Animal 101

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Four students are sent out to a strict professor's off campus class, but something seems a bit off. With a brief warning on the professor's unorthodox testing methods the four are pit against each other in a last man standing exam to see who can retain the most humanity the longest as all four start turning into animals! But is a complete animal even the finish line- or did the professor forget to draw a finish line...?

(M tf mouse, F tf cow, MtF tf horse, FtM stag)

Yup, this is a long one, and it flips between characters so I broke it up to align more with how far their transformation is along (roughly). Just CTRL+F and type in the stage number to jump there, or just read normally from the start (Skipping to the first stage bypasses the entire intro and premise)

"Stage 1"; 10%

"Stage 2"; 35% (Minor cum inflation)

"Stage 3"; 70% (Major cum inflation, docking)

"Stage 4"; 100%

"Stage 5"; 125%+125%+125%=375%?! (Hyper, Fusion)

Professor Lancelle watched over the writhing figure that had formerly been a man. The man tried to get up several times to try and resist, but his rapidly reducing size made him dizzy as his brain tried to make sense of his constantly changing perspective. His hands and feet already paws, his face no longer human- his black fur finished growing in as the transformation completed, and Lancelle closed a collar around his neck with a round bell at the front.

Pierre looked at the watch on his wrist, waiting outside the rather remote location. He was waiting to start his new class on transformative magics, but it wasn't held at the university itself. The building was a medium sized mansion, rather nice looking but also quite some distance from the school, at the edge of the city. Pierre arrived early as he did for all meetings, but it seemed he was the only one who thought to do that because it was some time before anyone else appeared. Pierre was tall and rather handsome with mid length hair swept back and dark blue eyes behind small round glasses.

The next to arrive was a man and woman- they had run into each other on the way over and started talking to each other. The man was Chad- notoriously a bit of an asshole. Not as tall as Pierre but better built with lean muscle. His eyes were forest green and his very dark brown hair was chin length and cut the same length all the way around- so it often hung in his face. He had been a prodigy in Necromancy but dropped out and switched to transformation studies just to spite his parents. The woman is Katrina, a bit of an oddball personality. She was very beautiful, very busty, and very meticulous about her appearance- but contrarily she is a bit shy as well. She is kindhearted and is well known to be a very good study buddy- sharing her sharp mind with others. Her hair is to her shoulders and made of sandy blond ringlets, and her bangs are all the way to her eyebrows. She has heterochromia so her eyes do not match- one is green and one is blue and her eyebrows are pretty big for a woman.

The next to arrive was not too long after- arriving with perfect timing at the door right when the clock hit the start of class. Pepper is a very tall woman, with C cup breasts and a nice bubble butt on her wide hips. Her long red hair is tied in a high ponytail, and she always has a bit of a serious look on her face. Pepper is not known for keeping quiet nor for having a sense of humor- so a lot of people avoid her so they don't agitate her by accident. She is known for putting people on blast over only minor hiccups and embarrassingly calling a lot of attention to them.

It seemed like there should be more people, but Pierre pointed out how strict the requirements were for being able to sign up for the class in the first place. There are too many variables, so the spells are too intricate to be taught broadly to a larger class. The classes had very few people in them so the professor could be more personal with his lessons. Pierre also tapped his watch with a bit of annoyance, noting it was time for class to start and the teacher was still nowhere to be seen. Since it was held at this building, they could not even get in without the teacher so they were forced to just stand around at the door.

Pepper grumbled along with Pierre. "Great first impression, professor..."

Chad smirked. "I would suggest we prank him, but not much to work with out here."

Katrina was walking around a bit looking the building over. "So, is it true the great sorceress Moth used this building for her experimentation before? Imagine the sort of transformations she created right here."

"It's true." Everyone turned to see Professor Lancelle walking up, in no particular hurry with his hands in his pockets. "When she was done using the mansion herself, Moth generously donated it to the university. I hope you don't mind if you are monitored, the mansion is filled with surveillance enchantments. You will quickly find that my methods of teaching are... unorthodox." He opened the door for everyone to get inside finally.

Chad seen Katrina was looking a bit nervous and decided to prey on her by passing a rumor on to her that he had heard. Some people had warned him about Lancelle before he signed up for the class. The teacher is a bit of an oddball, and some people were uncomfortable with his teaching methods- but unwilling to advertise why.

Lancelle flicked on lights as he walked and brought them to a huge banquette hall. "There are five bedrooms and two bathrooms, a pool with a weightlifting area and sunroof, the banquette hall, a game room, and a study. The extra bedroom is locked. The kitchen and building beyond this are off limits- I will keep them locked behind me. Shadowing some of Moth's own work in the past, this is how this class is going to go. I will be monitoring you all from time to time, take this day to mingle with one another and get a feel for the building- you will be living here for the duration of the class after all. Tomorrow I will explain my first introductory lesson, because I need to observe you for a bit before I can set it up." He raised an eyebrow and leaned toward them a bit. "Be warned- my first lesson is a dozy. I use a hard but fundamental skill as the groundwork for what is to come. So I start you in the deep end."

The banquette hall and pool area were the largest so they immediately became the two locations to hang out, though the banquette hall was the better option because of all the chairs. Pierre approached Katrina first, knowing by her reputation she would be the easiest to connect with. From what he heard about her personality he had assumed her well-tended beauty was a sort of compensation for her shyness- stemming from a desire to fit in, but being otherwise inept at it. As he actually talked to her though, he started to doubt his initial theory. She was timid and soft spoken but also warm. But her flaunted beauty did not seem to be born of an mental instability, she was too comfortable with her appearance herself for that to be the case.

"So, Katrina, what is your drive to learn this type of spell specialty?"

She blushed a bit. "Eek, just Kat please. I never liked the sound of Katrina, only my mom calls me that." She looked up a bit absentmindedly at the roof. "Uhm, I guess sort of because I like trying different looks, and for the power to make things beautiful... ah! I know how that sounds! That isn't the only reason, that is just my own personal reason for doing it. It is also because Moth specialized and dedicated so much research into it, and she does so many great and wonderful things, so how could the path she chose not be an impressive one, right?"

Pierre chuckled, adjusting his glasses. "Yes. Personally I did it out of a curiosity of sympathetic relationships with non-human species. Rather than point out the differences between man and beast, I want to find the similarities. I think humanity as a whole could learn to be more conscientious of the world if it could sympathize more with it." He looked down the long table a ways at Chad sitting in the middle, with his feet crossed up on the table, leaned dangerously far back in the chair. "And what about you? You were a Necromancy study before this, were you not?"

Pepper huffed, sitting at the opposite end of the table some distance down. "Yea, rather presumptuous."

Chad glared at her. "Hmm, you got something to say icequeen?"

"I am saying you signed up for an advanced class in a completely different line of study, you really think you can keep up?"

"Tsk. I passed the same tight criteria as you did. Without any prior study. If anything, sounds like you are below ME."

"Just because everyone else was worse, doesn't actually mean you are good."

He just huffed at her, rolling his head back to look at Pierre. "I signed up because it would be awesome to be able to turn people into stuff. Design my own monsters..."

Kat furrowed her brows a bit nervously. "Y-you know it's illegal to change someone against their will, right?"

"Nah. It's illegal to get caught."

Pepper sighed. "I study transformation because I think it allows you to know your body on a level that would normally be impossible. To completely change its physical form but still be familiar with it, to know who you are on a level deeper than your default appearance. I probably could have taught myself to master it eventually without having to continue my classes on it, but I heard Professor Lancelle was particularly strict so it caught my interest again."

They each took their time wandering the building as the day went on, and early the next day they all eagerly awaited Lancelle. Pepper had tried to go out to stretch her legs and get some fresh air and was the first to discover the front doors were sealed.

Lancelle nodded as she questioned him on it as soon as he arrived in the banquette hall. "Ah, yes. I suppose the class description could have worded it better. When it says you are living here for the duration of the class it means only here- the university will restock the food and even prepare it for you as needed, since you are not allowed into the kitchen or to leave the building. You are essentially trapped here. That is why a building like this mansion was used- so that you would have access to all the basics of living without needing to leave." He lifted a book he had in his hand and flipped it open to where he had been using his thumb as a bookmark. "Now for your initial test. This will be a competition of sorts, to show me what you got. To start your lessons on transformation- I will be transforming all of you, and you are supposed to resist it."

Pierre raised his hand, a bit confused. "Spell warding and mental resistances are a sorcery specialty, not body transmutation."

"You won't be resisting the magic; you'll be resisting the results. You see, the spell will transform you all into an animal according to your behavior. The more you act like that animal, the more you will change. Now... that might sound easy at first but I will tell you right now I am using the same alignments Moth did- it is very sensitive. I severely doubt any of you will resist for long, so it is more a matter of how long you can hold out without turning all the way. This is the sort of lesson you can't learn from a book. I currently have a black cat in my office- it wears a bell on its collar that contains the crystal that will be radiating the spell effects. The spell increases in intensity when the bell rings- assuming you are within listening distance to the bell."

Now Pepper raised her hand. "What is the point of that? Why place it on a cat?"

"Because you are meant to resist the change- if you knew exactly when the spell would activate you could deliberately modify your thoughts and actions to avoid ever changing, and then it wouldn't be a very good test, now would it? You don't know where the cat will go, and when it will move- even I don't know. This prevents you from being able to brace yourself for it- because it will be random. I will return to my observation office at the top of the building, you will not see me again till we see where everyone's resistances are at. Consider this a sort of... last man standing."

As soon as Lancelle opened the door to leave, the black cat walked in and the gentle ring of its bell echoed in the large hall. As soon as they heard it, all four students felt strange. Pepper put her head down onto her palm, resting her elbow on the table with a bit of a smile as the cat wandered past. The others did not notice she had her finger in her ear- and switched hands so she could cover the other as the cat passed her. She still felt the odd sensations but much weaker- the sound of the bell amplified the spell, so if you can't hear the bell its effects become weak. She just had to make sure not to be obvious about it- it would definitely be considered cheating. Kat felt a bit stiff from the sound, like her joints were not sitting quite right. Pierre felt oddly giddy and a bit light headed. Chad took his feet down and crossed his arms as his nipples stiffened against his will.

Stage 1; 10%

As the day went on, the cat wandered the mansion. Unlike a lot of cats that just flop down in random places, this cat remained wandering most of the day, like it was looking for something but wasn't sure what. Pierre stuck with Kat, since Pepper was a bit cold and Chad just seemed like a jerk. Chad passed them a few times catching Pierre giggling along with Kat at some silly joke, and mocked him for it. As soon as Chad went somewhere else, Kat was quick to pat Pierre and tell him not to pay Chad any mind. Like a mother or older sister, she encouraged Pierre to be himself- that bullies will get what they deserve in the end. In the middle of per speech though she blushed brightly and caught herself off with a sudden moan at the sound of the bell as the cat walked past the door to the game room! A throbbing pressure in her hips surged and on the third throb her hip bone audibly popped and expanded, and her tail bone itched a bit as it swelled a bit longer.

She put her hands on her cheeks to hide her blush. "Oh gosh... I don't suppose you have any changes Pierre?"

He shook his head. "Not that I have noticed anyway."

And that was the key phase- not that he noticed. He did however notice a bit later when he went to the bathroom. His hair was longer, his facial hair was not growing back in like it would have normally by now, and as he went to pee- he noticed his penis seemed a bit smaller! There was one toilet stall and one urinal in the men's bathroom- and Pierre was at the urinal when Chad came in, stifling a laugh as he glanced at Pierre's package before going over to the sink.

Pierre blushed brightly as he finished and zipped up. "Don't be such a jerk."

Chad splashed water on his own face. "Don't be such a fucking girl. If you're going to act like a faggot, I am going to call you out on it, simple." Chad nervously brushed a hand over his shirt pretending to straighten it out, but actually feeling his puffy nipples to see if they were still as bad as before- yes they were.

Lancelle tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair from the observation office before grabbing up a very large spell book and looking through it. "Alright, that's it." He reached over to the onyx spell tablet and erased the runes that were going to swap genders as part of the changes. He changed Chad's back to male. They were also meant to transform into animals that mirrored their personalities, which would make the transformations much harder to resist, but Lancelle decided to completely change the rules for Chad's. "My class, my rules Chad- and in terms of personality, you fail, hard."

As Chad left the bathroom to go work out on the lifting equipment by the pool, he felt relieved as his nipples finally seemed to return to normal. He glanced back as he heard the bell echo in the banquette hall behind him though, and then found himself remembering seeing Pierre's junk. He shook his head, wondering why on earth he would want to remember that and tried his best to ignore it. As he worked out, he would occasionally hear the bell in the distance and wondered if that still counts. If it's an echo and not the direct sound, does it still have the effects of the sound? Because of that was the case, the banquette hall and pool area were a death trap. They were connected by an open hallway with no doors- any sound in one echoed into the other, which created a very large space to get caught in it. He started to feel oddly pent up as he worked out, and grumbled in frustration as he found himself unable to work with weights he would normally find fine. Between switching to a smaller weight he rubbed his hand on his crotch idly, and was surprised to feel a damp spot. He must be leaking a bit of pre from his stiff erection! He glanced around but neither seen nor heard anyone, which means the banquette hall was also empty. He could go to the bathroom or his bedroom but he was so horny his mind just wanted him to deal with it right here and now. He pulled his pants down just enough to start masturbating right there under the half glass dome roof overlooking the woods just outside the city. He looked down at his dick, becoming oddly fixated on it. He remembered Pierre's dick again and his twitched and spat a gob of pre in response. Why was he thinking about that again?! He found himself wondering what it would feel like to have Pierre's dick rubbing against his own, and felt his orgasm building even as he puzzled over why he would think of such a thing. He came HARD- he could feel the force of the streams stretch his urethra as they rocketed out of him. When he was done, the confusion really set in, and regret for having done that by the pool! Chad dashed toward the bathroom, hoping no one would spot him before he could clean up his little mess. He had to grab his pants and pull them up a bit as he ran- odd; they fit better than that earlier.

Pierre checked a few times as the day went on- each time he heard the bell. Each time it was hard to notice because the effect was not that pronounced, but his penis and his balls were getting progressively smaller and weaker. When they shrank it felt mildly pleasurable, which made him even more embarrassed- he shouldn't LIKE having them shrink away! He also noted his nipples were becoming more sensitive and the areola puffing up. Pierre stuck close to Kat who tried to comfort him constantly. He had not seen yet- but she did note his facial features were softening as well. He was starting to look like a woman. Kat told him he looked cute, and besides that- it would actually mean he would theoretically last longer in transforming, because gender shifts was not part of the criteria, but still a transformation. The longer he took to turn into a woman, the longer it took to actually start giving him animal features. Again, they heard the bell as it was approaching dinner time and it caught Kat by surprise because she was again in the middle of talking with Pierre and mothering him. Her hips popped again, growing even wider- unfortunately her butt did not advance with it, causing her hip bones to be more pronounced. Her tail bone grew a bit longer, now a small thin tail over her skirt. When they were going to head down for dinner, she scratched her neck and furrowed her brows a bit at the feeling. The skin on her neck was oddly soft and... loose? Just what sort of transformation was happening to her?

Stage 2; 35%

At the dinner table everyone enjoyed their meal, but the conversation was pretty minimal. Everyone was still normal enough that they were determined to not call any attention to their changes, and pass it off like they were fine. The exception was Pepper, who actually was entirely normal still- though she was feeling oddly horny; she was able to just ignore it for now. Pepper was also the last one to finish eating because she was not in a hurry to hide from the others- she had nothing to hide. She was going to head up to the games room to see what it had- she had only glanced in it before. Pepper was startled by the sudden sound of the cat bell and jumped back at the sight of it! Pepper jumping back startled the cat, causing it to jump as well- ringing its bell very loudly in the process! It had been sleeping on one of the banquette hall chairs and jumped down from its perch just as she was walking past! A powerful surge rang in her wrists and ankles as the sound of the bell rang in her ears, toppling her over onto all fours! She groaned in a bit of a panic at the wet cracking and snapping sounds coming from under her skin. As painful as it sounded, it actually did not hurt at all, it just felt like popping a knuckle. She felt a sharp spike of tingling in her tailbone and something jam into the back of her pants, but was more worried about her limbs. Her hands and feet started to stretch a bit, but after a moment it seemed to stop. She got back up but immediately had to bend down and remove her socks and shoes- her feet grew longer and no longer fit in them. Her nails had all turned grey and looked thicker than normal, but other than that the structure of her hands and feet looked mostly the same- just a little stretched. When she tried to wiggle her toes and move her fingers though, she noted that she could not move one without also moving the others beside it. Their movement was no longer entirely independent. She pulled her pants down a bit in the back, showing a bit of her big butt crack, but over it was a tiny fat nub of a tail! It twitched when she touched it, but it was entirely involuntary- she could not consciously control it. Pepper's lips were now a very dark red as well, and the bridge of her nose widened a bit, but it was not very noticeable yet. She felt a bit of a tickle on her face and when she scratched it, she felt wet- and pulled her hand back to see dark blood on her fingers! Two short fat stubs of bones had broken the skin just in front of her temples- the start of horns! A little less sure of herself now, she decided against the game room and instead returned to her bedroom. She removed the tie from her hair and just let her ears hold it out of her face- this made it droop enough in the front to cover her proto horns.

Everyone but Kat went to sleep pretty early. Kat was sleepy, but her shy nature made it harder to sleep in a place she was not very familiar with. She stripped her clothes off and looked at herself in the full body mirror present in all the rooms. Katrina's dirty little secret? She doted on her appearance so much because she was attracted to it- she is bisexual, and turned on by her own body. She pouted as she looked over the tail, though she supposed it was only temporary. Fail or pass, the transformation went away after this test. But it would be horribly embarrassing in front of the others. She softly cupped her breasts and her expression lightened again. At least her tits were unaltered, still standing in their full glory. E cup behemoths with short but fat little stump nipples- her areola had a tapered edge to it from being stretched. Her face darkened a bit again as she rubbed her hand on her neck. It looked puffy- like she was having an allergic reaction. Finally, she slipped into bed and went to sleep. Lancelle immediately took the inhibitors off the spellstone and the entire building softly rang with the sound of the bell! Lancelle was cheating a bit himself- the students had no way of defending themselves against changes in their dreams.

Kat had pleasant dreams of being with Pierre. In her dream though, Pierre was already fully a woman, and Kat had a lot of fun dressing him up in various outfits while he twirled around to show them off for her. Chad appeared in her dream and started to insult him but Kat snorted at him and slammed him up against a wall and winded him with a head-butt. Odd reaction- but it worked, Chad burst into a cloud of black smoke and vanished from the dream, so Katrina saved the day! Pierre was crying from Chad's mean insults but Kat gentle sat him down in her lap. Her breasts felt heavy, and looked a bit swollen, giving her an idea to comfort Pierre. She slipped her right tit out from her shirt and Pierre gently took it and started suckling on the nipple. A moment later, hot milk started to flow out, stronger and stronger. Her now long nipples tingled with pleasure from the flow, and milk started to flow around Pierre's lips as well- it was coming out too fast for him to drink it all. Her breasts started to swell up larger and larger. Her eyes went wide as she finally realized the sound of the cat's bell could be heard! It was audible through her entire dream slowly getting louder, but she only now actually noticed it!

Kat sat up quickly in her bed. She was startled enough in her dream to wake herself up back in reality. She heard the bathroom door slam on the opposite side of her wall- someone making a mad dash to the bathroom must have been what really woke her. Katrina cried out in surprise as an immense pressure in her back though. She placed her hands down between her legs and bent over forward as a pressure surged up her spine and seemed to build up stronger the further up it went. The skin started to thicken there, then rise up into a soft hill, then a large hill, and then a steep hill! Bigger and bigger the bulge swelled into a rather large hump! The skin on her neck felt like it weighed more than it should as well. She slowly turned her neck back and forth against the feeling and as she did, it started to thicken and bulk up as well! Her eyes glossed over with tears as she sat back as straight up as she could with the hunch and grabbed the skin of her throat. It almost felt like grabbing a fistful of dough! As she pawed at the skin it stretched even more! It started to collect into rolls and layer itself, growing more and more against her will. Her ears were larger and pointed now as well but she was far too worried about her neck to even notice that. Her fingers cracked as she kneaded her bulking skin, becoming stiff and hard to move. The same thing that happened to Pepper earlier was happening to Kat now- the bones in her hands and feet stretched out and partially fused. When it finally stopped her nails were completely black, and her fingers and toes were bunched up against one another- they all moved together, not individually at all. Kat wiped her eyes and slowly got up and walked to the mirror- dreading what she would see. On the way over she noted her tail was much longer now, but still just as thin- it ended in a tassel. Her neck was even worse than she thought! There was a TON of soft, loose skin hanging off her neck! So much so that it pooled on the top of her breasts and formed like, twelve folds. Droopy loose neck skin and a big hunch back... just what was she turning into?!

"I thought we were turning into animals, not... freak monsters! Ooh, my voice too...." Her voice was noticeably deeper now, though still womanly.

Chad was having a very confusing dream himself. He was having sex with Pierre! Then halfway in another man he had not seen entered him from behind! He tried to look around at him but a huge dick caught his eye to the side of him, and then he felt two dicks slide against his hands and he automatically grabbed them. He could feel the intense heat in the cocks on the palms of his hands, the throbbing of their heart beats through the veins. Before he realized what was going on there was a giant cock in his mouth too! It was pushed into him so far all he seen was the section of the man's crotch immediately over it and nothing else. More dicks started to push into his field of vision and his body started to convulse with pleasure radiating out from inside it. Why did he love this so much?! He woke up startled and grabbed his crotch as he skyrocketed toward another very powerful orgasm! Oh no, if he came in his bed everyone would know something was up when he changed the sheets! He grabbed his cock, using his index finger to push in on the urethra to close it off as he got up and was going to race to the bathroom but it was too late. He orgasmed hard, holding down on his dick equally hard to prevent it spraying everywhere and making a mess, but something completely unexpected happened. Soft sounds of chugging liquid emanated from his balls as the cum backfired into his testicles- swelling them in soft pulses! The scrotum blushed pink as his balls swelled up tight, feeling packed since they were not meant to store that kind of liquid at all. Once the throbs of his orgasm died down he resumed his dash to the bathroom. His pants kept slipping down, and tripped him up a bit causing him to hit his hand on Pierre's bedroom door to regain his balance, then slammed the door unintentionally from closing it too fast when he got to the bathroom- waking up Katrina whose bedroom was on the other side of the wall from the men's bathroom. He released his death grip on his cock but only a little cum came out. Only the cum that was trapped in the length of urethra on his shaft itself came out- the rest was now trapped inside his balls! He only wore his pants to bed, but he noted they were even looser now than before- he must be shrinking! His dick looked like it might be a bit smaller too... his balls definitely were not. He went to the sink to splash water on his face and noticed his nails were now claws- though still translucent like nails, and not very long at all- and quite narrow. His tailbone was a bit longer too, but not enough to start calling it an actual tail. Looking into the mirror, he could tell he was smaller now from how low his reflection is.

In Pierre's dream he was laughing and giggling with Kat, both blushing brightly as strong hunky men flexed and posed to try to gain their approval. Pierre was wearing a huge beautiful gown, and had large breasts! One man walked up, leading a horse by the reins, but instead of stopping and posing like the others he stepped aside and motioned to the horse. It took a step forward and turned to the side- revealing its four foot long erection bobbing with his heart beat, and both women gasped in awe. Pierre woke up suddenly from Chad's hand hitting his door, but woke up too late to realize. Pierre felt a very gentle pleasure on his chest and looked down thinking he was going to see breasts like in his dream but what he seen was almost the opposite. His chest was still flat- and his areola were fading into the rest of his skin! His nipples were flattening and shrinking away! He felt the muscles in his crotch twitch and instinctively cupped his hand there feeling an urge to stick something in. He gasped when he could not find his balls! His entire scrotum was missing, and in its place, a very small, tight pussy! Before his brain even fully processed what he had, his finger was already sliding inside; his pussy was hungry, and wet. It was too small to fit anything more than his index inside. As he bent further over to explore his new crotch, his hair fall forward and he sees it was a LOT longer now. It was long enough to reach the bottom of his ribs. His hands were so... slender looking. The skin was so soft and elastic compared to what it was. His penis remained where a clit should be, but it was again smaller than before. Using his middle finger to feel his hungry hole, he used his other hand to grab the small penis. He felt horny, especially with memories of his dream still clear, it felt like his penis should be erect but it was still soft to the touch. What it lacked in stiffness it made up in a heightened sensitivity! He tried to control himself but could not help but moan from the strong feelings of a new type of pleasure. He started to thrust his finger into himself faster, and the vagina started to loosen a bit and grow wider, a second finger now teasing the opening eager to join the first. As he jerked his small weak penis it shrank even more, but its sensitivity kept going up! It shrank away, becoming underdeveloped and so small he could only use a finger and a thumb to grip it, and then it shrank so small he could only roll his index finger around on its head. The foreskin shrank back into a clitoral hood and the glans lost definition as the urethra closed up, and a new opening for it opened inside the vulva. Pierre moaned breathlessly, face red from exertion as she rapidly rammed two fingers into herself and rubbed her penis completely out of existence. There was no way. No way she could call herself a man now, there was nothing left. Her moans became higher and higher pitched as her voice changed. She clenched her legs shut as her entire body trembled like a leaf in the wind. In spite of being larger now, her vaginal opening clamped shut on her fingers so hard her fingertips all turned beat red. Pierre experienced his first female orgasm!

The cat meowed on the other side of her bedroom door, curious about the sounds inside. Pierre was settling down now though, her breathing starting to return to normal. The cat figured no one was going to answer the door so it got up to leave again, shaking itself to resettle its fur- which rang the bell as loud as it can go in the silence of night, right outside of Pierre's door! Pierre squealed in surprise at a pitch so high only a dog would be able to hear it. She rolled over and clutched her blankets tightly in her hands as she stretched her legs out in response to the feeling of the muscles squirming on their own and swelling bigger. Her feet let out an absolute cacophony of snapping and cracking sounds as her bones rapidly fused together, her nails turned black as they bulked up and grew so large as to start to overtake her toes- as they were quickly uniting into only a single toe. Her feet got very long, very quickly, making her legs half again as large as they were. Pierre let out a breathy grunt with each pulse as a gentle pressure throbbed into her tail bone and created a small surge of pleasure and an almost tickling pressure. Her tail bone grew out a bit, then a bit more into a tiny tail but then the pressure built up without growing anything. In a sudden burst it exploded out from the skin in a prickly, itchy feeling as her tail erupted into long hairs! She involuntarily thrust her hips into her bed, creating a web of vaginal lube unintentionally between her and the bedsheets as the tail hairs grew out in length and became long enough to actually reach down past her knees as a long horse tail! By the time she looked back at her legs, the cracking sounds of her feet were slowing to a stop and she realized she did not have feet anymore at all- she had horse hooves. Fur grew on her legs starting at the hooves and spread up like a shadow on her skin, but the feeling was very gentle compared to her tail because horse fur is extremely fine. The fur covered her now more muscular thighs and faded across their surface- so it did not reach quite far enough back to cover her butt. Her muscles were still shaky from the changes as she slid her limbs under herself to raise herself up on all fours. As her stomach dragged on the blankets when she was getting up though, she felt a pleasurable tingle. She had seen them earlier but passed them off as freckles- two black dots just over her crotch, but now they had stiffened and projected out further... the start of teats. That is why her nipples vanished and she never grew breasts.

Pepper's dream was odd as well. In it she was extremely tall, towering over everything like a giant. Chad was picking on Pierre again, so Pepper stepped on him. He squealed for mercy, trying to squeeze out from under her, so when she actually took her foot away he flew out and cracked his head on one of the table legs. Pierre and Kat cheered her, and she started dancing with Kat... which could only make sense in a dream given their high difference. As they danced though, Pepper found herself watching her huge E cup hills jostle around in her shirt, and got close to them. Kat did not say a word and popped one out of her shirt and Pepper started sucking on it. She held Kat around the waist but then her hands slowly slipped lower and into her skirt. Katrina smelled nice... why... why was Pepper so turned on by Kat? In reality she was humping her mattress rather vigorously as her clit stiffened and started to tingle with built up pressure. It stood out more and more, growing longer out of its hood. Her hands started to crack and stretch even longer, this time neglecting her thumb and pinky in the growth, stretching the middle three digits farther away from them. Her nails got even thicker, especially on her pinky and thumb which regressed in size at the same rate- till the nails formed tiny hoof segments over their ends. Her feet underwent the same thing, but did not stop where her hands did. The largest and smallest toe both equalized as they regressed into little dew claws on the back of her legs. Her remaining three became two large toes as they stretched even farther from the ankle and turned into cloven hooves. Dainty and small hooves like those of a deer. The tiny tail she had already grown did not change in shape or size, but burst into a flourish if fur- a poofy triangle. Her lips continued to darken till they were glossy black, and the end of her nose started to darken slightly now too. The bone spurs on her head grew a bit longer, looking like small horns, but as they slowed to a stop for the night they had just started to begin branching off... like antlers.

Stage 3; 70%

The next day everyone remained in their rooms for some time, too embarrassed to face one another. The first to advance was Pepper, only to find she was the only one eating breakfast. Katrina deliberately listened at her door for activity, and did not peek out till Pepper had finished eating and went upstairs to hang out in the study. She still could not use the game room- but now it was because her hands were too much like hooves for her to use the games. She could still turn pages of a book even if they were full hooves though, so the study it was. Kat slipped into the banquette hall determined to finish breakfast quickly and run back to her room. She had loved her body before but now she did not know what to think of it. She still had her large beautiful tits but she was hunch backed and had enough skin on her neck to cover a second body. Her stomach did not let a quick breakfast happen though. She was much, much hungrier than she had thought and kept going for seconds, and thirds. As she gorged herself the cat brushed up against her leg and with a jingle it popped her hips yet again! Her hips were tremendously wide now, but her actual butt still did not get any bigger so it looked quite boxy now because of the bone structure. She groaned as her feet started to change, but did not pause stuffing her face long enough to even look at them. Her feet were going the way of Pepper's- except Katrina's hooves were growing broader.

Pierre knew she could find shelter with Kat- she would not judge her changes... but Chad was still out there somewhere too. She could hear activity in the banquette hall so she remained in her room- not realizing it was only Kat out there in the first place. Chad threw a sheet over himself and wore it like a cloak in an attempt to hide his changes. He still wore his clothes under that, but they were practically draped over him. Surely they would think it was strange and still ask him but he could lie, or just say he had minor changes to make it believable. He felt tremendously pent up though thanks to last night's mishap. He also kept thinking about his dream, the soft outer skin of their dicks rubbing against him, the stiff body of the cock below. The engorged rubbery glans in his mouth. He realized he was starting to breathe heavily and snapped out of his imagination again. Why was he so obsessed with dicks? He needed release but he knew the girls would just taunt him and he kept thinking of dicks, so on his way to the banquette hall he instead paused outside Pierre's door. He remembered seeing Pierre's small penis and laughing at it but... he wouldn't mind that in his mouth right now. Pierre's balls slapping against his chin. Against his logical thoughts he knocked on Pierre's door.

Pierre only sat on the edge of her bed, not intending to open the door. "What? Who... is it." She tried to sound manly but her voice was just too different.

"Pierre you... you're a... gay right?"

Pierre furrowed her brow and was about to tell him to fuck off but then actually thought about it. She really liked Kat, but in what way? Now that she actually thought about it, she sort of wanted to know what riding a dick would be like... plus he currently does not have the equipment to be in a woman. On the other hand- Chad did not know what has become of him, so he is technically asking if Pierre was gay before, which would be a resounding no.

Pierre sighed. "Sure."

"Look, I am sorry about b-before... uhm.. I..." A soft jingle could be heard. "I will let you fuck me to make up for it!"


She went to the door, baffled as to what he was talking about and when she opened the door it looked like no one was there. Pierre was still quite tall like before, which put his line of sight WAY over where Chad now stood. Pierre couldn't help but grin at how needy he looked. He could tell by him softly rocking his hips he needed it bad. Chad was equally baffled, expecting a man to answer the door, and instead a naked woman wrapped in a blanket. Horse hooves clopping on the floor below. Great. Chad craves a man badly, only to find the only other man is now a woman. He winced a bit at a dull ache in his balls. He didn't care, woman or not he needed to get off.

Chad lay down on the bed and Pierre got up to ride him. Chad let out a huff with each downward slide because Pierre weighed so much compared to his smaller body. Pierre got to try out her new pussy on an actual penis. A few veins bulged out around her crotch, pulled taught from the muscle below. Her labia started to darken and fatten up a bit more, and her clit throbbed bigger. Neither of them had noticed but Chad did not completely close the door again when he came in- the cat wandered into the room softly jingling along the way. Chad's ears started to get rounder, and his front teeth started to enlarge giving him buckteeth. The end of his nose turned pink as he closed his eyes while Pierre rode him. He was being ridden by a woman, but his imagination was still swimming in dick. His body gave off small muffled snaps as he started to shrink even more. Pierre's clit became as big as a pingpong ball and her labia turned completely black, and quite thick. Her anus started to puff up, projecting out and darkening to match the labia. The two nub like proto nipples started to grow and fatten, the skin around it stretching up and out as well as the dark skin color advanced outward. Puffy little mounds turned into jiggly little hills and then fat spheres as her horse udder grew, jiggling up and down and slapping Chad's crotch with each drop. She felt him getting close, his swollen balls drawing up as the veins in his dick started to throb violently. Pierre got off and smiled at the sight of the twitching cock. Chad was about to swear at him... er, her for stopping but he was so close to the edge it wasn't going to stop, even if Pierre did. Chad came explosively just as Pierre reached down, and pinched the end of his dick to prevent it from coming out. Chad's eyes went wide and he started thrashing around trying to get out of the grip but Pierre was gigantic compared to him now! His balls throbbed and you could easily hear the gurgle of churning liquid as they pulsed bigger and bigger. His scrotum again blushed pink and then red as it was pulled tight by the engorged balls inside! They felt hard as rock. The veins in his scrotum bulge from the surface as they were pinched by the stretched skin. His scrotum became shiny, smooth, and round from internal pressure and still his balls swelled bigger with an orgasm even larger than last time! He sat there breathing heavily, staring at his balls afraid to move at risk of bursting them. Pierre let go of his shaft but only a little came out- the rest was again backfired into him and swelled up all his inner workings.

Pierre smiled. "Now we are even from before. And we are done here- get out of my room."

Chad slid off the side of the bed and had another mini heart attack when he seen just how small he had become! He was the size of a little kid at this point! And his balls were giant- the bottoms were level with his knees. He had to waddle to move, his balls were too large to fit between his legs so they flopped against the front of his legs as he walked, which hurt if he took too large of a step. He felt more pent up than ever! He was so desperate he felt delirious.

After Chad waddled off to beg help from someone else Pierre looked fearfully at the cat, sitting in the middle of the room. If she shooed it away the bell would ring. She carefully walked up to it, making sure not to spook it and then gently picked it up. She was going to grab the bell to keep it from moving at all but she felt a surge of energy the moment she touched it and immediately knew that was a bad idea. Pierre walked it to the door and put it down carefully outside, but as soon as all four paws touched down the cat shook itself to resettle its fur, ringing the bell loudly! Pierre was going to shut the door but fell forward, half into the hall as her hands cracked and snapped loudly! Her neck swelled a bit, growing a bit longer as her hair line advanced down into a mane. Her hands quickly devolved into horse hooves and then the changes started to advance up her arms, spreading fur along the way as her muscles tightened and swelled a bit. Her shoulder blades enlarged and shifted forward more. She went to get back up but as soon as she tried to bend at the hip her ass swelled with pressure! Her fur continued its advance over her thighs and consumed her rump as her hips widened with loud hollow pops and her ass cheeks swelled gigantically with muscle! She moaned, wanting someone to plow her from behind more than ever now, but not Chad. Not only was Chad an ass- his dick was miniscule now and pretty much useless in Pierre. She smiled at the sight of her own jiggly teats between her legs but then frowned when she went to get up again- finding her hips cannot bend at that angle. Pierre cannot stand on two legs anymore! She is stuck as a quadruped now!

Pierre was more embarrassed than ever to show herself, but Kat was finally done eating breakfast round 4 and was heading back to her room when she spotted Pierre- who was stuck half out of his door thanks to the cat playing its cursed music. Pierre was a lot more animal than the las time she seen her and a loss less male, but it was not like she was perfectly intact either. As Pierre expected, Katrina was quick to comfort her and usher her out into the banquette hall, insisting she eat at least something before hiding away in her room again. So much time had passed by this point though that Pepper was heading back downstairs and seen them both! All four of them had failed to hide away from the rest, but at the same time since they were all failing equally, it made things a bit less embarrassing. Pierre was entirely naked though, she had only put on a blanket to answer the door and that had fallen away long ago- she did not actually intend to leave her room. Pepper was dressed, and Katrina was dressed but her pants ripped on either side because of her huge hips. All of Chad's clothing was far too big to even come close to fitting him now, and he had to tear the sheet he was wearing around himself because even it was trailing too far behind to use as a cloak now.

When Pepper finished talking with the other girls she was startled by Chad waiting around the corner for her, his hand desperately on his cock. Her jumping back also startled the cat walking behind her up through the banquette hall now, causing it to jingle several times as it jumped back and then ran and hopped up into one of the chairs. Both Pepper and Chad groaned from the sound. Chad felt very dizzy as a fuzzy fur started to grow all over his body, and his torso started to round out and lose its human shape. His teeth continued to grow in the front getting so big they started to drag his face out. He was growing a tail now that quickly grew to the length of his forearm. Most of all though, his head spun as his body shrank even more! He was as tall as a Barbie doll at this point! Pepper had to brace herself on the wall and watched as her deformed hand continued its advance into a cloven hoof to match her legs! Her neck started to pop, rattling her head a bit with each shift as it got longer and thicker, making her even taller! Her already freakishly long clit started to grow even thicker and longer. She could start to feel veins pulsing in it. A urethra started to push its way up through it as her old opening closed up and rerouted itself. Her giant clit has become a small tapered penis!

Wanting to get away from the cat again, Pepper quickly accepted Chad's plea for help and picked him up between her front hooves and ran back to her room. She put him on the bed and was going to ride him like Pierre had but thought twice about it. With his body so close to hers she could not help but smile. Her face got progressively redder till she just outright burst out laughing. Chad tried to plead with her to stop but his voice was so small now he only made her laugh even harder.

Pepper tried to steady herself. "S-sorry heh... hahah... no really. I didn't mean to laugh THAT hard, it's just... this situation we are in is fucking insane." She hooked a finger on her plush labia. "This hole is almost big enough for your entire body so we can't really use that." She eyed her newly grown penis for a moment before teasing its head with a front hoof till a bubble of pre emerged. "Are you small enough to fit in this hole?"

She pushed her dick down with her hoof and lowered it to Chad, rubbing hers against his tiny penis. She thought he would be reluctant to try this way but little did she know Chad was in heaven. His eyes locked on the penis the moment it formed. The feel of it against his own dick, the heat coming off it... even the smell. Being so small, the smells of much larger animals were extremely potent to him, he was drowning in her musk. Once the two dicks were shiny with pre she bent hers down to his and he aimed his forward, sliding the tiny penis into the comparatively giant one. On Pepper the penis was still small, but not to Chad. She gently thrust down over his penis- having to be carefully not to pull completely off by accident and make them realign. Chad was practically drooling with pleasure, it felt so warm, so wet, so rubbery and perfect. Even the sight of the giant dick throbbing against him! Chad's balls tightened- though the scrotum was so tight already you could not outwardly see them move at all. He started to buck upward to meet her thrusts as his body trembled from the immense orgasm erupting out of him! Pepper just pressed hers down firmly onto him and held it there, she was pretty close as well- since her penis was newly formed all of the nerves in it were pretty raw still.

Chad cried out in blissful relief finally as he came explosively into Pepper, filling her shaft with his cum. It just kept coming and coming as his balls veeeerry slowly started to shrink back down. Having the cum pressure pressing so deep into her own shaft though set Pepper over the edge as well and with an animalistic grunt her shaft bucked and exploded with her own cum! She was so much bigger than he is that her flow easily reversed his- and fired his cum right back into him, in addition to her own! Chad cried out and thrashed about but the huge dick was pressed too firmly into him, pinning him to the bed! His balls gurgled loudly in protest and started to swell bigger and bigger, more and more full! The veins on his scrotum throbbed giant and purple with exertion, trying to fight the tension in the skin to still be able to deliver the blood. His scrotum was practically glowing red with pressure. His taint swelled huge like a balloon between his legs and his prostate stretched to rock hard tightness. Even his urethra was forced to stretch to accommodate the tremendous flow, bloating his dick wider and wider. Even the veins in his cock started to swell huge and throb aggressively as even his body itself was in panic mode. Tears started to gather in his eyes, it felt so good and hurt so bad at the same time. It felt like he was about to explode completely- rupture from overpressure. His prostate gave a sharp painful throb and then the pressure surged even deeper! He suddenly felt like he had to pee, then pee really badly! His balls backfired into the prostate, his prostate now backfired into his bladder! Then his kidneys began to drown in spunk overflow. His entire torso started to feel stiff as cum continued to flow through him backwards! He was pretty sure he could feel cum bubbling up into his stomach by the time the flow finally stopped. The two dicks popped off each other and both burped up a final stream of cum. Chad could not even move- there was so much internal pressure in his organs that bending his torso hurt.

"H-heeelp... meee..." He was breathing heavily.

Pepper nudged his tiny penis. "You don't have a pressure release valve- your pecker is pooped. You're going to have to just rest for a while. Guess I will come back later and try again."

Chad did not have much choice in the matter- his balls were far too large for him to walk. Pepper wandered back out to talk with Pierre who was still eating. She glanced at the chairs to try and spot the cat but it seems to have moved again. She talked with Pierre about how easily and quickly they all seemed to forget this was a test to see how long they could resist the animal within. Pierre pointed out that she did remember, it just became sort of an afterthought to exploring her altered body. They all still remembered to avoid the cat, but it was easier said than done. Pepper chuckled, suggesting they deliberately let the beast take over so they can fail the test and get turned back.

Stage 4; 100%

Little did either of them notice, the cat was missing because Katrina picked it up and returned to her room with it. She placed it on her bed and it started purring and sat down. She looked at it, biting her lower lip as she wondered just what she was doing. Lancelle had used subtle mental pushes to get Pierre to hold closed Chad's penis, blocked Pepper's ability to see their backfire coming, and now whispered the thought into Kat's head that her breasts could get even more impressive if she gave into her transformation a bit more. She scooped up the cat to do just that, but now hesitated. So far her transformation was strange and she still did not know what she was even changing into. But bigger breasts? Did she actually want that? E cups were already very big, how big would they get if she just gave in entirely? Would she even be able to stand up with breasts that big? But the transformation would be undone when the test ended. She held her left breast, squeezing gently and with her right hand rubbed the cats chin, causing it to purr louder. Her logical mind said the answer was an obvious no, making an animal of herself was embarrassing enough and doing on purpose was like deliberately trying to fail the class. But her desires said yes, more of that, ALL of that! Before her mind could argue any more with itself she flicked the bell around the cat's neck and listened carefully to the high pitched thrum.

Kat gasped and grabbed at her breasts as she felt a bit of a pressure in them. The skin started to tighten and she felt a wonderful pleasure in her groin as well. To her horror though, her breasts did not grow- they shrank! The pressure was them compacting and the material being dissolved into her body to be repurposed. Her E cups became DD, then D, then C. It felt so good, but she clutched them with both hands as if she could coax them to grow again. She thought... they would get bigger. Another foreign thought popped into her head, telling her it would be ok. For every bit of her size she gave up now- she would regain twice over. That sparked hope in her again, though a bit of a different kind of worry. Twice over? What was twice of an E cup? It would eclipse her entire body, she would be more boob than woman! She softly hummed from the pleasure still radiating in her groin even after her breasts stopped shrinking, and then she suddenly looked down at it and realized the trade she had made. Her entire crotch was starting to turn the same blushed pink as her labia- already there was four equally spaced nipples! The pleasure seemed to stall and then started to fade as the changes slowed down. Oh no, not enough. She quickly turned back to the cat and gave its bell another flick without even thinking.

The sound almost seemed to ring even louder than before. She did not realize her ears were getting bigger, muscles forming in the base to allow them to pivot around, but their size becoming far too large. Now fully leaf shaped they became so huge their own muscles could not hold them up and they flopped over to dangle on either side of her head! Veins stated to bulge out on her gut, getting more pronounced as they emerged lower and lower trailing in the base of the udder. Her breasts tightened and started to slowly shrink again, her breaths grew short and rapid as her entire chest felt tight. The nipples in her crotch swelled longer and fatter and started to flop over slightly from their own weight as four pudgy hills formed under them, and then swelled into mounds. The cat scratched its head, causing the bell to ring more before it jumped onto the floor to leave her room, ringing it yet again as it casually slipped out. Katrina moaned as her entire body tingled in warm, electric pleasure. Her nostrils flared huge as her voice started to deepen, then with a surge of strong but short lived pressure the cartilage in her nose popped loudly and the entire bridge of her nose widened greatly. Her soft red lips started to lighten to candy pink, and as her nostrils widened even more they too turned pink on the ends. Her thighs started to widen and her lower back gave off muffled cracks in rapid fire as she fell forward onto all fours. She tried to get back into a sitting position but it was difficult, her spine did not want to bend anymore. She did not yet realize she could no longer walk on two legs. Her voice continued to deepen, sounding now like the lowing of a beast. The four hills in her crotch swelled even bigger, a muscle rib grew between the four sections, pulling tight to make a soft groove that helped the soft mass keep its shape. The veins at its base grew even bigger- some as wide as her thumb. She poked them a bit feeling how soft they were, and rolling them around under the skin. Her breasts were completely gone now, but her chest still felt tight. Her areola started to fade into the rest of her skin as her nipples shrank. Katrina just gawked at the bulge in her lap as it grew, practically drooling over the sight. Big glorious tits, and they were all hers! She grabbed the two top nipples and yanked them out, pulling some of the soft mass out with them and moaning deeply at the feeling, then let them go and watched it wobble back into shape. She was about to do the same to the bottom teats but her hands cracked, and suddenly felt stiff. Before she could examine her hands, Katrina's eyes went wide and there was a tremendous surge of pressure into her new udder! The giant soft veins suddenly became stiff and her udder started to swell rapidly! Beads of white gathered on the ends of her teats as they flopped around, and then started to trickle. Each section of the udder was the size of a cantaloupe! Then each was the size of a basketball. Her teats started to spray several thin streams of milk with each pulse of pleasure and growth. Kat stared blankly forward, her mind currently whiting out from pleasure overload, her body convulsed with the surges. The udder grew a little bit bigger, a little bit tighter, then a little bigger again.

"M-moooore. Give... me... more. Grow! Get fatter!" Even the milk veins on the body of the udder itself started to project out. "So perfect... it looks soooh perfect. More perfect!" Her heart beat faster in fear of what she was doing to herself. She was afraid of her own desires going completely off the rails.

Kat slammed her clenched hands onto the top of her udder, bending over and shoving them in as hard as she could and involuntarily moo'ed like a cow at full volume! Milk sprayed out in full streams as it felt like her teats were each having their own orgasm and her udder swelled in a big surge again- so fast that you could faintly hear the skin stretching!

Katrina lay on the floor for some time. She knew the others heard her moo, but couldn't bring herself to care right now. It was so loud, Lancelle probably heard it from the top floor. There was a thin puddle of milk on her carpet now under her. On her back, the weight of her udder felt like someone dropped two or three sandbags onto her crotch. Kat bucked her hips weakly, feeling the soft pink mass wobble back and forth, the hot heavy liquid inside sloshing. Oooh, it felt soo good. She didn't want this to be temporary. And she knew that sounded insane. She glanced over at her full body mirror and finally realized what she was turning into. A cow, but not a Holstein. Loose dewlaps on the neck, hump back, and cute long floppy ears- Katrina was turning into a Brahman. Normally a Brahman udder is nowhere near that of a Holstein- except she already had abnormally large breasts in human form. What she lost in breast she gained twice over in udder, resulting in an absolutely behemoth organ. When it hung while she was on all fours, the bottom was lower than her ankles, with the teats hanging even lower than that. It was so wide you could see the curve behind her legs and some distance in front of her legs. Her chest was a bit tight still and her hands stiff- changes that wanted to start but ran out of power before they got underway. Her face looked like that of a cow, but she did not have a muzzle- her skull was still perfectly human shaped.

The cat pawed at the far wall of Pierre's room. It did not know what it wanted still, but knew it had to find it. It knew something was here, but seen nothing and did not know what it was. There was five bedrooms in the hall, which was odd because that meant there was three on one side but only two on the other. Pepper and Katrina's rooms were on the opposite side as the men's bathroom in the other hallway, which was across from the women's bathroom. Then across the bedrooms hallway from them was the doors for Chad and Pierre's rooms, and then further down was the locked, unused bedroom. So across from that, beside Pepper's bedroom was just a blank wall. There was actually an Arcaedum in there, but even Lancelle did not know it was there, because there were no visible doorways to get to it. The cat was currently pawing at the part of the wall in Pierre's bedroom that held the hidden passage that gave into a very narrow pathway in the walls, around to the hidden chamber. Funny that even devoid of its direct memories, the cat knows more about the building than the professor. Not finding anything with its little paws the cat gave up and jumped up to sleep on the foot of the bed.

Only a few minutes after, Pierre came in with the help of Pepper. They both had four hooves, but Pepper's small cloven hooves were still more nimble than Pierre- plus Pierre could no longer stand on two legs. She needed help getting into chairs in the banquette hall and needed others to open doors for her. Pierre couldn't open doors, Kat had hands but could not stand now to reach doorknobs to work them, Pepper barely could open them, and Chad was too small to reach. They were going to have to just leave all doors open a little bit or they will unintentionally trap each other.

Pierre sighed as she wandered into her room again. "Thanks for helping me out. I wanted to get back at that idiot Chad, but... sort of regret it now."

"Oh, he will live."

"N-no, it's just that... I got myself kind of... riled up. And there is no way I am getting in bed with him a second time."

Pepper flinched a bit as her shaft throbbed tight, flicking itself forward against her pants. "I could-" Her face turned red as what she was about to say caught up with her mentally. "I could..."

Pierre turned herself around so Pepper would not see her equine clit wink. "Oh no, you don't have to have sex just to help me out. Besides, it would put us both at risk of changing more."

Pepper's heart beat a little faster, she wanted this, she was going to press this. "Well... but... I got my gender scrambled a bit, just like you."

Pierre looked down and her eyes locked with the twitching bulge in her pants. "Oh..."

"I don't know what it is like to have sex as a male, and you could learn what it is like for a woman."

A part of Pepper knew of course that this was a bad idea, but the part that wanted to know what her dick felt like when put to proper use made up its own schemes to act as an excuse. The cat was asleep right now- the changes only happen when the bell rings, and it's not going to ring if the cat doesn't move. It is also controlled by thoughts and behavior. It is so sensitive that basically any thought or action will trigger it, but theoretically it is still possible to be so neutral at the time of the ringing that nothing happens. The other thing was that this is still a test- she didn't need to be free of changes, everyone else just needed to be fully transformed before her. Pierre is already riled up, if Pepper can put her cock to good enough use and drive her wild with it, she can deliberately cause Pierre to transform. Rather than resist the changes herself, she could potentially win the exam by making everyone else fail.

Pierre turned slowly to show her big muscular horse rump to Pepper, and to hide her blushing face. Pepper quickly stripped out of her pants- they were only partially on in the first place so it didn't squash her small but bushy tail. She struggled a bit with her shirt and almost fell over trying to take it off because the material kept catching on the sprouting tines of her partially formed antlers. Pepper got down onto all fours herself and clopped up behind Pierre, mesmerized watching the large clit pop in and out- giving glimpses of the moist pink insides beyond the black outer lips.

"You want to do it like this? Not on the bed?"

Pierre was still too embarrassed to fully look Pepper in the face. "I don't know, this is all new to me..."

Pepper did not really care how they did it so she stood up and placed her hooves on the big round rump. She would have used her hands to get Pierre warmed up but hooves did not work well for that, and Pierre was already horny. She aimed her tapered penis and slid in. She meant to ease herself in slower but the shock of the pleasure took the strength out of her legs and she fell forward, plowing her dick in and forcing her to hold herself up on Pierre's back. Pierre could not fully support her weight though, and staggered a bit further forward with each strong thrust. The feeling of the plush wet walls of Pierre's pussy rippling down Pepper's cock drove her wild. Pierre had to brace herself on the bed and then bowed her front hooves to rest her chest on the bed fully. With the bed bracing them, they finally stabilized even against Pepper's frantic thrusts; however neither of them noticed the ringing of the bell. The cat was still asleep on the foot of the bed- but every thrust caused the mattress to get pushed down which gently shook the cat and its bell!

Pierre's soft cries of pleasure picked up a reverberence that made them sound more like horse whickering as her nostrils started to expand, taking deeper breaths. Her arms and legs started to get longer, putting her entire body more level with the bed. Pepper was so absorbed in this new kind of pleasure that her eyes did not actually look at anything, her mind was dedicated entirely to burying her cock. A tiny bit deeper, and deeper, tighter and deeper! Every new thrust put her dick deeper into the horse vagina, growing to its full and proper size now. She arched back and let out a high pitch low like a deer in surprise as a strange feeling fired through her! Something solid was getting quickly squeezed out of her! Her pussy had been clenching tighter and getting smaller as her dick grew, and now that it was too narrow to even use for anything, her ovaries inverted and fired out of her! Her labia fused together just in time to act as a net and catch the mutating ovaries as they swelled bigger and converted to testicles. Her labia also advanced forward and enclosed the base of her penis before finishing its conversion to a scrotum so that it also formed the start of a sheath. As she thrust, the sheath advanced forward a bit more- fusing along the belly to hold the penis steadier. Pierre gasped as the penis enlarged inside of her, but took in way more air than she should have been able to. Her ribs cracked in rapid fire expanding her chest greatly in one burst as her lungs became huge- fed by her equally huge nostrils. She whickered again at the good feelings of her torso settling into its new size and her longer, muscular limbs holding it up now. She felt very sturdy, stronger than she did when she was a male human. Pierre bowed her head a bit though as her neck started to slowly lengthen and thicken- the longer they fucked the longer the bell kept on ringing. The cat managed to sleep through all of this, but it didn't matter because they were technically ringing the bell themselves.

Pepper could no longer call himself a woman- his vagina closed entirely as the outer vulva reformed fully into stag genitals. His thrusts slowed a bit but became stronger, more aggressive as his penis grew to full size and the pleasure rippled out from it through his entire lower body in waves with each hit. Pierre's round muscular butt cheeks felt so good and perfectly fit into Pepper's groin. As his new scrotum settled in and relaxed, his balls started to gently slap Pierre's lower butt. Pepper's own limbs started to get longer and his shoulder blades turned forward more as they expanded. It put a bit of a strain on his ribs as the shoulders were disproportionate but his body quickly solved that problem. His own torso expanded quite a bit, the rib cage also expanding downward to obscure any human shape to it- even more so than Pierre. Pierre's horse torso was still sunken in toward the lower body- a stag is mostly barrel shaped. The expansion forced Pepper to take a deep breath without even meaning to- since the amount of breath compared to his new lung size was miniscule. There was no sign of breasts on Pepper anymore- even his nipples gone and fur started to bloom where they used to be. Fur spread up Pierre as well like a shadow- but the black fur was ultra-fine and hid nothing. Pepper's fur grew in longer, just slightly on the shaggy side. His soft grunts were sounding more hollow and animalistic as his voice lowered a bit. He could feel his heart growing in size, the stronger beats hammering in the thick veins in his swelling neck. It grew wider and longer, putting pressure on the spine before it too popped and grew another segment longer and then resumed building pressure for the next pop.

Both of their transformations seemed to synchronize as they approached the end, as the fur advanced up their larger necks, blood pressure welled in their heads and their skulls started to expand. Faster than the rest of her head, Pepper's mini antlers quickly started to bloom, the tines forking and spreading out like the roots of a tree. The antlers gave off a dry, grinding sound from their rapid growth, but Pepper had very minimal feeling in them. Most of the sensation was concentrated in their base where it was a constant outward movement, like her bone was being stretched outward but just kept going and going. Their ears both took the same leaf shapes and flicked forward and back instinctively to test the new grown muscle- Pepper's ears were a bit longer, but not by much. Pierre's long hair continued down the longer neck completing the mane of slightly wavy hair. Pepper was a bit more disgruntled at the sight of his blood red hair falling away. His fur was unable to match it, but his hair did still influence it. It was not brown nor red but rather a halfway between the two. Pierre's teeth started to get bigger, putting pressure on her jaw and then forcing her entire face out. The bridge of her nose started to expand rapidly as it stretched out, and the soft curve of a few veins became visible across the taught skin of her growing face. It paused a moment when she had an almost oval shaped skull, and then resumed a moment later but this time her teeth did not grow any more. Her face stretched out and pulled a gap between her front and back teeth, and made her skull much longer and narrower. Her entire body seemed to be converted! She was not especially big and her face was very chiseled- a lean race horse- a thoroughbred! Her glasses were sort of just perched on her muzzle- obviously the arms did not reach anywhere close to her ears in this form. Pepper's glossy black nostrils and lips joined at the front as his head expanded, but not quite as large as Pierre and quite a bit narrower. Inside of his mouth his teeth remained relatively the same size, but as the jaw extended a gap formed, even longer than Pierre. Aside from the teeth at the very front of the mouth for clipping off plants, all the rest of the teeth are at the back leaving a considerable gap in the middle of the jaw that had nothing in it. He let out a few distressed reverberating bellows as his face finished stretching. Pierre was going to ask if he was ok, but it came out as a neigh. They had both been making animal sounds involuntarily already, but only now did they realize they were actually unable to make human sounds! A slight skip of a beat in their hearts as a briefly lived spark of worry hit them as it occurred to them they had both just lost- they were fully animal!

Even a fully formed stag cock was too narrow for a mare's ravenous pussy, so when Pierre felt Pepper approaching climax quickly as their transformations finally settled in, she straightened her front legs. Standing up on the edge of the bed shoved her ass into Pepper harder, and she pushed back more and more. Because of their now inflexible spines they lose their balance thanks to Pierre's aggressive thrusts and they toppled backwards! Pepper landed on her ass and Pierre landed in her lap, slamming the cock in with the force of her entire body weight and her body went rigid as she came! Her pussy rippling wildly in orgasm, soaking Pepper's balls in her hot juices sent him over the edge and he gripped her back as best he could as he came into her! Both their irises expanded, hiding the whites of their eyes, and Pierre's pupils stretched sideways as they finished. They both fell back, poor Pepper getting the breath knocked out of him as Pierre landed on him, and then they rolled to the side. The two animals remained on the floor spooning each other while they caught their breath. Pepper was entirely red-brown in color. Pierre was black with white booties, a white diamond on her forehead, and a white splotch that covered the front of her face- her lips were candy pink where the spot overlapped them. Her hair however was a charcoal grey on her mane and tail. Their minds raced trying to think of some excuse or solution to their problem. Pierre figured she was done- there was no reversal she knew, and she was fully transformed so there was nothing left to do but wait till Lancelle reversed it. Pepper however pivoted his ears around trying to hear the ringing. The cat was gone- when Pierre started to thrust back aggressively she woke it up and it hopped down and left the room. Pepper had to find the cat! That was his only chance. Lancelle is the only one monitoring them, he is only human. He needs to rest, to eat, to sleep, to go to the bathroom- he can't be watching them all the time. If Pepper changed everyone else into a full animal before Lancelle noticed he failed- it will technically be a tie. He has no way of proving who turned first if he did not see it.

Their romp had already unknowingly doomed Chad too however. Stuck in Pepper's room on her bed he could hear the bell ringing across the hall just fine through the two half open doors. Even if Chad had tried to run out of range of the sound he would have turned the rest of the way before he got there because he would be dragging balls almost as big as his body, each. Chad was already so far turned he was a full mouse by the time he even squirmed onto his feet again. He turned into a little field mouse, so his entire body was about the size of a golf ball- while each testicle was about the size of a baseball. He dragged his giant nuts on the blankets behind himself to the edge of the bed. There was a time his body could have fit this bed. Now the top of the bed was like an entire open field to him. He looked off the edge of the bed like it were a tall cliff. How was he going to get down? He would either splat on the floor from the distance or worst case scenario- land on his balls and WISH he had splat on the floor. Chad was unaware that mice can dislocate most of their bones to fit into extremely small spaces- or suck up impacts that would have otherwise broken bones. He would definitely wind himself, but he would actually survive a fall like that just fine as long as he was ready for it. His tiny eyes caught the glint of the cats eyes though. It was walking out from Pierre's room and spotted him through the gap in the door. Chad did not have to worry about the cat anymore though, he was already fully gone- no human left to lose. His heart beat a little faster however when he realized how the cat was looking at him. He is a mouse now. Cats and mice don't get along. Chad quickly got away from the edge of the bed and the cat bolted at him the moment he moved! The cat jumped up and hooked its claws on the edge to pull itself up but Chad had vanished from sight! It seen a lump moving under the sheets and pounced but Chad had already moved again. He was in BIG trouble. Thanks to his balls he was three times as big of a target and moved three times as slow as a mouse should be able to. He moved under where the blankets were bunched up the most trying to hide his movements as he headed towards the head of the bed. He was going to try to slip out and use the pillows as cover to try and jump off the side of the bed and maybe hide under it in hopes the cat gives up and leaves without eviscerating him. He seen the light at the end of the blankets and the second he slipped out he seen the cat's face right next to him, waiting patiently. The cat wiggled its rump as it prepared to pounce just as Pepper's stag hoof hit the bed and pushed the mattress down so fast from his weight that it yanked both the cat and Chad toward him!

Stage 5; 125% + 125% + 125% ... 375%?!

He lowered his cold wet nose to them, letting out a hot gust of air with a snort. He was going to use his size and his antlers to herd the cat toward the others, but seen Chad was here and already fully gone. That was good- that means he only needs to turn Katrina the rest of the way into a Brahman. When the bell rang though, something felt off. Pepper's ears flicked at the pleasant sound and a very subtle warm tingle in his body. Why did he still feel it? He nudged the bell with a hoof to listen to it again, and again felt the very gentle pleasure. He was already 100% deer, wasn't he? Why did he still feel like he could transform? Could... he still change? His tapered pink dick started to peek out of the sheath again at the prospect of feeling the pleasurable changes again. The transformation felt better the further on it went, not just because of the nature of the changes themselves. Once there was over 50% animal, human genes became the odd one out, so the body actually promoted the changes by sending pleasure signals during the changes- thinking that it is supposed to be an animal at that point. Now that he was fully animal his brain was not working on all cylinders. It would be inaccurate to say he had become dumb- he still had all his memories and intellect but was no longer able to freely access it. His brain operated on a here and now basis- he could not deliberately recall something unless he encountered something that directly sparked the memory. This also prevented any deep thinking or planning- his thoughts were shallow and brief so thinking of consequences was a bit beyond him at this point. More transformation, more pleasure... more cock? As soon as that though solidified, his dick quickly finished erecting itself in one hard throb. Pre started to dribble out as the cock started to vibrate from its rigidity as it stretched longer and longer! He gently bucked his hips absentmindedly at the sensations and his swinging balls stretched the scrotum lower as they grew in weight and size. The cock stretched at a slow and steady rate, but its girth also increased very subtly with each throb- less consistent than the forward advance. His eyes sparkled with an aggressive giddiness as he looked at Chad as if to say 'look at how manly I am now- manlier than your microscopic prick'. A former woman was bigger than someone who was always supposed to be male! Pepper's thoughts kept flashing back to the feeling of his cock sinking deeper and deeper into Pierre.

Chad was only half paying attention; his own hips were starting to rock even though he was laying on his back from being knocked around. Pre was dripping from his own tiny cock in a constant stream- the ringing of the bell was causing pleasure to build up. He could feel an orgasm slowly approaching, he would finally get release! The pressure started to return too though! His body had slowly been relaxing a bit as it stretched around the immense load in him but he was returning to rock hard tightness! Getting aroused was causing his body to brew ANOTHER load of cum even though he was already overfull of it! His balls were getting a tiny big bigger- barely noticeable from the outside but very apparent to him. Pepper's own nuts hung low in his scrotum, almost the size AND weight of bowling balls, as his cock continued to throb bigger. He shuffled over to line it up with Chad and used a hoof to press his giant shaft down onto the groove of his overtight balls and then gently thrust. It was like getting a tit fuck... except with testicles. As the pleasure spiked, so did his desire and the sound of the bell resonated that much more with him, causing his cock to surge in size! An electric, almost numbing pleasure fired into the shaft where it made contact causing him to bellow loudly in surprise! Chad felt the hot skin surround him entirely and then his point of view completely changed, causing his thoughts to spin. Chad had actually vanished entirely! Pepper's cock absorbed him! Thoughts in first and third person clashed over and over as he furrowed his brow trying to understand. He kept wondering where he had gone, but he is himself?

Pepper and Chad had become... Chapper? Both their bodies and minds had mushed together, so he could not even identify himself! He had memories of looking down at Chad and looking up at Pepper! Before he could even begin to figure out what had happened, the absorbed traits from Chad's former body started to equalize with Pepper's. The base of his tail started to grow out longer, the fur quickly covering the new length, but at the thinness of his body- so the end was still a large triangular poof. He shifted his weight back off his front legs as growth built up in his front hooves, but then his back legs buckled from a surging pleasure in his loins- forcing him to sit down on his butt entirely. He felt like he was having an orgasm but nothing was coming out. His dick still grew slowly but steadily, thick veins becoming visible down the entire length! Chap's eye grew wide as he seen the curvature of his balls rising. He thought 'not again' and 'not me too' at the exact same time. Already as big as bowling balls to start with, they swelled to medicine ball size, then beanbag chair size! Thick veins throbbed across the surface as the scrotum yanked tight. He had to straighten his back and rest his front hooves on the curvature of the balls because they were becoming as tall as he is in this position! His front hooves were changing too though- each finger getting longer and the bone structure adapting more joints. The dew claws grew long enough to match his main two toes, creating a structure that was almost like four fingers- two on top and two on the bottom. His ears also became rounder, and his front teeth became large and bucked- but those changes were hard to notice over the alarming pressure in his balls. His tail became large enough that the bushy triangle at the end would brush the floor if he stood up before it stopped. His giant cock started clenching in throbs as it would between streams if it were climaxing, and it still felt like he were having an orgasm even though he was not. He grabbed his shaft with his two faux hands and he could feel his taint swell out with pressure before the pleasure increased even more from the touch, and every other sensation in his body went numb to the strength of the pleasure. He almost felt like he was about to faint before a solid stream of white connected his dick to the roof, slamming into it hard enough to spray out in every direction, and the stream was completely uninterrupted for several seconds before it gave an almost achingly hard throb and blasted another stream! Chapper bellowed over and over at the strength of the surges as the high pressure blasts fired out one after another- each one slightly lower down as the pressure decreased. The entire bed, the end table, the dresser, half the roof and the entire far side wall was absolutely painted in cum by the time it stopped. The gigantic balls had relaxed back into soft beanbag chair sized- still plenty large enough to drag on the ground when walking.

Chapper stood up a bit wobbly. His faux fingers still ended in hoof segments so he could still use them as cloven hooves and hands. His balls were so large they pushed his legs out as far as they could go so his walk would be a waddle at best, and since they dragged on the ground he would have to be careful how he stepped so he did not step on his own soft scrotum. They were still very heavy- he could not orgasm long enough in a single go to release it all, so he had only removed enough to make them feel like they would not explode if they made contact with anything pointy. His cock was so big it actually matched the length of his entire body if he bowed his head forward(not including the antlers). That much had been his own doing though- that was not the fault of their accidental fusion. If anything, Chad's tiny mouse size restrained their growth. They had no way of knowing- Lancelle actually had no intention of turning them back to normal. In fact, against regulations he had removed the limiters on the transformation itself. Pepper had been approaching 110% deer when they fused- willing more into his cock. The reason they merged is because both of them made contact while they both were trying to deliberately change themselves more for their own reasons. There was technically no limit to how badly they can transform so technically their 'test' never ended. The only true limitation was their mind- if they transform so far that they basically break themselves mentally, the spell will no longer function, because it relies on their thoughts and behavior.

Hearing all the commotion however, Pierre softly trotted into the room, eyes immediately glued to the giant cock. Chap was still working with a full tanker of spunk so his dick did not go soft at all and remaining thudding itself against his chest as he carefully turned and seen Pierre. Seeing the sleek, fit body of the mare and her small black tits between her legs, Chapper's balls lifted just far enough off the ground to make a loud thud as they slammed back down, and his cock spat a short stream of pre between the two animals. They stared at each other for several moments before Pierre dashed forward, folded her front legs and practically slid under Chap's front legs with her long equine mouth sliding down the huge shaft! Because her mouth was so long, she could take quite a bit of dick in her before it interrupted her breathing. Her clit throbbed outward and held for longer and longer, connecting her pussy to the floor with long strings of salty lube. She needed it in her too badly to do foreplay! Without pulling herself back, Pierre stood up, shoving her head and neck against Chap's chest. She reared up, tossing him back against the bed and then he slid down fully on his back as Pierre walked over him. The cat stood up on the bed in fear of one of the larger beasts crushing it with their sudden movements, and its ring sounded out. Chapper stared at the black mare tits jiggling softly toward his face as Pierre stepped over him, then stopped and sat back on his cock! Pierre nickered and flared out her lips in pleasure as she slid back nearly to a stop. With a few grunts she shoved herself back using the floor on either side of Chap to brace herself, and managed to get a bit more cock in her. She looked down past her udder and seen at least a foot and a half of dick still outside! It was too big to fit even in a horse- even though Pierre was a bit bigger than Chapper. Pierre skewered herself on it again and again, jiggling her tits with each drop giving Chap a nice show. She loved being so big and strong, but wished she could take more of this cock in her! The cat took his chance now that they were distracted, to jump to the floor and dash out of the room. The ringing turned those thoughts of Pierre to pleasure. Her muscles twitched against the tingling pleasure in her body, and swelled. The divot between muscle groups deepened, muscles bulged bigger and veins became even more noticeable as the skin pulled tight. Her limbs, her body, her neck, even her ass swelled with more muscle! The hair on her fetlocks started to grow out long. Her entire body started to grow bigger as well as more muscular! Inch by inch, more and more of Chap's cock slid inside as the pussy grew bigger and bigger! Each time Pierre dropped that gigantic ass down in his lap the floor below boomed from the weight! He was starting to get a little nervous she was going to break his hip. Her massive taught ass cheeks bumped his giant balls and caused them to bounce forward and back in the scrotum while her tail tickled it.

Chap was really starting to worry, wishing he would cum soon- not just to relieve the pressure finally but to get away from Pierre, since she seems to have completely lost control. She used to look like a lean race horse- now she looked like a behemoth work horse, and was quickly going beyond the realm of... well, any horse. Her ears started to brush the roof! Her mane grew longer and cascaded down the side of her neck and hung over her huge equine pectoral muscles. Her neck was as thick as a trash can! Her front leg and shoulder muscles bulged so far out it looked like she was on steroids. 125% horse. Chapper made strange hollow, grumbling cries trying to talk, trying to tell Pierre to stop letting the transformation go. It was no use though, Katrina was the only one who could still speak- Chap had no way of snapping Pierre out of it. Luckily for them all- the cat was gone now to the end of the hall connecting to the banquette hall. Without the sound of the bell Pierre's changes slowed to a stop, simply because there wasn't enough magic to keep it going, not because she actually wanted to stop. The relief that Pierre wasn't going to crush him to death amplified Chap's pleasure and he bucked into her and came explosively. The orgasm was long and again extremely high pressure- his balls shrinking down in size again. Once finished, his balls were about the size of a medicine ball each- this was as small as they could get now. His scrotum had a lot of empty skin bunched up below the balls now- it would take some time for the skin to tighten it back into shape after having been so badly stretched.

Finally free of the extreme need to empty out, Chapper stood up quickly on all fours again, remembering Pepper's plan. The amount of time that passed since she fully turned had now been so ridiculously long there was no possible way Lancelle had not seen them already- but that part was too complicated for Chap to think about. Pierre stood up, breathing heavily with a blissful, almost drunken look in her eyes as she wobbled in place and then just fell over entirely. She hit the ground so hard all the furniture in the room momentarily left the floor. Chap shook his head at her, seeing she was fine, just tired. Something about her transformation really triggered her and sent her off the deep end. Chap glanced at his retracting penis and wondered how close he had also come to doing the same thing with his dick. It formed several fat pink folds of flesh around the front of the sheath in a big bunch, and then the wide tapered point of the shaft itself in front of that in the middle. That was as far back as it could possibly go; the sheath was already overfull- he grew his dick, not his body so there was nowhere to stick it all when it wasn't being used. Chap knew he had to hurry and find Katrina and end this madness by failing her. He approached the cat quickly, lowering his head before the cat could react and used his antlers to scoop it up and carry it!

Kat was in the banquette hall, eating still more. She loved the feeling of being milked, of being full and then blasting the pressure out. She ate until her udder filled then pressed on it to blast out the pressure, feeling like a sort of udder orgasm. Now she was back eating again- never gaining any fat; her body immediately converted any excess food into milk instead of fat reserves. Chap had not seen her since she gained her glorious mega mammary. It was too hard to get up and stay sitting straight in a chair because of her new body shape, so she was on all fours while she ate off the table, pulling the tablecloth to slide more food to the edge so she could reach.

Katrina paused when she seen Chap. "Oh... my... God. W-what happened to you?! Pepper, is that you?"

Chap walked up to her and half nodded. It was... sort of Pepper. Chapper could tell, because he remembered Pepper wanting to ask Chad if his favorite cheese was 'Chadder'. He slowly circled around Kat, who blushed brightly, knowing what he was looking at.

"Yea. I transformed more too. It's... not too bad." She lowered her voice to almost a whisper. "I kinda like it..."

Chap bowed his head a bit, deliberately ringing the bell of the cat in its antlers as he nudged his cool wet nose against the udder. Kat giggled at the touch on her sensitive mass and stepped aside a bit to escape the cool surface. She hummed in gentle pleasure and was too focused on what Chap was doing to notice- but Chap himself seen her arms starting to bulk up to better match her already bovine legs. Brahman were not especially big cows, so her overall size probably wasn't going to change much- which actually meant she was closer to the finish line than expected. Chap bowed his front legs and ducked low enough to take a teat in his mouth and suck.

"Haaah- aaah~ I-I-I see you... like it toooh. A-aah... muh!"

Chap DID enjoy it greatly, but that wasn't the reason he came here. He gently wobbled his head back and forth, ringing the bell softly over and over. Even though Katrina could hear the bell clearly, her brain did not register the sound at all- it was not loud or abrupt enough to snap her out of her revelry. He pressed his nose into the soft surface of the udder as he sucked, pushing as much of his face into the plush surface as possible to feel the warm rubbery flesh against him. He could drown in an ocean of this and not mind a bit. He seen her legs tremble from the pleasure and quickly moved forward, putting his faux hand under her side as she slipped on the tile floor of the banquette hall and almost fell on her side! She was too heavy for Chapper to hold up with his quadruped posture, but he was able to ease her down gently at least. Her udder felt great normally, but the only reason it felt good enough to literally knock her over is because the pleasurable changes the bell was inducing. With each of her rapid breaths her chest got a tiny bit bigger- a pop could be heard inside every few breaths as bones re-set. Her body had been entirely nude except the tassel on her tail till now, but finally from her tail up ultra fine fur began to spread. White around her hooves, her belly, and around her nose, but everywhere else it was a blue-grey. Chap nudged her over onto her back completely and finally popped off her teat- watching her udder wobble back into place as the teat flicked back. He stepped over her, so his freakishly bloated but still flaccid dick flesh was close enough to the backside of her udder that she could feel the heat. He was looking her right in the eyes, trying to communicate as much as possible without any words. She got progressively more breathless, letting out moans that were more like breathy 'muh's. Kat was already breathing heavily when her chest started to expand, which expanded her lungs which would have made her momentarily breathless even had she been breathing normally so her body was having a hard time catching up. Her voice was getting even deeper- and slowing down as it became harder to use like she used to.

"Oooh... wuait.. I... I'm gettung m-muuoar cooohw. W-we shouuuld stop..." Her front legs were getting pushed farther apart by her growing torso, preventing them from moving around like arms at all.

Chapper lowered his bushier chest fur down to the surface of the udder while not breaking eye contact. "O-ooouuh. Yuuuh thuunk oooh shouuuld gut muuoar bug?" Her words were getting harder to use, her tongue was getting too big to move around easily.

Chap took another step forward and silenced her attempts to question the situation by kissing her. Chap's lips tasted sweet still from the milk he took. They were both surprised when Chap quickly found his entire mouth completely filled! Her tongue grew tremendously in size! He gently pulled back, sucking on the tongue as he popped off and would have probably chuckled at her appearance if his vocal chords could still do that. The tongue became fully bovine before her mouth changed at all, so only the last fourth of the tongue actually fit in her mouth! A cows tongue is massive and very thick. Her skull started to give off hollow pops as her face finally started to stretch out to accommodate the tongue. Her neck needed a little more and then her head structure- the last human things she had! Yes, Chapper had almost done it, just a little further till she was all cow! She let out long gentle moo's now, but the growth seemed to be stuttered. Chap narrowed his eyes at her. Was she... resisting? He glanced back as he thought she was trying to knock him off of her with her leg but realized that was not her leg pushing on his underside! She wasn't resisting the changes- she was redirecting them! Her udder was getting even more giant! Even laying on her back the top curve stuck far enough up to meet Chap's stomach while standing on all fours over her! The soft flesh started to billow out to the sides so much it was starting to wrap around her legs! Chap wanted to try to do something to dissuade her from going beyond 100% cow, but the feeling of the hot udder flesh on his belly was so distracting. It was soo soft and smooth. Its curve started to push against his dick, the middle against his chest. There was so much it started to lift his weight- she was picking him up with her tits! In spite of their weight and bulk her teats started to stand straight up erect from the milk pressure within! Chap couldn't help himself, even still fully flaccid he started to thrust against the back of the udder, his body curling over the top of it and hugging it with his faux hands.

Kat's mooing became a bit more desperate sounding, still not having fully caught her breath and her volume increased as she raced toward full cow but could not will herself to stop, it felt too good! Thanks to her udder overgrowth she was already 100% even though her head wasn't finished, but that was quickly changing. Her face pushed out more and more as a layer of fur started to fade in over her head, and she felt a little sad watching her long ringlets fall from her head as her human hair was taken away. Brahman do not have horns, so once her neck finished lengthening and her face clicked into place she was a complete cow! She bucked up in pleasure and Chap thrust down, causing the udder to bounce wildly between them, both of them now completely absorbed with it, both wanting MORE! Unfortunately, that caused Chapper to be more -literally- absorbed into it. He sunk into the soft flesh as it billowed up and around him and the nerves inside the udder started to tingle like crazy as they crossed wires with Chap's nerves! The udder completely lost its shape for a moment, then her hips bulged obscenely and then the mass equalized through Kat's body forcing more changes! Kat's thoughts became scrambled as she was no longer Katrina. Katrina and Chapper had become... Khapper! The female persona softened the two male and became somewhat equalized. Pepper was male but used to be female, so personality wise she added to the female half- urges wise she went to the male half. Chad was strongly male, while Kat was strongly female... but bisexual. The confused cat slid down the side of the udder before the changes started to explode outward and scrambled a few feet away to get a safe distance, while unknowingly ringing the bell to usher the changes onward.

Khap's body rippled a bit and undulated, occasionally losing a bit of its shape like it was a goo mold trying to hold its shape. Chap's faux handed arms emerged from in front of her existing front legs, causing them to pop and re-set a bit farther back. Two antlers quickly erupted from her forehead, but only forked once- remaining rather small. Her front teeth got a bit bigger but were unable to take more of a rodent shape, making them more like the buck teeth of a donkey. All of her limbs started to get a bit taller- deer were taller than most cows. The tassel on the end of her tail started to get bushier, and her tail itself got even longer, causing it to drag on the ground some distance- too long to lift properly. She rolled onto her legs trying to get up, but the giga udder was so large she only got onto her four front legs. Khap lowed loudly as two large, stiff objects rolled through her pelvis and popped out abruptly- her outer labia quickly filling with two testicles which started to grow in rapid surges, stretching the labia larger and longer. First the size of baseballs, then ostrich eggs, then cantaloupe, then stopped when they reached basketball sized. Her actual vagina remained unchanged behind it. She bucked her hips a few times, lowing at the feeling of the large balls spanking the back of her udder. Her body stiffened a moment later though when her clit started to stretch and bloat!

Bigger and longer, her clit inflated out as thick veins started to pulse along its surface feeding it more and more blood, stretching it longer as her urethra shrank and closed up in her vulva- and re-emerged as a tube running up the inside of her clit, trying to catch up to its overall growth into a penis. The cock grew at a straight downward angle, quickly reaching the bottom of the scrotum. It traveled along the soft groove of the back of the udder and then grew around the lower curve. It kept getting bigger and bigger, fed by the vast majority of male desires. Once it grew halfway around the underside of the udder, it throbbed powerfully and yanked up on the udder! Oh, that's how she can get up! Khap deliberately tensed the muscles to make it pull tight, and the cock yanked up on the udder to help contain the soft mass as he scrambled up onto six legs, then released to let it relax back down. Even fully standing with her six longer legs, the udder fully rest on the floor under her. There was absolutely no way to move without dragging it. She could still feel the flesh being pushed aside though as the cock continued to get longer, inching its way around the udder till it popped out the front, growing in an upward curve from the bottom of the udder and stopped a few inches short of her first set of front legs. It would be longer than her entire body like it was on Pepper, but it had to curve all the way around the udder causing it to fall short. This also meant that her dick was dragging on the floor as well unless it was flaccid- and it had no sheath at all to return to, so even totally limp it would hang in the open.

Khap slowly shuffled around, not sure what to do now. The test was... over right? Everyone was animal now- they had all failed. Though since it was presented as a last man standing... Katrina won- she was the last one to fully change. Granted she was also the last one to get sabotaged by her fellow students. She had fully given in to the pleasure of her udder rather quickly though- the only reason she did not fully turn sooner was simply because the cat was preoccupied elsewhere. It had ultimately come down to luck. Khap groaned and then grunted and snorted loudly at a strong pressure of one final change. Chad getting absorbed into Pepper only passed traits and persona because he was very tiny- Chapper into Katrina however had a lot of extra mass to get rid of, not just traits. Khap's entire body rumbled and started to grow, putting her eyes level with the banquette hall table and then over it. The hump on her back grew bigger, causing her to hunch forward and the dewlaps on her neck grew a bit longer. When she finished, even on all six legs the peak of the hump on her back put her at eleven feet tall- making her overall body mass equal to a large elephant or a whale. If the building had a basement, Khap would have fallen through the floor. If she tried to go upstairs she would just walk through the stairs- the steps would collapse completely as soon as she put weight on them. She looked over at the hall leading to the bedrooms as Pierre walked into the banquette hall, baffled by the sight. Her muscles twitching a bit from the last ring of the bell- she still wanted to become even more horse, but the sight of Khap sort of spooked her straight. Her eyes widened at the sight of the cock drooling pre and took a step back. Khap took a few shuffling steps forward, shaking her head gently in warning. The cock throbbed so needily... she can't hold herself back. She has Chap's memories- she knows what its like plunging into that equine pussy!

Professor Lancelle stepped into the banquette hall from the kitchen area- the locked doors that lead to the rest of the building. "Ah, it's beautiful. Watching the breaking point. Where it's too tempting and feels too good to resist, even if it costs your humanity. And then watching the subjects keep pushing while struggling with their own conscience, pushing further and further till there is nothing left. Till they become a mindless abomination only capable of self-indulgence." He motioned back towards the beasts. "Oh- please, don't pause on my account. I know you want to feel each other's bodies. You can, if you fuse again. And then yours will be the only voice left- no one to tell you no when you ring the bell and go deeper."

Khat wanted to stop, but her cock throbbed with such agonizing pleasure- it needed to be inside someone, every moment it spent outside a pussy was another moment it wasn't fulfilling its purpose! She walked slowly, almost as if being dragged by an unseen force. She wanted to question Lancelle, to tell him off but even if she tried, she has no human voice to speak anymore- she already gave that up. Pierre wanted to get pounded again too, and to grow bigger and stronger. She wanted to be so big that she could slam Khap's entire body into her throbbing pussy! Her eyes momentarily focused on the glasses still sitting on her long face- a remnant reminder of her failed humanity. Pierre bolted toward the bathroom hall, to get away from Khap. Khap started to rush forward without even thinking- entirely on reaction, but her movement was more like a scrambling since so much of her dragged against the smooth tile floor. She bowed her head as she dragged herself forward and accidentally caught the collar of the cat with a tine of her antlers- ripping it off the small critter entirely! Both Khap and Pierre paused and looked at the broken collar in surprise and then to the cat.

The black cat very slowly turned around to glare at Lancelle as its eye narrowed. It jumped up toward the table and exploded into a cloud of black vapor as a naked man landed in its place on the banquette hall table, his dick flopping around in the open as he pointed a finger accusingly at Lancelle.

"You wretch!" He raised his voice so all could hear him. "I am Professor Lancelle! THAT is Damian, formerly my greatest pupil!"

Damian shrugged, slowly walking toward the professor. "Former? Sorry professor, but you have to find someone better than me before you can strip me of that title." Damian chuckled as he approached casually. "Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag, hmm, professor?"

Lancelle flicked his fingers and sent out a small cloud of flickering energy toward Damian but he quickly evaded. Damian hastily tapped a chair near Lancelle and it very quickly twisted and molded its shape into a large wooden snake and bit Lancelle's leg before returning to solid wood- locking his foot in place! Khap charged angrily at the imposter, but knowing she could not move enough to do it alone, Pierre rushed at Khap. Pierre ran full tilt, then collapsed her front legs to slide across the floor under Khap, then reared up with all her muscles to toss Khap airborne! The gargantuan beast slammed its full body weight into Damian before he realized what was happening and crushed him against the floor, knocking all the wind out of his lungs and breaking almost every one of his ribs. Khar rolled off and slid onto her side a bit bruised herself from the fall. Damian started to get up, coughing blood and gasping for air- but before he could get himself back off the floor Lancelle hit him with another gust of power and instantly Damian's entire body turned to stone!

It took some time for everything to return to normal. Damian was imprisoned for his crimes quickly, but it took time to reverse all he had done. Not only did Katrina, Chad, Pepper, and Pierre need to be restored, but the police found five other people- two in the top floors of the mansion and another three at Damian's house fully transformed into creatures and imprisoned for his amusement. Professor Lancelle kept the four at the mansion and used a focusing crystal to divide and purify each of the four personas so they could actually watch and understand the process he used to fix them. It was a transformation class after all. He could not just poof them back to normal, it had to be done in steps in the reverse order they transformed in. Katrina broke off from Khap, then Pepper from Chap. Then the excess animal burned off as pure excess energy, then the animal regressed into a human, and then finally flip their genders back to normal. Apparently Damian was originally going to turn Chad into a woman and keep Pepper female, so they would be all female by the time it was done, but Chad's personality managed to even irritate Damian. He had been made -extremely- gay. To the point where his normal thoughts were repressed by an all consuming obsession with cock. His original transformation would have been into a jennet, but Damian changed it to mouse as punishment. Once the students had been restored, Lancelle sent them home for a week break. Once they were refreshed and settled down, they returned to the mansion- this time to study under the real Professor Lancelle.

The guard at the arcane prison glanced at the stone Damian in the floor of the cell and huffed as he sat back in his chair. What an absolute piece of work. He furrowed his brow, lowering his coffee and then slowly looking back at the petrified man. Wasn't... he in a different position before?

Chaotic Neutral

(M TF Donkey, Boar- F TF Dog, Cow- all TF Hybrid) Dr. Alabaster Stonewall was a well respected alchemist- a transmutation expert. Though he could not concoct potions like other alchemists he could convert matter over relatively short periods of...

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Two Of A Kind

(F Twincest, Merge/Fusion) Lilac sighed at her reflection in the vanity mirror on her dresser. She had graduated high school not too long ago and had started her half-assed job searching. That was not the source of her depression though. She...

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Like It Rough

(F TF feral Hyena TF anthro Hyena) Annabel was an extrovert- she needed to be around others to survive. Whenever she was alone she feels drained and depressed. It was that pack animal nature that brought out her inner animal a few years ago. In...

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