Reaching Paradise

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#30 of Cassidy's Journey

'How much longer do you think?' Fenny asked as they walked through the seemingly endless chilly caves, taking turns every couple of miles.

"Victory Road is about endurance, Fen," she said.

'You'd think you proved yourself after fighting eight gyms around Kalos... and winning all of them, right?'

Cassidy shrugged. "Sure. Maybe they just want to be a hundred percent positive you're up for the challenge, and I don't give up."

Fenny knew that to be true. Cassidy had never been a quitter when she wanted something accomplished. That was another way to view Victory Road.

She took a sharp right. "After this cave, we should be out. I can't wait to see the League. Heard it was unique," said Cassidy. "It has a mart as well. We'll want to stock up heavily before the battles."

"Right..." Fenny suppressed his nerves. He didn't want to be anxious, although if there was ever a reasonable time to be, this would be it. Fenny's performance during battle had significantly improved when comparing himself to Coumarine months ago. He was glad he was strong enough to fight by Cassidy's side when it mattered most.


Twenty tedious minutes of straight cavern paths and a few obstacles later, they saw light at the end of the tunnel, but it this time signified the end of the Victory Road.

"Finally..." Cassidy had to admit she was beyond tired. She was through with Victory Road, especially having walked it without rest for nearly two hours.

'We did it?" Fenny swished his tail, grinning at the sight. He peered as they got closer. His eyes would have to adjust.

"The moment we step outside," she replied. Cassidy rubbed her eyes, seeing the terrain turn to pavement ahead.

In just under a minute, they took the first step onto it, their breath instantly stolen by what was in front and around them.

"Wow..." Cassidy felt warm and fuzzy inside. She made it. She looked up at the rocky cliffs and sprinkled vegetation atop them all around the areas' edges, walkways with rich trees and foliage lining them, and bridges leading up to the main attraction. She loved how the warm sun felt against her skin after walking in the dark.

As beautiful and massive as the stadium was, it still intimidated Fenny. He stared at it. People would be watching this battle-- a lot of people. He stood, holding his tail without realizing.

"Over here." Cassidy walked to a bench nearby and sat, leaning her back against it. Her body was exhausted, but she didn't have the day to rest. The League was still ahead.

Fenny joined, seated by her while watching hundreds of trainers and their pokémon strolling the paths.

Cassidy could swear she sensed Fenny's nervous energy. "You doing okay?"

She placed her hand on his shoulder.

'I guess.' Fenny recalled his experience at Snowbelle. How Cassidy told him to avoid the Avalugg barreling toward him, and how he couldn't. He froze in place. How embarrassing that was. 'I'm... Are you sure I'm ready to battle at this level?'

Cassidy nodded. "You know I do, hun. Remember, your issue is a mental battle within yourself..." She squeezed his shoulder. "After we get through this, you'll be a different braixen."

'Right... I want to win this, but I fear messing it up.' Fenny looked down.

"Don't focus on winning. That's how you spaz and make poor decisions when it matters most. Keep a level head and try your best. I'll be proud," Cassidy assured.

He took a breath and grinned, looking at her. 'I will."

"That's my Fenny. Now let's get to the mart."

They were up and making their way toward the stadium across the bridge. It towered above them as they approached. The grounds were littered with trainers and pokémon alike, many talking to their companions and readying for battle.

Cassidy entered one of the many sets of doors, her eyes shooting around the busy grounds. It reminded her of a mall: well-lit white floors with various shops lining the walls. This was all before the entrance to the stadium.

'So... where's the mart?' Fenny scanned many store signs to no avail. Many were cafés and small restaurants.

"Not sure..." Fortunately, straight-ahead were two belt stanchions that led to a metal table with a young brunette female employee wearing a white outfit standing behind it. An open corridor to the stadium was to the left of it. Only one person was there at the moment, and they walked away before Cassidy approached the desk with Fenny.

"Hello, welcome to the Kalos League. Are you here to register for a battle?" she asked with a formal grin.

"Oh..." Cassidy didn't plan on it yet, but she may as well since she was here. "Sure."

The woman pulled a sheet of paper and pen from an open drawer next to her. "Our next available slot is in thirty minutes. Just sign this form for me."

"Thirty..." she mumbled. That would give Cassidy enough time to run to the mart and prepare. She started by signing all four of her pokémon's species on the sheet.

Fenny watched but heard commotion coming from the stadium. He stepped aside and looked at what he could through the hall, which were glimpses of a blaziken taking on a pyroar while buzzing and cheering came from the bleachers.

The form didn't take long to complete. Cassidy was done within the next minute and gave it to the woman.

"I'll get this processed. Return at least ten minutes before your time to avoid hiccups, please."

"Of course; thank you... Would you happen to know where the pokémart is?"

Leaving Alola

Skye approached her front door after taking another hour-long ferry ride back home. She sighed, quickly getting the door open and entering. No one was in the living room. Her parents were likely in theirs. Skye washed her hands and face in the restroom...

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Ending the Week

On the ferry home, Skye only grew more anxious. The last thing she wanted was to face her father, but it was better to deal with the situation than to run from it. She sat in a chair at the ship's rear deck, where there weren't many people. Skye was...

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