Dungeons & Danna

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Can you win an entire dungeon crawl using only transformative skills? Danna is determined to prove it! A changeling with polymorphic spells, using innate ability and magic she can do anything the monsters can do- but there is a lot more monsters, and her body grows more unstable with each change... can she really beat this monster menagerie?

(F TF Multi-monster hybrids, adventure)

Danna stood outside the huge wood doors set into the hillside, looking back toward the town. She is a Changeling, and was quick to volunteer for this dangerous mission. A wizard had set up this illegal monster menagerie in the hills to do his research and the local guild put out a commission for heroes to shut it down. More than the reward money though, Danna was in this to test her newly learned magic.

As a changeling her true self looked sort of like a pale humanoid who got slightly melted- she never wore this appearance though. Now, as most times she defaulted to the former appearance of her friend Nyx, with ice blue eyes and long raven hair, a smaller but busty form. The problem with changelings though is that the farther from humanoid the shape, the harder the change. They could also not alter their size- the new form had to be relatively similar in size. So while Danna could change forms with a mere thought and not even require any magic to do it- it was mostly limited to disguising herself. Or minor conveniences like turning a nail into a claw to open a letter. Now however, things were different. Now Danna had learned Polymorphic spells. With the polymorph and her natural ability together, she could presumably become anything at all without limitation- unless she depleted all the local mana to cast with.

Nyx appeared over the crest of the hill to join Danna, and soon after her friend Mort who she was riding the shoulders of. Nyx was a Necromancer, swathed in tattered black robes she was no more than mere bone under it with glass eyes in the sockets. Nyx traded in her flesh and blood for more power long ago, which is why Danna used her old appearance as her own default- Nyx wasn't using it anymore. Mort... well, there was not a lot to Mort. He was as tall as a half-giant and wore scant leather and chain armor, carrying a large sword. He is a Berserker, and hanging off his back was a large jug of water with a snake swimming in it. The snake had extremely potent venom, and Mort allowed it to bite him before a difficult battle- the venom sending him into a frenzy where he is so blinded with adrenaline he can no longer feel or react to pain.

Nyx placed a hand on the huge wooden doors. "So Danna, eager to try your new magic, huh? It could be dangerous if you use it too often. But I guess that is why I am here to share the reward money. Just.. try to keep the PDA with Mort to a minimum, eh?"

Mort just grunt in reply. There was no relationship between Mort and Danna at all. Nyx just loved to tease Mort putting words in his mouth- because he had no way to defend himself. His former lord cut the tongue from his mouth so he is mute. Since even Mort could not push open doors of this size, Nyx cast Aging Bolt on the door- a basic Necromancer spell, and caused it to age to the point where pushing any harder on it just caused the wood to crumble away, creating a hole big enough for them all to walk through. The inside was huge- halls of stone cut from the inside of the small mountain itself. They could hear the growls and murmurs of various monsters all through the structure.

Nyx motioned toward one of the branching smaller halls. "This place is probably like a maze so it is best we pick one path and follow it to the end, taking as few detours as possible or we will get lost. You are here to test your skills Danna- but I am here to make sure we don't all wind up dead. Or... re-dead in my case. Also, the guild did not specify but they would probably appreciate us killing as few of the monsters as possible. We kill the Wizard Malantheis, not the monsters, ok?" She looked specifically at Mort. "The monsters don't WANT to be here."

Because she was a bit over eager to test herself, Danna skipped ahead first. She almost transformed her hand into a key to unlock one of the cages they passed before Nyx stopped her. The monsters do not know to discriminate one humanoid from another. If they released the monsters now they would likely be attacked by them. Setting the creatures free was a job for someone else. There was brazers lighting the entire structure but the lighting was still pretty dim, and the air was moist and musty at the same time. The hall they chose seemed to narrow quite a bit and the floor got increasingly less man made looking. Nyx mentioned there had been structures in these hills eons before Malantheis moved in, so some of these halls and rooms might be thousands of years older than others. They were approaching a corner, and there was a small opening coming off it that had some stagnant water pooled on the far side. Mort grabbed Danna's shoulder before she turned the corner, made a hushing motion with his hand and pointed to it for her to look closer. There was a humanoid shadow cast along part of the floor! Someone was waiting just around the corner to ambush them! There was a slight grunt of frustration from it- it heard their footsteps stop and realized it had blown its cover. The monster jumped into the end of the hallway, gritting its needle like fangs at them.

The creature they faced now is called a Nothic- formerly a wizard whose quest for knowledge backfired and devolved it into a monster. Hunched over, it had digitigrade legs ending in two large clawed toes. Its legs were large and muscular and its arms long and a bit more lean than the legs. Its back and to a lesser extent the outward facing sides of its limbs were covered in stone-like jagged spikes. Its most notable feature however is the gigantic sickly green-yellow eye that dominated the majority of its head.

Though it did not flex her new magic, Danna immediately shifted forms using her innate ability to mock the Nothic, only having to really concentrate on making two eyes into one. When using her natural ability to change forms her body flowed like it were made of putty- an exotic feeling, though to someone born a changeling i was perfectly normal. The spikes were the first to form, first the skin raised into cone shapes before the bone within quickly branched up. The skin then retracted pulling tight while also condensing and hardening to the bone thorn, creating spikes that had no seam against the rest of the flesh. As her flesh hardened it also darkened to reach the near-black that was most of the Nothic- only its hands and feet and some of its face were a red-pink hue. On her hands her pinky finger softened and seemed to melt quickly into the rest of her hand- then the mass was redistributed to her other digits making them larger as her nails grew into claws. Although they are formerly spell casters, Nothic are unable to cast anything except the basic spells if they are lucky, so their claws are their primary attack method. They know tons of magic, they just can't cast it anymore. Danna hunched over as the skin became extra thick on her back and her neck started to thicken greatly as well. A feeling even she was not familiar with- her face felt like it collapsed in on itself and then popped back out as her eyes collapsed into each other and her sinuses were redirected. Because a cyclopian eye is where the sinuses would normally be, they must instead fork much lower and basically bracket the bottom of the eye socket. Nothic are devoid of depth perception, like several cyclopian creatures. Although, Cyclops and Beholders have depth perception in their primary eye- the membrane that makes up the iris has two angled layers that are processed individually to give them two images with one eye.

Danna and the Nothic both glared at one another- their forms looking exactly the same, except Danna's mono-eye retained her ice blue tone, and she still had breasts. She could have been a perfect copy, she just didn't want to. The Nothic went to swipe at her but she caught it, and then she tried to counter and it caught her attack. Since they were holding each other's hands, she yanked her arms out to the sides to pull them together and went to head-butt him but he moved back to again avoid it.

Nyx clicked her tongue. "Nothic can see everything you know by looking at you. You just look like a Nothic- you don't copy its ability. It can see your attacks as soon as you think of them. You can't see its attacks. Its going to win."

The Nothic looked at Nyx and narrowed its eye. It seen her plot, and knew it wasn't something it could counter, so instead it readied itself to evade. Mort wanted to do something but had taken up the rear and the hall was too narrow here, he would have to push past the other two, giving the monster more than enough time to evade. Trying to keep its eye fixed on Nyx though- the Nothic left itself open to Danna who slammed it against the wall and winded it a bit. It was enough time for Nyx. Her bones suddenly lost their connection to one another and her form fell apart to the floor under her cloak and the Nothic smiled at Danna.

"Ok, I got him."


"Bodysnatch. Necromancy is fuuun. You should try it some time. Anyway, you two go ahead, I will walk this bad boy into a cage and lock him up before I go back to my own body." She gawked at Mort for a moment with her intellect reading eye. "Oh wow."


"Mort really IS in love with you."

Mort lowered his brows and shook his head, unamused.

"Haha, just kidding." She walked past them back toward the main hall. "Maybe."

Mort ushered Danna to move on ahead and so she did, taking the lead again, though now Mort shadowed her closely. Danna remained in the Nothic form, so she would be ready for an ambush. The digitigrade legs made her steps feel like they had more of a spring to them. She sort of felt like an ape with her arms hanging from her slumped back though. Danna tried to straighten her back a few times- she could but it did not feel good in this body.

The hall they continued into around the corner seemed unusual. The wall was sectioned off and got wider and narrower at random intervals for seemingly no reason. The areas that stretched farther out had water pooled in them. Because of the moisture there was long narrow glowing mushrooms and pale cave algae all over the place, so the floor was very slippery in places. The wall on their left was perfectly straight, and was likely new- the weird right wall was ancient. Following Nyx's advisings they ignored the many offshoot passages from here and followed the main path which lead them to another large chamber that looked decently new. There was stacks of cages- most empty but still many with monsters inside. The middle of the room had a huge pillar with a ring of brightly burning torches. At the base of the pillar they spotted Malantheis! They could already hear the footsteps of Nyx catching up to them, so Mort did not hesitate to unsheath his sword and rush forward- immediately tripping on a near-invisible wire that yanked a cage door open! The image of Malantheis flickered and vanished. It was an illusion, and he fell for it.

Danna tackled Mort out of the way as he was trying to get up- the monster he unintentionally let out was extremely lethal, and easily recognized by anyone. A thing of absolute nightmare, the Intellect Devourer looks like a gigantic brain with very large claws on the end of simple limbs that got much more broad as they went down. As the name would imply- its purpose for being was to eat your intellect. These were the pets of the lovecraftian horrors known as the Mind Flayers- a formerly mighty race that was long ago deposed. Danna attempted to attack it with her claws- since it has very little defense. The Intellect Devourer lashed out with a long tongue that stuck out from its brain-body from where the brain-stem would be. Danna pulled back, winning an evasion roll, but for a brief second it brushed her skin and that was enough to completely scatter her thoughts for a moment. Nyx arrived and quickly rushed toward them, well aware of the horrific creature's power. The Intellect Devourer lunged at Mort who was once again trying to get up onto his feet again, and wrapped its tongue around his ankle. Mort was instantly extremely dizzy and could not concentrate. His brain kept shifting thoughts randomly not allowing him to dwell on one thought long enough to take action. He started to forget things. Nyx slammed her bony hand into the top of the brain and it let out a high pitched shriek in pain as she dug in and it let go of Mort who staggered back, confused. The Intellect Devourer latched onto Nyx's wrist but nothing happened. Nyx is undead, she has no physical brain- she is a hundred percent immune.

Danna looked to Mort groaning and holding his head, still terribly confused. Normally when an Intellect Devourer steals knowledge it cannot be returned. Now using her polymorphic magic, she gave herself Intellect Devourer traits! Unlike her taking the Nothic's form, she was actually using magic to expand her body, to give her the actual traits, and thus its ability to drain knowledge. This was different from her shape shifting since it added and expanded what she had instead of simply reshaping it, so her form did not become like putty. Her hands cracked softly as her forearms became very broad, and her hands became even larger than that, and her fingers even larger than that. Claws that were bigger than railroad spikes slid out of her. Danna groaned and her huge eye rolled back in her head as a throbbing started in her skull. It was not painful but it was strange, and persistent. Each throb got stronger and stronger till with a muffled crack the plates of her skull were forced open and her brain surged in size. The bone plates expanded to re-fuse as a larger skull but before they touched the brain grew in another surge, and then another. Her head throbbed and grew again and again, giving her a huge sphere on top of her head to enclose the giant brain. She opened her mouth in a bit of a sigh and her extremely long narrow tongue fell out.

Nyx nodded and let go of the beast, and before it could move Danna lanced one of its feet, pinning it in place before jamming her tongue into its squishy brain body! Danna was stealing its knowledge away, taking Mort's back. As she drained it, the Intellect Devourer started to turn from pink to grey and its body lost its strength. When she released it, it just slumped over on the floor unconscious. Danna blushed, looking at Mort, who just looked back with a dazed expression. She grabbed him and kissed him abruptly, using her long tongue. The intellect she stole back sparked back to life in his head, restoring him. She felt what was left of his tongue- just a squishy stump at the back of his mouth.

She pulled back quickly after. "S-sorry, had to use tongue to transfer your mind back." She looked at her hands and chuckled. "I probably look like a nightmare right now."

Nyx just grumbled and took the lead. Danna did her best to not call attention to what just happened. Even without skin to make facial expressions, Danna could tell she irritated Nyx a bit kissing Mort. Being neutral to them both, Mort simply tried to ignore the kiss part and just motioned to Danna his thanks for saving his scrambled brain. Danna reverted both her form changes and once again took Nyx's old body, noting her clothes now felt loose from having been stretched from the Nothic form. Nyx did not lead them out of this chamber right away. She looked around and found the majority of the monsters here were Intellect Devourers. This room was dedicated to research of the mind. They found one set of cages though containing humans. A dozen humans sitting in individual cages stacked up in one corner of the room. Nyx tapped on the cages with her bone hands and they all started to wake up. It went from quiet to a loud racket as they all started trying to speak at once, pleading with her to let them out. They seemed to be all manner of people, though most were adventurers of some sort. One of them even claimed to be on the same quest as their party- but his solo endeavor failed, and he succumbed to some large, jiggly monster. Nyx hesitated immediately at that. Danna went to force the cage doors open and Nyx quickly stopped her.

Nyx looked at one of the people in the cage with a short sword at their hip. "Funny they caged you without disarming you."

The person looked at their weapon as if having been unaware of it till now. "Yea, suppose it is. Though a weapon does me little good in here."

"Can I have your weapon for a moment?"


The man took out the sword, flipped it in his hand and handed it through the bars handle first. Nyx reached for it slowly. At the sound of rushing liquid Nyx leaped back, yanking Danna back with her just in time to evade the attack. All of the caged humans melted into a colorful array of gelatinous liquid that seethed out of the cages and re-converged. It formed a tall oval mass of jelly- though the impression of the people's screaming faces still projected across its surface. Those people had all died a while ago, but were unaware they are dead. Another creation of the Mind Flayers- known as an Oblex. They are a modified form of Slime, which are already able to absorb intellect, just really, really poorly. Taking thousands of years to accumulate enough brain power to maybe speak words. Oblex however can absorb the entire mind for itself. Like regular slime, it is still technically hypermetabolic algae, corroding anything that gets inside of it rapidly to eat. Because it devours the entire mind of its victims, it is able to project them back out- creating goo-doubles of their former bodies. The copies of the people are not even aware they are copies, they think they really are the former people. The Oblex uses this ability to lure in new prey and continue to feed! All it really needs to do to eat you is just roll over you. Its corrosive power is not as strong as a Gelatinous Cube, but its stronger than some of the more deluded slimes. Its true color when not stealing a shape is a dark translucent blue- though in the torch light it looked black. Its only flaw is that the clones it makes cannot be completely detached from it- they are still tethered to its main body by a thin strand of goo. That is why it sprung at them when he was about to hand off his sword. The sword is long gone- that one was made of goo, and couldn't be completely detached without losing its form.

It slammed a long tendril of goo down at Nyx who quickly got out of the way again, but having just evaded this put her off-balance. Her dexterity and agility are both pretty bad being a Necromancer, so her odds of winning evade rolls was already bad. Another tendril shot out arching straight at her to hit her dead-on from the front. Danna quickly jumped in the way and took the hit! Nyx fell on her butt in surprise. The slime splashed against Danna and the gobules wrapped around her and closed back in trying to encapsulate her. Danna quickly used her magic to steal traits from the slime itself, because the only ones immune to Oblex... are other Oblex. Her clothes did not adapt any immunity though, and the color drained from her clothes quickly. Once the dye was gone the fabric started to become raw and the strands starting to fray and snap as they melded. Mort tried to cut the tendril off, but the cut he made immediately healed. It was like striking a body of water with a stick- you break the surface for only a moment and ultimately accomplish nothing. Physical attacks on slime are suicidal. Even from the moment of contact the blade of his sword looked dull and tarnished. A moment longer and rust would have taken root.

A humanoid figure sculpted itself from the top of the Oblex, grinning down at them. "Come inside... it is nice in here. Oblex do not age like solid creatures. Your mind will be immortal inside of us~"

Danna's skin started to turn pink and smooth as she took on more and more of her own slime traits to avoid being eaten. The Oblex recoiled in surprise a moment when it suddenly surged into and mixed with Danna! Its dark blue joined with her pink body, turning her pale blue a moment before fading back to pink and expanding. Her clothing was completely gone at this point, corroded to nothing. She got a bit plump looking and her body jiggled. The Oblex moved its body closer to the jelly woman and then sent several tendrils at her! She held out her arms and they collided, again mixing together into a huge gob of swirling goo, before turning pink and returning to Danna. She was absorbing the Oblex! If it had rolled onto her, she would have been absorbed, but it did not know she could do this and wasted some of its mass finding out. Now she was much bigger and its odds of winning not nearly as good. She looked really pudgy now and jiggled with every movement. Danna found she had to concentrate in this form about how she should look. If she lose concentration she would just turn to a pool of goo- she had to actively hold her shape.

While distracted trying to have a faceoff with Danna, the Oblex did not see Mort lifting Nyx up so she could grab the torches off the middle pillar. There was a reason you do not see slime jiggling along in the summer sun. A dry slime is a dead slime- they cannot stand light and flame. Nyx hurriedly gathered as many torches as she could at one time- Danna could fight the Oblex but likely could not win alone. Its mass was still greater than hers. The Oblex lurched at Danna, slamming itself into her with a loud wet slap, knocking her over. It started to rush into her at a point of least resistance- her vagina, since it was a preexisting hole. Her stomach surged in size and stretched far enough that you could partially see through it at the swirling pools of jiggling goo. Dark blue turned light blue turned pink, but it was turning slower than it was rushing in. More light blue started to accumulate, then some dark. Her stomach was getting gigantic and the off-color was starting to leak into the rest of her form! Nyx threw a torch into the Oblex and it immediately compacting its form to rip itself away from the flame as quickly as possible, letting out a shriek and losing the human shape it had on top to speak with them. Nyx threw another and it had to break off from Danna, losing what mass it had attached to her already by disconnecting. Mort threw torches as well, and his traveled faster and harder- striking the Oblex before it could retreat. They hissed and sizzled on contact and immediately caused it to shrink and the edges turned hard and crunchy- releasing a terrible smelling vapor.

Nyx rushed forward as her entire body was surrounded in unnatural dark fire, casting Black Flame she slammed a palm into the the Oblex. It jiggled violently from the hit a moment as the flames seemed to vanish. Holes bubbled open on its surface spitting steam as its form shrank- it was boiling from the inside out! All three of them ducked as what little remained of it exploded like an egg in a microwave, shattering its remaining consciousness.

Mort grinned at Nyx, motioning across his neck and then shrugging- asking her what happened to the 'no kill' policy.

"Yea, well I have no way of capturing a liquid enemy. I don't know any ice spells."

Danna had to really concentrate as she turned back to normal, having to use her natural ability and the magic to return. Nyx looked at her quite concerned. Using a lot of form changing magic saturated her body with a lot of mana- and as a Changeling her body was already very malleable. Danna was a bit confused at first thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her. She was a normal human again... except she was even bigger than Mort. It turned her back WITH the added mass still in her, which made her a giant. A naked giant. Mort took off some of his leathers and tossed it to her. She was able to wrap it around her shoulders and it hung just low enough to cover her nipples. She had nothing to cover her nethers but they couldn't help that right now.

They wandered down the halls to deeper areas, more ancient structures. Nyx explained that the hills in this area are actually all ancient burial mounds, so Malantheis was not only doing illegal experiments, she was disturbing graves. It also meant Nyx's magic was very potent here. As they were walking though, Danna slowed down as her point of view started to dip.

"Oh hey, I am returning to normmmmah~! OOH!" She grabbed her thighs immediately as they started to stretch rounder!

Her butt jiggled all on its own from the movement of soft growth and her thighs became massively round and jiggly! She did not get rid of any mass, it just fell into a different part of her body. Her thighs were so massive they rubbed together uncomfortably when she tried to walk. She grabbed and squeezed the soft flesh, trying to compact it and surprisingly it worked. Her thighs started to tighten as she squished into them with her fingers but she immediately stopped, trembled, wobbled and almost fell over. Mort caught her from behind so he did not see what happened, but Nyx did. The mass almost immediately popped from her thighs into her labia- flesh that was already made to be engorged. Her labia immediately ballooned to a huge size, projecting out so far and to taught it ignited all the pleasure nerves in them all at once and almost brought her to orgasm immediately. Once Mort helped steady her she concentrated and tried to use her natural changing abilities to fix this. Her normal abilities could not alter her mass, so she just tried to redistribute it better. Her thighs, labia, and butt started to tighten and she felt her stomach engorge a bit, but she continued to draw it up trying to balance all the extra mass. As soon as her nipples hardened the pleasure caused her to involuntarily shove mass into them, which caused a surge of pleasure, which broke her concentration and she ended up throwing everything into them! Her breasts blushed bright pink and some blue veins even became visible under the surface as they stretched huge! Even her nipples grew to fat stumps! The farther her breasts stretched from her though, the pinker they became. At the very end they were shiny and almost translucent... they were half goo. The leather cowl definitely did not cover these huge jelly tits. Because they were half goo they were ridiculously jiggly.

Nyx winced at her struggling. "I was afraid of this. When you use polymorphic spells it puts the mana directly into the persons form, you've been gorging on mana all day. Turning yourself into a goo girl required a lot of change, and thus a lot of mana and really pushed you too far. You are unstable with mana. We better take the lead from here, you need to... pull yourself together."

"Can't I discharge the mana?"

"Its not as malleable when its saturating a physical form. Your body is sort of trapping it. I could rip it out with a mana siphoning spell, but..."

"Do you ha-"

"If I had a spell like that I would already be using it. So, no. Just... chill out for a while." She motioned toward Mort. "Let Hulk smash."

Their group traveled farther in now occasionally feeling a nice soft breeze, which was welcome in these musty chambers. It actually did not occur to Danna till Nyx mentioned it, that wind cannot exist this far underground without a spell. They followed the breeze through increasingly maze like paths. The ancient walls were so uneven and oddly constructed it was hard to tell when there was a branching hall, or a room, a corner or a dead end. There was so many corners and curves in the wall that was just there for seemingly no reason. Thanks to the breeze they were able to find their way to a new chamber. This far in there was no way Malantheis could be far- they were running out of tunnels to look in. You can only go so far into a hill before you start coming out the other side. Before them hovered an Aarakocra- an avian humanoid!

The Aarakocra are human shaped birds, with tiny feathers covering most of their bodies, bird beaks dominating their faces and mighty wings on their backs. Their feet are digitigrade and end in talons. The females have subdued colors usually, while the males have vibrant ones- this was a male. His feathers went from a powder yellow to mostly vibrant yellow, with some metallic orange looking feathers giving him streaks here and there. He wore only a blue loincloth and held a forward hooked sword in his hands. Nyx explained that he is not guarding this place of his own will, even if it does not look like he is chained. Aarakocra are not from this plane of existence- they are vagrants from the Realm Of Air. Most likely Malantheis used a summoning ritual and he answered as a way of getting into this plane of existence, not realizing this service was the cost of his contract. They needed to beat him into submission while trying to do as little physical harm as possible. Both women looked at Mort who just shrugged. The only physical weapon they had was Mort's sword which definitely did a lot of physical harm. Nyx could possess him and bring him to a cage, but there was none this deep in. He was the only monster they had seen in a while. Danna finally nodded, saying she would get this. Nyx tried to stop her, thinking she should not be trying to do anything right now, but could not put up much of an argument at risk of their opponent seeing.

As Danna slowly approached, he slowly raised his sword to point at her. "I do not want to hurt you, but I will if I need to. Leave this place."

"Oh come on. What is your name, hun?"

Nyx and Mort both cringed at her bad attempt to sound sexy.

"My name is Aeron. And you are?"

"Danna- I am one of you, you know. I am Aarakocra too, I am just using a polymorph."

Nyx slapped her forehead. That idiot, she is going to try to seduce him into dropping his guard, using even MORE transformation? While trying to give him a seductive look Danna ended up scrunching up her face a bit at the prickly feeling of the first few feathers that bloomed- replacing her eyebrows with long narrow feathers like a rockhopper penguin. Her hair turned to colored mist and lifted away as tiny brown and black speckled feathers started to grow out of her to replace it. She arched her back as far back as it would go as new bone squirmed out from her shoulder blade which shifted forms to create a second socket toward its bottom. Her lips kept wanting to push outward reflexively though and then so did her teeth, causing her to reverse and bend far forward- covering her face with her hands. Her teeth seemed to melt together and expand at the same time, pushing forward out of her lips, then continued to expand forcing her mouth wider open and thinning her lips out of existence! Her teeth had completely reformed... into a beak. It expanded till her nose was fused into the beak, making two nostrils where the remaining bridge of her nose met the base of her beak. Unlike Aeron who had a beak similar to an eagle- Danna's was extremely long and narrow. As she slowly took her hands away from her face as those changes slowed to a stop she seen the feathers had advanced down past her arms now. Her public hair had turned to pillow soft down feathers. Her breasts thankfully started to properly solidify and condense back down to a reasonable size, though stopped when they were still giant by Aarakocra standards. The growths on her back pulled out of her, popping loudly as the joins rapidly shifted and grew. They were starting to look like naked chicken wings. Her tail bone extended only a little, but then grew feathers that exploded in size!

Her tail quickly became a gigantic fan of what looked like peacock feathers. Not peahen feathers... then she realized the error. She was not too familiar with the avian race so she was using her innate powers to copy his form and tell the spell what to enhance her with. But, copying his form would mean she is male, not female. Her clit surged in size, pointing out from her exposed pussy like a soft fat spike! Avians actually have pretty massive dicks, but generally they are internal. Because hers was just developing it could not be internalized, and seeing and feeling a dick growing out of her pussy was turning her on and making it erect so it would not retract even when it finished! She reached down trying her trick from before, grabbing at her clit to force the mass back into her, but before she closed her hand she stopped. She had huge talons on her fingers! The Aarakocra have feathered human hands, they don't have talons on their hands! Her flesh started to contract and harden, turning to the banded flesh of bird legs! Her arms were turning into legs! But her legs were also turning into legs. Danna tensed up again as her wings started to bloom giant feathers- again very colorful ones, like males. Her clit started to get even longer and fatter and... pinker. It started to look shiny and as it stretched even more, started to look translucent. It was engorging with slime features! It wasn't really turning into a penis at all, more like a tentacle.

Aeron just stood there with a disturbed look on his face watching this person make some sort of twisted mockery of his people. Seeing Danna rolled a critical fail on her transformation, Mort went to plan B. He unsheathed his sword and charged. At least this, Aeron knew how to deal with it. The two met sword to sword but then Aeron used the force to leap up over him and swiped at his back from above! Aeron can fly- Mort cannot. Aeron can easily evade attacks. Nyx watched both Mort and Danna nervously, not knowing how she could help either really. If Mort becomes seriously hurt she can heal him- hell he can die and she can still heal him. But that doesn't help him win, it just helps him stay alive. Unfortunately most Necromancer spells do not play nice, so not doing serious harm was an issue. Aeron was making a mockery of Mort sadly. He kept leaping around like an acrobat leaving small slashes in the leather armor over and over again, shaving armor away. Mort was not agile at all, he was built for pure power and endurance. Danna was by far and away the most agile one of the group but... she wasn't exactly bouncing around at the moment. Then Nyx thought of a plan! She possessed Mort's body for a moment, dodging a strike he would not have been able to see from his angle. This caught Aeron by surprise and she used the opening, using Mort's body to cast the spell again to take Aeron's body.

Nyx, in Aeron's body landed on his hands and feet and swatted the loin cloth to the side, presenting him rump to Danna. "C'mon, show this hen a real cock."

Danna did not know where Nyx was going with this, but her wildly mutated giant cock was horny as hell so she did not question it. All of her limbs were bird legs so she hand to run on all fours, jumping up onto Aeron and sliding the huge dick into him. Nyx moaned loudly in a pitch Aeron likely did not know he could even make. His dick started to emerge as well now from stimulation and bob under him. Danna's cock fit in better than any cock has ever fit before. It was only around 70% solid mass, so when it hit a curve or fold in the intestines it just changed form and kept going. It filled it entirely, every nook and cranny was filled with jiggly pink jelly dick. Because it could follow the bend it went deeper than any other object possibly could, starting to fill his entire intestines and hugging his prostate constantly in undulating goo. Because Danna was concentrating so hard on the slime aspect of herself right now, her feathers started to take the pink hue as well. The rest of her body started to become gelatinous slowly. She tried her best to concentrate to stop it, and forced the extra goo mass into the dick which then surged in size, causing Aeron to orgasm! The feeling of him throbbing and clenching caused Danna to orgasm too... though it was harder to tell because she just ejaculated the same goo her dick itself was already made of. She pulled off, most of the goo dick fell off and just turned to a pink puddle and she fell onto her side breathing heavily. Aeron slumped onto his face and passed out as Nyx returned to her own body.

Nyx smiled and nodded at her handiwork. "Men always roll over and go to sleep after an orgasm. He can't keep us out if he is asleep."

She looked at Danna and seen her form was slowly shifting back. The more she changed in a way she did not intend the more her thoughts raced, which incited more unexpected changes. Now that she was just basking in afterglow she wasn't thinking of anything and her form was defaulting. The extra growth on her clit turned to pure goo and just melted off, revealing her normal clit under it all. The feathers fell out and turned to vapor. Her hair grew back in and the huge long beak cracked and shattered. Her nose slumped down, unfurling back into a human shape and her mouth collapsed back in and her lips fattened back into existence. The last of her changes were her talons as the skin softened back to normal advancing down her arms. Finally she was normal Danna again- she even discharged the extra mass from her slime encounter so she was back to normal size. She was still saturated in mana though and absolutely unstable as hell. If you had the ability to physically see mana, she would be flashing like a light bulb. A red light bulb, that indicates and emergency.

Nyx chuckled as she helped Danna up. "Well, that worked out ultimately. You failed so hard, you won."

"Yey, I am an idiot savant." She cheered sarcastically, still winded.

"Mmm, but you did go against doctor's orders, and used even more mana to change again. You are even more unstable now! I bet I could name a random animal right now and you'd change into it without even meaning to!" Danna's ears rapidly grew up tall and her neck lengthened and grew a bit. Hair advanced down the back of her neck. "...you just thought of me saying donkey didn't you?"

"S-stAAWp!" Her teeth grew a little.

Nyx pat her on the shoulder. "Just stay back- do NOT use any more magic. At all. I'd kick you out of this dungeon right now if it wasn't incredibly dangerous to send you back alone through this place."

Danna's alterations were slow to recede. It was incredibly hard to actively not think about something. Because thinking about not thinking about it is still thinking about it. Mort ended up using several perception rolls to check their surroundings for traps. He didn't think there was traps, he was just trying to slow everyone down to guarantee Danna didn't use any more spells. Her mana levels will go down slowly on their own, but it takes time and she has a ridiculous amount. As soon as Mort finished examining for traps, Nyx suggested they take a rest and reset cooldowns. While Danna suspected she was also just stalling for time, it also made a lot of sense. Odds are they were skirting around the chamber Malantheis was in, and anyone who was skilled enough to capture all these monsters was not going to be a pushover. They rested in one of the ancient looking passages, near one of the pools of stagnant water. Now that Aeron was unconscious the wind had stopped, so the next most refreshing place to be was near the cool water. Granted the water was stagnant and ancient- full of ghostly pale cave algae, so definitely not water you want to be IN. Nyx had been carrying food rations hung on the inside of her rib cage, since she has no organs.

Danna groaned a bit in the middle of eating and paused as her stomach started to inflate, making her look pregnant. Nyx chuckled, knowing its because she was thinking how much food was too much if she did not want to get fat- and thinking about being fat caused her gut to balloon. She then rolled back and moaned more as her gut started to compact on its own and in its place her breasts and butt swelled out half as much- Danna wondered why she couldn't get fat in the RIGHT places if it was going to make her fat. Mort was just doing his best to avoid eye contact as he ate. At least he never had to keep up a conversation. Danna's body started to shrink and she squeaked in surprise at it. She was trying to will herself smaller, but got the wrong kind of smaller. Nyx sighed, having enough of watching her squirm and decided to help her simply by asking her what Nyx's flesh looked like over these bones of hers. Danna's default appearance was Nyx's old body, so imagining what she is like with skin still allowed her to default.

Danna did not have time to enjoy being normal again for long though as a tendril reached out from the murky waters she had her back to and yanked her in! Nyx and Mort had little time to try and figure out what happened when Danna vanished. The water looked like a shallow pool collected against the wall thanks to the slanted floor- but that is because the water is so murky you cannot see into it! There was actually an offshoot tunnel in the floor there that was completely submerged, and apparently Chuul are using it as a burrow! Ancient amphibious creatures, the Chuul are a foul tempered hermit race that loath surface dwellers. Since it was not caged, its likely the Chuul were just living here before Malantheis moved in, and the wizard might not even be aware they are here. They look a bit like humanoid lobster. They stand on four digitigrade looking legs ending in large two toed feet, though the front two legs are 3/4rth bigger than the rear ones. They have a chitinous fan-tail like a lobster, and the crustacean like scales continue all up its body. It bends upright at the hip and then it has two large arms ending in huge pincers with serrated edges- for both pinching and tearing. Its eyes were almost hidden under a helmet-like chitin plate, though its eyes were very keen. Chuul can see just as well in the light and dark, and are immune to blinding effects. The worst part of the Chuul is generally the first part you encounter. At the front of its face, its mouth is lined with dozens of banded tendrils that carry a paralysis effect. This is what it used to yank Danna away, which means she likely cannot move- which means she cannot swim, and because she is underwater, she cannot breath either.

Mort was about to jump in but Nyx quickly stopped him- leaping into water wearing armor is a real good way to drown. Mort isn't wearing any plate armor but he would still sink like an anchor. Nyx had no nervous system to be paralyzed, and no lungs to need to breath, so she jumped in. Even in the murk it was easy to spot Danna simply from all the thrashing going on. Her lips had long bumps growing from them- the start of Chuul tendrils. Her throat was longer and bigger and her skin had started to harden and grow out into chitin scales on her back. She had started to turn into a Chuul in a panic, but the neurotoxin was faster and still stunned her- but because she was partially transformed into a creature that is immune to the toxin it was unable to fully take hold. The Chuul looked to Nyx as the bigger threat and rather than strike her physically it filled her head with a psychic static to try to muddle her thoughts. This was an ancient burial mound though- Nyx's necrotic powers were impossibly powerful while in here. She used Create Horror Knight, and immediately followed it up with Dark Transformation. Nyx did not even wait for the aberration she summoned to fully form before grabbing Danna and dashing back to the surface to get her to air.

By the time Danna was back on land gasping for air, she had stubby tendrils around her mouth and a uselessly small shrimp like tail. Nyx grinned a bit as she seen the water turn a tinge of red. Her abomination was likely so large it took up the entire passage and prevented the Chuul from escaping. Even if it somehow did not win the fight- their party will be long gone before the Chuul can look for them. Danna grossed herself out with her own budding tendrils and mistook them for octopus limbs... which then caused them to become thicker and start to develop suction cups on the insides. She quickly looked down at her transforming hands and stopped them before they turned to pincers. She had chitin shell on her hands forming claws, but when she pressed her fingers together the shell locked forming a psudo pincer. She had to concentrate hard to get the chitin scales to soften and get reabsorbed into her skin. They needed to get away from the Chuul though, so she had to do it while walking. Nyx remained close, whispering encouragement to her and she slowly reverted as they approached the final chamber of the menagerie. Danna still had a shrimp tail by the time they got there but she supposed it wasn't getting in the way, so whatever.

Malantheis fumbled a vial to the stone floor when Nyx called over to her. The three adventurers were already a good ways into the huge room before the wizard even noticed. She had wildly wavy blood red hair and purple eyes- an unnatural color from mana poisoning. She wore a thread-bare brown cloak hiding her body. Rather than address the invaders she scrambled for a table of research scrolls and tomes trying to find something. Nyx went to cast Death Coil but failed the initiative roll. Danna's hair started to turn red, unintentionally admiring the look of Malantheis' hair.

Malantheis found what she was looking for just as Mort got to her and swung. She evaded just in time and thrust her hand out- throwing Mort back several feet with arcane energy. "Damn you! How did you get past my traps? I thought for sure the Manastorm Golem would prevent any other casters from getting in at the very least..."

Nyx tilted her head. "Golem? We didn't even see a golem, we must have picked the right path. There are too many preexisting pathways in here Malantheis- you don't control all of them."

Danna flinched as several small rocks around the area became magnetized to her and formed a shell around her feet and climbing her ankle before they ran out- a result of her thinking about golems.

Malantheis held up her hand proudly, a cubic crystal floating above it shining prismatic light. "I wanted to keep improving it but I suppose I have no choice but to use this now to dispose of you vermin." Danna's front teeth grew long and she started to grow whiskers at the thought of vermin. "Behold, the Junctiform crystal! I created it by layering paper thin crystal squares etched with dozens of runes each and then fused together- each acting as a catalyst focus for a transformative spell! Each one imbued with a trait taken from a beast, in an effort to create the 'Perfect Being'."

Malantheis cackled like the maniac she was and cast a transformation spell on herself- channeling it through the Junctiform crystal, which then split it into dozens of different transformations and fired them all into the wizard at once! She lurched forward and her body quaked for several moments. The sound of popping joins proceeded her entire body starting to grow larger under her cloak. Her pants filled with a huge bulge as Malantheis moaned in giddy anticipation. The bulge grew and grew and she did nothing to remove her pants- she wanted it to rip the pants off, she wanted to destroy her clothes with her body's perfection. It stretched a good ways before finally ripping free, and her giant clit sprung forward. Almost as thick as her thighs already and quite long as well, the clit came to a tapered tip and throbbed bigger with every moment. The longer it got the more it writhed on its own, seeking something to rub against. Malantheis started to twitch a bit back and forth as her spine cracked and lengthened, stretching her torso longer but also gaining a lot of flexibility. Her breasts started to blush on their own and her nipples hardened from the power high. She grinned down at her shirt as it filled and then stretched very quickly. Her breasts pulled it tight and then started to get squished both up and down, trying to squeeze out around the shirt as it continued to get stretched wider and thinner. She took a long deliberate breath, causing her ribs to expand and the shirt exploded. Her tits wobbled violently into the open air, shoving her cloak open in the front and continued to grow bigger and bigger still. They were astonishingly light for their tremendous size. Mort did not want to allow her to finish this transcendence and attempted a cleaving attack while Malantheis was absorbed with watching her swelling tits. As soon as she seen the glint of metal though, Malantheis countered. Her left breast split open across the middle revealing thousands of curved fangs and a long writhing tongue inside! They were lighter than they should be because they are not normal breasts. The tongue swatted his blade aside mid-swing and then she turned her chest and forced Mort to leap back or be eaten by a giant boob. Malantheis' smile faded a bit though, as she looked nervously at her crystal. It was vibrating rapidly- she did not have time to complete it so it was not 100% stable, she just had to pray to the DMs it held out.

Pale brown dots appeared all down her very long back and slowly started to press out and stiffen as nipples for more breasts- a lot more. Unlike her gigantic front two though, these were normal breasts. They would act as a humanoid equivalent to a camel's hump- storing food and water in the form of fat. Malantheis quivered and almost dropped to the floor from her legs trembling and locked up in pleasure as her giant clit grew even bigger and even longer. It was wider than her actual legs were, forcing them apart a bit. The clit seemed to have a mind of its own, lashing around till it was able to reach the floor and then shoved itself against it and rubbed aggressively back and forth- leaving a bit of a slime trail of salty vaginal lube that trailed down its underside from Malantheis' twitching cleft. Nyx went to cast Blood Boil but Malantheis cast her eyes on her, and everyone- including Malantheis- flinched in pain and shut their eyes. Malantheis had opened a third, vertical eye in her forehead and connected everyone telepathically. The jumble of four peoples thoughts in each persons head was painfully confusing, but luckily stopped the moment Malantheis closed the third eye. Although it hurt her as well, the third eye allowed her to interrupt spells from being cast. She was still slowly growing overall too- she was as big as Mort now and growing. The wizard smiled at herself thinking she had them all beat, but then frowned as she noticed Danna.

Danna's shrimp tail was now a huge proper Chuul tail, and the chitin scales had advanced up her back. She was deliberately trying to change now, thinking it their only hope at defeating Malantheis. Her skin started to develop the spike-like scutes of the Nothic- down her arms and legs and the upper part of her back where the scales tapered off. Her forearms grew thick with muscle and then her hands grew still larger than that- each finger half as big as her entire hand before changing, and each tipped with the huge Intellect Devourer claws. Danna wobbled a bit as her legs started to get longer and reshape, making her taller and taller. The skin on her legs harded into the banded flesh of bird legs once again as her feet transformed and grew huge hooked talons for rending flesh, clicking against the floor as she flexed them. Her Chuul tail grew even bigger, and prismatic colors bled into the scales, imitating the bright colors of her previous feathered form.

Malantheis grunted and went back to concentrating on her own changes, not to be outdone by some simple changeling. Her clit seemed to explode in size, stretching out to ludicrous proportions! It was twice as thick as her thighs at the base, forcing her legs far apart perminantly. It actually made the ground tremble when its length slapped down and started to roll back and forth lazily, causing Malantheis to quake for different reasons. Her stance got still more awkward as bladed claws started to grow from her ankles, which extended simple joints allowing her to flex the new digit. Malantheir swung her arms up, tossing the crystal into the air for a moment. The air in the room seemed to collapse into the middle a moment, clapping together above her. The air pressure exploded many large stones from nearby pillars and walls and tossed them into her. The huge assortment of stones gathered around her arms and ground together. The flesh and muscle that was formerly her arms seethed out between the stones, connecting them all as it veined out. When they were all connected as two new gigantic arms the rocks started to compact and shift form slightly, making them stand out from the limbs a bit more like blunted spikes. Malantheis slammed her giant arms into the ground toppling everyone else over with the tremor, and tossed herself into the air. As soon as she was lifted, her still growing clit immediately lashed under her in a huge arc, so when she fell back down all her weight went onto her clit... and held. Her gigantic clit was holding her up off the ground as if it were some sort of backwards tail! Her legs minuscule in comparison to the clit, to make themselves useful still, the heel claws grew tremendously now, into huge curved blades of bone not unlike scythe blades- making her legs deadly weapons.

Malantheis bent backward with her flexible long spine and wiggled back and forth in pleasure. The breasts on her back fully developed now into five sets of C cups, all squishing and rubbing together when she arched backwards. Her hips cracked loudly and widened as her clit continued to grow even bigger, writhing around under her, holding her entire body up. She looked over and scowled at Danna, who was also still changing.

Danna's entire body took on a slight pink glow to it as she remembered the Oblex and how to add onto her mass- but had to concentrate incredibly hard to not change the consistency of her body to jelly in the process. She grew her overall size huge. She gagged a bit a moment later as her tongue unintentionally transformed, getting huge and incredibly long, forcing her to spit it out. It lashed around out of her mouth like Malantheis' clit did- except Danna did not mean to do that. She was just going over transformations she learned and accidentally gave herself the feature by passively thinking about it. She tried to grab it to get it under control but it was slippery and hard to hold- her giant claws did not make it easier. The tongue then split into two of the same length but half the width, and then split again filling her mouth with four tendrils, making it impossible to speak. Danna put her head back to hold the tendrils up trying to figure out how to control them all- she definitely had control of them but she normally had one tongue not four mutant tongues so her brain did not know how to operate them all right away. When she looked straight up though, she lost her balance a bit and when she stepped back it was on a larger foot, with even larger talons! Her feet unintentionally grew to make double sure she did not stagger herself. When she looked at them though her first thought was how goofy they looked now, being much too large for her legs. Then scolded herself for thinking that as her legs started to grow- especially in length, making them look almost like a crane's legs, except with humanoid thighs still at the top. She stopped them but as she glanced at her hips to see if they changed too- she accidentally changed them by thinking about it. Her hips popped and grew wide, and her skin filled with extra jiggly fat, ballooning her ass out. It had a permanent pink blush on her cheeks though because it had taken in more slime traits. Danna deliberately started to grow her Chuul tail longer now, just to balance herself out- it felt like she was walking on stilts at this point!

Malantheis growled, thinking Danna was trying to out-do her in transformation, not realizing Danna was doing most of it by accident. She surged more mana into her crystal but winced at the sound of grinding minerals and glared fearfully at her focus as two tiny cracks appeared on its surface! It was imperfect, it cannot create the ultimate being in its current state, but its not like she could just finish it with three invaders trying to kill her. She cried out in pain, throwing her head back as she felt the hot trickle of blood. Several horns started to grow out of her tilted back head, black as night. The horns seemed to wave back and forth as they grew, putting curves into their smooth forms. When she lowered her head again, four horns at least a foot long each stood up and slightly back from her head. Two from her temples and two from toward the back of her head. She concentrated and clouds of super condensed mana glittered into view, compressing into shimmering blue-purple crystals dangled from the tips of all four of her horns adorning them like jewelry. Malantheis was about to open her mouth and taunt the others but her words caught in her throat at the sound of her focus shattering! She looked over to see the glittering prismatic dust falling through the air! Argh! Her precious research! This was as far as it could take her.

Knowing this was as far as she could be perfected Malantheis slithered quickly on her gigantic tail-like clit and attacked Mort, who had to use his sword to try and partially deflect the blows and evade at the same time. He was not strong enough to stop hits from arms that big, and they were so big he could not entirely evade them without trying to deflect at least part of the hit. Because her limbs were mostly stone- even his steel sword blade did little harm. Nyx tried to attack but every time she started to cast Malantheis made everyone flinch with another psychic scream from her third eye.

Nyx braced herself as Malantheis lurched toward her. "Uh... don't suppose you'd go easy on me? My bones can be brittle you know."

Malantheis grinned like a psychopath. "Don't worry, I am not angry- I am just MAD!"

Danna concentrated as hard as she could. She needed to do this! Her friends were depending on her! She came here determined to show that transformation can be used in combat, that it can be a fighting style all on its own without needing anything else. She wanted to show the absolute max potential of the changeling people! With a mix of frustration and blazing determination Danna roared loud enough to shake the walls and everyone else paused, recognizing the sound. Danna's neck grew tremendously huge and long, forcing her collar bone to pop painfully and grow to match, and then her shoulder blades spread wider as her ribs started to pop in succession as her torso broadened greatly. Her midriff grew a bit thicker but mostly just longer. Her hips became more angular and she grew a bit of a pelvic wing from the front, which caused her vulva to be moved back a bit, and face down her long Chuul tail. She fell onto all fours as her body grew tremendously, but especially her torso and neck. Her tendril tongues started to fuse with her cheeks and then reposition themselves as if her skin was putty, so now they were not in her mouth but around it. She grew in a new normal tongue in their place now that they had shifted. Her teeth grew long and sharp and slanted inward. The air around her waved with the heat of her heavy breaths. Her face clicked and she growled as it stretched out, her facial features becoming harder, sharper. Her hair grew longer as if to match the long neck, and stole the red color of Malantheis' hair. The tendrils each took up a corner of the front of either jaw, waving in the air like a catfish's whiskers as her face finished transforming into that of the elder beast. Greedy and arrogant, beauty and carnage and in one. Danna took the overall form of a Dragon, while keeping the transformed features she already had.

Malantheis slithered toward her with great speed, swinging her huge stone fists. Danna caught the first in her maw and yanked it to the side, grinding against the stone with her fangs. Malantheis then yanked her fist out and opened it rather than pulling back, and forced Danna's mouth closed with her hand. Using the grip as leverage though, Danna slammed her shrimp tail into the ground to catapult herself up, rotated at her long neck and slammed her rear legs into Malantheis, lancing her just below the collar several times on her long talons! Malantheis opened her third eye a moment forcing everyone to flinch back, so Danna would fall back off her as she was also forced to let go. Danna used her giant Intellect Devourer claws and slashed at the massive clit-tail! Malantheis was quick to lurch back but also winced in pain- Danna's attack still left a thin red line across the clit. Malantheis folded over forward, at first looking like it was in pain but then her mega tits opened up and went to bite Danna's neck, forcing her to retreat quickly. Danna rolled a critical fail on her evade though- she managed to evade but also slipped and fell on her ass so she could not evade a second strike.

Malantheis kicked through the air, flexing her giant scythe-like heel claws and slashed Danna from her shoulder up the side of her neck and was deflected off one of her Nothic scutes. The cut was not deep but it was long. Danna had to waste an action getting back to her feet, and Malantheis took the opportunity, punching at her with a left fist this time! Danna opened her mouth in defence and for only a breif moment wisps of flame could be seen gathering toward her mouth. Travelling at the speed and with the heat of a lightning strike, there was only a single flash from Danna's mouth a moment before a white pillar of flames fired across the entire chamber- straight through Malantheis' hand! The flame was so hot it vaporized a hole straight through both the flesh and stone! Malantheis shrieked in pain, yanking her hand back. Taking a dragon's traits should not have allowed her that ability! It was then she noticed though, that Danna was extremely overcharged with mana! She had to take care of that or Danna could just literally blast her head off at any moment and there wouldn't be a thing Malantheis could do to stop it.

Malantheis grabbed Danna by the top of her neck and tried to aim her mouth away, as she cast a mana siphon, sucking the power excess out of Danna, which would prevent her from using dragon fire. That was not its only effect however, as Danna's body started to shrink and soften- the changes reverting. The scutes lost their color and softened, regressing back into the skin like the chitin scales. Her tail shrank and lost form till it was no more, her talons slid back in as her legs thickened a bit and shrank tremendously in length. When all her mana was tapped she had reverted to Nyx's old form- because that was the only transformation that was using her innate ability, and did not require any spells. Malantheis tossed the tiny human away but then wobbled and fell onto her huge hands.

Something was... wrong. The breasts on her back started to grow, but at uneven rates becoming all different sizes. Her clit started to grow again uncontrollably becoming so large it needed to start coiling around and folding over itself from lack of space in the chamber! Her torso started to turn vibrant pink as if the clit was starting to absorb her! She went to push herself upright again but instead her right arm split off from itself- spawning a third arm that started to grow longer and more spindly to match the others in length, but not girth. The eye in her forehead rolled in its socket as it throbbed and grew much, much bigger forcing her entire head to grow a bit bigger. The pupil turned into a horizontal notch as she looked around and then to a vertical slit as it rolled up, changing shape according to its movement. Her stomach started to inflate rapidly and she groaned long and loud as she felt something writhing in it! Malantheis almost felt like she was going to throw up, but as she did her neck grew longer, extending the travel time, and then what came out was not barf but several tendrils!

"Wuth h-happuhnen... tuh... n-nnno. Stuhp thuth... uuuuuugh!" It was hard to talk with tendrils in your mouth.

Nyx grinned at the outcome- because she stole Danna's mana, now Malantheis was extremely unstable and unable to properly lock in her form. Had her crystal still been here she could do this easily because the crystal would focus her shape for her- but it burst into dust because they did not allow her to complete it. Nyx told Mort to sheath his sword, and took it to toss over to Danna.

"For you m'lady, I think you earned the honors."

Danna took the sheathed sword, charged at Mort who put his hands together to form a step. When she stepped down onto his hands he catapult her into the air, and doing a graceful twirl she slammed the sheathed sword into the side of Malantheis' head with all her momentum and knocked her completely unconscious! Before Danna was on a quest to prove the power of changelings she was essentially the group's rogue, with high dexterity, speed, and charisma. When Malantheis hit the ground with a thunderous boom her transformations stopped. She was not thinking of anything since she was unconscious. Her body seemed to lurch and undulate like putty and slowly she shrank and the changes receded. Because she was so extremely malformed it took almost twenty minutes to become completely normal again, and by then Nyx had dragged her into a cage and locked it. Now she was a prisoner in her own menagerie.

Nyx chuckled as they wandered back out of the monster menagerie, victorious. "When I woke up this morning I did not expect to be having to deal with dungeons AND dragons. That was some good work, cooking that nut job with dragon fire. Guess you will be doing this every time now, huh? You did prove it works... sort of."

Danna clutched the tattered remains of Malantheis' cloak as the only thing she had to cover herself with. "Uh well..." She shivered as she pictured Malantheis' final form in her head. "Y'know, our group does still need a rogue. You CAN use transformation only as a weapon but... I am not sure if its a good idea. Why lean so heavy on one skill when you can have many, right? You can stand on one leg but its better with two. I think I will use transformation as a supplement rather than my sole method of making myself useful to the party. I will still have the most wicked awesome transformations you ever seen though!"

Nyx nodded, patting her on the shoulder. "THAT, sounds like a great idea." While thinking; 'and also what I suggested you do from the start'.

Animal 101

(M tf mouse, F tf cow, MtF tf horse, FtM stag) Yup, this is a long one, and it flips between characters so I broke it up to align more with how far their transformation is along (roughly). Just CTRL+F and type in the stage number to jump there,...

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Chaotic Neutral

(M TF Donkey, Boar- F TF Dog, Cow- all TF Hybrid) Dr. Alabaster Stonewall was a well respected alchemist- a transmutation expert. Though he could not concoct potions like other alchemists he could convert matter over relatively short periods of...

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Two Of A Kind

(F Twincest, Merge/Fusion) Lilac sighed at her reflection in the vanity mirror on her dresser. She had graduated high school not too long ago and had started her half-assed job searching. That was not the source of her depression though. She...

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