Playing by Ear

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#42 of All They Knew

"I mean... it's a really stupid idea, Aaron. I just don't have a better one." Skye sat in the backyard's patio chair as she planned earlier.

"Well, tell me then. It can't be that bad..."

"Ugh... Okay, I was gonna say you could come over for dinner or something, maybe leave Sylmi at my place with Ruki afterward, and we take the ferry back to Hano-- but that'd also mean you or I would have to go back for Sylmi and bring him back to Hano," Skye explained as best as she could, but it seemed like a hassle no matter what.

"Your parents would read that like a book, you know?" he replied, leaning against the wall by the room's window.

"Of course... It's part of why I wish I was living on my own, but that'll be a while. I really just don't have anything better, and I don't know when I'll see you again."

"I know. I mean, that's the best worst idea you could have in this situation. Are you gonna bring it up to them?" he asked.

"...To my mom, yes. I will later." Skye felt anxious already.

"They know you're not a child anymore. They'll understand, I'm sure of it." Aaron attempted to reassure her.

"Yeah... I'll text you tonight. Talk soon," she said and hung up after his bye. Skye sighed. Her mother was more easy-going about Skye being in a relationship. Her first one at that. Her father-- not so much. She knew her mother would understand, but Skye couldn't necessarily hide this from her dad. She was eighteen, though. Skye didn't understand the overprotectiveness.


At 7 p.m. shortly after dinner, Skye's father and Ru went out to take a walk. They did it every other day, and it gave Skye an opportunity to talk to her mother alone. She was on the couch watching something on television. Skye was still at the table with Ruki sitting beside her on the floor, and she waited for her father to exit the house completely before even thinking of standing.

"Mom..." Skye said and sat on the couch next to her.

Ruki went and sat by Skye's feet.

"What is it, hun?" Her mother muted the TV's volume with the remote and looked at her.

"So... you know how Aaron is here?" Skye began.

"Mhm, what about it?"

Skye felt her heart race. "Well, he's leaving in four days, and we haven't gotten to spend much time together. I mean, we have, but we had our pokémon with us... So, I was thinking he and his sylveon could come over for dinner, and afterward, he could leave his pokémon here with Ruki and take me back to Hano for a bit."

"Ahh, I see. That sounds fine to me, and we can get to know him some more. We'll see what your father thinks about it when he comes back," her mother said.

Skye looked away for a moment upon hearing that, which her mother remarked.

"Skye, you can't hide it from him. You know it'll turn out worse that way."

"I know..." she replied.

They waited ten minutes for his return, and for Skye, the environment was tense the entire time, which even Ruki felt.

Once the front door opened, Skye quickly gathered what exactly she'd say to him.

"I could do it if you're uncomfortable," her mother offered.

"It's okay..." Skye replied.

Her father was quick to notice both of them on the couch and felt the air. "What's going on?" He closed the door and stayed by it with Ru.

"I was just discussing something with mom... about Aaron. I thought it'd be nice if he and his pokémon came over for dinner tomorrow before he has to leave in a few days." Skye left out the last part, and she felt her mother's eyes on her.

"Oh, that'll be nice. We can do that." Her father crossed his arms and gave a grin.

"A-And." Skye swallowed. "I was also thinking he could leave his pokémon here after that and take me back to Hano... for the night," Skye added.

Her father wasn't as okay with that, seeing as his grin slightly faded. "You'll be back the same night, right?"

"Uh..." Skye wasn't expecting that, but it didn't come as a surprise. She wouldn't know when she'd see Aaron again, and she got a few hours with him? It made Skye feel two years younger. "Sure..."

"We should let her make her own decisions. We know she's responsible enough," her mother added.

"I'll gauge more once he's here," he said.

"Dad... I was already alone with him for a week in Sinnoh, and we've talked for months. You can trust me."

"But not him, and you're still naive. A week means nothing... You'll thank me later on."

Skye sat quietly for a beat, her cheeks flushed. She stood and briskly walked off to her room.

Ruki watched her leave, then looked at her mother, who appeared to be disappointed. Ru didn't seem to mind, but he never showed much emotion on the outside. Ruki followed after Skye, of course, and slipped in just before her door closed.

"Not fucking fair..." she mumbled and lied on her bed, curled up on her side while holding her pillow to her chest. Skye was more hurt than upset. She squeezed the pillow. This made her want to move out even quicker. She wanted to be in control of her own life.

Ruki wasn't sure what to do. He sat by her door with flattened ears. She seemed more upset than he'd ever seen her before.

Skye sniffled and wiped her watery eyes. She didn't want to shed a tear over this, but it was frustrating. Skye looked down by her door and saw Ruki idle but knew he'd rather be with her. "I'm just upset... Not at you. You can come up."

Ruki didn't think twice and padded over, climbing onto her bed and going to lie in front of her.

Him being in her vicinity caused her to break. Skye scooted toward him and buried her face into his chest, crying silently into his fur for a minute or so.

And Ruki let her, not moving a muscle within those minutes. He felt her helplessness, but what could he do? It was best to let her emotions run their course.

Skye pulled away and exhaled shakily, rubbing her irritated eyes. "I don't even want him to come over anymore." Not around her father, anyway, but she wouldn't let him ruin something so important to her. She couldn't.

Skye pulled her phone from under her pillow and opened Aaron's contact, then texted him: 'Be here at 6 p.m.' She slightly grinned to herself.

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