon announced sympathetically, "that your little scheme is over ere it even began." Clang stood there a moment, lost in thought.

"Gods be damned!" The coyote cursed, slamming his fist against the door frame, causing the young equine outside to jump in surprise, "There has to be something we can do! I'm so close!"

"Why can't you just tell them they can't see me?" Vanamee questioned.

"The Garders are a valuable business partner." Darrius expounded, his lips curling into a snarl, "And the biggest pair of immoral slimes that I know! They'll be insulted if I don't let them get a look at you..." There was another moment of tense silence, until at last Inga walked over to lord Clang.

"I... uhh... I have an idea." The pretty young servant girl announced. Clang and Talon gave her a curious glance. "There are these little white berries over in the woods you see," Inga elaborated, "and every time I pick them they end up staining my fur pure white. Water won't even take it off, you have to use oils." Lord Clang's face lit up with excitement.

"It seems like the best idea I've heard so far!" Clang laughed, rushing forward and giving the mare a tight and unexpected hug.

"You heard lord Clang!" Inga shouted at Olaf, recovering from her initial surprise at the hug, "Go get those berries boy!" Olaf's ears stood straight up at the sound of Inga's voice. A moment later he dashed off down the hall. There was a short time where Clang, Vanamee, Inga and Talon stood in the bathroom, waiting nervously. A few minutes later, Olaf returned, huffing and out of breath.

"Here you go Aunt Inga!" The young stallion gasped, "I got as many as I could carry!" As the boy stepped into the bathroom, Vanamee spied the large wooden basket full of small, white, greasy berries that Olaf held. Inga took them eagerly and began to smash the tiny berries into Vanamee's fur. Indeed, just as the mare said, the berries left behind a large stain, which on the wolf's black fur, turned it a sort of light grey. The mare diligently continued smashing the berries into him until the wolf was covered in them from head to foot.

"Now hurry and get back into the bath water!" Inga ordered, pushing the wolf toward the tub, "We have to get the greasy feeling off of your fur before they..." Before she could even finish her sentence, a loud knocking came from downstairs.

"Damn!" Darrius growled, "That's them for certain! You keep cleaning him Inga! Olaf, you come with me!" With that Darrius marched out of the bathroom with the young stallion in tow. Talon looked down the hallway after the pair.

"He certainly is a peculiar one." The owl remarked to himself as he eyed the back of the noble, "Why on Earth he would want to LEAVE a life like this is beyond me." Inga meanwhile was busy with the young wolf, throwing him back into the tub and roughly scrubbing him to get out the numerous berry husks lodged in his fur.

"Welcome!" Clang exclaimed as he opened the door, only to find a pair of large, grinning lions on the other side. The Garder twins were a well known pair throughout the old city, famous for their lecherous and scandalous lifestyle. The first brother, Zazan, stepped forward and eagerly held his paw out to Clang.

"How are ya, ya old dog?" The lion laughed, his long mane shaking down onto his brown suit, the tawny yellow clashing with the woody colored fabric. His brother, Mizoo, looked every bit like him, right down to the suspicious looking yellow eyes. He wore a small grey bowler hat; something Clang had never seen anyone except commoners wear around the city.

"I'm doing well friend." Darrius responded with all the nicety he could muster, "What brings you two gentlemen all the way out here?"

"Well now..." Mizoo replied as he edged his way beside his brother, his thick feline accent grating on Clang's ears, "We heard ye got yerself a wee little plaything at market the other day!"

"Yeah Clang!" Zazan added in, "We just figger'ed we'd come out and pay the little fella a visit."

"Of course." Clang answered, gesturing for the pair to come in. The brothers rushed inside, virtually pushing the coyote out of their way. Olaf stood a few feet off, shuffling his feet and obviously unsure as to what he should do. "Olaf!" Darrius instructed, "Be a good lad and go tell Inga to bring Vanamee down for these good men to see." The young stallion nodded, turning heel and dashing back upstairs. A few moments later Olaf appeared again, the now pure white slave wolf in tow.

"And here I thought ya' got a male!" Mizoo laughed, clapping his hands merrily at the sight of the effeminate looking young canine. "He's the prettiest little thing Clang!" The Lion took a step forward and placed a hand atop Vanamee's head, running his hand through the obviously nervous wolf's head.

"Funny thing though..." Zazan noted, scratching his chin as he looked down at the young slave, "I heard you got a black and white one. Not a pure white one."

"You can't always believe what people tell you Garder." Clang mumbled, watching the feline duo carefully.

"You know..." Mizoo spoke at last, turning his attention away from Vanamee, "It's been some time since I had the pleasure of using a slave... especially one that cute."

"In fact," Zazan continued, "Me brother and me would consider quite a favor if you'd let us have use of the lad for the evening." At this Clang took pause, he had expected these unwanted guests to ask that very thing, and he knew there was little hope of getting out of it.

"Really now gentleman," Darrius sighed, "He's barely broke in yet. He'll hardly be any fun." The lion twins simply laughed at this.

"Aye! That's how we like em!" Mizoo cackled, "Squirmin and screamin!" The two delinquent nobles glared lustfully over at Clang's slave boy. Vanamee looked terrified, his tail tucked in and his ears back, trying to hide his newly white furred body behind Clang. Darrius lowered his head in defeat.

"As you wish then." He answered the felines, waving his hand dismissively. "You can use the guest bedroom." He pointed off down one of the long hallways which lead out from the entrance room. Clang looked over his shoulder at the timid and scared wolf, mouthing "I'm sorry" To him before turning and pushing the small canine toward the Garder brothers.

A few minutes later, Vanamee found himself in the guest bedroom as the two large felines shut and locked the door behind them. The young wolf felt like he was on the verge of tears as the two nobles turned to face him, a maniacal smile glued to their faces. The canine whined, taking a step back further into the room. The room itself was rather plain compared to the others he had thus far seen in the manor. A large, white bed, covered in cotton sheets dominated the room, with a small bedside table put beside it. The walls had a couple of bland, sad looking still-life paintings hanging about and on the far side of the room, a large window looked out over the front lawn of the estate. Vanamee only managed to get a short glimpse outside before the elder Garder brother stepped over and pulled a set of red, velvet curtains shut on the window.

"Oh my. Isn't he a pretty little thing?" Mizoo laughed, starting to unbutton his shirt. Zazan nodded his approval as he too began to undress. Vanamee managed to fight back his tears and keep himself from shaking or whimpering. He wasn't going to give them that satisfaction! The two felines didn't take long to undress, revealing the fact that both of them had apparently been sporting rather large hard-ons. Vanamee couldn't help but let one last whimper pass his lips as he saw what he was about to deal with. The two felines were both about nine inches in length, their long shafts covered in fleshy spines.

"On your knees lad." Zazan ordered, reaching over and grabbing a handful of Vanamee's headfur and pushing the young wolf to his knees. The canine suddenly found himself between the two larger males, both of their enormous shafts sticking right in his face. Perhaps even more noticeable was their strong, overpowering musk. The wolf's nostrils twitched and flared as they took in the powerful odor. Zazan appeared to have little patience for this however and jerked on the wolf's head, pulling him forward until his nose was pressed into the feline's large, heavy sac, where the musk became even stronger. "Ye can either start suckin like a good little toy or I can make ye do it!" Zazan threatened. Vanamee knew better than to resist, and compliantly opened his muzzle, taking one paw and gently guiding the feline's hard member into his mouth.

As he slipped in, the lion let out a happy purr, enjoying the warm, wet sensations. Vanamee tried to do his best, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible. He began to use his long, agile tongue; trying to work and tease the tip of the cat's shaft. The spines felt strange as they moved in and out of his mouth, each of them about the hardness and stiffness of a bristled hair. Mizoo meanwhile was busily pawing himself, watching his brother use the young slave. After a few moments of soft sucking however, Zazan renewed his hold on the wolf's hair, and before Vanamee could do anything, he forced the entirety of his length down the wolf's throat. The canine's gag reflex kicked in immediately, his throat muscles tightening and struggling to force the invading member out. This of course only made Zazan feel even better as he forced the wolf to keep it there, preventing him from pulling back. At one point Vanamee thought he was going to pass out, when at last the lion pulled back, releasing his hold on the wolf's hair and stepping away.

The young canine coughed and sputtered as he found himself once more able to draw breath. The reprieve was only temporary however, as he soon found another hand taking a pawfull of his hair. The lupine looked up, finding that Mizoo had taken his brother's place, his hard, throbbing shaft pressing at the wolf's lips and leaving a trail of warm pre behind. Vanamee obediently opened his mouth, sliding it over the lion's cock, his tongue running up and down the bottom side of his shaft as he slowly pulled more and more in. It seemed Mizoo shared his brother's enthusiasm however and quickly forced his full length down the canine slave's maw, making his throat accept the excess. Vanamee began to gag again, his throat squeezing around the lion delightfully. And once more the slave boy began to feel himself blacking out, but Mizoo, unlike his brother, didn't let up. Thus the canine began to struggle, swinging his paws wildly as he tried to pull himself away, trying desperately to catch a breath. Sadly, he was no-where near a match for the lion, and the cruel noble simply laughed at his attempts to get away.

"That's it lad." Mizoo teased, "Just relax and let go... mmmmm... Their last little throat contractions are the best. Eh brother?" Zazan said something in reply, but at this point the wolf was too far gone to hear. His struggles were weakening as the room began to go black. The wolf's mind was racing: This couldn't be the end! Not after all he'd been through. Not like this! Suddenly Mizoo let go, letting a barely conscious and weak lupine flop to the floor, catching his breath. He could tell that the lions were moving about, one of them even stopped and picked him up in his arms, carrying him over and setting him on the bed. For a moment the wolf was relieved, thinking his ordeal was over. But before he had time to let out a sigh of relief, he felt a large, dry piece of cloth get shoved into his mouth.

"That sock aught to keep his screams a bit quieter." One of the nobles noted, sending a whole new panic through the wolf. He was still far too weak to move however as he felt one of the pair grab hold of his ankles, forcing them up over his head. He tried to lift his arms in a vain and ultimately foolish attempt to struggle, but was immediately rewarded by a pair of hands latching on to his wrists, forcing his arms back down against the bed.

"Don't get any ideas runt." Mizoo growled, the wolf now able to see that it was he who was holding his ankles up, whilst his brother held his arms down. The young canine felt something spongy and blunt press against his tail hole and he braced himself. The younger lion brother obviously had no intention of being gentle as he slammed his hips forward, impaling Vanamee on his sizeable shaft. The sudden and painful stretching brought a muffled scream from the wolf's mouth. As the feline began to roughly rape his poor bottom, the wolf let out scream after muffled scream. These feline's spines were much bigger and tougher than the panther that had violated him back when he was first caught. The sound of the lupine boy's pained screams only seemed to excite the lions further. Mizoo was nearing his climax, panting hard with each forceful thrust. Vanamee's mouth meanwhile felt like sandpaper, the cotton sock sucking all of the moisture out as he continued to scream, thrashing about as best he could. At last the cat let out a roar as he began to pour hot, sticky ropes of cum into the helpless wolf. He continued thrusting as he came, until the last drop was gone, then pulled out.

"Aye. What a good little doggy you are." Mizoo teased, getting off the bed and going around to switch places with his brother, "Now be a good boy and offer me brother the same hospitality ye showed me!" Zazan was already positioning himself between the wolf's legs, aiming his throbbing shaft at his prize... the wolf's tail hole. As determined as he had been to not cry, to not let them have that satisfaction, he at last broke down and started to sob. "Ah..." Mizoo groaned, looking down at the slave boy in disgust, "Make him stop that Zazan. I hate when they cry."

"Not a problem." Zazan replied, a wicked grin on his face, "He's a dog isn't he? You just have to be dominant with em!" With that the lion leaned his head down, opening his jaws wide and sliding them over the wolf's neck. For one horrified moment Vanamee thought he meant to tear his throat out. Instead the lion gently bit down. The wolf let out a soft moan at this, something he'd known since birth was a clear display of dominance. In utter humiliation, he felt his own cock begin to peek from his sheath, his body's submissive reaction.

"That's a neat trick." Mizoo chuckled as his brother slowly pushed his hardened member into the wolf. As much as it hurt, the wolf could do little but moan and whimper as the larger male mounted him, biting down on his throat and literally forcing the wolf to enjoy it. Zazan didn't take as long as his brother, and after a few minutes of the feline's hefty sack slamming against the wolf's backside, he released, causing poor Vanamee to do so in turn, shooting a couple of strands of his own warm seed onto his chest. As the cat pulled out, letting the copious amounts of seed he had just deposited follow him out, Vanamee felt like he was close to blacking out.

"Looks like we did a good job on him Mizoo." Zazan laughed as the pair stood up. "Now what should we do? I'm sure Clang won't mind if we take our time..." The wolf looked up, sock still stuffed in his mouth and whimpered in fear as the two felines looked down at him and laughed.

A Noble Promise

So here is the next little bit! I took less time with this one (I think \>.\>;) But it isn't as long as the others :(. I got back into the yiff! (YAY!) and I laid out the plot that will be driving the rest of the story. But now I'm starting to worry...

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A Twist of Fate

The breeze blowing in the window carried with it the smell of freshly mowed grass and the pungent scent of burning wood. Inga leaned out the window to her room, closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth of the sun on her smooth, white and brown spotted...

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One Last Torture

Oh wow. I'm uber sorry about how long this took (Assuming I still HAVE any fans). School has been murdering me. \>.\< But here it is! The long awaited next chapter! Also, in case anyone is curious, the next chapter should be where our ever-so-cute...

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