Chaotic Neutral

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Clover, Bessy, Boris, and Jack are volunteering themselves for an experiment in transformative magic, but fail to question why they have to be in a group for it to work. The masterminds behind the test have a little extra something planned to push their magic to a new level- where bringing out the inner beast of the test subjects is only step 1.

(M TF Donkey, Boar- F TF Dog, Cow- all TF Hybrid)

Dr. Alabaster Stonewall was a well respected alchemist- a transmutation expert. Though he could not concoct potions like other alchemists he could convert matter over relatively short periods of time- like turning lead to gold. More interestingly however was the fact that if he combined his transmutations with magic, he could convert things into matter that... does not exist otherwise. Creating new elements. The most popular currently being gemstones capable of transforming people into animals or monsters at will, without having to know how to use magic. There were a few problem using this method of course as nothing is perfect- for starters the gem can only do one transformation, so if you wanted to turn back into a human you would need another gem specifically for human transformation. The other thing is, since the transformation is a side effect of the gem itself you can't turn it on or off, you will be transformed as soon as you expose yourself to it, making accidents easy. Dr. Stonewall was not too interested in these at this point though. He had helped contribute to their invention but now it was a matter of refining them, and he was not interested in that, considering it the alchemic equivalent to simple busywork. He wanted to make something new, to take it to another level and push its limits.

Dr. Stonewall looked over his papers again, glancing at a large floating crystal for any activity. "Where are they? They were supposed to be here already..."

"They are, our assistants are leading them into the mansion now."

Stonewall nearly fumbled all his papers, not realizing she had re-entered their office. Accompanying Stonewall was a young woman, known by all by her nickname- Moth. Named that from the fact she is always seen quietly hovering around lanterns or candles in libraries or studies. Swathed in a hooded grey robe far too large for her, she is only in her early teens and already proficient enough with magic to make most magisters in the realm bow at her feet. Moth was blessed with godly genius in the field of magic, so while her voice was extremely soft- when she spoke people make damn sure to listen. Stonewall is the transmutation expert, Moth was in charge of the magic. The huge floating gem in their shared office was bound to several slates of volcanic glass hung up around a mansion- whatever can be seen from the perspective of the glass is seen on one of the facets of the gemstone. This allowed them to monitor the mansion from many different points whenever they wanted, which was important because their assistants were now delivering four people to the mansion as volunteered test subjects.

The rather spindly looking man with ebon skin, emerald eyes and bristly black hair is Boris. A muscular man with tanned skin, ocean blue eyes and long blond hair is Jack. A woman with long bronze ringlets, dark forest green eyes and olive skin is Bessy. Finally a petite, lanky young woman named Clover with bobbed platinum hair and bright sapphire eyes. These four volunteered, wanting to be transformed into animals but unable to afford the still very expensive crystals to do it. Unfortunately since they were volunteering for this experiment, they got their transformation free, but cannot choose what they are turned into. Moth and Stonewall did not choose either- that was the experiment. They created a crystal of very potent power that would hopefully transform anyone exposed to it into their 'inner animal', leaving the choice of transformation up to personality traits rather than a set change. That was the part everyone was told. The part only Moth and Stonewall knew was a secondary experiment they would introduce later on.

For the first day, Bess, Boris, Jack, and Clover introduced themselves to each other and got to know the mansion they were now living in. For the duration of the experiment the doors of the mansion were sealed- no one could come or go. They would be served by Stonewall's assistants, who all wore wards so they could not be affected by the crystal's resonance. There was a huge banquette hall, lit by a giant elegant chandelier. Most of the mansion was dark rosewood, which made it seem darker than it actually was, but also elegant. They each had their own rooms, but there was only one bathroom for either gender in a hall coming off the banquette hall. The door under the stairs leading up was to the kitchen, so part of the structure that was off limits except to the assistants. Upstairs was a gigantic library, and a game room that was heavily decorated with plants and well lit by a wall that was almost entirely windows, overlooking the small woods and the town. There was an indoor pool as well but the hall leading to it was currently sealed off. Moth had it hidden from them for now because they did not have the facilities to host marine life- if they let them swim right off the bat there is a chance one of them would turn into an aquatic creature.

The first day passed without anything happening other than them getting familiar. The transformative crystal was already active but not doing anything yet. Moth made note of it- theorizing it was because the subjects were all busy taking in each other and their new surroundings- so they were not exhibiting enough of their own traits for the crystal to work with yet. Late in the night the two researchers were woken up by a bit of movement though. All four of them were having intense dreams, rolling around quite a bit in their sleep. The crystal was likely trying to amplify animal traits in them in an attempt to read them. The thing that caught their immediate attention though- Clover barked quietly in her sleep! Her hands were held up as if to imitate paws and were twitching like a dreaming canine! Her nose started to look like it was darkening too, but then she settled down and reverted to normal. The dream must have ended.

Moth sighed and bopped her head on the surface of the crystal. "The changes reverted? That has never happened before."

"You don't think its the ward the assistants are wearing, do you?"

"They are too far away and the wards are too local an effect. Maybe its our secondary effect, because they are all human still? Hmm, or it might just be that personalities are too fluid. Perhaps they need to delve further into a set path before the crystal will actually commit to the change."

Jack woke up the next day last. The tallest of the four by a bit, and the most muscular by leaps and bounds. He stretched for some time after waking up, then went into some push-ups. When he had enough to consider himself fully awake, only then did he leave him room. He was going to go to the bathroom to wash his hands and face but then seen Boris and Clover eating at the banquette table and shrugged before joining them. They were here to turn into animals- what did proper etiquette mean here? He pulled up a seat closer to Boris and grabbed a salad from the selection of plates down the middle of the table. Clover was on the very end, almost completely opposite the two boys, but not for any real reason- she was not one to think that carefully about where she sat.

Jack looked at Boris stuffing his face with an assortment of foods and glanced down to Clover as well. "So, what are you two in for?"

Boris motioned with the bone of an eaten chicken wing over the food on the table. "This. I don't care about manners and all the damn stupid rules society tries to weigh you down with. I just want to go wild, do what I want. You can't do that surrounded by 'civilized people'."

Jack nodded, then looked directly down at Clover. She stood up and placed both hands on the table. Unnoticed by anyone there, her ears got a bit bigger to hear him down the table, and her tailbone quivered slightly, getting a tiny bit longer.

"What about you? You are built like a mountain, why do you want an animal body?"

He smiled. "I asked you first."

Clover puffed up her cheeks in an exaggerated pout and half sat back down. "I don't have much of a reason. I thought it would be fun? Technically it is reversible if you got the dosh to pay for a human morphasite crystal. I don't but, y'know, whatever. No risk, no fun! Now you!" Behind her smiling lips her teeth got a tiny bit sharper.

Jack motioned toward Boris. "Basically the same as Boris here. I AM built, thanks for noticing. But... I can't really push myself as a human. People shy away from going all out or look at you like your some muscle freak. Fuck that. I want to go all out all the time!" His ears got a bit longer. "I want to really be able to show off, win the babes over. I want to gift the world with the full me." Just before he smiled, his two front teeth grew in size. The others had not seen his teeth before though, so they were unaware it changed.

Boris belched and pat his rounder belly, not realizing it couldn't have grown that much from a single sitting. "Where is Bess, she left before even eating anything. I assumed she was coming back but..."

Clover hummed in thought. "She said she was not hungry and went upstairs. Maybe I should check on her, see if she is ok?"

The other two nodded and went back to eating so Clover got up and scurried upstairs. Boris's ears became a bit pointed, but did not grow in size. Clover found Bess in the game room smelling the flowers. Clover was a tiny bit jealous- Bess's hair and face were gorgeous, and she was taller. Then again, most people were. Clover is just a petite little thing most men could lift with one arm- and frustratingly she was often mistaken for someone half her age.

"Hey... you sure you don't want anything to eat? Most important meal of the day~"

Bess glanced at her and shook her head, causing her long ringlets to bounce about. "No thanks. I watched my figure a lot in my teens so my body just got adjusted to needing less food."

"So... why did you sign up for this thing anyway?"

"I don't know... change? Something new. I have always wanted to do something to help people, you know? I want to be someone who provides for others but... never really had anything to provide. I always kind of felt bad having such a posh life myself but never being able to really give back. I tried studying to be an apothecary but I am NOT good. And that is a job where you do not want to fuck up."

"So, you... want to provide people as an animal? What are you going to give them then, your meat? Y'know the law still categorizes that as cannibalism if the animal was human."

Bess furrowed her brows and blushed a bit. "Research! This whole thing is an experiment, right?"

"Oooooh. Riiiight. Totally derped." She smacked her forehead with her palm.

"The whole reason this is happening is to research new magic. And you don't need any specific skills to contribute to this, so here I am. Help out and experience something new at the same time." She shrugged.

The day progressed mostly uneventful. Moth made careful observations of them all- the subtle transformations to Jack seemed to reverse slowly, so his ears and teeth went back to normal. Boris kept his slight pot belly though, and the small changes to Clover remained. So only Bess and Jack were completely normal.

Clover went to the bathroom to get ready to head to sleep for the night. She washed her face but then paused looking at he reflection. She narrowed her eyes at her ears, then tugged on them a bit, thinking they were different but not being able to put her finger on it. She looked the rest of her face over carefully, then flashed her teeth and immediately noticed they were all sharper!

"Hey! It's working, awesome!" Her tail bone extended a bit in her sudden burst of enthusiasm. "I wonder what will change next?!" A little longer. "I wonder what I am turning into?" A little longer. "I wonder if I will be something cool, or ferocious? Haha, rawr!" Her tail trying to wag in her pants immediately called her attention behind her.

Squashed by the waist of her pants, she reached down to let it out and a platinum furred tail immediately popped out! It curled upward naturally and trembled a bit when she looked at it. As her smile returned to her face it resumed wagging faster and faster.

"Doggy?! Doggo!" Her ears got a bit longer, getting a platinum peach fuz on the backs where fur would eventually be.

Moth also smiled, watching from her office. These changes to Clover seemed to set in place- though her initial changes in her sleep reverted, these stuck around. Acting 'human' caused no changes, or minor changes to revert. Embracing their inner animal however set more changes in, and once they were far enough along they seemed to lock in place. She nudged the crystal to look at another facet and seen Jack approach Bess in one of the side halls.

"Hey, we missed you most of the day. You should... mingle more."

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to come off as a hermit. This whole thing is a bit embarrassing though."


"Well... we have no idea what we are changing into, and we are going to turn into an animal! I would have wanted to do this separate but they insisted it needed to be done as a group. I hope it doesn't turn me into something ugly in front of everyone..."

Jack laughed. "Man, that would have to be extremely potent magic to turn you into something ugly."

Bessy immediately blushed. "H-huh?"

He motioned over her body. "I mean... you are really good looking, I have a hard time picturing you being any degree of ugly."

Bessy was shocked such a buff, hot guy thought she was pretty! He was obviously a person who spent a lot of time on making himself look good, so to have someone that conscious of appearance call hers out was quite something. They talked for a bit, and Bess' face remained flushed the entire time, causing her to giggle a few times as well. Her hips widened a bit and her butt rounded a little. Moth turned the crystal to deliberately not watch as they went back to Jack's bedroom. She was not sure about Jack, but Bess likely would not have responded so eagerly to Jack's advances, and certainly would not have gone to bed with him on their initial meeting, but again the crystal was enhancing traits to try and draw out an animal nature from four humans. If they were changing more, Moth would have been obligated to continue watching, but since they were both almost pure human she gave them privacy on this night.

The next day Clover skipped happily to the banquette hall, barefoot. Her tail was wagging behind her, though her pants kept pushing on the bottom of the tail which was annoying. Her ears had grown a bit bigger in her sleep, and were starting to bend outward a bit from their own weight. She sat down quickly and gazed out over all the foods, noticing her mouth watering more than usual. She liked how all the food looked, but went for the smaller meaty morsels. Dogs are omnivores, but evolved from carnivores- they will always lean toward meat. She noticed Bess and Jack sitting across from each other in the middle of the long table, Bess blushing a bit and occasionally glancing at Jack. No one noticed under her impressive head of hair- but Bess' ears were considerably bigger now and more leaf shaped. Her toenails had thickened a bit and darkened. Jack still looked perfectly human. Boris was eating a ton of food again today, and had so much food in his mouth he did not notice two of his teeth getting longer and sharper. He even grunted a bit as he shoveled it in his mouth, and his gut was a bit bigger. His ears were obviously pointed now, but mostly the same size and shape otherwise. A change only he could notice though- he felt a bit pent up, and unusually horny. His balls had grown larger in his sleep. He noticed the way Bess and Jack exchanged glances... but he also noted Clover was adorable looking, and by herself on the other end of the table. Maybe she was single?

Jack did not tell anyone what happened last night, but he was looking so very smug about it, it was hard to not assume. His constant grinning revealed his two front teeth were once again abnormally large. His ears were getting bigger and poking through those long golden locks of his. After breakfast he invited Boris to try and work some of that added weight off in a workout, and Boris reluctantly agreed. In reality Jack only invited him to openly brag about the last night's conquest. So busy patting himself on the back while he worked out he did not notice his tailbone growing longer and his ears getting even bigger, and starting to develop fur.

Clover was going to go for a jog around the huge mansion herself, feeling filled to the brim with energy without any way to burn it off. As she danced from one foot to the other, jogging on the spot she noticed she had a bit more spring in her step. Her feet were getting a bit longer and narrower, and the skin on the fronts of her feet was getting thick- the start of paw pads. Clover heard Bess cry out from upstairs though, and hustled up to see what was wrong. When she got there though, Bess looked pleased not distressed.

"What happened?"

Bess looked at Clover and past her to see if either of the boys were nearby. "I don't know what is happening to me yet but... look!" She thrust her chest out.

Clover leaned a bit closer. "Your boobs...? Oh wait, you were flat like me yesterday, right?"

"Yes! Handfuls already! I wonder if they will get bigger...? Oh wow... I have wanted breasts my entire life!"

"Really? Why do you eat so little then?"


"Well, tits are almost entirely fat. If your body doesn't have any fat, what is it going to grow boobs from?"

Bess gasped and called out that they were growing a little again, and hiked up her shirt to see. The nipples hardened on their own as an indicator of the oncoming growth. The breasts blushed a bit and started to swell out. The growth was subtle and hard to see, but the result was undeniable. Clover blushed a bit- she never had the desire to have big boobs but admitted seeing them grow like that was definitely hot. Bess' brows twitched a bit at that comment, asking if Clover was a lesbian, taking the offhanded comment a bit too seriously. The crystal's influence had kept her rather horny even after last night's romp. Clover blushed even more and said no... but in a way that implied she also was not against where Bess was taking this. Bess surprised her with a sudden kiss and the two slumped to the floor in an awkward embrace. Clover had no idea how this came about, but it felt good so she did not resist. They were both a bit nervous about either of the boys finding them though- since they were making out on the floor of the games room. If only they knew they were being watched at all times by Stonewall and Moth.

Bess only now noticed Clover had a tail, but Clover showed it off as she took her pants down rather than hide it. Clover was not at all against turning into a dog. Knowing she loved her new breasts, that is where Clover started, sucking on the nipples and jiggling them both with her hands. In response she could feel them firming up, and they grew more. Clover reached down and started to gently paw at Bess' pussy, getting a bit of a high herself off making Bess moan. Listening to intently to Bess' heavy breathing and moans though, her ears started to grow longer and droop farther, folding over themselves as they grew proper fur- floppy dog ears. Her teeth continued to sharpen, and the pads on the bottom of her feet started to swell a bit thicker and puffier. Bess was eased down onto her back in submission to the pleasure and Clover mounted her, lining their clits up with each other and started to rock their hips together in some hard tribbing. Bess' breasts started to grow even more, rocking up and down her chest with each thrust and jiggling with every shudder of pleasure. Her nipples were looking pretty big as well. Only now did Clover notice Bess had large leaf shaped ears, as her hair spread on the floor and revealed them. Her lips were looking softer and bigger too. Bess was hornier thanks to the crystal and last night, and shook in orgasm first.

"OohooOOO!" Her voice seemed to deepen a bit as she moaned out and almost sounded like a moo.

They both slowly caught their breath, with Clover still mounted on top grinning. "Hehe, looks like you're a lightweight."

Bess smiled but furrowed her brow with a grunt and sat up, knocking Clover off onto her back. Clover rolled onto her hands and knees as Bess pounced on her, causing Clover to lock up at the feeling of Bess immediately starting to eat her pussy! Bess did not even notice as her tongue got a bit larger, though Clover certainly noticed how well it penetrated. Clover tried not to moan too loudly at risk of the boys hearing, and kept trying to pull away from Bess a bit to get her to ease off a bit from the pleasure overload. Bess kept pushing in moving with her, till Clover was on her hands and feet, with her legs almost straight and Bess still had her face fully buried in the soft pussy. A bit, unusually soft. The labia started to swell up and out, getting very pillowy and soft. The muscles in it twitched and made subtle jerks, changing its shape slightly. It engorged so much the labia started to puff up away from her body, projecting her pussy out a bit. it had turned into the pillowy plump labia of a canine vulva. As she tried to suppress her moans, they escaped almost as whimpers. Bess thought she was trying to squirm away again, but then it occurred to her that her legs were already straight. Without stopping her onslaught Bess grabbed a narrow leg and could feel it- it was getting longer. Her feet were getting long and narrow, extending the distance between ankle and toes. Her toes plumpened up becoming fat and stubby as a light fuz of fur started to grow on her feet. The longer her legs got the farther they slid apart, tensed up from the pleasure locking their position. Her nails grew into small blunt claws and finally her legs gave out entirely, as she slumped to the floor shaking like a leaf in orgasm from her now canine pussy. Her legs were almost entirely dog, but the fur only extended up to her ankles and the legs were still sized up to a human- and because her hips were still human, she could still walk on two legs. Once they caught their breath the two of them scrambled to make themselves look proper again and skittered off in two different directions, afraid being seen together would somehow give them away.

That night, everyone went to their own bedrooms, so it looked like nothing more was going to happen. Jack took advantage of the full body mirror provided by his wardrobe though, flexing for himself in it. Too absorbed with how good he looked to notice his very big ears and teeth. He tossed his shirt off and continued to flex. A bulge formed in his pants. He was actually so absorbed in how good he looked that he was turning himself on with his own reflection. True, the crystal was enhancing various traits- there was no way this narcissism was entirely the crystal's doing. He stripped the rest of his clothes off and was impressed with his chub. Was it... bigger? His cock immediately raced to full erection at that possibility. He walked backward with a hand on his dick and sat on the chair meant to help him get dressed, so he could continue to look at himself in the mirror. As he started to stroke it felt unusually tight, like his dick was starting to get too big for the skin. He felt like the shaft itself squirmed a bit and seen it get a little bit longer. He might not have visually noticed it, but because he was also holding it he knew it had grown! He started to speed up, and almost immediately after his dick grew again, but this time it was very noticeable- half an inch at least. The more it filled his hand the more turned on he got. He started really pounding it, working up a sweat and stared at his own glistening muscles in the mirror. Had... his muscles grown too? His tail bone started to push out, sliding off the back of the chair, getting long but not at all thick. He started to breath heavily, his nostrils growing and his cock grew again, even more than last time, gaining a full inch as he groaned loudly. His balls squeezed up against him with unusual force, pulling the scrotum tight as they suddenly expanded greatly in size! The balls relaxed again but Jack was approaching orgasm so he did the opposite, getting so into it he finally broke eye contact with himself and thrust his hips up into his hand as he beat off. His dick tightened even more, growing again but this time very slowly, like it was having trouble forcing any more growth into a single session. The skin at the base of his dick started to darken as well as his scrotum. His tail finished growing a tassel on the end and his ears got even bigger as he came explosively from his huge cock.

"OOH HAAAAAW! ...hee!?"

His heart skipped a beat halfway through his orgasm, when his giant ears turned to face the sound of himself as it bounced off the mirror, and he seen them finally. He stared at them for a while as his orgasm cooled down, but not in appreciation. He then looked behind himself at the movement he felt before and seen his new tail. A donkey. Jack was turning into an ass! Such a low lifeform! Donkey were stupid and filthy creatures meant to be servants, there must be some sort of mistake. Jack calmed himself down, hefting his huge nuts with a hand as he eased himself into his bed for the night. At least he has a giant package. He was supposed to turn into his inner animal, so... he just had to convince the magic that he was not some lowly ass. Not realizing his ego would only further solidify it.

The next day Boris was once again eating a feast all to himself, but seemed disgruntled about something and did not really talk to the others at all. Jack tied his hair into a pony tail as a way to bind his donkey ears, and put on a baseball cap to cover the still exposed tips- since they are far too long for hair alone to encapsulate. With his tail down a pant leg, hopefully no one would notice what animal he was turning into. They could still see his large teeth but that did not exactly give the animal away- lots of things have large teeth. Everyone gawked at Clover when she came skipping to the table again, and both men immediately got erections. Not at all intending to hide her form, Clover wore nothing but a giant t shirt! It covered to her thighs so she did not even put panties on. She hated how pants and panties rubbed her tail, so she just did not wear them! She was already going barefoot even before she had paws- so her newly shaped legs were in full view of everyone. Her fingernails were a bit longer now to, having grown a bit in her sleep, but still no where near claws. Her hands had actually turned entirely to paws in her sleep, but only Stonewall seen that- the changes reverted after her dream. Dreams evoked lots of strong emotion, but they were fleeting and ultimately not real, so while they could ignite transformations easily, they could not stick because there was no substance behind them.

After a late breakfast, Jack went off on his own to do a workout. Bess went up to the library, and told Clover they should play a game against each other in the game room one of these days. Bess mentioned it as Clover was also getting up to leave, so she was standing when her tail started to wag at the suggestion. Boris was right behind her about to go into the hall leading to the bathrooms, glancing at her just in time to see it. When her tail lifted it also lifted the back of her shirt, and when she wagged it Boris could see her pussy lips easily through the gap in her thighs- since the canine labia were so pillowy. Boris stopped Clover before she left the banquet hall.

"H-hey, I gotta... I gotta say something, you are real cute, I just wanted to know... you want to go out? Or something?"

Clover blushed. "Wow, sort of out of the blue. Also.. we can't go out- we are trapped till this is over, remember?"

Boris was sweating a bit, bent forward a bit making it look like he might be having stomach problems- which wouldn't be surprising given how much he eats every day. "I mean... y'know, get together. I just... been feeling really... pent up. And you are so cute, but you sit off on your own... nnnn..." He winced a bit.

"Are you ok?"

"N-no, I sort of need help... I am really pent up. My nuts are swollen."

"R-really? I thought blueballs was a myth. Can... I... see?" She knew she shouldn't ask, but was still frisky from the other day thanks to the crystal.

He glanced around even though the others were long gone now. He pulled his pants down with one hand but need to hoist his nuts up with the other. As he lifted them Clover's eye widened. They were huge! His scrotum was smooth from how big its contents were.

"This hasn't happened before... I... uh oh. I think... I... I think eEEITs..!" His cry almost sounded like a pig squealing!

His balls visibly throbbed and then Boris groaned as they grew steadily, till each was the size of an ostrich egg and the scrotum blushed bright pink! Clover was flattered by his advance, a little turned on by the prospect of a guy with big nuts, but now she almost felt obligated on top of that to help him out- it looked like his testicles were going to literally explode if he didn't get off soon! Clover lead him back to her room and sat him down on her bed, helping him undress- since all she needed to do to undress was toss her shirt off. When she did though, she noticed her breasts were looking a bit puffy. Was she really THAT turned on? She couldn't be growing bigger breasts, because that made no sense for a dog. She did also notice to small nubs below them though- the second set of nipples forming. Dogs have four sets, so eight nipples total.

Eager to try out her new pussy she decided to mount Boris like she did Bess, shoving him flat on the bed playfully and sitting on his dick, careful not to press on his nuts with her butt, though they are a large target to miss. Her pussy felt better than it had ever before- though partly because her arousal level, and fresh nerves from the changes. As she started to ride more aggressively his balls started to bounce around separately. She thought she was imagining things at first, but she slowed a bit for a moment and realized his dick was deeper in her too- it was growing longer a bit. He thrust up to meet hers, breathing heavily now with effort. His belly seemed to round out a bit more, he looked real hefty now, even though he was lanky when he arrived. His hair line started to advance down his neck slowly. His lower two canine teeth continued to grow longer, popping out from between his lips as he started to approach orgasm. Clover threw her head back with her mouth open, panting from riding Boris, not noticing yet that her tongue hung further and further out of her mouth, growing larger as she panted. Boris' breathing and grunts started to sound more and more hollow, with a reverberance to them. Clover looked down at him to see why- his nose was getting thicker and growing a bit bigger, turning up at the end stretching his nostrils larger. A pig! He started to grunt more and more and finally squealed like a true porcine and came into her. And then again. And then again. He did not cum a lot... at first. Every time she thought he was done his dick throbbed and spurt a few more times, then started to taper off, then started again. Ten, twenty, thirty seconds straight. A minute, two minutes- finally after six minutes he stopped cumming. Even though he was on the bottom he was even more exhausted than Clover after having an orgasm that refused to stop.

Clover went to get off of him but plopped back down, feeling it tug on her. She was... stuck somehow? His dick must have REALLY grown to lock them together like this, so she just waited sitting on him till it softened enough. Boris himself was barely conscious after that ride. Clover took note now of her huge tongue. Because her tongue was now huge but her face still the same shape, she struggled to keep the entire thing in her mouth, and might just have to let it hang a bit. She also glanced down feeling an odd weight on her chest and gasped in surprise. What the hell? She.. had boobs! They were probably only about a big B cup, but still, she had been flat chested before! She also now had a third set of nipples, and two bright pink dots below the last set where the final set will eventually be. But why on earth did she have boobs now? She could barely feel Boris' cock in her now and finally popped off, leaving him to sleep, but when she lifted off her eyes went wide again at the sight of his dick. There was a small knot at the base! Pigs don't have knots, and dogs don't have boobs!

"W-what the f-ARK. Rrrr, what irs going rrn? These chARRnges ARRrrn't rrrright." And then it clicked. She realized what was happening, but from embarrassment would not tell the others.

Stonewall cheered, smiling for the first time in front of Moth. "We did it, its working!"

Moth smiled timidly. "Temper your excitement for now Dr. Stonewall. We knew it would do SOMETHING, even broken spells still do something." She looked at the crystal and then down at her notes. "So we have a boar, donkey, cow, and dog as a baseline- animals that reflect their own natures. Then Bess had sex with Clover, passing cow traits to the doggy, and some dog traits to the cow. Then Clover had sex with Boris, passing some pig traits to the dog and some dog traits to the pig. It is hard to tell if they all passed the same percent of influence though because their own transformations are still sort of budding, they will become more obvious as they progress." Moth furrowed her brow and turned the crystal to display Bess, who wandered from the library back to the game room and was looking at the plants in there more as a meal than decorative. "There has been unexpected cross contamination though."

"What? How?"

"Bess had sex with Jack before any of his changes advanced enough to lock in. Which means she had sex with a human. Jack got some of her cow traits, but all Bess got was a dose of the species she already started as." She turned the facet toward Stonewall so he could see. "Notice the problem?"

"... breasts."

"Cows do not have breasts. She hasn't started growing an udder yet, but her breasts should not be growing, because cows don't have breasts. But she has essentially an overdose of human, which means she will likely grow an udder AND keep her breasts."

"Does that mean they will all have corrupted results soon?"

"No, because each subject can only carry the traits of their inner animal. She has too much human, but she cannot pass it on to anyone else, she can only pass cow. Even with a little dog in her now, she can't pass dog traits."

Meanwhile Bess passed a new hall she had not seen before, and seen Jack lifting weights by a pool at the end. Since their inner animals were already decided, Moth had the pool reopened for them, and there was weight lifting equipment there as well. The room only had two walls, the rest was a glass dome surrounded by the forest outside, so you can also suntan by the pool. As turned on as Bess was, she did not want to seem desperate by going back to Jack, and he seemed pretty serious about his workout anyway. And he is. He was having the time of his life lifting more weight than he thought would ever even be possible for him, and his muscles tightened and swelled up. His arms, chest and back muscles grew more and more. Bess passed cow traits to him- bulls are extremely muscular.

Bess was feeling rather antsy though, and Clover was with Boris so Bess could not find her. So Bess went to her room instead for a little alone time. When she laid down and slid her pants down to see why her crotch was so hot and tender without even being touched, she seen what almost looked like a rash at first. The same intense pink of her inner labia had now advanced up her crotch, swallowing her entire groin and her lower gut as well! It felt so smooth and soft when she poked at it, and it felt good like touching her pussy, so it obviously was not a rash. When she counted the four bumps on it though she realized what it must be. An udder-to-be. She finally pinpointed her transformation as a cow! At first she was horrified at being a fat cow, but... she did have huge boobs now. Maybe it would be worth it. Bess hummed in thought, realizing this must be because of her desire. She wanted to provide for people... cows provide a constant supply of milk. A warm gentle pressure pulsed up from within her, collecting into an almost tingling pleasure at the surface as the bumps started to evolve into nipples and four little hills started to form as the mammary glands formed within. Bess went to reach up and fondle her big boobs in the meantime but furrowed her brow as she hit something on the way there. She felt around and was baffled as she felt two mounds of fat capped with areola and large nipples like her breasts! She was growing a second set of breasts! Big boobs, and secondary boobs, and udder all on one person? That... seemed like a bit too much. She was unaware her large breasts were a result of the extra human, and her second set of boobs was a result of Clover's dog traits- dogs have a lot more than one set. Her tailbone started to grow out, but Bess couldn't bring herself to care, her brain was overloaded with tit. She always wanted big mams, and now she had it in spades.

Bessy reached up under herself to finger her pussy, so she did not interrupt her udder's growth. Her other hand grabbed her left breast aggressively and kneaded it like a baker would a piece of dough. Her udder was growing fast, looking like a cluster of four boobs fused together already and still progressing. It also added more weight to her torso... she became too heavy to hold her hips up and she had to stop fingering herself. She tried to reach over the top but the udder was already too big to work over. She tried around the side of it, but it was too much distance around it- she could touch her pussy but did not have enough reach to really do anything but tease.

"Nouuh. Need toohy. Oh gosh my vooohice." She felt a welling in her chest and tried to fight it, blushing hard, but lost. "Nnnuu...uuoooo. MOOO!" She couldn't help but bellow like a cow on impulse.

The pink of her plush lips advanced up to her nose and circled her nostrils as the bridge of her nose widened. A droplet of blood ran from her temples as two tiny little nub horns popped out. Her udder now wobbled around with any movement she made, completely filling her lap. The nipples on it were huge and quickly fattening into proper teats. She grabbed at her new grown tits below her first breasts and yanked on those big nipples to get pleasure from that instead and it worked well enough, causing her to give off a mix of moans and moos. The second pair of breasts reached the same size as the first, and the nipples on both grew a bit longer and a bit fatter, looking like small teats themselves. Bessy reached her udder and rubbed it vigorously, then returned to her breast, then back to the udder. They all felt so good! She needed more hands! Her udder started to really round out, getting really huge like a full grown cows. Bess finally flopped over onto her side, then managed to roll her extreme weight under her. She now float above the bed on a mattress of wobbling fat, bloated tit flesh! She grabbed the bed with her hands and feet the best she could and yanked herself up and down, dragging her fat teats into the bed, rubbing her smooth plush flesh against the bed sheets and quivering from the feeling. Whenever she tugged the udder far up or down it also tugged on her pussy because the underside basically connected to it. Finally she hit orgasm as she yanked back to the point she almost slid off the end of the bed, but ran out of give in her skin, yanking her pussy and underside of her udder tight just as she burst. Bess looked back at her mirror to see what she looked like from someone else's perspective and furrowed her brows as she seen her now fully grown tail... with long wavy fur almost the same as the hair on her head. That wasn't a cows tail... that's a dog tail!

The night brought many changes, but again these changes meant nothing and reversed by morning. The intensity of them though told Stonewall and Moth that they were having many dreams, erotic or beastly in nature. The influence of the crystal on their horniness was minimal, but when their body naturally raised it, the crystal's perpetual influence caused it to lower very, very slowly. So they end up renewing it before it can drop back down, and then very slowly go down from that new level. They were making each other more horny by getting off, rather than relieving anything. When they converged at the breakfast table no one really said much to one another. They were all flushed, all breathing a little deeper than normal. They were surprised when Bess started to eat a good amount. When they left, she started eating ravenously. Bessy had been restraining herself while the others were there The assistants were scrambling after Moth had to order them to serve a second all vegetarian breakfast for just Bess! She shoveled food into herself, her gut absolutely demanding it. And as she ate she did not even fill up. Her body instantly broke the food down to empty her gut again, and her body got heavier and heavier at a rapid rate. But not a bit of it was fat. The chair creaked and broke so she had to resume eating on the floor- all four of her breasts and her huge udder were filling with hot, thick milk- the food was being converted to milk.

After going to the bathroom Jack was going to go find Bess to see if she would like another ride on his rod, but the assistants met him and directed him away, she needed to eat her fill before she could do anything else, so Jack was cockblocked. On his way down to the pool to lift weights again, he seen Clover, who looked absolutely tiny compared to him now. He was quick to advance on her and flirt with her in his boisterous way. She was flattered- especially since she was horny, but was still going to turn him down, knowing what would happen. She was the only test subject to have figured out what was going on. If she did anything with Jack, she would become part donkey, and she was already a part pig, part cow dog. He used his secret weapon though, pulling his pants down enough to let his behemoth cock flop out and dark balls. It was almost the size of her arm, there was no possible way she could take it into her! But it looks soooo good. So thick and meaty. The musky scent so appetizing. She touched it gently as it raised up and out on its own. It stretched forward as it erected and she did not move, so the cock bopped into her lips and she only half consciously opened her mouth. Clover started sucking on the huge cock, and as she sucked and licked the shaft she seen the veins pulsing on the length she could not fit in her mouth, and then the dick became painfully hard. And then it grew. It started to get even longer, a medial ring started to appear and the skin turned darker toward the base and on his scrotum, nearing perfect black. The flesh bulked up at the base and started to fold in on itself creating a nest at the base, growing toward a proper sheath.

So he didn't leave her hanging figuratively, Jack made her hang literally. He grabbed the tiny dog woman and held her up by her legs, upside down. With her mouth still holding onto his dick he started licking her canine pussy, holding her up with ease with his gigantic muscles. He thought it was just sweat rolling down, but there was two thin trails of blood from his head from two horns as they started to slide out of his skull. His nostrils and his top row of teeth grew even larger, projecting his top jaw out from his face a bit, and long stiff feeler hairs grew from his chin. As he lapped at the salty doggy lube, his nails started to grow a bit longer, more narrow, and much thicker. Hair thickened on his arms and the backs of his hands turning to fur. He grunted as the base of his cock started to throb with an intense pressure- with each throb it got a bit bigger, slowly growing into a canine knot. Jack's penis continued to grow even bigger causing him to have to hold her a little farther out- she started by engulfing a good third of it, now she was sucking on more like a tenth of it- and she had no less dick in her mouth than before.

"S-shit. Neeeid to change posiiihaw. Position."

He started to kneel and slowly let Clover back down, because his hands were rapidly changing into a form he could not hold her with. His fingers were getting shorter and the excess flesh was bubbling up into his palms as the fur advanced around his hand, arm, and all the way up to his muscular shoulders. He had giant dog paws! Too horny to care about that right now, he lay on his side and Clover followed the cock like she was hypnotized by it, so they resumed their 69, just laying on their sides. Clover's breasts now stopped their very slow growth at a C cup, however the growth continued elsewhere. She did not have two- her chest was buried in six C cup breasts, but there was a slight gap below those before the D cup breasts on her gut, and DD cup below that on her upper crotch! Pigs have ten teats, giving her more nipples than she thought she should, AND the last two pairs were abnormally large because of the cow traits!

Clover and Jack were doing it in the hallway to the pool though... there isn't even a door on either end of the hall. Boris walked into the hall and seen them immediately, freezing like a deer in headlights. He had almost been able to ignore it, but his balls once again felt so very full and heavy. So pent up.

"Oooh... oh no... weeee! I... eeeeih!"

He had to quickly scramble to get his pants off, they were becoming too tight! His balls were growing again! They were monstrously huge, and very tender from being so abnormally full. He involuntarily thrust his cock forward, causing his balls to swing. His dick felt like it was trying to force itself longer but not able to stretch. His body was trying to push more mass into the shaft and it wasn't working! The over-pressure finally bent the shaft from the force, but it continued to collect, and the bend continued to twist his dick. He grunted in exertion from the feelings of pleasure bordering pain. When it finally stopped, his dick was shaped like a corkscrew- a porcine phallus! The knot on the base was also bigger now than it had been, having fully grown- but that happened over night. His belly surged a tiny bit bigger and the pressure immediately left his belly and fell into his extremities. His fingers and toes twitched, suddenly feeling stiff in the joints. He was panting heavily now, his sweat glands no longer functioned. His teeth sharpened to fangs, and his already huge teeth got even bigger and stuck even farther out of his mouth, turning into tusks. His bristly hairs advanced down his neck to his back and started to spread a bit- the very coarse fur of a boar. His balls were too full, looking at them having sex was too tempting, he needed to stick his dick into a hole... any hole!

Boris shambled forward, his stiff joints not cooperating with his desperation and he took Jack by surprise, ramming his corkscrew cock in without so much as a hello. Jack immediately shouted angrily, but with another suck and lick from Clover he decided he had more important things to worry about. So Boris thrust into Jack, Jack thrust into Clover's mouth and Clover ground herself into Jack's face all on the floor of a hall connecting the banquet hall and pool. Jack started licking Clover a little less aggressively as his body weakened a bit from pleasure- not expecting to be taken from behind, and never knowing what it felt like till now. His lower canine teeth started to grow longer.

"OOOH-heee. Heeeeeaww!" Jack released Clover entirely, writhing from the pleasure exploding into him.

Boris came quickly enough and snorted and grunted as he continued to cum, and cum, and cum. His tusks were joined by a second much smaller set- his teeth having been influenced by dog traits. As his cum spread into Jack and covered his prostate- the prostate started to mutate and grow bigger, fast. Jack's balls started to yank up and down in his scrotum as it tightened and the balls grew and grew. Already big from donkey traits, they were now getting pigger. His body could not resist the sweet pleasure and he erupted into Clover- his glans now fully a equine flare so big that when it engorged it locked his dick where it was- she is incapable of removing it from her mouth, which means she had to swallow, or drown. Just as Jack's orgasm was starting to slow down, he was hit by a second one, and then a third, and then a fourth. And his licks resumed their aggressive assault on Clover to match his own waves of pleasure, and then he caused her to climax, and again, and again. She had pig traits too- all three of them had freakishly long orgasms. Once it started they could not stop and it drained them greatly.

After almost ten minutes they were all finally spent. Jack fell asleep right there in the hall. Clover kept licking his dick for a while after. Boris could hear the cracking and snapping of bone under skin and looked at them as he got up. Clover's face was starting to push out into a dog muzzle, and her ears were getting longer but also stiffening a bit, standing out from her head instead of flopped right over- donkey traits. Her tail grew a bit longer and its natural curve also continued- giving her a corkscrew dog tail thanks to pig influence. Jack's feet were stretching and the toes all fusing together- the converged nail was already expanding out from the skin thicker and bigger as a forming donkey hoof. Boris' hands and feet were starting to lock up too, and trying to stretch. He... was so hungry though. Boris started to stagger back toward the banquet hall- the servants were gone from their guard which meant Bessy had eaten her fill, but now Boris wanted more!

Boris stumbled before he reached it and fell onto his hands and feet. His chest started to pop and expand and his gut grew more as well. He couldn't stop grunting. He started to awkwardly walk on all fours toward the banquet hall, following the smell of food. Every time he lifted a limb it stretched a bit more, and the bones converged, mixing with his fused nails to turn to hooves. The first thing he seen in the hall was Bessy trying to stabilize herself. There was a large pool of milk on the floor under her dribbling out from her over engorged tits. Her feet were now cow hooves, so as soon as she tried to stand up off the table she wobbled and fell onto all fours as well- unintentionally presenting her big rump to Boris. Between the scent of sweet milk drawing the pig in him forward, and the sight of her vibrant pink pussy drawing all of him, he once again charged... or, most accurately scrambled forward on his proto hooves and before she could even react, mounted her.

Bess was mulling in frustration of not being able to stand properly with so much weight and so narrow footing when a spike of pleasure shot through her and Boris landed on her big butt! She then felt his gigantic balls slap into her udder and immediately thrust herself back into him as her mind blanked. He could assume from the fact her tail was wagging, she wasn't not liking it. As Bessy let him thrust into her she felt a tightness in her ribs before they started to pop and shift, and her torso started to broaden. Her hips cracked and grew much bigger, and her ass getting even bigger and even rounder from pig traits. Boris' back legs finished turning into pigs, but did not shorten like they would be on a pigs thanks to cow traits, and the hooves grew larger than they should be to match. The muscles in his upper body started to throb and flex on their own and veins started to become visible on the surface as he bulged bigger, getting more muscular like a bull. The fat that had already gathered in his upper body was pushed down and his gut rounded out bigger. He did not hear Jack till it was too late.

"Re... reeheeheeaaaw... remember mehee? Payeebaawck!"

Jack lifted Boris right off the ground with his muscular dog arms and thrust his gigantic shaft into the boar man, which in turn caused Boris to thrust harder into Bessy. Boris' ears started to grow larger, but because of their boar shape they became rounder, not just longer. His neck thickened with muscle and his face and especially snout started to stretch out, depriving him of his ability to form human words at all. Bess could feel the corkscrew cock thickening and started to spiral deeper as it grew longer as well, taking in donkey traits. Boris' hands continued to progress into hooves, but not cloven ones. Again longer than a boar's limbs should be, he started to grow them into muscular donkey arms. Jack groaned as his neck started to crack and grow greatly into an equine one, but his gut started to push out and become rounder as well, getting a second dose of pig. His tasseled tail started to twist, giving it a loose spiral. When his face started to grow out fully, his large teeth grew beyond his lips into proper tusks as well. In addition to his large bull horns he had a lot of pointy objects sticking out of his face. Their train of sex exploded in orgasm not too long after, and thanks to everyone's favorite pig trait, its finale lasted way longer than it should have.

A week later Stonewall and Moth finally unlocked the mansion, nodding to themselves and jotting a few notes as they observed the four animals waiting for their freedom. They were fully changed now so they were free to go and do whatever. Because they had been left together for so long, they all became the exact same thing. They kept breeding with one another and passing traits between themselves till it eventually equalized and they were all the same creature- preventing any more traits from being passed. The males had huge muscular upper bodies and giant round guts, gigantic balls and long but narrow and wavy penis with a knotted base. Their front limbs ended in a hoof that split into four semi-claw segments, and the rear limbs were solid hooves that still had dew claws above them as if they were cloven, even though they aren't. Their tail is narrow long and spiraled with a very long bushy tassel on the end. Their necks long and muscular and ending in an equine like head, but girthier like a bovine and adorned with two tusks and two horns, with huge leaf shaped ears that couldn't possibly lift their own weight. The females had the same limbs, but rather than a pot belly and muscular upper body their body was barrel-like, with very wide hips and huge plump butts. Their vagina a mix between a canine shape and pillowiness, a bovine's size, an equine's large insistent clit, embued with a sow's unending orgasm- which was even longer than a boars. From their chests hung four large breasts with huge nipples, and from their lower body, starting in their groin and running to their ribs was a behemoth udder that was an extra segment long, dangling six fat teats instead of four. Their heads were similar to the males but their horns were stumpy and small, and they did not have tusks, but their noses had a slight upward turn at the ends, and had vibrant pink skin on the ends. The fur on the males and females was the same, except that the color matched the persons original hair color. Their lower limbs had long dog fur, most of their body had fine equine-like fur, spotted like a bovine, and bristly boar fur on their backs.

Moth nodded to Stonewall. "Now, we have done it. They were given a transformation custom to themselves, brought out by their own personality traits, but then were ultimately brought together and made equal. Unity and equality while maintaining individuality. An important lesson on its own, never mind the implications and uses that could be found in this sort of magic."

Jack stomped toward Stonewall and nudged him in frustration. "What? If you were really that upset about it you could have just removed the morphasite crystal and stopped it- it was in plain sight after all. In the chandelier hanging over the banquet hall."

The other three advanced forward a bit and Moth put up her hands defensively. "Ok, I get it. Technically we don't have to do anything because you volunteered for this, and we made it very clear we were not going to spring for a reversal spell. I generally get whatever funds I need for my research whenever I ask for it, so, I can probably get you all a modified human morphasite." They started to clap their hooves on the floor and make strange, but happy sounds. Moth again raised a hand to quiet them. "BUT, a regular morphasite will not work. Because you were mixed with each other, turning you back as you are now may cause the mixed transformations to translate into alterations. You all had different skin color in your human forms for example- turning you back now might make you the first Neapolitan flavored human. Which means you need a modified custom morphasite to go with your experimental transformation, which means research time and effort. What you did here helped a lot so I will do it of course- but I can't just poof it out of thin air. You will have to stay like that for a while yet, while I work on the new spell to transmute the crystal. You get to go free at least, use your new forms out in the real world for a while. Have fun with it."

Stonewall shook his head, chuckling a bit under his breath. "This sure was wild, we managed to create a transformation neutral between four subjects. The most chaotic neutral I ever seen, heh."

Two Of A Kind

(F Twincest, Merge/Fusion) Lilac sighed at her reflection in the vanity mirror on her dresser. She had graduated high school not too long ago and had started her half-assed job searching. That was not the source of her depression though. She...

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Like It Rough

(F TF feral Hyena TF anthro Hyena) Annabel was an extrovert- she needed to be around others to survive. Whenever she was alone she feels drained and depressed. It was that pack animal nature that brought out her inner animal a few years ago. In...

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What Did I Tell You?

(F TF multiple animal traits, reality alteration, partial M donkey, FtM dog, F Sow-Bitch hybrid) Alice liked to think of herself as a pretty average girl, decent grades, a small circle of friends, good looking, and people generally liked her, or...

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