Ruki & Vivi

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#49 of All They Knew


Set roughly a year and a half after Skye & Ruki moved to Kalos.

Any supertext is subtitling for certain lines.

"Finally here," Skye said as she and Ruki entered KoniKoni City at noon, walking under its wooden red welcome structure.

Ruki's chest was tight, anticipating seeing Vivi again. They'd been established mates for almost a year now. He currently lived in Kalos, but Skye ensured she kept in touch with Lexi and vice versa for their pokémon, which Ruki was grateful for.

KoniKoni was a small and rather quaint city. It had many shops and merchants selling items at stands during the day, outdated homes, docks to the west, and a lighthouse south. Vivi had shown Ruki all of it over time.

Skye kept Ruki close as they ambled south through the populated, busy central area. The neighborhood was less than a mile ahead. Skye and Lexi became good friends due to hanging out and conversing while their pokémon spent time together. They were, fortunately, both lax and outgoing while sharing a bit in common as well. Skye hadn't made friends in Kalos yet. She still barely knew how to get around outside of Aaron's city.

Ruki saw the house ahead minutes later. It was a cute white one-story five homes down. KoniKoni's residential area held a calm environment for the most part. Children or pokémon frolicking commonly broke it.

Once they reached it, Skye walked up and knocked on the door. It was answered in a minute since they were expected.

"Hey." Lexi grinned. "Been a while."

Skye returned the grin. "I know; glad we finally arranged again."

They were both dressed casually-- Lexi in an off-white tee and jeans, and Skye in her white jacket and jean-shorts.

"Come in," Lexi said, stepping aside.

She did along with Ruki. Her house was cozy and didn't hold much. It had a small kitchen to the left and two doors to bedrooms ahead. Her living room consisted of a couch and wooden table, along with an older wall-mounted TV. Lexi lived alone but in the same city as her parents.

"Here you go." Lexi gave Skye a cup of water. There was a bowl in the kitchen if Ruki wanted some as well.

Ruki glanced around. Vivi was nowhere in sight.

"Thank you," Skye said while watching Ruki. "I think he's looking for her..."

"Ah, probably napping." Lexi looked back at her open bedroom door. "Viv', your boyfriend's here!"

Skye giggled while sipping water.

Vivi slowly opened her eyes while lifting her head, yawning. She must have fallen asleep in Lexi's bed a while ago. She gracefully hopped down and stepped into the living room, seeing Ruki sitting by the couch. "Esp..." Vivi murmured, forming a grin.

Ruki met her halfway upon seeing her, leaning down and licking the top of her head. "Nin," he said, telling her how much he missed her.

Vivi's bow-tipped tail swayed while she nuzzled Ruki's chest and ended by giving it a soft kiss. She gazed up at him, her eyes telling him the same.

Her violet orbs held Ruki's world. He stared into them, momentarily losing himself while filled with warmth.

"Seems like they were made for each other," said Skye. She grinned while watching their interaction. She was glad Ruki could experience genuine love like this. He more than deserved it.

"Well, Vivi did choose him that day... They just might be soulmates," Lexi replied, sitting next to Skye.

"Espe, on?" Vivi asked him. She took Ruki out at times when he visited, and today she wanted to.

Ruki wouldn't oppose, of course. "Ine." He nodded. He was adventuresome, and exploring with his mate would make it better.

With his confirmation, she walked to the front door and looked at Lexi. Vivi didn't have to utter a word.

"She wants to take Ruki out," Lexi said while standing.

Skye was used to it as well. Nothing had ever gone wrong the few times they had. "Have fun, baby," she told Ruki.

Lexi went and opened the door. "Two hours, please, Vivi."

She nodded, trotting out the door with Ruki following behind.

He looked back as the door closed and caught up with Vivi.

"Nine, Nni?" Ruki asked out of curiosity, ready to go wherever she pleased.

"Speon, Es." And with that, she brushed her sleek body along his side while starting the walk east toward the docks. It was just before KoniKoni Central.

Ruki eyed Vivi's slim hips and elegant tail held over her back, swaying slightly with every other step she took. She was perfect, with just the right fusion of sass and sweetness in her personality. He sped up to walk beside her.

"Espee?" she asked, curious about how his new life was going in Kalos.

He'd seen and met many pokémon he never before witnessed, explored plenty of new cities and environments. That's what traversing different regions offered, and Ruki loved it. He told her everything as they strolled. The docks were less than a mile ahead, and their conversation made the distance pass quickly.

Vivi saw the central area full of people either scattered or lined up buying from merchants. She was glad they didn't have to walk through the commotion. She took a right before it, stepping onto the sturdy wooden path stretching across the water. No one was present, but a small boat was docked in the water ahead.

Ruki followed her down the walkway, stopping on the outlook platform as she sat and curled her tail around her hip. He sat next to her. There were a few moments of silence, but Vivi soon broke it with something on her mind.

"Es... Espeon, pi?" She looked up at him.

"You... wouldn't find another mate, right?"

"Nin." Never. Ruki loved Vivi too much. He wouldn't give her up for anything. "Ninetales," he said, assuring her he was content with how their situation was. Ruki leaned over and licked her ear. He knew that question would come someday, but she had nothing to worry about.

Vivi grinned, twitching it in response and leaning against Ruki with a content sigh. She didn't want Ruki to replace her if he ever got lonely. It was what she feared most. They seldom saw each other, but Vivi tried making it worth it when they did. She set her eyes back on the active ocean glistening under the sun, its waves gently splashing against the docks. She'd never find a male like Ruki, and Vivi didn't know why, but her abilities had never latched on the way they had on Ruki. She trusted him wholly. It was abnormal. "Peon, Esp." Vivi wanted to take him to the lighthouse area as well. She had plans.


However, there was no rush, so they spent another ten minutes at the docks before heading back west past the house.

Vivi perked her ears upon seeing the tall white structure ahead. It was surrounded by a vast grassy field and had a dirt trail leading to it. That's not where they were going, though.

As they approached the field, a warm breeze rushing by, it came to mind how a part of Ruki missed home. He wouldn't see Hau'oli today and didn't need to. Visiting the region now and again was enough for him, but he'd need a malasada one of these days.

Vivi took a right shortly after entering the field, walking toward a group of trees next to a tall cliffside. Besides a few, not many people or pokémon were on the field or by the lighthouse at the time.

Ruki thought this spot was nice. They'd been in the sun for a while, so he was beginning to get hot.

Vivi walked past the first tree and sat near the second one under the shade, bringing up her right paw and giving its topside a few licks.

Beyond the lighthouse was more ocean. It was a calming view. He sat close by her again. She'd taken Ruki to the lighthouse and the field's end before, but never to this area.

"Esp..." she began.


He gave her his undivided attention, slightly turning toward her.

It'd been a while since Vivi had Ruki to herself, not to mention her heat cycle was beginning, but he didn't need to know that. She eyed him. All Ruki needed to know... "Spi, speon." Was that she wanted his love deep inside of her. They'd never mated while she was in heat before-- which made it safe, but Vivi wasn't worried about that.

"Ni..." Ruki didn't know how to respond. Vivi wanted to mate here in public? He understood they had virtually nowhere else to do it, seeing as they'd only gotten to twice so far, but it would be risky. He'd never done anything like this before, but Ruki couldn't deny Vivi, and he missed everything from her to what she offered.

She stood and shot him a brief smirk before slowly walking beside him, running her sleek body against his side again.

Ruki watched her, her tail lustfully swaying as she moved. It shot tingles up his body. Once Vivi stood in front of him and wiggled her hips, he got a view of her backside she urged him to focus on, and Ruki couldn't help but eye her delicate womanhood.

Vivi looked back at him, bringing her tail up and rubbing its tips against his chin. "Ssp..."

She was way too good at seduction. Ruki was already near halfway erect. He swallowed as she turned around.

Vivi stood on her hind legs and pressed her front paws into his chest, gazing into his timid eyes while inches away. She tended to take control more often than Ruki. Vivi liked a bit of obedience.

He glanced ahead to ensure no one noticed them but was quickly taken away once he felt her soft tongue against his cheek. Ruki shivered as Vivi traced her tongue along it and his jawline, then pulled her face away and gave him another smirk. Ruki's eyes shot to the red gem on her head, fading to a light glowing blue. He wasn't sure what it meant until he felt a soft squeeze around his shaft. Ruki gasped and dilated his eyes.

However, Vivi quickly pressed her lips against his for a moment, slowly blinking while keeping eye contact. This was the first time she'd ever used her abilities sexually. "Espeh?" she asked if it felt good. Vivi ensured she used a weakened version as not to harm her mate.

"N-N..." It felt like someone was holding his member-- except all over. He nodded, keeping his eyes on hers while feeling Vivi take it farther. Ruki was fully erect, lightly throbbing in her psychic's hold.

She began slowly stroking his cock up and down, listening to his soft huffs and inhalations, kissing his lips once more.

"Ihn..." Ruki subtly bucked his hips against her strokes as they sped up, wincing his eyes slightly. The sensation was unexplainable, though good enough for him to want more. He felt soft pressure around his shaft and Vivi's mouth press against his again.

Vivi licked his lips, tightening her psychic's hold around his cock and bringing another lovely moan out of her mate as she stroked him faster and coaxed some pre. Vivi's goal wasn't to make him cum from this, however. It was to get him hard and aroused to her liking. Vivi released his member, her gem returning to its solid red color. "Esp?" she asked if he was ready for her.

After that tease? Of course. Ruki wasn't sure what Vivi had in mind, but he didn't have to ask. He watched her look behind at a few more trainers that appeared in the field, but Vivi must have been confident in this spot or didn't care.

Vivi knew what wouldn't look too obvious. She turned around so she was facing the field. Her backside was toward Ruki with her hind legs parted some as if about to sit in front of him.

Ruki didn't see it that way. Her rear was raised off the ground, and her slit was positioned near his tip. His erection stiffened as he thought about entering her, eyeing her exposed holes.

"Espi, pi..." Vivi missed him so much.

"Hold me and enter..."

He grinned at her, not wasting a second, bringing his front paws forward and tucking them against her cozy inner thighs. Ruki then spread and shifted his hind legs to properly line his tip at Vivi's folds, prodding her entrance. "Nine?" he asked, making sure she was ready.

Vivi nodded, looking up at him and holding her slim tail up against his stomach. "Spi..."

Ruki ever so slowly pushed his hips forward, stretching her slit and fitting half of his length inside her wet embrace. He wanted to allow her time to adjust.

Her eyes softened as he entered, and she sighed through her mouth. It was instant relief. Vivi rolled her hips, watching Ruki wince his eyes and tense against her. She adjusted quickly enough and pushed her hips down, gradually taking the rest of his length inside her as it rubbed against her walls. "Ps..." It slightly hurt.

He huffed, looked down at their hips touching, which didn't last long as Vivi slightly leaned forward and raised her hips until her slit neared his tip, lowering them accordingly. "Nnh," Ruki murmured, his cock twitching while being massaged by her walls. It was just as tight as he remembered. He pulled on her inner thighs, instinctively humping against her movement.

Vivi shifted her view to the much busier field than before while riding him, pressing her front paws into the grass and moving her hips a bit faster. "Ep..." She felt his stiff shaft throb inside her, softly breathing through her mouth due to her work.

It didn't take long for Ruki to shoot more pre, which made their session wetly audible. He closed his eyes for a moment, his paws twitching against her inner thighs and huffing through his nose. Ruki couldn't sit idle and let Vivi do all of the work, however. He leaned forward, so her ears' delicate tips tickled his chest's coat, causing her to stop, and began thrusting his hips forward at a steady pace, tugging on her thighs. He had to place his left paw on the ground in front of her for balance and leverage, keeping his right where it was.

"E-Esps..." Vivi felt more pleasure this way, although it could appear more noticeable. "Nsp." Vivi twitched her ears against his chest, moaning as Ruki pushed his cock deep inside her. She only wanted it harder. Vivi had longed for him.

As if he read her mind, Ruki thrust at a faster pace, putting more pressure into them and lightly panting while doing so. Her pussy was amazing. Her lush walls clenched him often, begging for Ruki to fill her up. "N-ine," he said, telling Vivi she'd make him cum soon. Ruki stared ahead, zoning out for the most part but noticing a few pokémon playing nearby. His necklaces' pendant swung against his movement.

Vivi's breaths grew quicker as Ruki shoved his cock deep inside her. "Nsspi..." She groaned, shutting her eyes. Vivi felt his hips repeatedly tap against hers, slightly pushing her body forward every time. Her legs trembled as she tried staying put under his powerful thrusts. Vivi flattened her ears, slightly sticking her tongue out as Ruki's knot slowly grew and smacked against her folds. She may be more dominant, but Vivi couldn't deny how much she loved Ruki's body over top of her and his paw holding her in place while mating her roughly.

He was very close, struggling to keep his eyes open while pounding her wet pussy. "Nins," he moaned under constant pleasure, his breathing dense and unstable. Ruki's knot grew to full size. He wouldn't last much longer inside Vivi's sweet abyss, pulling her close and closing his left eye while listening to her pleased moans he missed hearing.

Her front paws slid forward as Ruki unintentionally put more weight onto her back, and Vivi's tail began falling limp from how physically weak she felt due to continuous pleasure. However, she didn't want it resting on the ground, so she saved it by curling it around Ruki's left front leg. "Espihn..." Vivi moaned desperately and rested her head against his lower chest, raising her rear higher for him and gasping as it caused his tip to rub against her sweet spot often.

Ruki was at his limit. "N-hn," he stuttered, warning her of his impending release. Both his eyes were shut as he pumped his hips, at this moment uncaring of who saw their act. His body was hot, jolting a couple of times with his following few thrusts. "Nntales..." Ruki arched his back as he felt a powerful orgasm rush over him. He stumbled forward, nearly falling onto Vivi and causing her to double over but caught more ground with his left paw. He pulled her thigh, shoving his hips forward and gradually forcing his thick knot past her folds, consequently stretching them while spilling his hot cum deep inside Vivi, his cock throbbing.

"Esp-en!" She tensed as Ruki knotted her and sat back up after he'd nearly fallen atop her. Some pain resulted, causing her hind legs to quiver, but Vivi found them being knotted hot. It was a reminder of who she still belonged to. She lowered her head, struggling to catch her breath and feeling Ruki loosen his grip on her thigh while sitting up.

He opened his eyes, looking ahead at the populated field while slowing his panting. Ruki was relieved no one caught them. It had already happened once in his life. "Nin..." He looked down at Vivi.

"Espi, es." She grinned while returning his gaze.

"I love you too."


Within fifteen minutes, Ruki was able to pull out of Vivi, and they stayed out a while longer to ensure no odd scents from their sessions lingered. In total, they'd spent a little over an hour outside.

Vivi approached the front door and pawed at it. It opened moments later. Lexi knew to keep her ears open for their return.

"Hey, you two. Had fun?"

"Essi," she replied brightly, Ruki walking in behind her.

He still couldn't believe he did what he did with her. Ruki didn't know Vivi had that in her, but it was one of the hottest things he'd experienced.

"We're leaving in a few hours, Ruki." Skye wanted to leave before dark while giving him as much time as possible with Vivi.

"Nintales," he returned, then followed after Vivi to the kitchen. Ruki needed water.

Vivi had lapped up a good amount herself and stepped aside to let Ruki next. She watched him, subtly grinning to herself the entire time. "Espeon," she said once he was done, wanting to rest with him.

Ruki licked his maw and nodded. That sounded great. He followed her to Lexi's room, where her pink pokébed was beside the dresser and between the bed.

Fortunately, Vivi's bed was bigger than her. It could fit her and Ruki. She walked over and lay on her stomach, curling up and resting her tail over her hip while eyeing him.

He did the same but lay behind her. He draped his left front leg and paw over her and pulled her close, spooning her backside.

Vivi felt warm and secure in his hold. She tilted her head up and nudged his neck with her nose, kissing it lovingly before briefly standing and turning around to face him so she could bury her face in it.

Ruki let her reposition, his heart warm as her soft breaths hit his neck while cozily snuggled up to him. He was still for several minutes, assuming Vivi was asleep after the tenth one passed without her budging aside from a few subtle twitches from her paws and ears. Ruki wouldn't interrupt her nap.

It was unfortunate they couldn't see each other more often, but it wasn't possible when their trainers lived in different regions. Ruki would gladly take what he had, however. He was a patient and loyal ninetales.

Reaching Paradise

'How much longer do you think?' Fenny asked as they walked through the seemingly endless chilly caves, taking turns every couple of miles. "Victory Road is about endurance, Fen," she said. 'You'd think you proved yourself after fighting eight gyms...

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Leaving Alola

Skye approached her front door after taking another hour-long ferry ride back home. She sighed, quickly getting the door open and entering. No one was in the living room. Her parents were likely in theirs. Skye washed her hands and face in the restroom...

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