Break Out In Hives

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A small, cute woman convinces her friend to let her hang out with him in a seedier part of the city with part-bug folk, but it turns out she is part bug herself. Now with the fuel her body needed to change the question becomes when will it stop? What is her final metamorphosis and what bug features will she inherit?

(F TF Queen Insect)

Ed walked nervously to the darker backside of the silk weaver district in Los Anul. The part most people seen was the clothing shops run by anthro insects, weaving impossibly intricate and durable clothing. Behind all that in the alleyways, more rough and rugged folk gathered. A lot of other people in the city get creeped out by bug anthro, so to avoid the nervous glances they generally keep to themselves, and because its almost entirely just bug folk around there, they tend to let loose and just go wild. If you asked Ed, he had no idea how he fell in with this crowd- he wore a ward all the time that suppressed his inner beast all the time so most forgot he is part grasshopper. However it happened, he managed to somehow fit in with this place well enough. Why he was nervous now was not for himself though- he was leading a petite little woman named Greta. Small and a little pudgy, she looked delicate and cute and not at all part of this area. She stood out like a flower in a field of spikes. There was the odd child around these parts but always closely accompanied by a watchful parent- and usually sliding between different levels of the buildings overhead on banners made of silk- so not actually on the ground where they can be approached.

Greta insisted she come along with Ed though, and she was a very spirited young woman. It was not easy to say no to her in spite her size. Ed was fairly tall and lanky, but Greta was only as tall as his lower ribs. Ed carefully lead her deeper into the area to a friend of his, a spider woman named Grace sitting at a table on a bar's outdoor patio area. Grace brushed her hair away from her face revealing four additional beady eyes on her forehead as she scanned over Ed and then locked eyes on Greta. She knew Ed was bringing her, and heard of her before, but never seen her in person till now. Grace smiled as Greta immediately introduced herself energetically while Ed continually tried to calm her own so she did not draw any unnecessary attention. Greta immediately skipped over to the bar proper to order some food for herself, Ed once again telling her to be reasonable about how much she ordered. Grace surprised him though, telling Greta to go nuts, she would flip the bill herself. Spider silk has such high tensile strength that she doesn't even need to weave it into anything- she can make a living off of just selling it by the spool.

Grace tilted herself back in her chair with two arms, twirled her hair in another and the last one hung limp as she grinned at Ed. "So... quite the little firefly, that one."

Ed sighed. "Don't encourage her too much, ya? She will eat you out of house and home. I swear she has no bottom to her stomach. She looks small but she has the spirit and appetite of someone a hundred times her size."

"S'cool. You said she still hasn't manifested any inner animal yet, right? But she senses she is a bug, which is why she badgered you into bringing her here to look around, against your better judgement." Ed nodded. "I think she has manifested her inner beast. Just... let me test this." She glanced past Ed. "And speaking of beasts..."

Hecatoncheires walked past them from behind Ed, glancing at them and slowing a bit when he seen them. He was an extremely tall, muscular man, known best for the fact his sides and entire back were covered in nothing but arms. Two bright orange horn-like antennae marked his head- Heca is an anthro centipede. And just like centipedes he spit poison, but Heca spit it in the form of words- he was a bully to everyone. A show off and a bit of a brick head, he fit your cliche bully archetype pretty much perfectly.

Greta scurried up from the other direction balancing several dishes of food. "Oh hey, is this that Heca guy you were talking about Ed? He doesn't look scary."

Ed blushed as Heca stopped completely and turned to him with an evil smile. "Scary, huh?" He slammed a hand on the table and snickered as Ed flinched. "Do I... scare you, little man?"

Ed spoke in a lowered voice. "N-no, no... I know you are a nice guy Heca. I was just y'know, telling Greta that because she... doesn't exactly fit in here. I didn't want her to run around picking fights."

Heca laughed, standing up straight again and looking down at Geta who was barely as tall as his hips. "This cute little sprite? I'd be more worried about me stepping on her by accident."

Greta furrowed her brows as she put the plates down on the table. "You think you're tough shit, huh?" Ed was making several hand gestures to get her to stop but she ignored him. "You don't intimidate me. You probably can't even fight- you'd just trip over your own muscle bulk. Show muscle- worthless in practical uses."

Now Grace laughed, not having seen anyone stand up to Heca like that in a long time. Her face immediately stirned when Heca grunted and stomped down toward Greta to spook her with a threatened attack. Grace glared at him through the strands of hair advancing back in over her face. "Heca... if I ever see you attempt to hit a small woman I will rip your genitals off and force you to eat them."

Everyone went silent, and after a moment Heca continued on his way, letting them off the hook. Grace did not look like much compared to him but both spiders and centipede were apex predators among bugs- Grace could likely equal Heca in strength. Grace was a mature, pretty woman, but you did not want to piss her off. Spiders have no mercy.

Greta immediately started eating, asking Grace about the location- having already heard Ed's side of it over the years. Greta pouted as it sounded like Grace did not think she belonged either, though was much less forward with her opinion. Greta explained she hated being discriminated against because of her appearance. Yea, she was tiny and energetic. She was also wild and liked to stir up trouble. Everyone assumed she was the good girl type, but she is bored sticking to the rules, but never knew anyone who liked to get in trouble who was not also an ass, like Heca. Ed was as close as she has ever known- he was a by the rules type of person but he hung out here in the dark, wild side of the city. Grace just nodded along with her argument, willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, and also watching her eat with curiosity. Greta got progressively more quiet as she ate more and more. The amount of food she managed to fit in her seemed physically impossible. Ed could never afford to let her go this all-out, and was wide eyed watching her too- he could actually SEE her getting chubbier! She was fattening up so fast you could literally see it happen as she shoveled food in. Most of the added mass went to her gut that rounded out. Not into fat rolls but taught and smooth as it became a huge sphere almost making her look tremendously pregnant. She started to moan a bit as she shoveled food in now, like her body was straining to take any more in but still somehow hungry. Her stomach was so huge now she was somewhat pinned in place. The top of her stomach was slightly lifting her side of the table, pinning her between table and chair.

When Greta finished her most recent plate she finally stopped, not ordering any more. She shoved her chair back letting the table bang back down. She stood up and wobbled a bit in place, not used to her new center of gravity. She looked full term pregnant with twins! She groaned again and told them she needed to go to the bathroom and Grace pointed her toward it, smiling at Ed when she left.

"Told you."

"Told me what? I wonder if she is going to be ok? I hope she isn't going to rupture her stomach. You can do that you know- eat so much the food weight rips your stomach lining."

"She is fine. I told you she already manifested her inner beast."

"But... she looks totally human. Why would she look completely normal if it already manifested...?"

Grace nodded toward the empty plates across the entire table. "Because she is still in larval form. She needed more food to fuel her evolution. Greta is just a grub. Or... was. I think she's had enough now."

Greta felt woozy and needed to sit down, plopping down on a toilet in the bathroom stall. Her arms and legs were getting progressively weaker feeling and her stomach continued to try and stretch larger and rounder. The skin was extremely smooth from being stretched so far. Her head started to feel dizzy and the weight in her gut started to shove itself downward, pressing on the inside of her pussy that immediately started to open up on its own. There was no contractions, so she was not giving birth to anything, at least not in any traditional sense. Her entire body felt so weak, her consciousness felt like it was falling into an abyss and she slipped out of consciousness entirely for a moment. Her crotch swelled tremendously as the bulge of her gut tried to move down through it. Her pussy drooled heavily and opened wide entirely on its own, getting stretched huge as a massive object pushed downward. The color left her skin and her body became lifeless as the object popped out and tumbled onto the floor bopping its head against the stall door. Greta stood up shakily, her body slick with vaginal lube. She looked down at her former body confused for several moments. She had given birth to... herself? Her old body was nothing more than a cast-off shell now- hollow and lifeless.

Greta went to leave and almost fell into the door when her leg joints shifted slightly. Her heart beat thundered in her ears from the sudden confusion, excitement, and fear of the situation so she could barely hear the dull pops under her skin all over her body. She was... growing. She snatched the clothing off her cast-off and stumbled out of the stall, falling back against the door. She couldn't get dressed in a cramped stall with her own cast-off taking up most of the space. She was extremely glad no one else was in the bathroom right now. Using paper towels she tried to dry the lube off her body the best she could before putting her stuff back on, but also wanting to hurry in case anyone else came in here. She was still changing though. This new body was fresh and much easier to shape than the last one. Her toenails turned black and looked like they were somehow growing backwards over her skin. It was actually becoming a chitinous shell around her feet. Because of the way she was leaning on the front of her feet as she was crouched down trying to dry them off and examining the changes- her heels started to grow out claws. She rolled back in surprise on them, but rather than buckle they caught and supported her weight. It looked like she was wearing odd segmented high-heel shoes, even though she was technically barefoot! She stood up straight, testing her balance on them. Unlike actual high-heels she had better balance, because the heel was technically a claw, she could adjust its angle. Her legs were very long compared to her old body, plus the elevated heels made them seem even longer than that. When she came in she was barely level with the bottom of the mirrors, now her eyes were almost above mirror level! She looked... more mature. More like Grace. And that pleased her greatly. Though still damp and a bit clumped up, her hair was long and near-black brown and fell to her shoulders, just long enough to touch the top of her breasts. For her tiny size she had always had pretty impressive breasts, being a good sized C before. Now they looked like E cups. They were large but also very well teardrop shaped, the skin taught and smooth, holding their shape astonishingly well for their size. Her areola were small but her nipples wide and had well defined shape too, making them look like tiny tree stumps. She also always appreciated how her breasts had a divide. Some women have somewhat of a 'mono-breast' where the flesh sort of trails between them. Greta had a noticable valley between, though narrow, there was flat chest between them.

Greta hefted her bare breasts, forgetting her mission to get re-dressed as she marveled at her own flesh. She was snapped out of her admiration though when she winced and moaned at an odd feeling. Her skin seemed to contract suddenly in several places starting at her shoulders, and before her eyes reflected in the mirror- her flesh thickened and darkened. Her bones weakened while material was borrowed from them to strengthen the surface level as chitin plates formed armor on her. Her entire shoulder blades, her elbows, and all of her knuckle joints grew shiny smooth black plates of armor fused with her skin, as well as her nails sharpening a bit and turning black too.

Greta had no time to recover from that as she cried out in a mix of pleasure and confusion again, twisting herself around trying to look at her own ass. Movement of muscle extending from her back, but also an explosion of pressure and pleasure as her tailbone seemed to extend a bit but then inflate tremendously! In actuality the bone had regressed, not extended. The actual tail bone melted away so the material could be used to once again form a new skeletal structure on the outside of her body rather than inside. She caught sight of something else above her and had to turn her attention back to the mirror, finding an explanation for yet another odd feeling she felt. Her perception was extending, she could feel things farther from her body than possible, and that was because she now had two antennae sticking out of her forehead! They continued to grow longer and form thousands of long bristles- they were turning into big feathery antennae like a moth! Greta shivered at a prickly tingle as her hairline advanced down in the back, consuming her neck, wrapping around the sides as well! She was growing a fluffy black mane! As it thickened though, she noticed it was not all black- it had pale near-white grey stripes in it, shaped sort of like arrows. It almost reminded her of a bee, except the color was off and the stripes not quite right.

Greta's entire body quivered and she buckled over panting and gasping, using the sink to brace herself as the growth on her butt grew tremendously! It inflated like a balloon, but it felt extremely good, like someone touching her clit kind of good. Normally a bug would have their genitals in this area, but because her body is still almost entirely human her actual vulva did not move. The bulb grew from where her tail bone used to be, and was covered in black chitin. It grew to medicine ball sized and beyond, overshadowing her actual butt by a great amount. It slowed nearly to a stop so Greta was finally able to straighten herself out and catch her breath. It felt so good for the entire growth without break that she felt like she was going to suffocate- it completely robbed her of her breath from its intensity. If it wasn't for her involuntary gasps she may have knocked herself out from lack of air. She shook her shapely hips and the large sphere wobbled with it, but with a moments delay, and continued to wobble a moment after she stopped. She went to touch it with her hand and immediately crumpled to the floor before making contact as the pleasure returned. Her entire body shook like a leaf in the wind as it grew more and more and MORE. She could actually HEAR it growing, like stretching leather. It grew to the same size as her entire torso before finally stopping! The chitin had extended onto her lower back, but only a bit, to properly brace the hefty sphere so the weight would not affect her. She gingerly touched it, then squeezed. The chitin was solid armor, but still flexed. It felt like hard rubber, but when she squeezed hard enough she could feel organs and such inside being shifted around. Her vaginal opening was where it had always been, and her vulva looked unchanged, but her actual womb was now in the base of the sphere, and her ovaries inside of the sphere- and much, MUCH larger. The sphere is her abdomen- her anus was now on its underside, toward the back but relatively centered. If she had a spinneret it would be at the very back, but it seemed she is not a silk producing bug. She turned and looked through the mirror at her rump now in awe. It was like she had two butts now- a human butt but no hole and a huge sphere coming off from just above that did have a butthole. So she had a faux human butt and an actual bug butt.

Greta's heart jumped as she heard someone walk by dangerously close to the door to the bathroom and scrambled for her clothing! She skipped her shoes and socks, since they seemed kind of useless now. Not only would they not come even close to fitting her high heeled feet, but the chitin casing on her feet already protected them from harm without needing to wear anything. When it came to her top it was no simple matter of slipping it on. She got her panties and short shorts on, just keeping them low in the back to give her abdomen space to hang out. Her hips were already decently wide when she was small so being taller did not affect their fit- though had they been pants there would be a ton more exposed leg at the bottom and made them look odd. Her top though had to fit on a taller woman which meant more midriff exposed already, but also she had to stuff tits three cup sizes bigger into them. It... barely worked at all. She looked like an adult trying to fit into a seven year old's clothing. Almost her entire torso remained exposed- the best her shirt could manage was stretching dangerously tight across the top and middle of her breasts- the bottoms of her tits were still exposed to open air. She did not even try to fit the bra on, knowing it would be impossible. She could barely breath the shirt was choking her boobs so tightly against her ribs! Not knowing what else to do, she only peeked out of the bathroom and managed to wave over Grace's attention.

Grace barely recognized her but still went to her aid, looking as casual as possible so Ed would not turn around and look at Greta. Grace ran a chitinous claw down the front of Greta's shirt in the bathroom and the top immediately ripped in half- her claw cut into the fabric enough that it burst the rest of the way from pressure. She concentrated a moment and then opened her mouth revealing a pool of milky liquid in it- then dipping her pointed fingertips into the liquid she drew out several strands that became stickier and more solid the farther it stretched into open air. Grace had a pretty human form, so she did not have a separate abdomen to host her spinneret. Instead she was able to form silk from her saliva- the milky fluid in her mouth was liquid webbing. She began to stitch the two halves of the cut top together, criss-crossing the new silk to make it look as natural as possible. She then extended the material down to cover more of her torso and the underside of her breasts. She even cut a V shape from Greta's shorts so she could wear them normally and still fit her abdomen over it. Spiders can control whether their silk is sticky or not- their webs are made of both, since a spider is not immune to the stickiness of its own web. Because Grace had no needle with her to properly sew with, she used sticky silk as binding and non sticky as the base material.

Grace did the honor of re-introducing a surprised Ed to the new Greta when the two returned. Ed was at a loss of words, and Greta could not stop blushing or smiling. In her new form she was at least a full foot taller than Ed- she would actually be the same height as Heca. Her new chitinous feet clicked on the ground when she walked, and her hefty breasts bobbed with every little motion she made. She seemed a bit jumpy as well, but it was only because she was getting used to her antennae, which allowed her to feel a lot more than she could before. She could actually FEEL changes to Ed's facial expressions when she sat with him at the table. The antennae could pick up very subtle vibrations in the air around her. They also looked cute. They raised and lowered with her facial expressions like a second set of eyebrows. For Ed it was hard to get over how drastic the changes were to his friend. She had always been cute, but now she was beautiful, and he found himself suddenly attracted to her in different ways, but did not want to show it at risk of seeming shallow and hurting their friendship.

The day turned out quite nice, in spite of all Ed's prior worries. Greta was still pulling attention from standing out, but now she was turning heads from how good she looked. Grace gave them both a tour of the area herself before leaving the two alone to enjoy the rest of the day. Before departing she whispered to Ed that he should be careful- there is a chance Greta still is not complete. This may be a nymph form.

Los Anul bordered the ocean on the north east side of the city, at the east edge of the silk weaver district, so Ed and Greta headed there for the evening, getting a small dinner at one of the beach side restaurants- Greta's appetite finally normalized. It felt weird for Ed, thinking of and having to deal with all the attention Greta got now as such a beautiful woman. Just earlier today he felt like he had to white knight around her to protect her from the world. Now it was almost feeling like the opposite, where Greta fit in better than he ever could. In the evening they walked the beach slowly as the sun set, talking about nothing really. Greta seemed flirty, but Ed was still shy about making any advances himself. Greta also took a bit to get used to walking in the sand with her new feet- because sand does not support her well, she basically clasped her heel claw onto the rest of her foot and stabbed her foot into the sand and stood like that. When they reached the end of the beach, Ed was about to turn around but Greta took his wrist and suggested they keep going, into the bushes at the end of the beach where the sands gave into rockier ground that had collected plant life. She was looking for a private nook.

Greta took the initiative, grabbing Ed and kissing him once they were far enough into the line of trees that no one from the beach would see. At the feel of her plush lips on his, Ed could not hold himself back any longer, nor had reason to. The two continued to kiss and gently caress one another as they awkwardly tumbled out of their clothing without breaking contact. He immediately magnetized to her impressive breasts and Greta had no complaints- she enjoyed them as much as he did so she pushed them into his hands, encouraging him to dig his fingers in. Greta rest her head back against one of the many large rocks, with her long dark hair fanning out on its surface around her head. Greta moaned and bucked gently against Ed as he turned his attention to her hot pussy, but when he went to penetrate her, Greta paused him, saying she wanted to try anal- mostly because it was now in a very different place. Laying on her back, her massive abdomen rest between her legs, but being the same size as her entire torso only rounder, its mass was actually a shade bigger than Ed himself. He had to climb up onto it like a small hill, straddling it with his legs. Finding the anal opening was a bit tricky- it was not visible, he had to push gently in on the abdomen and found the opening by the amount of give the surface had. He slid in slowly but Greta's high toned moans of pleasure were encouraging. When he started to thrust in with more vigor, he started to bounce a bit on the rubberiness of the abdomen. He watched her knead her own breasts with her head tossed back in pleasure as he bounced on her huge warm sphere. Just as he was picking up pace though, he noticed it bounced back a little harder. He looked down for a moment before realizing it was growing! She was growing!

Greta's moans became grunts and groans as her body started to feel too tight. She gasped, opening her eyes and looking to Ed who looked back in concern himself at her growth. She apologized and told him she had to flip over so he had to get off for a moment. Her entire body felt so tight as she grew, like her own skin was a size too small for her. Her back started to hunch and then swell up and out. She breathed heavily, rolling onto her arms and legs as her body started to convulse a bit and her back swelled up more. Her body started to drain of color and pale as her skin dried rapidly. With a final violent lurch the dry skin on her back cracked open and for the second time today, Greta emerged from her own former body! Her nymph form became the cast-off as she slid out from the back of it, standing and stepping awkwardly out from it, almost falling over on her unstable form. The new body looked wet, but only because it was so smooth and still forming in the open air- she was moist but not wet.

She stumbled forward, catching herself with her hands before she hit the ground. Ed was about to grab her, but was actually knocked back by a sudden air pressure- and the sound of beating wings! Four large dragonfly-like wings beat so rapidly they almost became invisible in motion on her back. They had the same pale grey stripes on them as her bee mane, which actually made the wings more closely resemble a damselfly. Her body cracked and popped and for a moment almost looked like her back was bulging out again, but it was because Greta bunched up as her torso grew longer- having to change the position of her arms and legs to stretch herself back out. Extra calcium seethed from her spine even as it grew. The clouds of calcium formed into tubes of jelly, which then further solidified as they grew forming new bones. The flesh grew out at first into nubs, then proto limbs, then infantile limbs and finally fully developed at the same time the bones hardened properly. To go with the added torso length, she now had a slightly smaller second set of shoulder blades, with two more arms that were only a shade smaller than the first set! Like the first, the joints had chitin armor on them, but unlike her first set, the hands only had two three fingers and a thumb.

Greta's vision blurred and then doubled, making her incredibly dizzy for a few moments and giving her a sharp pain in her head before her brain adjusted to the changes. Her pupils split in two, and then three! Her iris started to divide as well but never got far enough to actually break away from one another. This let her see in three different angles at once! Most insects have compound eyes- large eyes that are actually made up of thousands of smaller eyes allowing them to see in every direction at the same time- since Greta was still at least half human, this was the compromise her metamorphosis made. Still human eyes, just with a cluster of three pupils and slightly misshapen iris. It was not the only change to her head though, her hair started to grow longer and more importantly her jaw ached. Greta shifted her jaw back and forth as her teeth became sharp, and she opened her mouth to crack her jaw- hoping that re-setting the joint would help. It did, but for different reasons. What looked like her cheeks divided from her face, flipping two extremely long narrow fangs out of her mouth on the ends of these two new appendages- mandibles. Once spread open as well as her still human jaw, it made her mouth extra large. They only exposed themselves when eating though, so when she popped her jaw and the ache went away the fangs folded back in and her mandibles retracted back into the sides of her mouth, once again looking like normal human cheeks on the outside.

She started to breath even heavier, panting, and letting out desperate breathy moans as her body went stiff and trembled in response to a familiar powerful pleasure. Greta rolled onto her back again, arching her body in pleasure as her already huge abdomen once again surged in size, and the chitin audibly groaned trying to keep up with the swelling. Her four hands immediately latched onto her chest at a second source of pleasure, and Ed's awe-struck eyes followed, seeing two plump mounds below her breasts- she was growing a second pair! In addition to that though, her steeply arched back cracked and stretched still longer as well, and joining the growth of her new set of breasts was a new set of shoulder blades... a third set of arms. Ed had to actually back up and step to the side as her abdomen got absolutely titanic in size! Its shape became less spherical as it grew now, turning egg shaped and then oval, then even a bit more oblong. It was easily as big as the entire rest of her body, and still growing slowly. Pale grey speckles appeared on the backside of the otherwise black abdomen like freckles. Her second set of breasts grew to very nearly the same size as the first, with identical nipples and areola. Her nipples were the same color as her hair- a shade of brown that was almost black but not quite. Her third set of arms was smaller to the second set, than the second was to the first, making them a good bit smaller than her original arms. They also only had two fingers and a small rudimentary thumb that was almost useless. The chitin plates on the third set covered the two fingers and the backs of the hands as well, leaving only the arms and palms bare flesh. The chitin plates on Greta's shoulders also advanced, covering more of her back- they spread in a pattern that looked like butterfly wings. As her gargantuan abdomen finally stopped growing, two rows of sharp nubs grew on the curve of her lower abdomen, closest to her body. Each row contained four of the nubs, and she could wiggle them individually, and bend them slightly. They were tiny rudimentary legs like on a grub, because her abdomen was FAR too big to lift off the ground now- so the extra tiny legs helped drag it. Greta started to slowly catch her breath and relax as the changes finished. Ed came over to ask if she was ok, and she immediately tackled him to resume their love making!

The next day, Grace nodded to Ed's recollection of the events that night. "See, I told you. I have seen enough Metamorphosees? What is the plural of m- eh, doesn't matter. I have seen enough bug folk to have a sense for these things."

Ed chuckled. "I didn't doubt you, I just... don't really know much about these sort of things. I still live in central, remember."

Grace leaned back in her chair again. "Well, she certainly fits in now. If anything she might intimidate other people. Unless she wears a ward, like you."

Ed shook his head. "She is having way too much fun in this form. She isn't going to suppress it any time soon."

Heca came up behind Ed, about to yank his chair out from under him to tease him. Grace seen him approach but did not say anything. Heca raised a fist instead though, and punched himself hard enough to stagger to the side. Both Ed and Grace seen it and laughed at Heca, steadying himself on another table trying to figure out what just happened.

Grace looked up at Greta crawling along the side of building. "Greta- don't abuse your hive mind."

Greta smiled devilishly. "Aww. It's ok, I am done anyway. For now."


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