What Did I Tell You?

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A new girl in Alice's highschool has her rival Adrian whispering lies in her ear, but before Alice can worry about that, everything starts getting crazy. Has Alice found herself in wonderland or is the new somehow able to call the shots on literally everything that happens? How do you get your kicks, when reality itself does whatever you tell it to?

(F TF multiple animal traits, reality alteration, partial M donkey, FtM dog, F Sow-Bitch hybrid)

Alice liked to think of herself as a pretty average girl, decent grades, a small circle of friends, good looking, and people generally liked her, or she flew completely under their radar. She had dark brown hair to her shoulders that was dismally straight- she tried to curl it before, it just was not happening. Her eyes were usually olive green but changed color to blue when she is outside for any length of time, because her pupil expanding changed the pigment density of her iris. She had to look it up because arguments over what color her eyes were became rather common. It was her last year of highschool so she was officially a woman! She was looking forward to going to University with her friend, and also because she got to leave Adrian behind. Adrian was the stuck up type- she considered herself better than everyone else, so when she spots someone like Alice having too much fun, she thinks its her mission to bring her down a peg. Alice had become used to ignoring the witch for the most part so Adrian was a mild annoyance at best. Still early in the year though, another woman came to the school, a year older but in the same grade. Her name is Robin. Joining a new school in the last grade of Highschool was pretty rough, so although Alice usually didn't approach people out of the blue, she did feel like going over and trying to welcome her in. It was then she seen Adrian already speaking to Robin, glancing over to Alice with a devilish smile every now and then. What lies was she whispering in the new girl's ears!?

Alice sat beside Robin in one of her morning classes, and was too curious to leave it alone, leaning toward her in her seat. "Hey. You're Robin right? Welcome to the new school and all that! If you need someone to show you around, I know the place like the back of my hand."

Robin stared at her for a moment, not really showing any emotion at all. "That doesn't surprise me."

"W- huh? What do you mean?"

Robin tapped her pencil on her desk idly. "I have only been here a few hours so far and I already heard about your PDA with your BFF Gale." Alice's face started to turn red. "It's cool. I don't really care, I am not a prude."

"T- that isn't true! I never did anything like that with Gale!"

"Shh, I am trying to take notes. You might not care about your grades but I do."

"I care ab- err..." She forced herself to be quiet for now.

Adrian told Robin that Alice and Gale were lesbians? Figures that is how Adrian interprets friendship with another girl- Adrian herself probably never had a true friend in her life. Alice hustled out of the class once it was over trying to stop Robin to tell her Adrian was a deceiver, but was stopped by Gale!

"Hey Alice! Can we walk together to next class?"

"Not now Gale I need to ca- om!" She was silenced by Gale kissing her!

What the hell?! Gale never once mentioned being bi, or having any sort of interest in Alice before today! Alice had no idea how to react! Gale was attractive, but Alice had never considered another woman. She was aggressive in her advances, and almost a bit frantic like lovers who had been apart for a long time. People coming out of their classes started to pause and look at the two. Alice's face turned bright red again, trying to weakly push Gale off. Gale's hands were getting rather touchy too- coming close to Alice's breasts several times before she second guessed herself because of their location. Alice then noticed Robin having stopped to watch as well, with her arms crossed casually.

Robin huffed. "So it was true. Y'never know when you come to a new place." She glanced at everyone else gathering to watch. "But its perfectly normal for two people in love to want to show it." Suddenly everyone's expressions softened and they disbursed as if nothing had happened.

Alice pulled Gale off for a moment, gasping for breath between kisses. "S-she isn't normally..."

Robin laughed as she was cut off again by Gale resuming. "S'ok. But boy she is really into you, she is like a desperate leg-humper. Yea. Her actions give her true nature away. What a dog!" Robin wandered off, chuckling.

Alice managed to pry Gale off again. "What has gotten into you?"

"I like you!"

"Oh...kay. This is an odd place to bring that up out of the blue though."

"Ok then locker room! Lets go, downstairs gym locker room. Private for Alice and me."

"Er... ok, sure."

Gale was talking a bit odd too. Something was definitely not quite right. They walked to the basement gym locker rooms on the girls side, but by the time they arrived and Alice turned to Gale it was drastically more apparent something was wrong! Gale's ears were big and starting to flop over on themselves! She also looked about an inch or two shorter than she had been and her clothes were a bit loose to prove it! Looking a bit lower- her nails were also more narrow and much more thick than a normal human, and turning a grey!

"Holy shit, what is happening to you Gale?!"

Gale looked herself over and only just then noticed the changes herself. "I don't know! Gale wasn't like this earlier!" She whimpered, then flinched a bit as her ears got a bit longer.

Gale's face scrunched and she hunched over like she was in pain. Her neck started to straighten again but the jerking motion of it made it clear it was being forced straight against her will. She was trying to fight something back. Suddenly both Gale and Alice were shocked at the sound of Gale barking, loudly. The sound echoed in the empty locker room. A moment after the bark Gale winced again and her grit teeth grew sharper. Not knowing what to do, Alice told Gale to stay put and went to get one of the teachers to call an ambulance or something to help the changing Gale. When Alice explained the situation though the teacher just nodded along as if she were making a clearly obvious joke, then tried to lead her to her next class to stop goofing off. Alice tried to explain the situation again but the teacher again passed it off. He KNEW Gale was part dog, everyone apparently knew. No one cared, it was normal. Alice could not beleive it and pestered all the people in her next class asking them about Gale but apparently everyone DID know, and everyone thought it was normal. How could that possibly be normal? After class she looked around for Gale but could not find her. She wandered back to the locker room and was surprised to see her still there! Gale practically tackled Alice, licking her several times with a now huge tongue! Her nose was dark and cold on the end, her ears were huge furry and completely folded over, and her socks and shoes had fallen off because her feet had restructured to paws! Her pants were even pulled down a bit in the back to let out her blonde furred, wagging tail! There was also the nasty smell of pee in the locker room. Gale whimpered when Alice commented on it- she apparently had to pee in the corner of the locker room because no one came to 'let her out'. The door was never locked. Gale had forgotten how to use doorknobs! Alice pushed Gale off herself again, but let her out of the locker room and immediately spotted Robin standing casually leaned on the wall again.

"Gotta say, school that lets in dogs is pretty rad. I think I will like it here."

"She isn't a... well, she isn't supposed to be a dog. I don't know why she is like this all of a sudden."

"Well she is pretty into you. Probably that rack of yours. Those big melons will drive lots of people nuts I am sure."

Alice blushed, crossing her arms infront of her chest. "They aren't that big!" But then she felt her nipples tingling as the blood rushed into them at unusual speed. Then her breasts started to push on her arms. "YOU! It must be you, you're doing this!"

Robin smiled. "Caught on, did you?"

Alice's breasts firmed up and swelled out a bit making her bra not fit right. "Why? How?"

Robin shrugged. "Why? Because its entertaining."

"Turn her back!" Gale grabbed her from behind without warning, pinning her arms to her side without actually meaning to.

Robin shrugged and started to walk away. "I will. Eventually."

Alice wanted to chase after her but was surprised when Gale started to hump her, while smelling her hair. More alarming- there was something stiff in her pants that was prodding Alice with each thrust. Alice tried her best to break free but couldn't, even as Gale seemed to shrink even more and the object in her pants grew bigger. Alice's bra started to cut squeeze her breasts so tightly it was getting hard to breath. She could hear dull pops and cracks of bone from Gale's body and she fell forward into Alice before losing her grip with her changing hands and fell onto all fours! By the time Alice scurried out of grabbing range and turned around, Gale was almost entirely a dog- a MALE dog. Her clothing hung off him no longer coming even close to fitting, and a large red rocket crested over the waist of his pants. He was panting hard, staring rather blankly forward for several moments. Alice took the time to unclasp her bra so she could breath, and Gale made a dash for Alice again, penis twitching. Alice held her off, seeing he did not understand english anymore. She had to use very simple statements and repeat Gale's name to make sure he knew she was telling him to stay down. Gale's face was not fully extended into a dog muzzle yet, and the fur was sparse on his torso but he was otherwise all dog.

Alice thought about the situation hard. She had to go after Robin to get this reversed, but at the same time- if Robin has the power to do this sort of thing effortlessly, Alice cannot afford to irritate her, or who knows what she will do. Going after her at all might just entice her to make things worse, so maybe the best course of action was to actually not do anything and just wait. She felt sorry for Gale, but it really did seem the best thing to do for now was nothing. Alice went the rest of the day with Gale following around on all fours- still with his human clothing draped off his body. Alice's bra was pinned between her breasts and shirt- the curvature of her breasts was holding it up since it was no longer fastened. When she went to leave school, Gale followed her. Everyone seemed to think Gale was her pet somehow. That was even more worrying than the transformation. Everyone but Alice seemed to think everything was normal- which means Robin was somehow powerful enough to subtly affect EVERYONE.

When Alice got home she immediately tried to explain Gale to her parents, trying to pass her off as a normal dog but to her surprise her parents thought it was normal as well! They asked what she was talking about, because Gale had already been her pet for years. It was then that Alice seen Robin sitting at the dinner table already.

"W-what is she doing here?!"

"Robin? What do you mean? She... lives here with us, like always. Why wouldn't she be waiting for dinner?"

Alice stormed over to Robin who remained comfortable in her seat, not even making eye contact. "Problem?"

"What have you done to them?"

"Hmm? Everything is normal here. I figured I would hang out with you for a night"

Alice wanted to say something, argue something. It was too risky, she had to just play along. It was so strange eating dinner that night, with Robin there and everyone acting like this was completely okay. If Robin hadn't admitted to being behind all the weirdness Alice might have thought she had gone insane. Even Gale seemed calm like everything was fine, even though she was a he now, and mostly dog. Gale was also still loosely dressed in his human clothes, so Alice had to tie a knot in the pants and shirt to help them fit a little better on his dog body. There was even a leash hanging by the coats at the front door and a food and water bowl for Gale. When Alice went to her room she groaned as she looked at her bed and seen it was a bunk-bed now, the top bunk was Robin's.

Robin yawned, flopping down on her bed but resting her head on the edge to watch TV still. "So, craziness aside, you think we would be friends?"

Alice was a bit caught off guard. "Uh... I don't know? I don't know enough about you, other than you apparently have magic powers."

Robin laughed. "True. Yea, it happened a long time ago. I have a sister two and a half years younger than me. When she was really little she got separated from the family on a trip, but managed to find her own way back to us. When he asked her how she said she found a tiny person who guided her back to us. For having found the tiny person, it offered her a wish. I guess she sort of idolized me back then and how brutally honest I can be. She wished that I would continue to only tell the truth, and so I got my powers."

"Your power is... being honest?"

Robin smirked. "Nope. The trick is in the wording. She did not wish that I never lie- just that what I say is always the truth. If I lie, it BECOMES the truth. Whatever I say, no matter how innacurate- it will be true. I said Gale's actions revealed her true form as a leg humping dog- so she started to transform into a dog, triggered by how much she acted like one. Making everyone think everything is normal was easy- the hard part was making an acception for you. Changing everything without anyone knowing gets old and I have had these powers for a long time now- but having you aware of what is going on makes it fun again."

"Well that is... terrifying."

Robin sighed, her expression sobering up. "Yea. It is. I have to be extremely careful how I word things, and I have always been afraid of alcohol because then I wouldn't be able to control what I say and could end up breaking reality. But I learned to have fun with it. Mess around. I have the ability to break all the rules so I might as well."

"How long are you planning to mess with me and Gale?"

Robin groaned. "Aww, come on. I am not going to hurt you, can't you just go with the flow?" Alice did not reply. "Fine I will turn you back during lunch break, ok?" Alice picked up her night shirt and went to leave the room. "Where are you off to?"

"Getting into my night shirt, i'm tired."

"Just change here?" She grinned. "Don't be so sheepish."

Alice was about to say something but her hair started to move on its own! It looked like it was squirming at first but it was both growing longer and starting to curl at the same time! It also got a bit lighter brown.

"W-whaaaht a..." She was going to ask what Robin was doing but cut herself off, placing her hands over her mouth.

Alice beated like a... lamb! Robin said she was being sheepish so she was turning part sheep! Under her hands she could feel her face restructuring a bit. Her front teeth became thicker, making them more blocky but otherwise the same. Her jaws extended just a bit, bringing her upper lip more on level with the end of her nose. The upper lip became slightly cleft and the bridge of her nose widened and became slightly triangular on the end like a sheep. Her hair turned into an extremely bushy mane of light brown curls around her head as the changes stopped there thankfully.

"Daaaht turn meeeh into an aaaahnimal!"

Robin snickered at the heavy reverberence in her voice. "I won't. Not completely anyway. You always wanted curlier hair, right?"

Alice furrowed her brow a bit at that. "How did you know thaaaaht?"

"I told myself I knew a bit about you already. Sorry if that was a bit creepy." A bit frusterated, Alice gave in and started to dress down for bed. "Daamn."


"Nothin', just... you got a real nice body."

Alice blushed, turning her back to Robin as she took her shirt off- not realising Robin could just see her breasts in the body mirror on the back of the door anyway. "I take care of maaahself but its nothing speciaaahl. I am pretty aaahverage."

"Pff. I wanna live in the world where THAT is average. I am close to you taking a look right now and-" She vanished from the top bunk and appeared right behind Alice. "This is definitely better than average."

Alice flinched a bit as Robin put her hands on the sides of her chest and slid them down slowly, following the hourglass curve. She slowed her hands as she got to the lower back, placing her thumbs out to touch the curvature of the venus dimples on the small of the back over the pert bubble-butt. Alice tensed a bit at the touch- her lower back and sides were a weak point of hers. She still had her panties on- she wore panties and a night shirt to bed normally, but hadn't put the shirt on yet.

"And you know how I can tell?"


"Because I said you were above average. And nothing changed."

Alice seen Gale walk up, looking at her as if he wanted something. She was about to ask if he needed to go to the bathroom again but seen the red cock poking out from the pants again. He jumped up onto her legs trying to thrust at her. Robin backed off to give them space and Alice tried to shoo Gale away. She did not want to kick him off and be mean about it- he was probably filled with lots of new feelings he did not know how to deal with. Gale fell back onto all fours and seemed to back off a bit. When Alice turned to grab her night shirt off the floor though, Gale hopped up and grabbed her panties with his mouth! This caused Alice to fall forward onto all fours as Gale yanked her panties down and quickly scrambled to get up high enough to mount her.

"Aaaah, staaahp that! Robin, get her... him off!"

Robin blushed a bit, raising her hands up. "I think getting off is exactly what he is already trying to do. You worry less about me being here during this."

Alice felt herself worrying a bit less, which temporarily made her worry more, because she was worrying about not being worried. Robin's minor tweak did not stop her from being worried that her best friend was trying to mount her as a dog. Gale did not stop trying to hump and climb further up, so Alice could not get up off the floor without stumbling right back down. She gave a long bleat as Gale found his target finally, thrusting into her and then starting to hump frantically. His pants got pushed down on their own from the movement.

"Aaah, come on! N-not like this..."

Robin nodded a bit. "Not exactly a right fit? But, he does have a human sized member- at least."

"No he- oh no!"

Alice could feel the canine cock growing bigger, quickly. Gale started to hump slower, putting more force into each thrust instead. Soon the large phallus filled her on its own and the knot at the base shoved up against her labia, pushing deeper each time, making the vaginal passage stretch a little farther till it was finally able to pop inside, making her bleat again. Gale's face gave off soft clicks muffled under the skin as it started to push out farther. The fur on his torso also started to get thicker as he finally finished turning completely into a normal looking dog. She wanted to keep proesting to get Gale off but it was too much. It felt too good, he big hot cock filled her so perfectly like a key in a lock, that she could not catch her breath or will power. Eventually her arms buckled and she rest her face on the carpet, with her butt thrust up into Gale's hammering hips. Eventually Gale came into her, after bringing her to one full orgasm and two mini orgasms on the way there. Alice remained still, catching her breath and too emberassed to look at Robin- Gale tried to move but realised he was knotted and couldn't move, so he just turned the other way to cinch off blood flow to the penis.

Robin slipped back up into her bed. "There, that felt good right? Plus you hadn't been with a guy in a while." Robin smiled. "I bet you are still horny now."

"N-no don't say thaaaaht!" She could feel a heat building again in her loins.

Robin tapped her head. "Not that kind of horny."

The heat abated right away and a pressure exploded from the top of her head! Alice scrunched her face up from the feeling. It pushed and bulged in the middle of her head, right at her hair line.

Robin hummed in thought. "Cow horns are overused... I did antlers on the last person. Ooh, how about water buffalo?"

Alice bleated loudly again as the bulge grew huge and then split, travelling across her entire head to her temples where the bony growth lanced the skin, drawing a little blood. The horns connected to the middle of her head, but remained under the skin till the sides- then grew in upward archs on either side, making their overall shape like the handlebars of a bike. Their surface was steeply ribbed, and they were the size of an actual buffalo while her head was still human sized- making the horns giant on her. She was going to complain to Robin, but Robin had vanished back over the edge of her bed to sleep. Alice just sighed and went to bed as soon as she could pop off Gale and clean herself up again.

The next day went as normal as it could go. Alice had a bit of trouble combing her hair- she kept scraping the huge skin bulge that contained her horns with the comb by accident, and it took her forever to comb the knots out of her hair because it was so curly! She was basically combing wool. It took her a few minutes to build herself up enough to show herself to anyone, with a partial sheep face and buffalo horns. She knew no one would think it was weird, but SHE thought it was weird. She was still as emberassed as hell from the night before, and kept glancing at Gale following her to make sure he didn't try anything funny again. As unwanted as it had been though, she couldn't deny it felt good and her body felt oddly refreshed afterward. Tired, but refreshed. Walking to school, Robin hung her bag on Alice's horn to tease her, and rather than throw it back off Alice just sighed and hung her own bag on the other horn to even it out.

When they finally arrived at school Alice glanced at her wrist watch and grumbled. "I was so nervous aaaahbout going out like this I made us laaahte."

"No, we are at least five minutes early."

Alice lowered her brows as the hands on her watch reversed till they were early. "Remember, you said you would stop this aaaht lunch. If you are going to do something embarraaaahssing, at least don't call attention to it, ok?"

Robin laughed. "No promises there. Besides, it shouldn't be that much of a problem to keep a low profile for someone as small as you."

Alice was about to ask what she meant by that, but felt an odd sensation in her body and knew she had been played again. Her body felt like it was tightening, her breath escaping her lungs on its own as they compressed a bit. She felt a wave of dizzy weakness as her point of view lowered and her body tried to readjust.

"Whyyy?" She practically whimpered the rhetorical question with a slightly higher pitched, smaller voice.

"Because you are so mousy!"

Alice groaned as her hands felt weird and she could also feel her ears gently stretching out. Her ears became bigger and rounder, but also more thin. The flesh on the inside of her hands became hot pink and puffed up a bit, her nails narrowed into tiny claws. Human sized mouse hands and ears. At least she did not shrink to the size of a mouse. Her clothing was very loose but like Gale, still fit enough. She was really small, but not inhumanly small. She wanted to tie her clothes off so they didn't just fall away when she moved around, but they were not early enough for her to stall, so she just held onto it at key points with her mouse hands and scurried in to her first class. Her and Robin parted ways since she was not in Alice's first class. She DID share her first class with Vincent though, her other best friend. He was a bit meek and not at all an athletic type but was generally so suave with his words that he left attempts at bullying him stumbling over their own words.

"Hey Alice. Wow, your uniform doesn't, uh... fit right, does it?"

She blushed a bit. "No. And i didnot have time to fix it yet, I was running behind schedule. I guess I would rather it be too loose than too tight, aha..ha..."

"Right, yea. Hey, I heard you were asking weird questions about Gale and in a panick yesterday? Was something up?" He glanced at Gale shadowing her, then back to Alice since Gale looked fine.

"Oh that... uh, yes. I mean no! Nothing was up, the teacher just asked me something about Gale and worded it weird, which made me confused. She- er, HE was locked in the girls locker room for a bit yesterday, no idea how he got in there, but I got him out obviously."

As they walked into the room they passed Robin again leaned against the wall. "Yup, and accurate story if I ever heard one."

Vincent continued to his seat but Alice glared at Robin a moment. "What are you doing in my first period?"

"Whatever I want." She raised her voice to the teacher at the front of the room preparing. "Isn't that right? I am just here to observe and hang out. There is nothing wrong with that."

The teacher nodded with a bit of an absentminded smile before resuming preparations for the lesson. Alice sighed. Logic was irrelevant around Robin- she distorted reality with each new word spoken. The class started and Alice kept looking nervously over to Robin but she was watching the teacher and not paying attention to Alice so she started to relax a bit and attempt to focus on her work. She started to feel oddly warm though soon after and immediately looked over to Robin to see her mumbling something under her breath, then stopped and winked at Alice. Ack! What did she say?! Alice couldn't hear her!

Alice's chest felt warm and she looked down to see her breasts slowly growing again! Because she had grown the other day she did not even put a bra on this morning because it wouldn't fit, then she shrank so even if she had one on it would not be there now and now her chest specifically it was growing. Alice frantically tapped and scribbled with her pencil in her hand nervously without even realising and glanced back a moment as she felt like the seat was pushing up into her- but it was actually the opposite. Her ass was growing rounder! She dropped the pencil and grabbed the desk trying to readjust her seating as subtly as possible so no one noticed what was happening, and then seen her paper. When she was idly scribbling in her binder without even looking at the page she wrote 'at least SOME parts of your outfit, fit'. Alice grunt in frusteration- Robin caused her to write that, that must be what she said under her breath. Alice's eyes went wide a moment later when she realised the implication. She had shrank considerably- if some parts of her outfit still fit, her ass and breasts would have to get a LOT bigger to pull that off! The seat below her started to feel a lot less uncomfortable as she grew more and more padding to sit on. Her butt cheeks grew in size not just fat content, so rather than spread out they remained exactly as firm as they had already been when they were average sized. She did still have to shift her seating though, because the larger butt cheeks were pinned in place by her body weight, causing the inner curve to grow into one another tightly till she shifted her legs farther apart. As soon as she did, she thought she had dislocated a hip joint somehow when it popped loudly, even muffled by the fat and skin over it. What happened was her hip itself popped- widening by at least an inch! This made her butt cheeks more spherical rather than tear-drop shaped, and made her body more obviously hourglass in shape. Her breast growth was a bit more obscure because her body was not emphasizing it against a surface- they were just burried in the too big material. Alice had only just minutes ago tied the back of her top to tighten it to her, but as the curvature of her breasts started to press into the fabric she quickly undid it.

Alice went rigid after, picking up her pencil even though she couldn't concentrate to use it. She noticed several people looking at her! She had to act as casual as possible. The loud pop of her hips probably got their attention. No one would think it was out of place, but that did not prevent them from still knowing it was happening. Alice tried to hunch over to try and hide the increasing curve of her breasts, but they pressed into the edge of the desk. Luckily her expanding ass set her higher up in her seat which allowed her to pull them up and rest their bottoms ontop of the desk. When she finally stopped expanding she needed to sit up straight, because hunching over caused the desk to mash her boobs into her face. Her pants and top were fit snug around her curves while the clothing hung loose everywhere else. Those curves were huge on a normal person- because she was tiny now they looked gigantic on her! The people who had been watching eventually averted their attention when it was clear the changes finished. The girls who seen it looked frusterated or borderline disgusted, the boys who seen it looked frusterated, but in a different sense and several had to readjust their own seating. Alice glanced at Vincent but sighed in relief seeing he was not one of the people who seen the change. Everyone would think it was normal, so only the people who seen it happening reacted to the changes themselves. People who did not see the changes would not even think to comment on it, because regardless of what her size became they would think its normal.

The teacher coughed several times during class, but really started into it at one point, causing all the students to cringe because he never bothered to cover his mouth when he coughed. Robin clicked her tongue. "Jeeze, he sounds like a fucking donkey when he coughs." She smirked. "Maybe he is a donkey."

The teacher scowled at her comment but when he went to turn back to the chalk board he stumbled and had to catch himself on the narrow chalk shelf along the bottom. He grimaced at the stiffening of his feet and hands at the same time. Small quiet clicks could be heard from his joints and he could see the subtle jerks below the skin of his hands as the bones popped in and out of place as they transformed. His legs were completely reshaping under his clothes causing him to need to hold himself up against the board and he also got taller as a result- the distance between ankle and toe increased greatly adding at least a foot of height, but forcing his weight onto only the front of his feet, causing him to balance on a much narrower surface. His fingers locked together as the bones within fused and then the skin on the surface as well. The nails united and grew tremendously, pushing what had been his fingers even more squat and thick. His hands and feet had turned into hooves! He pushed himself off the board, teetering a bit on his new hooves for balance, then almost stumbled again on his own shoes that clearly did not fit at all anymore. He gave a frusterated grunt and kicked them off, then rubbed the hooves together to pull the useless socks off and kick them away as well- wondering why he had even put them on in the first place. He placed his hands on his lectern, looking at the class as if nothing had just happened.

"I would laaaaawwk. L-like y-eeeeii-....HAAA." He hunched over the lectern as his neck bulked up a bit and bristly hairs grew in a line down its back.

Each stuttered bray increased the size of his nostrils and his front teeth as they became huge slabs. They grew so much with his wheezing brays that they stretched his face out to make room, giving him a pseudo muzzle. The sound of his own brays caused his ears to twitch in irritation and grow longer and furrier. His upper back and shoulders grew and rounded, causing the front of his shirt to yank tight and the buttons to explode off, forcing everyone to shield their eyes as the buttons rained down on the class. The shirt itself did not rip since the buttons gave out. He had enough of a ghosting of fur on his chest to show the streak across his collar to mark him a jackass. He grunt in confused pleasure as his hips grew in size and his ass grew large and round with taught muscle, forcing him to lean further onto the lectern and project his rump further out toward the chalk board. It grew so large it almost tore his pants, but not quite- the upper curvature of his firm ass could be seen over the waist of the pants, which also allowed his thin tassled tail out to play. In the front his fly unzipped itself and the button popped off his pants as well as his testicles grew from normal size to softballs and turned pure black and smooth. By the time it was exposed to open air, his cock was not visible to the class thankfully. What was exposed in its place was a sheath of plush black flesh the girth of his arm- its opening radiating animal musk.

The teacher stood up straight again, gave a few wheezing brays and then resumed the lesson. It was hard to understand him now because he kept letting out half brays as he spoke. His hips did not change form, so he could still stand upright just fine. Robin said that he MIGHT be a donkey- which means he might also not be a donkey. This caused him to turn into a strange half-breed ass-man.

Alice was just glad that wasn't her. She got through the rest of first period unchanged thanks to Robin getting distracted with the teacher instead. Alice was starting to wonder if she had made any other changes- and just made Alice unaware of them. Heck, maybe all this was normal and she just made Alice think it wasn't. When someone has the power to completely alter what is true, you can't actually trust anything, really. When Alice got up to go to her next class she wobbled a bit, needing to find her new center of gravity. Because her breasts were so big compared to her, leaning even a little forward made it extremely hard to correct herself. She needed to stay as straight as possible to fight their gravity. At least with them big enough to be snug against her top- her top was able to hold them in place so they did not just wobble and flop all over the damn place. Robin walked slow so Alice would catch up unintentionally.

"Having a bit of trouble getting used to those? They are real impressive."

"They're too big! Aaaaht least I would have maaaahnaged with my old body, but you had to make me smaller AaahND make them bigger!"

"Aww, but, they look amazing. Right, Vincent?"

Alice froze up when she heard her call to Vincent who wandered over to them. "Hmm? What's up?"

"You like the way Alice looks, right?"

Vincent blushed. "Er, I mean, yea."

Alice looked at him meekly. "B-but I look like part aaaahnimal..."

Vincent shrugged. "So? It is normal for you, and you being the only one like that just makes you that much more unique."

Robin slithered uncomfortably close to Vincent. "And those tits are spectacular."

"Uh...heh... yea."

"I bet you would like them even bigger, huh? I know I am glad they keep growing."

Alice let out a pathetic squeak and covered her chest with her arms the best she could as she felt a gentle warm tingle return to them, and they started to push into her top more.

"She has a pair of real big, fat milkers. Like a full on dairy cow!"

"Aaah, n-nno...!"

Alice scrunched her face up, trying to squeeze her breasts back with her arms but it was not working. They pushed up against the inside of her shirt and started to squish out to take up whatever space they could find. Because the rest of the top was loose, her breasts started to billow down into the lower part of the shirt, forcing it to scrunch upward as the fabric started to squeeze her tight enough that she started to become winded. She was breathing heavily between uncontrolled bleats. All the noise she was making and the growth going on in the middle of the hall was calling a lot of attention but she couldn't help it. She was so emberassed again! Her shirt started to rip under her arms, tearing down the seams on the sides. She wanted to make a run for it, run anywhere but here but she couldn't. The tremendous weight in her chest made it hard to even remain standing at all- and as soon as her shirt gave out and stopped helping her support them, she likely couldn't stand at all. Her face was blood red, her entire body felt hot with embarrassment. Vincent was shocked and mesmerised by the changes, unable to say anything nor look away. More seams gave out and the shirt started to lift up, more and more of her huge fat tits billowing out from the bottom of the top. Robin was surprised by the tear that ran down her face, quickly gasping at her mistake!

Her shirt finally exploded in half up either side, and the front popped up looking more like a bib- held on by the arms and collar that remained intact. She was yanked forward by the fat wobbling spheres breaking free and would have been yanked to the floor, but Robin caught her. Her breasts blushed bright pink as if the growth was exceeding the skins elasticity and Alice furrowed her brows at the sight of incredibly fat veins at their base, then groaned as she remembered the wording. Like a cow- her breasts were taking an appearance similar, but not exactly like a cow udder. Her nipples tingled from overpressure of blood rushing to them, and her breasts surface expanded out from the front, causing her nipples to tug and finally yank apart- splitting them! Her areola expanded to the shape of an 8 as each hosted not one but two long fat nipples. Though engorged, the nipples still flopped around a bit just from their size- far too big for a human but still not quite a cow teat. Alice looked frightened toward Vincent but blinked, realising he was suddenly gone.


"I teleported him to the next class before he seen. Sorry, I didn't know."

Alice wiped her tear away. "Know what?"

Robin grinned. "That you actually liked him, like that. Don't worry, he won't see your tits till you are ready to show him, yourself." She helped Alice up straight, leaning heavily on Robin. "Of course- everyone else still saw."

Alice groaned at everyone gawking at her, paused in the hall, creating a huge traffic jam between classes. Several people told her to have some decency and get fitting uniforms. Robin just told them she did- she just kept outgrowing them. Alice grumbled- knowing Robin just set a trap. Alice couldn't go ask for a bigger top now, because odds are there are none that would fit her anyway, but also because of Robin's wording- as soon as she found a top that fit, she would outgrow it. So if she tried to contain her breasts, she would inadvertently make them bigger. Since she was incapable of hiding them, Robin flatly stated before they entered the next class that Vincent could not see her today for some reason- making it so. She could stand directly in front of him and he would not be able to see her, she was invisible to him for now. Robin needed to help her to her seat, so her desk could take the weight of her tits. Her spine was incapable of carrying them on its own. The girls in class all ignored her, but the gaze of all the men were perminantly glued to her. Even if it was considered normal- she still had exposed mega tits and every guy was frothing at the mouth, imagining being able to motorboat those bloated fat spheres.

Halfway into class Robin snaked her way over to Alice, glancing at her then to Vincent- the only guy not staring at her, simply because he didn't know she was there. "He is pretty cute."

"Y-yea. Well, he has a really nice personaaahlity to, and he is smart. He doesn't let aaaahnything get to him and can roll with the punches, y'know."

"Yea...wonder how big his package is though."


"A confident guy like him... I bet he is at bare minimum about eight inches long."

Alice looked at him nervously. "Isn't that way over the aaaaahver...age..." And then she realised Robin wasn't actually trying to guess the size- she was dictating it.

Vincent shifted in his seat, glancing around a moment to see if anyone was watching.

"But that has to be the minimum. He is most likely bigger." He started to look a bit nervous. "He has a ten inch hog." A bulge started to form in his pants. "With real big, low hanging nuts! Actually, he is bigger than that... thirteen inches."

The bulge grew and grew, the curvature of his expanding testicles pushed the arch of his flaccid but huge dick into the front of his pants and he put his hands onto his legs to try and hide it from view, blushing brightly.

Alice blushed just as bright. "S-stop thaaaht! That is world record size- and the person who held thaaaaht record couldn't even use it because his blood pressure would haaahve dropped so low it would knock him out."

Robin grinned devilishly. "Well that is a fun fact from Mrs.Innocent." Alice just glanced away in emberassment. "I am not just increasing the size though, his whole system is increasing with it to maintain. Notice how your tits aren't rolling around in your lap?"


"Breasts that big on a human wouldn't physically be able to hold their structure- they would be drooping to your crotch even when you stand up. But I increased the size of everything, including making your skin thicker, and the muscle layering denser to hold their structure together, so they hold up just as well as they did when they are smaller. Boobs are held up by two things- a tendon on the inside of your rib cage and a layer of muscle that holds their shape by binding the skin and fat layers together. THAT is MY fun fact." She looked back at Vincent. "But back to the point at hand- I was being modest with those numbers. He is bigger than that." Vincent grunted softly, raising his hand to ask to go to the bathroom to flee class. "Quite a big bigger, really."

The zipper on his pants was being forced down from pressure and the bulge was pulling his pants down a bit as it advanced toward his knees. Vincent ran off to the bathroom as fast as he could, though it was more like a waddle because of his package. Robin whispered in Alice's ear that it was a good thing no one could hear her for the next few minutes, because she was feeling the same ammount of pleasure Vincent was. And he was really feeling good. The size of his huge dick gave him so much pride, and felt so heavy, fully, and pleasurable he could barely stand it. He did not run to the bathroom to hide, he ran because he was approaching orgasm without even touching himself. Alice quickly branced herself on the desk as her eyes went wide. Her pussy clenched and moistened, the inner walls of her vagina fluttering on their own even though there was nothing inside! She tried to tell Alice to stop but could only desperately squeak and make breathless bleating. True to what she said though- no one in the class noticed she was making a sound. The guys who were constantly staring at her DID notice the faces she was making though, and got even more aroused themselves. Robin told her he was probably going to clog the toilet with the amount of cum that giant cock of his made. Because she linked the two together- that caused her pussy to start sputtering and dripping salty lube as well! She was dripping like she did during an orgasm but she wasn't even at climax yet! Some of the guys watching her started to cautiously slip their hands to the crotch of their pants to rub themselves to the sight. It was a good thing she made no sounds they could hear, so the women and teacher remained oblivious.

Robin gently pet the side of her pink boob. "Pleasure pulsing from out of no where, filling him." She slid her hand to the front, putting her middle and ring finger between two fat nipples and pinching them with her pinky and index. "So rhythmic and powerful, numbing all other sensations." She made a fist with the nipples still pinched between fingers and yanked them, causing the whole breast to wobble violently. "Making it impossible to think about anything else. So strong, but so slow. How has he not gone over yet? He is already there." Alice gasped for air between bleats, buckled forward with her embarrassed face burried in her own cleavage on the desk. "Already at orgasm, but the release won't come.... so teasingly long, building inside... building, till finally..." Alice's breathing became faster and shorter, faster, more desperate. "You explode!"

Her pussy clinched hard, but still an actual jet of liquid blasted out into her panties and pants, filtering through the fabric as a more subdued dulge onto the floor. Her body trembled uncontrollably, her legs strangled her chair, and her face was mashed into her cleavage so hard she literally could not breath. She could only imagine the thick streams of hot cream Vincent was blasting out, barely able to remain standing from the pleasure. And of course, she DID imagine it. It took Alice so long to catch her breath, try to calm down, and make herself look as presentable as she possibly could in her state, that the class ended by the time she did. Gale lapped up the fluid she hosed the floor down with to inadvertently destroy the evidenced. Alice was able to sigh in relief though- second period over meant it was lunch time- she was free from Robin's insane tricks. At least she could rely on Robin having been truthful about it- she can't not be truthful.

Robin asked if she wanted to eat lunch together and Alice figured, why not. They ate out at the front steps of the school, knowing no one else would likely be there.

Robin looked at Alice, smiling at her handywork- her strange altered body and the dog Gale sitting loyaly beside her. "So, emberassing but, fun right? I mean, sure your body is totally impractical, but if it can easily be changed back, why not? There are no real consequences so why not go bat shit crazy."

"I guess. I don't think I will eeehver be able to get their faces out of my head though. The looks they gaaaahve me, my boobs hanging out in the open... having aaahn orgasm in class!"

"Seeing Vincent's massive cock..."

"ACK! You turned him back, right?"

"Not yet, haha. C'mon, admit it, there has to be something you always wished for your body."

"I dunno, I aaahm pretty satisfied with it. The thing with being average is while you aren't great in anything, you also aren't bad with aaaahnything. I always wanted curlieeeehr hair I guess, mine falls so flat it is hard to do anything with it. But... I mean, its 50% wool right now. Oh aaahnd I could never pull off high heels, so that is a thing I guess."

"Whaaat? You? Sure, you got high heels- and the dainty feet to go with em, just like a doe."

"A doe? What? AH!"

Alice raised her legs and flinched at the sight and sounds of the clicking bones as her legs started to extend! Robin wasn't supposed to be messing with her anymore! Her legs quickly started to convert to ungulate. Her large and pinky toe equalized in size and were consumed in triangular ketatin shells to become dew claws, while the rest fused and then split into two huge toes, extending farther down and forming dainty cloven hooves! Though she had no fur on them, they were clearly the long, narrow legs of a deer. Literal high heels- an ungulate's heels are like two feet off the ground. And deer more than other ungulate have very small, narrow hooves for the size of the animal. Alice was going to comment on how she could not keep her balance on such narrow hooves- but realised the sentiment was pointless because she couldn't lift the weight of her tits under her own strength regardless.

"I think if I actuaaaaahlly stood up with these my narrow legs would sink into theeeh ground like stakes..."

"Yea... you still can't stand, huh? Well, your spine is getting a lot stronger and denser to make up for it."

Alice moaned since she was still mid-bite of part of her lunch when the feeling shot up her spine. Each vertibrae got larger, and denser. The muscles in her back buckled and swelled, causing her venus dimples on her lower back to become more pronounced.

"You know you could have just reeeeehstored my size, which would also help, since they would be smaaaaahller relative to my body."

"But guys like tiny women, it makes them feel more macho."

"Guys like tall women too, depeeeehnds on taste."

"Mmm, but what about Vincent?"

Alice blushed. "When would that haaaahve ever come up in conversation?!"

"I guess we will have to just do both, then. You are tall, AND small."

"W-what? How would thaaaht even w-aaah!"

The surge of growth in her spine fired up into her neck as well now, feeling like it was trying to pop her head off! She became worried as the vertebrae actually felt like they were dividing, and then popped apart! But as soon as it popped apart, a new one formed between to fill the gap- she was growing a longer spine! Her neck bulked a bit, but grew in length tremendously! Her body remained the same- she was growing a giraffe neck! Her neck virtually trippled the length of her body, causing her to wobble in her seat and lean back till her head rest on the school, above the doorway. Because of the arch her back had to make to let that pose happen, her boobs were thrust forward and she timidly cupped the quad nipples with the plush palms of her mouse hands. She heard a car screach and seen a man nearly swerve off the road as he glanced over and seen her as he was driving past the school.

Alice sighed, lowering her brows, too emotionally exhausted to even react to being seen. "Can I be normal now? Can GALE be normal? Its lunch break, time to stop."

"Mmm, yea. It is A lunchbreak."

"Yes, it... oh no."

Alice finally realized- Robin set a time, not a date. She would stop during a lunch break, but she did not say on what day, she could keep this up for years.

Robin laughed deviously. "Its all in the wording."

"Which makes me wonder... how do things like my 'high heels' work? There are two different interpretations on what that could mean, and you obviously deliberately took the outlayer."

"It is in how I say it, and when that fails, my intentions influence it somewhat when my words failed to give clear enough meaning. If I said it again, but not in a way that implied deer hooves or shoes, it would default to hooves, because that was what I meant the last time I said it. But don't worry, I won't mess with you anymore if you don't want. I will turn everything back to normal."

"...will? How about, you 'are'?"

"Hah, fine. Everything I made true since we met the other day is set back the way it was."

In the blink of an eye, everything reverted. It was so sudden Alice fell back and bopped her head on the step above her. "Oww. Ugh, so glad Adrian wasn't around for all this. Even if it was supposed to be normal that witch would have been heckling me, laughing at me and God knows what else." She sat up slowly in thought. "I wonder where-"

"Oh, that stuckup bitch that was trying to shit talk you? Yea, you don't have to worry about her anymore. I fucked her up before we ever even spoke directly."

*the previous day*

Robin and Adrian appeared in Adrian's bedroom, with Adrian confused on the bed. "W-what the- ?!"

"I don't know anything about you or Alice and you are already trying to poison me to her? God, I cannot stand people like you. I have known you for like twelve minutes and I already want to throttle you."

Adrian sat up, still terribly confused but also offended by Robin. "Hey! You don't know what I am like, I am a nice person. I told you about lowlifes like Alice so you wouldn't have to emberass yourself being seen with her."

"Oooh, right. So, you aren't a stuckup bitch?"


"Ok, so this won't really affect you at all. Your arousal will match your ego in magnitude."

"What are you.... w... woah... haaah... what?!" She started to breath heavier and heavier.

Adrian's pussy started to heat up, fast, tightening and loosening rhythmically as if trying to suck something inside of itself- anything! She cupped her hand to her crotch and immediately felt how fat her labia had swollen, and shivered at how extremely sensitive it was. She started to paw at it through her pants without even thinking, just staring forward with a surprised look on her face as her head was flooded with arousing thoughts! She neeeeeded to get off. The itch, the hunger! She yanked her pants down and jammed her fingers in, then tried to wedge her entire hand in but stopped just at the wrist, unable to push further in. But her pussy was still so hungry! It needed MORE!

Robin shook her head. "See, trash like you thinks you can raise yourself up by shoving everyone else down... it doesn't work that way. You think you can act all prissy and attract a big strong man to fuck you, so you can wrap him around your finger and ride out the rest of your life leeching off his income like some parasite. Get him to knock you up so you can use the child to force him into staying with you, no matter how much of a bitch turn out to be." Robin smirked. "Well, I should give you a form more fitting for such a career. You, are a bitch, looking to become some breeder sow. So, now you will be a sow too. A bitch-sow!"

Adrian wanted to ask what the hell she was talking about, but honestly only heard half of what she said because her thoughts were absolutely swimming in heat, and she was breathless besides. Her moans became high pitched whines as her face and skull clicked and popped as it stretched out, her teeth all sharpening as her tongue grew long and thin with all her panting. She tried to think about Robin and what she said, but her thoughts immediately derailed to boys, men. Porn of huge muscular men, long thick cocks. She needed one of those! She needed to be slammed by a big cock! Adrian lifted herself up so she could position her arm under her and sat down to try and force more of her hand into her, wiggling to wedge her wrist into her pussy to, she needed more! She could not get any more in her, so she reached under with her other hand as well and tried to get as much in as she could! Her ears started to grow, and her ass grew bigger and rounder quickly as well! Her hands grew stiff and numb from the pressure of her pussy trying to devour them. The room was filled with the frantic wet squelching sound of her trying to cram her limbs into her sopping wet vulva. Her fingers quickly started to fuse together, converting into tiny cloven hooves! Her breasts started to shink even as her nipples grew a bit and stiffened to rock hard. Two dots formed below her shrinking breasts, then started to inflate into new nipples as another two dots formed below those. With each new pair of nipples her breasts shrank more, till she had no breasts at all and instead five sets of nipples from chest to crotch! Her pants started to get forced down by her growing ass, it became pink and massively plump and round. Her tail bone started to stretch out, but seemed to buckle under the pressure of its own growth, folding back in on itself and formed a corkscrew- a pig tail, over a huge fat pig rump. Her growls of frusteration and whimpers of desperation were interrupted by short snorts as her face continued to push out and her nostrils grew huge, her nose turning up at the end as it finished extending. Her head was a bizarre mix of two animals. The structure and fur that spread from what had once been hair was that of a dark brown dog. Adrian's ears were that of a pig, but the outside was still covered with dog fur. The muzzle was dog, but ended in the huge nostrils and upturned end of a pig snout. The snout was textured like a dog's nose though, and was cold and wet on the end like a dog as well. Her large nostrils gave reverberence to her breathing, so she could not stop snorting- she was breathing too hard to stop.

Adrian's trotters popped out of her pussy as they finished transforming- being rather useless to finger her twat with, now she scrambled for a solution. She pinched a dildo between them and managed to get it up from under the bed and quickly rolled her pussy over it to devour the dildo. It was normally plenty for her tight little pussy, but now it felt tiny. Her pussy lips engorged more and more, inflating and darkening, deforming the shape of her slit. Each time it clenched closed on its own it looked like less like a slit and more like a triangle, till what she had was a dark pillowy canine vulva between her legs! Drooling like it was starving to death. Her thoughts degraded even farther. She did not even care about the men and their bodies, just their dicks. More dicks! Huge ones! Huge... knots. Human, dog, pig, it didn't matter! She wanted to shove as many in her at one time as physically possible! She lifted her still growing ass off the bed to slam her hips down and drive the dildo in as hard as possible, but it still wasn't enough. Her legs started to stretch and deform. Her toes started to compress, forcing the excess flesh to inflate into pads on the bottom as her ankle stretched away from the front of her feet. From her frantic thrusting her spine even started to get longer! All ten of her nipples were so stiff they almost hurt- itchy from overpressure but she had no hands to grab and twist them! They inflated at the bases from pressure, looking like ten tiny angry pink cones, and beads of white started to appear periodically on them, pushed out from overpressure alone. Her degraded, desperate thoughts caused her vision to immediately lock onto the bed post. She scrambled to her feet, wobbling in place, no longer able to walk normally on two legs. Adrian managed to get to the foot of the bed and scramble up onto the bed post and sat on it, jamming the large bulbous head of it into her hungry pussy! She cried out in an almost howl at the pleasure, and could do little more while impaled on the post than rock her hips and shift her weight to ram herself repeatedly with it, rivers of natural lube veining down the post onto the floor. Her torso started to fatten and round out, making it harder to bend. Her hips popped loudly as they became much deeper but also more narrow- perminantly preventing her from walking on two legs ever again. Her feet and legs had turned into dog paws by now, but never grew fur on them. The fur tapered off around her mid back, leaving her entire underside and lower body hairless. That meant her arms were pig but with dog fur, and her legs were dog paws but with pig skin. Her hooved arms sort of just hung out in front of her, lacking the flexibility to rest at her sides properly. There was no signs of humanity still on her.

Robin scowled at the pathetic beast. "Oh, oops, you cannot have your litter of squalling children, because there is no compatible mate to impregnate a half pig half dog. Let me fix that. Every time you orgasm, one of your eggs will turn into a sperm. You will be able to fuck yourself pregnant with as many kids as you want... or as many as you lack self control to prevent. If you act like a human, you will turn back into a human. Otherwise... enjoy this little nightmare."

The problem was, if she settled down long enough to remember she is supposed to be human, her ego would likely try to fight back- but her ego is now tied to her arousal, which would force her back into a rutting frenzie, which will result in her impregnating herself with an even bigger brood. Adrian looked down at her nipples as they stuck further and further out into her view- her belly growing bigger and rounder by the moment. Orgasm hit and she howled again, snorting loudly with every breath she gasped for as she rocked her hips violently to ride the orgasm for as long as possible, not knowing that a sow's orgasm lasts for an excruciatingly long time already on its own. By trying to make it persist, she only brought herself back up to more peaks while the actual orgasm just continued onward- and her stomach got bigger, and bigger as she became pregnant with a bigger, and bigger brood.

Robin finished showing Alice the video she took of the scene with her cell phone. "Yea, so she is sort of trapped by a prison of her own impulses. Appropriate, and punishing."

Alice laughed a bit nervously. "Yikes. Well, I can't say she didn't deserve it, and who knows, maybe this will fix her fucked up personality." Alice tied the torn edges of her top on the sides to finally cover herself again. "You know, about your question the other day."


"Maybe we can be friends. Just... don't go nuts with your words."

Robin leaned over to put her arm around Alice. "Awww, thanks. See, what did I tell you?"

Team Red Rocket

(M tf H demi-Houndoom, Lopunny, Salazzle, Goodra, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_) Lucas and Jonas watched another batch of new recruits walk past talking loudly with one another, patting each other on the back after a long day. It is the Team Rocket base...

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(F tf cow/horse/human, M tf F human/horse/cow) Louis had a hard time keeping up with his new wife Betty. Louis was a more down to earth, calm sort of person. A bit bland some may say, personality wise. He ate his cereal sugarless, he read the...

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Born To Rule

(F tf Hive God) Mustaemara was once a glorious empire to the northern reaches of Terio Carn. The crowndom of Haven was not too far away, and like their neighbors they burrowed. The dragon kin of Haven cut deep gouges into the earth and built...

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