Leaving Alola

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#47 of All They Knew

This chapter concludes All They Knew. I hope it didn't become a drag (it really wasn't supposed to be this long.)

If anyone stuck with me, I appreciate it too much and had a lot of fun writing this story. ?

Patch 1.1:

Fixed various minor story-related and continuity issues.

Fixed various grammatical and spelling errors within the story.

Added major & minor extra details to all explicit scenes and many story scenes. :P

Non-canon NSFW scenes will contain these pairings:

Ruki x Sylmi

Ruki x Vivi

Skye x Ruki (a final revisit as requested.)

Skye approached her front door after taking another hour-long ferry ride back home. She sighed, quickly getting the door open and entering. No one was in the living room. Her parents were likely in theirs. Skye washed her hands and face in the restroom before going to hers. She had to refresh herself. "Ruki?" she spoke quietly.

His chin rested on his paws, but he opened his eyes and lifted his head upon hearing her. "Nin." Ruki swished his tails.

Skye walked over and lay beside him, sliding her hand out and holding one of his paws. She ran her thumb along its pads and squeezed it. She was tired but wouldn't feel at rest here. "Why don't you take me to your favorite spot?" Skye asked.

Ruki instantly nodded. She hadn't been there in two years. That was a priceless moment for him.

"Then let's go." There was time to nap later, but Skye had a few more things she had to take care of first.

Before leaving, Skye put on a new pair of panties and gray jeans. Skye was relieved she and Ruki were able to slip out with no interruption. She let him lead, strolling through a busy Hau'oli and looking at its tropical trees, beach, and the shopping center in a little over ten minutes of walking.

Ruki saw the dirt trail less than a mile ahead and glanced back at Skye. Maybe the view and the spot's tranquility would make her feel better.

Sitting down would at this point. Skye had been out all morning. She saw the trail ahead leading up, grinning as it brought back memory of her and Ruki hiking up when he was a vulpix. Skye remembered having to carry him halfway through the walk since his paws tired quickly. "Feels like it was yesterday," she said as they got closer, now walking beside him.

Ruki recalled clearly. He still couldn't believe he used to be as small as he was. He stopped in front of the trail's beginning when they reached it, looking up at what became a darker, nature-filled path.

"C'mon." Skye stepped forward and started the hike up, Ruki next to her. She saw no trainers so far, which was good in their case. Not many traversed this trail, anyway. Most tourists occupied themselves with the shopping center and Hau'olis main areas.

Ruki felt a breeze as they reached the top, looking down the rest of the trail heavily populated with tropical greenery.

"East side, right?..." Skye didn't know if she remembered where the lookout area was.

"Ni," he replied glancing at her.

It didn't take long to reach the fork splitting the trail into two. They took a right at it as confirmed by Ruki, walking through more ambient nature for five minutes before coming up on the spot.

Skye stopped a few feet from its edge and gazed at the shopping center, the skyscrapers to the west of it, and the beach north beyond to top it off. She sat on the dirt. "Hasn't changed."

Ruki sat next to her, doing the same, his fur moving against the occasional breeze. He loved that Skye was experiencing it with him again.

"Ruki, there are two reasons we're here."

He turned his head to look at her.

She crossed her legs. "I wanted to spend time with just us two, and there's something important we need to talk about."

Ruki now stood to face her, sitting again and granting Skye his full attention.

Skye wasn't sure how to approach it. It wasn't a simple decision, and she wouldn't know how Ruki would feel about it. "With what's happening at home and my urge to live away in the first place, I think I'm ready to move... to another region."

Ruki knew it. A grin formed at the corner of his mouth.

"Ruki, I want to take you with me, but I'd never force you to leave your home region." She eyed him. "Would you like to?"

He knew she wouldn't pressure him, but Ruki saw in her eyes hope that he'd say yes. "Tales," he replied while nodding once. Without question.

She smiled and leaned forward, firmly hugging his sides and kissing his furry chest. Skye knew they were close, but him being so willing to leave home and tag along no matter the destination touched her. "...Kalos." She pulled away to look at him again. "It'll be Kalos. We'd be staying with Aaron and Sylmi for a while."

"Nin." Ruki nudged her arm with his cheek. He was more than okay with it. He'd miss Hau'oli, but staying here without Skye would depress him to no end. Plus, adventure was Ruki's middle name. A new region with a happier Skye sounded like paradise.

"Perfect." Skye looked past him at her city. It was bound to happen, but she didn't think she'd be leaving so soon. She would at least leave fulfilled with Hau'oli. "Glad I never took any of it for granted..."

Ruki shifted until he was back in his original position, facing the view. He felt Skye's arm snake around his upper back, her fingers lightly twirling the pendant hanging from his necklace.

Ending the Week

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Life Changer

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