That's A Stretch

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Alta finders herself in a rather extreme growth spurt in a movie theater, desperately trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible while turning into an animal.

Alta was a timid teen, she decided to see a movie by herself to evade the stress of her final high school exams. It was a bit hot outside to be wearing a sweater, but she wore a grey hoodie just in case anyone she knew was around- she didn't want to get spotted. Between the shade of her hood and her thin framed round glasses you could barely see her cute face. Tan skin with a large number of tiny freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheeks, her skin was a dark chocolate brown and wildly wavy- it was curly when it was shorter but the weight of its length straightened it a bit. To increase the odds of no one seeing her, the movie she was going to see didn't even show up on the normal listings- it was a limited showing of a very obscure foreign title. Alta was a bid sideways like that- she had the chance to be popular, everyone liked her...she was just too shy to return anyone's attempts to connect with her. It was for the same reason she has never had a boyfriend. Plenty have attempted to ask her out, but Alta always just squeaks a half-rely and skitters off like a frightened mouse. So without the influence of others, her tastes and hobbies sort of developed in a bubble, causing her to like things most of the people around her never even heard of.

She got comfortable in her seat, relaxing into a half-laying position in the seat since no one was around her. Because of how obscure the film was, the theatre was mostly empty- just how Alta likes it best. She had a bucket of popcorn in one arm and a huge soda in the other. During the movie though, she noticed her fingers were getting rather stiff for some reason, making them sluggish to respond. Alta shrugged it off and just raised the bucket a bit and used her moist tongue to stick popcorn kernels to and eat them that way, without using her fingers at all. She was paying too much attention to the movie to notice her tongue swelling up and lengthening a bit. When Alta went to reach for her soda her wrist popped loudly causing her to gasp in surprise. She leaned over instead and again used her tongue to try and find the straw without looking away from the screen. She found the straw a little too easily. She sat back up straight when she realized her tongue coiled around the straw easily! It was twice the length it was supposed to be, and far darker than it should have been! Did she eat something she was allergic to? But she was only allergic to like, three things and she avoided them each like the plague- and she is pretty sure she would know if a bee stung her in the mouth! This wasn't good at all! The tongue technically travels down a good length of your throat- if it swells up too much it will completely clog the throat and suffocate you. She popped the top off her soda and put several ice cubes into her mouth. Ice suppresses swelling! Now her head was starting to hurt from brain freeze because her mouth was full of ice. She groaned and slipped a few of her small narrow fingers up under her hood to message her temples and her eyes went side in shock again! There was two lumps on top of her head! There was a hundred different things that could cause lumps to form on the body- and none of them are good things. None of them!

Reaching up also caused her to notice it was more than her hands that were stiff, all her limb joints felt cramped. She might have to go to the emergency room after the movie...but, still after the movie. Maybe not till tomorrow if it doesn't get better...or maybe its fine. She really is too shy to go to emergency rooms. The ice was melting fast and her tongue wasn't getting any smaller. She groaned quietly as she tilted her head to one side and then the other sharply to crack her neck, but when she tried to settle her head again it didn't. It didn't just pop- it extended, her neck was actually longer now. Her other joints were starting to hurt from cramping and she stretched her arms forward hearing the bones groan and pop as her entire arms got longer, and then her leg muscles seemed to move on their own forcing the same to happen to her legs. Her shoes didn't even fit right anymore! Only her fingers were visible from her big hoodie's sleeves but now her wrists were completely out. That was even worse! She didn't even know what kind of medical condition caused someone to flash-grow! She realized someone might see her and notice she was taller- since she would be silhouetted on the movie screen and she quickly slid her legs under the chair in front of her so she could slide down as far as she could to hide her height. But her lower half slid farther as her top half, as her spine grew in length again. She felt her pants rubbing against her tailbone, which was longer than normal now too. She released her tongue again to check if it was any better now that her ice was gone but nope. She was astonished as it came out of her mouth and just kept coming. Twice, three, maybe even four times its normal length and now dark indigo in colour- her tongue was large enough to wrap around her wrist three times over. It didn't feel swollen though, and in spite of its size, her breathing wasn't obstructed at all.

Alta started to slip in her seat since she was placed so awkwardly in it, so she quickly grabbed the arms with her barely operable fingers and went to hoist herself up a bit, but as soon as she did the muscles in her back and neck went a little too far and her neck extended almost an entire foot in length! Her neck bulged painfully out the front of her hoodie, as the hood itself yanked her head backward. She was caught! She outgrew the hood in a hurry, but the now quite large bulges on top of her head were hooked on the fabric! She tried to reach up and release herself but the muscles in her hands twitched on their own and her fingers barely responded to her at all. They moved together and stretched, starting to fuse as her wrists grew and then her shoulders and elbows popped loudly as her arms grew in length again, even more than the first time! She lurched forward in surprise placing the limbs between the seats in front of her, and then her hips and legs started to groan and pop in rapid succession. Her tailbone extended at the same speed as her hips widened causing the elastic of the pants to drag aggressively against it before it popped out over the top entirely. Her legs extended much, much farther than her pant legs now and she could not pull them out from under the seats ahead of her if she wanted- there wasn't enough room! She was slouched over the top of the seat ahead of her, and seen her shoes down below it as the ends bulged massively and exploded open! She didn't even feel like she was outgrowing her shoes- but that was because there was no feeling in the end of her foot now- it was a huge cloven hoof! She wanted to sit up and look at what happened to her ass and tailbone but was afraid as soon as she sat up everyone would notice something was wrong. Her neck bones started to groan again sending her into a panic again as she reached up to try and get the hood off before it snapped her neck. When she brought her hands up, she noticed they too were hooves now, which...made gripping the hood rather tricky. Luckily since the hooves were cloven she managed to hook some of the fabric between the two segments and still yank it off- ripping it a bit. Since they were newly formed and had not been worn down on the ground at all- Alta's hooves were actually razor sharp at the edges. The bumps on the head were...sort-of horns. They actually looked more like fuzzy doorknobs.

Alta knew her ears were changed too when they started to flick in the direction of any minuscule sound in the theatre, paranoid someone had noticed her. Lucky for her, everyone was looking at the screen and entirely unaware of anything going on in the actual theatre. Though her face and facial features were small, she did always have plump dark red lips, but now she could visibly see them getting a little too big. Her eyelashes were quite long and full now too! Her entire torso felt huge internal pressure coming on as her body groaned and she moaned. It was hot too- the changes caused internal friction which raised her body temperature. The theatre was dark and air conditioned but she was overheating again regardless. Her neck was slowly extending again and her spine as well. Her clothing was pulled tight on her, and all her limbs extended far beyond it. She tried to breath deep slow breaths to try and calm herself down, but her ribs popped and expanded causing her to gasp, which expanded her lungs causing her to gasp again, and again. She kept taking in more air without breathing any out as her lungs doubled and then tripled in size! Her nostrils broadened tremendously to help take in more air and her sweater started to cut into her and shred at the seams as her torso became gargantuan. Her freckles started to shift around on the surface of her skin and expand, taking on hexagonal shapes, spacing themselves out evenly across her entire body as a light fuzz of fur started to grow on her. An explosion of growth went off in her as she squeaked in surprise and arousal as her hips and legs grew tremendously, exploding her pants completely off! Her long neck swung through the air and hung across two rows of seats behind her as she looked at the roof trying to catch her breath. Her panties held on just barely, but her pussy darkened and the labia swelled up tremendously, pushing into the fabric, dampening it with her juices and then finally ripped it off as two small teats formed just below the vagina- directly between her legs! She tried to sit up again to examine the damage to herself but her neck was too long and heavy to lift! Her face was starting to stretch out and her entire head expand. She grunted and struggled in her awkward bent-back position, flailing her long arms around trying to grip something to yank her up, which caused the muscles in her torso to tense and grow again exploding her sweater off- her breasts had been too small to wear a bra and now against her giant-grown torso they were non existent. As she grew and struggled, she did not hear the chair violently crack twice before it exploded out from under her- unable to support that sort of weight. She was so tall though that her head bopped against the seat three rows up from her! Her torso stiffened, becoming more solid and muscular but much less flexible. Her shoulders and hips popped forcing her limbs into a forward position- unable to rotate out to the sides anymore. She had to heave herself forward finally onto all fours as her neck swung through the air and for a brief moment she was almost afraid her head would smack the roof!

Alta looked at the movie screen for several long moments in a daze- not really seeing what was on the screen at all. She breathed heavily as her muscles finally allowed themselves to relax. Her bones no longer groaned or popped so they were re-set into their new positions in a body that was easily ten times the size of her old one, if not bigger. A giraffe! Her freckles had changed into the hexagonal spotting of giraffe hide- her grown tailbone was a tasselled tail. With ridiculously long and powerful limbs and neck- there was no mistaking what Alta had become. She was also completely naked! Her puffy black anus and huge black labia rubbed against the remnants of the shattered chair below her. Her clothing was entirely destroyed, so even if she suddenly turned back she would still be in trouble. Alta let out a long sight- at least her glasses were still perched on her now long face. She would have to be careful though- the arms no longer reached her ears so if she moved around too much they would just fall off, and she doesn't have hands to put them back on herself.

A man near the back of the theatre shouted up at her. "Hey, down in front! I am sick of people acting like animals in theatres, geeze!"

Alta turned around, reaching across several rows of seats to be face-to-face with the fat man. "That is a bit of a stretch, eh?! How about you move literally anywhere else!! The theatre is almost entirely empty, if I am blocking the view, just fucking move you idiot!"

The man smiled as his eyes flashed pink a moment and his voice changed to that of Mana. "See? You have the courage to speak up more! I just had to make you...stand out a little." With that, Mana blinked out of existence.

"W-wait! Get back here and change me back! Or...give me clothes that fit a giraffe at least. Sigh. Well...I'm watching the rest of the movie at least, I don't care what anyone says."


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