Life Changer

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#46 of All They Knew

Skye quietly groaned and opened her eyes slowly. Aaron was asleep beside her in his boxers. She sat up, her eyes instantly dilating. "Oh no..." She'd fallen asleep. Skye couldn't have been that stupid. She got off the bed and went to the window where she'd left her pants, leaning down and taking out her phone to check the time. "Fuck... please..." Skye's hands shook. It was 1 a.m., and she had multiple missed calls from her parents. She rubbed her eyes, ensuring she saw the time correctly. They had to be worried sick about her-- not to mention upset and disappointed once they found out she was okay. Skye had to let them know. She slipped into her pants and pulled her shirt over her stomach, walking to the door. She opened it as quietly as she could and stepped into the empty hall, closing it almost completely.

"Okay..." Skye took a deep breath while calling her mother's contact and held the phone to her ear.

She picked up. "Skye, Skye? Is that you?"

Her mother sounded as worried as Skye expected. "Yes, I'm fine. I just... fell asleep... accidentally." Unfortunately, Skye didn't get time to speak with her mother as her father abruptly took the phone.

"Skye, you agreed to midnight!" he said, his voice stern.

"I-I know. It wasn't intention-"

"No, you could have done better. Since you didn't want to take it seriously, you come home when you want. You've shown me where your priorities stand, Skye."

Skye heard the call drop and held her temple, leaning against the wall. That hurt. She instantly worried about Ruki. Not that her parents would do anything, of course, but Skye knew he overheard the situation. She didn't want him in that environment without her, but ferries didn't start running until 6 a.m. Skye entered the room and quietly closed the door, then went and sat on the side of the bed opposite to Aaron. She'd get not an ounce more of sleep. A million thoughts ran through her head, intertwining, which eventually turned to tears welling under her eyes because Skye was overwhelmed with too many emotions to handle.

She was under the impression that this was her fault. She should have kept her eyes on the time, and maybe she shouldn't have left home in the first place. At least this wouldn't have happened.


Near 7 a.m., Skye opened her eyes to Aaron slipping into his jeans and shirt. She ended up falling asleep shortly after dawn broke and had gotten a few hours in.

"Hey..." Aaron saw how beat she looked. "I didn't want to wake you." It wouldn't have made sense, anyway. Midnight had long passed.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "I'm screwed."

"I noticed... We should have kept track of time," Aaron said.

"You mean what I was trying to do multiple times throughout the night?" replied Skye icily.

He did tell her to ease up a few times. He shouldn't have said that. "I..." Aaron felt guilty. "I'm sorry about that. I was trying to help you feel better." He felt her eyes on him, but he was looking away.

Skye stood and grabbed her panties and bra off the bed, then took them into the restroom and closed the door to dress properly.

"Now she's upset with me..." Aaron mumbled. He never wanted that-- especially not this early on. He wasn't sure how to fix it, either, and wasn't sure if he should attempt to now. Aaron sighed and sat on the bed. He hoped this wouldn't put anything between their relationship. He wanted Skye's parents to trust him, and this definitely wouldn't help his case. Sylmi was still at her house, too. Hopefully, that wouldn't make anything awkward. While Aaron was in thought, the restroom door opened moments later. He glanced back and saw Skye step out while smoothing out her shirt. He wasn't sure what to say.

"I'm leaving in thirty," she said, leaning against the wall.

"...Okay." Aaron turned to somewhat face her. He wanted to apologize a second time but was hesitant to while she was still upset.

"I shouldn't have had to deal with constantly watching the time. None of this should be." Skye now felt more anger than anything else. She closed her eyes for a second. "How does he still see me as a child?"

"Skye..." Aaron finally spoke. "Do you feel like going home?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm going because Ruki is there, and I have to get Sylmi back to you. I wouldn't go back for a while otherwise."

"Since it's stressing you, has the thought to move out crossed your mind?"

"Often... but I don't have anywhere to go," said Skye.

"Well..." Aaron didn't know what kind of response he was about to receive, but he wanted to offer assistance. He stood and faced her. "I'm always here. You could stay with me for as long as you'd like."

She eyed him. "...In Kalos?"

"Yeah, you and Ruki are welcome. It's a great region, and I'd help you get accustomed."

Skye subtly grinned. She had to think, but it seemed perfect. She'd be able to start anew with Aaron and take Ruki with. It'd be a new region, however. One that Skye knew nothing about. "I'll have to sit on it... I can't form a proper thought right now."

"Of course. We can talk about it when you're ready."

She nodded. "I'll probably go now. Have to order my ticket and try to clear my mind." Skye walked to him and hugged his waist. She wasn't upset with him. She couldn't be. Skye was grateful he was in her life.

Aaron hadn't expected it, but he was relieved to receive one and returned it, slowly embracing her sides. He wouldn't say a word.

"Thank you. It was a great night... I just wish there weren't strings attached." Skye broke their hug. "Talk later."

He watched her head out the door and close it, leaving him in silence. Aaron glanced at the bed and saw the white flower Skye wore in her hair last night resting atop the sheets. He grinned, leaning over and picking it up. It was slowly wilting. He went to the window and looked at the gently sunlit mountains while the sun rose over them, twirling the flower's stem. He wasn't sure what would happen, especially if Skye stayed in Alola with her parents. Aaron just hoped he wouldn't lose her.

"Biggest decision you'll ever have to make," Skye spoke to herself while stepping out of the elevator and into the lobby. It wasn't as packed as last night. "An abrupt change, but you'd be happier and independent." She walked past people toward the lobby's door, unintentionally brushing past a few as she wasn't focused. Skye opened the door and walked across the tile. It would all fall into place.

Five Hours

At 5:40 p.m., Skye had ordered her ticket to Akala and was in her outfit and white socks for tonight standing in front of the restroom mirror. She ensured her hair looked fine and straightened out her shirt for the last time as she'd spent a lot of...

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Stressed Anticipation

"What am I wearing?..." Skye spoke to herself at 9 a.m. that morning while sifting through her closet. She'd choose a casual outfit as the occasion was home supper, but she wanted to sport something cute at least. Skye pulled a white long-sleeved tee...

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Playing by Ear

"I mean... it's a really stupid idea, Aaron. I just don't have a better one." Skye sat in the backyard's patio chair as she planned earlier. "Well, tell me then. It can't be that bad..." "Ugh... Okay, I was gonna say you could come over for dinner or...

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