Born To Rule

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A little side-story for Unbound, giving a bit of background on Alealamia.

(F tf Hive God)

Mustaemara was once a glorious empire to the northern reaches of Terio Carn. The crowndom of Haven was not too far away, and like their neighbors they burrowed. The dragon kin of Haven cut deep gouges into the earth and built their cities from the dredged up stone as well as carving still more into the walls of the fissure. Mustaemara was inhabited by mostly bug folk, and they only burrowed underground. What they dug out they sold to Haven as building material. The crown of Mustaemara, Taj ruled with his beautiful bride Fusatan. They had an adorable little daughter they named Alealamia which meant 'world', for she was their whole world. Ever since she was born though, Alealamia was a bit unusual. Normally all babies are born entirely human regardless of parentage, and develop beast traits as their personality solidifies, usually around the age of 10, or puberty at the latest. Alealamia however grew two very fragile, thin antennae on her head when she was only a single year old! Her parents took this as a very good omen, that she would be a powerful ruler of their people one day.

When she was nine years old though, disaster struck their empire. Alealamia had always feared the old crone Miaya for her monstrous appearance. Half centipede, her body had evolved more bug than human and split evenly down the middle, so half of her extremely large number of limbs was legs, and the other half arms. This would be the first of Alealamia's important lessons though- not to judge by appearances. Miaya was somewhat prophetic, and on this occasion had a very strong vision of the tunnels of Mustaemara closing up- and the earth itself swallowing the crowndom of Haven. There was many who did not wish to hear her ill omen, or refused to believe, but the crown Taj was among those who heard her out- and believe or not, his orders were to be obeyed. It was because of this, that nearly the entire empire had evacuated to the surface when the ground started to tremble. The earth to the north is brittle- too cold to bend, so even small shifts can have dire consequences. Two burrowing crowndoms side-by-side removed the structural integrity of the very ground itself, and the land collapsed, caving in both crowndoms!

Alive but not so well, the insect people now had no crowndom. Taj remained near Haven and the two forces aided each other for a time, before Taj lead his people on a mass pilgrimage to try and find a new homeland. The north was no longer stable enough for two crowndoms, so now Haven stood alone.

Alealamia started to evolve more as she turned 13. As if in response to being exposed to the surface world now, her skin tightened and solidified a bit. She developed flesh-toned chitin on the outer facing sides of her limbs and on her backside. It was almost like having scales. Tapping on the chitin felt like if a human were to tap themselves on the back of a fingernail- it could still plainly be felt, but the sensation was not in the chitin itself. This made her a little careless at first- thinking herself armored she started to get reckless playing with the other children, at least till her first crack. She fell hard enough onto the chitin plate of her forearm that she actually managed to crack it- and the split went down into the flesh that was tightly adhered to the inside of the plate, drawing blood. It was quite painful, and because chitin is much more rigid than flesh, it could not close as quickly. She required aid from the hive menders, who were able to produce a special type of wax they used to cover the crack while it fused back together and healed.

Taj's people tried to explore further north, attempting to penetrate the reaches beyond the mountains where no maps have been drawn, but they found no hospitable lands, and the cold became too piercing to continue that venture. The problem with south however is that there was already other established crowndoms nearby, and then ocean beyond that.

When Alealamia turned fourteen her butt had developed into a bit of a bubble, much to her embarrassment. Her anus became puffy at first which she largely ignored, but then seemingly overnight it grew completely out from her. Now a football sized bubble of chitin encased it, protruding from the end of her spine. Areas covered with chitin had more brittle bones within- because the chitin drew out material that would normally be part of the bone, so the bubble was actually an extension of her spinal cord- an insectoid abdomen. Because the beast aspect was tied to your personality, not everyone living with or even born of insects necessarily developed insect traits- there was plenty of non bugs in Taj's people. It also meant that even if you did have bug traits, how much you got varied greatly from person to person- so someone with a full bug rump was considered quite heavily leaned into their bug side. Alealamia was made fun of almost immediately from her peers for her new bubble butt- even if they were silenced almost immediately by all of the adults fearing Taj's wrath. Being royal- it was impossible for Alealamia to be teased for very long, so what little taunts she got tend to bite harder. It took some getting used to her new parts even aside from that. Her vagina had sort of split two ways. She still had a human vulva between her legs, but then her vagina had an out-only path leading down to the end of her bubble butt. If she ever had a baby, it would come down there. She also had her anus on the very end of it. But her urethra to pee from, and the passage she would have sex with was still in the front like a human! She was a bit disappointed she had to put up with having a bug butt now, but there was no spinneret. Usually people who got the bug butt was because it also had a spinneret so they could produce silk.

By the time Alealamia reached her 20s, Taj and his people had settled on a wasteland edge to set up their crowndom. To the south of Haven, and far west of Lemuria was the start of a vast desert bordered by wasteland. The desert was uninhabitable, but Taj's lost people managed to scrounge enough to survive off of in the wastes. Life was hard, but they were a hard working people, and they had been wandering for so long that they would have accepted almost anything. In these times there seemed little difference between Taj and the people below him. What was a crown without his throne? Without a castle? The rich had to work with the poor. Everyone struggled, but they struggled together.

Alealamia had developed into a beautiful and refined young woman. Straight raven hair to her breast, her iris an unusual but beautiful pink. She was tall, but not like her mother who was extremely tall and narrow. Alealamia's chitin had advanced around more of her body, but remained flesh toned so it was hard to even notice at a distance making her look at first to be unusually human. Ribs of the chitin formed around her torso, which also served to provide minor support for her D cup breasts. The chitin advanced all the way around her limbs now, but still did not touch the insides of her hands. her antennae became longer and wider, but remained very thin. They turned a cyan in color and were shaped like very long narrow leaves. Her antennae were actually most people's favorite part of her, because they were very expressive. They followed the angle of her eyebrows almost exactly, so they moved about a lot as she spoke, making her emotions easy to read. The size of her rump increased greatly- though gone were the teasing of children. Now some found themselves oddly allured by it. Her abdomen was almost as big as her actual body, and the chitin got thicker toward the top middle of it, forming a sort of spine of ridged, thick chitin there to protect it from the harsh sun.

Alealamia did her best to aid her parents in commanding the people. In these trying times, it was team work that made survival possible. And it is because of the team mentality and togetherness that Alealamia continued to evolve. Her hips expanded, forcing the existing chitin to split and thicken as it mended itself and expanded around the larger hips. Her crotch was one of the few areas on her body now that still had no protective chitin- it was still plush flesh. She thought she was putting on weight with the expansion of her thighs, but when her hips widened, the front and back of Alealamia's legs were pulled in two different directions. The front remained where it was while the back moved with the expansion, splitting her legs in half! Now back to their normal girth, she had four legs instead of two! Over time, her feet grew longer and simplified in structure. Where there was once five toes now there was only two large ones. The chitin on her limbs and back became thicker and started to overlap- creating sharp ridges to further protect her. It was at this time that her flesh and carapace started to diverge in color, slowly. Her chitin started to turn a bright golden yellow, while her skin began to turn grey, then charcoal grey, and finally matte black.

When Alealamia turned 30 another bizarre change was noted about her. Unlike any other before her, her will to help her people survive was so strong that as part of her beast aspect she obtained what appeared to be immortality. Her parents were getting on in age by now and required more and more help to be the rulers of the struggling bug folk, Alealamia however still looked 20. She reached maturity and then just stopped aging entirely. The old crone Miaya finally passed of old age entirely- leaving behind one final and cyptic prophecy of Alealamia- saying merely 'she is as the Gods'.

As they aged, her parents left more to her, and finally simply stepped aside and let Alealamia rule, with them watching in the background. People did not all enjoy the shift of power- some people just do not enjoy change and so they deliberately looked for cracks in her judgement. Many were quick to question her, not ready to accept her wisdom over her father, and this was a source of much frustration to her. She was already a bit irritated, because her rump had never truly stopped growing, and now was so large that she had gotten caught on many occasions needing someone to help her through a doorway! They needed to expand the doorways of her home because her butt can't fit through them! Almost twice the size of her body by the time it appeared to finally stop growing in her forties! Far too big for any manner of chair, she actually sat on her own butt. It would look like she was still standing, but lean back and basically wedge her butt between her back and the floor. The only way she could get entirely off her feet was to lay down, either forward or back and rest the huge mass between her legs. Her hairline eventually advanced down her neck, and then entirely engulfed it! She now had a black mane that covered her neck and rest just over her impressive bust. When one of the citizens was questioning her, she lost her temper and shouted back at him, and discovered a new power to her repertoire. A very rare and dangerous power. Everyone in the audience chamber save the poor fool she shouted at spoke at the exact same time, and made the exact same gestures! Alealamia had a hive mind- she had unintentionally taken control of everyone nearby and turned them all against him! She startled herself with it, and broke control with the others, who all looked at one another in embarrassment, but none spoke up. Much fewer people chose to question her from that day forward. All she needs to do is want something enough, and her mind unconsciously takes control of someone to get it for her. She can do it intentionally, but she had no way of turning it completely off. It only affected people with actual bug traits however- even if they were citizens of her crowndom, if they had no bug aspects her hive mind did not work on them.

Eventually her parents passed away of old age, even though poor Alealamia still looked like she was in her early twenties. Both her parents passed within the span of a year- together even in death. If that were not already hard enough on Alealamia, her body seemed to adapt to the change well ahead of her emotions, which made things still more difficult for her. Her hips expanded yet again and she gained a third set of legs! She almost looked like a bug centaur at this point- six legs on a full bug body, but then a mostly human body above that as well. Her antennae grew even larger as well, getting mostly just longer, till they were like long streaming ribbons of bright cyan waving around in the air above her.

Alealamia was looking over all the paperwork, to inherit all of her parent's power officially, and now to manage all her people completely on her own- when suddenly her dress tightened considerably. She immediately sent all of the attendants away so they would not see her squirming in her clothes trying to figure out what was amiss. Then the straps snapped off and her chitin groaned from stretching as her entire body started to get bigger! She held her breath and then grabbed her torso as if she could somehow hold in the growth, which of course did nothing. Her dress shredded off entirely and her antennae flicked in irritation, calling someone to her aid.

The tiny dragonfly woman Alyaesub fluttered into the room and landed gently in the empty audience chamber. "Yes my crown, you... s-summoned...?" She tailed off at the sight of her crown, large and nude trying to squirm out from behind her desk.

"H-heelp. Shit."

"What... do would you ask of me?"

"I need a tailor right away, I have nothing to clothe myself! Hnnngh~!"

She groaned and got out from behind her desk but her body started to get bigger again. The pressure came in gentle pulses, building tension in her bones, skin, and chitin till it let go and surged bigger, and then started to build with small pulses again.

"M-maybe you should wait till you are done growing first? I have no size to give the tailor, and it looks like neither do you."

Alealamia stumbled and rolled down the stairs- but only the front half of her body did. She was so large now that her hands could be at the bottom of the stairs while her legs were all still at the top! Her gigantic butt was so large it took up the entire upper portion of the audience chamber! She tried to straighten herself up and her back hit the roof! She couldn't even sit up! Her body still groaned and grew! She would have to get used to her subjects seeing her naked for a while, because there was nothing made for her size. Even her home was too small to fit her!

That was all over a hundred years ago now. Her people left the wastelands behind, and no longer struggled to make life in the dirt and rock. Using their own wax as mortar, they built tall structures of stone and wax and erected mighty cities! Thanks to Alealamia, they had no shortage of resources and had good relations with the neighboring crowndoms on either side. On one side was Haven, on the other was Lemuria. They never did make her a new set of clothes- they had to instead resort to wax to cover her fleshy bits. Now the crowndom was known simply as The Colony, and wandered between its neighbors and the ocean to gather the resources between. Alealamia was stripped of her title of crown however, and instead given a new title of Hive God, as she existed on a level well beyond any normal mortal. Bigger than an entire mountain range- Alealamia is both the ruler of the crowndom, and the crowndom herself. All of their cities are built on her body! Some towers dangle off her underside, most rise from her back, and especially the gigantic abdomen behind her. Because it is built on top of her, the crowndom is mobile, and simply goes wherever the resources are. Her breasts are as big as mountains themselves and her nipples covered only by long strips of hard wax- which look like barely anything on her, even though to a normal person the strips are as wide as a five lane highway. Her six legs are a bit spindly looking compared to the rest of her, but are plenty sturdy. She actually walks on her knuckles- the points of her two clawed toes curl up on the inner side so to protect the fleshy underside of them. Because her chitin is golden yellow but her skin is matte black her body looks semi-striped like a bee. The ends of her limbs are bright yellow while the color becomes more sandy toned toward her body- and then a lot of her body itself is covered with the sandy colored wax and stone grey structures and streets build onto her. Her ribbon like antennae are long enough to reach almost the halfway point on her abdomen, so anyone looking up from the streets of The Colony can see them gently waving in the sky. They are translucent, so the light still filters through their cyan surface. Her arms are bigger than her legs- though just as long. They appear to end in a single spiked end, but the end can split open to reveal she still has a five digit hand- the inside of which is soft warm black skin. Because of the weight on her back, she walks on all of her limbs- arms included. Her face is still entirely human looking, though she has a set of smaller eyes on her forehead that are compound eyes. The other difference is that what appear to be human cheeks are actually the outer facing side of insect mandibles that are folded into her mouth when not in use.

Being the God of The Colony is not exactly an easy task. Not only is she its sole ruler, but she does not age so she cannot pass her duties off to anyone else, and she is the crowndom itself. If she turns around too quickly she could smash buildings together or fling any number of people off of her, so she has to be very careful how she moves. Even when speaking she usually just takes control of someone else to speak for her- because her voice is so huge she will pop the eardrums of everyone within a mile radius if she spoke using her normal volume. Though her burdens are many, Alealamia is happy as long as her people are happy, and The Colony is able to prosper thanks to her!

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