
Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Franklin and his wife Samantha think they found some easy cash when they dig up some old magic trinkets from their farmland, but Sam's curiosity leads them both to become closer to their animals than they ever wanted to be.

(Fusion / Merge, multiple species)

Franklin was happy at first when he was doing a bit of landscaping on his property and uncovered some ancient magic relics. Sure magic was still a thing in his world and not exactly rare, but this relic was extremely old and used an extremely outdated rudementary magic, and would be worth a good chunk of cash for its historical value alone. It was a hematite(unrefined iron) ring with several tiny fired clay figures with hematite bases. Franklin knew nothing about magic, he was just a simple rancher after all. His wife Samantha was pretty good with spells though, and still she recognised none of the many runes etched on these items, making them all the more facinating.

The trouble started when Sam put the ring on in an attempt to figure out what it did. On its own it didn't seem to do anything, but she started to feel funny when she tried to pick up one of the figures while wearing it. She became quite absentminded and horny, and her clit became unusually engorged. She went to take care of that problem, on her own since Franklin was out tending the animals at the time, but the more she flicked the bean the more it started to look like a beanstalk. Swelling up larger, longer, and pointier, her clit evolved as she frantically toyed with it and turned into a dick. So distracted by that and the new sensations, she did not even notice her ears become big and pointed, and fur growing in several places as her clothing started to not fit right(granted it was only half on and dissheveled anyway). By the time Franklin returned to the house she was almost entirely a dog- a MALE dog. The clay figure she tried to pick up was of a male dog as well, which must have caused it. One could reasonably assume that if she tried to pick up the female human figure with the ring on, she would revert. There was several problems with that though, starting with; there is no female human figure. At least not yet- it existed, but Franklin hadn't found it yet, it was still burried. The other problem was that in her hormone driven haze, Sam realised at least that she was quickly turning into a dog, and in a futile attempt to try to prevent her change she slipped the ring off and put it on her cock. She somehow expected the ring to prevent the phallus from fully growing, but her cock overwhelmed it, shattering the brittle material as it grew too big. they had no ring either, her dick broke it. Which also meant the magic the ring was shaping is now inside of her, and no longer properly shaped. So now it was anyone's guess what the magic would do- its entirely unstable.

Franklin looked nervously at the figures on the table and the collected ring fragments trying to think of a solution, but knew nothing about magic. It was an emberassing thought of him trying to wander around town asking for someone who knew magic to help his now male wife become human and female again. And her mind seemed to devolve with her form, so how would he even get her there? A leash of some sort? Did he really have to walk his wife like a mut? She still responded to her name, so she was clearly still Sam in there, but she just tilted her head whenever he started talking about things. In this form she couldn't understand most of the words he was saying. Her big new dick wasn't returning to its sheath either. Sam kept trying to grab onto his leg with her front legs to grind her shaft on him.

"Sam, stop it, this is serious, we have no idea how to handle this, and even you couldn't figure this out and you actually know magic." She ignored his words and hugged his leg again, causing him to lightly kick her off. "Sam! No. Samantha..."

When he used her full name her ears tucked back and she bowed her head a bit. He seen yet another tiny shard of the ring on the floor again when he turned, but bending down to grab it turned out to be a mistake. As soon as Franklin bent over Sam jumped foward and grabbed his pants in her maw, yanking them down with a swift motion. He called at her in protest but couldn't stand back up with his pants bunched up at his shins and her standing on his lower legs. He winced as he felt her cold wet nose on his rump and then gasped at her tongue as she licked his butt several times. He gathered himself enough to shout at her again but before he could she jumped up onto his lower back and abruptly rammed her red rocket in! Never having done anal before, her aggressive entry hurt very breifly, but then felt good as it rubbed close to his prostate. Feeling like it was futile to resist at this point Franklin just remained on all fours and leg her go, hoping she would finally settle down after. Her quick, shallow thrusts started to feel better and better though. The pleasure radiated out to parts that had never felt that way before. He then noticed something strange when she stopped thrusting but he could still feel it as if she was. Her muscles reacted as if she was trying to thrust, and he still felt the pleasure surge as if she was, but she wasn't actually moving at all anymore. When he looked down he was horrified to see why- she was fused to him!

Her legs were partially melted into his, their scrotums seemed to be stuck together, and her crotch was burried in his ass farther than what should have been physically possible. That is why the pleasure kept radiating farther and farther out within his hips- additional nerves were being created and connected, all the nerves that were in her genitals and crotch were now his. His fear and panic told his dick it was time to stop, but the ever growing pleasure kept it hard in spite of everything. It almost felt as if her dick was pushing up inside of his from behind, stuffing itself in his shaft. Once the sensation fully reached the tip and the two were fully mingled together, his cock started to bloat up. Sam obviously couldn't comprehend any of this as a dog, and only tried to push herself back so she could ram his ass harder. As soon as she tried to push herself off his back her front paws instead fell into his lower back and vanished like his skin had been made of putty! The more she struggled the more he writhed with the feeling of her mass being added to his, and she sunk deeper and deeper into him. Trying to push deeper into him her legs vanished into his entirely, and even more of her hips. Trying to draw forward sunk her arms in and her chest fused with his ass. Franklin couldn't concentrate on anything and could do nothing but moan and squirm from all the feelings. His cock got longer and much, much thicker and his balls grew almost twice the size as his scrotum darkened and developed fur, and the start of a sheath. His legs changed proportions, losing a bit of length in the shins but gaining a lot of length on the foot as his legs became digitigrade. Poor Sam, still oblivious to the problem vanished into him almost entirely, and his entire backside felt like it was reforming. Finally unable to take it anymore, Franklin had to sit on his new ass and grab his huge cock and jacked himself off. Sam howled with pleasure and they both exploded from the same dick!

Once the horniness cleared, an extremely worried Franklin tried to assess the damage in a mirror. He had two heads now! Sam's dog head remained seperate, coming out behind his own, from a furry hunch at the top of his back, and his own neck and head were shifted forward to help accommodate. Her entire torso was nowhere to be seen, and their collective hips and legs were now those of a dog but sized up to a human, which meant he couldn't walk on his legs normally, he could stand on them, or walk on all fours. The penis wasn't quite dog or human. The sheath was shallow so not the entire dick could fit even when fully soft, and he still had a foreskin in addition to the sheath that full covered the head when it slept. The glans were still completely human, but the shaft was very thick and very veiny, and when peaking a huge dog knot formed at the base, forcing it even farther out of the sheath.

"Oh Gods, well now I real need help from peoples. We have to go walkies and find help. Wait... I..."

Franklin scrunched up his brow before his eyes went wide in realization. They both had their own heads still but the wires were definately crossed in terms of thoughts! He kept wondering if he had given his master pleasure, that wasn't his thoughts it was clearly Sam. This made it extremely hard to focus on anything, because neither could tell which thought was their own and which belonged to the other, and the two different lines of thoughts continually interrupted each other. Franklin groaned at all the feelings in his body as he made his way through the house and out the front door on his hands and paws. His paws felt fine, the skin was very plush but also quite thick and durable, his hands however were still fully human and did not feel at all good crawling along the ground. As soon as they got outside their thoughts seemed to explode into colors as Sam's nose was able to pick up and identify a million different scents neither could have before. Earthy smells, and because it was a ranch, animal musk. The thick salty musk of the breeder animals made Sam lick her lips, threatening to drip drool down onto Franklin's head just below hers. He tried to fight her horny thoughts back with his reasoning, but that created such a stark contrast in train of thought that even the dog version of Sam could identify that the thoughts were not hers, and ignored them. Franklin was the one with hands and he wasn't going to jack off again, and besides they noted the cock was sleeping from their last blast only twelve or so minutes prior- as big as it was, every dick still needs its downtime.

On their way to the horses though, Sam scoffed at the pigs they passed. Pigs have extrordinarily long orgasms, which made sense since they also have astronomically huge testicles for their body size. The pig clawed at the ground with its tusks, looking for tasty bugs or truffles growing nearby. That was all these pigs needed to worry about, track down truffles for the lord of the land, and get fed till their bellies were nearly bursting as reward, then fuck till they went to sleep and repeat. Truffle seeking pigs sell for a good coin. The pigs were so laid back, they didn't bother to turn and look at the abomination their master was just behind them. Sam grumbled, looking at the huge pig balls facing them, as if to taunt her. If she had those she would still be writhing in pleasure with master! Franklin thought absentmindedly that Sam could have mounted the pig instead and literally had its balls. Sam quickly agreed, causing Franklin to snap to his senses too late. Shit, any thought he thinks she gets too. They both had control over the body, but the arms were still human so Franklin could force control of them, and as they were dog now, the legs could be forced by Sam if they gave the body conflicting demands. Franklin tried to keep his arms on track to get to the horses so they could ride to town and get help, but Sam quickly kicked off with their feet, doing a very awkward hop and landed onto the pig, causing it to squeal loudly in surprise. Franklin tried to get enough grip with his hands in the muddy ground to shove back off, but when his mind concentrated on the unstable ground, Sam took control of the arms and grabbed the pig's underbelly with one hand, yanking it up into their underside. Franklin immediately felt extremely bloated, like he ate way too much food. The pig almost vanished into them entirely as if their body was some space-defying blob, but as it properly merged its features started to manifest from the consumed mass. Their entire body became slightly bigger, and his gut started to push out all around, becoming much larger and rounder, almost touching the ground. The sleeping cock was made forcefully erect from the changes running through their nerves, and their testicles surged bigger. Franklin moaned and immediately noticed his voice shifting slightly, taking on a slightly hollow sound as his nostrils grew big. His nose started to flatten on the end and press out of his face, dragging his jaw out slightly along with it. His lower canine teeth started to grow rappidly, turning into tusks as they forced out past his lips. Sam was the one who wanted this, why didn't he end up... wait, she. But master was definitely male, why did she think they were a he? Franklin shut his eyes tightly and groaned long and loud as he realized their thoughts were even more jumbled. Not only was it a dog Sam and Franklin, now both had a slight influence of the pig's former mind there, so even if he divided his thoughts from Sam, they are still dummed down because of the pig. Sure pigs were smart, but they are not human smart, and mostly driven by instinct still. Franklin moaned and Sam yipped excitedly as their balls grew again, and again. The balls themselves gave strained stretching sounds as they surged bigger. Pig balls were giant, but it wasn't just pig, the mass of human balls was still there, and the nearly identical size of dog balls ontop of that. They also became mostly hairless, the fur that covered them before was now condensed into a strip down the middle of the sack, while the rest was bare. They had to squirm their legs forward a bit so the balls fit behind them like on a pig, though the scrotum remained more loose than a pigs. Franklin let out soft grunt and snorts when he breathed now that had a hollow sound to them- a side effect of the large nostrils of a pig nose. His face seemed only halfway a pigs though, he stll had features that looked more human, like eyebrows and hair. His arms strained with the weight now, not meant to be walked on like this.

Franklin furrowed his brows and snorted in defiance of the bestial thoughts trying to distract him from his mission. "N-no sex, now walkies. Go walk in crowded place, need help. This is... wrong, I shouldn't be... so horny. Many people in town, holes to fill so not horny!"

His tail started to wag, but then slowed as he reaized that wasn't what he was supposed to go to town for, but couldn't remember the real reason over all the conflicting thoughts. Every time he stepped he felt the weight of his huge balls, causing the scrotum to bob heavily. Pig scrotums are normally really tight, so the compromise was a scrotum that was just incredibly elastic. On top of being horny though, he also felt very hungry, and very bloated at the same time. The bloat was the body still coping with all the added biomass from the pig that hadn't fully settled in place yet, causing his gut to feel overly tight, but at the same time the pig's hunger was there, creating divergent thoughts of finding food. Luckily, there was plenty of food in town so Franklin was still able to direct them to the horses so they could finally go get help. In the utter chaos of their thoughts it did not once occur to Franklin that they wouldn't be able to ride a horse in this state. They jumped up and scrambled onto a stallion's back and their odd center of gravity caused them to scoot forward on the horse and hold the back of its neck for balance, but that was as far as they got before they started to sink. Like a person realizing too late they are standing in quicksand, their legs were already inside of the horse's flesh. Even in their fusion three-way, the horse was still bigger than all of them together, so it looked more like the horse was swallowing them than the other way around. Franklin tried to shimmy back to maybe slide out and off but it did not work, they were locked in already and trying to move on the horse's torso caused its muscles to flex and tighten, which all of them felt. The neck pressed into their underside and vanished into them, and their top half curled over the horse's face as its eyes rolled back from sensory overload and its head was absorbed as well. Sam started to growl and yip from sensations as her neck flexed on its own, locking the muscles tight as it started to thicken, and grow a lot longer. Both heads ended at the same length before- while she had a snout, her neck was permenantly arched over his head. When he got a short pig snout he grew past her a bit, but now she was in the lead by a lot, far enough past that she could bow her head and actually look at him through the corners of her eyes. The fur on the back of her neck grew longer forming a pseudo-mane, and the end of her face broadened a bit and her nostrils expanded, though the face still resembled a dogs much more than anything else. They looked down when they realized they were not fusing any farther. They became like a centaur! What used to be their hip bones were now the collar and shoulder bones of the horse body. The big round gut the pig gave them seemed to collapse back to normal, but the horse half then swelled out gaining a large gut instead. The horse's back hooves seemed to shatter and crumble off, revealing the swelling digits of paws inside as its rear feet transformed into a dog's- only now horse-sized. The tail became more bushy, but remained relatively the same, and the fur on the back half became longer, looking more like dog fur, but still the milk-chocolate color of the stallion. They gripped the horse shoulders as all their huge muscles started to twitch from feeling as the cock very quickly surged to full mast. The horse cock was already bigger than all of their previous dicks together, but it also gained that previous mass. Normally fairly thin for its impressive length the shaft bloated up, between medial ring and the glans especially thickened. It became much more veiny, and the glans bloated out forward a bit making it a bit more dome-shaped from human traits. Surging into being as the shaft stretched a bit longer was the knot at the base, which was now as big as an apple on either side. Being a breeding stud, the stallion already had giant nuts the size of a child's kickball each, but their combigned massive nuts from before were also that big. Franklin rocked back and forth, desperate with arousal as the nerves stretched and multiplied, the skin getting pulled tight as a drum from growth then relaxing as it also grew. His balls swung heavily becoming ridiculously giant. Dog and horse scrotum were black, but human and pig were pink, so as it stretched it became a bit lighter colored, making it look like a very dark bruise-purple. Once fully grown, his balls were gigantic and swung lower than his knees. If he tried to walk over any large sized rocks, his scrotum would brush the ground.

From both mouths he moaned and grunted at the overwhelming feelings of the cords in his scrotum yanking tight, trying to heave the huge balls closer in arousal as the glans drooled precum at a constant rate. The pig wanted to eat, the dog and horse wanted to fuck, the man wanted to fix this crazy situation. Two animals wanted to fuck something, so the vote went to the majority, drowning out the other thoughts. But what would they fuck? The other horses were trying to get as far away from Franklin as they could within their corrals, because they had no idea what the hell he even was, and smelled canine on him. The other animals would be too small- they would be stretched like living condoms around the giant mutant dick. He pawed at the ground and bucked nervously, trying to quickly find an answer but couldn't. Finally he decided to head into town. There was lots of people in town, people could use their hands and mouths to pleasure, he didn't need to fit into them necessarily.

He tried to jump the fense using the horse's logic, but because of the much heavier body, the large gut, and the odd forward center of gravity, he didn't even come close and just smashed the fense to bits. The smell of females filled their nostrils again on the road thought. A lot of females. The ranch across from him was all bovine, and around twenty cows for every one bull. All those huge, heavy swinging udders. Not at all sure what the beast it seen was, the herd's bull came near the fense and huffed angrily at Franklin with its huge nostrils. Did the bull really just do that? He was bigger and better than that stupid bull, why should he get so many holes to fuck?! Franklin rammed right through the fense into the cow's field, completely fogetting he was about to run into town. The bull immediately took the challenge and lowered his horns and charged full bore at Franklin. Franklin's thoughts were too degraded to realize how dangerous a charging bull was, and that it could probably crumple the side of a truck like a tin can. Franklin stupidly bent down to try and catch the horns with his human hands. Of course it never would have worked, but even aside from that, the horns phased right through as if he was made of liquid again. Franklin only partially understood for a breif moment what was about to happen. Because it ran at him at such force the bull and Franklin's mass smashed together almost instantly, which caused his body to become violently deformed for a moment before wobbling back into shape. Franklin groaned loudly as the veins in his neck and arms started to pulse powerfully, fattening into view on the surface. His muscles tightened and bulge tremendously as he grew massive. His skin started to blacken with the fine pelt of the black bull. The growing muscle seemed to even spread to his wrists and hands, making them hard to move, but in fact they were becoming hooves. Index, middle, and ring fingers fused together before the nail bulked and thickened into a sharp new hoof, then split again into a cloven hoof. His pinky and thumb regressed as the rest grew past, becoming the dew claws. His muscles became extremely bulgy like an extreme bodybuilder, becoming inhumanly huge on his upper arms, should and back, almost giving him a hunch. He became so tremendously top heavy from all the muscle he could no longer stand up straight, causing him to fall forward and catch himself on his new hooves- giving him six legs, bull's cloven hooves, then horses hooves, then giant sized dog paws in the rear. His neck swelled up thicker than his actual head with bulk muscle, covered in pulsing veins. Two huge horns sprouted from his head, cradling either side of Sam's upper neck. To cap off the changes, his penis got a tiny bit longer, and his balls swelled a bit bigger, and the scrotum became a bit looser. He had to move around slowly, because now even on flat ground his scrotum actually did brush the ground.

His body was so hot, so tight, so HUGE. His balls had small oceans of cum and his dick could be used as a battering ram to knock down doors. So many thoughts cancling out anything coherent. With pressure from his own twitching, swelling muscle and nerves he orgasmed explosively, causing his vision to be cloudly with an explosion of stars. He groaned and thrust his hips from the onslaught of pleasure after several long moments though. He forgot, pigs have extremely long orgasms. A minute went by and then another. Cut short only by the hair trigger stamina of the bull and horse, his orgasm lasted for nearly ten straight minutes and created a small pond of cum under him, and spattering the front four legs. He quickly fell to a laying position, two chests heaving from exhaustion from such a giant orgasm. He was the bull now though...right? All these cows were his to fuck too. And so many people in town to fuck, he can go for walkies there and find lots of food to eat like a pig! One thing was for sure, whoever was unfortunate enough to be this monster's first true fuck was going to get a real barnload.


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