Bon Noel

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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The poor beautiful Noel is stuck in a blizzard with her husband lost even deeper in the snow. It would take a Christmas miracle to save them now. Or a magic heirloom that can grant a wish.

Noel shivered in the whistling winds as snowflakes felt like pin-pricks against her red cheeks. Her husband Gregory had become a legendary hunter, amassing a small fortune from animal parts. He became so well known that he was starting to make even greater money being commissioned by towns to kill wild beasts that threaten its people. They lived in an overly modest town home till only recently- purchasing a good stretch of land and hiring help to construct a beautiful manse. While the land they owned had all the resources they needed, it was a good distance from the nearest town. It is on this fact she now dwells as she huddle against their sled. On the way home Gregory seen an elk and foolishly decided to take a shot at it. It was already snowing heavily and the shot missed, only clipping its ear and it fled into the woods. Gregory did not wish to argue the beasts good fortune and did not give chase, but the horse pulling the sled was startled badly by the gunshot just behind its head! The horse was already having a hard time dragging them through increasing amounts of snow, so when it jerked forward suddenly the reins snapped and the horse ran off on its own!

The heavy snow turned blizzard quick enough, and their horse vanished into the relentless white. Gregory knew they were a good distance from the manse still so he tried to track their horse. In this cold and snow, with night already on them, they would not survive the night in the open. Nothing but white was visible in all directions. Gregory had already been gone worryingly long- if he didn't find the horse right away the tracks would fill with snow and make it impossible. Noel was swathed in grizzly bear fur as she lifted the fur cover off a large cage on the sled to talk her woes out with Jasper, her pet falcon. Even under his own fur, Jasper's feathers were in a state of constant fluff, trying to stay warm. Talking to him soothed them both if only a little, but looking at the trinkets and heirlooms they were transporting to the manse; she was struck with an idea.

Among her heirlooms was a supposedly magical amulet. It looked to her like a star ruby, but to everyone else a normal polished ruby. The shining light inside was only visible to people directly related to her by blood. Anyone who could see the trapped star inside the pendant could make a single wish- the star would then burn out for them. She was not entirely sure it really worked- since it only worked once it seemed too precious to use, so she never did. Gregory was lost in the snow with their horse though, and they would all be morbid popsicles come morning if nothing was done, so now seemed as good a time as any to test the amulet. She clasped it in her hands and brought it to her breast, wishing she could guide them all back home, even in this cutting cold. Noel waited a minute, but nothing seemed to happen. She opened her hands to look at the amulet though, and there was no longer a star in it! She held it up to the light of the lantern dangling at the front of the sled and sure enough, no star. Something must have happened.

Noel groaned, rubbing her forehead as a dull ache appeared. Brain freeze? The skin on her face was totally numb from cold, but she felt pressure in the bone of her skull, in two specific points. Two bumps appeared under her touch! She twisted around again to the sled to see if she could find a mirror but a wave of dizziness overtook her and the bumps lanced the numb skin and grew out quickly!

"Oooh-aaaugh!" She clasped her mitted hands over her mouth in surprise.

What started as a moan ended in an outburst that sounded like the lowing of some beast! At the same instant that happened, the growing horns in her head forked, growing both forward and back. She hummed in distress, holding back her voice at risk of making that sound again, and the horn kept growing, and forking over and over. No, horn was not the right word. Horns were a permanent fixture, made of keratin. These were not keratin, they were true bone- these are antlers! Noel grabbed them as if to hold them back, or somehow shove them back in. How was this helping at all? This wasn't what she wished for! She was really starting to feel the weight! They were getting huge!

"Please stop! ...ooh, come onnn. Too big! Soooo heav-hoooogh." She quickly shut her mouth again.

Noel was forced to put her head down and hold the front part of either antler to keep the weight from snapping her neck- they were absolutely huge! Her breathing became ragged from increased heart rate, and she did not even notice the huge clouds her breath now made as her nostrils flared bigger and bigger. She looked at Jasper who just turned his head to get a better look at her with one eye. A huge pressure exploded in her neck, catching her completely by surprise and sounding out several distressingly loud bone pops from her spine as it extended a considerable length. Her neck got longer, and thicker as it lengthened. Growing down and out almost as fast as the neck grew up, thick long wooly fur sprouted in a huge mane. Both Noel and Jasper looked at each other wide-eyed in shock. Her neck grew so rapidly she did not realise she could lift her antlers easily now, or that one of the tongs hooked the loop at the top of Jasper's cage. Noel was unintentionally holding the cage up with her antlers.

"I wished to get out of here, and the amulet turns me into a coat rack. Great."

Noel reached up to take the cage off but hesitated as her hands felt cramped and stiff. They were cold to the point of being half numb already, but she could tell something was happening still. She also noted she had to look around her nose now! Her nostrils have expanded so big her entire face is starting to push out to try and keep up, and her nose and thickening lips were starting to darken. The huge fur mane continued to grow down, filling and tugging her top. She tried to reach down to try and take it off but let out another loud bellow as her entire torso started to expand with more cracks and pops from her bones growing and shifting. Both top and bottom were stretched out tremendously. Her shirt may have torn off already if not far her breasts not growing with it, and actually seeming to shrink into the expanded chest. She looked toward the sky, at the bottom of Jasper's cage and closed her eyes, trying to keep her wits about her. She was breathing in huge drafts of air- not even realising it no longer stung her lungs with cold.

With her eyes closed in concentration she could feel both arms and legs extending slowly, and her feet and hands compressing and shifting. She opened her eyes startled by the feeling of her nose touching the bottom of the cage dangling over her. Her face was long! And huge! It was getting furry too, but not nearly as huge as her neck and chest. As Noel moved her head back down, she felt her ears pivot toward the clanging of the cage automatically. They were now long and leaf shaped. She glanced behind herself wondering why she felt no draft even though her pants stretched to capacity should be exposing crack. There was a hugely bushy triangle tail back there, is why.

"Whought oun erth us....?" She paused her question realising how low pitched and large her voice now was. She could barely form words!

Her transformation and abundance of fur made her actually very hot now, but her clothing was too tight to take off anymore. Looking at her hands she realised it was not the cold that had taken the feeling from her fingertips- she no longer had fingers. Thumb and pinky had turned to dew claws while the remaining three fused into one mass and then split again in two forming cloven hooves. She groaned and then unintentionally let out another bellow as her torso exploded in size again. Her clothing groaned itself as the sharp sound of shredding stitches rang out in the cold night. Her clothing did its best to hang on but was blown apart by the now huge furry body! Noel grunted in disappointment at her now non existent breasts, but as her eyes wandered she seen a bouncy cluster of four teats between her legs!

She grunted and groaned, almost creating a few growling sounds as she tried to make human words but failed. She still knew how to talk, but she no longer had the tongue dexterity and vocal chords to do it. She tilted her head down so she was eye to eye with Jasper again. Noel knew she was about done. Outwardly she only grew a little more. A few of her bones groaned and popped here and there till she was completely transformed. If the two-way antler hadn't already given her away, the slight reflection of herself she seen in the glass of the oil lamp did. Her nostrils came down making her nose slightly triangular, and her big clumsy lips curved up to meet the bottom of it. The face of a Reindeer.

Gregory returned a few minutes later, caked in snow on the side that faced the winds. He seen a beautiful female reindeer sitting on the front of the sled, with a grizzly fur draped over it, and Jasper's cage hanging from its antlers. He leveled his gun at it on first glance but quickly lowered it as he walked up.


She nodded and let out a low- unable to actually speak. Pushing the amulet with her nose, she was able to get him to understand. She would have to use her eyes and gestures with her head to communicate now. Noel motioned for him to take Jasper off her and get on the sled. Gregory could not find their horse, but Noel could at least solve this problem now. She took the broken rope in her mouth and started to drag the sled forward again. As a reindeer she was strong enough to pull the sled herself, and was almost entirely immune to the cold. Reindeer were born to the abyssal cold!

In half the time it would have taken the horse to get there, Noel helped them arrive at the made and quickly scurry inside- with a bitter glance at the horse, who apparently ran straight here. It was a good thing the doorways were large and a reindeer's antlers were mostly straight- Noel managed to get inside without trouble. Gregory laughed with glee at their survival, having feared the worst for them. Shivering, trying to shake the cold out he grabbed Noel's furry mane with both hands, sinking his fingers into her warm fluff. They looked at each other in silence for several minutes as they warmed. Noel moved her head forward and kissed him with her huge soft lips, and he kissed back. Gregory's eyes went wide with surprise when she tried to use tongue, and accidentally filled his entire mouth with hers. Good thing her fur kept him from being able to see her blush.

Noel used those big lips of hers to undo his shirt and pants with her mouth, tickling him with the hot jets of air from her nose. He was a little nervous when she lowered her head and tried to line her antler tongs up. She hooked them in his clothes and used them to strip him naked, though he still got his underwear off before she could try. He was a little afraid of what would happen if she missed. Gregory wasn't sure his hips alone could take her weight so he moved around behind her. Her tail flicked up in invitation and Gregory softly ran a finger over her pouty pink lips before grabbing fistfuls of her fur and thrusting in. She grunted softly a few times, but once they really got going she started to bellow softly without even meaning to. They just came out on their own. Gregory knew to pound her hard, in her new form she needed it rough. When she was nearing climax her front legs buckled and she brought her head to the floor, clacking antlers against it. Her rear legs remained rigid in pleasure, with her butt thrust up at Gregory. She let out one last great bellow as they climaxed, then a satisfied grunt as she lay fully down.

It was a good thing they had just finished the house itself because several of the furnishings would need to be modified for a reindeer now. Noel was still glad she could save them that Christmas eve. The only worry left now was she lacked the words to tell Gregory what his Christmas gift was- the fact Noel was most likely pregnant. Though because she was pregnant before transforming...was the child a human still or a reindeer? One thing for sure; the future was going to be very interesting, when the woman who would become the first Duchess of the Lockley a reindeer.

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