Team Red Rocket

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Two Team Rocket members really start blasting off when they make use of a transporter stolen from the pokemaniac Bill. But harnessing the power of pokemon proves to be a little more difficult than they initially thought and will require a bit of further experimentation to get right.

(M tf H demi-Houndoom, Lopunny, Salazzle, Goodra, _______)

Lucas and Jonas watched another batch of new recruits walk past talking loudly with one another, patting each other on the back after a long day. It is the Team Rocket base hidden north-east of the Lake Of Rage in a remote location at the foot of the mountain range that divides Johto and Kanto regions. Unlike the base south of the lake, this one had no front- rather it was for recruitment training and storing 'goods' that don't have a destination yet.

Lucas huffed, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. "How long do you think it will take for them to realize this isn't a summer job?"

"Ah, come on, let them have their fun. People work harder when they are having fun."


"Your just sour grapes because you had to rely on this job once you realized your art career was a flop."

"Hey- Lucas Arts will be famous one day! In the distant future, when we are off fighting wars in the stars."

"You don't actually believe Team Rocket is going to space, do you?"

"How else are we going to catch Deoxys? Man... to extend our reach to the stars above!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love?"


"Never mind." They started to walk to the rather nice lunch room which had a full kitchenette. "But the one thing I never really got is the goal. Do you know Lucas? Because I seem to get a different answer from everyone I ask. I need the job so I am a Rocket regardless, I just want to know what exactly we are working toward."

"Stealing... pokemon. How... how did you not already know that?"

"Yes but why?"

"Because pokemon can do all sorts of things with their powers? Pokemon can be crazy strong."

"So we steal people's pokemon, to use their powers?"


"Even though its against the law. Opposed to, oh I don't know, buying a pokeball for pocket change and just catching a pokemon yourself legally?"

"Yea, but some pokemon are really rare."

"...most of the Rocket members I have run into are using Zubats. Also, if 12 year olds can do it how would an entire army of organized adults not manage it? And then what, sell the pokemon for money? Instead of just training your own and kicking the shit out of some loser on Route 1 and legally forcing him to pay you half of his money, which might I point out is probably enough for many pokeballs in which to capture more pokemon. It is harder and less profitable by stealing someone else's pokemon- we are doing what everyone else is basically doing, only the stupid way."

Lucas shrugged. "Look, I am not the one in charge. If Giovanni wants to be an idiot- let him. We still get our pay. I mean if any old pokemon was good enough, literally everything is a pokemon."

"Hah, well they aren't quite THAT easy to get, but yea."

"No really. Uhhh, here." He grabbed a bowl out, dumped some milk in it, then some eggs, then a bit of sugar, then chemical X and beat it thoroughly. "Boom. It's a pokemon." Jonas laughed. "No really, its literally a pokemon." He tipped the bowl toward Jonas revealing the pokemon Alcremie sitting in the bowl where the materials had been.

"AH! What the fuck? You can just MAKE a pokemon? That's... kinda fucked up."

Lucas went over to the freezer and rummaged around a bit. "You are looking a little pale, maybe a frosty treat will cheer you up."

Jonas looked over and lowered his brows as Lucas held out Vanillite, the ice cream pokemon. "Yup, your food is pokemon. Oh, shoot look at that, the garbage can is full, someone better take it out." He pulled the nearly full bag out revealing it had a face on the side- it is a Trubbish- a literal garbage bag pokemon. "OH, and lest we forget." He slammed a pokeball down on the counter between them.

"... going to make me guess what is inside?"

"Inside?" He slowly turned the ball around to reveal it had eyes- it isn't a pokeball at all, its a Voltorb. "Literally everything." He went to put the Vanillite back in the freezer and the fridge chuckled at his touch. It was the freeze form of Rotom. Lucas just motioned to the fridge. "Fucking, everything."

"Huh, so when my mom told me when I was little if I didn't change my underwear it might turn into a pokemon, she might not have been kidding."

After their lunch break, the two of them started to wander the halls. Things had been slow lately, which was good for them.

Jonas looked at Lucas. "So... how.... hard are the fights usually?"

Lucas shrugged. "You have been on two missions with me already, you should kn- oh, right you were just on transport duty then. Yea, they stuck newer people with the garbage tasks. It isn't that bad normally, we don't jack pokemon from high profile trainers for... obvious reasons. Why, what pokemon are you packing?"

Jonas chuckled nervously. "See, I was sort of forced into Team Rocket because I... never learned much about pokemon. Everyone else was into it, and everyone seemed good at it already, i didn't want to compete with everyone so I thought I could just, y'know, get a normal job."

Lucas shook his head. "In a pokemon world."

"Yeaaa... I literally just caught whatever pokemon I first encountered. I don't even really know how powerful it is." He tossed a pokeball onto the floor. "Come, Agumon!"

The light orange dinosaur materialized in front of them looking around confused with its large round eyes. It stood about hip- height.

Lucas narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Where the hell did you even get that thing? That's... not even a pokemon. In a world where literally everything is a pokemon, the first thing you tried to catch is the one thing that isn't a pokemon."

"What do you mean, this isn't a pokemon? The ice cream cone is a pokemon, but the talking dinosaur thing isn't?"

"No that's a Digimon."

Jonas put it back in the ball and then tossed the ball in the trash in frustration. Seeing he needed help, Lucas had an idea, and brought him to the back to show him a huge pod-like machine.

"This was stolen from Bill, the pokemaniac. He was trying to use the technology he already invented to convert living matter into data and back to store pokemon in the PC. He made these pods which basically do the same thing with humans, but rather than store them which would take a monumentally huge HD to store, it just transports them instantly."

"Huh, neat."

Lucas held out a pokeball. "Got a Houndoom in here- standard issue for Johto Rockets. But, see the reason Bill left this thing unguarded and never bothered to report it when it got stolen is it was too easy to screw up. He accidentally fused himself with a pokemon. See, if you place more than one thing in the pod the machine gets confused and mashes their data together thinking there should only be one."

"Sounds dangerous... I mean, what happens if a fly lands in the other pod and you don't even see it?"

"You get a 1986 Dave Cronenberg movie. Anyway, think about it. Pokemon are limited by their knowledge, right? They have more power than they could ever need, but they need trainers to give them direction to actually achieve anything with it. So what if... the trainer and the pokemon were the same thing? Arceus designed pokemon and humans to rely on each other to grow and achieve new levels- to evolve. We can create the next evolution right here."

Jonas was a bit reluctant, but came around quickly enough. The idea did sound cool- be your own best friend. And have all the crazy power that pokemon have in your own hands. Lucas got Jonas to stand in one pod and then released the Houndoom into the pod with him. Unlike a lot of the pokemon Team Rocket had, the Houndoom was actually trained by Rockets, so no worries about conflicting feelings. Lucas closed the pod and went over to activate it. He had seen the machine used many times by fellow Rockets who then post the results on, so Lucas knew how to run the machine, even if he had absolutely no idea what any of the meters or lights indicated. An awful lot of red lights were blinking this time around and as it was transferring he seen the machine was juggling too much energy. There really was a fly hidden in the other pod! Except flies don't exist in the pokemon universe- so really it was a Ditto in disguise.

Jonas watched his form and that of the Houndoom turn to pure energy and in a moment blinked into the other pod. When the intense glow from his energy form started to slowly fade out into a solid form, the traits of the now missing Houndoom started to show up. He grit his teeth at the momentary pain as his forehead was lanced from the inside out, two long, narrow, curved horns grew out quickly, smeared with a bit of blood. The growth of the horns stretched the skin open however which pinched off the broken veins, which soon after rerouted themselves anyway. A pressure built in the bridge of his nose and when he placed his hand on it, he felt the end become textured, cold, and wet. His collar bone started to seethe calcium that caused his skin to bubble a bit on the surface, then the swell of skin started to calcify as it grew out, forming a nearly complete ring of bone around the base of his neck that was fused to his skin on the inside. The last of the excess calcium formed what looked like a small skull at the front, making it almost look like a necklace. The cartilage in his nose popped loudly and his nose extended right before the bone around it also started to stretch out forming a narrow muzzle. He grit his teeth as they stretched into fangs.

Jonas cried out in surprise and his back thudded against the side of the chamber at an unusual and strong feeling between his legs. His tail bone started to extend quickly and he seen his skin bubbling up on his forearms like it had his collar, forming more 'outer bones'. Two shackle-like rings of bone formed at his wrists and then also at his ankles. He arched his torso as he felt three more large ones growing across his back like ribs. His skin color was darkening but did not turn all the way- it was a dark grey-peach on most of his body now except his muzzle and the front of his torso which remained normal peach toned. He seen an odd pink glow seem to surge down his body but then settled and did not show up again- he was not sure what that was about, not yet knowing there was a Ditto in the mix. He had not even noticed at first, but when looking at the bone rings on his wrists Jonas seen he was missing a finger. Houndoom only has three digits, but Jonas had five, so now he has three fingers and a thumb as compromise. The fingers shortened slightly and his nails turned to thick round claws, but otherwise the structure of his hands and feet remained. When his tail finished growing it was long and narrow, about three and a half feet long and tipped with an arrowhead shaped end.

Jonas stumbled out of the other pod, not quite used to moving in this body and feeling quite odd. Lucas broke the bad news to him- that there was a Ditto in the other pod.

"Well, the good news is that the pods were not meant to handle that much energy at once and they overloaded and broke."

"Doesn't... that mean I can't turn back to normal?"

"I mean, yes, but also they cannot be used for evil. More evil. They cannot be used for even more evil. Anyway, you don't look like a gob of chewed bubblegum. Ditto was a mess of a failed experiment, and its genes are unstable, so i think by combining with another being it sort of just became proper. You probably got its Transform ability while the rest of it kind of just... negated. You got a half Houndoom body though man! Darkness and fire- fuckin' metal, brah."

Jonas grumbled in frustration, holding his pants open to look down. "That wasn't the only thing you messed up."

Jonas pulled his pants down to reveal seemingly nothing of note. His penis now slept in a comfortable flesh toned sheath now while his nuts had a fine layer of black fuzz. Jonas lifted his nuts though and revealed the back of the scrotum trailed into large puffy black labia! The Houndoom Lucas chose was the wrong gender! Physical gender differences were not introduced till Gen4! He doesn't normally go around checking what is between their legs! When Lucas went to give Jonas a pokeball to travel in they noticed another bit of a problem- the pokeball was only meant to store 1 thing. They could store his clothes, or they could store him, it can't do both. He would have to be naked, but even Jonas was a bit surprised that he did not really seem to care. Because pokemon are naturally attuned with humans, its personality seemed non existent, but there did indeed seem to be a Houndoom in his head somewhere. Jonas would not have agreed to fighting naked, but the pokemon did not like clothes to begin with- both together created a creature that did not care either way.

The next mission they went on, they were both eager to put their power to the test. Rather than pass Jonas off as a half-human, Lucas explained him away as just a different form of Houndoom. Jonas had to resist the urge to stand on two legs, and his feet were still mostly human in shape so standing on only the ends was a bit awkward, but he won his first pokemon battle! Lucas took on three trainers before they got to their target and defeated them all with Jonas with ease! Their target trainer however was drastically higher level! It was one of the trainers that give out their phone numbers for rematches- unlike 90% of the populace, she actually leveled up. Lucas assured Jonas they would be okay- he had a secret weapon. Houndoominite... why wasn't it named Houndoomite, it sounds so much better. Oh well. Lucas activating it allowed Jonas to Mega Evolve! He grew bigger and stronger- his size increase caused the bone shackles on his rear legs to shatter to bits. The ones on his front legs split open at the front but remained attached. The final bone rib at the base of his neck started to turn forward and grow tremendously turning into a giant bone mantle! His horns turned up and their curve turned instead to a steeper angle, and the skull shaped crest at the front of his collar bloomed into a giant bone shield protecting his lower neck and chest. The final change was a split forming on his arrowhead tail point, making it forked. Or at least that appeared to be the last change. At first Lucas took Jonas attacking on his own without order to be eagerness to use his power. Even after the trainer was defeated though, he attacked the person, and then the area around them, and then even Lucas himself! Being Mega Evolved put him into a blind rage, causing him to attack everything even remotely close to him!

That would be a problem. It isn't much of an ace if its just as likely to fail the mission as not using it. The other Team Rocket members managed to nab the pokemon while Lucas tried to revert Jonas and bail. Mega Evolution caused the Houndoom in him to go berserk, which was too powerful for him to resist. It seemed a shame to have all that extra power and not really be able to use it though, so the two brainstormed back at base. The pods were scrapped. They were not that badly damaged but no one in Team Rocket had the know-how to work with machines that advanced since Fuji left and most of the Mew cloning team was murdered by their own creation. They did still have one trick up their sleeve- transform. So, in order for them to Mega Evolve Lucas suggested they add a much more reserved pokemon- Lopunny. Most pokemon go berserk when Mega Evolved, but Lopunny is normally so timid and weak that it only just barely becomes a fighter by Mega Evolving. You can only use one Mega Stone per battle, but that was fine because they were not directly fusing the pokemon, they were using Transform to take its form and abilities. When he used it, the feeling was almost just like fusing with Houndoom. Ditto had no true shape so when it fused it vanished- but Transform was its ability alone, so using it gave Ditto a shape, causing those traits to manifest the same way Houndoom did. Once Transform and the Mega Stone had been used, Lucas dipped out of the room just in case.

His thigh muscles tightened and round stripes appeared on the dark skin there looking oddly like breaks in leggings he was not wearing. The formerly forked tail fattened up and became a large pom pom on the end of the long narrow tail. His feet devolved, the fourth toe regressing completely away while the three remaining bloated up large and the bottoms grew plush pads to help grip the ground and protect the paws. Even though they were proper paws now, they did not lengthen into proper digitigrade legs. He developed white fur on them that grew especially long at the ankle turning into large balls of fur over the paws. His hands turned white and got a layer of fur as well, but it did not pass the second bone link and never got very long. Jonas' ears got longer, maintaining their narrow and pointed appearance, but eventually got far too huge to hold themselves up and flopped over... and then continued growing. His ears touched the ground and still trailed for another foot of length! He closed his eyes a moment, and when they opened again his sclera had turned black, and his iris were pink instead of brown. The final touch was long wisps of white fur developing at the base of his horns, sort of shaped like fireballs. Normal type had been lost just like with Ditto originally- so Jonas was currently a triple-type pokemon, Fighting, Fire, and Dark.

After a few minutes Lucas came back in. "Well, you aren't trying to burn the base down, so I will assume it worked?"

"I feel... aggressive still but... also weird."

"Weird how?"

Jonas looked at his body. He felt oddly... pent up. Horny for seemingly no reason. His red rocket started to peek from the sheath against his will. He groaned feeling the knot start swelling- since it is at the base of the shaft it often fills faster than the shaft itself. It slid out slow but steady as Jonas just looked spaced out. It was actually a bit longer than his human shaft had been thanks to the knot adding length. It also was not properly shaped like a canine penis though. The glans were still shaped like a humans- the urethra still projected from the end giving it a point, but rather than a depression behind that, there was still the bell shaped human glans! The knot started to swell too large for the sheath to contain, yanking the shaft even further out as it was being rejected from the sheath. Suddenly Jonas' guts gurgled loudly and his belly started to swell out as his canine labia twitched and moistened!

"W-what is happening...?"

Lucas went wide-eyed. "Oh crap, the Lopunny was male."


"The Houndoom is female. You have a pokemon of either gender in you which means they can technically reproduce... also in you."

Before Jonas could even begin to question it, his pussy started to stretch open on its own, drooling quite a bit of juices. The large bulge in him started to stuff its way down through him- you could see the bulge move down from the outside. As soon as it started to crest the rest popped out suddenly, and a large football sized egg slid across the floor trailing lube behind it!

"H-how the fuck does... that make any sense?"

Lucas shrugged. "Pokemon eggs aren't really eggs, the shell forms more like a cocoon of sorts. No one really understands it. I mean both pokemon in this case are mammilian- there is no reason they should be laying eggs in the first place." He paused in thought for a moment. "Though I have been wanting a shiny Jonas- dibs if its shiny."

"You are NOT hatching that abomination of nature."

"Aww... well I am also a sucker for a good omelette."

Jonas groaned as his stomach started to swell out again! Argh! There must be an Egg Charm somewhere in the Team Rocket storeroom! His guts gurgled again and the swelling increased speed and Jonas' eyes went wide as he realized the problem- Lucas was walking over to pick up the egg! Lucas has Jonas' pokeball, therefor it regards him as the trainer- every step the trainer takes is another chance to lay an egg! Jonas reverted the changes, abandoning the Lopunny form. So much for that plan. He bent his legs lowering the plush black labia to the floor- still having two eggs to get rid of that were already in place. Once they started to slide out they went much faster than the first- the path already stretched wide and slick with juices. Once Jonas had laid all three eggs, they got back to brainstorming. There was no female Lopunny at the base, so Mega Evolution was off the menu. But transform did still seem to be the way to go to maximize his power.

Lucas left to rummage around the stored pokemon supply to see if there was any good picks. Because they were using Transform the level did not matter at all. Choosing a pokemon was more than just going with what was strong stat-wise, it had to synchronize well with Houndoom. He thought of the perfect combination and hustled back to Jonas, holding out the pokeball and telling him to use transform on it. A mystery ball? Eh, why not. As soon as he used Transform Jonas' hips let out a loud hollow pop and expanded! The flesh and fat around it quickly jiggled from the speed of its own expansion after, swelling up large! His toes all grew thicker but the claws actually regressed away- leaving them devoid of even toenails. The digits were pressed together making them harder to define against one another. The growth of jiggly fat surged into his tail as well with great force! It almost felt like someone yanking on his tail as well, because the growth was trying to force itself down the length almost faster than the skin on the surface was able to expand to keep up! As it stretched wider, patches of regular peach toned skin appeared on the sides forming three large circles when fully expanded. Jonas watched his tail growing and kept thinking it would surely be done growing but it kept going! The growth was so massive the base started to equalize with his hips, which caused the base of the tail to consume the area his anus was supposed to be- instead pushing it to face downward off the base of the tail itself! He bowed his head and closed his eyes a moment from the feeling of the skin stretching on his forehead too. Tentacles grew from his head, coiling around his horns. Two more spots like on his tail appeared on the cheeks of his canine muzzle.

As soon as a drip of translucent green fell from the cheek patches Jonas knew. "Goodra! The slug dragon."

Lucas smiled and nodded. "Dragon type is resistant to all basic elements making them a favorable type to have, even if dragon type attacks aren't that useful. But its ability is Hydration- so if a water type tries to set up on you, they unintentionally make you immune to status effects. Plus thanks to Dragon type resistances- you take neutral damage from Water, even though your part Fire."

"Doesn't that also make me 400% weak to Faerie type?"

Lucas shrugged. "Who is using Faerie type in Johto?"

By the time the gigantic chubby tail finished growing, even Jonas' belly looked a bit rounder just to make room for the girthy base of the tail, so it isn't somehow thicker than the body its attached to. The fur seemed to fall out on those parts that took on the dragon's traits, and the skin was quite taught, so it did not even seem to have pours. It felt extremely smooth and also very bouncy. The skin was pulled tight which helped it retain its form, but the insides were extremely soft and wobbly, negating impacts since its defensive stats are very high. Jonas blushed a bit embarrassed as every time he moved he could feel his huge butt cheeks jiggle a bit, and the lower base of the tail wobbled.

One of the Team Rocket supervisors burst into the doorway. "Hey you tw-.... the fuck is that." He glared at Jonas and then back at Lucas before shrugging. "Well, whatever it is, it seems morally questionable, so I approve. Anyway- new mission, someone is claiming to be a descendant of the ninja from the souvenir shop we are using as a front in Mahogany Town. The HQ there needs us to get rid of them- most of its grunts are in southern Johto dealing with some crazy skilled kid."

Lucas nodded to Jonas and drew him into the pokeball, racing south around the Lake Of Rage to put their new power to the test! Lucas was so confident he went for the disrespect and bounced Jonas' pokeball off the guy's forehead to release his friend. The man was baffled to what pokemon Lucas had sent into battle, even though he had done considerable travelling. Shrugging it off, he tried his best to fight but was unable to do much damage! His pokedex couldn't register Jonas to tell him what his types were, and he has so few weaknesses he wasn't going to be able to guess it either. Jonas wasn't having an easy time dealing damage either however. He tried to use flamethrower but his mouth kept watering, which was obviously bad for making fire. Ick- gooey even on the inside. Then as he tried to concentrate on it, he realized embarrassingly that he did not entirely remember how to use flamethrower. He somehow forgot? Lucas smacked his forehead. Using Transform also gave him Goodra's skill set temporarily- a pokemon can only know four attacks! Even with a human mind he seems unable to know more than four- Flamethrower was temporarily overridden! That wasn't good, he still knew Pursuit so he had a dark type attack, but Dragon's Breath overwrote Flamethrower, and dragon attacks are only strong against other dragons... so generally not very useful. He had Aqua Tail which was a strong hitter still, then unfortunately Transform remained taking a slot on his list even though an actual Ditto would have overridden that skill while transformed.

Their strategy was a shitty one, but it still worked. He used Aqua Tail for decent damage, smacking the other pokemon repeatedly with his chunky tail! Its surface covered in slime that emanated from the discolored spots at the base. The tail was nothing for Jonas to swing around- but as you can imagine from its size and girth it was in actuality extremely heavy. While it was a soft impact, the weight was still enough to rattle the pokemon's brains with each hit. Jonas was so frustratingly hard to damage because of not being able to hit his type weakness, and a massive HP pool and defense that the trainer was forced to switch out to try and find a better match- at which point Jonas used Houndoom's Pursuit, getting same type attack bonus (STAB), and hitting hard before the pokemon was allowed to switch out- feinting it. The fight took longer than most, but Jonas won.

Afterwards when they returned to base, Jonas reverted the Goodra changes and remembered Flamethrower and Crunch again. Goodra was a good pick in theory, but it was so different from Houndoom that they sort of worked against one another. Lucas nodded, heading back into storage and bringing back another ball.

"Salazzle- imported from the far east of here. Another Fire type, but also Poison. You can rock two status effects- but unlike Goodra I think this will sync extremely well with Houndoom. Houndoom's hate fire inflicts a cursed burn that never goes away, Salazzle can spit a corrosive heated venom that can inflict poison even against things that are supposed to be immune to poison. Everlasting burns and the ability to poison literally anything- sounds pretty sweet to me."

Lucas put the pokeball down for Jonas to use Transform on, and then went to report to the supervisor that their mission earlier was a success. The first thing to change was the pads on Jonas' feet regressed, putting his feet flatter on the ground and then he developed a new toe- putting him back up to five as they all grew longer and more narrow! His feet grew a bit longer in the sole as well- finally making him partially digitigrade. His black canine lips started to harden and extend, shaping into points that almost mirrored fangs- somewhat protecting his mouth but making it harder to pronounce words in English. His back cracked on its own and his body shivered from the sensation as both his neck and torso grew slightly longer, making him look a bit more narrow as well, without actually altering his girth. Like with Goodra, his tail got thicker again but not nearly as bad as before. The underside of the tail turned neon pink, and the coloration continued upward, turning his labia, balls, and sheath neon pink to- stopping at the sheath. The dark grey-peach skin finally turned all the way black, since he now had two pokemon in him with the same skin tone. Jonas breathed out heavily, seeing the air shimmer from the heat of his breath. Having two fire types at once was making him feel really... hot. His sheath started to bulge again. Two long narrow strips of skin lifted from the top of his tail, revealing neon pink undersides to it as it put an odd nearly undetectable smell into the air, and Jonas started to feel a little dizzy. His stomach started to bloat up.

Lucas returned to the storage hanger to find an extremely bloating Jonas laying on his back with a pile of five eggs between his legs! "W-what the heck?!"

He tried calling to Jonas but he was entirely out of it, in some sort of daze! Lucas scrambled through the storage to find a box fan and turned it on blasting full tilt at Jonas, who finally snapped out of it after a few seconds, just as another egg popped out!

"What- ooouuugh!" And another egg. "What happened?!"

"I forgot, Salazzle produce a pheromone that controls the minds of nearby males. Both Salazzle and Houndoom are females- but YOU are still male."

Jonas quickly reverted the Salazzle change so he wouldn't unknowingly seduce himself into an egg factory. He still had a gigantic gut containing six more football sized eggs, and remained on his back trying to push those out as quickly as possible. The eggs were so big they also smashed his prostate on the way out- causing his dick to jump and dribble pre from birthing them. Once the eggs were taken care of, Lucas went to the barracks for the night and Jonas went to his pokeball. The two were out of ideas for now- every brilliant idea they had seemed to also have a severe downside. They were both given a rude awakening- red flashing lights going off in the base. Everyone was scrambling around so much it was hard to get an answer, but a supervisor spotted them and told them- the primary Team Rocket HQ they protected the other day was once again at siege... with a 12 year old kid. Having come from the Galar region, he had the Rockets on code red! Everyone had been recalled to HQ but he was defeating them all, even when they gang up on him! He wasn't even switching pokemon- they did so little damage that he just kept using the same one to whoop everyone!

Lucas and Jonas rushed there immediately, seeing so many Team Rocket members laying unconscious at the sides of the halls, it was like walking into a horror film! As soon as Lucas seen the kid's face, his expression hardened. The kid trainer turned and started to walk back toward them, seeing just another easy target to farm money and exp off of.

Jonas looked at Lucas. "I don't know if I can do this man..."

"We have to. This kid... this kid is a fucking monster."

"What? You know him?"

"I know OF him. Name is Victor, he comes from the Crown Tundra in the Galar region... and he is more evil than all of Team Rocket combined. You know of the legendary pokemon Calyrex?"


"Exactly. It has the power to create life- to restore nature. It once turned all of the Crown Tundra into a blooming paradise, and then it fell to a frozen wasteland when his powers waned. Well, this dick found Calyrex, went around restoring his power, his old artifacts and even restored his legendary mount. Calyrex had his power back and could restore all of Crown Tundra into a beautiful paradise."

"That sounds great."

"Yea. And then he put Calyrex into a pokeball, thus preventing him from doing any of those things. He gave him back his power only to enslave him for his own uses. And worst of all? Calyrex is legendary, so he isn't allowed in competitive play- the kid just tossed him in storage and never actually uses it, he just keeps it for bragging rights."

"WOW what an asshole!"

Jonas did not even bother putting on his pokemon act this time, standing up on his legs like a man, ready to pounce on the first pokemon the kid sent. He sent Urshifu Rapid Strike Style. Water/Fighting, so it knew both of Jonas' weaknesses, and it is considered a Lesser Legendary- meaning, it was not banned from competitive. It moved so fast Jonas could not even see it! Urshifu slammed its fist into his gut knocking him into the air, then hit him out of the air into a raised knee, then spun and kicked him with the other leg, firing the already unconscious Jonas down the hall like a human missile! Lucas was so shocked he virtually blacked out! Also, because Jonas was the only pokemon he had on him. Lucas rushed him to a pokemon center, releasing him onto the counter for the nurse to look at.

"My buddy needs a rez quick. There is a psycho trainer on the loose."

The nurse looked dazed at the man-pokemon on the counter, then at the package between his legs. "Uh....yea. This pokemon isn't registered on the PC... like, at all. I can't use the machine to heal him so I am going to need to take him to the back and manually do it with items, you will have to wait a minute."

Lucas really started to worry for his friend. What if the doctors could not heal him? He was half human- did that mean potions don't work? They were taking a really long time. Lucas looked at the clock as the minutes passed. The nurse said it would be a minute- but it was nearly twenty by the time they came back out! Lucas sighed in relief seeing his smiling friend emerge again, walking on two legs looking once again in good condition.

"Oh thank Arceus. It was taking forever, I thought maybe because you aren't entirely pokemon that they could not heal you."

"Nah man. Heh. My knot just swelled so big her jaw couldn't open far enough to get her teeth around it."


"I knotted her face."

Lucas looked at the rather flush looking nurse trying to look as normal as possible as she returned to her post, then back at Jonas. "You fucked the nurse?" Jonas just smiled and nodded. "Aawwww yea!" They high-fived each other as they headed back out of the pokemon center.

They sobered up once outside though. Glancing at each other, then toward the north where their secret base was, then to the HQ currently still under siege.

Lucas huffed. "Maybe we can just tell them he beat us and was gone before we could get back? I mean, we did try. They might not fire us."

Jonas shook his head. "I have been thinking... we don't really need Team Rocket anymore at all. I am half pokemon. You and me have the power we need already, we can just... live like normal trainers. Make money and win our own fights legally."

Lucas thought long and hard on it before nodding. "Y'know... you're right. Lets just go back to base, get our stuff and... leave this shit behind us. I mean, they are being beaten by a single kid. Team Rocket is blasting off at the speed of light."

Jonas nodded sadly. "They better surrender now, or lose the fight. I wish I could have beaten that Victor though. Not even because Team Rocket told us to... he is just a jerk who deserves it, y'know? The greater of two evils."

Lucas bit his lip nervously. "There.... was a hidden weapon I had been thinking about. I... it's... risky."

Lucas brought them back to base, but as he gathered their things he also brought Jonas back to the storage room, to the very back, past an armored door, and then three more armored doors. A huge room was almost completely devoid of anything except four long mechanical arms holding a single pokeball to make sure that it could not make contact with anything, ever. As they looked at it, the air around the pokeball distorted and flickered. Hexadecimal coding could be seen scrolling through the air as the pokemon within tore at the fabric of reality like an angry eldritch God.

"Pokemon #000..."

"Missing No."

Lucas held up a pokeball. "The Pikachu evolutionary family gets way too much credit- even Raichu is... not actually very good, at all. Electric types in general are good, but, Pikachu is kinda butts. There was a rush to steal pikachu because of his popularity, but once actual trainers realized it wasn't any good, well. Let's just say we have a large back-stock of them now. I have had this Raichu I never had a use for, for the longest time." He looked at Missing No. writhing in its ball. "Chaos, save us."

He touched the ball containing Raichu to the other, and like an infection the glitched reality spread to the Raichu ball, causing it to be extremely hard to hold on to. Its form randomly glitched and changed, sometimes so a substance that was not even solid, causing the ball to often slip in his grip. He had to pocket it- not trusting the clasps on his belt to hold it.

Maybe they didn't need Team Rocket anymore. They would walk out and never look back- let Giovanni and his halfwits drive the organisation into the ground on their own. But for now, Lucas ran back to HQ, because one way or another- this boy needs a whoopin'. This time they descended many floors before finding him. Virtually the entire base was trashed, even the admins were knocked out.

Lucas found Victor and walked up behind him, grabbing his black Team Rocket cap and slowly turning it backwards. "So. You think you're the very best?"

Victor huffed and turned around to face him. "The best there ever was."

"You think capturing them all is just some test?"

"No, to train them is my cause."

They both reached for their pokeballs at the same time, Victor sent out Urshifu again and Lucas sent Jonas, and then reached for the glitch ball. The lights started to flicker around them, the air shifted erratically in reaction to the presence of the glitch. Lucas backed up a bit when all the lights suddenly cut out. A single light turned back on, creating a spotlight over Jonas as he stood up straight with a grin, as two of his fangs lengthened slowly.

"Prepare for trouble." He took his second pokemon aspect from the glitch ball. "And make it double."

All the lights in the building started to flicker again and Jonas' eyes started to glow golden.

Lucas smiled and crossed his arms. "Jonas transforms into.... Gorochu!"

The pointed tip of his tail started to expand, remaining much more rigid than the rest of the tail it turned into a lightning bolt in shape. His two top fangs now long enough that they did not fit in his mouth- still overhanging his lower lips when his mouth that closed. A third horn erupted from the middle of his head, causing him to flinch in pain for only a moment- the third horn was perfectly straight unlike the others and thick but only half the length. His cheeks seemed to glow golden a moment before the actual skin color changed to yellow, and a third yellow circle appeared on his forehead just above his eyebrows- all three had a slight tail to them making them shaped like a magatama. Gorochu was a brown-red on most of its body with black stripes and markings, but because Houndoom is mostly black it was the normal peach toned skin of its underbelly that stretched upward forming lightning shaped stripes up his sides. His body became a bit thicker- the transition between chest and stomach no longer noticeable. As the final change the top of his ears became thicker as the cartilage extended making the ends slightly spiked as well- almost making the overall structure of the ear like a rigid fin.

Gorochu was Raichu's evolution- or at least he was supposed to be. Modeled after the God of Thunder and Lightning- Raijin- and a mouse, it only existed in the game's original beta version. Which is why it could only be accessed using Missing No.'s power- Missing No. is entirely comprised of unused data, he is a living archive of lost secrets. Tiny archs of electricity jumped off from Jonas' body and seethed from his glowing eyes as wisps of flame waved in the super heated air be breathed out. Victor quickly used Rainy Day to boost Water and dampen Fire. If he hit using a boosted water attack he might KO Jonas before he has a chance to counter, using his weakness.

Jonas grinned with all his fangs. "Thanks."


"You just raised Thunder's accuracy to 100%."

A gigantic blast of lightning ripped down through the roof, arching across the floor, melting a jagged trench in the metallic flooring as it went! As soon as it hit Urshifu it became super effective, raising its power level so high it simply exploded! Victor and his Urshifu were ripped right out of the facility, getting thrown nearly a mile into the sky over Mahogany Town!

Lucas and Jonas walked over to look up through the hole Victor left. "Huh. Looks like Team Rocket's enemy is blasting off again."

Some say Lucas and Jonas are the two Rockets that never got caught. Whether they remained with Team Rocket or went off on their own to live on the straight and narrow. For being a scrapped pokemon however, an oddly large number of people started to crop up who knew of Gorochu, as if someone was somehow using one. Team Rocket was eventually wiped out of Johto by yet another small kid named Gold, while Team Rocket's primary base in Kanto was wiped out by a kid named Red. Though for you trainers who are over 18, there is a sweet little specialty strip bar just north of Mahogany Town in a hidden nook called the Red Rocket, you might want to check out.


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